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● Cohesive Soil - silt and clay. ● Cohesionless Soil - gravel, sand, stone. 1. Deep groundwater deposits where underground water are available for water supply and irrigation is known as: a. Well b. Water table c. Aquifers d. Phreatic table 2. In a fluid flow, if the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and the paths of individual particles do not cross, the flow is said to be. a. Laminar b. Semi c. Turbulent d. None of the above 3. A condition of flow characterized when fluid particles move in very irregular paths, causing an exchange of momentum for portion of the liquid to another is. a. Laminar b. Semi c. Turbulent d. None of the above 4. A principle of flow measurement which states that the increase in kinetic energy per unit weight is equal to the decrease in the potential energy per unit weight, is known as: a. Bernoulli Principle b. Torricelli Law c. Energy d. Paul's Law 5. "The theoretical velocity of a jet of liquid issuing out of an orifice under a head of h being equal to the velocity of a free-falling body dropping through a height of h" is known as: a. Bernoulli Principle b. Torricelli Law c. Energy d. Paul's Law 6. The difference between the hydraulic grade line and energy grade line is. a. Velocity Head b. Energy head c. Pressure head d. Hydraulic head 7. A type of open channel flow where the Froude Number is equal to 1. a. Critical flow b. Supercritical flow c. Subcritical flow d. Normal Flow 8. It is defined as a conduit in which the liquid flows with a free surface subjected to atmospheric pressure. The flow is caused by the slope of the conduit and the liquid surface: a. Free flow b. Open channel flow c. Atmospheric flow d. Close pipe flow 9. It is an overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring or controlling the flow. a. Orifice b. Wire c. Weir d. Orifierce 10. Is the test used to determine the grain size distribution of the soils passing the No. 200 sieve. a. Hydrometer Analysis b. Sieve Analysis c. Size Analysis d. Soil Analysis 11. It is the grain size corresponding to 10 percent passing on a grain-size distribution curve. a. Hazen's Effective Size b. Paul's Effective Size c. Darcy's Effective Size d. William's Effective Size 12. Is the ratio of the difference between the void ratios of a cohesionless soil in its loosest state and existing natural state to the difference between its void ratio in the loosest and densest states e. Relative Strength f. Suitability g. Relative density h. Voidibility 13. Provides a means of describing the degree and kind of cohesion and adhesion between the soil particles as related to the resistance of the soil to deform or rupture. a. Relative Strength b. Soil Suitability c. Relative Density d. Soil Consistency 14. It is a field measure of the ability of the soil to withstand applied stress or pressure as applied using the thumb and forefinger. a. Fingering Resistance b. Rupture Resistance c. Thumb Resistance d. None of the Above 15. Is the attraction of one water molecule to another resulting from hydrogen bonding (water-water bon, a. Adhesion b. Cohesion c. Interhesion d. Intrahesion 16. It involves the attraction of a water molecule to a non-water molecule (water-solid bon. a. Adhesion b. Cohesion c. Interhesion d. Intrahesion 17. The capacity of soil to adhere to other objects. It is estimated at moisture content that displays maximum adherence between thumb and forefinger. a. Adhesion b. Stickiness c. Cohesion d. Bonding 18. Degree a soil can be molded or reworked causing permanent deformation without rupturing. a. Plastic limit b. Shrinkage Limit c. Plasticity d. Liquid limit 19. Is defined as the moisture content at which soil begins to behave as a liquid material and begins to flow. a. Plastic limit b. Shrinkage Limit c. Plasticity d. Liquid limit 20. Is defined as the moisture content at which soil begins to behave as a plastic material: It is also defined as the moisture content at which the soil crumbles when rolled into a thread of 3.18 mm in diameter. a. Plastic limit b. Plasticity. c. Shrinkage Limit d. Liquid limit 21. Is defined as the moisture content at which no further volume change occurs with further reduction in moisture content. a. Plastic limit b. Plasticity c. Shrinkage Limit d. Liquid limit 22. Is the densification of soil by removal of air, which requires mechanical energy. a. Compaction b. Shrinkage c. Densification d. Consolidation 23. The moisture content at which the maximum dry unit weight of soil is attained a. Extreme Moisture Content b. Mega Moisture Content c. Maximum Moisture Content d. Optimum Moisture Content 24. It is a technique for in situ densification of thick layers of loose granular soil deposits. a. Compaction b. Vibroflotation c. Densification d. Vibration 25. A line along which water particle will travel from upstream to the downstream side in the permeable soil medium. a. Level line b. Particle line c. Flow line d. Travel line 26. A line along which the potential head at all points are equal. a. Equipotential Line b. Equinormal line c. Potential line d. NOTA 27. They are constructed to calculate the groundwater flow in the media that combine flow line and equipotential lines. a. Fish Net b. Flow Nets c. Ground Flow Net 28. The sum of the vertical components of the forces developed at the points of contact of the solid particles per unit cross sectional area of the soil mass. a. Total Stress b. Partial Stress c. Effective Stress d. Maximum Stress 29. Caused by the elastic deformation of dry soil and of moist and saturated soils without any change in the moisture content. a. Immediate settlement b. Primary consolidation settlement c. Secondary consolidation settlement d. Tertiary Consolidation settlement 30. The result of volume change in saturated cohesive soils because of the expulsion of water that occupies the void spaces. a. Immediate settlement b. Primary consolidation settlement c. Secondary consolidation settlement d. Tertiary Consolidation settlement 31. The result of the plastic adjustment of soil fabrics. a. Immediate. settlement b. Primary consolidation settlement c. Secondary consolidation settlement d. Tertiary Consolidation settlement 32. The internal resistance per unit area of the soil mass to resist failure and sliding along any plane. a. Shear strength b. Effective strength c. Bearing strength d. Normal strength 33. Ratio of preconsolidation pressure to present effective overburden pressure. a. Overconsolidation ratio (OCR) b. Oversettlement ratio c. Overburden ratio d. Overstress ratio 34. An exposed ground surface that stands at an angle with the horizontal. It is a slope that can either be natural or constructed. a. Restrained Slope b. Slope Failure c. Unrestrained Slope d. Infinite Slope 35. The process of identifying the layers of deposits that underlie a proposed structure and their physical characteristics: a. Geological exploration b. Geotechnical Exploration c. Surface Exploration d. Subsurface Exploration 36. It is a method for analyzing the stability of a slope in two dimensions. The sliding mass above the failure surface is divided into a number of slices. The forces acting on each slice are obtained by considering the mechanical equilibrium for the slice surface is divided into a number of slices. The forces acting on each slice are obtained by considering the mechanical equilibrium for the slices. a. Method of Slices b. Bishop's Simplified Method of Slices c. Sarma Method d. Lorimer's Method 37. It is a type of failure that occurs in such a way that the surface of sliding passes at a distance below the toe of the slope. a. Slope failure b. Base Failure c. Circular Failure d. critical Failure 38. It is a type of failure that occurs in such a way that the surface of sliding intersects the slope or above its toe. a. Slope failure b. Circular Failure c. Base Failure d. Critical Failure 39. It is the failure circle in the case of slope and occurs when it passes through the toe of the slope. a. Toe Circle b. Slope Circle c. Mid-point Circle d. Concentric Circle 40. It is the failure circle in the case of slope circle and occurred when it passes above the toe of the slope a. Toe Circle b. Mid-point Circle c. Slope Circle d. Concentric Circle 41. It is the failure circle in the case of base failure. a. Toe Circle b. Mid-point Circle c. Slope Circle d. Concentric Circle 42. It refers to the condition in which every point in a soil mass is on the verge of failure, a. Plastic Equilibrium b. Elastic Equilibrium c. Dynamic Equilibrium d. Static Equilibrium 43. It is the pressure that soil exerts against a structure in a sideways, mainly horizontal direction. The common applications of its theory are for the design of ground engineering structures such as retaining walls, basements, tunnels, and to determine the friction on the sides of deep foundations. a. Allowable pressure b. Effective Pressure c. Lateral Earth Pressure d. Ultimate Pressure 44. The state occurs when a soil mass is allowed to relax or move outward to the point of reaching the limiting strength of the soil; that is, the soil is at the failure condition in extension. Thus it is the minimum lateral soil pressure that may be exerted. a. Active State b. Passive State c. Equilibrium State d. NOTA 45. It is simply an enlargement of a load bearing wall or column that makes it possible to spread the load of the structure over the large area of the soil. a. Spread Footing b. Pile and Drilled Shaft Foundation c. Mat Foundation d. Deep Foundation 46. It is a structural member made of concrete, timber, or steel that transmit the load of the superstructure to the lower layers of the soil. a. Footing b. Pile c. Anchorage d. Column 47. It is a type of foundation which is referred to as a raft foundation: It is a combined footing that may cover entire area under structure supporting several columns and walls, a. Spread Footing b. Mat Foundation c. Pile and Drilled Shaft Foundation d. Deep Foundation 48. He was the first to present a comprehensive theory for evaluating the ultimate bearing capacity of rough shallow foundation. According to his theory the depth of the foundation is shallow if the depth of the foundation is less than or equal to the width of the foundation. a. Rankine b. Terzaghi c. Coulomb d. Meyorhof 49. He proposed a correlation for the net allowable bearing pressure for foundation with the standard penetration resistance. a. Rankine b. Terzaghi c. Coulomb d. Meyorhof 50. It is a type of retaining wall which is constructed with plain concrete or stone masonry. They depend on their own weight and any soil resting on the masonry for stability and it is not economical for high walls. a. Gravity Retaining Wall b. Cantilever Retaining Wall c. Semi-Gravity retaining Wall d. Counterfort Retaining Wall 51. They are made up of reinforced concrete that consist of a thin stem and a base slab. This type of wall is economical to a height of about 8m. a. Gravity Retaining Wall b. Cantilever Retaining Wall c. Semi-Gravity retaining Wall d. Counterfort Retaining Wall 52. It is similar to the Cantilever Retaining Wall; its purpose is to reduce the shear and the bending moments. a. Gravity Retaining Wall b. Semi-Gravity retaining Wall c. Cantilever Retaining Wall d. Counterfort Retaining Wall 53. It is defined as the ratio of the unconfined compression strength in an undisturbed state to that in a remolded state. a. Degree Of Saturation b. Degree Of Freedom c. Degree Of Sensitivity d. Degree Of Compressibility 54. It is another method of determining liquid limit that is popular in Europe and in Asia. In this test the liquid limit is defined as the moisture content at which a standard cone of apex angle 300 and weighing 0.78 N will penetrate a distance d=20 mm in 5 seconds when allowed to drop from a position of point contact with the soil surface. a. Fall Cone Test b. Standard Cone Test c. British Standard Test d. Europe Cone Test 55. The conditions for the stable equilibrium of a floating body are a. the metacenter should lie above the center of gravity b. the center of buoyancy and the center of gravity must lie on the same vertical line c. a righting couple should be formed d. all the above 56. Metacentric height is given as the distance between a. the center of gravity of the body and the metacenter b. the center of gravity of the body and the center of buoyancy c. the center of gravity of the body and the center of pressure d. center of buoyancy and metacenter 57. Metacenter is the point of intersection of a. vertical upward force through e.g. of body and center line of body b. buoyant force and the center line of body c. midpoint between e.g. and center of buoyancy d. all of the above 58. When a body floating in a liquid, is displaced slightly, it oscillates about a. c.g. of body b. center of pressure c. center of buoyancy d. metacenter 59. When the ship’s metacenter and center of gravity coincide at same point then the vessel is said to be in: a. equilibrium b. stable equilibrium c. unstable equilibrium d. neutral equilibrium 60. The resultant upward pressure of a fluid on a floating body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. This definition is according to a. Equilibrium of a floating body b. Archimedes’ principle c. Bernoulli’s theorem d. Metacentric principle 61. The resultant upward pressure of the fluid on an immersed body is called a. Upthrust b. buoyant force c. center of pressure d. all the above 62. What is the principal cause of action of buoyant force on a body submerged partially or fully in fluid? a. Displacement of fluid due to submerged body b. Development of force due to dynamic action c. Internal shear forces mitigating external forces d. None of the mentioned 63. The center of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced by an immersed body is called a. meta-center b. center of pressure c. center of buoyancy d. center of gravity 64. The horizontal component of buoyant force is a. Negligible b. same as buoyant force c. zero d. none of the above 65. The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the a. centroid of the volume of fluid vertically above the body b. center of the volume of floating body c. center of gravity of any submerged body d. centroid of the displaced volume of fluid 66. Choose the wrong statement a. any weight, floating or immersed in a liquid, is acted upon by a buoyant force b. Buoyant force is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced c. The point through which buoyant force acts, is called the center of buoyancy d. Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid 67. According to the principle of buoyancy a body totally or partially immersed in a fluid will be lifted up by a force equal to a. the weight of the body b. more than the weight of the body c. less than the weight of the body d. weight of the fluid displaced by the body 68. How can relatively denser objects be made to float on the less dense fluid? a. By altering the shape. b. By altering the forces acting on the object c. By altering the shear forces acting on the object d. None of the mentioned 69. Energy gradient line takes into consideration a. potential and kinetic heads only b. potential and pressure heads only c. kinetic and pressure heads only d. potential, kinetic and pressure heads 70. Hydraulic gradient line takes into consideration a. potential and kinetic heads only b. potential and pressure heads only c. kinetic and pressure heads only d. potential, kinetic and pressure heads 71. Which of the following is true? a. EGL always drops in the direction of flow b. EGL always rises in the direction of flow c. EGL always remains constant in the direction of flow d. EGL may or may not change in the direction of flow 72. Which of the following is true? a. HGL will never be above EGL b. HGL will never be under EGL c. HGL will never coincide with EGL d. HGL will may or may not be above EGL 73. The vertical intercept between EGL and HGL is equal to a. pressure head b. potential head c. kinetic head d. Piezometric head 74. The slope of HGL will be a. greater than that of EGL for a pipe of uniform cross-section b. smaller than that of EGL for a pipe of uniform cross-section c. equal than that of EGL for a pipe of uniform cross-section d. independent of that of EGL for a pipe of uniform cross-section 75. Equation of continuity is based on the principle of conservation of a. Mass b. Energy c. Momentum d. none of the above 76. Bernoulli equation deals with the law of conservation of a. Mass b. Momentum c. Energy d. work 77. All the terms of energy in Bernoulli’s equation have dimension of a. Energy b. Work c. Mass d. Length 78. The losses of energy in pipes due to a. Friction of surface b. Sudden enlargement or contraction of area c. Any obstruction in the path of flow d. All of these 79. The major loss of energy in long pipes is due to a. sudden enlargement b. sudden contraction c. gradual contraction or enlargement d. friction 80. Which one of the following is a major loss? a. frictional loss b. shock loss c. entry loss d. exit loss 81. Minor losses occur due to a. sudden enlargement in the pipe b. sudden contraction in the pipe c. bends in pipe d. all of the above 82. Minor losses do not make any serious effect in a. short pipes b. long pipes c. both the short as well as long pipes d. cannot say 83. Fluid is a substance that a. cannot be subjected to shear forces b. always expands until it fills any container c. has the same shear stress at a point regardless of its motion d. cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force 84. Density of water is maximum at a. 0°C b. 4°C c. 100°C d. 20°C 85. Property of a fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called a. Adhesion b. Cohesion c. Viscosity d. surface tension 86. Property of a fluid by which molecules of different kinds of fluids are attracted to each other is called a. adhesion b. cohesion c. viscosity d. surface tension 87. The normal stress in a fluid will be constant in all directions at a point only if a. it is incompressible b. it has zero viscosity c. it is frictionless d. it is at rest 88. Specific weight of sea water is more that of pure water because it contains a. dissolved air b. dissolved salt c. suspended matter d. all of the above 89. Free surface of a liquid tends to contract to the smallest possible area due to force of a. surface tension b. viscosity c. friction d. cohesion 90. A liquid would wet the solid, if adhesion forces as compared to cohesion forces are a. less b. more c. equal d. less at low temperature and more at high temperature 91. Barometer is used to measure a. pressure in pipes, channels etc. b. atmospheric pressure c. very low pressure d. difference of pressure between two points 92. Manometer is used to measure a. pressure in pipes, channels etc. b. atmospheric pressure c. very low pressure d. velocity in pipes 93. If cohesion between molecules of a fluid is greater than adhesion between fluid and glass, then the free level of fluid in a dipped glass tube will be a. higher than the surface of liquid b. the same as the surface of liquid c. lower than the surface of liquid d. unpredictable 94. When a fluid is subjected to resistance, it undergoes a volumetric change due to __________ a. Cohesion b. Strain c. Compressibility d. Adhesion 95. Liquids transmit pressure equally in all the directions. This is according to a. Boyle’s law b. Archimedes principle c. Pascal’s law d. Newton’s formula 96. The rise or depression of liquid in a tube due to surface tension with an increase in size of tube will a. increase b. remain unaffected c. may increase or decrease depending on the characteristics of liquid d. decrease 97. Mercury is often used in barometer because a. it is the best liquid b. the height of barometer will be less c. its vapor pressure is so low that it may be neglected d. both b and c 98. The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as a. meta center b. center of pressure c. center of buoyancy d. center of gravity 99. Which of the following is the correct relation between centroid (cg) and the center of pressure (cp) of a plane submerged in a liquid? a. cg is always below cp b. cp is always below cg c. cg is either at cp or below it d. cp is either at cg or below it 100. The total pressure force on a plane area is equal to the area multiplied by the intensity of pressure at the centroid, if a. the area is horizontal b. the area is vertical c. the area is inclined d. all of the above 101. Choose the wrong statement a. The horizontal component of the hydro-static force on any surface is equal the normal force on the vertical projection of the surface b. The horizontal component acts through the center of pressure for the vertical projection c. The vertical component of the hydrostatic force on any surface is equal to the weight of the volume of the liquid above the area d. The vertical component passes through the center of pressure of the volume 102. Center of pressure on an inclined plane is a. at the centroid b. above the centroid c. below the centroid d. at metacenter 103. Can center of pressure for a vertical plane submerged surface ever be above center of gravity a. Yes b. No c. It can be above in cases where the surface height is very large d. None of the mentioned 104. In a vertically submerged plane surface, pressure at every point remains same a. True b. False 105. For an inclined plate the pressure intensity at every point differs. a. True b. False 106. The magnitude of total pressure and center of pressure is independent on the shape of the submerged plane surface. a. True b. False 107. What is the variation of total pressure with depth for any submerged surface if we neglect variation in the density? a. Linear b. Parabolic c. Curvilinear d. Logarithmic