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Shown, The Current in The O V Battery Is The Is V, The Vajue Will Be

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~if# C across
re shown, the current in the l O V batt
ery is Ra = 500 .Q and the reading of an ideal voltmeter
rht figu ~ is 5 V, then the vaJue of R2 will
J l11
' dtl'! 10
100 lOV

Afrom positive to negative terminal
0 71 inal 18 V
l3) • Afrom positive to negative term (d) 300 fl
42 e terininal (a) 450 Q (b) 550 n (c) 230 fl
1b) ~- 21 Afrom positive to negativ (Ma in <J" Jan 2" Shift 2019)
le) '36 Afrom negative to positive11 terminal zero internal resistance.
0 (Main 6 Sept 2''d Shift 2020) 156. In the given circuit the cells have
1d) • ugh resistance R1
The currents (in amperes) passing thro
, 1ne current J1 (in A) tl~wing
1 o and R2 respectively, are
_;,__ ______
1ithrough 1 n re~istor 1n the lQ

following circuit 1s R1 20n ~ 20n

(a} 0.4
(b} 0.25 lV
(c) 0.2 10 V 10 V
(d) 0.5 st (d) 0.5, 0
(Main 7 Jan J Shift 2020)
(a) 0, I (b) I, 2 (c) 2, 2
ts B (Main lo'h Jan 1 Shift 2019)
circuit diagram, a wire is joining poin •
1;1.rn the given ntial difference between
and D. The current in this wire is 157. In the circuit shown, the pote
1 QB 2Q
.. .. A and Bis lV
4~ 3Q 2V 10 .Q
.. . .. 5.Q
20V (a) 6 V (b) 3 V (c) 2 Vth ,d l V
(b) zero (c) 2 A (d) 4 A (Main 11 Jan Shift 2019)
(a) 0.4 A st
(Ma in 9th Jan 1 Shift 2020) the currents, 11 = 0.3 A,
158. In the given circuit diagram,
A, are flowing as shown. The
152. For the circuit shown, with / 4 = 0.8 A and 15 = 0.4
R, = LO n, R2 = 2.0 n, E1 = 2 V ~ currents 12, han d 16, respectively, are
16 Q
illd E2 = E3 = 4 V, the potential E,
difference between the points a
R1 b
and bis approximately (in V)
(b) 3.7 (c) 2.3 (d) 3.3
(a) 2.7 st
(Main 8th April 1 Shift 2019)
•Determine the charge on the capa
citor in the following (b) -0.4 A, 0.4 A, 1.1 A
a 2a (a) 1.1 A, 0.4 A, 0.4 A
Circu 6
(c) 1.1 A, -0.4 A, 0.4 A (d) 0.4 A, 1.1 A, 0.4 A
(Mai n 12 " /arr 2"" Shift 2019)
~ ~~

nv Cf ::~ f.- 1- oµ ~t and 13 V are connected

I 59. Two batteries with e.m.f. 12 V
in parallel across a load resistor of 10 Q. The internal
(Main <jh April 1$' Shift 2019) resistanc es of the two batterie s are 1 .Q and 2 Q
IS{_ (d) 200 µC lies between
is closed, then respectively. The voltage across the load and 11.6 V
:hen the switch S, in the circuit shown {a) 11.6 V and 11.7 V (b) I 1.5 V
evalue of current ; will be (d) 11.7 V and 1 L8 V
(c) 11.4 V and 11.5 V
(A1ain 2018)
160. In the given circuit diagram the
the current reac hes steady state in
circuit, the charge on the capa citor of
s capacitance C will be
(b) CE ri
iV= O (a) CE (r2 + r)
(a) 5 A (b) 3 A (c) 2 A (d) 4 A
9'1' Jan 1st Shift 2019) CE (d) CE 'i
ts5 (Main (c) ri
('i + r)
·~I& ~ e . . ce of the (r + '2) (Ma in 2017)
given circuit the internal resLStan
= 100 '2 and
V cell is negJigible. If R1 = 400 n, R3
88 ~-bG- JEE (Main & Advanced) Chapterwise Tnnift..i
-""'"'1$8 ~
161. V 2V 167. A parallel plate capacitor C with
plates of unit area and separation d
is filled witb a liquid of dielectric
-~•-o~ 10 J•o constant K = 2. The level of liquid
is d/3 initially. Suppose the liquid
2V 2V 2V level decreases at a constant
In the above circuit the current in each resistance is speed V, the time constant as a
(a) 1 A (b) 0.25 A {c) 0.5 A {d) 0 A function of time t is
(Main 2017)
6e0 R (b) (15d +9Vt)e R
162. 5d+3Vt ~
2d -3dVt-9V2t2
(c) 6£oR (d) (15d - 9Vt)toR
®: 5d-3Vt 2
2d +3dVt--;y
o.s n ----·
10 1n 1n (AIEEE 2&J!)
A 9 V battery with internal resistance of 0.5 n is 168. A circuit is connected as shown in the figure With Ult
switch S open. When the switch is closed, the tObl
connected across an infinite network as shown in the
amount of charge that flows from Y to Xis
figure. All ammeters A 1, A 2, A 3 and voltmeter V are ideal.
Choose correct statement. 3T~
(a) Reading of Vis 9 V. (b) Reading of A 1 is 2 A.
(c) Reading of Vis 7 V. (d) Reading of A 1 is 18 A. s
(Main Online 2017)
163. In the circuit shown, the current 6V p 20 y
in the 1 n resistor is
{a) 0.13 A. from Q to P 9V
(b) 0.13 A, from P to Q
(a) 0 (b) 54 µC (d) 81 µC.
{c) 27 µC
(c) 0.3 A. from P to Q
(IIT-JEE 2001)
{d) OA
169. The Kirchhoff's first law (Ii = 0) and second bw 1
(Main 2015)
(IiR = IE), where the symbols have their usual meanings.
164. A 10 V battery with internal IOV are respectively based on
resistance 1 n and a 15 V battery (a) conservation of charge, conservation of energy
with internal resistance 0.6 n are 15 V 0.60 (b) conservation of charge, conservation of momentum
connected in parallel to a voltmeter (c) conservation of energy, conservation of charge
(see figure). The reading in the (d) conservation of momentum, conservation ofchar,.
voltmeter wiJI be close to (AIEEE200S)
(a) 11.9 V (b) 12.5 V 170. Find the time constant (in µs) for the given R- CcircUiU
(c) 13.1 V (d) 24.5 V in the given order respectively.
(Main Online 2015)

165. In the electric network D
shown, when no current c,
flows through the 4 n 2 o R ~J c,
re,sistor in the arm EB, the 4VT I ,., (b)
potential difference between A 9V B 3V R1 = 1 n, R2 = 2 n ; c1 = 4 µ.F, Ci = 2 µP.
the points A and D will be (a) 18, 4, 8/9 (b) 18, 8/9, 4
(a) 3 V (b) 4 V (c) 5 V (d) 6 V (c) 4, 18, 8/9 (d) 4, 8/9, JS. e•c z<X)6}
(Main Online 2015) (JIT-J JI
166. A 5 V battery with internal resistance 2 n and 2 V battery d t an ettt(ll31
171. Two sources of equal emf are connecte O ourct!
with internal resistance 1 n are connected to a 1O n resistance R. The internal resistances of the twO sa~
resistor as shown in the figure. The current in the 10 n are R1 and R2 (R 2 > R1). If the potential ~lfferenc;en
resistor is the source having internal resistance Rz 1s zero, t
(a) R = R1R2 (b) R = R1R;-
R1 +R2 R2 - I
2.a lQ
(c) R-R (R1+R2) (d) R===R2 -R1 ;J
- 2 (R - R ) (AJEEE 2(/)
P, 2 1 ti uoli
(b) 0.27 A P2 to P 1 . ro de11~
(a) 0.27 A P 1 to Pi 172. In the circuit, the galvanometer G_sho~~s ze al resistal'~
(c) 0.03 A P 1 to Pi (d) 0.03 A P2 to P, If the batteries A and B have negligible intern
(AlEEE 2008) the value of the resistor R will be

Cuffent Electricity 89

(a) 500 Q
, 2( ,~ jav
(b) 1000 Q (c) 200 n (d) 100 Q
(a) The magnitude of current flowing throughR1 ~ 7-2 A
(b) The magnitude of current flow~g through R2. !8 l .2 ~
(c) The magnitude of current flowmg through R3 ~ 4-8
(d) The magnitude ofcurrent flowing through Rs 1s 2.4 A.
(Advanced 2022)
(AIEEE 2005) 180. A long straight wire carries a .. .
t 73, An e~e_rg~ source will supply a constant current into the current, I = 2 ampere. A semi-
load 1f its internal resistance is circular conducting rod is placed 1
(a) zero beside it on two conducting parallel
(b) non-zero but less than the resistance of the load rails of negligible resistance. Both
(c) equal to the resistance of the load the rails are parallel to the wire.
(d) very large as compared to the load resistance. 4cm
The wire, the rod and the rails lie
( AIEEE 2005) in the same horizontal plane, as
17.t A 4 µF capacitor and a resistance of 2.5 MQ are in series shown in the figure. Two ends of
with 12 V battery. Find the time after which the potential the semi-circular rod are at distances 1 cm and 4 cm
difference across the capacitor is 3 times the potential from the wire. At time t = 0, the rod starts moving on the
difference across the resistor. rails with a speed v = 3.0 m s- 1 (see the figure).
(Given ln(2) = 0.693]. A resistor R = 1.4 Q and a capacitor Co= 5.0 µFare connected
(a) 13.86 s (b) 6.93 s (c) 7 s (d) 14 s. in senes between the rails. At time t = 0, Co is uncharged.
(IIT-JEE 2005) Which of the following staternent(s) is(are) correct?
175. The total current supplied to the circuit by the battery is [~ = 47t x 10-7 SI units. Take ln2 = 0.7)
(a) Maximum current through R is 1.2 x10- 6 ampere.
(b) Maximum current through R is 3.8 x 1o-6 ampere.
(c) Maximum charge on capacitor C0 is 8.4 x 10- 12
Hl coulomb.
(d) Maximum charge on capacitor C0 is 2.4 x10- 12
coulomb. (Advanced 2021)
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A (c) 4 A (d) 6 A 181. In the circuit shown, initially there is no charge on
(AIEEE 2004) capacitors and keys S1 and S2 arc open. The values of the
176. A capacitor is charged using an capacitors are C1 = 10 µF, C2 = 30 µF, C3 = C,. = 80 µF.
aternal battery with a resistance x Which statements is/arc correct?
in series. The dashed line shows
the variation of In I with respect to
time. If the resistance is changed
to 2x, the new graph will be
(a) P (b) Q
cl-fs ~7T
11 eiJ... C3
(c) R

1n.1n the given circuit, with

(d) S.

(IIT-JEE 2004)
f°u fi~~~ Q 1000
steady current, the (a) The key S1 is kept dosed for long time such that
potential drop across the
capacitor must be
(a) V
V r---1 L--C- - - t
capacitors are fully charged. Now key S2 is closed,
at this time, the instantaneous current across 30 a
resistor (between points P and Q) will be 0.2 A
{b) V/2 (round off to 1st decimal place).
(c) V/3 2V (b) If key S1 is kept closed for long time such that
(d) 2V/3 capacitors are fully charged. the voltage across
(IIT-JEE 2001) capacitor C 1 will be 4 V.
178•A parallel combination of 0.1 MQ resistor and a l ~ :°1F (c) At time t = 0, the key S1 is clo~d, the instantaneous
capacitor is connected across a 1.5 V source of negligible current in the closed circuit will be 25 mA.
resistance. The time required for the_ capacitor to get (d} If S1 is kept closed for long time such that capacitors
charged up to 0.75 Vis approximately (m seconds) arc fully charged, the voltage difference between P
(a) co (b) ln2 (c) logu,2 (d) uro.997) and Q will be 10 V. (Advanced 2019)
182. Two ideal batteries of emf V1 and
One or More Than One Options correct V2 and three resistances R1• Rz and
179 Th R are connected as shown in the
•h e_ fig_ure shows a circuit fi~ure. The current in resistance R2
aving eight resistances of 1 n would be iero if
~ch, labe1led R1 to R8 , and two (a) V1 :::. V1 and R1 = R2 = R3
ea.I batteries with voltages (b) V 1 = V2 and R1 = 2R2 = R3
ti ::: 12 V and ci = 6 V. (c) V1 = 2V1 and 2R 1 = 2R1 = R3
~ch of the foUowing (d) 2V1 = V2 and 2R 1 = R2 = R3 (Advanced 2014)
tement(s) is (are) correct?
•• G

90 wttG- JEE (Main & Advanced) Chapterwise T0plcwise p~

183. At time t = 0, terminal A in the circuit shown in the 187. Two identical cells each of emf 1.5 V are co
figure is connected to B by a key and an alternating in series across a 10 n
resistance. An ideal v~necttd
current I(t) = I0cos(rot), with 10 = l A and oo = 500 rad s- 1 connected across 10 '2 resistance reads l.S O~tntt.tr
starts flowing in it with the initial direction shown in the internal resistance of each cell is___ __ _l'ht
figure. At t = rc, the key is switched from B to D. Now (Main 11 th April 2"" Shift
60) 188. In the circuit shown, the energy stored in the capa
onwards only A and D are connected. A total cha.rge Q n µJ. The value of n is _ _ _ . I J
flows from the battery to charge the capacitor fully. If
C =20 µF, R =1o n and the battery is ideal with emf of
50 V, identify the correct statement(s).
12 V
---~-- Als ov
C= 20µF (Main 13th April r1 Shift 2023)
189. A network of four resistances is connected t
R= lOQ 9 V battery, as shown in figure. The magnitude of volia;
difference between the points A and B is _ _ _v.
(a) Magnitude of the maximum charge on the capacitor
before t = - is 1 x 10-3 C.
(b) The current in the left part of the circuit just before
7 • clOCkw'lSC.
t = - 1t 1S
(c) Immediately after A is connected to D, the current B
in R is 10 A.
(d) Q =2 x 10-3 C. (Advanced 2014) 9V

184. Capacitor C1 of capacitance 1 micro-farad and capacitor (Main 15111 April 1st Shift 2023)
C2 of capacitance 2 microfarad are separately charged
fully by a common battery. The two capacitors are then 190. ln the given circuit, the value of 11 + 13 is _ _
separately allowed to discharge through equal resistors at 12
time t = 0. lOV
(a) The current in each of the two discharging circuits
is zero at t = 0.
(b) The currents in the two discharging circuits are
equal but not zero.
(c) The currents in the two discharging circuits at l 10
t =0 are unequal. . (Main 1st Feb r' Shift 2023)
(d) Capacitor C1, loses 50% of its initial charge sooner 191. Two cells are connected between points A and B as
than C2 loses 50% ofits initial charge. (IIT-JEE 1989) shown. Cell l has emf of 12 V and internal resistance
of 3 n. Cell 2 has emf of 6 V and internal resistanct of
Numi9CIVI~ V'9111 6 n. An external resistor R of 4 n is connected across A
185. As shown in the figure, the 3V and B. The current flowing through R will 1,e _ _ A.
voltmeter reads 2 V across 5 n 12 V ull 1
resistor. The resistance of the sn ------4
voltmeter is _ _Q.
2n A
(Main (Jh April ].M Shift 2023)
186. In the circuit diagram shown in figure given below, the 6V 6Q Ccl12

current flowing through resistance 3 n is x A. The value (Main 25th Jan 2"4 Shift 2o2J)
~xis _ _ _~• 3 192. !n the following circuit, the magnitude of current 11•
1S _ _
4V 8V
..----4, 1-----.
l .Q
'• =0.50 r2=

6 n
(Main I I th April 1st Shift 2023) (Main 30'h Jan lJt Shift 2oiJ)

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