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Demonstration Lesson (Test Correction)

Mid –term test n° 3

Level : 9th Grade
Supervised by : Mrs. Raja Zayer
Prepared by : Mrs. Lilia Bouchoucha

Time Frame : 60 minutes

School year : 2023-2024
Objectives : By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to
-listen for gist
-listen for details
- reinvest the previously acquired lexis and strucutre into a
short dialogue

Pronunciation:pronunciation of / gh/and the final (ed) in regular


: Board- - worksheets-
Teaching Aids Data Show

Functions : Expressing opinion /Showing indifference / Inviting / expressing

doubt /Making suggestion

Warm –up
*T asks pupils about the test whether they found it difficult or easy
* t asks them to recall some words they came across in the listening

Step 1 (Comprehension) *T splits the pupils into groups of 4 then plays the
tape and pupils match each section with the right question asked to the
speaker (Group work)
*T elicits the definition of the word accommodation . p can mention different
types of accommodation
*T elicits the answers of question 1 / 2 /3
*Ps find the appropriate function . t elicits other expressions expressing
opinion (I think /I believe / In my opinion /As far as I’m concerned ).
The spelling task is corrected on the board
*Pronunciation proununciation of the /gh/ ps listen and tick in a grid
Pronunciation of the final /ed /in regular verbs (wanted and booked) t elicits
the rule . and shows flashcards on the board . t reminds ps of the rule using
flash cards on the board .
*Step 2Language :task 1 (Fill in the blanks) a pupil comes to the board to jot
down the answers of the language task one
T elicits some lexical item such as best-selling /records/ influencer
-Activity 2 : Multiple choice question is dealt with in the same way . two pupils
enact the dialogue meanwhile t draws pupils’ attention to the differences
between passive and active adjectives
-Activity 3 (tense and form )
Ps put in the right tense or form
T assigns a short consolidation task focusing on the differences between the
simple past and the present perfect . t elicits the signal words about the two
tenses .
Activity4 : ps role-play the dialogue and find out the appropriate function of the
underlined utterances .
Follow up :
Ps , in pairs , can imitate the dialogue as a feedback activity
Helped - finished – laughed
- needed - called -cleaned
– started – improved
washed – corrected –
begged – claimed – asked-

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