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Volume - I
S. N. WORD fgUnh esa vFkZ Meaning in English
1. Ambidextrous fuiq.k Equally skilful with each hand
2. Alimony fuokZg&O;; An allowance made to a wife by her husband when they are
legally separated
3. Anecdote fdLlk] thou dh >kadh A short but amusing story
4. Anteroom cM+k dejk A large entrance or reception room or area
5. Anodyne ihM+kuk'kd Medicine which lessens pain
6. Addicted vkfn gksuk One who has become dependent on something or drugs
7. Adamant ghjk] vVy Very hard native crystal of carbon
8. Amoral vuSfrd Lacking any sense of moral standards or principles
9. Archive ys[kkdkj ;k ,sfrgkfld vfHkys[k A building where government/public records are kept
10. Amphibian mHk;pj Operating or living on land and in water
11. Ambiguous vLi"V] vusdkFkhZ Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible
12. Aspirant vkdka{kh A person who has ambition for fame
13. Archaeology iqjkrRo foKku Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns
14. Archer rhjankt A person who shoots with a bow and arrows
15. Architect f’kYidkj A person who designs buildings and also supervises their
16. Antitheist or Atheist ukfLrd One who does not believe in god’s existence
17. Antipathy ’k=qrk@oSeuL; Strong dislike between two persons.
18. Ardent mRlkgiw.kZ Full of zeal.
19. Archipelago }hi lewg Sea with a group of many islands.
20. Affirm iqf’V djuk Declare positively that something is true.
21. Amnesia foLej.k Partial or total loss of memory.
22. Arbitrator/mediator e/;LFk One appointed by two parties to settle disputes between
23. Assent fdlh izLrko ij vkSipkfjd lgefr Official agreement to a proposal.
24. Astronaut varfj{k ;k=h One who physically travels in space
25. Agnostic vKs;oknh One who believes that nothing can be said about god
26. Aquatic typj A plant that grows in water
27. Aviary i{kh x`g Place where birds are kept
28. Anarchist vjktdrkoknh One who plans to destroy all Governments
29. Adultery O;fHkpkj Woman who has extra marital relationship
30. Aseptic vkRe la;e Leading a life of self discipline
31. Antiquated iqjkuk O;fDr A person behind time
32. Arsenal 'kL=kxkj Public building where weapons are made and stored
33. Abrogate fujLr djuk To do away with a rule
34. Aesthetics lkSUn;Z’kkL= The study of the nature of beauty
35. Bigot /kekZU/k A person who holds an opinion or belief strongly in defiance
of reason of arguments
36. Brigand Mkdw] yqVsjk Member of a band of robbers
37. Belfry ?k.Vkxkj Part of a church in which bells are hung
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