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SEL 2240 Axion

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SEL-2240 Axion

Rugged Digital I/O, Analog I/O, Current and

Voltage Measurements, and Control for
Your Toughest Applications

The SEL Axion® is a fully integrated modular digital I/O, analog I/O, current and voltage measurement, and control
solution suitable for many utility and industrial applications. It combines the communications, built-in security, and
IEC 61131 logic engine of the SEL Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC) family with a durable suite of I/O mod-
ules that provide high-speed, deterministic, control performance over an EtherCAT® backplane.

Major Features and Benefits

➤ High-Speed and High-Accuracy DC Analog Control. The Axion DC Analog Output module provides high-
accuracy current and voltage control signals for low-level self-wetted (sourcing) control applications.
➤ Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control. The PID function block provides advanced closed-loop control
for analog set points commonly used in generator and process control.
➤ Synchronized Current and Voltage Measurements. Retrieve high-accuracy current and voltage measurements
with the advantage of synchronized measurements. Multiple CT/PT modules in an Axion system sample all
measurements at the same time to ensure a common reference for all voltages and currents. This enables many
time-deterministic control applications without performing additional processing to align the measurements to a
reference. Use this capability to accomplish complex control schemes including load shedding, microgrid control,
and autosynchronization.
➤ Top of Second Synchronized Measurements. When connected to IRIG, synchronize the measurement of all
CT/PT modules to the top of the second. This enables Axions in geographically dispersed locations to run
algorithms on voltage and current measurements and provide time-aligned data from all the Axion modules. This
expands time-deterministic control capability to wide-area applications because the CT/PT measurements from
multiple Axion systems are all synchronized.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


➤ Protection Against Malware and Other Cybersecurity Threats. Protect your RTAC system with exe-
GUARD®, which uses advanced cryptographic algorithms to authorize the execution of any program or service on
the system. Any tasks not approved by the whitelist are blocked from operation.
➤ RTU and PLC in a Single System. Employ the Axion’s I/O, SCADA communications, and control logic support
in many industrial and utility applications.
➤ Simple Setup With ACSELERATOR RTAC® SEL-5033 Software. Use standard device templates to build a
system, including I/O modules, quickly.
➤ Flexible I/O Selections. Choose a custom mix of digital and analog I/O modules that suit the application. Include
hundreds of points in a single panel, all connected to a deterministic EtherCAT backplane.
➤ Advanced User Authentication and System Security. Enforce LDAP user accounts to maintain security
perimeter integrity. Apply corporate logging and port control policies to comply with NERC/CIP requirements.
➤ Integrated Web-Based Human-Machine Interface (HMI). Integrate the SEL-2241 RTAC module directly into
the Axion system. The RTAC, via the embedded web server, includes a flexible graphical HMI system.
➤ Deterministic I/O Performance. Update connected I/O at a deterministic frequency; all inputs provide 1 ms
Sequential Events Recorder (SER) time stamps.
➤ More than SCADA. Go beyond SCADA by using the Axion industry-standard communications protocols to
enable multiple SCADA connections, as well as distributed control networks, among many stations.
➤ Networking Options. Implement I/O networks that use optional fiber-optic cables to provide outstanding signal
isolation and flexibility in module placement.
➤ Standard IEC 61131-3 Logic Design. Create innovative logic solutions directly in ACSELERATOR RTAC by
using editor tools such as Ladder Diagram, Tag Processor, Structured Text, or Continuous Function Chart.
➤ Redundant Power Supplies. Install optional dual SEL-2243 power couplers for applications needing redundant
power sources.

Product Overview
Functional Diagram
Touchscreen Display
Bay Control
Front Ethernet Port
Pushbuttons and LEDs

Test Functions RTAC Module

Control Enable/Disable Including IEC 61131
Force Values logic engine and
system database

Activity Indicators
Port LEDs
Programmable LEDs EtherCAT


Communications Security Client/Server

Ports Firewall Protocols
Contact Outputs

Web Interface
Process Inputs

Optional HMI
User Administration
Logging / Alarms

Figure 1 Functional Diagram

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Flexible System Architecture Power Coupler module (model SEL-2243) is a highly

reliable device that uses the same power supply technol-
Today's monitoring and control applications need flexi- ogy presently in use in SEL protective relays. Configure
ble system architectures and integrated security. The the SEL Axion to include single or redundant power
Axion meets these needs by using SEL RTAC as the sys- couplers for critical applications. In redundant configura-
tem CPU. Two configurations are possible. There can be tions, the pair of SEL-2243 modules actively share loads
an SEL-2241 RTAC module installed directly in the to supply power for the entire node. If one module should
Axion node, or the node can be connected to a stand- become unavailable, the remaining power coupler can
alone RTAC. A standalone SEL RTAC (e.g., SEL-3350) accommodate the entire node with no loss of system
connects via Ethernet to an SEL-2240 node. capability. Employ dual power couplers for installations
where you have dual power sources, one that is ac and
NOTE: The SEL-2242 backplane with 7-inch touchscreen display is only one that is dc.
compatible with the SEL-2241 RTAC module in Slot A. See the SEL-2240
Axion Bay Controller data sheet for more details.

SEL designs all Axion hardware to published standards

(see Specifications) and performs tests to verify that each
component exceeds standards by adequate margins. The

Figure 2 Modules Installed in Chassis/Backplane

Each Axion node is mounted in a chassis/backplane The node does not need to be entirely full to function
(model SEL-2242) that provides a means for each node properly. Leave empty slots for future expansion as nec-
to include a custom arrangement of modules. A single essary. Many RTU and control systems need more I/O
node can contain as many as nine modules. Use any com- points than will fit in a single Axion node. In those cases,
bination, quantity, and sequence of modules that suits the use the EtherCAT protocol to connect multiple nodes
application. together via a real-time Ethernet network. Through use
of an Axion system EtherCAT network, you can use as
many as 60 modules in a single network with no loss of

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


speed or determinism. The Applications section explores

several possible network configurations. In each imple-
Secure Operation
mentation, a single RTAC module provides logic func- You can use the built-in web interface to manage user
tions and data concentration for the entire network. accounts and system alarms remotely. Each user account
has a unique username, password, and assigned role that
defines system permissions. You can also configure the
RTU and PLC Functionality system to use LDAP central authentication for user
account management. There are webpages for monitor-
The Axion is both a remote terminal unit (RTU) and ing user logs and maintaining network policies.
ultra-rugged programmable logic controller (PLC). All
the modules are rated from –40°C to +85°C and can By enabling Ethernet and serial ports independently, you
optionally include conformal coating. The system is can minimize any security threat from unused but
designed to be flexible; use the right combination of enabled ports. Employ SSH encryption for remote engi-
modules and nodes, in almost any arrangement, to suit neering access to further protect the system. Combine the
the job. The SEL-2244 Digital Output Module has trip- Axion with other SEL security solutions to simply
rated contacts (30 A make, 6 A carry) to limit the need deploy a solution that meets your needs for maintaining a
for interposing relays. secure electronic perimeter for the control system.
The SEL-2241, SEL-3530, and SEL-3530-4 RTACs all
interface seamlessly with the I/O modules and provide
easy integration with other serial and Ethernet devices
Seamless System Configuration
via preinstalled communications protocols. The RTACs ACSELERATOR RTAC is a Microsoft® Windows®-com-
also support multiple SCADA/HMI channels. For high- patible configuration software for offline and online use
speed communication, use EtherCAT fieldbus connec- with the SEL-2241, SEL-3530, and SEL-3530-4 RTACs.
tions to I/O modules or optional IEC 61850 GOOSE A project in ACSELERATOR RTAC contains the complete
messaging with station IEDs. Poll data sets and reports configuration, settings, and logic for an individual RTAC
from other IEDs with optional IEC 61850 MMS client. device. Preconfigured device and I/O module templates
are available for you to quickly create all device and
With the Axion, you need no optional hardware or soft-
ware to have the programmable logic engine required for master connections for the project.
many applications. Each RTAC includes an IEC 61131 Once you create the settings for a specific device connec-
logic engine that ships preconfigured to provide access tion, improve engineering efficiency by saving a custom
for all system tags, intelligent electronic device (IED) device template for later use with similar projects. Share
and I/O data, diagnostics, alarms, security events, and custom templates via email or network for even greater
communications statistics. The RTAC provides unified savings. The application also includes complete project
tag mapping between protocols and programmable logic templates for some common project types.
that simplifies developing applications. You simply use
any necessary IED and I/O data, calculated values, and Use the intuitive ribbon interface to configure all the I/O
system tags in deterministic logic for the control of criti- modules and device connections for the project. The
cal applications. Project View in the left pane lets you organize and
quickly see everything in the project. The Tag Processor
Management of the task processing sequence and solve view facilitates the mapping of operational data between
rate in the RTAC is similar to that for traditional PACs. IEDs and SCADA. ACSELERATOR RTAC is compatible
Optimize processor use by setting the processing rate no with Microsoft Excel and other programs, so you can
faster than necessary for your application. save time and increase accuracy by copying SCADA
Task processing in the logic engine includes protocols, maps from the source document.
I/O, system management, and any custom logic pro- There is no need to install or learn more than one soft-
grams you create using Structured Text (ST), Ladder ware interface. Use the included Structured Text, Ladder
Logic Diagrams (LD), or Continuous Function Charts Diagram, or Continuous Function Chart editors to
(CFC). CFC programs are type of IEC 61131-3 Function develop custom IEC 61131 logic.
Block Diagram (FBD) that provide more programming
flexibility than standard FBDs. The ACSELERATOR Enable remote monitoring and control functions by using
RTAC software, free of charge with purchase of an SEL the optional web-based HMI for any of the RTAC
RTAC, includes the IEC 61131-3 and Tag Processor edi- devices. Figure 3 shows an example of a screen display-
tors you will use to manage any protocol information and ing operational data and secure controls from connected
custom logic necessary for your system. I/O and other devices. Every tag in the database is avail-
able for use in HMI screens.

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


G1 Utility Tie


Figure 3 Powerful Monitoring Functions Using the Web-

Based HMI
Figure 4 Load-Shedding Topology

Deterministic System Microgrid Control Applications

Performance The SEL-2245-4 adds dozens of voltage and current
channels to the hundreds of input, output, and analog
If your application includes distributed control strategies, channels already available in a single Axion system.
sequential logic, or SER reports, the deterministic perfor- With the capability of linking Axion backplanes as far as
mance of EtherCAT will meet your needs. The software five kilometers away, the Axion is well suited to monitor
updates all I/O and time-stamps inputs with 1 ms accu- and control across distances consistent with many micro-
racy. Log any tag values and system events to provide a grid applications. In an Axion system, all CT/PT mod-
system-wide SOE report that you can view online. You ules sample at precisely the same time, ensuring a
can also use an ODBC connection to transfer the logs to common reference for all voltages and currents entering
a central database. the RTAC logic engine. This synchronized sampling
enables many unique microgrid applications, including
islanding detection, generation restoration, and dispatch
Applications algorithms.
Load Shedding for Industrial Applications
The Axion system eliminates the need for separate input,
output, and control devices for industrial and microgrid
load-shedding schemes. Combining system frequency
and power measurements with the ability to add hun-
dreds of binary inputs and outputs, the Axion combines
the measurement, logic engine, and mitigation equip-
ment into a single unit. Employing the CT/PT module’s
frequency and power elements, the powerful logic engine
in the Axion incorporates system variables into fast-act-
ing control logic for underfrequency or demand control
load shedding. Complete with the HMI, the Axion is a
standalone control system for many remedial action

Figure 5 Offshore Microgrid

Autosynchronization Systems
Use multiple CT/PT and I/O modules to create advanced
and highly scalable autosynchronization systems. Auto-
matically adjust the governor exciter controls as neces-

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


sary to provide safe, secure, and unattended The following diagram illustrates use of the Axion as a
synchronization of generation onto the power system. distributed RTU communicating over DNP3 to a
With synchronized sampling from multiple CT/PT mod- SCADA master.
ules, the control algorithm for multiple governor exciters
all have access to all necessary PT measurements in the
same Axion system. Additionally, the measurements are SCADA
already time-aligned, eliminating the need to adjust to a
common reference. An added bonus is that the CT/PT

modules can be located remotely across the system and
DNP Master
provide the synchronized measurements through the
Axion’s deterministic EtherCAT network. DN
DNP SEL-3355 P
G1 G2 G3


SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion

Substation I/O Substation I/O

C 4 3 D
SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion

Substation I/O Substation I/O

SEL Axion
Governor Figure 7 RTACs Distributed With RTUs

Figure 6 SEL Axion Autosynchronization System Systems that do not need autonomous operation at each
RTU can use a central SEL-2241 and communicate to the
remote nodes through the SEL-2243 Power Couplers.
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) This architecture offers an economical solution to dis-
Remote terminal units gather digital and analog signals tributed I/O over EtherCAT at an extremely fast acquisi-
at remote sites and supply these data over a variety of tion rate. The master SEL-2241 can host all data from
industry-standard protocols (DNP3, Modbus®, LG 8979, remote nodes over DNP3 and interface directly with the
or IEC 61850) to a central supervisory control and data SCADA system. The master Axion in Figure illustrates
acquisition (SCADA) center or HMI. A master controller this functionality.
in the SCADA center can perform all logic or distribute
logic to the RTU. The SEL-2244 I/O modules are avail- EtherCAT Network Topologies
able in a variety of types to gather many types of I/O at
RTU locations. The SEL-2241 RTAC module has a vari- The SEL-2243 Power Couplers provide not only hot-
ety of industry-standard protocols by which it can inte- pluggable power supplies, but also fast EtherCAT con-
grate seamlessly with any SCADA system. Additionally, nections to remote SEL-2240 nodes. The power couplers
the versatile IEC 61131 logic engine in the RTAC can create EtherCAT links in star network topology, sequen-
meet the majority of logic requirements for small to large tial network topology, or a combination of both. Star-
automation projects. The modular design of the Axion configured topologies still use the sequential message
provides it the ability to perform as an RTU in two ways: format inherent to EtherCAT design and offer greater
as a centralized master RTU or as distributed logic in flexibility than wired sequential network topologies in
each substation. creating a network to match your physical system. Refer
to Appendix C in the ACSELERATOR RTAC SEL-5033
Systems using distributed logic at the RTU use an Software Instruction Manual for detailed information on
SEL-2241 RTAC in each Axion node, thus providing all EtherCAT.
automation capabilities of the RTAC in each RTU. This
architecture allows each RTU to function autonomously Apply single or dual power couplers in each Axion node
even if the central SCADA system is offline. Each RTAC based on connection or redundancy requirements.
can communicate with the SCADA master over DNP3, Figure illustrates a star topology for four remote
Modbus, LG 8979, IEC 61850, or SEL Fast Message. SEL-2240 nodes with single power couplers in the
remote nodes and dual couplers in the RTAC master.

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


RTAC Master IEC 61850 GOOSE Concentrator

Gather a variety of substation I/O with the SEL-2244
SEL-2240 Axion modules and share the data with IEC 61850 Generic
Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages.
Use the protocol flexibility of the RTAC to concentrate
data from non-IEC 61850 relays and convert these data
SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion to GOOSE messages.

SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion

Figure 8 EtherCAT Star Network Topology

SEL-2240 Axion
Figure illustrates connections for an EtherCAT sequen-
Substation I/O
tial topology with six Axion nodes. Each node uses a sin-
gle SEL-2243 Power Coupler to provide connections to
the previous and next node in the EtherCAT network.
SEL-300G SEL-387

RTAC Master SEL-701

Figure 11 IEC 61850 GOOSE Concentrator

SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion
Synchrophasor Concentrator
Use standard protocols, such as DNP3, to move synchro-
phasor data to SCADA operation centers. Include time
stamps and time quality in the SCADA message to allow
SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion
for system-wide usage of synchrophasor data. Within the
RTAC logic engine, you can perform complex math and
Figure 9 EtherCAT Sequential Network Topology
logic calculations on synchrophasor data you collect
Figure illustrates a combination of star and sequential from SEL relays and other IEEE C37.118-compliant
connections with six Axion nodes. devices.


SEL-2240 Axion


SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion

SEL-351 SEL-451
SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion

Figure 10 EtherCAT Hybrid Network Topology

SEL-2414 SEL-751
Remote I/O
Figure 12 Synchrophasor Concentrator
When you use single or dual power couplers, the Axion
serves as a low-cost remote I/O module. As many as
60 modules or six nodes can connect to one resident
SCADA Data Concentrator
SEL-2241 RTAC or to a separate SEL-3530 RTAC. The Use the RTAC with your protective relays and other IEDs
Axion is an excellent teleprotection device that provides as the substation SCADA data concentrator. You can
through EtherCAT a simple means for expanding the configure the RTAC to collect and view station-wide
number of I/O points available in an automation system SER and event reports. Use MIRRORED BITS® protocol to
at rapid data acquisition rates. ensure compatibility with any SEL device. Retrieve asset
optimization data from SEL or other IEDs to maintain

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


the best possible system reliability. Take advantage of Remotely access the RTAC through the Ethernet connec-
multiprotocol support to collect SCADA information, tion, and use any web browser to manage users, view
process control commands, and obtain SNTP/NTP time diagnostics, and access logs. Establish a remote connec-
synchronization through a single communications link to tion with any IED connected to the RTAC through engi-
each Ethernet device. Scale values and calculate logic in neering access communications channels. Use the SEL
a familiar IEC 61131 configuration environment. Enjoy Fast Message protocol to maintain SCADA control and
secure, encrypted communications to any device on the metering updates throughout the engineering access con-
substation network or serial channel. nection. Use ACSELERATOR QuickSet® SEL-5030 Soft-
ware to remotely manage protection and control settings
in attached relays.


SEL-2240 Axion

Substation I/O

SEL-2488 SEL-2488

SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion

Substation I/O Substation I/O

SEL-2488 SEL-2488

SEL-2411 SEL-710
SEL-2240 Axion SEL-2240 Axion
Substation I/O Substation I/O

SEL-2440 DPAC SEL-2730M

SEL-2414 SEL-710

Figure 13 SCADA Data Concentrator and HMI

Human-Machine Interface annunciators, and graphical representations that contain

control buttons, and you can then display any data in the
Use the built-in web human-machine interface (HMI) in RTAC. Once you have loaded the screens into the RTAC,
the RTAC for viewing and controlling any tags you con- you can view the screens in the RTAC web interface.
figured in the RTAC. Use ACSELERATOR Diagram Because the HMI application is web-based, multiple
Builder to develop custom HMI screens and load them users can view the HMI screens simultaneously.
into the RTAC. You can include one-line diagrams,

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Figure 14 HMI One-line Diagram

The logging system in the RTAC provides comprehen- Programmable Logic/Automation

sive logging for all variables in the RTAC, including
those that connected IEDs provide. The logging system Controller
compensates for time-stamp differential among data Use the Axion as a programmable logic/automation con-
from different IEDS, so all data are in sequence and on troller (PLC/PAC) to automate your real-time tasks
the same time-stamp reference. The RTAC can log data based on a variety of input conditions and diagnostic
for changes in the state of Boolean values, changes in information. Use the powerful IEC 61131 logic engine to
string values, and changes in Boolean, analog, or string write programs in Structured Text, Function Block, or
time stamps. The RTAC can also alarm for analog values Ladder Logic. Schedule periodic tasks, or drive event-
that cross defined thresholds. Assign variables for log- driven tasks with multiple preconditions. Create function
ging in the Tag Processor, or use one of the logger func- blocks of complex tasks for simple configuration. Easily
tion blocks in IEC 61131 custom programs. replace aging PLCs implemented in Ladder Logic by
There are two user interfaces for viewing logged data. replicating the same logic or by using a conversion tool
These include a secure HTML interface and an open to translate logic to Structured Text.
database connectivity (ODBC) connection. Access the
HTML interface through a web browser connection. Use
the ODBC connection for standard data transfer between
the logged data and database or spreadsheet software.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Drag elements from ToolBox to programming area.

Right-click on the element and

use the “Input Assistant” to
help populate boxes.
Begin typing tag name
over ??? and note auto
complete feature.

Figure 15 IEC 61131 Logic Example

Intelligent Port Switch Network Gateway

Flexible communications parameters make the RTAC a The SEL-2241 RTAC has two Ethernet ports through
great choice for almost any port-switching application. which it can make serially connected devices available to
Although RTAC multitasking/multiuser and data han- high-speed networks. The RTAC supports virtual termi-
dling capabilities make it a very powerful remote auto- nal connections through the Ethernet ports. For example,
mation platform, it is still an economical choice for port- Ethernet users can establish secure Telnet sessions and
switching applications. The time-synchronization capa- communicate with an IED connected to the RTAC.
bilities of the RTAC add to its value in this application.
Engineering SSH, TLS Encryption and
User Account Management

SEL-2240 Axion
SEL-2240 Axion

SEL-351 SEL-451
SEL-351 SEL-451

SEL-2414 SEL-751 SEL-2414 SEL-751

Figure 16 Intelligent Port Switch Figure 17 Network Gateway

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Protocol Gateway signal from an external modulated or demodulated

source, such as a GPS satellite clock receiver,
Collect downstream data with client protocols. Then SNTP/NTP source, or serial or Ethernet protocol such as
send these data to your upstream HMI, RTU, or SCADA DNP3. If an external clock source is unavailable, the
master with server protocols, converting the data from RTAC generates an IRIG-B signal from its internal clock,
one protocol to another in the process. RTAC multitask- providing device synchronization to a common clock for
ing/multiuser and data handling capabilities make it a improved SER data analysis.
great choice for data concentration.

SEL-2240 Axion
SEL-2411 Substation I/O
SEL-2488 SEL-2440 DPAC

SEL-2240 Axion SEL-751

Substation I/O SEL-2414
Modbus DNP3 Figure 19 Time Synchronization
IEC 61850

SEL-2440 DPAC Security Gateway

Secure the automation network with the Axion. Enable
encryption for any engineering access channel or
SEL-451 SEL-2414 SCADA link. Implement system security auditing, log-
ging, and password restrictions to enforce NERC stan-
Figure 18 Protocol Converter dards. Comply with role-based requirements by
implementing per-user security profiles. Optionally,
Time-Synchronization Source incorporate serial and wireless encrypting devices to fur-
ther secure communications to any device.
Synchronize the time clocks in attached devices that
accept a demodulated IRIG-B time signal. The
SEL-2241 RTAC regenerates the demodulated IRIG-B

Alarm Engineering
Notification SSH, TLS Encryption and
SEL-2488 User Account Management

SEL-2240 Axion
Substation I/O Switch

Sensors SEL-2440 DPAC

SEL-3025 -Door
Serial -Fence
Encryption ...
SEL-751 SEL-751
SEL-3025 -Visible


Figure 20 Security Gateway

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Ordering Options Table 6

SEL-2244-5 Fast High-Current Digital Output

Table 1 SEL-2241 RTAC Module

Output Types 10 Form A Control Outputs
Ethernet Communi- Two Ethernet ports: 5 Form A, 5 Form B Control Outputs
cation 10/100BASE-T copper (standard) 10 Form B Control Outputs
100BASE-FX fiber-optic (optional)
100BASE-LX single-mode fiber-optic Environment Conformal coating for chemically
(optional) harsh and high-moisture environments

Web-Based HMI Basic runtime license and Diagram Table 7 SEL-2245-2 DC Analog Input Module
Builder software
Input Types ±20 mA, ±2 mA, ±10 V
Peer-to-Peer Protocols IEC 61850 GOOSE
Environment Conformal coating for chemically
Client Protocols IEC 61850 MMS harsh and high-moisture environments
Server Protocols IEC 61850 MMS
Table 8 SEL-2245-22 DC Analog Input Extended
Environment Conformal coating for chemically harsh Range Module
and high-moisture environments
Input Types 0–300 V
Table 2 SEL-2242 Chassis/Backplane Environment Conformal coating for chemically
harsh and high-moisture environments
Slot Configuration 10-Slot, 4-Slot, or Dual 4-Slot

Mounting Horizontal Surface Mount, 5Ua Table 9 SEL-2245-221 Low-Voltage (LEA) Monitoring
Horizontal Rack Mount, 5U Module
Horizontal Panel Mount, 5U (10-Slot or
Dual 4-Slot) Input Types 0–30 V peak

Environment Conformal coating for chemically harsh Environment Conformal coating for chemically
and high-moisture environments harsh and high-moisture environments
a For applications compliant with IEC 60255-27, surface-mount units
must be installed in IP4X enclosures. Table 10 SEL-2245-3 DC Analog Output Module

Output Types ±20 mA, ±10 V

Table 3 SEL-2243 Power Coupler
Environment Conformal coating for chemically
Voltage Range 24/48 Vdc or 120/250 Vac/Vdc
harsh and high-moisture environments
EtherCAT Two ports:
Communication RJ45 Ethernet (standard) Table 11 SEL-2245-4 AC Metering Module
LC fiber-optic multimode or single-mode
Input Types 0–22 A, 5–400 V
Environment Conformal coating for chemically
Environment Conformal coating for chemically harsh and harsh and high-moisture environments
high-moisture environments

Table 12 SEL-2245-42 AC Protection Module

Table 4 SEL-2244-2 Digital Input Module

24 Vac/Vdc 125 Vac/Vdc Input Types 0–20 A, 6–300 V

Input Ratings
48 Vac/Vdc 220 Vac/Vdc
Environment Conformal coating for chemically
110 Vac/Vdc 250 Vac/Vdc
harsh and high-moisture environments
Environment Conformal coating for chemically harsh and
high-moisture environments Table 13 SEL-2245-411 Standard Current and
Low-Voltage (LEA) Monitoring Module
Table 5 SEL-2244-3 Standard Current Digital Output
Module Input Types 0–22 A, 0–30 V peak

Environment Conformal coating for chemically

Output Types 16 Form A Control Outputs
harsh and high-moisture environments
8 Form A, 8 Form B Control Outputs
16 Form B Control Outputs

Environment Conformal coating for chemically

harsh and high-moisture environments

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Module Features
Front-Panel View

Lamp test
pushbutton Rack-mounted

LEDs simplify diagnostics

by indicating module status Slot identification is
visible even when in use
Rear-Panel View


Module alignment
guides make
installation a breeze

Figure 21 SEL-2242 10-Slot Chassis/Backplane

LEDs simplify diagnostics Rack-mounted Slot identification is Surface-mounted

by indicating module status chassis visible even when in use chassis

Lamp test
Module alignment
guides make
installation a breeze

Front-Panel View Rear-Panel View

Figure 22 SEL-2242 4-Slot Chassis/Backplane

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Front-Panel View

Lamp test

LEDs simplify diagnostics Slot identification is

by indicating module status visible even when in use
Rear-Panel View


Module alignment
guides make
installation a breeze

Figure 23 SEL-2242 Dual 4-Slot Chassis/Backplane

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


LEDs simplify diagnostics Diagnostic LEDs

by indicating activity
on each serial port

Three programmable
bi-color LEDs provide
custom annunciation
All terminals are clearly
numbered for wiring
USB port for quick, and testing
convenient, system
setup and checkout

Independent Ethernet
ports may be RJ45 or LC fiber

Serial ports are

software selectable
Six independent and
Demodulated IRIG-B eighteen common-
input and output return inputs
for high-accuracy time

alarm contact

Figure 24 SEL-2241 RTAC Terminal-Side View Figure 26 SEL-2244-2 Digital Input Module Terminal-
Side View

Lamp test pushbutton

and diagnostic LEDs
Diagnostic LEDs

Ethernet ports
may be RJ45 or LC fiber
All terminals are clearly
numbered for wiring
and testing

Sixteen outputs
Two Power Couplers may be all
in a node operate Form A, all Form B,
as a load-sharing or eight of each
redundant pair

Figure 27 SEL-2244-3 Standard Current Digital

Figure 25 SEL-2243 Power Coupler Terminal-Side View
Output Module Terminal-Side View

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Diagnostic LEDs Diagnostic LEDs

All terminals are clearly

numbered for wiring
and testing

Ten outputs may be all

Form A, all Form B, All terminals are clearly
or five of each numbered for wiring
and testing

Four inputs for

0–300 Vdc

Figure 28 SEL-2244-5 Fast High-Current Digital Figure 30 SEL-2245-22 Analog Input Extended Range
Output Module Terminal-Side View Module Terminal-Side View

Diagnostic LEDs Diagnostic LEDs

All terminals are clearly

numbered for wiring
and testing

Sixteen inputs may All terminals are clearly

configure ±20 mA, numbered for wiring
±2 mA, or ±10 V input and testing
ranges in pairs
Four inputs for
0–30 V peak

Figure 29 SEL-2245-2 DC Analog Input Module Figure 31 SEL-2245-221 Low-Voltage (LEA) Monitoring
Terminal-Side View Module

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Diagnostic LEDs
Diagnostic LEDs

All terminals are clearly

numbered for wiring
All terminals are clearly and testing
numbered for wiring
and testing

Eight outputs may

configure ±20 mA
or ±10 V output
Four CT and four PT inputs
with two-wire connections

Figure 32 SEL-2245-3 DC Analog Output Module Figure 33 SEL-2245-4 AC Metering Module Terminal-
Terminal-Side View Side View

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Diagnostic LEDs Diagnostic LEDs

All terminals are clearly

numbered for wiring
and testing

All terminals are clearly

numbered for wiring
and testing

Three CT and three PT inputs Four CT and four low-voltage

with two-wire connections (LEA) inputs with two-wire

Figure 35 SEL-2245-411 Standard Current and

Figure 34 SEL-2245-42 AC Protection Module
Low-Voltage (LEA) Monitoring Module
Terminal-Side View

Diagrams and Dimensions

Figure 36 SEL-2240 10-Slot Front Panel (Rack Mount)

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.





Figure 37 SEL-2240 10-Slot Front Panel (Panel Mount)

Figure 38 SEL-2240 4-Slot Front Panel

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Figure 39 SEL-2240 Dual 4-Slot Front Panel (Rack Mount)




Figure 40 SEL-2240 Dual 4-Slot Front Panel (Panel Mount)

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


1 3
2 4




1 3

2 4



2 OUT 101



Figure 41 SEL-2241 Connections Diagram

Figure 43 SEL-2244-2 Connections Diagram

i5398d i5695b

Figure 42 SEL-2243 Connections Diagrams

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Figure 44 SEL-2244-3 Connections Diagrams Figure 45 SEL-2244-5 Connections Diagrams

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Figure 47 SEL-2245-22 and SEL-2245-221

Connections Diagrams
Figure 46 SEL-2245-2 Connections Diagram

Figure 48 SEL-2245-3 Connections Diagram

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Figure 49 SEL-2245-42 Connections Diagram
Figure 50 SEL-2245-4 and SEL-2245-411 Connections

Figure 51 SEL-2240 Dimensions for 10-Slot Rack- and Surface-Mount Chassis

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.






17.75 4X Ø.25 19.76
[450.9] [Ø6.4] [501.9]

[223.5] PANEL CUTOUT 5.75
[244.1] [146.1]

18.31 18.31
[465.1] [465.1] .61

[mm] i9407a

Figure 52 SEL-2240 Dimensions for 10-Slot Panel-Mount Chassis

Figure 53 SEL-2240 Dimensions for Dual 4-Slot Rack- and Surface-Mount Chassis

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet






17.75 4X Ø.25 19.76
[450.9] [Ø6.4] [501.9]

[223.5] PANEL CUTOUT 5.75
[244.1] [146.1]

18.31 18.31
[465.1] [465.1] .61

[mm] i9408a

Figure 54 SEL-2240 Dimensions for Dual 4-Slot Panel-Mount Chassis

Figure 55 SEL-2240 Dimensions for 4-Slot Rack- and Surface-Mount Chassis

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


SEL-2245-3 8 AO: 0.46 kg (1.01 lb)
SEL-2245-4 4 CT/4 PT: 0.54 kg (1.18 lb)
Designed and manufactured under an ISO 9001 certified quality
management system SEL-2245-411 4 CT/4 LEA: 0.54 kg (1.18 lb)

SEL Axion operates at the specified limits on power up as soon as the SEL-2245-42 3 CT/3 PT: 0.73 kg (1.60 lb)
device enables. Refer to the individual SEL Axion module datasheets
for compliance and type test specifications.
Module Burden
UKCA Mark Table 14 Maximum Burden Per Module for Each Node
Enclosure Protection
IP4X Front Module Added Burden
IP2X Product Without SEL-2245-4, SEL-2245-411, and SEL-2245-42 (W) a
IP1X Product With SEL-2245-4, SEL-2245-411, or SEL-2245-42
Note: If rear terminals are accessible during normal use, the product must be SEL-2241 RTAC (Copper Ethernet) 12.5
mounted in a locked enclosure or restricted area accessible by trained
maintenance or operation personnel only. SEL-2241 RTAC (Fiber Ethernet) 15

Product Standards SEL-2242R Standard Rack-Mount Backplanes 1

IEC 60255-26:2013 - Relays and Protection Equipment: EMC SEL-2242 With Touchscreen Display 4
IEC 60255-27:2014 - Relays and Protection Equipment: Safety SEL-2243 Power Coupler (Fiber Ethernet) 5b
IEC 60825-2:2004 +A1:2007 +A2:2010 for fiber-optic communications
IEC 61850-3:2013 - Comm Systems for Power Utility Automation SEL-2243 Power Coupler (Copper Ethernet) 2.5 b

General SEL-2244-2 24 DI 2

Operating System SEL-2244-3 16 DO 8c

SEL Linux® Yellowstone running Linux kernel 3.x with real-time SEL-2244-5 10 FHCDO 6c
preemption patches SEL-2245-2 16 AI 3
Operating and Storage Temperature Range SEL-2245-22 4 AI-ER 2
–40° to +85°C (–40° to +185°F)
SEL-2245-221 4 LEA 2
Units should be stored and transported in their original packaging.
Note: Operating temperature evaluated for UL ambient 0° to 40°C. SEL-2245-3 8 AO 13
Note: The optional front-panel LCD is impaired for temperatures below SEL-2245-4 4 CT/4 PT 3
–20°C and above +70°C.
SEL-2245-411 4 CT/4 LEA 3
Operating Environment
SEL-2245-42 3 CT/3 PT 6
Pollution Degree: 2
Overvoltage Category: II Typical Burden
Feature Selections
Insulation Class: 1
Relative Humidity: 5%–95%, noncondensing No use of SEL-2241 Serial Port +5 Vdc –3

Maximum Altitude: 2000 m Each DO port not energized (SEL-2241, –0.3

SEL-2244-3, or SEL-2244-5 relay coil)
Vibration, Earth Tremors: Class 1
Each AO port not energized (SEL-2245-2) –0.7
Dimensions a
Values include worst-case real power consumption and do not
Refer to for dimensions. include worst-case ac power factor correction (0.4).
If the unit will not be used in wide temperature extremes,
Weight reduce power by up to 6%.
b Each SEL-2243 will draw a minimum of 11 W (quiescent) when
SEL-2241 RTAC: 0.670 kg (1.47 lb)
the total burden of all other modules in the node is less than
SEL-2242 19 in Backplane: 3.24 kg (7.13 lb) 11 W.
c All DO relay coils may be energized simultaneously and still
Panel Mount Bezel: 0.283 kg (0.625 lb)
meet specifications.
SEL-2242 10-Slot (19 in
Rack Width) With 7 in
Touchscreen Display: 3.999 kg (8.80 lb)
CPU Processing and Memory
SEL-2243-1 HV Coupler: 0.85 kg (1.87 lb) Processor Speed: 533 MHz

SEL-2243-2 LV Coupler: 0.89 kg (1.97 lb) Memory: 1024 MB DDR2 ECC RAM

SEL-2244-2 24 DI: 0.45 kg (1.00 lb) Storage: 4 GB (2 GB reserved)

SEL-2244-3 16 DO: 0.59 kg (1.30 lb)

SEL-2244-5 10 FHCDO: 0.57 kg (1.26 lb)
SEL-2245-2 16 AI: 0.51 kg (1.12 lb)
SEL-2245-22 4 AI-ER: 0.42 kg (0.92 lb)
SEL-2245-221 4 LEA: 0.42 kg (0.92 lb)

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Security Features Communications Ports (SEL-2241 RTAC)

Account Management: User Accounts Ethernet Ports (To Backplane)
User Roles
LDAP Central Authentication Ports: 1
RADIUS Central Authentication Data Rate: Automatic
Strong Passwords
Inactive Account Logouts Protocols: Dedicated EtherCAT port
Intrusion Detection: Access/Audit Logs Ethernet Ports (Terminal Side)
Alarm LED
Alarm Contact Ports: 2

Encrypted Communication: SSL/TLS, SSH, HTTPS Data Rate: 10 or 100 Mbps

Connector: RJ45 Female or LC Fiber (Multimode or
Automation Features (Protocols) Single-Mode 100 Mbps only)
Client: DNP3 Serial, DNP3 LAN/WAN, Modbus Fiber-Optic Ports (Class 1 LASER/LED)
Fast Messaging, LG 8979, IEEE C37.118, Wavelength
IEC 61850 MMS, CP2179, IEC 60870-5-
1300 nm
101/104, SNMP, SES-92, CDC Type II,
Courier, IEC 60870-5-103, Ethernet/IP Optical Connector Type
Explicit Message Client
Server: DNP3 Serial, DNP3 LAN/WAN, Modbus
RTU, Modbus TCP, SEL Fast Messaging, Multimode Option
LG 8979, SES-92, IEEE C37.118, Link Budget: 11 dB
IEC 61850 MMS, IEC 60870-5-101/104,
FTP, SFTP, CDC Type II, Ethernet/IP Min. TX Power: –20 dBm
Implicit Message Adapter
Min. RX Sensitivity: –31 dBm
Peer-to-Peer: SEL MIRRORED BITS Communications,
Fiber Size: 50–200 µm
IEC 61850 GOOSE, Network Global
Variables (NGVL), Parallel Redundancy Approximate Range: 2 km
Data Rate: 100 Mbps
Fieldbus: EtherCAT Client (in RTAC), EtherCAT
Server (I/O modules) Typical Fiber Attenuation: –2 dB/km

Engineering Access Single-Mode Option

Modes: SEL Interleaved, Direct Link Budget: 10 dB

Port Server: Map Serial Ports to IP Ports Min. TX Power: –15 dBm

Secure Web Server: Diagnostic and Communications Data Min. RX Sensitivity: –25 dBm
Fiber Size: 9 µm
Time-Code Input (Modulated IRIG-B)
Approximate Range: 15 km
Input Impedance: 2 kΩ
Data Rate: 100 Mbps
Accuracy: 500 µs
Typical Fiber Attenuation: –0.4 dB/km
Time-Code Input (Demodulated IRIG-B) Serial Ports
On (1) State: Vih > 2.2 V Ports: 4
Off (0) State: Vil < 0.8 V Types: EIA-232/EIA-485 (software selectable)
Input Impedance: 2 kΩ Data Rate: 300 to 115,200 bps
Accuracy: 500 ns Connector: DB-9 Female
Time-Code Output (IRIG-B) Time Synchronization: IRIG-B

On (1) State: Voh > 2.4 V Power: +5 Vdc power on Pin 1 (500 mA maximum
per SEL-2241)
Off (0) State: Vol < 0.8 V
USB Device Ports
Load: 50 Ω
1 Type B
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Modes
Output (SEL-2241 RTAC)
NTP Client: As many as three configurable servers
NTP Server
Mechanical Durability
10 M no-load operations
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Accuracy
DC Output Ratings
±1 ms: This does not take into account external
factors such as network switches and Rated Operational Voltage: 250 Vdc
topologies Rated Voltage Range: 19.2–275 Vdc
Precise Time Protocol (PTP) Rated Insulation Voltage: 300 Vdc
PTP Client: Peer delay request and end-to-end path Make: 30 A @ 250 Vdc per IEEE C37.90
delay supported

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Continuous Carry: 6 A @ 70°C; 4 A @ 85°C Optical Connector Type

Thermal: 50 A for 1 s LC
Contact Protection: 360 Vdc, 40 J MOV Multimode Option
Operating Time (Coil Link Budget: 11 dB
Energization to Contact
Closure, Resistive Load): Pickup/Dropout time ≤8 ms typical Min. TX Power: –20 dBm

Breaking Capacity (10,000 24 Vdc 0.75 A L/R = 40 ms Min. RX Sensitivity: –31 dBm
Operations) Per 48 Vdc 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms Fiber Size: 50–200 µm
IEC 60255-0-20:1974: 125 Vdc 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms Approximate Range: 2 km

Cyclic Capacity 24 Vdc 0.75 A L/R = 40 ms Data Rate: 100 Mbps

(2.5 Cycles/Second) Per 48 Vdc 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms Typical Fiber Attenuation: –2 dB/km
IEC 60255-0-20:1974: 125 Vdc 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms Single-Mode Option

AC Output Ratings Link Budget: 10 dB

Rated Operational Voltage: 240 Vac Min. TX Power: –15 dBm

Rated Insulation Voltage: 300 Vac Min. RX Sensitivity: –25 dBm

Utilization Category: AC-15 (control of electromagnetic loads Fiber Size: 9 µm

> 72 VA) Approximate Range: 15 km
Contact Rating B300 (B = 5 A, 300 = rated insulation Data Rate: 100 Mbps
Designation: voltage)
Typical Fiber Attenuation: –0.4 dB/km
Contact Protection: 270 Vac, 40 J
Power Supply
Continuous Carry: 3 A @ 120 Vac
1.5 A @ 240 Vac AC Input Voltage (High-Voltage Model)
Conventional Enclosed Note: Single phase.
Thermal Current (Ithe)
Rating: 5A Nominal Supply Voltage: 120–240 Vac, 50–60 Hz

Rated Frequency: 50/60 ± 5 Hz Operational Voltage

Range: 85–264 Vac, 40–70 Hz
Operating Time (Coil
Energization to Contact DC Input Voltage (High-Voltage Model)
Closure, Resistive Load): Pickup/Dropout time < 8 ms typical Nominal Supply Voltage: 125–250 Vdc
Electrical Durability Make Operational Voltage
VA Rating: 3600 VA, cosø = 0.3 Range: 85–300 Vdc
Electrical Durability Break DC Input Voltage (Low-Voltage Model)
VA Rating: 360 VA, cosø = 0.3
Nominal Supply Voltage: 24–48 Vdc
Backplane (SEL-2242) Operational Voltage
Ethernet Port Range: 19.1–57.6 Vdc polarity-dependent
Note: UL operational voltage range is equal to the nominal voltage range ±10
Port: 1
Data Rate: 10/100 Mbps
Fuse Rating
Connector: RJ45 Female
High-Voltage Model, F1: 3.15 A, high breaking capacity, time lag T,
Protocol: Engineering Access 250 V (5x20 mm, T3.15AH 250 V)
Note: SEL-2242 Ethernet port is included with the optional touchscreen, High-Voltage Model, F2 8 A, high breaking capacity, time lag T,
10-slot model only. (Non-Serviceable): 60 Vdc (2.7x6.1 mm, T8A 60 Vdc)
Fuse Rating Low-Voltage Model: 6.30 A, high breaking capacity, time lag T,
250 V (5x20 mm, T6.3AH 250 V)
Non-Serviceable: 2.5 A, 125 V, time lag T
Power Consumption: See Table 14 for power per module.
Power Coupler (SEL-2243) Maximum AC Burden: 160 VA
EtherCAT Ports Maximum DC Burden: 75 W
Ports: 2 Interruptions: 30 ms @ 24 Vdc
Data Rate: Automatic 130 ms @ 48 Vdc
50 ms @ 125 Vac/Vdc
Connector: RJ45 Female or LC Fiber 100 ms @ 250 Vac/Vdc
Protocols: Dedicated EtherCAT
RJ45 Ports
Cable Length: <3 m
Fiber-Optic Ports (Class 1 LASER/LED)
1300 nm

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


The following exceptions for the IEC 61850-3 acceptance criteria for Input Thermal Derating
normal equipment functioning regarding ac power dips and
interruptions and dc voltage dips are applicable (refer to IEC 61850- SEL-2244-2 Digital Input Derating Curve
3 subclause 7.5.5, Equipment functioning, and 7.5.6, Exceptions).

Power Supply Requirement Exceptiona

125 Vac 5 cycles 50 ms

(83,33 ms @ 60 Hz,
100 ms @ 50 Hz)
50 cycles Not applicableb
Voltage interruptions that are longer than the specified
interruption duration result in a device restart.
Equipment is not intended to be connected to power supply
ports that are directly connected to a public low-voltage
Control Outputs (SEL-2244-3 Standard Contacts)
power supply network. Mechanical Durability
Max Inrush: 17 A 10 M no-load operations
Isolation: 3100 Vdc DC Output Ratings
Redundant Installation: Each node may have one or two SEL-2243 Rated Operational Voltage: 250 Vdc
modules installed. When two are used,
they operate in load-sharing mode. Rated Voltage Range: 19.2–275 Vdc

Recommended External Overcurrent Protection Rated Insulation Voltage: 300 Vdc

Breaker Type: Standard Make: 30 A @ 250 Vdc per IEEE C37.90

Breaker Rating: 15 A or 20 A at 250 Vdc Continuous Carry: 6 A @ 70°C; 4 A @ 85°C

Current Breaking Capacity: 10 kA Continuous Carry

(UL/CSA Derating With
Grounded Neutral System: Device in series with the HOT or energized All Outputs Asserted): 5 A @ < 60°C; 2.5 A 60 to 70°C
Thermal: 50 A for 1 s
DC and Isolated Systems: Device in series with both conductors
Contact Protection: 350 Vdc, 145 J MOV protection across
Optoisolated Control Inputs (SEL-2244-2) open contacts
Operating Time (Coil
When Used With DC Control Signals:
Energization to Contact
250 Vdc ON for 200–275 Vdc OFF below 150 Vdc Closure, Resistive Load): Pickup/Dropout time ≤ 8 ms typical
220 Vdc ON for 176–242 Vdc OFF below 132 Vdc Breaking Capacity (10,000 24 Vdc 0.75 A L/R = 40 ms
125 Vdc ON for 100–135.5 Vdc OFF below 75 Vdc Operations) Per 48 Vdc 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms
110 Vdc ON for 88–121 Vdc OFF below 66 Vdc IEC 60255-0-20:1974: 125 Vdc 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms
48 Vdc ON for 38.4–52.8 Vdc OFF below 28.8 Vdc 250 Vdc 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms
24 Vdc ON for 15–30 Vdc OFF for < 10 Vdc Cyclic Capacity 24 Vdc 0.75 A L/R = 40 ms
(2.5 Cycles/Second) Per 48 Vdc 0.50 A L/R = 40 ms
When Used With AC Control Signals: IEC 60255-0-20:1974: 125 Vdc 0.30 A L/R = 40 ms
250 Vdc ON for 170.6–300 Vac OFF below 106 Vac 250 Vdc 0.20 A L/R = 40 ms
220 Vdc ON for 150.3–264 Vac OFF below 93.2 Vac AC Output Ratings
125 Vdc ON for 85–150 Vac OFF below 53 Vac
Rated Operational Voltage: 240 Vac
110 Vdc ON for 75.1–132 Vac OFF below 46.6 Vac
48 Vdc ON for 32.8–60 Vac OFF below 20.3 Vac Rated Insulation Voltage
(Excluding EN 61010-1): 300 Vac
24 Vdc ON for 14–27 Vac OFF for < 5 Vac
Utilization Category: AC-15 (control of electromagnetic
Burden/Current Draw at
loads > 72 VA)
Nominal DC Voltage: 2–6 mA (Except for 24 V, 8 mA)
Contact Rating B300 (B = 5 A, 300 = rated insulation
Rated Insulation Voltage: 300 Vac
Designation: voltage)
Rated Impulse Withstand
Contact Protection: 250 Vac, 145 J
Voltage (Uimp): 4000 V
Continuous Carry: 3 A @ 120 Vac
1.5 A @ 240 Vac
Conventional Enclosed
Thermal Current (Ithe)
Rating: 5A
Rated Frequency: 50/60 ±5 Hz
Operating Time (Coil
Energization to Contact
Closure, Resistive Load): Pickup/Dropout time <8 ms typical

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Electrical Durability Make DC Transducer (Analog) Inputs (SEL-2245-2)

VA Rating: 3600 VA, cosø = 0.3
Electrical Durability Break Input Impedance
VA Rating: 360 VA, cosø = 0.3 Current Mode: 200 Ω for ±20 mA
5000 Ω for ±2 mA
Control Outputs (SEL-2244-5 Fast High-Current Contacts)
Voltage Mode: 10 MΩ
Mechanical Durability
Input Range (Maximum)
10 M no-load operations
±20 mA (transducers: 4–20 mA or 0–20 mA typical)
DC Output Ratings ±2 mA (transducers: 0–1 mA or 0–2 mA typical)
±10 V (transducers: 0–5 V or 0–10 V typical)
Rated Operational Voltage: 250 Vdc
Rated Voltage Range: 19.2–275 Vdc
Sampling Rate
Rated Insulation Voltage: 300 Vdc 1 ksps

Make: 30 A @ 250 Vdc per IEEE C37.90 Anti-Alias Filter

Continuous Carry: 6 A @ 70°C; 4 A @ 85°C Corner Frequency: 330 Hz

Continuous Carry Rolloff: 20 dBV per decade

(UL/CSA Derating With
Digital Filter
All Outputs Asserted): 5 A @ < 60°C; 2.5 A 60 to 70°C
Corner Frequency: Filter A: 16 Hz
Thermal: 50 A for 1 s
Filter B: 10 Hz
Contact Protection: 330 Vdc, 145 J MOV protection across Filter C: 0.2 Hz
open contacts
50 Hz Rejection: Filter A: > 30 dB
Operating Time (Coil Energization to Contact Closure, Resistive Load) Filter B: > 50 dB
Filter C: > 70 dB
Pickup Time: ≤12 µs at 250 Vdc, 16 µs at 125 Vdc,
65 µs at 19.2 Vdc typical (results with 60 Hz Rejection: Filter A: > 60 dB
100 kΩ resistive load) Filter B: > 70 dB
Filter C: > 70 dB
Dropout Time: ≤ 8 ms typical
Step Response
Inductive Breaking 24 Vdc 10 A L/R = 40 ms
Capacity (10,000 48 Vdc 10 A L/R = 40 ms No Filter: 3 ms (10%–90% response)
Operations) Per 125 Vdc 10 A L/R = 40 ms
IEC 60255-0-20:1974: 250 Vdc 10 A L/R = 20 ms Filter A: 23 ms (10%–90% response)

Cyclic Capacity Filter B: 35 ms (10%–90% response)

(4 Cycles/Second 24 Vdc 10 A L/R = 40 ms Filter C: 700 ms (10%–90% response)
Followed by 2 Min Idle 48 Vdc 10 A L/R = 40 ms
Thermal Dissipation) Per 125 Vdc 10 A L/R = 40 ms Common Mode Range
IEC 60255-0-20:1974: 250 Vdc 10 A L/R = 20 ms
±35 Vdc between separate inputs
AC Output Ratings ±250 Vdc all inputs to chassis
Rated Operational Voltage: 110/120/220/240 Vac Isolation
Voltage Range: 19.2–250 Vac 500 Vac between inputs
2000 Vac all inputs to chassis
Rated Insulation Voltage: 250 Vac
Make: 30 A @ 240 Vac Accuracy at 25°C
Continuous Carry: 6 A @ 70°C; 4 A @ 85°C ADC: 16 bit

Continuous Carry Voltage Inputs (±10 V): 0.25% of full scale typical
(UL/CSA Derating With 0.05% with field calibration
All Outputs Asserted): 5 A @ < 60°C; 2.5 A @ 60° to 70°C 2% of full-scale maximum

Thermal: 50 A for 1 s High Current Inputs 0.5% of full scale typical

(±20 mA): 0.1% with field calibration
Contact Protection: 250 Vac, 145 J MOV protection across 2% of full-scale maximum
open contacts
Low Current Inputs 0.5% of full scale typical
Operating Time (Coil Energization to Contact Closure, Resistive Load) (±2 mA): 0.1% with field calibration
Pickup Time: ≤12 µs at 250 Vac, 16 µs at 125 Vac, 4% of full-scale maximum
65 µs at 19.2 Vac typical (results with
100 kΩ resistive load)
Accuracy Variation With Temperature
Dropout Time: ≤ 8 ms typical Inputs: ±0.015% per °C of full scale
(±20 mA, ±2 mA, or ±10 V)
Note: Per IEC 60255-23:1994, using the simplified method of
assessment. ADC: ±0.004% per °C
Note: Make rating per IEEE C37.90-1989.
Triggered Waveform Recording
Fuse Rating
Sampling Rate: 1 kHz
Non-Serviceable: 4 A, 450 V, medium time lag M
Record Duration: 0.1 second increments from 0.5 s to 144 s

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Record Pre-Trigger: 0.05 s minimum to a maximum of (record DC Analog Outputs (SEL-2245-3)

length minus 0.05 s)
Waveform File Format: COMTRADE (IEEE C37.111-1999 Current Mode
compliant) Output Range: –20.48 to +20.48 mA
DC Analog Inputs Extended Range (SEL-2245-22 in DC Load Impedance: 0–750 Ω @ 20 mA, 100 µH
Mode) Voltage Mode
Input Impedance Output Range: –10.24 to +10.24 volts
>7 MΩ Load Impedance: >2000 Ω , 1 µF
Input Range (Maximum) Step Response
0–300 V 1 ms (10%–90% response typical)
Sampling Rate Isolation
24 ksps 2000 Vdc between outputs or ground
Anti-Alias Filter Accuracy at 25°C (Outputs)
Corner Frequency: 5 kHz Current Mode: ± 0.3% of full scale typical
± 3% of full-scale worst case (average during
Rolloff: 20 dB per decade
an EMI event over a 1-second period)
Digital Filter Voltage Mode: ± 0.2% of full scale typical
Corner Frequency: Filter A: 16 Hz ± 2% of full-scale worst case (average during
Filter B: 10 Hz an EMI event over a 1-second period)
Filter C: 0.2 Hz Accuracy Variation With Temperature (Outputs)
50 Hz Rejection: Filter A: > 30 dB
±0.01% of full-scale/°K (current or voltage mode)
Filter B: > 50 dB
Filter C: > 70 dB
AC Metering Inputs(SEL-2245-4,SEL-2245-411,SEL-2245-221,
60 Hz Rejection: Filter A: > 60 dB and SEL-2245-22 Voltage Inputs in AC Mode)
Filter B: > 70 dB
Filter C: > 70 dB Frequency: 50/60 Hz

Step Response Range: 45–65 Hz

Group Delay (Pre-Filter): 5.3 ms Typical Accuracy

No Filter: 3 ms (10%–90% response) SEL-2245-4 and

SEL-2245-22: ± 0.005 Hz above 20 V
Filter A: 23 ms (10%–90% response)
SEL-2245-411 and
Filter B: 35 ms (10%–90% response) SEL-2245-221: ± 0.005 Hz above 500 mV
Filter C: 700 ms (10%–90% response) Worst-Case Accuracy
Common Mode Range SEL-2245-4 and
SEL-2245-22: ± 0.01 Hz above 20 V
±250 Vdc between separate inputs
±250 Vac all inputs to chassis SEL-2245-411 and
SEL-2245-221: ± 0.01 Hz above 500 mV
Phase Rotation: ABC, ACB
2500 Vrms between separate inputs
2500 Vrms all inputs to chassis Input Configuration: 3-Wire Delta, 4-Wire Wye

Accuracy at 25°C Update Interval

ADC: 16 bit Fundamental Metering: 200 Hz

Inputs: 0.25% of full scale typical RMS Metering: 5 Hz

3% of full scale worst case Current Inputs Phase and Neutral
Accuracy Variation With Temperature (Inputs) INOM: 1 A or 5 A (no setting required)
±0.015% per °C of full scale Measurement Range: 0.050–22 A Continuous
22–100 A Symmetrical for 25 s
Triggered Waveform Recording
Thermal Withstand Limit: 500 A for 1 s
Sampling Rate: 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 kHz
Typical Accuracy: ± 0.1% Fundamental @ fNOM and > 0.6 A
Record Duration: 0.1 second increments from 0.5 s to 144 s ± 0.1% RMS @ fNOM and > 0.6 A
Record Pre-Trigger: 0.05 s minimum to a maximum of (record Worst-Case Accuracy: ± 2% ± 0.005 A Fundamental
length minus 0.05 s) ± 1% ± 0.005 A RMS
Waveform File Format: COMTRADE (IEEE C37.111-1999 Angle
Range: ± 180°
Typical Accuracy: ± 0.1° Fundamental @ fNOM and > 0.6 A
Worst-Case Accuracy: ± 2° @ fNOM
Burden: < 0.1 VA @ INOM

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Voltage Inputs (SEL-2245-4 and SEL-2245-22 in AC Mode) Power and Power Factor Per Phase and Three-Phase (SEL-2245-411)
VNOM: 300 V PA, PB, PC, 3P
Measurement Range: 5–400 L-N, 9–693 L-L Vac Typical Accuracy: 0.1% @ PF ≥ 0.5
5–300 L-N, 9–520 L-L Vac Worst-Case Accuracy: 2%
Fundamental/RMS (UL) QA, QB, QC, 3Q
Maximum: 600 L-N, 1039 L-L Vac Fundamental/RMS Typical Accuracy: 0.1% @ PF ≤ 0.98
for 10 s
Worst-Case Accuracy: 2%
Typical Accuracy: ±0. 1% Fundamental @ fNOM and > 20 V
± 0.1% RMS@ fNOM SA, SB, SC, 3S

Worst-Case Accuracy: ±2% Fundamental @ fNOM Typical Accuracy: 0.1%

±1% RMS plus ±0.05 V Worst-Case Accuracy: 2%
Angle PFA, PFB, PFC, 3PF
Range: ±180° Typical Accuracy: 0.1% @ Unity PF
Typical Accuracy: ±0.1° @ fNOM and >20 V Worst-Case Accuracy: 2%
Worst-Case Accuracy: ±2° @ fNOM
Burden: < 0.1 VA
Conformance: IEEE C37.118.1-2011 as amended by
LEA Voltage Inputs (SEL-2245-411 and SEL-2245-221 IEEE C37.118.1a-2014
IEEE C37.118.2-2011
VNOM: 1.5 V
Accuracy: Level 1 as specified by IEEE C37.118
Measurement Range: 30 Vac peak
0.05–22 Vac RMS Measurements: Software selectable (P or M class)

Maximum: 300 VL-N RMS for 10 s (surge) Voltage: VA, VB, VC, VS

Typical Accuracy: ± 0. 1% RMS@ fNOM and >50 mV Current: IA, IB, IC, IN
± 0.1% Fundamental @ fNOM and >50 mV Positive-Sequence: V1, I1
Worst-Case Accuracy: ± 3% ±1 mV @ fNOM Fundamental/RMS Periodic: Frequency and df/dt
Angle Processing Rate: 120 Hz
Range: ± 180° Message Rates 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60, and 120*
Typical Accuracy: ± 0.1° @ fNOM and > 50 mV (60 Hz nominal): (messages/second)

Worst-Case Accuracy: ± 2° @ fNOM Message Rates 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100*
(50 Hz nominal): (messages/second)
Burden: < 0.1 VA
* This message rate is only supported on the SEL-2245-4 and SEL-2245-411
Sequence Components (SEL-2245-4) Axion modules and requires an SEL-3350, SEL-3555, or SEL-3560 RTAC.

Values: I0, I1, I2, V0, V1, V2 Triggered Waveform Recording (SEL-2245-4, SEL-2245-411,
SEL-2245-22, and SEL-2245-221)
Typical Accuracy
Sampling Rates: 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 kHz software selectable
Magnitude: ± 0.2% @ fNOM and V > 6.7 V, I > 0.6 A
Record Duration: 0.1 second increments from 0.5 s to
Angle: ± 0.2° @ fNOM and V > 6.7 V, I > 0.6 A
specified maximum for each sample rate.
Worst-Case Accuracy
Maximum Record 6 s @ 24 kHz
Magnitude: ±3% @ fNOM and V > 6.7 V, I > 0.6 A Duration: 18 s @ 8 kHz
36 s @ 4 kHz
Angle: ± 0.2° @ fNOM and V > 6.7 V, I > 0.6 A 72 s @ 2 kHz
Power and Power Factor Per Phase and Three-Phase (SEL-2245-4) 144 s @ 1 kHz

PA, PB, PC, 3P Record Pre-Trigger: 0.05 s minimum to a maximum of (record

length minus 0.05 s)
Typical Accuracy: 0.1% @ PF > 0.1
Waveform File Format: COMTRADE (IEEE C37.111-1999
Worst-Case Accuracy: 2% compliant)
QA, QB, QC, 3Q AC Protection Inputs (SEL-2245-42)
Typical Accuracy: 0.1% @ PF < 0.9
Worst-Case Accuracy: 2%
Rated: 50/60 Hz
SA, SB, SC, 3S
Range: 40–90 Hz
Typical Accuracy: 0.1%
Typical Accuracy: ± 0.005 Hz above 20 V
Worst-Case Accuracy: 2%
Worst-Case Accuracy: ± 0.01 Hz above 20 V (±0.1 Hz for < 2.5
PFA, PFB, PFC, 3PF cycles during transients)
Typical Accuracy: 0.1% @ PF > 0.1 Phase Rotation
Worst-Case Accuracy: 2% ABC, ACB

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


Input Configuration Power and Power Factor (Per-Phase and Three-Phase)

3-Wire Delta, 4-Wire Wye Values: PA, PB, PC, PAB, PBC, PCA
Update Interval SA, SB, SC, SAB, SBC, SCA
Fundamental Metering: 250 Hz PFA, PFB, PFC, P3, Q3, S3, PF3

RMS Metering: 250 Hz Accuracy: ±1%, typical

RMS Window Size: 1 cycle THD and Noise (Accuracy)

AC Current Channels ±5% of measurement plus ±0.25%

Nominal Current: 1 ARMS or 5 ARMS (no setting required) Synchrophasors

Current Range Rating Conformance: IEEE C37.118.1-2011 as amended by
(With DC Offset at IEEE C37.118.1a-2014
X/R = 10, 1.5 Cycles): 0.1–91 A IEEE C37.118.2-2011

Operational Range: 0.1–300 ARMS Accuracy: Level 1 as specified by IEEE C37.118

Measurement Range: 0.1–20 ARMS Measurements: Software selectable (P or M Class)

Thermal Withstand Limit: 15 ARMS continuous Voltage: VA, VB, VC

500 ARMS for one second Current: IA, IB, IC
Fundamental Measurement Accuracy Positive-Sequence: V1, I1
Magnitude: ±0.1%, typical, ±0.001 A Periodic: Frequency and df/dt
±2%, worst case, ±0.001 A
Processing Rate: 120 Hz
Phase: ±0.1°, typical at fNOM and current > 0.4 A
±1°, over full rated temperature range Message Rates (60 Hz 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60, and 120*
±2°, worst case nominal): (messages/second)
RMS Measurement Accuracy Message Rates (50 Hz 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100*
nominal): (messages/second)
Magnitude: ±0.1%, typical, ±0.001 A
±2%, worst case, ±0.001 A * Message rates are supported on the SEL-3350, SEL-3555, and SEL-3560.
Burden: <0.1 VA Triggered Waveform Recording
AC Voltage Channels Sampling Rates: 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 kHz software selectable
Rated Range: 67–240 VL-N Transient Fault Record Length
Note: Rated Range refers to the IEEE C37.118 rating system. Individual Records as 24 s for 24 kHz
Long as: 72 s for 8 kHz
Operational Range: 0–300 VL-N 144 s for 4 kHz
Accuracy Range: 6.7–300 VL-N 288 s for 2 kHz
576 s for 1 kHz
Rated Insulation Voltage: 300 VL-N continuous
600 VL-N for ten seconds Pre-Fault Time: 0.05 s to (max. event length – 0.05 s)

Isolation (Galvanic Isolated Channels) Data Format: IEEE C37.111-2013 COMTRADE

Channel-to-Ground: 2.5 kVRMS for one minute File Naming: IEEE C37.232 COMNAME
Channel-to-Channel: 2.5 kVRMS for one minute Fuse Rating
Fundamental Measurement Accuracy Non-Serviceable: 2.5 A, 125 V, time lag T
Magnitude: ±0.1%, typical, plus ±0.05 V
±3%, worst case, plus ±0.05 V
Phase: ±0.1° @ fNOM, typical
±1° @ fNOM, over full rated temperature
±2° @ fNOM, worst case
RMS Measurement Accuracy
Magnitude: ±0.1%, typical, plus ±0.05 V
±3%, worst case, plus ±0.05 V
Burden: <0.01 VA @ 67 V
Impedance >500 kΩ
Sequence Components
Values: I0, I1, I2, V0, V1, V2
Note: Sequence components are of the fundamental frequency.
Magnitude: ±1%, typical
Angle: ±0.5°, typical

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Technical Support
We appreciate your interest in SEL products and services. If you have questions or comments, please contact us at:
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
2350 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163-5603 U.S.A.
Tel: +1.509.338.3838
Fax: +1.509.332.7990
Internet: selinc.com/support
Email: info@selinc.com

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. SEL-2240 Data Sheet


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Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. reserves all rights and benefits afforded under
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itation software, firmware, and documentation.
The information in this document is provided for informational use only and is subject to
change without notice. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. has approved only the
English language document.

This product is covered by the standard SEL 10-year warranty. For warranty details, visit
selinc.com or contact your customer service representative.
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff
Automation GmbH, Germany.

SEL-2240 Data Sheet Date Code 20240419

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