ISF21 Exam
ISF21 Exam
ISF21 Exam
Final Examination
Semester 1, 2017
Blended/Online Mode
Duration of Exam: 3 hours + 10 minutes
1. Write all answers in the appropriate place provided in the answer booklet.
2. Write your ID number and Name on top of each page in the answer booklet.
3. All questions are compulsory.
4. A minimum of 40% (20/50) is required in this paper for you to pass this course.
5. Hand in the answer booklet to the supervisor before you leave the examination room.
1. For browsers to connect to the Internet, the location of the resources must be specified through
4. In a communications system, which device is responsible for breaking messages into packets?
6. All of the following are examples of open source software except for
7. This level of management is responsible for ensuring the creation of finished goods and services using
raw materials and personnel.
A. directors C. supervisors
B. chairperson D. managers
8. Which computer based information system summarizes detailed data from transaction processing
system in standard reports for middle level managers?
10. Which view of data deals with how the data in actually formatted and located?
11. All of the following are examples of a primary key except for
A. passportNo. C. studentID.
B. mobile phone number. D. date of birth.
12. Analysis tools that support viewing all or selected parts of data, querying the databases, and
generating reports include query by example as well as specialized programming language called
13. In the object oriented database model, this term is the equivalent to a field in a relational model.
A. attribute. C. entity.
B. method. D. class.
14. These types of databases are also called information utilities or data banks.
A. commercial C. individual
B. shared D. distributed
15. During which phase of the systems life cycle are users trained to use the new system?
A. implementation C. design
B. development D. analysis
16. People who study an organizations systems to determine faults and suggest ways for improving it are
known as
17. Which among the following would not be described in the systems analysis report?
19. This is the process of building a model that can be modified before the actual system is implemented.
20. Program objectives, desired outputs, needed inputs, and processing requirements are recorded in
this document.
21. Which programming tool uses symbols to show the sequence of steps need to solve a programming
A. histogram C. pseudocode
B. flowcharts D. scatter diagrams
22. This type of error could be the result of the programmer missing out a function or including an
incorrect calculation.
A. syntax C. logic
B. compile time D. run time
23. These second generation languages use abbreviations or mnemonics that make it easier for humans
to understand.
25. This type of computer criminal creates and distributes malicious programs.
A. cracker C. hacker
B. keystroke logger D. employee
A. restriction C. security
B. encryption D. protection
A. Worms C. Viruses
B. Trojan horses D. Denial of service attack
29. This network encryption method is most widely used for protecting home wireless networks.
30. Which of the following CSS code will apply the yellow font to all paragraphs only?
5. The top down analysis method makes each component easier to analyze and deal with.
6. Selecting the best system is the first step of the systems design phase of the systems life cycle.
7. C++ is a procedural language that is widely used by today's programmers.
8. CASE tools are used to compile programs to test for logic errors.
9. It is against the law for keystroke loggers to be deposited on your hard drive by the company you
work for.
methods, conversion, first, third, pseudocode, phishing, home, coding, periodic, cloud, demand, personal,
There are six main questions in this section. Each question is worth 10 Marks. Answer in the
appropriate places provided in the answer book.
Question 1 The Internet, Web and E-commerce & Communications and Networks [10 Marks]
i. Communication
ii. E-commerce
iii. Education
iv. Research
v. Entertainment
Question 2 Information Systems & Privacy, Security and Ethics [10 Marks]
b. Briefly state the differences between the four types of computer based information systems (TPS,
MIS, DSS and ESS). [4 marks]
c. List any six measures to ensure computer security. [3 marks]
i. DBMS engine
ii. data definition
iii. data manipulation
iv. application generation
v. data administration
i. Business directories
ii. Demographic data
iii. Business statistical information
iv. Text databases
v. Web databases
a. Define the following six tools available to assist the systems analyst during the analysis phase of the
systems life cycle. [6 marks]
i. Checklists
ii. Top down analysis method
iii. Grid Charts
iv. Data flow diagrams
v. Decision tables
vi. Automated design tools
b. List four things to consider when selecting the best system during the systems design phase?
[2 marks]
c. Identify and explain any two ways testing is done during the systems development phase.
[2 marks]
b. Explain how OLE was performed in your assignment two. [1½ mark]
[1 mark]
d. Which header and footer element was used to display Book1 in the header? [½ mark]
e. Which header and footer element was used to display 4/7/2014 in the header? [½mark]
g. For the HTML5 code shown below, determine what the resulting webpage will look like.
[5 marks]
~~~THE END~~~
Answer Booklet
For Markers Use Only
1. Write all answers in the appropriate place Section/
provided in this answer booklet. Mark
2. Write your ID number and Name on top of A
each page in this answer booklet.
3. All questions are compulsory. C
4. A minimum of 40% (20/50) is required in
this paper for you to pass this course.
5. Hand in the answer booklet to the
supervisor before you leave the
examination room. D
6. This exam is 50% towards your final grade.
Section A Multiple Choice [30 Marks]
Select the letter that represents the best answer. All questions are compulsory. Each question is
worth one mark.
1 A B C D 16 A B C D
2 A B C D 17 A B C D
3 A B C D 18 A B C D
4 A B C D 19 A B C D
5 A B C D 20 A B C D
6 A B C D 21 A B C D
7 A B C D 22 A B C D
8 A B C D 23 A B C D
9 A B C D 24 A B C D
10 A B C D 25 A B C D
11 A B C D 26 A B C D
12 A B C D 27 A B C D
13 A B C D 28 A B C D
14 A B C D 29 A B C D
15 A B C D 30 A B C D
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
i. Communication
ii. E-commerce
iii. Education
iv. Research
v. Entertainment
5 marks
ISF21| Final Examination Answer Book Semester 1, 2017 P a g e |4
i. sending & receiving devices
5 marks
a. Information systems
1 mark
4 marks
c. Six security measures
3 marks
2 marks
i. DBMS engine
v. data administration
5 marks
b. five types of DBMS structures
2½ marks
v. Web databases
2½ marks
i. Checklists
v. Decision tables
6 marks
b. four things to consider when selecting best system
2 marks
2 marks
10 marks
a. OLE
2 marks
1 mark
½ mark
½ mark
½ mark
ISF21| Final Examination Answer Book Semester 1, 2017 P a g e | 11
5 marks
~~~The End~~~