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Recycled Aluminum in Modern Infrastructure: Jim Brucker (Jrb172@pitt - Edu), Rob Gehris (Rsg31@pitt - Edu)

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Session A11 2246


Jim Brucker (jrb172@pitt.edu), Rob Gehris (rsg31@pitt.edu)
Abstract— Currently, humans are dealing with the issue of Aluminum (or aluminium for users of the metric system),
using resources faster than the Earth can produce them. As is one of the most versatile metals thanks to its structural
a result, there has been a significant push in recent years properties which make it relatively lightweight, strong,
toward “green” technology, processes which minimize
sturdy, and, most importantly, completely recyclable. This
negative effects of production processes on natural systems
on Earth. This paper will delve into the uses and last property is what make this element so amazing, and is
composition of recycled aluminum. We will describe the uses the topic of this paper. This paper will delve into the uses
for aluminum in military, infrastructure and construction, as and composition of recycled aluminum. It will describe the
well as the technology used to create each of these uses for aluminum in business, infrastructure and
applications. We will also discuss the implications of “green construction, as well as the technology used to create each of
technology.” these applications. We will also discuss what the term
This paper’s main focus is on recycled aluminum, a
“green technology” means.
“green” technology. In order to be considered “green,” a
product is expected to have a minimal environmental impact. Due to its high reactivity, aluminum is never found in its
One of the key measurements in this facet is the concept of pure elemental form in nature. Virgin aluminum is extracted
embodied carbon, or the amount of carbon dioxide from bauxite ore and processed from there. The bauxite is
associated with the production of a material. mined out of the ground in large geological formations. The
A crucial part of civil engineering is the materials used in combination of all these processes to make useable
applications. Recycled building materials are used aluminum makes virgin aluminum a very inefficient metal.
regularly, and the military uses recycled plastics in a
However, aluminum’s ability to be completely recycled
majority of their bridges. Recently, more and more facets of
infrastructure have been built with the green movement in more than makes up for this high initial energy toll, as the
mind, and recycled aluminum is a key component of this energy to recycle aluminum is much less than the energy toll
movement. This paper discusses how the recycled aluminum to produce virgin aluminum. The degree of exactly how
process works, as well as the physical and environmental much less energy will be discussed later into the paper.
properties the product provides.
As modern consumers demand more environmentally WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “GREEN”
conscious technology, engineers must be able to meet these
demands. The widespread use of recycled aluminum is the If a technology is considered “green,” it is commonly
first step. understood that this technology is meant to be
environmentally friendly. However, this is where the
Key Words—Aluminum Composites, Embodied Carbon, misconceptions start: what does environmentally friendly
Recycled Aluminum, Recycled Dross, Salt Flux, Virgin
mean? Does it have no environmental affects, or positive
environmental affects? Clearly, there is a grey area in the
MODERN VIEW ON ALUMINUM common definition. There was no standard definition of
“green” until Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Environment
Imagine a soda can. It’s about six inches tall, three inches
started evaluating products being marketed as eco-friendly,
wide, filled with fizzy drink, and made out of aluminum.
environmentally friendly, and “green.” UL has been
That’s all it is, just your average, every day, run-of-the-mill
ensuring the safety of household electronics for 115 years
soda storage container. A can. Now imagine a building. Not
[1], proving that they are the right company for this job. As
just any building though, a two-hundred foot tall behemoth
part of their verification of green products, UL requires
of modern construction, built to withstand earthquakes,
manufacturers to test the products to obtain an Energy
whipping winds, and just about everything else that Mother
Efficiency Certification, an Environmental Claims
Nature can throw at it. Now picture a metal baseball bat, or a
Validation, and a Sustainable Product Certification [1].
computer, fighter jet, car or a boat. Maybe even picture a
Companies want validation from UL Environment for one
spaceship. What do these objects and a plethora of others
main purpose: environmentally green products tend to make
have in common? The basic material used to make them:
companies financially green.
The word “green” is often used to sell products. Most
middle-class citizens are willing to spend a few extra cents

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

on a purchase if they feel like they are doing a good deed for removed using a chlorine flux [3]. During the addition of
the environment. The current trend throughout most of the flux, aluminum dross becomes a by-product of the aluminum
developed world is for products and processes to be and the impurities. This dross is then crushed, filtered
sustainable. Most people will equate sustainability and through a screen, and then melted in a rotary furnace. The
greenness. It is the common belief that a product labeled as aluminum from the dross is collected at the bottom of the
“green” is a good product [2]. According to Tristan Roberts, furnace and melted in with the rest of the pure molten
a columnist for the Brattleboro Reformer, this “green equals aluminum [3]. The molten aluminum is then ready to be
good” mentality is driven by the media, and generally tend shaped into whatever shape it needs to be for it to be useable
to be true. However, this is not the case for all products, for consumers. This type of aluminum smelting process –
which is why UL Environment provides validation. So, one of a couple of d different styles of processing and
instead of looking for the word “green,” consumers should refining the metal – is the version preferred and outlined by
look for the UL stamp of approval, Figure 1. the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center at the University
of Illinois.

Saline (salt) flux is used in the melting of aluminum to filter
out impurities. Its main function is to become a barrier of
FIGURE 1 sorts between the molten aluminum and the oxygen in the
THE UL STAMP OF APPROVAL FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS [1] atmosphere of the furnace in order to, according to the
Handbook of Aluminum by George Totten and Scott
How can one measure the environmental friendliness (or MacKenzie, diminish the oxidation of the top layer of
“greenness”) of recycled aluminum? The product itself aluminum [4]. The salt flux also helps to remove the topmost
doesn’t emit gases or have any inherent side-effects on the oxide layer which is sometimes formed in previous stages in
environment. One has to look at the production process. The the melting process. As it has very specific tasks, the salt
industry standard is to look at the embodied carbon of a fluxes must have certain characteristics. The flux must have
material. The embodied carbon of a product is measured a melting point below the heat of the furnace – around
with an estimation of the amount of carbon dioxide, in 720OC – and have a low viscosity and vapor pressure at this
kilograms, associated with the production of one kilogram of temperature. The flux cannot react with the molten
the material [2]. The embodied carbon of recycled material aluminum; if it did, it would add impurities to the metal,
tends to be much lower than the embodied carbon of virgin risking its structural integrity. In the same vain as not
material. This difference is incredibly noticeable in recycled reacting with the metal, the fluxes must be easily detachable
aluminum, as will be shown in the next section. from the liquid bath and able to be reused in future melting
of aluminum [4].
Several compounds have the properties needed to make a
When one thinks of recycled aluminum, the simplest thought good salt flux for melting down recycled aluminum. The
is to imagine tossing an aluminum soda can into the least expensive tend to be mixtures of sodium chloride
recycling bin and letting other people turn it into another (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCL), normally in a one to
can. But how does that one can become a new can? Better one molar ratio mixture. To help create the barrier between
yet, how does that can turn into an aluminum bar used to the aluminum and the oxygen, several fluorides are added to
build a house, a bridge, or even a skyscraper? The simple the mix. The common fluorides are cryolite [5] (Na 3AlF6),
answer is that this process happens in an aluminum recycling sodium fluoride (NaF), potassium fluoride (KF), calcium
plant. What happens inside the plant though, is more fluoride (CaF2), and Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) [4].
complicated. There are multiple processes used to recycle There are methods of protecting the aluminum from
aluminum; however, most plants use either one of or both of forming oxides other than saline fluxes. The most prominent
the standard processes – saline flux technology and recovery of these technologies is the replacement of fossil fuels
of dross. Prior to these specific technologies, aluminum heating the rotary furnace with plasma torch treatment [3].
scrap is normally melted in a gas or oil fueled hearth Higher concentrations of aluminum are recovered using this
furnace. It is at this point in the process where impurities are technique; however, the plasma torch treatment does not

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

make sense economically, as it costs significantly more than kg CO2 [2]. This equates to about 95% less energy being
basic fossil fuels, and the aluminum output is not used to produce recycled aluminum than used in producing
significantly larger. Some aluminum melting plants prefer virgin aluminum. Recycled aluminum also produces about
this technology though because of the oddities that occurs in 95% less pollution than virgin aluminum in its production
the aluminum with the use of the salt fluxes. These oddities process [6].
include the formation of dross and saltcakes, as well as As well as being significantly greener, recycled aluminum
fumes from the burning of fossil fuels [4]. The plasma has comparable structural strength as the virgin material.
treatment generates some fumes, but significantly less than Less than 1% of aluminum’s structural ions are lost in the
the fossil fuel driven furnaces. recycling process, making it close to infinitely recyclable
with structural strength that barely deteriorates from the
ALUMINUM DROSS RECOVERY initial strength of the virgin material [3]. This means that
Dross is a consequence of the melting of aluminum. It is recycled aluminum has the same properties as virgin
formed on top of the molten aluminum as it reacts with the aluminum for less cost, financially and environmentally.
atmosphere in the furnace. In general, “15-25 kilograms of Also, as previously mentioned, virgin aluminum comes from
dross are produced per metric ton of molten aluminum” [4]. bauxite which comes from mines close to the Earth’s
The three types of dross are white dross, black dross, and surface. While there is plenty of bauxite down there, it is still
saltcake. Each step in the metallurgy of aluminum produces a nonrenewable resource, and there is a limited amount.
a different classification of dross. White dross comes from Additionally, bauxite mines take up large amount of space
the primary step in the refinement of recycled aluminum. and are very destructive to the environment around them.
This step includes the extrusion and lamination plant, and Recycling aluminum can reduce the amount of mining,
melting the processed aluminum in foundries. White dross aiding in the effort to reduce the environmental impact of
will contain anywhere from 15% to 70% of aluminum [4], this product.
giving it a light gray color, hence the name “white” dross.
Black dross is a byproduct of the secondary metallurgy of
the recycled aluminum. This step in the process uses the While the technologies and processes behind the production
saline flux technology mentioned above. Black dross of recycled aluminum certainly are important, without an
contains significantly less aluminum than white dross, effective way to apply this material to real-world
causing it to have a darker color. Saltcake is produced from applications the production is pointless. We will discuss
the aluminum recovered from the white and black dross. It specifically how recycled aluminum can be used both used
has a very high salt concentration and a darkish hue. in and obtained from infrastructure and how it to useful to
Saltcake contains 1% to 7% of aluminum [4]. There is not the modern day building and construction industry.
much difference between the saltcake and the black dross. One reason recycled aluminum should be used more in
The combination of white dross, black dross, and saltcake is industry today is because of how easily it can be recovered
then treated and the recovered aluminum is added to the after demolition processes. Based on a study in European
recycled material. Aluminum is extracted from the dross in study that looked at nine different types of buildings in six
rotary furnaces in which salts are added to increase the different countries, it was found that the average aluminum
quantity of aluminum recovered [4]. collection rate after demolition was 95.7% [7].Even though
the content of aluminum in these buildings was less than 1%,
ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLED ALUMINUM VERSUS a substantial amount was able to be recovered for recycling
VIRGIN ALUMINUM [7]. As we discussed earlier, sustainability is a key idea in
As previously mentioned, the industry standard of measuring industry today. Not only can aluminum be used in the
eco-friendliness, or “greenness,” is with the measurement of production of buildings, but when it comes time for those
the embodied carbon of the product. Using this as a scale, buildings to be demolished nearly all of the aluminum used
recycled aluminum is much greener than virgin aluminum. can be submitted for recycling and reused in further building
In a study referenced by Tristan Roberts in his article and construction applications.
“Recycled is Good… Right?” the average embodied carbon A crucial concern when using this recycled aluminum in
associated with new aluminum is 12.79 kg CO2 while the construction is whether or not it is strong enough to
average embodied carbon of recycled aluminum is only 1.81 withstand stresses as a part of a building application. When

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

recycled aluminum is taken recovered from building MILITARY APPLICATIONS

demolition, it is split into two categories. Nearly equal
amounts of sheet products and extruded shapes, which Recycled materials, specifically aluminum, have a place in
correspond to 5xxx and 6xxx alloys respectively, remain military usage as well. The military has already shown a
after aluminum is recovered [7]. If these all alloys are willingness to make the switch to recycled materials in order
presorted during demolition, composites can be easily made to improve efficiency and performance. This is
and directly reused in building and construction applications demonstrated by plans to construct two railroad bridges
without a significant loss of structural strength [7]. This is made out of nearly one hundred percent recycled material at
of importance because it demonstrates the valuable benefits Fort Eustis, Virginia, the home of the US Army
of the use, and subsequent reuse, of aluminum in building Transportation Corps [9]. These bridges are set to be built
and construction applications. By simply sorting different using a material known as Recycled Structural Composite,
aluminum alloys in an appropriate manner, it is possible to or RSC, more quickly and less expensively than with
directly reapply the material to other building and materials such as concrete or steel [9]. The usage of
construction applications without much complication. This recycled composites by the military is a very encouraging
is a major advantage over the use of unrecycled material, sign. By using RSC in construction, the military is
which requires more complicated and arduous production. recognizing the importance and effectiveness of recycled
The actual applications for recycled aluminum vary materials in construction applications and showing openness
greatly. While recycled aluminum typically is not the main to further use. Perhaps most importantly, the use of recycled
component of a structure, it still plays a major role in materials in the military is a sign to other sectors of industry
building and construction. For instance the main structure of that recycled materials can be just as effective as, if not
a bridge may be made of steel, but, as suggested by the superior, to their non-recycled counterparts. This
Aluminum Extruders Council, recycled aluminum can be reassurance from an entity as trusted and respected such as
effectively used for the deck of the bridge [8]. This can be that of the US military can be a key factor to the further
seen with the Corbin Bridge located in Pennsylvania, which incorporation of recycled materials in society today.
originally had a deck made out of steel and timber. After Aluminum has proven time and time again to be of great
being refurbished with an extruded aluminum deck, the use in US military applications. In fact, its use goes back as
carrying capacity of the bridge increased from seven to far as 1892, when it was a key component in military
twenty-two tons [8]. This shows that while aluminum may torpedo boats [10]. An important military use for aluminum
not be the main element of this bridge, its use in the deck of is for armor, specifically on combat vehicles. Aluminum
the bridge can still have a major impact by improving the offers advantages over other materials like steel for this
strength of the structure. The fact that recycled aluminum application because of its light weight, rigidity, and
has the ability to improve facets of infrastructure while temperature tolerance [10]. The use of aluminum in many
exhibiting green characteristics is a major reason why its different types of vehicles is actually quite common.
widespread use would be beneficial. Aluminum is used in the production of everything from
Another prime example of the use of recycled aluminum general purpose vehicles to amphibious combat vehicles
in building and construction is the Mirabella Portland, a [10]. Almost everything on these vehicles is made at least in
retirement community located in Portland, Oregon. part with aluminum, including the wheels, frame, and turbo
Aluminum was used for railing, trellis, and canopy parts, shaft engines [10].
reducing the risk for onsite injury as well as increasing the Another military application of aluminum is in the
speed of the instillation [8]. The project earned Leadership production of firearms and projectiles. According to
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum “Aluminum Alloys in Vehicles and Equipment,” aluminum
certification, largely due to the use of 25-percent recycled has been used to make ammunition and torpedo shells, as
aluminum [8]. The Mirabella Portland demonstrates the well as components in the production of firearms, such as
myriad of possible uses for recycled aluminum in building the M-16, M-60 machine gun, and the M-72 recoilless rocket
and construction design in addition to making construction launder [10]. Aluminum’s low cost, as well as light weight,
safer and more efficient. The recognition of LEED, a highly are the major advantages for these particular applications.
respected organization, legitimizes the effectiveness and The low weight of aluminum is especially important for this
positive impact of recycled aluminum in building and application because for soldiers the reduction of carrying
construction. weight can make a big difference. Much of the aluminum

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

used in military applications comes from the 5xxx alloy solar light results in less heat transfer to the building during
[10]. As stated previously, the 5xxx alloy can be made the summer, lowering energy costs to keep the building cool
almost entirely from recycled materials without losing [11]. Additionally, aluminum panels require fewer joints
anything in the way of strength or other properties. Because than other paneling materials, providing for quick and
all of the ways aluminum can be used in military economical installation. Attaching aluminum panels to a
applications, an increase in recycled aluminum utilizations building is one of the quickest parts of building construction,
would have quite an impact in increasing efficiency, and one of the most important for the building to be energy
reducing cost, and improving renewability for the US efficient and aesthetically pleasing.
military and the country as a whole. Aluminum is not limited to being used as simple panels
in construction. Since it is so malleable, aluminum can be
ADVANTAGES OF ALUMINUM OVER COMMON used as lightweight aesthetic portions of buildings with, as
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS will be discussed later, very little maintenance work needed.
Due to its relatively low weight, aluminum can also be
Naturally, every material used in construction has a specific
retrofitted onto older buildings, either for functionality,
task: concrete makes a great foundation, fiberglass makes for
replacement necessity, or even just for the sake of the
great insulation. However, there are many structural aspects
building looking good [11]. Additionally, aluminum alloys
of construction can be replaced by better materials. Just as
are very corrosion-resistant. For the majority of cases in
steel replaced timber as the main structural aspect of modern
which aluminum is used in construction, aluminum does not
buildings, aluminum can replace multiple facets of
need protective finishes, unlike other common materials
architecture. As stated in an article on the website for The
such as steel or copper.
Metal Initiative, aluminum is very malleable and ductile,
Recycled aluminum can also be used in applications
allowing it to be formed into a multitude of profiles and
where it improves energy efficiency. Because of its high
shapes [11]. This property makes aluminum easy to use as
strength to weight ratio, as shown in Figure 2, ability to
panels, siding, and shingling. This last one, shingling, is
accept high-grade paint finish, and exceptional heat
where aluminum truly shines (literally). Aluminum roofing
qualities, extruded aluminum is an ideal material for the
provides a large degree of radiant heat reflectivity,
panels of high-rise buildings [8]. Windows made of
regardless of the slope of the roof. This ability to reflect



University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

aluminum are also highly efficient due to favorable heating in “Recyclable Aluminum Rolled Products: Building Blocks
properties. Once again, aluminum is shown to be a versatile for a Sustainable World”, by John Green and Michael
material with many favorable construction properties. Skillingberg, production of aluminum takes up close to 50%
Perhaps most importantly, recycled aluminum is a of the metals market in North America [13]. To increase the
material that is able to perform at a high level with minimal widespread use of aluminum would lead to a boom in an
maintenance, a key factor when looking at building and already affluent industry, creating more jobs, better jobs, and
construction applications. Aluminum does not absorb more profit. 60% of the aluminum production (that’s 30% of
moisture, cannot rust, and its properties are unaffected by the total market), comes from the recycling of aluminum.
weather and time [8]. In the case of aluminum windows Traditionally in North America, the trend has been an
with a weather seal, the only maintenance required is a increase in the tendency to rely on mostly recycled or
cleaning with a wet cloth to maintain aesthetic value. imported material [13]. Recycling aluminum would increase
The ability for aluminum to be used in so many different the recycling aspect of this tendency, helping to reduce the
applications certainly makes an increased focus in the reliance on imported material
production and usage of recycled aluminum attractive. Not In fact, the importance of recycled aluminum is not just
only does it have the potential to be energy efficient and limited to the scope of one particular corporation of industry;
make industry more green; it also has the ability to be it has a large impact on the American economy as a whole.
extremely efficient and cost effective, an important concern It is the largest component of domestic metal supply and
in industry today. minimizes the need for imported metals. An increase in
recycled aluminum can collection of just one percent
USES IN BUSINESS corresponds to savings of twelve million dollars.
When making the decision on what materials to use in Additionally, recycling aluminum aids in the recycling of
building and construction applications many factors play a other materials. Aluminum is one of the few products that,
role. Everything from environmental factors to the visual when recycled, generates profit. Steel, glass, plastics, and
appeal of a material factors into the decision. However, with paper all have an average collection cost of $200 per ton,
today’s economic climate, the financial aspect of a project and resale of the newly recycled products is nowhere close
moves to the top of the list in importance. to covering the collection cost [12]. Luckily though the
Firstly, the production of recycled aluminum is much recycling of aluminum is very profitable, as previously
more energy efficient than making aluminum from scratch. mentioned, and can often make up for the loss in revenue of
As previously stated in this paper and further confirmed by recycling the other products. If a company intends on
The Aluminum Association, it takes 95 percent less energy to recycling paper, steel, and plastics, it can easily keep
produce aluminum from recycled materials than it does to producing profits and stay in the black by recycling
produce it from aluminum ore in bauxite [12]. The cost aluminum.
benefit of using recycled material above production of new It is very clear that the financial benefits of recycled
aluminum is quite clear based on this data; the less energy aluminum are astronomical and are one of the main reasons
put into a process the more money is saved. it is a process that should be looked into further and
The cost effectiveness of recycled aluminum is favorable expanded.
when compared to other recycled materials as well. One ton
of recycled aluminum can lead to $1,000 in revenue, which
is five times more than that of steel [12]. This revenue is also The most prevalent method of recycling aluminum was
compounded with the energy – and money – saved in outlined in order to demonstrate the ease at which it is done.
recycling aluminum compared to other materials, making In addition to basic smelting, other processes were
aluminum even more economically beneficial. Such extreme illustrated. The salt flux is added to molten aluminum to
economic benefits are hard to ignore. Not only is the use of keep the molten aluminum free of oxides. Dross and saltcake
recycled aluminum environmentally friendly, but it is able to are collected after the fact to maximize the amount of
be extremely monetarily beneficial as well. aluminum collected from the process. The result is
Aluminum production would not only be favorable aluminum which is nearly identical to the original virgin
because of the energy efficiency, but also because of the product.
percent of the metals markets that it occupies. As discussed

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

The use of aluminum in industry was outlined in order to Earth as a whole are depletion of natural resources and the
show its versatility. Aluminum can be used in construction struggle for the Earth to keep up with a constantly increasing
for roofing, siding, and basic exterior or interior components amount of human beings. As the human population
of buildings and other structures. The advantages of continues to increase, a greater need for improved
aluminum over other various construction materials were infrastructure will be highlighted. It is the job of engineers of
also outlined to further show its versatility. Finally, the cost all disciplines, especially those in the fields of civil
effectiveness of aluminum was discussed in order to show engineering and materials engineering, to make these
the role recycled aluminum has in business. Recycling of improvements happen. This problem must be solved with
aluminum is profitable enough to keep all of the recycling methods that reduce the depletion of our natural resources.
industry afloat in a down market and still allow corporations The answer to both of these issues can be found in the field
which rely on aluminum to keep a profit. of recycled aluminum thanks to its value as a sustainable
product and its assets as a solid construction material. This
CONCLUSION should, if nothing else, stress the importance of recycled
It is the purpose of civil engineers to solve the problems that aluminum in modern infrastructure.
the world will present. The two largest problems facing the

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

[1]“UL Environment.” UL Environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb.
2012. http://www.ulenvironment.com/ulenvironment/eng/pages/
[2] Roberts, Tristan (2011, June 28). “Recycled is good…right?”
Brattleboro Reformer. [Online].
[3] “Aluminum Smelting and Refining.” Illinois Sustainable
Technology Center – University of Illinois. N.p., nd. Web. 25
Feb. 2012.
[4] Totten, George E., and D. Scott MacKenzie. "Handbook of
Aluminum: Alloy production and materials manufacturing -
George E. Totten, D. Scott MacKenzie - Google Books."
Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2012.
[5] “Cryolite Mineral Data.” Mineralogy Database. N.p., n.d.
Web/ 25 Feb. 2012.
[6] "Energy Costs and Conservation Facts." Earth911.com. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. http://earth911.com/reduce/energy-
[7] S. Das, J. Green, J.Kaufman, D. Emadi and M.Mahfoud. (2010,
February). “Aluminum recycling—An integrated,
industrywide approach” JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals,
and Materials Society.” [Online]. Available:
[8] “Market Sectors: Building and Construction.” Aluminum
Extruders Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2012
[9] “Army to buy railroad bridges made from recycled plastic.”
Noria Corporation. N.p, nd. Web 1 Mar. 2012
[10] “Aluminum Alloys in Military Vehicles and Equipment.”
(2010). Keys to Metals. [Online], Available:
[12] “Aluminum in Commercial Construction.” The Metal
Intiative. N.p., 2010. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.
[12] “Aluminum.” The Aluminum Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 26
Feb. 2012.
[13] Green, John, and Michael Skillingberg.
“Recyclable Aluminum Rolled Products: Building Blocks for
a Sustainable World.” Light Metal Age. N.p., Aug 2006. Web.
26 Feb. 2012
[14] “Strength to weight ratio aluminum – Google Search.”
Google. N.p., n.d. Web 1 Mar. 2012

University of Pittsburgh
Swanson School of Engineering April 14, 2012

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