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Reddy 1984

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J. N. &DDY
Dcpar:ment of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, U.S.A.

(Received 1 August 1983; in revisedfonn 17 November 1983)

M-A higher-order shear deformation theory of plates accounting for the von Karman
strains is presented. The theory contains the same dependent unknowns as in the Hcncky-Mindlin
type firstorder shear deformation theory and accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse
shear strains through the thickness of the plate. Exact solutions of simply supported plates are
obtained using the linear theory and the resulta arc compared with the exact solutions of 3-D
&sticity theory, the first order shear dcfonnation theory, and the classical plate theory. The present
theory predii the ddlections, stresses, and frquncics more accurately when compared to the
6rstorda theory and the classical plate theory.

First general solutions to the equations of linear elasticity corresponding to thin plates were
presented by Cauchy [l] and Poisson [2] using the methods of series expansion, and by
KirchhoffI31 using certain hypothesis. An expansion in powers of the thickness of the plate
was used by Goodier[4] to obtain a general solution in terms of a series of biharmonic
functions for a plate subjected to edge tractions. It is well known from experimental
observations that the Poisson-Kirchhoff theory of plates, in which it is assumed that normals
to the midplane before deformation remain straight and normal to the plane after defor-
mation, underpredicts deflections and overpredicts natural frequencies. These results are
due to the neglect of transverse shear strains in the classical plate theory (CPT).
Refined plate theories, due to Levy [5j, Reissner[6,7], Hencky[8], Mindlin[9], and
Kromm [ lo] are improvements of the classical plate theory in that they include the effect of
transverse shear deformation (see[111).In the Hencky-Mindlin theories the displacements
are expanded in powers of the thickness of the plate (see[12-141). Extensions of the
Kirchhoff-von Karman theory[l5], a geometrically nonlinear theory associated with the
classical plate theory, to refined plate theories were considered by Reissner[l6,17] and
Medwadowski[l8]. Extension of the Kromm’s theory to geometrically nonlinear analysis,
in the sense of von Karman, is due to Schmidt[l9].
These higher-order theories are cumbersome and computationally more demanding,
because, with each additional power of the thickness coordinate, an additional dependent
unknown is introduced into the theory. Further, these theories require an arbitrary cor-
rection to the transverseshear stiffnesses, and the transverse shear stresses do not satisfy the
conditions of zero transverse shear stresses on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate. Of
course, the Reissner-Kromm theories satisfy the stress free conditions, but these are based
on the stress fields. Thus, need exists for the development of a higher-order shear defor-
mation theory that avoids the shear correction factors, and accurately predicts transverse
shear stresses. Levinson [20]considered such a plate theory, in which the in-plane displace-
ments are expanded as cubic functions of the thickness coordinate. Unfortunately, both
Levinson[20] and Schmidt[l9] used variationally inconsistent set of equilibrium equations
(they used the equilibrium equations of the classical plate theory), and therefore did not
correctly account for all of the strain energy associated with the displacement field.
The present theory accounts for the cubic variation of the in-plane displacements
through the plate thickness, the van Karman strains, and transverse shear strains which
vanish on the top and bottom faces of the plate. The equations of motion are derived using
Hamilton’s principle, and therefore they are consistent with the assumed displacement field.
In order to illustrate the accuracy of the present theory, the exact solutions of the linear
882 J. N. REDDY

theory are presented for bending and vibration of simply supported, homogeneous, iso-
tropic and orthotropic rectangular plates. Comparison of the present solutions with the 3D
elasticity solutions shows that the present theory yields more accurate stresses and natural
frequencies than the first-order shear deformation theory.

We begin with the displacement field in which the displacements along the X- and
y-directions are expanded as cubic functions of the thickness coordinate, and the transverse
deflection is assumed to be constant through thickness:

h(X,Y9 z,t) = 4x9Y, 0 + z$,(x,Y, 0 + z2t,(x,Y9 0 + &(x, Y, 0

u2(x,Y, f, 0 = ex,Y, I) + z$y,(x,
Y, t) + z’t;<x,Y, 0 + z3C@,y,
a, Y9 0 = 4% Y, 0. (1)

Here U,o, and w denote the displacements of a point (x, y) on the midplane, and I/, and t,G,,
are the rotations of normals to midplane about they and x axes, respectively. The functions
{,, c,, 6, and c,, will be determined using the condition that the transverse shear stresses,
a, = a, and a,, = a, vanish on the plate top and bottom surfaces:

s,(x,Y, ,(x.,*$)=o (2)

these conditions are equivalent to the requirement that the corresponding strains be zero on
these surfaces. We have

au2 au,
4 = 5 + -aY = l)Y + 2z& + 3z25,+ 5. (3)

Setting L~(x,y, f h/2, t) and c4(x,y, f h/2, I) to zero, we obtain


The displacement field in eqn (1) becomes

u, =u +z[S,-;($(ll.+$)]
u2=v +z~y-~(;>‘(~y+3] (9

us = w.

One should note that, although cubic variation of the in-plane displacements through
thickness is accounted, the displacement field in qn (5) contains the same number of
dependent variables as in the first-order shear deformation theory. This is an attractive
feature from finite-element modeling considerations.
A refinednonlinear theory of p&es with transverseshear deformation 883

The von Karman strains associated with the displacement field in qn (5) are


It is interesting to note that the new strain components contain higher-order derivatives of
the transverse detbtion.

For a plate of constant thickness h and made of an orthotropic material (i.e. the plate
possesses a plane of elastic symmetry parallel to the x-y plane) the constitutive equations
can be written as

where Q, are the plane-stress reduced elastic constants in the material axes of the plate:

1 -

h2V21 ,Q,,= 1 vi;‘v
- ,Qu=
12 21 1 - 7,
12 21

Qu = G23, Qs = (53, Qei = G12.

Here we use Haminton’s principle to derive the quations of motion appropriate for
the dispIacement field (5) and constitutive equations (8). The principle can be stated in
analytical form as (see Reddy and Rasmussen[21])

(a&, + a&, + a&, + a&, + a&,) dA dcz+ q&v dx dy dr

b ]

p [(li,)’ + (iJ2 + (ii,)? dA dz dr

( R 1 ax
ax ax )

ah %W + M astiy
2 7 + ay ay )


where the stress resultants N,, M,, P,, Qi and R, are defined by

0x1, z, 9) dz(i = 1,2,6)

(Q,, 4) = ” a,& 23 dz (10)

s -W

and the inertias I,Ji = 1,2,3,4,5,7) are defined by

K,12,4,4,I5,&) = h/2 ~(1, z, z2,z3, z’, z”) dz. (11)

s -W
A r&cd nonlineartheory of plates with transverseshear deformation 88s
Integrating the expressions in eqn (9) by parts, and collecting the coefficients of SU, 60,
SW, S$,, and S$,, we obtain the following equations of motion:


& = 12- $ I,, & = I, - & I,,

r,=I, (13)

The boundary conditions are of the form: specify

un or N,,

uns or Nms

w or Qn (14)
an or Pn
1 on r

where r is the boundary of the midplane f2 of the plate, and

886 J. N. &DDY

Qi= Qi -$Ri(i= 1,2)

- = n,

and P, and P,,, are defined by expressions analogous to N. and N,,,, respectively. This
completes the derivation of the governing equations. An examination of the boundary
conditions in qn (14) shows that both $” and awlan are geometric boundary conditions
in the present theory. Consequently, one should use interpolation functions that guarantee
interelement continuity of slopes in the finite-element modeling of the theory.
The resultants defined in qn (10) can be related to the total strains in qn (6) by the
following equations:

& D,, 0 .

D, 0

sym. Dbb.


where A, Bi/, etc. are the plate stiffnesses, defined by

J ~~Qy(llz2,1’,z6)dz(i,j= 1,2,6)

J @+Q&,z2,z4)dz(iJ=4,5) (17)


A,= Q, D, = Q&h3/W
FM= Q&h5/80), Hy = Q&h’/448)
A,, = G,h, AS5= G13h (18)
D,, = G,(h3/12), D55= G,,(h3/12)
FM = Gu(h5/80), F,, = G,,(h5/80).
A rcfhcd nonlinear theory of plates with transverse shear deformation aal


The exact analytical solution of the nonlinear partial differential equations in eqn (12)
is an impossible task. Even the linear equations do not allow an exact solution for all
geometries and boundary conditions. Here we consider the exact solutions of eqns (12) and
(13) for infinitesimal displacement theory of simply supported, rectangular plates. Since the
coupling between stretching and bending is zero for the linear theory, we consider only the
flexural displacements and natural frequencies. The following “simply-supported” bound-
ary conditions are assumed (a and b are the plane-form dimensions and the origin of the
coordinate system is taken at the lower left comer of the plate):

w(x, 0) = w(x, b) = w(O,y) = w(u,y) = 0

4(x, 0)= &k b) = P,(O,y) = P&Y) = 0

wx, 0)= K(x, fJ)= M,(O,Y)= M,(u,Y) = 0 (19)
$,(x90)= $xk bI= $yKJ, Y) = 0.
Y) = !byL,(u,
The resultants of eqn ( 16)can be expressed in terms of the generalixed displacements, for
the case of infinitesimal displacements, as

N2=All- ax+A,afr

888 J. N. RilDDY

Ttie last three ~Uatio~s in eqn (12), for the linear theory, am be expressed in term of the
displacements as

+H,* -4
@Y ; d’w
x 2
( 3h2)( a&y &%y”

-$[D,,($+~)+F,( -~)(~+~)

+D,,&+t$)+FI( -;)(f$+$)]



+&2( -$($+$)+bs($+~)

++($+k)+&( -;)(h+g)]

A refined nonlinear theory of plateswith transverse shear deformation

-_ jj --
*JIy WC)

Following the Navier solution procedure, we assume the following solution form that
satisfies the boundary conditions in eqn (19),

w= f W, sin ax sin fly eVrw’


$, = f X, cos ax sin /3ye+ (22)


$, = i Y, sin QTcos fly e+


where a = mn/a and /3 = m/b, and.o is the frequency of’the natural vibration. Further
we assume that the applied transverse load, q, can be expanded in the double-Fourier series

q = f Q,,,,sin a~ sin /3y. (23)


Substituting eqns (22) and (23) into eqn (21), and collecting the coefficients, we obtain


the coefficient
890 1. N. &DDY

matrices [c] and [M] are given by

c,, = u*A,, + p2A,., - J (a*D,, + B’Dlo

*[aw,, + 2(H,* + 2&)a*j3’ + jfPHJ

Cl2 = aA,, - - aD,, +


4 *
c,= Ass + a*D,, + f12De -+,s+ s;z 4,

- $ (a2FlI + 8*Fd + T$ *(a2Hll + P2H66)

( >

c2)= -&F,,+F&+
3h2 ($Hn + Hd]

4 *
c33 = A,fa2D,+#12Dn-SD,,+ S;I FM

- $ (a2Fas+ f12F2*)+ $ *(j2Hu + a*Hd

( >

M II= &+I7 gj4 (a*+fl*)


M 12 =

Ai,= 4, lu33=r3, A&=0. (25)

For static bending eqn (24) takes the form


and for free vibration we have

A rclincd nonlincar theory of plates with transverse shear deformation 891


CII = AMzG13+ %J + z [a4Qll + W% + Q12)a2P2+ B’Qil

= s haGI
c12 15
- g b3Q,, + a~2(2G12 + Qdl

~13 = $ WG3 - $ b28W12 + Q12>+ B3Qil

cz=~hG13+~ “” (a 2Q,, + /J2Gd


c~~=$IzG=+?~~ 17/r’ (a 2G,2-t P2Qu)

and Qi, are given by eqn (8b).

The static solution is given by eqn (22) with z = 0 and (IV, X, Y) from eqn (26). Note
that for uniformly distributed load Q,,,,,is given by

7,m,n=l,3 ,...
O,m,n ==2,4,...

Numerical results are presented in Tables 1 and 2 for homogeneous isotropic (v = 0.3)
and orthotropic plates under uniformly distributed transverse load of intensity qo. The

Table I. Comparison of deflections and stresses in isotropic (v = 0.3) plates under uniformly

distributed transverse load (m,n = 1,2,. . ,19) e

bl4 r/h
HSDT 0.0535 0.2944 0.4640
5 .~..
(0.4871) (0.3324)
FSDT 0.0536 ';.:;;;I+
. 0.3926 ‘0.4909'

HSDT 0.0467 0.2690 0.2890 0.4690 D.469U 0.4543 0.4543

I 10 y;;’ '"0.;;;;' ';.:;;;I ';.::;;I
FSOT 0.0467 ';.;;;;'
. .
WSDT 0.0444 0.2873 0.2673 0.1947 0.4909 0.4905 0.4905
1W FSDT 0.444 ';.gl ';.::;:I ';.;;;;I (0.4959)
. 0.4909

CPT 0.0444 0.2673 0.2813 0.1946 0.0 0.4909


FSDT 0.1248
0.1246 0.6202
0.6100 z::
. 0.2927
0.2769 0.6745
0.5451 0.5201
0.4192 0.5615
0.6813 %B"E

HSDT 0.1142 0.6125 0.2769 0.2809 0.6794 0.5230 0.6446 0.5051

10 FSDT 0.1142 0.6lOD 0.2779 0.2769 0.5451 0.4192 0.6613 0.5240

HSDT 0.1106 0.6100 0.2779 0.2769 0.6813 0.5240 0.6609

100 FSDT O.llW 0.6100 0.2779 0.2769 0.5451 0.4192 0.6813 L%:

CPT 0.1106 0.61W 0.2779 0.2769 0.0 0.0 0.6813 0.5240

+nu&err in pwcnthesis nrc obtained by n." = 1.3,....29 in the Series Of Eq. (22).
892 J.N. REDDY

Table 2. Comparison of dcikctions and stresses in orthotropic square plates under uniform
transverse load (m, n = I, 3,. . . (19)
cllwh, 4’90 $hoW

0.05 21.542 21,542 21.542 21.210 262.67 262.6 262.0 262.2 14.048 13.98 11.20 II .n
2 (13.57) 114.00) yy)
0.10 1,40R.5 1,408.S 1.408.5 1.326 65.975 65.95 65.38 65.55 6.921 6.958 0.0
(6.229) (6.998) I";;;"'
0.14 387.23 387.5 3Rl.B 345.1 33.R62 33.84 33.21 33.44 4.8lB 4.944 0.0
(4.n27) (4.997) (i.999)

0.05 10.443 10450. 10450. 10250. 144.31 144.3 143.9 144.4 10.873 10.85 8.701 0.0
(10.45) (1n.w (ln.88)
1 0.10 688.57 689.5 689.6 640.7 36.021 36.01 35.62 36.09 5.341 5.382 4.338 0.0
(4.657) ;5i;:2) ;5;;;2'
0.14 191.07 191.6 191.6 166.R 18.346 18.34 11.94 18.41 3.731 0.0
(2.884) (j.857) (;.R87)

0.05 2.048.7 2051.0 2051.0 19R9.0 40.657 40.67 40.50 40.04 6.243 6.163 4.940 0.0
(5.765) ;"(;;r' ~6;;:"'
0.5 0.10 139.08 139.8 139.8 124.3 10.025 lo.n5 9.m 10.21 2.951 0.0
I';$" ;ioJ$4) $A:"
0.14 39.790 40.21 40.23 32.36 5.036 5.068 4.903 5.209 0.0
(i.186) (i.131) G.219)
- __
*numbers in parenthcsls denote the sheer stress vrlues obtained from the stress cquilibrim cqurtions.

*from Reference 1223

following orthotropic material properties, typical of aragonite crystals (converted from

elastic constants given in[22] to engineering constants), are used.

El = 20.83 x lo6 psi, Ez = 10.94 x 106 psi

G12 = 6.10 x lo6 psi, GIJ = 3.71 x 106psi, G2) = 6.19 x lob psi

VI2 = 0.44, y21 = 0.23. (29)

The elastic constant cl1 used in Table 2 has the value of 23.2 x 106psi. The following
nondimensionalized deflections and stresses are tabulated in Table 1:

- - 0
ui (h2/w2),i=1,2

(h2/qoo2) (30)

c4 - a4


Two pairs of transverse shear stresses, one obtained from the constitutive equations and the
other from equilibrium equations are presented in the tables. In the first-order shear
deformation theory, the shear correction factors are assumed to be L,’ = K: = 5/6. The
following conclusions can be drawn from the results of Tables 1 and 2:
(1) Even for the isotropic plates the effect of transverse shear deformation is significant.
The classical plate theory (CPT) under predicts (for a/b = I) the deflections by 4.9% at
a/h = 10 and 170/,at a/h = 5, and stress u, by 0.7% at a/h = 10 and 2.6% at a/h = 5 when
compared to the higher-order shear deformation plate theory (HSDPT); see Table 1.
A refined nonlinear theory of plates with transverse shear deformation 893

,s I

from constitutlve -.1 XL
HSDPT -. 3
from equilibrium
-*_ -. 5
frun constitutfve

Fig. 1. Distribution of the tranmnrc shear strw across the thicti of simply supported
mctangular plrtcsunder uniformly distributad transverse load (orthotropic case).

(2) The first-order shear deformation plate theory (FSDPT) is quite accurate when the
transverse de&&ions are concerned. But the stresses are no better than those predicted by
CPT; see Tables 1 and 2.
(3) The transverse shear stresses predicted by the constitutive equations (8) of the
higher-order theory are the most accurate of the three plate theories when compared to the
exact solution of Srinivas and Rao[22]; see Table 2 and Fig. 1. It is interesting to note that
FSDPT and CPT give more accurate transverse shear stresses than HSDPT when the stress
equilibrium equations of 3-D elasticity theory are used:

etc. (see Appendix 1).

(4) The infinite series for deflections converges faster than those for stresses; the
convergence is slower for thick plates than for thin plates; see Table 1.
In summary, the higher-order theory yields more accuratedistribution of stresses, especially
shear stmsses, when compared to the other plate theories. This feature of the higher-order
theory is of umsiderabk interest in the analysis of laminated composite plates, because an
accurate prediction of the interlaminar shear stresses enables an accurate determination of
the strength and failure of laminates.

Natural vibration
The numerical results of the natural vibration of isotropic (Y= 0.3) and orthotropic (see
eqn (29) for material properties) square plates are presented in Tabks 3 and 4, resp. The
results are compared with the exact solutions of the thmedimensional elasticity
theory[22-24). In Table 4 the first three eigenvalues obtained by the present theory are
compared with the exact values, and the values obtained by FSDPT and CPT. From the
results presented in Tabks 3 and 4 the following observations can be made:
894 J. N. hDDY

Table 3. Comparison of natural frequencies, B = ~(~), of isotropic (V = 0.3) p&cs

(a/h = IO)
- --- - _-

b/a = I b/a = f1
cPT I 1243
-r 1 0.093u 1 0.704 0.7038 0.7436 0.7180
0.0932 4.0931
2 0.226 0.2222 0.2219 2 I.376 1.373a 1.3729 1.4273
2 0.3421 0.3411 0.3406 0.3732 2 1 2.018 2.0141 2.0123 2.1281
(0.3853) (il.lGIl)
3 0.4171 0.4158 0.4149 0.4629 1 3 2.431 2.4263 2.4235 2.5908
(0.4816) ! 12.648?)
3 0.5239 D.5PPi 0.52C6 0.3951 2 2 2.634 2.6283 2.6250 i.8247
[0.6261) (2.8895t
.i 0.6545 0.6520 0.7668 2 3 3.612 3.6013 3.594% 3.9575
3 0.6389 0.6862 0.6134 4 3.RO9 3.1891 3.7818 4.1822
4 0.7511 0.7481 0.7446 1 3.987 3.9148 3.9666 4.4062
4 0.8949 0.8896 2 4.535 .4.51>8 4.5089 5.0729

5 0.9268 0.9230 0.9174 4 4890 4.8737 4.8600
5 2.0053 0.9984 3 5.411 5.3915 5.3754

4 1.0889 I.D84? 1.W64 5 5.411 5.3915 5.3754 6.1680

5 1.1361 1.1268 5 6.449 6.3846 6.3609

-- - ----- - ____-_-
+,,"mbers (,,p4r~,,thqsI~denote n4turrl frcqucncics ohtdlned by Omitting tho rOt4tWY inerti&

Table4. Comparison
of naturalfnquencies, i = 0hhGGh of an orthotropic
square plate
(a/h 5: 10)

f&actlul HSDPT FSDPT

m n I II* III I 11, III I Ii’ III I

1 I 0.0474 1.3077 1.6530 0.0474 1.30% 1.6550 0.0474 1.3159 I.6646 0.0(93
1 2 0.1033 1.3331 1.7160 0.1033 1.3339 1.7209 0.1032 1.3410 1.7305 0.1095
2 1 0.1188 1.4205 1.6805 0.1189 1.4216 1.6827 0.1187 1.4285 1.6921 0.1327
2 2 0.1694 1.4316 1.7509 0.1695 1.4323 1.7562 0.1692 1.4393 1.7655 0.1924
1 3 0.1888 I.3765 1.8115 0.1888 1.3772 1.8210 0.1884 1.3841 1.8305 0.2070
3 1 0.2180 1.5777 1.I334 0.2184 I.5789 1.7361 0.2178 I.5857 1.7450
2 3 0.2475 1.45% 1.8523 0.2477 1.4603 I.8622 0.2469 I A670 1.8714 0.2879
3 2 0.2624 1.5651 1.8195 0.2629 I.5658 I.8255 0.2619 1.5725 1.8341 0.3248
1 4 0.2%9 1.4372 1.9306 0.2%9 I.4379 1.9466 0.2959 I.4445 I.9560 0.3371

4 I 0.3319 1.7179 1.8548 0.3330 1.7186 1.8588 0.3311 1.7265 1.8657 ‘E!)
3 3 0.3320 1.5737 1.9289 0.3326 I.5744 I.9395 0.3310 1.5812 1.9479 0.4172

2 4 0.3476 1.5068 1.9749 0.3479 1.5076 1.9912 0.3463 1.5141 2.OwJ2

4 2 0.3070 1.6940 1.9447 0.3720 1.6947 1.9514 0.36% 1.7022 1.95%

lPure thick-twist modes

+ Numbers in parenthesis indicate frequencies obtained by omitting the rotatory inertia.

(1) The classical plate theory overestimates the frequencies. The errors increase with
increasing mode numbers.
(2) The frequencies predicted by FSDPT are fairly accurate; the error increases with
increasing mode number.
(3) The frequencies predicted by HSDPT are the most accurate of all.
(4) The effect of transverse shear deformation increases with increasing mode
A refined nonlinear theory of plates with transverse shear deformation 895
A refined nonlinear shear deformation theory of flat plates is presented. The theory
accounts for (a) zero traction boundary conditions on the top and bottom faces of the plate,
(b) cubic variation of in-plane displacements through thickness (hence, a parabolic distribu-
tion of transverse shear stresses through thickness), and (c) the von Karman strains.
Additional features of the theory are that no shear correction factors are used in the theory,
and the resulting equations of motion include the same variables as in the first-order shear
deformation theory. Exact solutions for the case of infinitesimal displacements are presented
for bending and free vibration of simply supported rectangular plates of isotropic as well as
orthotropic materials. The solutions of the higher-order theory are found to be in excellent
agreement with the exact solutions of the threedimensional theory of elasticity. The
numerical results should serve as references for those who wish to develop a finite-element
model of the higher-order theory described herein. Extension of the present theory to
laminated anisotropic plates is presented by the author (see[251).

Acktwwfedgement-The support of the research reported here, in parts, by the Air Force Oflice of Scientific
Research through grant AFOSR-61-0142 and NASA Langley through grant NAG-I-459 are gratefully acknow-
ledged. The author is thankful to Dr. Anthony Amos (AFOSR) and Dr. James Stames, Jr. (NASA) for the encour-
agement and support of the work.

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Transverse sheor stresses from stress equilibrium equarkms
The transvcrsc normal and shear stresses obtained from the stress equilibrium equations for the classical plate
theory, the first-order shear deformation theory, and the higher-order theory (for simply supported, orthotropic
8% J. N. %DDY

mtangular p&s) arc @en below:

(1) Cfossimfplate fdeory

a,=- ~[~-~)rlbJQ,,+(tc,,+~,~~q~msrudnav

hZ1 22
&WG,2 + Q13+ B’QrJ W sin 0~ ~0sPY
uw=T [ - 0~
when Qe arc @cn by cpn (86), and W dcnotcs the ampiitudc in eqn (22).

(2) Firsr-order shear &formation theory

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