Wireless All Unit Notes
Wireless All Unit Notes
Wireless All Unit Notes
Unit I:
Introduction to Wireless Communication:
A base station works as the main communication point for one or more wireless
mobile devices. It is a fixed transceiver capable of sending and receiving wireless
signals via the radio frequency (RF) base station antennas to transmit RF signals
to other devices.
• Page: Page is a brief message that is broadcast over the entire service area by
many base stations at the same time primarily to locate where the mobile station
• Transceiver: A device capable of transmitting and receiving radio signals.
• Forward Voice Channel (FVC): Used for voice transmission from BS to MS.
• Reverse Voice Channel (RVC): Used for voice transmission from MS to BS.
• Mobile Switching Center(MSC): The MSC is used to provide route to all the
calls in large cervice area.
It is the base of cellular communication system as it manage or control all the services
within the system
1. Switching of calls between subscriber
2. Switching sms between subscriber
3. Tracking of BSC location of subscriber
4. Subscriber authentication and info.
5. Billing management of each subscriber
Q 3: Describe the operation of basic cellular system with neat sketch. (IMP)
1. In a cellular system, the entire region is divided into regular hexagonal patterns
called as cells. The area covered by the cell is called Cell Size and there is no
standard fixed value defined for this. It varies from service provider to service
provider. The cell size ranges from 10 Km to 50 Km based on the population in that
area. Figure 1 shows the basic structure and elements of a cellular system.
Key Features of 1G
Bandwidth: 10MHz
Speed: 2.4Kbps
Frequency: 800MHz, 900MHz
Channel capacity: 30KHz
Disadvantages of 1G
Key Features of 2G
Bandwidth: 30–200KHz
Speed: Up to 64Kbps
SMS and MMS messaging
Billing based on services used, e.g., long-distance calls
Disadvantages of 2G
Between the year 2000 and 2003, an upgrade in technologies introduced the
packet network which provided high speed data transfer and internet and
became known as 2.5G and 2.75G.
2G network were built mainly for voice calls, sms, data and slow
transmission. But due to rapid changes in user expectation they do not meet
today's wireless need.
3G network provides the ability to transfer voice data and non voice data over
the same network simultaneously.
The introduction of UMTS (Universal Mobil Telecommunication Systems)
launched the third generation of wireless communications, which could transmit
more significant amounts of data at higher speeds.
3G mobile communication enabled the global popularity of smartphones.
Specific applications were developed to utilize newer capabilities, such as
multimedia chat, email, video calling, social media and mobile games.
The access method Uses W-CDMA.
Key Features of 3G
Key Features of 4G
Disadvantages of 4G
Uses of 5G
Industrial automation,
Doctors using robots to perform surgery remotely,
Smart TVs that need a very high amount of data,
Internet of Things,
Autonomous vehicles
Q 7: Difference between Simplex, Half duplex and Full Duplex Transmission Modes
Parameters Simplex Half Duplex Full Duplex
Unit II:
Basic Cellular Concept:
1. Frequency Reuse is the scheme in which allocation and reuse of channels throughout a
coverage region is done.
2. Each cellular base station is allocated a group of radio channels or Frequency sub-bands
to be used within a small geographic area known as a cell.
3. The process of selecting and allocating the frequency sub-bands for all of the cellular
base station within a system is called Frequency reuse or Frequency Planning. The
same set of frequency is reused after a specific distance to ensure increase in capacity
and coverage .
4. In Figure 1, all cells marked as ‘A’ will be allotted the same group of channels. i.e. cells
which have been given the same letter in the diagram have the same group of
5. Cells which have been allotted the same group of frequency channels are called Co-
channel cells. Cell A-Cell G have unique channels and there are no repetitions. Group
of cells in which every channel is unique is called as a Cluster.
6. To find the total number of channel allocated to a cell:
S = Total number of duplex channels available to use, k = Channels allocated to each cell
(k<S), N = Total number of cells or Cluster Size. Then Total number of channels (S) will
S = kN
7. The number of cells after which a frequency channel can be reused is called as
the Frequency reuse factor (R.F.), and it is given as Frequency Reuse Factor = 1/N.
In the above diagram cluster size is 7 (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) thus frequency reuse factor is 1/7.
8. If a Cluster is replicated or repeated M times within the cellular system, then Capacity,
C will be,
C = MkN = MS
9. Since co-channel cells use the same set of channels, there is always possibility of
interference in these cells. Interference between the co-channel cells is called as Co-
channel interference.
10. There should be a minimum Distance after which the same channel can be reused with
minimum interference. This distance is called as Minimum safe distance and is given by,
If D is the minimum safe distance and R is the radius of each cell, then the ratio of D/R is termed
as Reuse factor Q and is given by
The Reuse Factor Q has a very important significance in deciding the capacity improvement
Q.2: Define handoff. Explain basic process of handoff with neat diagram.
1. When a mobile moves into a different cell while a conversation is in progress, the MSC
automatically transfers the call to a new channel belonging to the new base station. This
process of transferring Mobile Station’s call from one frequency channel or Base Station
to another is called as Handoff/Handover.
2. Handoff parameters
The following basic parameters are needed to determine whether a handoff is required or not.
1. Signal strength of the BS with which communication is being made.
2. Signal strengths of the surrounding BSs.
3. Availability of channels.
The handoff parameters are measured in the following way:
1. Signal strengths of BSs are measured by the mobile devices.
2. Channel availability status is known at the cellular network.
3. Cellular network makes the decision about when the hand over is to take place in
which channel of which cell.
3. When a mobile user moves in a different cell while a conversation is in progress, the
received signal strength from Base Station becomes weak. BS is not able to detect the
signal transmitted by the MS and vice versa. Thus, the call may be dropped
(discontinued). Therefore, to maintain the continuity of a call, it is necessary to allocate
new frequency channel from the cell where the MS is currently located. In cellular
system it is performed by the process of Hand off/ Handover.
4. Handoff should be performed successfully and as infrequently as possible to minimize
load on the system and must be unknown to the user. Hence, system designers have to
decide on optimum power levels at which Hand-off should be initiated. Also, Hand-off
must be complete at the right time in order to minimize call drops. To achieve all this, a
complete information of the minimum detectable signal level, handoff threshold is
5. Figure 2(a) shows a handoff is not made and the signal drops below the minimum
acceptable level required to keep the channel active. This dropped call event can happen
when there is a large delay by the MSC in assigning a handoff or when the threshold is
set too small for the handoff time in the system. Excessive delays may occur during high
traffic conditions due to computational loading at the MSC or due to the fact that no
channels are available on any of the nearby Base Stations (thus forcing the MSC to wait
until a channel in a nearby cell becomes free).
6. Figure 2(b) shows a proper hand off scenario in which the handoff threshold was
correctly defined and the signal did not fall beyond the threshold. This handoff threshold
level should not be very high to avoid unnecessary handoff scenarios. It should also not
be very low as there will be insufficient time given to complete the process handoff
which may cause call drops.
7. Hence the delta value i.e. difference between the minimum detectable signal level and
Handoff threshold is usually kept in the range of 0-6 dBs in modern cellular
communication systems. Practical value taken by most of the service providers is 2 dBs.
8. The minimum usable signal level for acceptable voice quality is usually seen to be -90
dBm to -100 dBm. If the received signal falls below this level, it cannot be detected by
the receiver. A slightly stronger signal level is used as threshold at which the Hand-off is
a. Hard Handoff:
In this type of handoff the link to the old base station is terminated before the mobile
station establishes a link with the new base station.
b. Soft Handoff:
In these types of handoff the link to the old base station is not terminated before the
mobile station established a link with the new base station.
a. Intra-cell handover
Such a kind of handover is performed to optimize the traffic load in the cell or to improve
quality of a connection by changing carrier frequency.
b. Inter-cell handover
It is also known as Intra-BSC handover.
Here the mobile moves from one cell to another but remains within the same BSC
(Base station controller).
Here the BSC handles the handover process
Since the number of handoffs increases with decreasing cell size, it will be an almost impossible
task to make a handoff decision for every mobile by one central switch (centralized). Moreover,
in microcells the connection between MS and BS can deteriorate very quickly. Fast handoff
decisions required in such situations can be achieved more readily by decentralizing the handoff
decision process.
Network-controlled handoff (NCHO)
1. NCHO is a centralized handoff protocol. In this type of handoff the network (surrounding
BS, the MSC or both) makes a handoff decision based on measurements of the RSS
(received signal strength) of mobile and the interferences from different BS.
2. The signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is measured by means of a supervisory audio tone
3. If the mobile is measured to have a weaker signal in its old cell, while a stronger signal in
a neighboring cell, then a handoff decision could be made by the network to switch BS
from the old cell to the new cell. Such a type of handoff in general takes 100–200 ms and
produces a noticeable “interruption” in the conversation.
4. However, overall delay of such a type of handoff is in general in the range of 5–10 s.
Thus, this type of handoff is not suitable to a rapidly changing environment and to a high
density of users due to the associated delay.
5. The NCHO is widely used in the first-generation cellular systems, such as AMPS, Total
Accesses Communications System (TACS) and Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT). In
NCHO, the MSC is solely in charge of the handoff process and the MSs are completely
1. MAHO is a variant of NCHO strategy. To improve the handoff reaction time and to
reduce the handoff administration load of the MSC, the handoff decisions should be
distributed towards the mobile phones.
2. One way to achieve this could be to let the mobile phones make the measurements and
the MSC make the decisions.
3. In the MAHO strategy, the network (BS and/or MSC) directs the mobile to measure the
signal strengths from the surrounding BSs and to report those measurements back to the
4. The network then uses these measurements to determine where a handoff is required with
which channel.
5. The delay in this protocol starting from the handoff initiation till the handoff execution is
around 1 s. This time may still be too long to avoid dropping a call due to street corner
6. Some examples of present cellular networks which implement MAHO are the GSM
system and the IS-95 system.
1. In this case, the mobile phone is the only entity which measures the handoff criteria and
makes a decision based on them.
2. The MSC is not involved in the handoff process resulting in reduced burden on the MSC.
The mobile has to choose the optimum BS based on the measurements.
3. Since the handoff process is implemented in the mobile itself, the delay is usually smaller
with a typical value of 0.1 s and is suitable for microcellular systems.
4. In this strategy, the mobile continuously monitors the radio signal strengths and quality of
surrounding BSs.
5. A handoff can be initiated if the signal strength of the serving BS is lower than that of
another BS by a certain threshold. Then the mobile requests the target BS for a channel
with the lowest interference and handoff mechanism will take place.
6. In such a case, the MS does not have any information about the signal quality of other
users, but handoff must not cause interference to other users.
7. MCHO is the highest degree of handoff decentralization. Some of the advantages of
handoff decentralization are as follows:
2. MSC does not have to make handoff decisions for every mobile, which is a very
difficult task for the MSC of high-capacity microcellular systems (radius < 1 km).
Q.4 Differentiate between soft hand off and hard hand off.
Q.5 Explain the important techniques to enhance the cellular coverage capacity. OR
Write a Short note on Cell Splitting, cell sectoring, repeaters for extending range and Microcell
zone concept.
a) Voice quality.
As the demand for wireless service increases, the number of channels assigned to cell becomes
insufficient to support required number of users.
At this point, cellular design techniques are needed to provide more channels per unit coverage
Cell Splitting.
Coverage Zone Approach.
It is process of subdividing a congested cell into smaller cells, each with its own base
station and a corresponding reduction in antenna height and transmitter power.
Cell splitting increases capacity of cellular system since it increases number of times that
channels are reused, it preserves frequency reuse plan.
It defines new cells which have smaller radius than original cells and by installing these
smaller cells called microcells between existing cells, that is radius will be half of the
original cell.
Thus capacity increases due to additional number of channels per unit area, but does not
disturb the channel allocation scheme required to maintain the minimum co-channel
reuse ratio Q between co-channel cells.
This is another method to increase cellular capacity and coverage by keeping cell radius
unchanged and decreasing D/R ratio.
In this approach, capacity improvement is achieved by reducing the number of cells in a
cluster and thus increasing the frequency reuse.
The co-channel interference in a cellular system may be decreased by replacing a single
Omni-directional antenna at the base station by several directional antennas, each
radiating within a specified sector.
The factor by which the co-channel interference is reduced depends on the amount of
sectoring used.
a) 1200 sectoring b) 600 sectoring
1) 3 Sectors 1200each
D) Repeaters
1. The users of wireless networks require dedicated coverage for coverage in areas like
mountains, valleys, buildings, etc. To provide such range capabilities radio re-
transmitters called as "repeaters" are used.
2. Repeaters are bidirectional. They simultaneously transmit and receive signals from the
serving base station. They operate using over-the-air signals so that they can be installed
3. Repeaters are capable of repeating an entire cellular band.
4. When the signals from base station are received, the repeater amplifies and reradiates the
base station signals to that particular coverage region.
5. The noise that is received and interference are reradiated by the repeater on the forward
and the reverse link. So, repeaters must be carefully installed to adjust the forward and
reverse link amplifier levels and antenna patterns.
6. Directional antennas are connected to the inputs or outputs of repeaters for localized spot
coverage in tunnels or buildings.
7. If the coverage of a cell that is in use is modified then the user can allocate some base
stations traffic to areas covered by the repeater.
8. The repeater does not add capacity to the system. They are used to provide coverage into
and around buildings where the coverage is weak. Repeaters with DAS (Distributed
Antenna Systems) network are installed within the buildings to provide coverage into
targeted areas.
9. Knowledge of correct location for repeaters and distributed antenna systems within the
building needs planning, because into the building the interference levels are reradiated
into the building from the base station and from the interior of the building to the base
Q.6 what is frequency planning in cellular system? Draw frequency reuse pattern for N = 4 and
N = 7.
i. The design process of selecting and allocating channel groups for all cellular base stations
within a system is called as frequency reuse or frequency planning.
ii. Cellular radio systems rely on an intelligent allocation and reuse of channels throughout a
coverage region. Each cellular base station is allocated a group of radio channels to be used with
small geographic area called a cell. Base stations in adjacent cells are assigned channel group
which contains completely different channels than neighboring cells.
iii. By limiting the coverage area to boundaries of a cell, same group of channels may be used to
cover different cells that are separated from each other by distances large enough to keep
interference levels within tolerance limits.
iv. If each cell is allotted K sets of channels and if S channels are divided among N cells in
unique and disjoint groups which have same number of channels, then total number of available
channels can be S=KN.
Thus, a small value of Q means larger capacity as cluster size N is small whereas large value of
Q improves transmission quality. To improve capacity N is usually 4, 7 or 12.
vii. To improve capacity and efficiency of frequency reuse plan, cell sectoring is employed with
Omni directional antenna.
Each cellular base station is allocated group of radio channels to be used within a small
geographic area called “cell”. Base stations in adjacent cells are assigned channel group
which contains completely different channels than neighboring cell.
By limiting coverage area to within the boundaries of cell, the same group of channels
may be used to cover different cells that are separated from one another by distance large
enough to keep interference level within tolerable limits.
The design process of selecting and allocating channel groups for all the cellular base
station within a system is called frequency reuse or frequency planning. Frequency reuse
is important as the spectrum allocated for cellular transmission is limited and demand is
increasing rapidly.
1. When a signal reaches the receiver from the transmitter in a single path, without suffering
any reflections, diffractions, or scattering, this is known as propagation along the line-of-
sight (LOS) path. An LOS component has the shortest time delay among all the received
signals and is usuallythe strongest signal received.
In a wireless communication system, a transmitted signal can reach the receiver via a number of
propagation mechanisms are as follows
1. Reflections
2. Diffraction
3. Scattering
It occurs when the EM wave strikes an object that has large dimensions as compared to the
wavelength of the propagating wave and bounce back in the same medium.
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If there is a large amount of reflection, it is possible for signal strength to become weak or to suffer
from interference.
The multipath reflection using wide beam antennas is essential in mobile broadband
communication. It is difficult to achieve single path reflection due to unavailability of object which
can provide necessary angle of incidence to obtain desired propagation.
Reflection occurs when a wave hits the interface between two dissimilar media, so that all of or at
least part of the wave front returns into the medium from which it originated.
Reflection creates multipath, which can degrade the strength and quality of the received signal as
well as cause data corruption or cancel signals.
2. Diffraction
Diffraction occurs when the signal encounters an edge or a corner, whose size is larger than the
wavelength of the signal, e.g., an edge of a wall.
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It is also referred as bending. The loss to the EM signal due to this depends on frequency of EM
wave and sharpness of the bend.
Diffraction occurs when the radio path between the transmitter and receiver is obstructed by a
surface that has sharp irregularities (edges). The waves that encounter the object, waves bend
around the object, taking a longer and different path.
The secondary waves resulting from the obstructing surface are present throughout the space and
even behind the obstacle, giving rise to a bending of waves around the obstacle, even when a line-
of-sight path does not exist between transmitter and receiver. At high frequencies, diffraction, like
reflection depends on the geometry of the object, as well as the amplitude, phase, and polarisation
of the incident wave at the point of diffraction.
Although the received field strength decreases rapidly as a receiver moves deeper into an
obstructed (shadowed) region, the diffraction field still exists and often has sufficient signal
strength to produce a useful signal. Diffraction is one of the main ways that it is possible to provide
cellular coverage in cities with lower frequencies (less than 3GHz).
3. Scattering
If there were microscopic irregularities in the surface we would get diffuse instead of specular
reflection. Radio wave scattering occurs when signals hit a rough irregular surface. The signals,
instead of being reflected, gets scattered in many directions. Scattering can also be caused by dust,
humidity, rain, vegetation etc. Scattering reduces the quality of received signals.
Scattering is when an RF wave encounters an object and scatters into multiple waves. If a signal
has been scattered then the integrity and strength of the signal will suffer tremendously. Scattering
is more unpredictable than others.
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WC - Unit III: Basic Radio Propagation and Multiple Access Techniques
Medium take place in the take place in the same medium. take place in the
same medium. same medium.
3. The channel between transmitter and receiver can also be time varying or fixed
depending upon whether the transmitter/receiver are fixed or moving with respect to
each other which can cause fading to occur.
4. This multipath propagation is nothing other than the outcome of several atmospheric
reflections. So, when waves of a signal from an antenna transmitted at the same time
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then multipath propagation causes the reception of waves in different time spans at the
receiver. The waves when propagate through different paths suffers variation in height
and ionization density in the ionospheric region of the atmosphere.
5. We are also aware of the fact that the actually received signal is the vector sum of the
waves received at that instant at the receiver. These received signalsfrom different paths
at the receiver either get added constructively or destructively. This causes the variation
in the overall strength of the received signal is known as fading.
6. It is noteworthy that due to fading the strength of the signal shows variation from a few
dBs to around 10 or 20 dB. This depends on the condition that whether fading is normal
or severe. Fading is a gradual phenomenon and signal can be recovered. However, the
fade-out is a phenomenon which is a condition of sudden ionospheric disturbance or
ionospheric storms in sunspot cycles, etc. that leads to complete fading of the signal.
In wireless communication many factors generating Fading effect. Followings are the list of
components (factors) of fading.
• Path Loss
• Fluctuation of the received signal power
• Fluctuations in signal phase
• Variations of Angle of arrival of received signal
• Reflection and diffractions from various object
• Received power variation created by multi path
• Frequency Shift (Doppler shift)
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7. In above diagram, In Path loss is just gradually decreases in signal strength with
increase in distance but not much of fluctuation. In the shadowing, some fluctuation of
the signal strength but the fluctuation frequency over the distance is not that high. In
Multipath, the fluctuations of signalstrength and the fluctuation frequency is also pretty
high. A real received signal is the result of summation of all the factors and it shows
the effect of fading.
Fading has different types are as follows.
1. FDMA is the process of dividing one channel or bandwidth into multiple individual
bands each for use by a single user. Frequency division multiple access (FDMA)
assigns individual channels to individual users. It can be seen from Figure 1 that each
user is allocated a unique frequency band or channel.
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2. These channels are assigned on demand to users who request service. During the period
of the call, no other user can share the same channel. In FDD systems, the users are
assigned a channel as a pair of frequencies; one frequency is used for the forward
channel, while the other frequencyis used for the reverse channel.
Advantages of FDMA: AS FDMA systems use low bit rates(large symbol time)compared
toaverage delay spread, it offers the following advantages-
• Reduces the bit rate information and the use of efficient numerical codes increases
• It reduces the cost and lowers the inter symbol interference (ISI)
• Equalization is not necessary
• An FDMA system can be easily implemented. A system can be configured so that the
improvements in terms of speech encoder and bit rate reduction may be easily
• Since the transmission is continuous , less number of bits are required for
synchronizationand framing.
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Disadvantages of FDMA: Although FDMA offers several advantages, it has a few drawbacks
aswell, which are listed below-
• It does not offer significantly from analog systems; improving the capacity depends on
thesignal-to-interference reduction, or a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
• The maximum flow rate per channel is fixed and small.
• Guard bands lead to a waste of capacity.
• Hardware implies narrow-band filters, which cannot be realized in VLSI and therefore
increases the cost.
• Near-far problem: Signals closer to the receiver are received with less attenuation than
signals farther away. Given the lack of complete orthogonality, the transmis- sions
from the more remote mobile units may be more difficult to recover. Thus, power
control techniques are very imp ortant in a CDMA system
1. Time division multiple access (TDMA) systems divide the radio spectrum into time
slots, and in each slot only one user is allowed to either transmit or receive.
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2. As shown in Figure, A particular user gets time slots which are non-continuous in nature.
The nexttime slot is assigned to him/her only when the other users sharing the same
spectrum have each done one burst of transmission at least.
3. Collection of time slots which are assigned to unique users is called as a Frame. In other
words, a user gets only one time slot per frame to transmit. In TDMA/TDD, half of the
time slots in the frame would be used for forward link and the other halfwould be used
for reverse link. In TDMA/FDD systems, since two separate physical channels exist,
transmit and receive frames are different and on different carrier frequencies.
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4. In a TDMA frame, the preamble contains the address and synchronization information
that both the base station and the subscribers use to identify each other.
5. Guard times are utilized toallow synchronization of the receivers between different slots
and frames. Different TDMA standards have different TDMA frame structures.
TDMA Features:
1. TDMA systems divides the radio spectrum into time slots, and in each time slot only
one user is allowed to either transmit or receive. TDMA effectively shares a single
carrier frequency with several users.
2. Transmission for any user is non-continuous, bursty in nature. This reduces the battery
consumption if the subscriber’s transmitter can be switched off when not in use.
3. In TDMA, the handoff process is much simpler as transmission mode is discontinuous.
The mobile can work in slotted mode and is able to monitor the RSSI of other Base
Stationswhen it is idle and not transmitting/receiving anything. Thus MAHO (Mobile
Assisted Hand Off) can be implemented easily.
4. TDMA uses different time slots for transmission and reception, thus duplexers are not
required. Even if FDD is used, a switch rather than a duplexer inside the subscriber unit
isall that is required to switch between transmitter and receiver using TDMA.
5. A TDMA frame consists of data for many users. Hence, guard times are necessary to
separate users. TDMA system requires high synchronization overhead bits due to
bursty transmission. In each TDMA frame, the preamble contains the address and
synchronizationinformation. Thus, TDMA systems have larger overheads as compared
to FDMA.
6. TDMA could allocate varied number of time slots per frame to different users.
7. In TDMA, the allotted spectrum is not divided into narrow channels. Hence, during
propagation, the TDMA channel bandwidth is comparatively more than the coherence
bandwidth of the medium. This results in frequency selective fading. Hence,
Equalizationis necessary on the receiver side.
Advantages of TDMA
• Permits flexible rates (i.e., several slots can be assigned to a user, for example, each
timeinterval translates 32Kbps, a user is assigned two 64 Kbps slots per frame).
• Can withstand gusty or variable bit rate traffic. Number of slots allocated to a user can
be changed frame by frame (for example, two slots in the frame 1, three slots in the
frame 2,one slot in the frame 3, frame 0 of the notches 4, etc.).
• No guard band required for the wideband system.
• No narrowband filter required for the wideband system.
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Disadvantages of TDMA
• Due to the burst mode, a large number of additional bits are required for
synchronizationand supervision.
• Call time is needed in each slot to accommodate time to inaccuracies (due to
• Electronics operating at high bit rates increase energy consumption.
• Complex signal processing is required to synchronize within short slots.
1. In code division multiple access (CDMA) systems, the narrowband message signal is
multiplied by a very large bandwidth signal called the spreading signal. The spreading
signal is a pseudo-noise code sequence that has a chip rate which is ordersof magnitudes
greater than the data rate of the message.
2. All users in a CDMA system, as seen from Figure, use the same carrier frequency and
may transmit simultaneously. Each user has its own pseudorandom codeword which is
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WC - Unit III: Basic Radio Propagation and Multiple Access Techniques
9. In CDMA a locally generated code runs at a much higher rate than the data to be
transmitted. Data for transmission is combined by bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) with
the faster code. The figure shows how a spread-spectrum signal is generated.
1. Frequency usage – Many users of a CDMA system share the same frequency.
EitherTDD or FDD may be used.
2. Soft Capacity Limit – Increasing the number of users in a CDMA system raises the
noiselevel in a linear manner. Thus, there is no absolute limit on the number of users
in CDMA. Rather, the system performance gradually degrades for all users as the
number of users is increased, and improves as the number of users is decreased.
Hence, unlike TDMA or FDMA, CDMA has a soft capacity limit.
3. Multipath Resistance – In CDMA systems, channel data rates are very high. Hence the
symbol (chip) duration is very short and usually much less than the channel delay
spread.Since PN sequences have low auto correlation, multipath which is delayed by
more than a chip will appear as noise. A RAKE receiver can be used to improve
reception by collecting time delayed versions of the required signal.
4. Soft Handoff – Since CDMA uses co channel cells, it can use macroscopic spatial
diversity to provide soft handoff. Soft handoff is performed by the MSC, which can
simultaneously monitor a particular user from two or more base stations. The MSC
maychoose the best version of the signal at any time without switching frequencies.
5. Self-Jamming – Self Jamming is a problem in CDMA system. Self-Jamming arises
fromthe fact that the spreading sequences of different users are not exactly orthogonal.
Hencein the de-spreading of a particular PN code, there is some level of cross
correlation. There will be non-zero contributions at the receiver from the transmissions
of other usersin the system.
6. Near Far effect – The near far problem occurs at a CDMA receiver if an undesired
userhas a high detected power as compared to the desired user. Signals close to the
receiverare received with less attenuation than signals farther away.
7. Fading effects – Multipath may be substantially reduced because signal is spread
over alarge spectrum.
8. Economical – CDMA is the most cost-effective technology that requires fewer cell
sitesand no costly frequency reuse pattern. The average power transmitted by CDMA
mobilestation averages 6 to 7 mill watts(mW), which is significantly lower than the
average power transmitted by FM and TDMA phones. Transmitting less power means
that the average battery life will be longer.
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WC - Unit III: Basic Radio Propagation and Multiple Access Techniques
In the figure, there are two mobile cells A and B. A is closer to the base station and B is far
fromthe base station. Power received (Pr) is the minimum signal level for the performance of
the required system. Therefore, the mobile B should transmit more power to achieve the same
Pr to the base station (PB>PA).
When all mobile stations transmit the signals at the same power (MS), the received levels at
the base station are different from each other, which depend on the distances between BS and
MSs. The received level fluctuates quickly due to fading. In order to maintain the received
level at BS, a suitable power control technique must be employed to control the transmission
power of each user in CDMA systems, called the transmission power control (Control Power).
There are two ways to control the transmission power. First is the open-loop (Open Loop)
control and second isclosed-loop (Closed Loop) control.
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WC - Unit III: Basic Radio Propagation and Multiple Access Techniques
A. Open loop power control: It is implemented on reverse link in which the quality of the
signalcoming from reference channel of BS is measured by MS. If the strength of the signal
from BS is above some threshold, then the transaction power of the MS is reduced by MS. If
thequality of signal reaching to the MS is not good then MS increases its transmission power.
Increasing or decreasing the transmission power is done by measuring the quality strength of
thesignal coming from BS to MS on forward channel.
Limitations: In these forward and reverse channels are not correlated. MS does not know that
whether it has minimized the transmission power efficiency or not. There may be delay
betweensignal transmission and reception.
B. Close loop power control: Open loop power control has some limitations and to overcome
them the closed loop power control is implemented. Is uses feedback between BS and MS, in
this the power of the signal coming from MS is measured by BS and BS send a control signal
totell Ms that what action the MS should perform.
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WC - Unit III: Basic Radio Propagation and Multiple Access Techniques
The base station reverse traffic channel receiver estimates and responds to the signal
strengthand interference. For a particular mobile station. Since both the signals and
interference are continually varying, power control updates are sent by the base station
every 1.25ms.
Power control commands are sent to each subscriber unit on the forward control
subchannelwhich instruct the mobile to raise or lower its transmitted power in 1 db steps.
If the received signal is low 0 is sent over power control subchannel instructing the
mobilestation to increase its mean output power level. If mobile’s power level is high 1
is sent to indicate that the mobile station should decrease the power level.
The power control is bit corresponds to two modulation symbols on the forward traffic
channel.Power control bits are inserted after data scrambling.
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WC - Unit III: Basic Radio Propagation and Multiple Access Techniques
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Q.1 Draw the block diagram and explain GSM architecture in details indicating all the
The GSM architecture consists of three major interconnected subsystems that interact with
themselves and with users through certain network interface. The subsystems are Base
Station Subsystem (BSS), Network Switching Subsystem (NSS) and Operational Support
Subsystem (OSS). Mobile Station (MS) is also a subsystem but it is considered as a part of
• It is a smart card that contains the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)
• It allows users to send and receive calls and receive other subscriber services. - It is
protected by password or PIN.
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• It contains encoded network identification details. it has key information to activate
the phone.
• It can be moved from one mobile to another.
2. Base Station Subsystem (BSS): It is also known as radio subsystem, provides and
manages radio transmission paths between the mobile station and the Mobile Switching
Centre (MSC). BSS also manages interface between the mobile station and all other
subsystems of GSM. It consists of two parts.
A. Base Transceiver Station (BTS):
• It encodes, encrypts, multiplexes, modulates and feeds the RF signal to the antenna.
• It consists of transceiver units.
• It communicates with mobile stations via radio air interface and also communicates
with BSC via Abis interface.
• It manages radio resources for BTS. It assigns frequency and time slots for all
mobile stations in its area.
• It handles call set up, transcoding and adaptation functionality handover for each
MS radio power control.
• It communicates with MSC via A interface and also with BTS.
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D. Authentication Centre: -
• It provides protection against intruders in air interface. - It maintains
authentication keys and algorithms and provides security triplets (RAND, SRES, Ki).
E. Equipment Identity Registry (EIR):
4. Operational Support Subsystem (OSS): It supports the operation and maintenance of GSM
and allows system engineers to monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot all aspects of GSM
system. It supports one or more Operation Maintenance Centres (OMC) which are used to
monitor the performance of each MS, Bs, BSC and MSC within a GSM system. It has three
main functions:
Q.2Explain Traffic & Control GSM channels along with its sub types and characteristics.
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(i) GSM Traffic channels (TCHs).
GSM traffic channel carry digital voice and user data either at half rate or at full rate. When
signal is transmitted at full rate, user data is contained within one time slot per frame.
When signal is transmitted at half rate, user data is mapped on to the same time slots, but it
is sent in alternative frames.
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(ii) Half-rate data channels for 4800 bps (TCH/H4.8): This channel carries raw user data
which is to be transferred at 4800 bps. With additional forward error correction applied by
GSM, the 4800 bps data sent at 11.4 kbps.
(iii) Half-rate data channels for 2400 bps (TCH/H2.4): This channel carries raw user data
which is to be transferred at 2400 bps with additional forward error correction by the
GSM, the 2400 bp data sent at 11.4 kbps.
1. Broadcast control channels (BCH) : The BTS uses this channel to give information to all
MSs within a cell. Information uses by this channel is cell and network identity, current
control channel structure, channel availability and congestion. The broadcast control
channel also sends the list of channels that are currently used within cell.
(a) Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH): The BTS sends information for frequency
correction via the Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH). The FCCH is special data burst,
which occupies first frame (i.e. frame 0) and repeated after every ten frames in control
channel multi-frame.
(b) Synchronization Channel (SCH): BTS broadcast information about time synchronization
to all MSS via synchronization channel (SCH). If the mobile station is 30 km away from
serving base station, it is often necessary to adjust the timing of particular mobile user. The
SCH is transmitted once after every ten frames within the control channel multiframe.
2. Common Control Channels (CCCH):
All the information regarding setting up a connection between MS and BS is exchanged via
the CCCH. The common control channel occupies TSO (framo) of GSM frame and that is not
used by BCH and ideal channels.
(a) Paging Channel (PCH): The PCH gives paging signal from the base station to all mobile
stations within cell. It also notify particular mobile for an incoming call from PSTN.
Alternatively, the PCH is used to provide cell broadcast ASCII text message to all
subscriber, as a GSM SMS features.
(b) Random Access Channel (RACH): If MS wants to setup a call, it uses Random Access
Channel (RACH) to send data to BTS. All mobile must request access or respond to a PCH
with TSO of GSM frame. At BTS, every frame will accept RACH transmission from mobile
during TSO.
(c) Access Grant Channel (AGCH): The AGCH channel is used by base station to provide
forward link communication to mobile station and carries instructional data which tells
mobile to operate in particular physical channel with particular control channel. The AGCH
is the final common control channel message sent by the base station before subscriber is
roaming or moving off the control channel.
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3. Dedicated Control Channels (DCCH):
There are mainly three types of dedicated control channels in GSM, same as traffic channel,
they are bidirectional. They have same format and function on both forward and reverse
(a) Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channels (SDCCH): SDCCH carries signaling data which
follows the connection of mobile with base station. The SDCCH ensures that the mobile and
base station connection remains constant while the base station and MSC verify the
subscriber unit and resource allocation to mobile. The SDCCH is also used to send
authentication and alert messages but not speech.
(b) Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH): The SACCH is always associate with traffic
channel or SDCCH, the SACCH carries general information between the MS and BTS. On the
forward link, the SACCH is used to send slow but regularly changing control information to
the mobile, such as power level instruction, and specific timing advance instruction for
each user. The reverse SACCH carries information about the received signal strength and
quality of traffic channel as well as BCH measurement result from neighbouring cell.
(c) Fast Associated Control Channels (FACCH): FACCH carries urgent messages, and contain
the same type of information as SDCCH. A FACCH is assigned to a particular user when
SDCCH has not been dedicated to particular user. The FACCH access the time slots by
taking frame from traffic channel, this is done by using two special bits, called stealing bits,
in TCH channel.
Q.3. Explain GSM frame structure with neat diagram.
Each user transmits a burst of data during the time slot assigned to it. These data bursts
may have one of five specific formats. Normal bursts are used for TCH and DCCH
transmissions on both the forward and reverse link. FCCH and SCH bursts are used in TS0
of specific frames to broadcast the frequency and time synchronization control messages
on the forward link. The RACH burst is used by all mobiles to access service from any base
station, and the dummy burst is used as filler information for unused time slots on the
forward link.
• A frame is one where no time slot is repeated. A frame contains eight time slots TS0
to TS7.
One time slot duration= 576.92 μsec
Number of bits transmitted during 1 time slot= 156.25 bits
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Thus, duration of one frame = 576.92μsec×8=4.6153 msec
Each bit duration= 576.92 μsec / 156.25 bits=3.6922 μsec
Transmission rate = 156.25 bits / 576.92 μsec=270.833 kbps
One user’s transmission rate = 270.833 kbps / 8 = 33.854 kbps
• One single time slot in frame has eight fields as follows:
o Tale bits: They are present at the start and end of every time slot to
distinguish one time slot from another. It identifies beginning and end of the
o Coded data: This is the actual information to be transmitted. Out of 156.25
bits 114 are information bearing bits that are transmitted as two 57 bits
sequences close to beginning and end of the time slot.
o Stealing flag: This bit helps base station to distinguish whether the coded
data is control or actual information. At the time of urgency control its are
also sent using voice channel at that time stealing bit becomes ‘0’ indicating
coded data carries control information.
o Midamble: This consists of 26 bits training sequence. It helps the adaptive
equalizer in mobile or base station receiver to analyze radio channel
characteristics before coding. It gives the amount of fading the channel
provides helping to decide which equalizer to be used.
o Guard period: A guard time of 8.25 bits is provided at the end of every time
slot to prevent overlapping with next time slot preventing actual information
from getting tampered.
• During a frame a GSM subscriber uses on one time slot to transmit and one time slot
to receive and may use spare five time slots to measure signal strength on adjacent
five base station as well as its own base station.
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• Each normal speech frames are grouped into larger structures called multi-frames
which in turn are grouped into super-frames and hyper-frames.
• One Multiframe contains 26 TDMA frames, one superframe contains 51 multiframes
or 1326 TDMA frames and one hyperframe contains 2048 superframes or 2715648
TDMA frames. One hyperframe is transmitted after every 3.4815 hours.
• Hyperframe is important in GSM because the encryption algorithms rely on
particular frame number and sufficient security can only be obtained by using a
large number of frames as provided by hyperframe.
Q.4 Define Handoff and explain different handoffs in GSM network.
When a mobile moves into a different cell while a conversation is in progress, the MSC
automatically transfers the call to a new channel belonging to the new base station. This
procedure is called handoff.
a. Intra-cell handover
➢ Such a kind of handover is performed to optimize the traffic load in the cell or to
improve quality of a connection by changing carrier frequency.
b. Inter-cell handover
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c. Inter System Handoff
i) Inter-BSC handover
➢ It is also called as Intra-MSC handover.
➢ As BSC can control only a limited number of cells, we might usually need to
transfer a mobile from one BSC to another BSC.
➢ Here the MSC handles the handover process.
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2. Handoff schemes based on algorithms of handoff (handoff protocols)
The mobile unit and the BS are connected via radio links which carry data as well as
signalling information. There are three different handoff strategies based on algorithms of
handoff, which have been proposed for transferring the connection to a new BS.
Since the number of handoffs increases with decreasing cell size, it will be an almost
impossible task to make a handoff decision for every mobile by one central switch
(centralized). Moreover, in microcells the connection between MS and BS can deteriorate
very quickly. Fast handoff decisions required in such situations can be achieved more
readily by decentralizing the handoff decision process.
NCHO is a centralized handoff protocol. In this type of handoff the network (surrounding
BS, the MSC or both) makes a handoff decision based on measurements of the RSS
(received signal strength) of mobile and the interferences from different BS. The signal-to-
interference ratio (SIR) is measured by means of a supervisory audio tone (SAT). If the
mobile is measured to have a weaker signal in its old cell, while a stronger signal in a
neighbouring cell, then a handoff decision could be made by the network to switch BS from
the old cell to the new cell. Such a type of handoff in general takes 100–200 ms and
produces a noticeable “interruption” in the conversation.
However, overall delay of such a type of handoff is in general in the range of 5–10 s. Thus,
this type of handoff is not suitable to a rapidly changing environment and to a high density
of users due to the associated delay. The NCHO is widely used in the first-generation
cellular systems, such as AMPS, Total Accesses Communications System (TACS) and Nordic
Mobile Telephone (NMT). In NCHO, the MSC is solely in charge of the handoff process and
the MSs are completely passive.
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till the handoff execution is around 1 s. This time may still be too long to avoid dropping a
call due to street corner effect. Some examples of present cellular networks which
implement MAHO are the GSM system and the IS-95 system.
In this case, the mobile phone is the only entity which measures the handoff criteria and
makes a decision based on them. The MSC is not involved in the handoff process resulting
in reduced burden on the MSC. The mobile has to choose the optimum BS based on the
measurements. Since the handoff process is implemented in the mobile itself, the delay is
usually smaller with a typical value of 0.1 s and is suitable for microcellular systems.
In this strategy, the mobile continuously monitors the radio signal strengths and quality of
surrounding BSs. A handoff can be initiated if the signal strength of the serving BS is lower
than that of another BS by a certain threshold. Then the mobile requests the target BS for a
channel with the lowest interference and handoff mechanism will take place. In such a
case, the MS does not have any information about the signal quality of other users, but
handoff must not cause interference to other users. MCHO is the highest degree of handoff
decentralization. Some of the advantages of handoff decentralization are as follows:
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10. Fax & Data - Virtual Office / Professional Office
11. Roaming: services and features can follow customer from market to market.
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2. Multiple users are assigned radio resources using spread Spectrum techniques. Although
all users are transmitting in the same RF band, individual users are separated from each
other via the use of orthogonal codes.
The MS is the mobile subscriber equipment, which can originate and receive calls and
communicate with the BTS. CDMA, on the other hand, employs spread spectrum technology,
allowing it to make the best use of the available bandwidth. It allows any user to send data over
the full frequency range at any moment.
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B. SIM Card
On the other hand CDMA-based devices, do not require a SIM card; instead, ESN is used
(Electronic Serial Number). Because it does not utilise a SIM card, switching from one device to
another is complicated and necessitates a correct method.
2. Base Station Subsystem (BSS)
The BTS transmits and receives radio signals, realizing communication between the radio system
and the mobile station.
The MSC implements the service switching between the calling and called subscribers. One MSC
is connected with multiple BSCs. The MSC can also be connected to the PSTN, ISDN or other
MSCs. It provides the interface between the radio network and PSTN.
It is a dynamic database, stores the temporary information (all data necessary to set up call
connections) of the roaming subscribers in the local MSC area. VLR is used to store the subscriber
information of all the MSs in its local area, which can be used to establish the incoming/outgoing
call connections, to support basic services, supplementary services and mobility management.
It is a database for mobile subscriber management, the HLR (Home Location Register) is
responsible for storing subscription information (telecom service subscription information and
subscriber status), MS location information, MDN, IMSI (MIN), etc.
The AC (Authentication Center) is physically combined with the HLR. It is a functional entity of
the HLR, specially dedicated to the security management of the CDMA system. It stores the
authentication information. It also prevents unauthorized subscribers from accessing the system
and prevents the radio interface data from being stolen.
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E. Equipment Identity Registry (EIR):
It is a database that is used to track handset using the IMEI number. It is made up of three sub
classes- the white list, the black list and the grey list.
Frequency allocation: The forward channel carries information from the Base Station to the
mobile unit; the reverse channel carries information from the mobile unit to the base station.
The forward channels are between 869 and 894 MHz, while the reverse channels are between
824 and 849 MHz. In most of the countries, the channel bandwidth is 1.25 MHz.
CDMA channels can be broadly categorized as Forward channel and Reverse channel.
1. Forward Channel
CDMA forward link uses same frequency spectrum as AMPS i.e. 869-894 MHz. One channel
bandwidth is 1.25 MHz. Modulation scheme used is QPSK. Orthogonal Walsh codes are used.
Walsh codes are called Hadamard codes and they are used in all CDMA techniques. Forward
channels are separated from each other using different spreading codes. 64 Walsh codes are used
to identify each channel.
The Forward channel is the direction of the communication or mobile-to-cell downlink path. It
includes the following channels −
• Pilot Channel − Pilot channel is a reference channel. It uses the mobile station to
acquire the time and as a phase reference for coherent demodulation. It is
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continuously transmitted by each base station on each active CDMA frequency.
And, each mobile station tracks this signal continuously.
• Sync Channel − Synchronization channel carries a single, repeating message,
which gives the information about the time and system configuration to the mobile
station. Likewise, the mobile station can have the exact system time by the means
of synchronizing to the short code.
• Paging Channel − Paging Channel’s main objective is to send out pages, that is,
notifications of incoming calls, to the mobile stations. The base station uses these
pages to transmit system overhead information and mobile station specific
• Forward Traffic Channel − Forward Traffic Channels are code channels. It is
used to assign calls, usually voice and signalling traffic to the individual users.
2. Reverse Channel
The reverse link is separated from the forward link by 45 MHz. It is used by all the mobiles in the
cell coverage area to transmit to the base station. The reverse channel as it appears at the base
station receiver is a composite of all the outputs from all the mobiles in the base station’s coverage
area. The reverse channel structure allows a maximum of 94 channels which include a maximum
of 32 different Access channels and 62 different Traffic channels.
The Reverse channel is the mobile-to-cell direction of communication or the uplink path. It
consists of the following channels −
• Access Channel − Access channel is used by mobile stations to establish a
communication with the base station or to answer Paging Channel messages. The
access channel is used for short signalling message exchanges such as call-ups,
responses to pages and registrations.
• Reverse Traffic Channel − Reverse traffic channel is used by the individual users
in their actual calls to transmit traffic from a single mobile station to one or more
base stations.
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4. Soft Handoff – Since CDMA uses co channel cells, it can use macroscopic spatial
diversity to provide soft handoff. Soft handoff is performed by the MSC, which can
simultaneously monitor a particular user from two or more base stations. The MSC may
choose the best version of the signal at any time without switching frequencies.
5. Self-Jamming – Self Jamming is a problem in CDMA system. Self-Jamming arises from
the fact that the spreading sequences of different users are not exactly orthogonal. Hence
in the de-spreading of a particular PN code, there is some level of cross correlation. There
will be non-zero contributions at the receiver from the transmissions of other users in the
6. Near Far effect – The near far problem occurs at a CDMA receiver if an undesired user
has a high detected power as compared to the desired user. Signals close to the receiver
are received with less attenuation than signals farther away.
7. Fading effects – Multipath may be substantially reduced because signal is spread over a
large spectrum.
8. Economical – CDMA is the most cost-effective technology that requires fewer cell sites
and no costly frequency reuse pattern. The average power transmitted by CDMA mobile
station averages 6 to 7 mill watts(mW), which is significantly lower than the average power
transmitted by FM and TDMA phones. Transmitting less power means that the average
battery life will be longer.
IS-95 employs Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and uses separate bands for uplink and
downlink. It can use either 824MHz-894MHz or 1850-1990 MHz with separate frequency bands
for the uplink and the downlink.
The carrier frequencies used in IS-95 have a bandwidth of 1.25 MHz, and the channel separation
(difference between the centre frequencies of two channels) is also 1.25 MHz.
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IS95A can enable data rates of up to 14.4 kbps, which can be improved to 115 kbps with the
technology enhancements in IS95B.
IS-95 provides capacity advantages for its ability to accommodate more users per MHz of the
The power consumption in these networks is low, allowing users to make phone calls in decent
quality even when the signal strength is not at its best. Low power consumption also extends the
cell coverage, which increases the cell’s size.
IS95 networks also have soft handovers (SHO) that are more robust than the “hard” handovers in
TDMA/FDMA technologies.
2. CDMA2000
CDMA2000 is a 3G technology
CDMA2000, also known as CDMA2000 1xRTT or IS-2000, is a technology standard used for
delivering 3G cellular services.
CDMA2000 is a successor of IS95 (cdmaOne), and it offers 3G mobile services as specified in
IMT2000, enabling peak data rates of up to 153 kbps in the original launch.
Mobile networks worldwide follow two main paths for migrating from 2G to 3G. The first path is
for GSM networks that employ the UMTS technology for 3G migration, whereas the other path is
CDMA2000 which allows both IS-95 (cdma2000) and D-AMPS (Digital Advanced Mobile Phone
System) to migrate to 3G.
3G mobile networks can offer much higher data speeds as compared to the earlier 2G networks.
Due to the higher data speeds, 3G networks can support multimedia services, including video
CDMA2000 networks can operate in both 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands, just like the
earlier IS95 networks with separate frequency bands for uplink and downlink.
The uplink in CDMA is called the reverse link, and the downlink is called the forward link.
CDMA2000 is backwards compatible with its predecessor, IS95, making the upgrade from IS95
to CDMA2000 easy and seamless.
CDMA2000 has seen several enhancements including CDMA2000 1xEVDO (EVolution Data
Optimised), CDMA2000 1xEVDV (EVolution Data and Voice) and CDMA2000 3 x RTT (Radio
Transmission Technology).
It uses the carrier bandwidth of 1.25 MHZ like IS95 and is both circuit-switched and packet-
However, while the standard frequency carrier bandwidth is 1.25 MHz, with 3xRTT, CDMA2000
can aggregate up to three 1.25 MHz channels to get a total bandwidth of 3.75 MHz.
For comparison, the UMTS networks have a standard carrier bandwidth of 5 MHz. CDMA2000
1xRTT can support peak data rates of up to 153 kbps in the downlink and the uplink.
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With the EVDO Rev B enhancement, CDMA2000 can support maximum data rates of up to 14.7
Full-Form GSM stands for Global System for CDMA stands for Code
Mobile communication. Division Multiple Access.
Technology It uses the Time division multiple access It uses the Code division
Used (TDMA) and Frequency division multiple access (CDMA).
multiple access (FDMA).
Voice and Data GSM supports the transmission of both The CDMA technology
voice and data at once. does not support any such
feature. It cannot transmit
voice and data
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Network In every cell, the network tower serves It has a physical channel
as a mobile phone in that particular area. along with dedicated codes
for every device present in
the network.
Data Transfer The GSM technology makes use of The CDMA technology
Technology EDGE. uses the EVDO ready data
transfer technology. Thus,
the data transfer here is also
very fast.
Division The carrier is divided into time slots. CDMA allows transmission
Each user gets a different time slot. of each user all the time
Therefore, no one else can access the over the entire frequency
same calling slot until the ongoing call spectrum.
Signal Detection One can detect the GSM signals because One cannot easily detect
they stay concentrated in a narrow signals in CDMA.
Built-in GSM does not come with built-in CDMA comes with built-in
Encryption encryption. encryption.
Security The GSM technology offers less security The CDMA technology
as compared to the CDMA technology. offers more security as
compared to the GSM
SIM Card For the working of a GSM device, one The CDMA phones don’t
would always require a SIM card. have any such requirements.
Radiation On average, the GSM phones emit The CDMA devices emit
approx 28 times more radiation than the very low radiation.
CDMA ones.
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Wave Pulse A GSM phone emits a more continuous The CDMA devices have no
wave pulse. So, you don’t need to such pulses.
reduce its exposure to electromagnetic
1. GSM networks use TDMA/FDMA and require the frequency channels to be planned
carefully to avoid co-channel and adjacent channel interference; CDMA networks use
spread spectrum technology that employs unique codes for each user and enables the
network to use the same frequency carrier in all cells.
2. CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access, and it is a technology that can enable
wirelessconnectivity through the use of specialized codes.
3. The key parameters needed for a CDMA-based mobile network are frequency carrier
(channel) and code (e.g. Walsh code). GSM networks use a combination of FDMA
(Frequency Division Multiple Access) and TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) for
wireless connectivity.
Fig. 1 Example of frequency reuse in a GSM network where four frequency carriers are
used to provide coverage in a geographical area
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4. In GSM networks, the frequency channel allocation needs to be planned very carefully
and requires RF engineers to have specialised skills in frequency planning to avoid co-
channel and adjacent channel interference.
5. That is because the carrier to interference ratio (C/I) needs to be at an acceptable level in
TDMA/FDMA based systems like GSM.
6. It means that the frequency channel your mobile phone is connected to needs to be
stronger than other channels using the same frequency (co-channel) by a good margin.
That margin is called the acceptable C/I ratio, expressed in dB. Fig. 1 shows four
frequency channels are reused to avoid the same frequencies being right next to each
7. On the other hand, CDMA networks do not have the frequency reuse limitation and use
the same frequency carrier (channel) in all cells. Fig. 2 shows the concept of universal
frequency reuse. CDMA networks use the spread spectrum technology, which is
designed to operate at a very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) while using a very large
8. In CDMA networks, the transmitted signal from each mobile user is spread across the
available bandwidth and is assigned a unique code (spreading code). A unique de-
spreading code is applied to retrieve the original signal at the receiver end. Even though
all users use the same frequency carrier, the chances of any co-channel interference are
minimised since the spreading and de- spreading codes are unique for each user. Both
IS95 and CDMA2000 are built upon the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
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Fig. 2 Frequency reuse in CDMA networks – same frequency reused by all cell
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9. Unlike TDMA/FDMA based networks like GSM, where a handover requires a mobile
phone to first disconnect from one cell before connecting to a new cell, CDMA networks
use a concept called soft handover (handoff).
10. Since CDMA networks use the same frequency across all cells, a mobile phone can
communicate with multiple cells simultaneously. As a result, the mobile phone can
gradually disconnect from the cells that are no longer in range whilst staying connected
to other required cells. Soft handover makes the handoff process more robust, making it
less likely to drop the calls.
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• WCDMA features two modes:
Frequency Division Duplex (FDD): Separately users by employing both codes as well as
frequencies. One frequency is used for the uplink, while other is used for downlink
Time Division Duplex (TDD): Separates users by employing codes, frequencies and time
wherein the same frequency is used for both uplink and downlink
• WCDMA does no need base station timing synchronization
• WCDMA provides significant flexibility to provide support of multiple users at
independent data rates. The flexibility necessitates the utilization of multiple complex
waveforms for validation and test.
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S.No. Parameters Specification
14 Number of slots/frames 15
9. Define Near-far effect and explain the power control used in CDMA 2000 and WCDMA
Near-far effect
In CDMA, the power of multiple users at a receiver determines the noise floor after decorrelation.
If the power of each user within a cell is not controlled such that they do not appear equal at the
base station receiver then the near-far problem occurs.
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The near far problem is undesirable effect in CDMA systems. It occurs when many mobile users
share the same channel. In general, strongest mobile signal will capture the demodulator at the
base station. In CDMA strongest signal level raise the noise floor at the base station demodulators
for the weaker signals thus decreasing the probability that weaker signals will be received. To
combat the near-far problem, power control is used in most CDMA implementations.
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
Q1. What is Bluetooth? Explain the terms Piconet and Scatternet used in Bluetooth.
• Bluetooth technology is based on Ad-hoc technology also known as Ad-hoc Pico nets,
which is a local area network with a very limited coverage.
1. Bluetooth is a WPAn (Wireless Personal Area Network) open standard that provides an
adhoc way of connecting devices in the 10m range.
2. It is a short range, low cost and power efficient radio technology that supports point-to-
point andpoint-to-multipoint connections.
3. It connects handheld devices like printers, laptops, mobile phones and other accessories
in the 10m radius. It operates in the ISM band. Bluetooth operates in the 2.4GHz band
and uses a frequency hopping TDD method for each radio channel
4. The Bluetooth enabled devices can locate each other, but user action is essential in order
to make connections with other devices and from networks.
5. Upto eight devices can be connected in a Bluetooth network called, PICONET.
6. One of them acts as a master and remaining act as slaves. Hence, a maximum of 7 slaves
can be supported inside a piconet.
7. Whenever two or more devices detect each other and communicate through Bluetooth, a
PICONET is formed
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
1. Eight devices can be considered in a Bluetooth network called Piconet. One of them
acts as amaster and other act a slave.
2. A scatter-net is formed when two or more piconets connect through a bridge node.
3. In addition to seven active slaves, there can be up to 255 parked nodes in the net that
can onlyrespond to a beacon signal from the master.
4. The slaves are dumb devices that do the task that the master tells them to do.
5. All the communication is between the master and slave and not between the slaves.
Fig. Scatternet
Q2. Draw and explain in detail Bluetooth protocol architecture
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
The protocol architecture of the Bluetooth consists of following in a Bluetooth protocol stack:
1. Radio (RF) layer: It specifies the details of the air interface, including frequency, the
use of frequency hopping and transmit power. It performs modulation/demodulation
of the data into RF signals. It defines the physical characteristics of Bluetooth
transceivers. It defines two types of physical links: connection-less and connection-
2. Baseband Link layer: The baseband is the digital engine of a Bluetooth system and is
equivalent to the MAC sublayer in LANs. It performs the connection establishment
within a piconet, addressing, packet format, timing and power control.
3. Link Manager protocol layer: It performs the management of the already established
links which includes authentication and encryption processes. It is responsible for
creating the links, monitoring their health, and terminating them gracefully upon
command or failure.
4. Logical Link Control and Adaption (L2CAP) Protocol layer: It is also known as the
heart of the Bluetooth protocol stack. It allows the communication between upper
and lower layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack. It packages the data packets
received from upper layers into the form expected by lower layers. It also performs
segmentation and multiplexing.
5. Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) layer: It is short for Service Discovery Protocol. It
allows discovering the services available on another Bluetooth-enabled device.
8. WAP: It is short for Wireless Access Protocol. It is used for internet access.
9. TCS: It is short for Telephony Control Protocol. It provides telephony service. The
basic function of this layer is calling control (setup & release) and group management
for the gateway serving multiple devices.
10. Application layer: It enables the user to interact with the application.
Q3. Draw and explain the Bluetooth frame structure and Network connection.
Bluetooth packet can be of 1-slot (625 us) or 3-slot (1875 us) or 5-slot (3125 us).
• Each packet consists of a 72-bit access code.
• The access code is used for packet identification.
• Every packet exchanged on the channel is preceded by its access code.
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
• Recipients on the piconet compare incoming signals with access code. If the two do not match,
the received packet is not considered valid and rest of its contents are ignored.
• The 72-bit access code is derived from master identity.
• Thus, access code is also used for synchronization and compensating for offset.
• Header part of the packet is used by the Link Control (LC) logical channel. It has the following
• AM_ADDR: temporary address assigned to active members of the piconet, used on all packets
in both directions sent between the master and the addressed slave
• TYPE: type of packet. There are 12 types of packets for each SCO and ACL physical links, and
four types of common control packets for both
• FLOW: It is used for flow control. It is asserted by slave when its buffer is full and cannot receive
any more data.
• ARQN: It is used to piggy back an acknowledgement onto a frame.
• SEQN: It contains sequence number for packet ordering.
• HEC: header error check for header integrity.
• There can be two types of payloads: voice and data. Synchronous connection oriented (SCO)
packets only have voice field, while Asynchronous connection less (ACL) packets only have data
Q.4. Enlist the advantages, disadvantages and applications of Bluetooth.
Advantages of Bluetooth: there are many benefits and advantages to using wireless devices.
1. Bluetooth is actually inexpensive: The technology of Bluetooth is cheap for companies
to implement, which results in lower costs for the company.
2. Bluetooth is automatic: Bluetooth doesn't have you set up a connection or push any
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
2. Wi-Fi is a blanket term for multiple technologies that use the IEEE 802.11
communications standards to create local area networks or LANs. Wi-Fi-enabled
products use radio waves to transmit data and communicate with one another. Initially the
technology used the GHz frequency, but it has since expanded to 5 GHz, 60 GHz, and 6
GHz frequency bands.
3. Wi-Fi, at a basic level, works on the same principles that make your radio or over-the-air
TV possible. Wi-Fi devices send radio waves to one another—but instead of broadcasting
analog audio or video, these waves digitally encode network packets that comply with
the Internet Protocol, just like the ones sent over wired Ethernet connections.
• A router, which does the traffic among the devices on the network. The router serves the
key role in mediating between all the devices on your local network and internet.
• A wireless access point that provides the radio connection between the router and the local
wireless devices.
• A modem that connects the local network to the wider internet. While not strictly
necessary for making the Wi-Fi network work, without it the devices on the network can
only talk to each other and not the wider world.
802.11 Standard
• Wi-Fi is a technology for wireless local area networking with devices based on the IEEE
802.11 standards.
• Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance, which restricts the use of the term Wi-Fi
Certified to products that successfully complete interoperability certification testing.
• Devices that can use Wi-Fi technology include personal computers, video-game consoles,
phones and tablets, digital cameras, smart TVs, digital audio players and modern printers.
• Wi-Fi compatible devices can connect to the Internet via a WLAN and a wireless access
point. Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters (66 feet) indoors
and a greater range outdoors.
• Hotspot coverage can be as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves, or as
large as many square kilometres achieved by using multiple overlapping access points.
• Wi-Fi most commonly uses the 2.4 gigahertz (12 cm) UHF and 5.8 gigahertz (5 cm) SHF
ISM radio bands.
• Anyone within range with a wireless modem can attempt to access the network; because
of this, Wi-Fi is more vulnerable to attack (called eavesdropping) than wired networks.
Wi-Fi Security
• Initially, most Wi-Fi networks were open, with data traveling over the air unsecured.
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
This posed a problem for companies concerned that an employee connecting from a
public coffee shop could be leaking data to anyone else in the room who had a Wi-Fi
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
• The Wi-Fi Alliance addressed by adding different security protocols to the standard under
the Wi- Fi Protected Access banner, including the latest, WPA3. Users connecting to
secured access points through properly configured WPA and a VPN connection are now
generally secure from some ofthe technology’s earlier open-network issues.
3. Flexibility
Office-based wireless workers can network without sitting at dedicated computers and can
continue to do productive work while away from the office. This can lead to new styles of
working, such as home working or direct access to corporate data while on customer sites.
See more on employees working from home.
4. Cost savings
Wireless networks can be easier and cheaper to install, especially in listed buildings or
where the landlord will not permit the installation of cables.
5. New opportunities
Wireless networking could allow you to offer new products or services. For example, many
airport departure lounges, train stations, hotels, cafes and restaurants have installed 'hot
spot' WiFi services to allow mobile users to connect their equipment to their 'home' offices
while travelling.
1. Security
Wireless transmission is more exposed to attacks by unauthorised users, so you must pay
particular attention to securing your wireless systems.
2. Installation problems
You may experience interference if others in the same building also use wireless
technology, or where other sources of electromagnetic (radio) interference exist. This
could lead to poor communication or, in extreme cases, complete loss of wireless
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- Bluetooth and WiFi
3. Coverage
In some buildings, getting consistent coverage can be difficult, leading to 'black spots'
where the signal isn't available.
4. Transmission speeds
Wireless transmission can be slower and less efficient than 'wired' networks. In larger
wireless networks, the 'backbone' network is usually wired or fibre rather than wireless.
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