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Biology Mcqs

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biology mcqs

Life processes
.1. During respiration exchange of gases take place in
(a) trachea and larynx
(b) alveoli of lungs
(c) alveoli and throat
(d) throat and larynx
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.2. Blood from superior vena cava flows into

(a) right atrium
(b) right ventricle
(c) left atrium
(d) left ventricle
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.3. The green colour of plants is due to the presence of

(a) chlorophyll
(b) carotene
(c) xanthophyll
(d) starch

Q.4. The correct sequence of anaerobic reactions in yeast is [NCERT


AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.5. Lipase acts on

(a) amino acids
(b) fats
(c) carbohydrates
(d) all of these
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.6. Blood consist of what fluid medium?

(a) Lymph
(b) Platelets
(c) Plasma
(d) All of these
AnswerAnswer: (c)
Q.7. In which of the following vertebrate group/groups, heart does not
pump oxygenated blood to different parts of the body? [NCERT
(a) Pisces and amphibians
(b) Amphibians and reptiles
(c) Amphibians only
(d) Pisces only
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.8. A student sets up an experiment to study the role of enzymes in

digestion of food.

In which test tube, the digestion of protein will occur?

(a) Test tubes A as pepsin will breakdown protein into simple
(b) Test tube B as HCl will breakdown protein into simple molecules.
(c) Test tube A as pepsin will breakdown into simple molecules.
(d) Test tube B as HCl will activate pepsin for breakdown of protein into
simple molecules.
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.9. In which part of the alimentary canal food is finally digested?

[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Stomach
(b) Mouth cavity
(c) Large intestine
(d) Small intestine
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.10. When air is blown from mouth into a test-tube containing lime
water, the lime water turned milky due to the presence of [NCERT
(a) oxygen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) nitrogen
(d) water vapour
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.11. Choose the correct path of urine in our body. [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Kidney →ureter →urethra →urinary bladder
(b) Kidney →urinary bladder →urethra →ureter
(c) Kidney →ureter →urinary bladder →urethra
(d) Urinary bladder →kidney →ureter →urethra
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.12. The internal (cellular) energy reserve in autotrophs is [NCERT

(a) glycogen
(b) protein
(c) starch
(d) fatty acid
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.13. Which is the correct sequence of parts in human alimentary canal?

[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Mouth →stomach →small intestine →oesophagus →large intestine
(b) Mouth →oesophagus →stomach →large intestine →small intestine
(c) Mouth →stomach →oesophagus →small intestine →large intestine
(d) Mouth →oesophagus →stomach →small intestine →large intestine
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.14. If salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva, which of the following

events in the mouth cavity will be affected? [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Proteins breaking down into amino acids
(b) Starch breaking down into sugars
(c) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol
(d) Absorption of vitamins

Q.15. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?
[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Pepsin
(b) Cellulase
(c) Amylase
(d) Trypsin
AnswerAnswer: (c)
Q.16. The image shows the bread moulds on a bread. How these fungi
obtain nutrition?
(a) By using nutrients from the bread to prepare their own food.
(b) By allowing other organisms to grow on the bread and then
consuming them.
(c) By breaking down the nutrients of bread and then absorbing them.
(d) By eating the bread on which it is growing.

AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.17. A student sets up an experiment to study human respiration using

lime water, test tube and a straw. Lime water is colourless in the
absence of CO2 and is milky in its presence. The student fills a freshly
prepared limewater in a test tube and blows air through straw into the
limewater. It was observed that the solution turns cloudy as shown.
What can be evaluated from this observation?
(a) Oxygen is exhaled during respiration.
(b) Water vapours are produced during respiration.
(c) Carbon dioxide is exhaled during respiration.
(d) Glucose is produced during respiration.
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.18. A student performs an experiment using a Balsam plant with

intact stem, leaves, roots and flowers. The plant was kept in a test tube
containing eosin solution (a pink colour dye). The test tube mouth was
covered using cotton plug as shown.

The student kept the plant undisturbed in the lab. After 2-3 hours, a
transverse section of stem was obtained using sharp scissors and
studied under microscope. The studies reveal the presence of pink
colour in the vessels of xylem. What does this observation explain?
(a) Most portion of the plant stem is occupied by xylem.
(b) Water moves through xylem in the plant.
(c) Eosin solution gets stored in the xylem.
(d) Xylem reacts with eosin and gives colour.
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.19. A few drops of iodine solution were added to rice water. The
solution turned blue-black in colour. This indicates that rice water
contains [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) complex proteins
(b) simple proteins
(c) fats
(d) starch
AnswerAnswer: (d)
Q.20. Single circulation, i.e., blood flows through the heart only once
during one cycle of passage through the body, is exhibited by [NCERT
(a) Labeo, Chameleon, Salamander
(b) Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Anabas
(c) Hyla, Rana, Draco
(d) Whale, Dolphin, Turtle
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.21. Lack of oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps among cricketers.

This results due to [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) conversion of pyruvate to ethanol
(b) conversion of pyruvate to glucose
(c) non conversion of glucose to pyruvate
(d) conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.22. The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon
[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) oxygen
(b) temperature
(c) water in guard cells
(d) concentration of CO2 in stomata
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.23. The inner lining of stomach is protected by one of the following

from hydrochloric acid. Choose the correct one.
(a) Pepsin
(b) Mucus
(c) Salivary amylase
(d) Bile
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.24. Rings of cartilage present in the throat ensure that

(a) air is filtered
(b) air is at room temperature
(c) air passage does not collapse
(d) air is free of microbes
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.25. The image shows oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood in the

human heart.
What is the direction of deoxygenated blood from right ventricle of the
(a) towards the lungs.
(b) towards the left atrium of heart.
(c) towards the upper body.
(d) towards the lower body.
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.26. Which of the following organisms absorbs nutrition with

(a) A carnivore
(b) A herbivore
(c) A parasite
(d) A saprophyte
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.27. The process by which Amoeba obtains food is called

(a) phagocytosis
(b) assimilation
(c) diffusion
(d) absorption
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.28. Which of the following is not a digestive enzyme contained in the

pancreatic juice?
(i) Lipase (ii) Hydrochloric acid (iii) Mucus (iv) Trypsin
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iii)
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.29. The enzymes pepsin and trypsin are secreted respectively by

(a) stomach and pancreas
(b) salivary gland and stomach
(c) liver and pancreas
(d) liver and salivary gland
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.30. Among the following choose the correct option which includes
the organisms that have a holozoic mode of nutrition:
(a) Plasmodium and Amoeba
(b) Parakeet and Amoeba
(c) Paramecium and Plasmodium
(d) Paramecium and Parasite
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.31. Raw materials required in the autotrophic mode of nutrition

(i) Carbon dioxide and water (ii) Chlorophyll (iii) Nitrogen (iv) Sunlight
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.32. The enzymes in pancreatic juice help in the digestion of

(a) fats and carbohydrates
(b) proteins and fats
(c) proteins and carbohydrates
(d) proteins, fats and carbohydrates
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.33. Which of the following help in protecting the inner lining of the
stomach from the harmful effect of hydrochloric acid?
(a) Mucus
(b) Pepsin
(c) Trypsin
(d) Bile
AnswerAnswer: (a)
Q.34. Sometimes we get painful cramps in our leg muscles after
running for a long time due to the accumulation of
(a) hydrochloric acid
(b) fat
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) lactic acid
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.35. The vein which brings clean blood from the lungs into the heart is
known as
(a) pulmonary vein
(b) hepatic vein
(c) superior vena cava
(d) pulmonary artery
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.36. Movement of the synthesized products from the leaves to the

roots and other parts of a plant’s body takes place through the phloem.
This process is known as
(a) translocation
(b) transpiration
(c) transportation
(d) excretion
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.37. During deficiency of oxygen in tissues of human beings, pyruvic

acid is converted into lactic acid in the [NCERT Exemplar]
(a) cytoplasm
(b) chloroplast
(c) mitochondria
(d) golgi body
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.38. Which among the following procedures is used for cleaning the
blood of a person by separating the waste substance from it?
(a) Kidney transplant
(b) Blood transfusion
(c) Dialysis
(d) Hydrolysis
AnswerAnswer: (c)
Q.39. The excretory unit of the human excretory system is known as
(a) nephridia
(b) neuron
(c) nephron
(d) kidneys
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.40. Plants use the energy stored in ATP to accomplish the process of
transportation of
(a) water and minerals
(b) oxygen
(c) water, minerals and food
(d) food
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.41. Which element is used in the synthesis of proteins?

(a) Hydrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Carbon dioxide
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.42. Temporary finger like extensions on Amoeba are called

(a) cell membrane
(b) cell wall
(c) pseudopodia
(d) cilia
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.43. From the given picture of the digestive system, identify the part
labelled as gastric gland.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.44. Which among the following is necessary to carry out the blood
coagulation in a cut or wound?
(a) White blood cells
(b) Blood plasma
(c) Platelets
(d) Red blood cells
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.45. In which mode of nutrition an organism derives its food from the
body of another living organism without killing it?
(a) Saprotrophic nutrition
(b) Parasitic nutrition
(c) Holozoic nutrition
(d) Autotrophic nutrition
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.46. The mode of nutrition found in fungi is

(a) parasitic nutrition
(b) holozoic nutrition
(c) autotrophic nutrition
(d) saprotrophic nutrition
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.47. Roots of the plants absorb water from the soil through the
process of
(a) diffusion
(b) transpiration
(c) osmosis
(d) none of these
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.48. The site of photosynthesis in the cells of a leaf is

(a) chloroplast
(b) mitochondria
(c) cytoplasm
(d) protoplasm
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.49. In Amoeba, food is digested in the

(a) food vacuole
(b) mitochondria
(c) pseudopodia
(d) chloroplast
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.50. Which region of the alimentary canal absorbs the digested food?
(a) Stomach
(b) Small intestine
(c) Large intestine
(d) Liver
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.51. The contraction and expansion movement of the walls of the food
pipe is called
(a) translocation
(b) transpiration
(c) peristaltic movement
(d) digestion
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.52. The exit of unabsorbed food material is regulated by

(a) liver
(b) anus
(c) small intestine
(d) anal sphincter
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.53. What are the products obtained by anaerobic respiration in

(a) Lactic acid + Energy
(b) Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
(c) Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
(d) Pyruvate
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.54. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and

energy takes place in
(a) cytoplasm
(b) mitochondria
(c) chloroplast
(d) nucleus
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.55. Glycolysis process occurs in which part of the cell?

(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Nucleus
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Chloroplast
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.56. Name the substances whose build up in the muscles during

vigorous physical exercise may cause cramps?
(a) Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
(b) Lactic acid + Energy
(c) Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
(d) Pyruvate
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.57. Name the pores in a leaf through which respiratory exchange of

gases takes place.
(a) Lenticels
(b) Vacuoles
(c) Xylem
(d) Stomata
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.58. The respiratory pigment in human beings is

(a) carotene
(b) chlorophyll
(c) haemoglobin
(d) mitochondria
AnswerAnswer: (c)
Q.59. Which plant tissue transports water and minerals from the roots
to the leaf?
(a) Xylem
(b) Phloem
(c) Parenchyma
(d) Collenchyma
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.60. A blood vessel which pumps the blood from the heart to the
entire body is called
(a) artery
(b) capillary
(c) vein
(d) haemoglobin
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.61. Name a circulatory fluid in the human body other than blood.
(a) Platelets
(b) RBC
(c) Lymph
(d) Plasma
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.62. Which part of nephron allows the selective reabsorption of useful

substances like glucose, amino acids, salts and water into the blood
(a) Tubule
(b) Glomerulus
(c) Bowman’s capsule
(d) Ureter
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.63. Where is the dirty blood in our body filtered?

(a) Heart
(b) Lungs
(c) Ureter
(d) Kidneys
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.64. Autotrophic organisms include

(a) bacteria and virus
(b) bacteria and fungi
(c) green plants and some bacteria
(d) green plants and all bacteria
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.65.Which of the following are chiefly digested in the stomach?

(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Proteins
(c) Lipids
(d) Fats
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.66. Large intestine in man mainly carries out

(a) absorption of water
(b) assimilation
(c) digestion of fats
(d) digestion of carbohydrates
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.67. The part of the digestive system where no digestion takes place
(a) ileum
(b) stomach
(c) mouth
(d) oesophagus
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.68. Arteries and veins are connected by a network of extremely

narrow tubes called
(a) sieve tubes
(b) capillaries
(c) vena cava
(d) valves
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.69. Which of the following are energy foods?

(a) Carbohydrates and fats
(b) Proteins and mineral salts
(c) Vitamins and minerals
(d) Water and roughage
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.70. The fermentation of glucose by yeast normally yields

(a) alcohol, CO2 and 36 ATP
(b) CO2, H2O and 36 ATP
(c) alcohol, CO2 and 2 ATP
(d) lactic acid, CO2 and 2 ATP
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.71. A large quantity of one of the following is removed from our body
by lungs?
(a) CO2 and H2O
(b) CO2 only
(c) H2O only
(d) Ammonia
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.72. In respiration, air passes through

(a) Pharynx → nasal cavity → larynx → trachea bronchi → bronchioles
(b) Nasal cavity → pharynx → larynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchioles
(c) Larynx → nasal cavity → pharynx → trachea
(d) Larynx → pharynx → trachea → lungs
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.73. A biochemical compound that readily combines with oxygen and

distributes it throughout the human body is
(a) water
(b) urea
(c) haemoglobin
(d) acetylcholine
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.74. The process in which loss of water takes place in the form of
water vapour through stomata is called
(a) transportation
(b) transpiration
(c) guttation
(d) translocation
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.75. In a closed circulatory system, blood is completely enclosed within

(a) vessels
(b) heart
(c) skeleton
(d) sinuses
AnswerAnswer: (a)
Q.76. Normal blood pressure (systolic/diastolic) is
(a) 120/80 mm of Hg
(b) 160/80 mm of Hg
(c) 120 60 mm of Hg
(d) 180/80 mm of Hg
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.77. Blood pressure is measured by an instrument called

(a) barometer
(b) sphygmomanometer
(c) photometer
(d) manometer
AnswerAnswer: (b)

Q.78. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Deoxygenated blood is poured into right atrium of heart.
(b) The excretory units of flatworms are flame cells.
(c) Human kidney has about 1 million nephridia.
(d) Tracheids and vessels are non-living conducting tissues.
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.79. The chlorophyll in photosynthesis is used for

(a) absorbing light
(b) breaking down water molecule
(c) no function
(d) reduction of CO2
AnswerAnswer: (a)

Q.80. Proteins after digestion are converted into

(a) carbohydrates
(b) small globules
(c) amino acids
(d) starch
AnswerAnswer: (c)

Q.81. Carbohydrates in the plants are stored in the form of

(a) glycogen
(b) starch
(c) glucose
(d) maltose
AnswerAnswer: (b)
Q.82. Opening and closing of pores is a function performed by
(a) stomata
(b) chlorophyll
(c) chloroplast
(d) guard cells
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.83. Bile juice is secreted by

(a) stomach
(b) pancreas
(c) small intestine
(d) liver
AnswerAnswer: (d)

Q.84. Which of these juices is secreted by pancreas?

(a) Trypsin
(b) Pepsin
(c) Bile juice
(d) Both (a) and (b)
AnswerAnswer: (a) Trypsin

Q.85. Name the tube which connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
(a) Urethra
(b) Nephron
(c) Tubule
(d) Ureter
AnswerAnswer: (d)

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