Air-Cooled Screw Compressor Chiller: Operating Manual
Air-Cooled Screw Compressor Chiller: Operating Manual
Air-Cooled Screw Compressor Chiller: Operating Manual
Group: Chiller
Part Number: 331376101
Date: August 2007
Supercedes: New
Dangers indicate a hazardous situation which will result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
Warnings indicate potentially hazardous situations, which can result in property damage, severe
personal injury, or death if not avoided.
Cautions indicate potentially hazardous situations, which can result in personal injury or equipment
damage if not avoided.
2007 McQuay International. Information in this manual covers the McQuay International products at the time of publication and
we reserve the right to make changes in design and construction at anytime without notice.
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies: BACnet from ASHRAE; LONMARK and LONW ORKS Logo are
managed, granted and used by LONMARK International uncer a license granted by Echelon Corporation; Modbus from Schneider Electric, Inc.;FanTrol,
Open Choices, McQuay and MicroTech II from McQuay International.
This manual provides setup, operating, and troubleshooting information for the McQuay
MicroTech ΙΙ controller for Model AGS-D3 vintage, air-cooled, rotary screw compressor
chillers. Please refer to the current version of the installation and maintenance manual IMM
AGSD3 (available on for information relating to the unit itself.
Software Version: This manual covers units with Software Version AGSG30101F and
includes version E changes. The unit’s software version number can be viewed by pressing
the MENU and ENTER keys (the two right keys) simultaneously. Then, pressing the
MENU key will return to the Menu screen.
BOOT Version: 3.01F
BIOS Version: 3.62
Electric shock hazard: can cause personal injury or equipment damage. This equipment
must be properly grounded. Connections to, and service of, the MicroTech II control panel
must be performed only by personnel who are knowledgeable in the operation of the
equipment being controlled
Static sensitive components. A static discharge while handling electronic circuit boards can
cause damage to the components. Discharge any static electrical charge by touching the
bare metal inside the control panel before performing any service work. Never unplug any
cables, circuit board terminal blocks, or power plugs while power is applied to the panel.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with this instruction manual, can cause interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area can cause harmful interference, in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.
McQuay International Corporation disclaims any liability resulting from any interference or for the
correction thereof.
This version of the software is set up for English language and inch-pounds units of measure
Controller Features
• Readout of the following temperature and pressure readings:
• Entering and leaving chilled water temperature
• Saturated evaporator refrigerant temperature and pressure
• Saturated condenser temperature and pressure
• Outside air temperature
• Suction line, liquid line, and discharge line temperatures − calculated superheat for
discharge and suction lines
• Oil pressure
• Automatic control of primary and standby chilled water pumps. The control will start one
of the pumps (based on lowest run-hours) when the unit is enabled to run (not necessarily
running on a call for cooling) and when the water temperature reaches a point of freeze
• Two levels of security protection against unauthorized changing of setpoints and other
control parameters.
• Warning and fault diagnostics to inform operators of warning and fault conditions in plain
language. All events and alarms are time and date-stamped for identification of when the
fault condition occurred. In addition, the operating conditions that existed just prior to an
alarm shutdown can be recalled to aid in isolating the cause of the problem.
• Twenty-five previous alarms and related operating conditions are available.
• Remote input signals for chilled water reset, demand limiting, and unit enable.
• Test mode allows the service technician to manually control the controllers’ outputs and
can be useful for system checkout.
• Building Automation System (BAS) communication capability via LONWORKS,
Modbus, or BACnet standard open protocols for all BAS manufacturers-simplified
with McQuay’s Open Choices feature.
• Pressure transducers for direct reading of system pressures. Preemptive control of low
evaporator pressure conditions and high discharge temperature and pressure to take
corrective action prior to a fault trip.
General Description
Control Panel Layout
The control panel is located on the front of the unit, to the left of the power panel.
Table 1, Control Panel Components
MicroTech II
Controller, CP1
MicroTech II Controller,
On Three-Compressor
Units Only
Terminal Blocks
Active Setpoint
The active setpoint is the setting in effect at any given moment. This variation occurs on
setpoints that can be altered during normal operation. Resetting the chilled water leaving
temperature setpoint by one of several methods, such as return water temperature, is an
Digital input, usually followed by a number designating the number of the input.
Discharge Superheat
Discharge superheat is calculated for each circuit using the following equation:
Discharge Superheat = Discharge Temperature – Condenser Saturated Temperature
In the context of this manual, “Error” is the difference between the actual value of a variable
and the target setting or setpoint.
Evaporator Approach
The evaporator approach is calculated for each circuit. The equation is as follows:
Evaporator Approach = LWT – Evaporator Saturated Temperature
See page 38 for more details
Evap Recirc Timer
A timing function, with a 30-second default, that holds off any reading of chilled water for
the duration of the timing setting. This delay allows the chilled water sensors (especially
water temperatures) to take a more accurate reading of the chilled water system conditions.
Electronic expansion valve, used to control the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator,
controlled by the circuit microprocessor.
High Saturated Condenser – Hold Value
High Cond Hold Value = Max Saturated Condenser Value – 5 degrees F
This function prevents the compressor from loading whenever the pressure approaches
within 5 degrees of the maximum discharge pressure. The purpose is to keep the
compressor online during periods of possibly temporary elevated pressures.
High Saturated Condenser – Unload Value
High Cond Unload Value = Max Saturated Condenser Value – 3 degrees F
This function unloads the compressor whenever the pressure approaches within 3 degrees of
the maximum discharge pressure. The purpose is to keep the compressor online during
periods of possibly temporary elevated pressures.
Light Load Stg Dn Point
The percent load point at which one of two operating compressors will shut off, transferring
the unit load to the remaining compressor.
Load Limit
An external signal from the keypad, the BAS or a 4-20 ma signal that limits the compressor
loading to a designated percent of full load. Frequently used to limit unit power input.
Load Balance
Load balance is a technique that equally distributes the total unit load among the running
compressors on a unit or group of units.
Outside ambient air temperature
Offset is the difference between the actual value of a variable (such as temperature or
pressure) and the reading shown on the microprocessor as a result of the sensor signal.
Peco Local Area Network is the proprietary name of the network connecting the control
Refrigerant Saturated Temperature
Refrigerant saturated temperature is calculated from the pressure sensor readings for each
circuit. The pressure is fitted to an R-134a temperature/pressure curve to determine the
saturated temperature.
Soft Load
Soft Loading is a configurable function used to ramp up the unit capacity over a given time
period, usually used to influence building electrical demand by gradually loading the unit.
Solid state starter as used on McQuay screw compressors.
Suction Superheat
Suction superheat is calculated for each circuit using the following equation:
Suction Superheat = Suction Temperature – Evaporator Saturated Temperature
See page 38 for details.
Stage Up/Down Accumulator
The accumulator can be thought of as a bank storing occurrences that indicate the need for
an additional fan.
Stageup/Stagedown Delta-T
Staging is the act of starting or stopping a compressor or fan when another is still operating.
Startup and Stop is the act of starting the first compressor or fan and stopping the last
compressor or fan. The Delta-T is the “dead band” on either side of the setpoint in which no
action is taken.
Stage Up Delay
The time delay from the start of the first compressor to the start of the second.
Startup Delta-T
Number of degrees above the LWT setpoint required to start the first compressor.
Stop Delta-T
Number of degrees below the LWT setpoint required for the last compressor to stop.
Volts, Direct current, sometimes noted as vdc.
Component Description
Hardware Structure
The controllers are fitted with a 16-bit microprocessor for running the control program.
There are controller terminals for connection to the controlled devices (for example:
solenoid valves, expansion valves, chilled water pumps). The program and settings are
saved permanently in FLASH memory, preventing data loss in the event of power failure
without requiring a back-up battery. The controllers also have optional remote
communication access capability for a BAS interface using standard protocols.
The Advanced MicroTech II controllers used on AGS-D chillers are not interchangeable
with previous MicroTech II controllers.
A 4-line by 20-character liquid crystal display and 6-button keypad are mounted on the unit
and compressor controllers.
Table 2, Keypad
Air Conditioning
The four arrow keys (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) have three modes of use.
1. Scroll between data screens in the direction indicated by the arrows (default mode).
2. Select a specific data screen in the menu matrix using dynamic labels on the right side
of the display such as ALARM, VIEW, etc. (pressing the MENU key enters this mode).
For ease of use, a visual pathway connects the appropriate button to its respective label
on the screen.
3. Change field values in setpoint programming mode as follows:
LEFT key = Default (D) RIGHT key = Cancel (C)
UP key = Increase (+) DOWN key = Decrease (-)
These four programming functions are indicated by a one-character abbreviation ( ) on the
right side of the display. This programming mode is entered by pressing the ENTER key.
vary an electric motor’s speed.
See the “Using the Controller” section beginning on page 58 for detailed instruction on
controller operation.
System Architecture
• One large controller (CP1) is used on 2 circuit chillers (AGS 225 through 300) and a
second large controllers (CP2) is added on 3 circuit chillers (AGS 330 through 450).
• Expansion I/O boards are used and communicate via a tLan (J23). Two are used on 2
circuit chillers and four are used on 3 circuit chillers. Expansion I/O board #3 is used
when additional pump or circuit status enable options are ordered.
Tool(option) RAI
Sequence of Operation
Table 6, Unit Sequence of Operation (see Table 6 for circuit sequence of operation)
Unit power up
The chiller may be disabled via the unit switch, the remote switch, the keypad
enable setting, or the BAS network. In addition, the chiller will be disabled if both
Unit in Off state circuits are disabled, either because of an alarm or the circuit pumpdown switch on
each circuit, or if there is a unit alarm. If the chiller is disabled, the unit status
display will reflect this and also show why it is disabled.
If the unit switch is off, the unit status will be Off:Unit Switch. If the chiller is
disabled due to network command, the unit status will be Off:BAS Disable. When
Is unit enabled? the remote switch is open, the unit status will be Off:Remote Switch. When a unit
alarm is active, the unit status will be Off:Unit Alarm. In cases where no circuits
are enabled, the unit status will be Off:All Cir Disabled.
If the chiller is enabled, then the unit will be in the Auto state and the evaporator
Evaporator pump output on
water pump output will be activated.
The chiller will then wait for the flow switch to close, during which time the unit
Is flow present? status will be Auto:Wait for flow.
After establishing flow, the chiller will wait some time to allow the chilled water loop
Wait for chilled water loop to
to recirculate for an accurate reading of the leaving water temperature. The unit
status during this time is Auto:Evap Recirc.
The chiller is now ready to start if enough load is present. If the LWT is not high
enough to start, the unit status will be Auto:Wait for load.
If the LWT is high enough to start, the unit status will be Auto. A compressor can
Is there enough load to
start at this time.
start chiller?
The first circuit to start is generally the available circuit with the least number of
Start first circuit. starts, or the lowest numbered circuit if there is a tie. This circuit will go through its
start sequence at this point.
The first circuit will load and unload as needed in an attempt to satisfy the load. It
Load/unload as needed to
will eventually get to a point where it is considered to be at full load. A circuit is at
satisfy load. full load when it reaches 75% slide target, it reaches the max slide target setting, or
it encounters a problem and is running in an inhibited state.
If a single circuit is not enough to satisfy the load, additional circuits will need to be
Is more capacity
needed to satisfy load? started.
Yes The second circuit will go through its start sequence at this point.
Load/unload as needed to All running circuits will now load/unload as needed to satisfy the load. In addition,
satisfy load.
they will load balance so that both circuits are providing nearly equal capacity.
Can less circuits handle As the load drops off, the circuits will unload accordingly. If the LWT gets low
the load? enough, or all running circuits unload enough, one circuit can shut off. This can
occur with either two or three circuits running.
Shut down one circuit. The next circuit to shut off is generally the one with the most run hours.
Load/unload as needed to The remaining running circuit(s) will load/unload as needed to satisfy the load.
satisfy load.
When only one circuit is running, the load may drop off to the point where even
Is load satisfied?
minimum unit capacity is too much. The load has been satisfied when the LWT
drops below the shutdown point. At this time the only running circuit can shut down.
The last circuit running now shuts down.
Shut down last circuit.
The unit should be ready to start again when the LWT gets high enough. The unit
status at this time will be Auto:Wait for load.
Table 7, Circuit Sequence of Operation
Unit power up
When the circuit is in the Off state the EXV is closed, compressor is off, and all fans
are off.
Circuit is in Off state If the compressor is ready to start when needed, the circuit status will be
Off:Ready. When the circuit switch is off, the circuit cannot start and the status will
be Off:Pumpdown Switch.
This compressor will be next on if it has the least starts of the compressors that are
Next on?
not running and are available to run.
If there is a need for more cooling capacity, the compressor designated as next on
Stage up now? can start.
When the compressor starts, the EXV will open and begin controlling the evaporator
pressure. Depending on the OAT, a number of fans may be started with the
Yes compressor to keep condenser pressure from climbing too fast. The circuit status
will normally be Run: Disc SH Low immediately after the compressor starts.
Start Compressor
When in the Run state, the compressor will load/unload as needed to satisfy the
load. The compressor will also load/unload to load balance with other compressors
that are running and not in a limited condition. However, it cannot load up until the
discharge superheat has been over 22 F for at least 30 seconds. After this, the
circuit status will be Run:Normal.
The EXV will operate in either Pressure Control or Superheat Control. In Pressure
Run Compressor Control, the evaporator pressure is controlled to a target pressure, which is adjusted
based on LWT and discharge superheat. In Superheat Control, the suction
superheat is controlled to a target that varies with discharge superheat.
Fans will be staged on and off, and if available the VFD speed will be modulated, to
control the condenser pressure. The condenser pressure is controlled to a target
that is based on evaporator pressure, with the target getting higher as the
evaporator pressure gets higher.
Next off?
No If this compressor has the most run hours of the running compressors, then this
compressor will be designated as the next one off.
If less cooling capacity is needed, the compressor designated as next off can shut
down. This condition may arise when either the LWT has dropped far enough below
the active set point or all circuits are running at a low capacity.
Stage down now?
When the circuit does a normal shutdown, a pumpdown is performed. The EXV is
closed while the compressor continues to run. As soon as the pumpdown is
initiated, the compressor is unloaded to the minimum. The condenser fans
continue to control normally during this process. The circuit status during this time
Yes is Run:Pumpdown.
Pumpdown circuit After the evaporator pressure drops below the pumpdown pressure or enough time
has passed, the compressor and fans are shut off to end the pumpdown process.
The circuit status will normally be Off:Cycle Timers at this time.
Off Conditions
Power is supplied to the power section of the electric panel. The standard power connection
is two separate sources, one to each circuit. Optionally, the power may be supplied to a
single power connection, either a power block or optional disconnect switch.
With power supplied to the unit, 115 VAC power is applied through the control fuse F1 to
the compressor heaters, HTR1 and HTR2, evaporator heater, and the primary of the 24V
control circuit transformer.
Compressor heaters must be on for at least 12 hours prior to unit start-up to avoid
compressor damage.
The 24V transformer provides power to the MicroTech II controller and related components.
With 24V power applied, the controller will check the position of the front panel system
switch Q0. If the switch is in the "stop" position, the chiller will remain off, and the display
will indicate the operating mode to be OFF: Unit Switch. The controller will then check
the pumpdown switches. If any of the switches are in the "stop" position, that circuit’s
operating mode will be displayed as OFF: Pump Down Switch. If the switches for both
circuits are in the "Stop" position, the unit status will display OFF: All Circuits Disabled.
If the remote start/stop switch is open the chiller will be OFF: Remote Switch. The chiller
may also be commanded off via communications from a separate communicating panel such
as a BAS protocol interface. The display will show OFF: BAS Disable if this operating
mode is in effect.
If an alarm condition exists which prevents normal operation of both refrigerant circuits, the
chiller will be disabled and the display will indicate OFF: Unit Alarm. If the control mode
on the keypad is set to "Manual Unit Off," the chiller will be disabled and the unit status
will display OFF: Keypad Disable.
The red alarm light in back of the left arrow key on the controller will be illuminated when
one or more of the cooling circuits has an active alarm condition which results in the circuit
being locked out or a unit alarm is active and manual reset is required. If only a circuit
alarm is active, the remaining circuits will operate as required. Events (low-level
occurrences) will not cause the key to light.
If none of the above "off" conditions are true, the MicroTech II controller will initiate a start
sequence and energize the chilled water pump output relay. The chiller will remain in the
WaitForFlow mode until the field-installed flow switch indicates the presence of chilled
water flow. Once flow is established, the controller will sample the chilled water
temperature and compare it against the Leaving Chilled Water Setpoint, the Control Band,
and the Start-up Delta-Temperature, which have been programmed into the controller’s
If the leaving chilled water temperature is above the Active Chilled Water Setpoint plus the
adjustable Start-up Delta-T, the controller will select the refrigerant circuit with the lowest
number of starts as the lead circuit and initiate a start request. The circuit controller will
open the EXV and start the compressor. A green light under the Enter key on the circuit
controller will illuminate to indicate that the compressor is running.
If additional cooling capacity is required, the controller will activate additional cooling. As
the system load increases, the controller will start the lag refrigerant circuit when the lead
circuit reaches 75%, or some other capacity limit is reached, and the interstage timers are
satisfied. The compressors and capacity control solenoids will automatically be controlled
as required to meet the cooling needs of the system.
The electronic expansion valves are operated by the MicroTech II controller to maintain
precise refrigerant control to the evaporator at all conditions.
As the system chilled water load requirements diminish, the compressors will unload. As
the system load continues to drop, the electronic expansion valve will be stepped closed, the
solenoid valve will close, and the refrigerant circuits will go through a pumpdown sequence.
As the evaporator pressure falls below the pumpdown pressure setpoint while pumping
down, the compressor and condenser fans will stop. The unit has a one-time pumpdown
control logic; therefore, if the evaporator pressure rises while the compressor is in the off
state, the controller will not initiate another pumpdown sequence. The circuit controller will
keep the compressor off until the next call for cooling occurs.
The chilled water pump output relay will generally remain energized until the unit is in the
Off State due to the remote stop switch, unit Off switch, BAS command, or keypad setting
calling for the unit to be disabled.
Table 8, AGSD3 Piping Schematic
NOTE: The above figure illustrates the piping for the remote evaporator option. For the standard packaged
version, the field piping shown as dotted would be installed in the factory.
Controller Operation
CP1 Inputs/Outputs
I/O for the unit control and for circuits one and two are found on CP1.
Analog Inputs
# Description Signal Source Normal Range
1 Slide Load Indicator #1 4-20 mA Current 1 to 23 mA
2 Slide Load Indicator #2 4-20 mA Current 1 to 23 mA
3 Evaporator Pressure #1 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
4 Discharge Temperature #1 PT1000 Sensor -45 to 240°F
5 Discharge Temperature #2 PT1000 Sensor -45 to 240°F
6 Condenser Pressure #1 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
7 Condenser Pressure #2 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
8 Evaporator Pressure #2 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
9 Evaporator Entering Water Temp NTC Thermister -45 to 212°F
10 Evaporator Leaving Water Temp NTC Thermister -45 to 212°F
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 VFD #1 0-10VDC 0 to 100% (1000 steps resolution)
2 EXV #1 0-10VDC 0 to 6386 steps (1000 steps resolution)
3 VFD #2 0-10VDC 0 to 100% (1000 steps resolution)
4 EXV #2 0-10VDC 0 to 6386 steps (1000 steps resolution)
5 Reserved for Ceechina VFD#1 (future) 0-10VDC 0 to 100% (1000 steps resolution)
6 Reserved for Ceechina VFD#2 (future) 0-10VDC 0 to 100% (1000 steps resolution)
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Circuit Switch #1 Cir 1 disabled Cir 1 enabled
2 Circuit Switch #2 Cir 2 disabled Cir 2 enabled
3 Evaporator Water Flow Switch No Flow Flow
4 PVM/GFP #1 Fault No Fault
5 Mode Switch Cool mode Ice mode
6 Mechanical High Pressure Switch #1 Fault No Fault
7 Mechanical High Pressure Switch #2 Fault No Fault
8 Open
9 Open
10 VFD Fault #1 Fault No Fault
11 VFD Fault #2 Fault No Fault
12 Starter Fault #1 Fault No Fault
13H Low Pressure Switch #1 Fault No Fault
14H Low Pressure Switch #2 Fault No Fault
15 Starter Fault #2 Fault No Fault
16 Unit Switch Unit disabled Unit enabled
17 Remote Switch Unit disabled Unit enabled
18 PVM/GFP #2 Fault No Fault
Digital Outputs
# Description Output OFF Output ON
1 SSS Enable Compressor Off Compressor On
2 SV Load Off Load
3 SV Unload Off Unload
4 Open
5 SV Liquid Line Off Enabled
6 Fan motor 11/VFD enable Off Fan on
7 Fan motor 12 Off Fan on
8 Fan motor 13/14 Off Fans on
9 SSS Enable Compressor Off Compressor On
10 SV Load Off Load
11 SV Unload Off Unload
12 EXV close #1 Open Pumpdown
13 EXV close #2 Open Pumpdown
14 Open
15 SV Liquid Line Off Fans on
16 Fan motor 21/VFD enable Off Fans on
17 Fan motor 22 Off Fans on
18 Fan motor 23/24 Off Fans on
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 Open
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Thermistor Fault #1 Fault No fault
2 Thermistor Fault #2 Fault No fault
3 Open
4 Open
Digital Outputs
# Description Output Off Output On
1 Evap Water Pump Output #1 Pump Off Pump On
2 Remote Alarm Bell Alarm Off Alarm On
3 SV Economizer #1 Off Enabled
4 SV Economizer #2 Off Enabled
Expansion I/O Controller 4
EXB4 is connected to CP1 for additional I/O.
Analog Inputs
# Description Signal Source Expected Range
1 Chilled Water Reset 4-20 mA Current 4 to 20 mA
2 Demand Limit 4-20 mA Current 4 to 20 mA
3 Oil Pressure #1 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
4 Oil Pressure #2 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 Open
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Open
2 External Alarm Alarm active Alarm not active
3 Open
4 Open
Digital Outputs
# Description Output Off Output On
1 Fan motor 15/16 Fans Off Fans On
2 Fan motor 17/18/19 Fans Off Fans On
3 Fan motor 25/26 Fans Off Fans On
4 Fan motor 27/28/29 Fans Off Fans On
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 Open
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Pump #1 alarm Pump Failure Pump OK
2 Pump #2 alarm Pump Failure Pump OK
3 Open
4 Open
Digital Outputs
# Description Output Off Output On
1 Evap Water Pump Output #2 Pump Off Pump On
2 Compressor Status Enable #1 Compressor Off Compressor On
3 Compressor Status Enable #2 Compressor Off Compressor On
4 Compressor Status Enable #3 Compressor Off Compressor On
Controller CP2
I/O for circuit three (applies to AG S330D to 450D) are found on CP2.
Analog Inputs
# Description Signal Source Normal Range
1 Slide Load Indicator #3 4-20 mA Current 1 to 23 mA
2 Open
3 Suction Pressure #3 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
4 Discharge Temperature #3 PT1000 Sensor -45 to 240°F
5 Open
6 Discharge Pressure #3 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
7 Open
8 Open
9 Open
10 Open
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 VFD #3 0-10VDC 0 to 100% (1000 steps resolution)
2 EXV #3 0-10VDC 0 to 6386 steps (1000 steps resolution)
3 Open
4 Open
5 Open
6 Open
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Circuit Switch #3 Cir 3 disabled Cir 3 enabled
2 Open
3 Open
4 PVM/GFP #3 Fault No Fault
5 Open mode Ice mode
6 Mechanical High Pressure Switch #3 Fault No Fault
7 Open
8 Open
9 Open
10 VFD Fault #3 Fault No Fault
11 Open No Fault
12 Starter Fault #3 Fault No Fault
13 Open
14H Low Pressure Switch #3 Fault No Fault
15 Open
16 Open
17 Open
18 Open
Digital Outputs
# Description Output OFF Output ON
1 SSS Enable Compressor Off Compressor On
2 SV Load Off Load
3 SV Unload Off Unload
4 Open
5 SV Liquid Line Off Enabled
6 Fan motor 31/VFD enable Off Fan on
7 Fan motor 32 Off Fan on
8 Fan motor 33/34 Off Fans on
9 Open
10 Open
11 Open
12 EXV close #3 Open Pumpdown
13 Open
14 Open
15 Open
16 Open
17 Open
18 Open
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 Open
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Thermistor Fault #2 Fault No Fault
2 Open
3 Open
4 Open
Digital Outputs
# Description Output Off Output On
1 Open
2 Open
3 SV Economizer #3 Off Enabled
4 Open
Expansion I/O Controller 8
EXB8 is connected to CP2 for additional I/O.
Analog Inputs
# Description Signal Source Expected Range
1 Open
2 Open
3 Oil Pressure #3 4-20 mA Current 3 to 22 mA
4 Open
Analog Outputs
# Description Output Signal Range
1 Open
Digital Inputs
# Description Signal Off Signal On
1 Open
2 Open
3 Open
4 Open
Digital Outputs
# Description Output Off Output On
1 Fan motor 35/36 Off Fans on
2 Fan motor 37/38/39 Off Fans on
3 Open
4 Open
All setpoints are made on CP1, including circuit 3 settings on three-compressor units.
The following parameters are remembered during power off, are factory set to the Default
value, and can be adjusted to any value in the Range column.
The PW (password) column indicates the password that must be active in order to change
the setpoint
Description Default Range PW
Unit Enable OFF OFF, ON O
Unit Mode Cool Cool, Ice, Test O
Control source Switches Switches, Keypad, Network O
Cool, Cool w/Glycol, Cool/Ice
Available Modes Cool M
w/Glycol, ICE w/Glycol, TEST
Cool LWT (25°F With Glycol) 44 °F 25 (40) to 60 °F O
Ice LWT 25 °F 20 to 38°F O
Startup Delta T 10 °F 0 to 10 °F O
Stop Delta T 1.5 °F 0 to 3 °F O
Stage Up Delta T 2 °F 0 to 3 °F O
Stage Down Delta T 1 °F 0 to 3 °F O
Max Pulldown 5 °F/min 0.5-5.0 °F /min M
Evap Recirc Timer 30 0 to 300 seconds M
#1 Only, #2 Only, Auto,
Evap Pump Select #1 Only M
#1 Primary, #2 Primary
Max Reset 0 °F 0 to 20 °F M
Continued on next page.
Description Default Range PW
Start Reset Delta T 10 °F 0 to 20 °F M
Soft Load Off Off, On M
Begin Capacity Limit 40% 20-100% M
Soft Load Ramp 20 min 1-60 minutes M
Demand Limit Off Off, On M
# of Circuits 2 2-4 O
Low Ambient Lockout 55 °F -10 (35) to 70 °F M
Ice Time Delay 12 1-23 hours M
Clear Ice Timer No No,Yes M
SSS Communication No No, Yes M
Single Point, Multi Point ,
PVM Multi Point O
Quiet Night Disabled Disabled, Enabled M
Quiet Night Start Time 21:00 18:00 - 23:59
Quiet Night End Time 6:00 5:00 – 9:59
Quiet Night Condenser Offset 10.0°F 0.0 – 25.0°F
BAS Protocol Modbus BACnet, LonWorks, Modbus M
Ident number 1 0-200 M
Baud Rate 19200 1200,2400,4800,9600,19200 M
Evap LWT sensor offset 0 -5.0 to 5.0 deg M
Evap EWT sensor offset 0 -5.0 to 5.0 deg M
OAT sensor offset 0 -5.0 to 5.0 deg M
Start-start timer 20 min 15-60 minutes M
Stop-start timer 5 min 3-20 minutes M
Pumpdown Pressure 25 psi 10 to 40 psi M
Pumpdown Time Limit 120 sec 0 to 180 sec M
Light Load Stg Dn Point 25% 20 to 50% M
Stage Up Delay 5 min 0 to 60 min M
Max # Comps Running 3 1-3 M
Sequence # Cir 1 1 1-3 M
Sequence # Cir 2 1 1-3 M
Alarm Limits
Low Evap Pressure-Unload 28 psi 0(26) to 45 psi M
Low Evap Pressure-Hold 30 psi 0(28) to 45 psi M
Oil Press Delay 30 sec 10-180 sec M
Oil Press Differential 25 psi 0-60 psi M
High Discharge Temperature 220 °F 150 to 230 F M
High Lift Pressure Delay 5 sec 0 to 30 sec M
Evaporator Water Freeze 36 °F 0 (36) to 42 °F M
Evaporator Flow Proof 3 sec 3 to 10 sec M
Low OAT Start Timer 60 sec 20 to 180 sec M
Description Default Range PW
EXV position 0 0-6386 M
Service Pumpdown No No,Yes M
Slide min pos offset 0 -15 to 15% M
Slide max pos offset 0 -15 to 15% M
Evap pressure offset 0 -10.0 to 10.0 psi M
Cond pressure offset 0 -10.0 to 10.0 psi M
Oil pressure offset 0 -10.0 to 10.0 psi M
Suction temp offset 0 -5.0 to 5.0 deg M
Discharge temp offset 0 -5.0 to 5.0 deg M
Fan VFD enable On Off, On M
Number of fans 6 6 to 9 M
Saturated Condenser Temp
90.0 80.0-110.0 oF M
Target Min
Saturated Condenser Temp o
110.0 90.0-120.0 F M
Target Max
Stage 1 On Deadband 5 1.0-20.0 F M
Stage 2 On Deadband 5 1-20 oF M
Stage 3 On Deadband 8 1-20 oF M
Stage 4 On Deadband 10 1-20 oF M
Stage 5 On Deadband 8 1-20 oF M
Stage 6-8 On Deadband 8 1-20 oF M
Stage 2 Off Deadband 8 1-20 oF M
Stage 3 Off Deadband 7 1-20 oF M
Stage 4 Off Deadband 6 1-20 oF M
Stage 5 Off Deadband 5 1-20 oF M
Stage 6-8 Off Deadband 5 1-20 oF M
VFD Max Speed 100% 90 to 110% M
VFD Min Speed 25% 20 to 60% M
Forced Fantrol 1 2 1 to number of fans M
Forced Fantrol 2 3 1 to number of fans M
Forced Fantrol 3 4 1 to number of fans M
Dynamic Default Values
The fan staging dead bands have different default values based on the VFD enable setpoint.
When the VFD enable setpoint is changed, a set of default values for the fan staging dead
bands is loaded as follows:
Controller Functions
Parameter Definitions
LWT Slope
LWT slope is calculated so that the slope represents the change in LWT over a time frame of
one minute and is used to help determine the slide valve target.
Every 12 seconds, the current LWT is subtracted from the value 12 seconds back. This
value is added to a buffer containing values calculated at the last five 12-second intervals.
The final result is a slope value that represents the action of the LWT for the past 60
Pulldown Rate
The slope value calculated above will be a negative value as the water temperature is
dropping. For use in some control functions, the negative slope is converted to a positive
value by multiplying by –1.
Circuit Capacity
The capacity of each circuit is estimated based on slide position. A circuit that is not
running is always considered to be at 0% capacity. A running circuit can have a capacity
value ranging from 20% to 100%.
The slide position and capacity value for running compressors are related as shown by the
following formula:
Circuit capacity = 0.8(Slide position) + 20
Unit Capacity
For applying unit capacity limits, an estimate of total unit capacity is needed. Unit capacity
will be based on the estimated circuit capacities.
The unit capacity is calculated using the following formula:
Unit capacity = (Circuit 1 capacity + Circuit 2 capacity)/2
Unit Enable
Enabling and disabling the chiller is controlled by the Unit Enable Setpoint, with options of
OFF and ON. Enabling allows the unit to start if there is a call for cooling and also starts
the evaporator pump.
This setpoint (in other words, enabling the unit to run) can be altered by the Unit Switch
input (unit On/Off switch), a field installed remote stop switch, a keypad entry, or a BAS
request. The Control Source Setpoint determines which sources can change the Unit Enable
Setpoint with options of SWITCHES, KEYPAD or NETWORK.
Changing the Unit Enable Setpoint can be accomplished according to Table 9
NOTE: An “x” indicates that the value is ignored.
All methods of disabling the chiller, except for the Override Stop switch, will cause a
normal shutdown of any running circuits with pumpdown. Any time the Override Stop
switch is used to disable the chiller, all running circuits will shut down immediately, without
pumping down.
Table 9, Enable Sources
Unit Control Remote
Key-pad BAS Unit
Switch Source Switch
Entry Request Enable
Input Setpoint Input
OFF x x x x OFF
1. If the Control Source is set to Switches, the field-installed remote Stop Switch controls
enabling. If the unit-mounted On/Off switch is either On or Off, the unit will be
disabled if the remote switch is Off. If the unit-mounted On/Off switch is On, the unit
will be enabled if the remote switch is On.
2. With the unit-mounted switch On, if the Control Source is Network, and the BAS signal
is Off, the unit is not enabled. If a Remote Switch is Off, the unit is not enabled. If a
Remote Switch is ON and the BAS input is On, the unit will be enabled.
1. The Enable field can only be used with Source = Keypad. To enable and disable the
chiller through the keypad, any other control inputs including unit and pumpdown
switches and BAS controls are ignored. The Enable field toggles between On and Off.
2. The Mode field is an informational display, showing the active control mode of the
chiller. It is used as an input only when the source is set to keypad. Only then can this
field be changed manually.
3. The Source field has three options, “SWITCHES”(default), “KEYPAD”, and “BAS
a. Switches source is used when there is no BAS interface used. This allows the unit
switches to function as pumpdown and shutdown switches for the circuit. This
option is used with applications using the remote start/stop input and not using a
BAS interface.
b. Keypad source is used to override BAS or remote start/stop commands. This would
be used for servicing only.
c. BAS Network source would be used for those applications using “MODBUS”,
“BACnet”, or “LON” communications through a building automation system. BAS
Protocol is set at Set Unit Setpoints item #14.
All methods of disabling the chiller, except for the Override Stop switch, will cause a
normal pumpdown shutdown of any running circuits.
Rapid shutdown by the Override Stop switch without going through the pumpdown cycle is
undesirable and should only be used for an emergency shutdown or for manually and locally
disabling the unit after both circuits have gone through a normal shutdownand the
compressors have stopped.
The unit switch Q0, will perform a pumpdown and shutoff on all running compressors.
The system switches, Q1, Q2, (and Q3) will perform a pumpdown and shutoff on
compressors #1, #2, (or #3).
Unit States
The unit will always be in one of three states. Transitions between these states occur as
shown below.
Unit States
Power ON OFF
T1 – Transition from Off to Auto requires all of the following:
• Unit enabled based on settings and switches.
• If unit mode is ice, the ice timer has expired
• No unit alarms exist.
• At least one circuit is enabled and available to start.
Ice Mode Start Delay
An adjustable start-to-start ice delay timer will limit the frequency with which the chiller
may start in Ice mode. The timer starts when the first compressor starts while the unit is in
ice mode. While this timer is active, the chiller cannot restart in Ice mode. The time delay
is user adjustable.
The ice delay timer may be manually cleared to force a restart in ice mode. A setpoint
specifically for clearing the ice mode delay is available. In addition, cycling the power to
the controller will clear the ice delay timer.
Evaporator Pump
Power ON OFF
Pump Selection
The pump output used will be determined by the Evap Pump Control setpoint. This setting
allows the following configurations:
Return Reset
Max Reset
LWT (10)
LWT Set Point
Reset Type – 4-20 mA
The Active Leaving Water variable is adjusted by the 4 to 20 mA reset analog input.
Parameters used:
1. Cool LWT setpoint
2. Max Reset setpoint
3. LWT Reset signal
Reset is 0 if the reset signal is less than or equal to 4 mA. Reset is equal to the Max Reset
Delta T setpoint if the reset signal equals or exceeds 20 mA. The amount of reset will vary
linearly between these extremes if the reset signal is between 4 mA and 20 mA. An
example of the operation of 4-20 reset in Cool mode is shown below.
Max Reset
LWT (10)
Cool LWT Set
Point (44)
0 4 20
OAT Reset
Max Reset
LWT (10)
Cool LWT Set-Point
60 75
OAT (oF)
Quiet Night Sound Reduction
• Quiet Night operation is in effect if it is enabled via the setpoint, the unit is running in
cool mode, and the unit time is between the start and end time settings.
• When Quiet Night is in effect, the maximum LWT reset will be applied. This is to limit
the capacity of the compressors. In addition, the circuits will offset their condenser
targets up. Depending on conditions, this can result in less fans running and/or the VFD
running at a lower speed.
• The unit status will indicate when Quiet Night is in effect (assuming no overriding
status is active).
• The Quiet Night reset will be overridden by any other reset source (4-20mA, return
water, OAT).
Unit Capacity Overrides
Unit capacity limits can be used to limit total unit capacity in COOL mode only. Multiple
limits may be active at any time, and the lowest limit is always used in the compressor
capacity control.
The estimated unit capacity and the active capacity limit are sent to all circuits for use in
compressor capacity control.
Soft Load
Soft Loading is a configurable function used to ramp up the unit capacity over a given time.
The setpoints that control this function are:
• Soft Load – (ON/OFF)
• Begin Capacity Limit – (Unit %)
• Soft Load Ramp – (seconds)
The Soft Load Unit Limit increases linearly from the Begin Capacity Limit setpoint to
100% over the amount of time specified by the Soft Load Ramp setpoint. If the option is
turned off, the soft load limit is set to 100%.
Demand Limit
The maximum unit capacity can be limited by a 4-to-20 mA signal on the Demand Limit
analog input at the unit controller. This function is only enabled if the Demand Limit
setpoint is set to ON.
As the signal varies from 4 mA up to 20 mA, the maximum unit capacity changes linearly
from 100% to 0%. Although the demand limit can call for 0% capacity, this signal will
never cause a running compressor to shut down. Rather, all running compressors will be
held at minimum load, and this may occur at a demand limit value that is actually less than
Network Limit
The maximum unit capacity can be limited by a network signal. This function is only
enabled if the unit control source is set to network. The signal will be received through the
BAS interface on the unit controller.
As the signal varies from 0% up to 100%, the maximum unit capacity changes linearly from
0% to 100%. Although the network limit can call for 0% capacity, this signal will never
cause a running compressor to shut down. Rather, all running compressors will be held at
minimum load, and this may occur at a network limit value that is actually less than more
than 0%.
BAS Interface
Connection to Chiller
Connection to the chiller for all BAS protocols is at the unit controller. An interface card
will have to be installed in the unit controller depending on the protocol being used.
Protocols Supported
The following building automation system (BAS) protocols are supported. It is possible to
change the building automation interface without loading different software.
When protocol is set to BACnet, the baud rate and ident setpoints are not accessible. The
ident setting is locked at 1 for BACnet, and the baud rate is locked to 19200.
With protocol set to LON, the baud rate and ident setpoints are not accessible. The ident
setting is locked at 1 for LON, and the baud rate is locked to 4800.
With the protocol set to Modbus, the baud rate and ident setpoints are accessible.
Available Parameters
Types: A = Analog, I= Integer, D= Digital
I/O: I = Input only, O = Output only , I/O = Input/Output
I 1 O Active alarms 1 x x x
I 2 O Active alarms 2 x x x
I 3 O Active alarms 3 x x x
I 4 O Active alarms 4 x x x
Continued on next page.
Type Index I/O Description LONworks BACnet Modbus
I 5 O Active alarms 5 x x x
I 6 O Active alarms 6 x x x
I 7 O Active alarms 7 x x x
I 8 O Active alarms 8 x x x
I 9 O Active alarms 9 x x x
I 10 O Active alarms 10 x x x
I 11 O Active alarms 11 x x x
I 12 O Active alarms 12 x x x
I 13 O Active alarms 13 x x x
I 14 O Active alarms 14 x x x
I 15 O Active alarms 15 x x x
I 16 O Active alarms 16 x x x
I 17 I Network chiller mode setpoint x x x
I 18 O LON Chiller run mode x x x
I 19 O Active unit mode x x x
I 20 I Network Capacity Limit default setpoint x
I 21 I Network chiller mode default setpoint x
I 22 O CSM unit full load/circuit available status x x x
I 28 O Unit model type, refrigerant x x x
I 29 O Unit language x x x
I 30 O Unit software version x x x
I 32 I Compressor select x x x
I 35 I/O Clock year x x
I 36 I/O Clock month x x
I 37 I/O Clock day of month x x
I 38 I/O Clock day of week x x
I 39 I/O Clock hours x x
I 40 I/O Clock minutes x x
I 45 O Compressor starts x x x
I 46 O Compressor run hours x x x
1 47 O Evaporator Ppump run hours x x x
Parameter Details
Units of Measure
Parameters are expressed in different units depending on the protocol selected.
ParameterType Modbus Units BACnet Units LONWORKS Units
o o o
Temperature F X 10 F X 10 C X 100
Pressure PSI X 10 PSI X 10 KPa X 10
Percentage % X 10 % X 10 % X 200
Chiller Mode
Applies to Integer 17 and Integer 19. Network Chiller Mode Setpoint and Active Chiller
Mode use the same numbering scheme to represent ice mode or cool mode. The output
representing the mode is shown below for each protocol.
Mode LONworks BACnet Modbus
Cool 3 2 2
Ice 11 1 1
Compressor Select
Compressor Select is used to select the compressor for which the associated parameters will
be sent to the BAS interface. The input should equal the number of the compressor for
which data is desired. If a 0 is sent from the BAS, this will also select compressor 1.
Timeclock Setting
The chiller time and date may be changed through the BAS interface. Time and date are
updated by first setting the values for the time and date inputs on the BAS. When the BAS
sets digital index 12 high, the time and date in the controller is set to the values supplied by
the BAS. The values used are as follows:
Network Defaults
The network setpoint default values are used only for the LONWORKS protocol. Digital
index 10 determines whether the network defaults should be loaded at startup. The startup
process is as follows.
Immediately after the controller powers up, the protocol is checked. If the protocol is
LONWORKS, then the current status of the BAS unit enable setpoint, digital 1, is stored in a
temporary location and the BAS enabled setpoint is set to disable. A ten-second timer
should lapse, then the “ignore network defaults” setting is checked. If this is set low, then
the defaults for BAS cool setpoint, network limit, unit enable, and unit mode will be loaded.
If the setting is set high, then no defaults are loaded and the status of the BAS enable
setpoint is restored to the original value.
The MicroTech II controller is equipped with the Open Choices feature, an exclusive
McQuay feature that provides easy unit interface with a building automation system (BAS).
If the unit will be tied into a BAS, the controller should have been purchased with the
correct factory-installed communication module. The modules can also be added in the
field during or after installation.
If a communication module was ordered, one of the following BAS interface installation
manuals was shipped with the unit. Contact your local McQuay sales office for a
replacement, if necessary or obtain from
• IM 735, LONWORKS Communication Module Installation
• IM 736, BACnet MSTP Communication Module Installation
• IM 837, BACnet IP/Ethernet Communication Module Installation
• IM 743, Modbus Communication Module Installation
• ED 15062, Microtech II Chiller Protocol Information – BACnet MSTP and
• ED 15063, Microtech II Chiller Unit Controller Protocol Information – Modbus
• ED 15100, Microtech II Chiller Protocol Information – BACnet IP/Ethernet
Circuit Functions
Refrigerant Saturated Temperature
Refrigerant saturated temperature is calculated from the pressure sensor readings for each
circuit. The pressure is fitted to a curve made up of 12 straight-line segments. The points
used to define these segments are shown in the following tables.
Evaporator Approach
The evaporator approach is calculated for each circuit. The equation is as follows:
Evaporator Approach = LWT – Evaporator Saturated Temperature
Suction Superheat
Suction superheat is calculated for each circuit using the following equation:
Suction superheat = Suction Temperature – Evaporator Saturated Temperature
Discharge Superheat
Discharge superheat is calculated for each circuit using the following equation:
Discharge superheat = Discharge Temperature – Condenser Saturated Temperature
Compressor Control
Next On / Next Off
This section defines which compressor is the next one to start or stop. In general,
compressors with fewer starts will normally start first, and compressors with more run hours
will normally stop first. Compressor start sequence can also be determined by an operator-
defined sequence.
Next On
Only circuits that are available to start immediately are eligible to be next on.
• The circuit with the lowest sequence number should be next on.
• If the sequence numbers are all the same, the circuit with the lowest number of
starts should be next on.
• If the starts are equal and the sequence numbers are all the same, the circuit with the
lowest number of run hours should be next on.
• If the run hours are equal, the sequence numbers are all the same, and the run hours
are all the same, then the lowest numbered circuit should be next on.
Next Off
• Only circuits that are currently in the run state are eligible to be next off.
• The circuit with the lowest sequence number should be next off.
• If the sequence numbers are all the same, the circuit with the highest run hours
should be next off.
• If the run hours are equal and the sequence numbers are all the same, the lowest
numbered circuit should be next off.
Required Parameters
1. Sequence number setpoint for all compressors.
2. Number of starts for all compressors.
3. Number of run hours for all compressors.
4. Status of all compressors (Available/Unavailable, Pumping down, Running, etc.).
Start/Stop Timing – Cool Mode
This section defines when a compressor is to start or stop, when the chiller is operating in
cool mode.
Each circuit looks at all the required parameters independently to determine if it is time to
stage up or stage down.
Required Parameters
Startup Delta T setpoint.
Stage-Up Delta T setpoint
Stage-Down Delta T setpoint
Stop-Delta T setpoint
LWT error
Full load indicator for each compressor
Stage-Up Delay setpoint
Light Load Stage-Down setpoint
Full Load Indicator
A circuit is considered to be at full load in the compressor staging logic when any of the
following occur:
• Slide control = manual
• A low or high pressure limit event has been active for 10 seconds
• Slide target >= 75% AND max slide target > 75%
• Slide target >= max slide target AND max slide target <= 75%
Stage-Up Delay
There is a stage-up delay after starting the first compressor. After the first compressor
starts, a time equal to the stage-up delay setpoint must pass before the next compressor is
allowed to start.
The delay only applies when a compressor is already running. If the first compressor starts
and very quickly fails on alarm or some other event shuts it off, then the other compressor
may start without the delay.
Compressor Capacity Control
Compressor capacity is determined by calculating a slide position target. Adjustment to the
slide target for normal running conditions occurs every 5 seconds. For loading a maximum
change of 1% is allowed, and for unloading a maximum change of 2% is allowed.
Required parameters
Count In Load Balance status for each compressor
Slide targets of all compressors
LWT error
LWT slope
Count In Load Balance Flag
A circuit will be counted for load balancing only if all of the following are true:
• Compressor state is run
• Compressor is able to load up (no limits in effect due to pressure or superheat)
• Slide control is auto
• Slide position target is less than the max slide target setpoint
Cool Mode
When the chiller is in COOL mode, capacity of the compressor is adjusted to maintain
leaving water temperature at the Active LWT setpoint, while balancing the load between
running circuits. Load balance offset, lwt error, and lwt slope are used to calculate a change
in slide position as described below.
LWT Error:
LWT Error = (Leaving Evaporator Water Temp) – (Active LWT setpoint).
LWT slope:
Slope (deg/minute) = sum of last five LWT changes as calculated every 12 seconds
Slide target adjustment = [LWT Error + (LWT Slope x 4) – Load Balance Offset] / #
Compressors Running
Ice Mode
In ICE mode, the compressor capacity is increased at the maximum rate continuously until
reaching the maximum slide position. Load balancing, LWT error, and LWT slope are
At the end of the low OAT start, the evaporator pressure is checked. If the pressure is
greater than or equal to the low evaporator pressure unload setpoint, the start is considered
successful. If the pressure is less than the unload setpoint, the start is not successful and the
compressor will stop. Three start attempts are allowed before tripping on the restart alarm,
so if on the third attempt the start is not successful the restart alarm is triggered.
If the pulldown rate is too fast, then the slide adjustment made will be equal to the slope
unload factor.
High Water Temperature Capacity Limit
If the evaporator LWT exceeds 65°F, compressor slide position is limited to a maximum of
75%. Compressors unload to 75% or less if running at greater than 75% slide position when
the LWT exceeds the limit. This feature is to keep the circuit running within the capacity of
the condenser coil.
Slide Positioning
Slide Position Indicator
Each compressor estimates its slide load percentage from the present value of the slide
position indicator. The percentage is based on the mA signal from the slide load indicator
as shown in the following table.
Compressor Size mA at 0% Slide Indicator mA at 100% Slide Indicator
205 4.94 14.6
220 4.62 17.0
235 4.32 19.4
The load output will remain on when all of the following conditions are true:
• Compressor state is not Off
• The slide position target = 100%
The unload output will remain on when all of the following conditions are true:
• Compressor state is not Off
• Slide position target = 0%
If the slide position target is more than 0% and less than 100% while the compressor state is
not off, the load and unload outputs will pulse as needed. Pulses take place every 6 seconds.
The load output will be pulsed on for 100ms when either of the following conditions are
• Slide Change <= 0 AND Slide Position < Slide Lower Limit
• Slide Position < Slide Lower Limit – 10%
The unload output will be pulsed on for 300ms when either of the following conditions are
• Slide Change >= 0 AND Slide Position > Slide Upper Limit
• Slide Position > Slide Upper Limit + 10%
Manual Slide Control Mode
The slide position on each circuit may be controlled manually. A setting on the compressor
setpoints screen in each circuit controller allows the operator to select manual slide control.
On the same screen, a slide target can be selected, from 0% to 100%. Manual slide control
can be selected whether the compressor is running or not.
Anytime a circuit is in manual slide control, it is considered to be at full load in the staging
logic. It also will not be considered a running compressor for load balancing purposes.
None of the capacity limits outlined above will apply in manual slide control, but all stop
alarms are still applicable.
Slide control will revert back to automatic control if a stop alarm occurs while the
compressor is running, or the slide control has been manual for four hours.
VFD (Optional)
Condenser pressure trim control is accomplished using an optional VFD on one fan. This
VFD control uses a proportional integral function to drive the saturated condenser
temperature to a target value by changing the fan speed. The target value is normally the
same as the saturated condenser temperature target setpoint.
VFD State
The VFD will be started when all the following conditions are true:
• Compressor State is not Off
• Fan VFD is enabled
• Saturated Condenser Temp >= Saturated Condenser Temp Target
• Fan speed output = 0
The VFD will be turned off when either of the following conditions are true:
• Fantrol fans on = 0 AND Fan speed output = min speed setpoint AND Condenser
Saturated Temp < 70 °F
• Compressor State = Off
Stage Up Compensation
In order to create a smoother transition when another fan is staged on, the VFD compensates
by slowing down initially. This is accomplished by adding the new fan stage up deadband
to the VFD target. The higher target causes the VFD logic to decrease fan speed. Then,
every 5 seconds, 0.5 degrees F is subtracted from the VFD target until it is equal to the
saturated condenser temperature target setpoint. This will allow the VFD to slowly bring
the saturated condenser temperature back down.
Staging Up
There are six Stage-Up dead bands that apply to the Fantrol stages. Stages one through five
use their respective dead bands. Stage six to eight share the sixth Stage-Up dead band.
When the saturated condenser temperature is above the Target + the active deadband, a
Stage-Up error is accumulated.
Stage-Up Error Step = Saturated Condenser Refrigerant temperature – (Target + Stage-Up
dead band)
The Stage-Up Error Step is added to Stage-Up Accumulator once every Stage-Up Error-
Delay seconds. When the Stage-Up Error Accumulator is greater than the Stage-Up Error
SetPoint another stage is added.
When a Stage-Up occurs or the saturated condenser temperature falls back within the Stage-
Up dead band, the Stage-Up Accumulator is reset to zero.
Staging Down
There are four Stage-Down dead bands. Stages one through three use their respective dead
bands. Stages four to eight share the fourth Stage-Down dead band.
When the saturated condenser refrigerant temperature is below the Target – the active
deadband, a Stage Down error is accumulated.
Stage-Down Error Step = (Target – Stage-Down dead band) - Saturated Condenser
Refrigerant temperature
The Stage-Down Error Step is added to Stage-Down Accumulator once every Stage-Down
Error Delay seconds. When the Stage-Down Error Accumulator is greater than the Stage-
Down Error Setpoint another stage of condenser fans turned off.
When a stage-down occurs, or the saturated temperature rises back within the Stage-Down
dead band, the Stage-Down Error Accumulator is reset to zero. The accumulator is also
held at zero after startup until either the outside ambient temperature is less than or equal to
75°F, or the saturated condenser temperature is greater than the condenser target less the
active stage-down deadband.
EXV Control
Pressure Control
In pressure control, the evaporator pressure is controlled by the EXV position. The
pressure target varies based on evaporator LWT and discharge superheat values. A PID
logic is used to control the pressure to the target value.
The base pressure target is calculated using the following formula:
Base target = 0.6(LWT) – 2
The base target is limited to a range from the low pressure inhibit setpoint plus 2 psi, up to
52 psi.
The pressure control target may be adjusted if the discharge superheat is not within an
acceptable range. If the superheat is less than 22 degrees F, the base pressure target will be
reduced by a value equal to the low superheat error. If the superheat is more than 40
degrees F, the base pressure target will be increased by a value equal to the high superheat
error. At any time, the adjusted target pressure cannot go below the low pressure inhibit
setpoint or above 52 psi.
When the EXV transitions to the pressure control state, the target will start at the current
evaporator pressure value. The pressure target will then decrement 0.2 psi every second
until reaching the normal calculated target. If the pressure at transition is less than the
calculated target, then pressure control will start immediately with the calculated target.
Superheat Control
In superheat control, suction superheat is controlled directly by the EXV. The superheat
target varies linearly from 6 to 10 degrees F as discharge superheat changes from 30 to 22
degrees F. A PID logic will be used to control the superheat to the target value.
When the EXV transitions to the superheat control state, the target will start at the current
suction superheat value. This target will then decrement 0.1 degree F every second until
reaching the normal target.
Any time the EXV is not in pressure control or superheat control, it will be in a closed state.
At this time, the EXV position is 0 steps and the EXV close signal (digital output) is active.
EXV States
Power ON
T5 T4 T1
Superheat Pressure
T2 – Transition from Pressure Control to Superheat Control requires all of the following
• Suction Superheat >= Superheat target
• Evap LWT <= 60 F
• EXV State = Pressure AND Discharge Superheat >= 22 F for at least 3 minutes
• Discharge Temperature <= 180 F
• Low Evap Pressure Unload event not active
T3 – Transition from Superheat Control to Pressure Control requires any of the following
• Evap LWT > 63 F
• Low Evap Pressure Unload event active
• Discharge Superheat < 22 F
• Discharge Temperature > 185 F
T4, T5 – Transition from any state to Closed state requires the following
• Compressor State not Run
EXV Control Range
The table below shows the EXV range for each size compressor at minimum and maximum
capacity. The minimum and maximum values vary linearly with slide position, defining a
new EXV control range for every change in slide position.
Compressor Size
EXV Slide %
205mm 220mm 235mm
Min EXV Pos Min EXV Pos Min EXV Pos
Min 0
Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint
Max 0 3000 3000 3000
Min 100 870 1080 1300
Max 100 3400 4200 5000
Based on the values in the above table, the EXV control range varies as shown in the table
below. The shaded area the control range.
Compressor Status Enable Output
Each circuit will have its own digital output enabled while that circuit is operating. Any
time the compressor starter output is on, the status enable output will be on for that
Economizer Control
The economizer is activated when the circuit state is Run and the slide position exceeds
95%. It turns back off when either the circuit goes a state other than Run or the slide
position drops below 60%.
Table 11, Economizer Piping
To Filter From
Evaporator Drier Condenser
SV Solinoid Electronic
To Valve Expansion
Compressor Valve
Ball TXV
Valve Thermal
Alarms and Events
Situations may arise that require some action from the chiller or that should be logged for
future reference. A condition that causes a shutdown and requires reset is known as an
alarm. Other conditions can trigger what is known as an event, which may or may not
require an action in response. Faults usually cause a shutdown but may not. All stop
alarms and events are logged.
Unit Stop Alarms
The alarm output and red button led are turned ON when any stop alarm occurs. They are
turned off when all alarms have been cleared.
Phase Volts Loss/GFP Fault
Alarm description (as shown on screen): Unit PVM/GFP Fault
Trigger: PVM 1 input is low and setpoint is Single-Point
Action Taken: Rapid stop all circuits
Reset: Auto reset when PVM 1 input is high
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor Fault
Alarm description (as shown on screen): OAT Sensor Fault
Trigger: Sensor shorted or open
Action Taken: Rapid stop all circuits
Reset: This alarm can be cleared manually via the keypad, but only if the sensor is back in
Unit Events
The following unit events are logged in the event log with a time stamp.
Low Evaporator Pressure
Alarm description (as shown on screen): Evap Press Low N
Trigger: [Freezestat trip AND Compressor State = Run AND Low OAT Start not active]
OR Evaporator Press < -10 psi
Freezestat logic allows the circuit to run for varying times at low pressures. The lower the
pressure, the shorter the time the compressor can run. This time is calculated as follows:
Freeze error = Low Evaporator Pressure Unload – Evaporator Pressure
Freeze time = 70 – 6.25 x freeze error, limited to a range of 20-70 seconds
When the evaporator pressure goes below the Low Evaporator Pressure Unload setpoint, a
timer starts. If this timer exceeds the freeze time, then a freezestat trip occurs. If the
evaporator pressure rises to the unload setpoint or higher, and the freeze time has not been
exceeded, the timer will reset.
Action Taken: Rapid stop circuit
Reset: This alarm can be cleared manually via the Unit Controller keypad if the evaporator
pressure is above –10 psi.
High Oil Pressure Difference
Alarm description (as shown on screen): Oil Pres Diff High N
Trigger: Oil Press Differential value exceeds the Oil Press Differential setpoint for a time
greater than Oil Press Delay.
Action Taken: Rapid stop circuit
Reset: This alarm can be cleared manually via the Unit Controller keypad.
No Pressure At Startup
Alarm description (as shown on screen): No Press At Start N
Trigger: [Evap Pressure < 5 psi OR Cond Pressure < 5 psi] AND Compressor start
Action Taken: Rapid stop circuit
Reset: This alarm can be cleared manually via the Unit Controller keypad.
Cir 3 EXB Failure
Alarm description (as shown on screen): no EXB comm Cir 3
Trigger: Either EXB5 or EXB8 controllers are not found on CP2 RS485 for 60 seconds
after power up. After communication is established, when communication is lost to either
EXB an immediate shutdown occurs.
Action Taken: Rapid stop circuit 3
Reset: Alarm can be cleared manually via the keypad, but only if EXB 5 and 8 are
communicating over RS485 to CP2.
pLAN Failure
Alarm description (as shown on screen): pLan Failure
Trigger: pLAN communication from one controller to the other is lost. Only applies to
three circuit chillers.
Action Taken: Rapid stop circuit #3
Reset: This alarm automatically resets when communication with the unit controller is
established. This alarm is not logged.
Circuit Events
The following events limit operation of the circuit in some way as described in the Action
Taken section. The occurrence of a circuit event only affects the circuit on which it
occurred. Circuit events are logged in the event log on the unit controller.
Low Evaporator Pressure - Hold
Event description (as shown on screen): EvapPress Low Hold N
Trigger: The low pressure events are not enabled until the compressor has started and the
evaporator pressure has risen above the Low Evaporator Pressure - Hold setpoint. The unit
mode must also be Cool. Then, while running, if evaporator pressure <= Low Evaporator
Pressure - Hold setpoint the event is triggered.
Action Taken: Inhibit loading by only allowing the slide target to be reduced.
Reset: While still running, the event will be reset if evaporator pressure > (Low Evaporator
Pressure - Hold SP + 2psi). The event is also reset if the unit mode is switched to Ice, or the
compressor state is no longer Run.
Low Evaporator Pressure - Unload
Event description (as shown on screen): EvapPressLowUnload N
Trigger: The low pressure events are not enabled until the compressor has started and the
evaporator pressure has risen above the Low Evaporator Pressure - Hold setpoint. The unit
mode must also be Cool. Then, while running, if evaporator pressure <= Low Evaporator
Pressure - Unload setpoint the event is triggered.
Action Taken: Unload the compressor by decreasing the slide target 5% every five seconds
until the evaporator pressure rises above the Low Evaporator Pressure – Unload setpoint.
Reset: While still running, the event will be reset if evaporator pressure > (Low Evaporator
Pressure - Hold SP + 2psi). The event is also reset if the unit mode is switched to Ice, or the
compressor state is no longer Run.
High Lift Pressure - Hold
Event description (as shown on screen): LiftPressHigh Hold N
Trigger: While the compressor is running and unit mode is Cool, if saturated condenser
temperature >= High Saturated Condenser - Hold Value, the event is triggered.
Action Taken: Inhibit loading by only allowing the slide target to be reduced.
Reset: While still running, the event will be reset if saturated condenser temperature <
(High Saturated Condenser - Hold Value – 10oF). The event is also reset if the unit mode is
switched to Ice, or the compressor state is no longer Run.
High Lift Pressure - Unload
Event description (as shown on screen): LiftPressHighUnloadN
Trigger: While the compressor is running and unit mode is Cool, if saturated condenser
temperature >= High Saturated Condenser - Unload Value, the event is triggered.
Action Taken: Unload the compressor by decreasing the slide target 5% every five seconds
until the condenser pressure drops below the High Saturated Condenser - Unload Value.
Reset: While still running, the event will be reset if saturated condenser temperature <
(High Saturated Condenser - Unload Value – 10oF). The event is also reset if the unit mode
is switched to Ice, or the compressor state is no longer Run.
Slide Position Error
Event description (as shown on screen): Slide Pos Error CirN
Trigger: When compressor is running and the compressor’s slide position indicator is not
within +/- 25% of the slide target value for a period of 5 minutes, the event is triggered.
Action Taken: None
Reset: N/A
Failed Pumpdown
Event description (as shown on screen): Pumpdown Fail Cir N
Trigger: Circuit state = pumpdown for time > Pumpdown Time setpoint
Action Taken: Shutdown circuit
Reset: N/A
Power Loss While Running
Event description (as shown on screen): Run Power Loss Cir N
Trigger: Circuit controller is powered up after losing power while compressor was running
Action Taken: Delay start of compressor by time equal to the Start-Start timer setpoint.
Reset: N/A
VFD Fault
Event description (as shown on screen): VFD Fault Cir N
Trigger: VFD enabled and VFD fault input goes low
Action Taken: None
Reset: N/A
Alarm Logging
When an alarm occurs, the alarm type, date, and time are stored in the active alarm buffer
corresponding to that alarm (viewed on the Alarm Active screens) also in the alarm history
buffer (viewed on the Alarm Log screens). The active alarm buffers hold a record of all
current alarms. The active alarms can be cleared by pressing the Enter key when the end of
the list has been reached by scrolling.
A separate alarm log stores the last 25 alarms to occur. When an alarm occurs, it is put into
the first slot in the alarm log and all others are moved down one, dropping the last alarm. In
the alarm log, the date and time the alarm occurred are stored, as well as a list of other
parameters. These parameters include unit state, OAT, LWT, and EWT for all alarms. If
the alarm is a circuit alarm, then the circuit state, refrigerant pressures and temperatures,
EXV control state, EXV position, slide position, and number of fans on are also stored.
The alarm log shows a compressor run timer that tracks how long a compressor runs.
The alarm log has the compressor slide target as a logged parameter.
Event Logging
An event log similar to the alarm log holds the last 25 events to occur. When an event
occurs, it is put into the first slot in the event log and all other entries are moved down one,
dropping the last event. Each entry in the event log includes an event description as well as
the time and date of the occurrence. No additional parameters are logged for events.
The event log is only accessible with the Manager password.
Using the Controller
4x20 Display & Keypad
The 4-line by 20-character/line, liquid crystal display and 6-key keypad for both of the
circuit controller and the unit controller is shown below.
Table 12, Display (in MENU mode) and Keypad Layout
Air Conditioning
Key-to-Screen Pathway
Arrow Keys (4) Enter Key and Green
Compressor Run Light
Note that each ARROW key has a pathway to a line in the display. Pressing an ARROW
key will activate the associated line when in the MENU mode. There is no display line
associated with the Down Arrow.
Arrow Keys
The four arrow keys (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) have three modes of use.
1. Scroll between data screens as indicated by the arrows (default mode).
2. Select a specific data screen in a hierarchical fashion using dynamic labels on the right
side of the display (this mode is entered by pressing the MENU key).
3. Change field values in edit mode according to the following table:
LEFT Default (D)
RIGHT Cancel (C)
UP Increment (+)
DOWN Decrement (-)
These four edit functions are indicated by one-character abbreviations on the right side of
the display (this mode is entered by pressing the ENTER key).
Getting Started, Navigating - Press the MENU key to get started. The navigating
procedures are the same for both the unit controller and the circuit controller.
The MENU key is used to switch between the MENU mode as shown in Table 12 and the
SCROLL mode as shown in Table 14. The MENU mode is basically a shortcut to specific
groups of menus used for checking ALARMS, for VIEWING information, or to SET
setpoint values. The SCROLL mode allows the user to move about the matrix (from one
menu to another, one at a time) by using the four ARROW keys.
When in the MENU mode (as shown in Table 12), pressing the LEFT ARROW key will
select the ALARM menus, the RIGHT ARROW key will select the VIEW menus and the
UP key the SET menus. The controller will go the next lower menu in the hierarchy, and
then other menus can be accessed by using the ARROW keys. Pressing the MENU key
from any menu screen will automatically return to the MENU mode as shown in Table 12.
Another way to navigate through the menus is to press the MENU key when in the MENU
mode (as above). This will switch the controller to the SCROLL mode. The controller will
automatically go to the first screen as shown below (the upper-left menu on the menu matrix
shown on page 62. From there, the four ARROW keys can be used to scroll up, down, or
across to any other menu.
Pressing the ENTER key changes the function of the ARROW keys to the editing function
as shown below:
LEFT key, Default, changes a value to the factory-set default value.
RIGHT key, Cancel, cancels any change made to a value and returns to the original
UP key, Increment, increases the value of the setting
DOWN key, Decrement decreases the value of a setting.
These four edit functions are indicated by one-character abbreviation on the right side of the
display (this mode is entered by pressing the ENTER key).
Most menus containing setpoint values have several different setpoints shown on one menu
screen. When in a setpoint menu, the ENTER key is used to proceed from the top line to the
second line and on downward. The cursor will blink at the entry point for making a change.
The ARROW keys (now in the edit mode) are used to change the setpoint as described
above. When the change has been made, press the ENTER key to enter it. Nothing is
changed until the ENTER key is pressed.
For example, to change the chilled water setpoint:
1. Press MENU key to go to the MENU mode (see Table 12, Display (in MENU mode) and
Keypad Layout
2. Press SET (the UP Key) to go to the setpoint menus.
3. Press UNIT SPs (the Right key) to go to setpoints associated with unit operation.
4. Press the DOWN key to scroll down through the setpoint menus to the third menu which
contains Evap LWT=XX.X°F.
5. Press the ENTER key to move the cursor down from the top line to the second line in
order to make the change.
6. Use the ARROW keys (now in the edit mode as shown above) to change the setting.
7. When the desired value is achieved, press ENTER to enter it and also move the cursor
At this point, the following actions can be taken:
1. Change another setpoint in this menu by scrolling to it with the ENTER key
2. Using the ENTER key, scroll to the first line in the menu. From there the ARROW keys
can be used to scroll to different menus.
All setpoints on the controller are protected using passwords. Two four-digit passwords
provide Operator and Manager levels of access to changeable parameters. Operator level is
the lowest level of access. Manager level is the next level, and can access Operator level
parameters in addition to Manager level parameters. The password can only be entered at
the unit controller (CP1).
Operator password: 0100
Manager password: 8745
Entering Passwords
Passwords can be entered using the ENTER PASSWORD screen on the unit controller
(CP1), which is the last screen in the Unit SPs column. The password is entered by pressing
the ENTER key, scrolling to the correct value with the UP and DOWN arrow keys, and
pressing ENTER again. The entered password is not shown after the enter key is pressed.
Once the correct password has been entered, the ENTER PASSWORD screen indicates
which password is active (None, Operator, or Manager). If the wrong password is entered, a
message will temporarily appear stating this. If no valid password is active the active
password level displays “None”.
Entering an incorrect password while a password is active will render the active password
inactive. Entering a valid password that is not the same as the active password will result in
the active password level being changed to reflect the new password level.
Editing Setpoints
Editing Setpoints
After a valid password has been entered at the unit controller (CP1), setpoints can be
changed on CP1 and CP2 if present. If the operator attempts to edit a setpoint for which the
necessary password level is not active, no action will be taken.
Once a password has been entered, it remains valid for 4 hours after the last key-press on
the unit controller.
Clearing Alarms
At Unit: Alarms may be cleared at the unit controller if any password level is active. If the
user attempts to clear an alarm while no password is active, then the controller will
automatically go to the ENTER PASSWORD screen. The user can then enter a password
normally, and scroll back to the active alarm column to clear the active alarm(s).
With BAS: A BAS can clear alarms through digital input index 24.
Unit Controller (CP1) Screens
Controller CP1 displays most data from each circuit in addition to unit data. Setpoints that
apply to the unit or to all circuits (including circuit #3) can be changed on this controller.
Various menus are shown in the controller display. Each menu screen shows specific
information. In some cases menus are used only to view the status of the unit, in some cases
they are used for checking and clearing alarms, and in some case they are used to set the
setpoint values that can be changed.
The menus are arranged in a matrix of screens across a top horizontal row. Some of these
top-level screens have sub-screens located under them. The content of each screen and its
location in the matrix are shown in Error! Reference source not found.. Each menu
screen’s detailed description begins on page 63.
Table 15, Unit Controller Shortcut Menus
The ARROW keys on the controller are used to navigate through the menus. The keys are
also used to change numerical setpoint values contained in certain menus.
As an alternate to selecting screens with the menu function, it is possible to scroll through
all of them with the 4 arrow keys. For this use, the screens are arranged logically in a
matrix as shown below.
Table Continued
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
VIEW FANS . . . . .
CIR 2 (2) VIEW FANS . . . . .
CIR 3 (2) . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
(25) (n) (15) (4) (6)
Screen Hierarchy
Top Level Menu:
VIEW menu:
SET menu:
Screen Definitions
This section contains a description of each menu’s content. The menus are arranged by
column per the matrix on page 62.
View Menus
View menus are used only for viewing the status or setting of some parameter, no setpoint
changes can be made here. Numbers in parenthesis, such as (1), (2), are used when more
than one menu is in a column. Changes to setpoints can only be made in the Set menus.
Unit Status will display one of the following:
Auto Off:Ice Mode Timer Off:All Cir Disabled
Off:Unit Alarm Off:Keypad Disable Off:Remote Switch
Off:BAS Disable Off:Unit Switch Off:Test Mode
Auto:Wait for load Auto:OAT Lockout Auto:Evap Recirc
Auto:Wait for flow Auto:Pumpdown
Unit mode can show ‘Cool Mode’, ‘Ice Mode’, or ‘Test Mode’.
EXB1 status shows whether the pCOe at pLAN address 1 is online or offline. The digital
input and digital output status is shown, with either a “0” or a “1” on the bottom line of the
screen designating off and on states.
EXB4 status shows whether the pCOe at pLAN address 4 is online or offline. The digital
input and digital output status is shown, with either a “0” or a “1” on the bottom line of the
screen designating off and on states.
View Refrigerant
In the following VIEW REFR screens, the N field indicates which circuit (#1, #2 and #3
when applicable) is being viewed.
Evap Press=XXX.X psi
Cond Press=XXX.X psi
Oil Press=XXX.X psi
EXV State will show one of the following: Closed, Pressure, Superheat.
In the following VIEW FANS screens, the N field indicates which circuit is being viewed.
Fans Running=X
Stage Up Err=XXX
Stage Dn Err=XXX
Target Sat T=XXX.X°°F
VFD Speed= XXX.X%
VFD Target= XXX.X°°F
This screen appears when the VFD is enabled.
Alarm Description will indicate which alarm occurred. If the alarm is a circuit alarm, then
the circuit for which the alarm occurred will also be indicated.
Parameters at the time of the alarm are shown on the bottom line of the screen one at a time.
They are listed below. They are scrolled through by pressing the edit key and using the up
and down arrows to scroll through the list. Parameters include:
Unit State Evap LWT Evap EWT
OAT Circuit State Evaporator Pressure
Condenser Pressure Oil Pressure Suction Temperature
Discharge Temperature Discharge Superheat EXV Position
EXV State Slide Position Fans On
{Event Description}
hh:mm mm/dd/yy
Cool LWT = XX.X°°F
Ice LWT = XX.X°°F
Sensor Offset
Evap LWT= X.X°°F
Evap EWT= X.X°°F
The maximum compressors running setpoint establishes the maximum number that can run
at any one time. All the compressors would be available and the number specified would
start based on the parameters that determine start sequence. If a unit was ordered with an
extra circuit for standby, this setting could limit the number of compressors that would run
during a warm startup.
Start-Start = XXmin
Stop-Start = XXmin
Temp Offset(oF)
Suction Discharge
Fan Setpoints
In the following SET CIRN FAN SPs screens, the N field indicates which circuit is being
Number of fans = X
Fan VFD = ON
Alarm Setpoints
Low Evap Pressure
LowOilDelay= XXX sec
HighOilDpDel=XXX sec
Editing Review
Editing is be accomplished by pressing the ENTER key until the desired field is selected.
This field is indicated by a blinking cursor under it. The arrow keys then operate as defined
CANCEL (Right).......... Reset the current field to the value it had when editing began.
DEFAULT (Left).......... Set value to original factory setting.
INCREMENT (Up) ...... Increase the value or select the next item in a list.
DECREMENT (Down) Decrease the value or select the previous item in a list.
During edit mode, the display shows a two-character wide menu pane on the right as shown
(data) <C
(data) <+
(data) <-
Additional fields can be edited by pressing the ENTER key until the desired field is
selected. When the last field is selected, pressing the ENTER key switches the display out
of “edit” mode and returns the arrow keys to “scroll” mode.
When an alarm occurs, the alarm type, limit value (if any), date, and time are stored in the
active alarm buffer corresponding to that alarm (viewed on the Alarm Active screens) and
also in the alarm history buffer (viewed on the Alarm Log screens). The active alarm
buffers hold a record of the last occurrence of each alarm and whether or not it has been
cleared. The alarm can be cleared by pressing the Edit key. A separate buffer is available
for each alarm (High Cond Pressure, Evaporator Freeze Protect, etc.). The alarm history
buffer holds a chronological account of the last 25 alarms of any type.
Start-up and Shutdown
McQuay Factory Service personnel or factory authorized service agency
must perform initial start-up in order to activate warranty.
Most relays and terminals in the unit control center are powered when S1 is closed and the
control circuit disconnect is on. Therefore, do not close S1 until ready for start-up or the unit
may start unintentionally.
Seasonal Start-up
1. Double check that the discharge shutoff valve and the optional compressor suction
butterfly valves are open.
2. Check that the manual liquid-line shutoff valves at the outlet of the subcooler coils and
the oil separator oil return line shutoff valves are open.
3. Check the leaving chilled water temperature setpoint on the MicroTech II controller to
be sure it is set at the desired chilled water temperature.
4. Start the auxiliary equipment for the installation by turning on the time clock, and/or
remote on/off switch, and chilled water pump.
5. Check to see that pumpdown switches Q1 and Q2 (and Q3) are in the "Pumpdown and
Stop" (open) position. Throw the S1 switch to the "auto" position.
6. Under the "Control Mode" menu of the keypad, place the unit into the automatic cool
7. Start the system by moving pumpdown switch Q1 to the "auto" position.
8. Repeat step 7 for Q2 (and Q3).
Temporary Shutdown
Move pumpdown switches Q1 and Q2 to the "Pumpdown and Stop" position. After the
compressors have pumped down, turn off the chilled water pump.
Do not turn the unit off using the "Override Stop" switch, without first moving Q1 and Q2
(and Q3) to the "Stop" position, unless it is an emergency, as this will prevent the unit from
going through a proper shutdown/pumpdown sequence.
The unit has a one-time pumpdown operation. When Q1 and Q2 are in the "Pumpdown and
Stop" position the unit will pump down once and not run again until the Q1 and Q2 switches
are moved to the auto position. If Q1 and Q2 are in the auto position and the load has been
satisfied, the unit will go into one-time pumpdown and will remain off until the MicroTech II
control senses a call for cooling and starts the unit.
Water flow to the unit must not be interrupted before the compressors pump down to avoid
freeze-up in the evaporator.
If all power to the unit is turned off, the compressor heaters will become inoperable. Once
power is resumed to the unit, the compressor and oil separator heaters must be energized a
minimum of 12 hours before attempting to start the unit.
Failure to do so can damage the compressors due to excessive accumulation of liquid in the
2. Check the voltage of the unit power supply and see that it is within the ±10% tolerance
that is allowed. Voltage unbalance between phases must be within ±3%.
3. See that all auxiliary control equipment is operative and that an adequate cooling load is
available for start-up.
4. Check all compressor flange connections for tightness to avoid refrigerant loss. Always
replace valve seal caps.
5. Make sure system switch Q0 is in the "Stop" position and pumpdown switches Q1 and
Q2 are set to "Pumpdown and Stop", throw the main power and control disconnect
switches to "on." This will energize the crankcase heaters. Wait a minimum of 12 hours
before starting up unit. Turn compressor circuit breakers to "off" position until ready to
start unit.
6. Open the optional compressor suction butterfly as well as the liquid line shutoff valves,
compressor discharge valves.
7. Vent the air from the evaporator water side as well as from the system piping. Open all
water flow valves and start the chilled water pump. Check all piping for leaks and
recheck for air in the system. Verify the correct flow rate by taking the pressure drop
across the evaporator and checking the pressure drop curves in the currewnt version of
the installation manual, IMM AGSC available on
8. The following table gives glycol concentrations required for freeze protection.
Table 17, Freeze Protection
Percent Volume Glycol Concentration Required
For Freeze Protection For Burst Protection
°F (°C)
Ethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol Ethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol
20 (6.7) 16 18 11 12
10 (-12.2) 25 29 17 20
0 (-17.8) 33 36 22 24
-10 (-23.3) 39 42 26 28
-20 (-28.9) 44 46 30 30
-30 (-34.4) 48 50 30 33
-40 (-40.0) 52 54 30 35
-50 (-45.6) 56 57 30 35
-60 (-51.1) 60 60 30 35
1. These figures are examples only and cannot be appropriate to every situation. Generally, for an extended
margin of protection, select a temperature at least 10°F lower than the expected lowest ambient temperature.
Inhibitor levels should be adjusted for solutions less than 25% glycol.
2. Glycol of less than 25% concentration is not recommended because of the potential for bacterial growth and
loss of heat transfer efficiency.
Operating Limits:
Maximum standby ambient temperature, 130°F (55°C)
Maximum operating ambient temperature is 115°F (46°C), or 125°F (52°C) with the addition of
the optional high ambient package
Minimum operating ambient temperature (standard), 35°F (2°C)
Minimum operating ambient temperature (with optional low-ambient control), 0°F (-18°C)
Leaving chilled water temperature, 40°F to 60°F (4.4°C to 15.6°C)
Leaving chilled fluid temperatures (with anti-freeze), 30°F to 60°F (-2°C to 16°C). Unloading is
not permitted with fluid leaving temperatures below 30°F (-1°C).
Operating Delta-T range, 6 degrees F to 16 degrees F (3.3 degrees C to 8.9 degrees C)
Maximum operating inlet fluid temperature, 76°F (24°C)
Maximum non-operating inlet fluid temperature, 100°F (38°C)
Field Wiring Diagram
All McQuay equipment is sold pursuant to McQuay’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale and
Limited Product Warranty.
This document contains the most current product information as of this printing. For the most up-to-
date product information, please go to