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1989 March Librarian Recruitment Rules O-0595-1989-0011-25672

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The Gazette of India


No. 11] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, MARCH 18,1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910

Separate Paging is given to this Part in order that it may befiledasa

separate compilation

PART II__Section 3__Sub-section (i)

General Statutory Rules (including Orders, Bye-laws etc. of a general

Character) Issued by the Ministries of the Government of India (other
than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Central Authorities (other
than the Administrations of Union Territories)

537 GI/89 __ 1 (601)

602 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALOUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(0]
(D^ptt. of Personnel & Trcinirg)
N,w Delhi, the 27th February. 1989

G.SR167--Iii'X'rci^eoflh^pow.rsconf:n'.dbytheprovisotoai"»"cl( 309ofth C >nst'tution,thc Pr sid< nthc-rbym k sth follo-

wing riles to im.nd th: Union Pabl.c Service CjumLsion (Posts fur thv Electronic D ta Processing C ntn.) R cm tra.nt Rues,
1986, urmcly : —
1. (1) Theie rules may b call d the Uaion Public S-rViCcCjinmlisionfPosts forth^ Electronics D u Pi\<*:ssirg C^ctn) Recruit-
m:nt (Arasndment) Rules, 1989.
(2) They sfnllcomc into force on the date of th ir publication in the Offical G z tte,
2. In th: Schedule to the Union P.ibl cService Commission(Fo$t( f , r th Electronics Di.tr Procas'neC.nfc) Rtcrutm* riRuK-j,
1 'JS*t», f n t'u post jf Ea»ln erand jntrics relating thereto, tht foil iwng >h llbi sub ttutid n mdy:

1 2 3 4 5
"Engineer 2* (1989) G ;nero 1 Csntrp 1 Sorv'ce Rs.2200-75-2800 EB-1C0- Nt t rprlic; b'-
•Subject to viri;'fondtj- Group'A'Graz.ttd 4OC0
pendent on workload. Non-Ministerial.

6 7 8
N i t ex;i-ding 35 y^ars. ( H - l ' j blc for YtR Esscnticl :
Gwenvti-nt servants upto 5 ye? rt in accord- (i) D irsr in Elecfonici/TLlc-C murau.
ance with the Instructi- ns or orders issued ncati jn Enainre "in^/i lei ti ia 1 11 ci-
by the Cent a 1 Government). cciTl )fa r.c J^ni^ed Uiiv.rsityorLqui-
Nite : T V c-uci->ldat f >r determining the v. lent,
age limit shall be th" closing d*tc f rr>c ipls (ii) 1 y ^r'texperi ncc inoper, ti< n' r nd
ofipjlicatlin r fromcandi'tef inlndi' ( ther mainti nance of computer h PIW re.
thanthosf inAndam nand Nicub. rl>l; nds N ti : 1 : Qu lifi'- ti n' si 11 r< 1 x b < p t
and Ltkshidwitri) th' liscr tion >f th; Union Public
Sir/ic_ C immissiun in crsc of canui-
d ' t i ith'rwis w d l q u l f l d .
Note 2 : Th? qu l'ficr ti- n(t) r gr rdirg
eX3 ri.nc is/ r r I x bl Pt th di<-
creti n of the Union P^bl ( S rvin Ci m-
missi ininth Qascifeindldateib K,ng-
inj t i S^h dul d C n t t s nrd S h dul d
T ib s if it any stags of s lection, th;
Uii>n Public Srvicc Commissi-n is
of th.' opHlon thit sufficii nt number
of ctniiiat s from th se communities
pisseising th requisiti , xpi r Hi ( ; rt
n >t lik ly t) b : available to fill up the
Y'cinci»8 reserved fur th m.
D sir; ble :
(I) i u w l dgs an-i/or experience of
Electr jnics cireuit--y/s' 1 d str ti d> Vir<i.
(il) B<7:ri.nce of C >mput^r programm ng
and Syst.ms d.sign.

9 10 11 12
N i t applicable. Ont year By llr:ct 'icuifn nt. N t i pplc; bk .

13 14
G-IUT *V Djpartm ntal Promotion Committee (for considering con- Cmsultrtlnn wthth Unicr Public S rviei C n--mi sir. is
firm tion) : necessary while making direct rtciuitm.nt".
1. S cr tary. Union Public S rvict & mmit-sion- Ch- iim: n
2. AdlitiorwlSccr f r y A Controllrr of Expmlnrtion«/Adcition£l St
cr tTy, Union Public Service Commission.—M mb r
3. Jilnt S-cretnry (\dmi.)/D puty Si.cr-tary (Admn.) Union Public
S.rvice Commission—Mimbcr.
Nitr : Thepnce"din35ofth DkpTtm'ntplPreim-ttlonC">mm''ttecrrl?t:n^tr>confirm"tirtn sh'llbe s c n t n t h UnnnPublVs rvice
C^m-nis»ion for approval-If. h>w ver. th se arc n>tapp->v d by th C >mm'ssi m -\ fresh m t'ng -fth D partm ntt ] P/um. t on
Committee to b ; presided over by th Chairman oi a M mb.r of th Union Public S rvicc C mmi: sion i h l; bi h Id.

[Ni. 30T!/7/88-Estf (B)J

C. L. SHARMA, D c ik Offi«r
604 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MAKCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART 11—Sue. 3(iJ]
606 1HB GAZErfE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 19&9/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SLC. 3(0J

MINISTRY Of- HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 4 Disqualification .—No person, —

(Department of Education) (a) who has entered into or contracted a niarnage with
Desk. HI (AE) a person having a spouse living, or
New Delhi, the 23rd February, 1989 I b) who, having u spouse living, has entered into ur
contracted a marriage with any person, shall be
G.S.R. 168.—In exercise of the powers, conferred b> eligible for appointment to the said post :
the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President
hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of
recruitment to the post of Additional Director in the Direc- Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied
torate of Adult Education, namely :— that such marriage is permissible under the personal law
applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage
1 Slioit Lille and commencement.—(1) The^c tules, maj and that there .ire other grounds tor so doing, exempt any
be called the Directorate of Adult Education Addi- person from the operation of this nile.
tional Director|Additional Director-cum-P:oJect
Coordinator Recruitment Rules, 1989. 5, Power to rolu\,—Where the Central Government is of
(2) They shall come into force on the date of iheir opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may
publication in the Official Gazette. hy order, for reasons to be recorded in writing and in con-
sultation with the Union Public Service Commission relax
Z, Number of post, classification and scale of pay.—The :iny of the provisions of these rule; with respect to any class
number of the said post, its classification and the 1 scjle of or category of persons.
pay uttached thereto shall be as specified in column ; 2 to 4
of the Schedule annexed to these rules. 6. Saving.—Nothing in these rules shall all act reserva-
tion*, relaxation of age limit and other conces-ions required
3. Method of recruitment age-limit, qualification »jtc.-— to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled
Ihc method of recruitment, age-limit qualifications and ot"~er Tnbes, Ex-serviceman and other special categories of per-
matters relal'ng to the said post shall be as specified in sons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central
columns 5 to 14 of tlie Schedule nforesafd. fJovcmmenl from time to time in this retard.

Revised Recruitment Rules for the pJ->t of Additional Director/Additional Diieetor-cum-Project Coordinator, Directorate
of Adult Education

Name of Post No. of Classification Scale of Pay Whether Age limit for direct recruits Whether benefit of
post Selection added years of
Post or Service admissible
non-Selec- under rule 30 of the
tion Post C C S (Pension)
Rules, 1972

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Aiditional General Central Rs.4100 125- Selection Not exceeding 50 years. No

Director/ (1989) Service Gp. 'A' 4850-150-5300 (Relaxable for Govt. servants
Additional Gazetted upto 5 years in accordance
Director-cum- Non-Ministerial with the instructions or
Project orders issued by the Central
Coordinatoi "Subject to Govt.)
variation Note : The crucial date foi
dependent determining the age limit
on workload shall be the closing date foi
receipt of applications frrm
candidate in India (other
il«an those in Andaman &
Nicobar Islands and the
Educational and other qualUcatlons required for Whether age and educa- Period of Method of recruitment whether
direct recruits tional qualifications probation, if any by direct roctt. or by promo
prescribed for direct tion or by deputation/transfci
recruits will be apply in & percentage) of the vacancies
the case of Promotecs to be filled by various methods.
g 9 10 11
Essential: No 1 year for direct (i) 50% by promotion,
Ci) M ;ter sdoSRc of a recognised University ni di ect recruits (ii) 50 % by tw rr ft r on d< pu<4-
equiv.knt. only. tion (jncluliiifl sh'rt-t rrn
fu) 10 y ar\ exp^rrnce i»i supervisory capacity in uonuact) failing whu.h by
educational adm'nistr, tion or teaching and direct r.,cruitm.nt.
ti-i'irchw ith prticula reference to adult/.ocial
edu^ftinor runldev^l pmnt.
Njte • 1. Qi lifkations are rclaxrblt at thi- ditcn-
tiin if the U.P.S.C. in case of candidate
otherwise w.11 qualified.
2, The qiiliflc' tion(s) regarding cxpt lit net
is/'ri r-laxable at the discretion of the
UPSC in th3 case of candidates belonging
toSCinlSrsif,tu any stage of selection,
th; UPSC is of the opinbn that sufflcicn i
ivjt»b;rofcauildites from these commu-
nities pM3ssslnj the requisite cxp riencc
arc nnlik;Iy to bs available to fill up the
vacancies reserved for thim
Desirable :
1. DiitorateDjgreeinthesubjtctconciM'nid.
2. Et^riencesinguidlng research pndcon-
du ;ting functional literacy progn mmis.

la^is; >f rjcrjJtmjntby Jrimul^n/'ieD'it ti >n/transf. r, If a DPC exists, what is its composition Circumstances in which
sndjsfrjro wilch prjrn)tU>n/d;putation/trRnsfu to bt mrde U.P.S.C. is to be con.-
suittd in making rectt
12 13 14

Pnmnion : J »int Director in tits Directorate of Adult Gp. 'A'Daptt. Promotion Committee. Con-ultiiicji wih the
E l i : ition with 3 y^ars regular service in the grade. (fir promotion) UPSC necessary while
T- n.fir >n 1 ijtitionfincluiingshirt-timccontracts). 1. Clnirman/M mbcr. UPSC-Chriim; n. mi king dirt ct rtciu-
OH:ersun lert1! • C -nt-i I/Stite G >vts./Univ rsities/Recognitcd 2. S cretsry. Ministry of Humci Rtsouice m ntmdsdtct ng.
Rjseach In:titutions/StEtutory or Autonomous Organisa- DL vt If .pm' nt- Memb' r. on (Uputetion/conirrci.
iion^: l. Joint Secretrry, Adult Education-
(a) (1) h">lding analogous posts on a rcguarbPBis; oi Director, Dirtctorptt of Adult Educa-
(11) with 3 yjars' regular service in posts in the ica'c of — M mbtr.
Rs.3700-5000 oc equivahnt; and Gp. 'A' (forconfinmtion) :
(b) pjwessins ths educational qualification and experience 1. Seentiry.Dtpit. of Education
prescribed for direct recruits under Col. 8). - Chr irmi n.
(Th; departmental officers in th: feeder caltgoiy who arc i'1 . Joint Scccri ta/y. Adult Edutct 11 1
th 4ir;ctlin of promuionwlllnit beeligibk forcontidero- Divis (r- M mbi •.
nnforxpp)int-n'ntmiep'4t tion. Simil rly,d:putatioifts 3. Director, Dirtctorri< of Adult Fduu
shill njt bi Visible for consideration for appointmt nt by tion- M mb t r.
promnion. Period ofdeput tion/contractincjudingpcrii-d Note : Thi proceedings of the DPCielrtine
of leputitiinin an>ther c^-cadre post held immediately to confirm th n shi 11 bi st ntto the com-
preceding this appJintment in the same or some other orga- mission for) pprtivi 1, if lvwev, r, thtse
nbation/dep-irtment of the Central Govt shell not exectd iire not approv. d by tht C mmi sic n ,i
4 years) fr^sh ra cting of the DPC to be presided
ov rbyth. Chairmt norc membt r of th,
UPSC Commission tha lib. held

[N J . F. 13- 6/86-D- III(AE)]

A. BANERJI, Dy. Secy

537 OI/89—-2
610 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 19S9/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART 11—SEC. 3(0]

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE 4. Disqualification,—No penon,-

(Departmcnt of Agriculture imd Cooperation) (a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with
a person having a spouse living, or
Now Delhi, the 30th Jnnuary, 1989
G.S.R. 169.—In exercise of the powers confetred by (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or
lh e proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President contracted marriage with any person,
hereby makes the following rules leguluting tile method of re- shall not be eligible for appointment lo the said post :
cruitment to the post of Safaiwala (Group D) in the Random
Samp|e Poultry Performance Testing Centre, Gurgaon under
the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture and Provided thai the Central Government may, if satisfied
Cooperation) namely :— that such marriage i, pc.-.nissible under the .personal law
applicable to such rers<m :ind the other party to the marriage
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may nj there are other grounds for so doing, exempt uny
be called the Random Sample Poultry Performance M)n from the opeiation of this rule.
Testing Centre, Gurgaon, Safaiwala (Group D
post) Recruitment Rules, 1988.
5. Power to ieTfu.,~Wherc the Central Government is of
(2) Thev shall come into force on the date of their opinion that it i> ne rein -ry or cvrwd'ent so to do, it may, by
publication in the Official Gazette. rder, for reasons to bo recorded in writing relax any of
• '••>-> provisions of these rules with respect to any class or
2. Number of posts, classification and scale of pay.—The category of persons.
number of the said post, its classification and the scale of
pay attached thereto shall be as specified in column 2 to 4
of thB Schedule annexed to these rules. 6. Saving.—Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation,
leluxation of age limit and other concessions required to bo
3. Method of recruitment, ago limit, qualifications etc.—i provided tor the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes,
Tlio method of recruitment to the said post, age limit, ex-servicemen and other special categories of persons in
qualifications and other matters relating thereto shall be a* accordance with the orders issued bv the Central Go1 ern-
'lecified in column 5 to 13 of the Schedule aforesaid. ment from time to time in this regard.

R>.miitm< nt Rules for I he i w t of SafajwJln al I ho rar.c'om *-ampk rouHiv p. rfoimnr.ee- e ting o litre, Guigron

Name of post Ni'inh.rof ClassiTujat'op Scnk- of pay Whether Sekcl'on

post or non-selec-
tion post
1 2 3 4 5

Safalwnla *1 (OnO1988 General Central Service, Rs 750-12-870 EB-14-940, Not appirtalik

Group'D'Non-Gflz tied,
* Di-pen/Vnt on

Wh -th^r benefit of uddec' yea w of si rv'ce Agf1 limit for Jin cf n cruits Educational and oih»r qua 11
admissible under Rule 30 of Centra 1 Civil firation required for dircc
Services (Pension) Rules. recruits
6 7 8 ~~
No Delwwn 18-25 years. Primary PiiiS
(Relajtable for Government servants, up:o 35 years in
accordance with thL- instructions or orders issmd
hy till- Government).
Note ; Th; crucial date for dettrmining the age limit
will be th' closing date for th 1 receipt of appl'cations
from can^idaup in India fOrhcr than those in
An la man and Nicobar Fslen^seni' Lnkshac'wrer1
In rcKptct of posts, the appointments lo v.h'ch are
made through the Employment Exchange the cru-
cial f'ate for dctcrminir.g irw age limit, in each
caso. bt- the last dac uplo which the Employment
Exchanges are. asked to submit thf nrm s
Whether age and educational Period of Method of recruitment whether by direct In case of recruitment by
qualifications prescribed for probation, if any. recruitment or by prmotion or by prOmotion/rtcputE tion/transfer
direct recruits will apply in ih^ deputation/transfer & pcrcmtEge of the Rradts fiomwlvdi promotion/
case of promotees vacancies to be filled by various methods dcptution/lrnsfer to be made

9 10 11 12

Not applicable Two years Direct recruitnv n t : Not applicable.

Note : Vacancies caused by the incument
being away on transfer on deputation or
long illn:ss or study leave or under
other circumstances, for a duration of
one year or more may be filltd on
transfer on deputation from the officials
of Centra 1 Governmtnt holding analo-
gous pO3ts and possessing the qualifica-
tions prescribed for direct recruits.

If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, Circumstances in which Union Public Service Commission is to
what is its composition be consulted in making recruitment

13 14

Departmenta 1 Promotion Committee for considering confirmation Not applicable.

cases enisling Of.
1. Superintendent, — Chairman
Random Sample Poultry Performance
Testing Ctntre,
2. The Assistant Poultry Development Officer/ — Member
Assistant Commissioner (Poultry)
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation.
3. One outside Gazeted Officer —Member
holding at L-ast Group 'B' post.

[No. 34-4-/88-LD-H]
K.C. DEHURY, Dy. Secy.

New Delhi the 17th February, 1989

G.S.R. 170.—In exercise of the powers confeired by

the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the. President
hereby makes the following rules to amend the Central
Cattle Breeding Farms (Gazetted) Class II (Veterinary
Officer) Recruitment Rules, 1970 namely : ~

1. (1) These rules may be called the Central Cattle Breed,

ing Farms Gazetted Class )l (Veterinary Officer)
Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 1988.
(2) They shall com© into force on the date of their
publication* in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Schedule to the Central Cattle Breeding Farm

Gazetted Class II (Veterinary Officer) Recruitment Rules,
1970, for the entry under Column 6. the. following entry
••hall be substituted, namely ;—

"Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable for Government

servants upto five years in accordance with the
instructions or orders issued by the Central Govern-

[No. 12-6|85-LD. II]

R. KANDIR, Under Secy.

FOOT NOTE.—The Principal rules wer e published in the

Gazette of India Part-ll, Section 3, Sub-section (J)
dated the 21st February, 1970 under GSR No 252
dated 6th February, 1970

cruitment Rules, 1981 were published as the noti-

MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES fication of the Government of India in the -jrstwhllo
New Delbi, the 1st February, 1989 Ministry of Irrigation G.S.R. No. 782 dated the
4th August, 1981 in the Gazette of India, Part II,
G.S.R. 171.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3, Sub-Section (i) at page* 1903 to 1907.
the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President The recruitment rate* were subsequently amended by
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the the notification of the Government of India in the
Sardar Sarovar Construction Advisory Committee (Group Ministry of Water Resourced G.S.R. No. 123 dated
'A' and Group 'B' posts) Recruitment Rules, 1981, namely :—> the 27th May, 1986 published in the Gazette of
India, Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (i) at pa«es
1. (1) These rules may be called the Sardar Sarovar 387 to 392.
Construction Advisory Committee (Gioup 'A' and
Group 'B' posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rulet,
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Schedule to the Sardar Sarovar Construction
Advisory Committee (Group 'A' and Group 'B' posts) Re-
cruitment Rules, 1981,—
(i) the entries relating to the posts of Secretary and
Assistant Secretary shall be omitted;
(ii) against the post of Assistant Engineer, for the
entry under column 4, the following entry shall
be substituted namely :—
(iii) against the post of Stenographer (Grade-!), fot-
the entry under column 4, the following entry
shall be substituted, namely ;—
[No. 22I14I80-P.I.1
K. K. TANDON, Under Secy.
FOOT NOTE.—The Soidar Sarovar Construction. Advisory
Committee (Group 'A' nnd Group *B' posts) Re-

(Department of Company Affairs)
New Delhi the 24th February, 1939

G.S.R. 172.—In exercise of the powers confened b>

the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 594 of the Com-
panies Act, 1956 U of 1956) read with the Government
of India, Department of Company, Affairs Notilication No.
u.S.K. 4 4 3 ( t ) dated the 18U» October, 1972 and in partial
modihuiiion of Che Notification of the Government of
India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Company Law
Administration) No. S.R.O. 3216 dated Iho 4th October,
1957, (hereinafter referred to as the Notification) the
Comp;iiiiy Law Board hereby directs that in the case of
M|s. Tektronix International Inc. (hereinafter refencd to
as the Company) being a foreign company the requirements
of claus© (a) of sub-section (1) of the said section 594 as
modified in their application to a foreign company by the
Notification shall apply subject to the following further
exceptions and modifications, namely :— G.S.R. 173.-—In CYercise of the powers conferred by
the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 594 of the Com-
panies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) read with &c Government
It shall be deemed to be sufficient compliance with the of India, Department of Company, Affairs Notification No.
piovisions of claus* (,a) of sub-section (1) of the said L..S.R. 443 (E) .dated the 18th October, 1972 and in partial
section 594, if m respect of the financial year ended on m Vilification of the Notification of the Government of
31-5-1989 the company submits to the appropriate Registrars India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Company Law
of Companies in India in triplicate :— Administration) No. S.R.O. 3216 dated the 4th October,
1957, (lieieinaftetr referred to as the Notification) the
(i) A statement of receipts and payments made by the Compmiy Law Board heroDy directs thut in the L^C of
Indian Branch, certified by (1) a person authorised M|s. N. R. C. Corporation (hereinafter refeired to as the
to accept service of process in India under Clause company) being a foreign company the requirements of
(d) of sub-section (1) of Section 592 of the Act clause (a) of sub-section (1) of the said section 594 as
and (2) a Chartered Accountant practising in modified in their application to a foreign company by the
Notification, shall apply subject to the following further
exceptions and modifications, namely :•—
(ii) A statement of the company anseti and liabilities
In India certified in the manner as indicated in item
(i) above; and It shall be deemed to be sufficient compliance with the
piovMons of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of the said
(iii) A certificate duly signed by persons us indicated uection 594, if in lespect of the financial yenr ended on
in item (i) above that the" company did not carry 31-3-19&Q to 31-3-1988 the company submits to the ap-
on any business in India during the year ended on piopriate Registrars of Companies in India in tjiplicate :--<
(i) A statement of receipts and payments made by the
By Order of Lhe Company Law Board. Indian Branch, certified by (1) a pcr^n authorised
to accept service of process in India under Claus*
|No. 14|29|88|CL. Vll (d) of sub-section (1) of Section 592 of the Act
and (2) a Chartered Accountant practising in

i.li) A statement of the company assets and liabilities

la India Certified in the inWmer a* tadftatod In item
(i) above; ited
614 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

(ill) A certificate duly signed bv poraons as indicated 31-8-1988 and 31-3-1989 the oompany submits to the ap-
in Item (I) abova that the company did not carry propriate Registrars of Companies in India in triplicate ;—
on any business in India during the year ended on
31-3-1980 to 31-3-1988, (i) A statement of receipts and payments made by the}
Indian Branch, certified by (1) a person au>horised
By Order of the Company Law Board. to accept seivice of process in India under Claire
(d) ot mb-section (1) of Section 592 of the Act
[No. 14[11|88|CL. VI] and (2) a Chartered Accountant practiwntj in
(ii) A statement of the company assets and liabilities
in India certified in the manner as indicated in item
(i) above; and
(iii) A certificate duly signed bv persons as indicated
in item (i) above that the company di3 not carrv
on any business in India during the year ended en
31-8-1988 and 31-3-1989.
By Order of the Comrnay Law Board.
[No. 14|28|88|CL. VI]

G.S.R. 174.—In extccise of the powers conferred by

the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 594 of the Com-
panies Act, 1956 <\ of 1956) read with the Government
of India, Department of Company, Affairs Notification No.
O.S.R. 443 (E) dated the 18tb October. 1972 and in partial
modification of the Notification of the Government of
India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Company Law
Administration} No. S.R.O. 3216 dated the 4th October,
1^57, (hereinafter referred to as the Notification) the
Company Law 3oard Iwreby directs that in the case of
M|s. Sumitomo Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the
company) being a foreign company the requirements of clause
fa) of mb-section (1) of the said section 594 as modified
in their application to a foreign company by the Notification
shall apply subject to the following further exceptions and
modifications, namely :—
G.S.R. 175.—In evrciw of the powers conferred by
It -.hall be deemed to be sufficient compliance with the the proviso to FUb-sectlon (1) of Section 594 of the Coin-
T-ro\isfons of clause (a) of «ub-section (1) of the said TKA'kl956 (l
° f 1 9 5 6 ) r c n d **"> t b e Government
section 594, in respect of the financial year ended on r c D ^ P ? ? e n t °f C o ^ n y Afl^ri> Notification No.
G.SR. 443 (E) dated the 18th October, 1972 and in partial
mojification of the Notification of the GoiAornment of
luilw, Ministry of Finance (Department of Company Law
Administration) No. S.R.O. 3216 dated the 4th October,
1957, (hereinafter referred to as the Notification) the*
Company Low Board hereby directs that in the case of
Mis, Associated Merclinndiiins Corporation (hereinafter re-
ferred to as the company) being a foreign company the
requirements of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of the said
section 3<>4 as modified in their application to a foieicn
company by the Notification shall apply subject to the follow-
ing further exceptions and modifications, namely :—

It sTiall bo deemed to be sufficient compliance with the*

provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of the said,
icrtion 5&4, if in respect of the financial year ended «ti
31-1-1W5 to 31-1-1990 the compnay submits to the ap-
proprialo Registrars of Companies in India in triplicate :—

CD A statement of receipts and ^aymeuts made by th©

Indian Branch, certified by (1) a person authorised
to accept iwvice of process « India under Clause
(d) of sub-section (1) of Section 592 of the Act
nnd (2) a Chartewd Accountant practising in New Delhi, the 27th February, 198»
G.S.R. 176.—In exercive of the powers conferred by
(ii) A statement of the company assets and liabilities the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 594 of the Com-
in India certified in the manner as indicated in item
(i) above; and panies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) read with the Government
of India, Department of Company, Affairs Notification No.
fiii) A certificate duly slRned bv persons at indicate-? G.S.R. 443(E) dated the 18h October, 1972 and in partial
in Item (i) above that the company did not enrrv modification of the Notification of the Government of
on any business in India during the year ended on India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Company Law
11-1-1986 to 31-1-1990. Administration) No. S.R.O. 3216 dated the 4th October,
5 957, (hereinafter referred, to as the Notification) the
By Ordtr of the Compnay Law Eoaid.
Company Law Board hereby directs that in the case of
[No, 14|30|S8|CL. VII M|s. Kawasho Corporation (hereinafter referred to as th©
company) being a foreign company the requirements of
clause (a) of sub-section (1) ofi the said section 594 as
modified in their application to a foreign company bv the-
Notification shall apply suubject to the fllowinjf further
exception-) and modifications, namely :

It sfiaU bo deemed to be sufficient compliance with the

provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of the said
section 594, if in respect of th© rinanclal year ended on
31-34989 the company submits to the appropriate Re-
gistrars of Companies in India in triplicate :—

(J) A statement of receipts and paymonts n » d e by the

Indian Branch, certified bv (1) a person authorised
to accept service of process in India under Clause
(d) of sub-sectton (1) of Section 592 of the Act
and (2) a Chartered Accountant practising in

(il) A statement of the company assets and liabilities

in India certified in the manner as indicated in item
(i) above; and

(iii) A certificate duly signed bv persons as indicate 1

in item (1) above that the company did not carry
on any business in India during the year c nJed en

By Older of the Compaly Law Boajd.

INo. 14|37|88|CL. VI]

K. V. CHOWDARY, Dy. Secy.


537 GI/89—3
618 TIIE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PTlALGfJNA 27, 1910 |PAUI U — S E C 3(i)l


(D.ptt. of Environment, Forests & Wildlife)
NewDelhi, 24 February, 1989
G.S.R. 177—In exercise of the powers co.nfi.rrfd by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in tupir
session of the Botanical Survey of India (Class I and Class II Posts) Rtcruitment Rules, 1965, in so far as they relate to
the posts of Assistant Curator (Indian But. nic Garden) and Junior S<-i\ntiflc Officer (Indien Bofcnic Garden) except ys
respects thinfii done or omitted to be done bjforc such supersession, the President hereby mekss the following inks regu-
lating the msthjd of recruitment to the po>t of Assistant Curator (TndJcn Botrnc Garden) and Junior Scientific Offictr
(Indian Batanlc Garien) in the Botanical Survey of India under the Dtp-rtnvnt of Envjronrmnt, Fortsts and Wildlife,
namely :—
1. Short title and cornm^ncoment.- (l)Thjse rules may K; calUd the Bjt-nical Survey of India (Assistant Cirifoi
(Inlian Bjtin ; c Garden) and Junior Scientific Officer (Indian B.itanic Golden) Group ('B') Recruitment Ruks, 19S0.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in tlic Ofllcifll GazetU.

2. Number of jJJ^t, classification and scale of pay :—The number of (he said post^ their classilir.crition and the sonle
of pay attached thereto shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the Schedule nnncXcd to ilu r c IUV^.

3. Method of rccmitment, ago limit and other qualifications etc. The method of rccmiinii nt, ngc limil, qualifications
and other matters relating thereto shall be as, specifitd jn columns 5 to 3 4 of the sr.id Schedule.
4. DisquUiflcation.-No peison.
(a) Win li-is rnt-red'nto of contracted a ni rriage with ;i per:on having a spouse livjngjor
(b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contract'd a marriage with any person,
sh.'11 be eligible foi appointment to the sf id per ts :
P.o^Ucd thit the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriege is permissible under the personal lew applicable
to such pcrsonand the other party to the marriage and there arc othi r grourds for <o doing, exempt any pirfcnfiom the opeictionof
this rule-.
">. I'jwcr to relax, - Where the Ce-ntial Govcmmuil is of opinion that il is ike-e^iy or cxp«ndi».iu so to do, it may
by order, for reasons to b ; recorded in writing and in consult > tio'i with the Union public Service Commission, relax any
of the provisions of these rules with respect of any class or category of persons.
6. SiviUg—Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of ii£c limit and other concessions requirtd to
bj provide t for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Ex Servicemen and other special categories of per:on s in
. i ^ i r d UIJC with th; orders issued by th; Central Government from lime to time in this, ngnid.
Name of post Number of posts Classification Scale of pav
1 2 3 4
Assistant Curator(Indlaii Botanic Garden) 1 2*(1987) General Central Services, Rs.l 640-60 -2600-EB-75-2900.
and Junior Scientific Officer (Indian Group ' B ' Non-Gazetted,
Bitaiiic Garden—]. Non-Ministerir 1.
* Subject to variation dependent on worklof d.

W I ;th;r icl:ction p >st or non-S:lection Age limit or direct recruits Whether benefit of
post adeded years of service
adinissiblc under rule
30 of the Central Civil
Services (Pension) Joules
Hulcs, 1972
5 6 7
Selection. NjtcteccdiUS ^0 years (Rclaxablc foi Govcinm(.»tsciv<fnts No
upto5 years itiaeoordanec with the iiiblruclitn'or oiders
issued by the Central Government).
Note : The Crucial date for determining the age limit shall be closing date for receipt of applications from candida-
tes in inJia (other than those in the Andaman mid Nitobar Islands and Lakfhcdwctp).

li in uitiouil and oth>r quilitications requited Whether age and educational qualifications Period of probation, if any
lor duoct recruils picscribed for direct recruits will
apply in tho cusc of piomotces.

S 9 10

(.0 Mister's degice in Botany/Horticultureoi Agri- Age : No. 2 years.

culture from a rocognisod univoisity or equivalent. Educational qualifications : No, but must
Note 1 : 1 Qualifications axe relaxablc at the discretion havoatleast Bacherlor's degiee ir>Botany
ofth; Union Public Service Commission in or Agriculture or Horticulture.
case, of the candidates otherwise well qualified1.
Note : 1 . Tho qualification/experience isrelaxableat
tho discretion of Union Public Service
Commission incase of candidates belonging
toth;Sdv;duledCistos;ind SchedulcdTribcs,
if, at any stage of selection, the Union public
Service Commission is of the opinion that
sufficient uumbcr of candidates from these
communities possessing the requisite expe-
lience arcnotlikclyto beavailablotofillup
tho vacancies reserved for them.
D'.'sUMblc : (i) Experience of research in any field of
Horticulture/Botanical Research,
(ii) Administrative- Experience.
620 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART I I ^ S E C . 3(i)7
Method of reci ultment whether by direct recruitment or In case of recruitment hy piomofion/dcputation transfer, giaxles from
" by promotion or by deputation/transfer and pci cenlage which promotion/dopulation/transfei to be made.
of the vacancies to be filled by various methods.

11 12

By promotion falling which by transfer on deputation, Promotion

failing both by diioct recruitment. Oversc'-r ([nlian Botanic G.udcn)/Orchid, Assistant/Garden Supervisor
wuli 5 years legulai sci vice in (lie respective glides,
riansf'i on deputation
Ofliccis under Ihc Ci'ntml Goveiniin.nl :
(a) (i) Holding analogous post on a regulai basis; or
(u) with 5 year's regular service in posts in the scale of Rs. 1400-2 300 oi
equivalent; and
(b) possessing ''iucational tiualiticatious and experience prescribed for
illiccliecruitE under column 8.
(The dcpaitmcnUl officers in the feedei p ado who aie in direct line of
pumiotion gi\ide will not be ehgiblo fm considciation fiu appoint-
ment on deputation. Knuil^ily, dcputiitumists shall not be eligible
foi ci>n<ildeiaiion for appointment by pionviion).

If Departmental Promotion Committee e\iti, what is its companion Circumstances in which the Union Publfe Service
iCommission is to be consulttd in making lecruhment

13 10

Group 'B' departmental Promotion Committee Consultation with the Commission necessary
(for promotion a ad (.onlirmation) while m&k'ng di icct nciuilinrnt. —
1. Joint Secretary (Administration (Depa ument of Lnviiommnt)
Forests and Wildlife. - -Chairmani
2. Director/JOlnt Director Botanical Survey of ]ndia — Mtmbcr
3. Director, —Member
Department of Environmrnl,
Forests and Wildlife
4. Deputy Sceretaiy (AdminisUation) - Member
Department of Environment,
Forests & Wildlife.
Note : Tile proceeding of the Departmental Promotion Committee rtlatmg (o corllimation thall he stnt to the Com-
mission for approval. If, however, these are not apjnovcd by the Commission a ficsh meeting of the Depart-
mental Promotion Commiltet1 to be pie&K'uU ovei by the Chairman or a Munbci of Ihe Union Public SCIVICL
Commisision shall be held.
[F. Ho. 2-94/79-CS(B)]
MlTTER SAIN, Dcbk Officer

MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 5. Disqualification.—No person,

New Delhi, the 20th February, 1989 (a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with
a person having a spouso living, oi
.S,R. 178.—In exercise of the powers conferred b>
the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President tb) who*, having a spouse livins, has entered into or
hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of contracted a marriage with any person,
recruitment to the posts of Store Attundent nnd Attendant
(MCR) Central I.cpiosy Tcichmg and Restnrch Institute, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post *
C hengiilpnttu namely ;—
Provided that the Central Government may If satisfied
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules mny that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law
be called the Central Leprosy Teaching and Re- applicable to such, person and the other party to the marriage
search Institute, (Store Attendant ,md Attendant and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any
CMCR) Recruitment Rules, 1988. person from the operation of this rule.
2. They shall come into force en the date of their
publication m the Official C^zott'*. 6. Power to relax.—Where the Central Government Is of
the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it
may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax
3. Number of post. classification and scab of pay.—-The any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class
number of the ^aid post, its classification and the scale oi category of person*
of pay attached thereto shall ne as specified in columns 2
to 4 of the Schedule annexed to these rule1'. 7. Saving.—Nothing in these rules rhall effect reservations,
relaxation of age limit and other concession"! required to be
4. Method of recruitment, age Umit, qualifications etc.— provided for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribi and
The method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications and other special categories of persons in accordance with the
other matters relating to the said post shall be as specified orders issued by the Central Government from time to
m columns 5 ot 14 of the said Schedule. time in his regard.


Name of 111- post No. of Classification Sea L of pa y Whether Age limit Whether b m fit Educational and
post posts Selection for direct of added years other qualifications
post or roduits of service ad- required for direct
non- missible under recruits
Selection Rule 30 of th"
post CCS (Pension)
Rules 1972

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Stoiv Alkn- r General Central R s. 800-15- Nnn Not No. N<»l applicable.
elant. (1988) Se-tvices I010-EB-20- selection applicable
"Subject (o Group 'D' 1150
variation Non-Gazettic1.
on work

Wh-'therageond Pe/od of Method of recruit- Tn case of rtcruilmi nt by If a Dcpaiimm'al TiO- Chciirsin e:i < in
educational quali- probation meni whether by promoti* in/deputation/ motion Committee which Union
fications prescribed if a,,v. direct recruitment transfer, grades from exists what is its Public Service
for direct rccru Is will OL- bv promotion or wivdi promotion /Dcpu- composition Commission ,s to
apply in the c^i si. of by deputation'irar.s- tatiOf/litirLsfi n o be be consultcf1
piomot ts ferand percentage of mad(
tin* vucarcies 10 be
fill, d by various
nil thodfi

9 10 11 12 13 14

Not applicable Not 100 ",'„ by Promotion Kiom amongst Dafliy Departmental Promotion Not applicable .
applicable with 3 y, ars. Peons Committee :
with 1 y t ars.an'J LascfLis Senior Most Deputy Director
with 7 y^ars rcoular sti- —Chairman
vicc in th ii lespfclive Senior Most Assist on!
grades. Director • Member
Administrative Officer
— Member.
624 THE GAZETTE OF INDTA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC, 3(i)]

1 ^ 3 4 5 (i 7 8
2, AttencVnt 1* Genual Central Rs.750-12- No. Buwcen 18 and 25yi.ars No. Kssuiiial
(MCRUnn) I9R8 Keivicts S70-f B-I4- (RelaxabL upto 35 ytflt1; d) VIII Standard
(iK>Lip '!>' 9-10 for Gnvernni nt servant1; Pas-,.
Niri-(i i7 lU-il.
in.iiTnrdnncc with ilic (II) Good Physique
ir itruclion per ordwi anJ capable,
*SUbji.a to va nation issuvd by ilie C'cnlral of hunt woik.
dependent on worK Govemnunl.
Joad No e : -ThecrtiL-inldate
ior Jck-rniining ihc nge
liniii hltalt bo ilu1 clcaiinv
ilaic for r^ci ipt of closing
applicmion from cnm'i-
daii s in 1 ndia oHhtr ihan
Ili'),c in Andaman und
Nicobuf Islands and
In rosptd of posls
a(ipoiiiinunt to which is
mLu'c thiougli the l.m-
l,lo>nuni Etthango ilio
crucial dale for deter-
mining iho ape limit shall
in tach case be the lust
diite upio wheh the Em-
plri>iTient Exchansc are
usk.d 10 submit names.

9 10 'H 12 13 14
Not applicable Tow yea rs By Direct recruitment. Not applicable Deparinuntal Pinmotinn Noi iirtplicfihk
Committee :
(1) Senior Mosi Depuly
Director Chairman
(2) Senior Mosi Assistant
(.1) Administrative Officer--

[No. A.l2018/6/87-LEP(CCD)J
Sml, A. Kishore, Under S^cy.
9. G.S.R. U67(E) dated 28-10-1986
10. G.S.R. 1237 (E) dated 28-11-1986
11. G.S.R. 112(E) dated 25-02-1987
12. G.S.R, 377(E) dated 09-04-1987
13. G.S.R. 674(E) dated 27-07-1987
14. G.S.R. 719(E) dated 1S-O8-1987
15. G.S.R. 837(E) dated 05-10-1987
16. G.S.R. 989(E) dated 17-12-1987
17. G.S.R. 337(E) dated 11-03-1988
18. G.S.R. 361(E) dated 21-03-1988
19. G.S.R. 626(E) dated 17-05-1988
20. G.S.R. 660(E) dated 30-05-1988
21. G.S.R. 693(E) dated KMW-198«
22. G.S.R. 734(E) dated 24-06-1988
23. G.S.R. 606 dated 14-07-1988
24. G.S.R. 812(E) dated 26-07-1988
25. G.S.R. 888 (E) dated 01-O9-19R8
26. G.S.R. 9O7(E) dated 07-O9-19SS
27. G.S.R. 916(E) dated 09-09-1988
28. G.S.R. 1054(E) dated 02-11-1988.

(Depaitment oi Telecommunications}
New Delhi, the 16th February, 1989
Oi.S.R 17^—In e.xeicisc of the powers conferred by Sec-
tion 7 of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885), the
Central Government hereby makes the following rules fur-
ther to amend the Inclun I elegMph Rules, 1951, namely : —
1. (1) Thee rnlucs may be called the Indian Telegraph
("First Amendment) Rules, 1989.
(21 They shall come in to force on the date of their pub-
lication in the Official Gazette.
2. In sub-section 11) of section III of Rule 434 ot the
Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951. after the Table below ittm (a)
for the words "The measured rate system may be introduced
at any exchange from such date us the Telegraph Authority
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in that (Department of Posts)
bchnlf, the words "The measured rate system may be intro-
duced at any exchange from such dale as the Telegraph New Delhi, the 24th February. 1989
Authority mny specify in lhat behalf", shall be substituted.
G S.R. ISO.—In e\eicise of the powers conferred oy
Sub-Section (1) of Section 43 of the Indian Post OHice Act,
[F. No. 5-35|86-PHB1 1898 (6 of 1898) the Central Government hereby makes
PRADEEP KUMAB, Director (Fhones-E) Oie foITowinc rules, further to amend, the Indian Post
Office Rules, 1933, namely :—
NOTE : Principal Notifications amending the said rules
after publication of the P&T Manual Vol. I, Legis- 1 (1) These rules may be called Ihe, Indian Post Cfflce
lative Enactments Part II (Sixth Edition) corrected (3rd Amendment) Rules, 1989.
upto 61-09-1984 are as under :
(2) They snail come Into force on the date of their
1. G.S.R. 428 dated 27-04-1985 publication in the Official Gazette.
2. O.S.R. 729 dated 03-08-1985 2. In rule 114 of the Indian Post Office Rules, 1933, ta
3. G.S.R.982 dnted 10-10-1985 the concludmg portion at the end for the wordn "or any
4. G.S.R. 553(E) daated 27-O3-198S Indian language", the words "or in the regional language
5. G.S.R. 314 dated 26-04-1986 of the aneai in which the money order is remitted" ihall
be substituted.
6. O.S.R. 953 (E) dated 22-07-I9M
7. G.S.R. 566 dated 26-07-1986 (No. 13-5|88-CIJ
8. G S R . 1121(E) dated 0M0-19M a CHADHA. Director (PO)
537C.I/89 4
628 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA • MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(0]
630 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
'632 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGLNA 27, 1910 [PART H—SEC. 3(iJ]

637 GI/89- 5
634 THE "GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
636 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART H—SEC. 3(i)I
638 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
640 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

537 GI/89-6
642 THE GAZETTE OF INDTA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
644 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 21, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
646 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]
648 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA • MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

5S7 GI/89 -1.

650 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA • MARQH 18, 1989/Ptf ALGUNA 27, 1910 [PARI H—SEC. 3(i)]
654 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 11, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

537 GI/89--8
658 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

MINISTRY OF LABOUR under these rules t-hall ufldego training as a Home Guard
for a period of 3 years :
New, Delhi, the 24th February, 1989
Provided that the Commandant General, Home Guards,
may, having regard to the performance of and standard of
G.S.R. 181.—Jn exercise of the powers conferred by training achieved by any person during the peiiod of train-
tlic proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in super- ing, reduce such period to two years for reasons to bo re-
session of the Directorate-General of Mines Safety (Gioilp corded in writing;
C and Group 'D' posts) Recruitment Rules, 1980, except
as respects things done or omitted to have been done before Provided further that nothing in this rules shall apply to
such supersession, the President hereby makes the follow- a physically handicapped person appointed as Peoit.
ing rules regulating the method of recruitment to Group
' C and Group 'D' posts in the Directorate General of 6. Disqualification,—No person,—
Minei Sala>, undei the Ministry of Labour, namely :—
(a) who has entered into or iontracted a marriage with
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may a person having a spouse living, or
be called the Directoi ate-General of Mines Safety
(Group ' C and Group 'D' Posts) Recruitment (b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or
Rules, 1989. contracted & marriage with any person,

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their shall be eligible, for appointment to any of the said posts :
publication in the Official Gazette.
Piovided that the Government may, if satisfied that such
2. Application.—These rules shall apply to the posts marriage is permi*jiblc under the icisonal law applicable
specified in column 1 of the Schedules annexed hereto. to such person and the other party to the marriage and
that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any
pci son from the operation of this rule.
3. Number of posts, classification and scale of pay.—The
number of posts, their classification rnd the scale of pay 7. Power to relax,—Where the Central Government is of
attached Ihcicto shall be as specified in column 2 to 4 the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may,
of the said Schedule. by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any
of thp provisions of these rules with respect to any class or
4. Method of recruitment, age limit and other qualifica- category of persons,
tions etc.—The method of recruitment age limit, quallfica-
lions and other matters relating t 0 the said posts, shall be 8. Saving.—Nothing is these rules shall affect reservations,
as specified in columns 5 to 13 of tf>e Schedule aforesaid. relaxation of age-limit and other concewionj required to be
TMovfded for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes,
5. Liability of persons appointed as Peons to undergo Ex-serviceman and other special categories of persons, in
training as Home Guards.—Notwithstanding anything con- accordance with the orders issued1 by the Central Govern-
tained in these rules, every person appointed as a Pfon ment from time to time in this regard.
660 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)j


Name of pou No. of C'assi.lca- Scale of Wfrthcr Age limit Ec'uc: t O]<. i; re! Wh thcr age imd (c'vc; t o-
pOitS tioi pay Sel ction for dirt ct other qualifie,. ions nal qut'lifct. ior.s prctnlxci
post ot- r. cm its required fort met for (ii\"cts recuits will apply
noi-iel:c- r. emits in th» case of promotecs
1 ion post

t 2 |3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Superintendent *7 G.ncral Rs. 1600- S 1 ction Not Not applicable Not applicable.
(inclucirg) (1988) Central 50-2300- applicable
Swpcrir.Ur.c < rt Service EB-60-2660
in thepcrsop.al Group C
staff of Non-
Director Gazettcd
General of (Ministerial )
Mines Safety
•Subject to variation dependtnt on workload.

Period of probation Method of recruitment, Incase of recruitment by If a Dcpartmcn'al Circiuns rr.ee s in

if any whether by direct recruitm nt promotion/deputa (ion/ Promotioa Committf c which Un'on Public
or by promoton or by transfer, grades from which exists what is its Service Commis-
deputation/transfer and piomot ion/c't put a t or./ comrosi ! ion s o n is to be consul-
percents gc of the va care's s 1 ransft r to be mee'e ted in making rec-
to be filled by various ruitment.

9 10 11 x2 13

Notapplicable By promo Jon Promotion : Group ' C D -partm-nta 1 Not applies ble
(a) For Superintendent other Promotion Committee
than Superintc ndr nt on (for considt rirg Promo-
the Persona 1 Sta if of the t.on an'i confiimat'on)
Director Gi nera] of Mines consisting of :—
Safety, promotion from (i) Director (Administra-
amongst H«.ad Clerks and t'on)/Dirtcior of
Accountant with 3 years Mines Safety (In-
regular service in the grae'e chargc of Ae'mir.is-
tra'ion) —Chairman
(b) For Supcrintcndi nt on t ho (ii) D^putvDinclor(A>'-
Personal Staff of Director ministra tiop/Deputy
General of Mines Safct>, Din ctor of Mi'us
promotion fromamortg>t Safety — Munbtr
Stenographer Grade 11 ( ii) An officer in the
with 3 years regular ser- scale of pay of Rs.
vice in the grade. 2200-4000 or above
from the office of the
Chief Mining Ad-
viser,. Railway Board
Mines Piovident Fund

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C>) (7)

2. Head Clerk *19 GctiualC.:r.l- Rs. 1400-40- Selection Not nppixablr Noi applicable
(18)/Account-• (1988) ralSei-vic* I8OO-EB-5O-23OO
nt (1) *Subjict to Group ' C NOP.-
variition GazUtc<'.
dependent (Ministerial)
on workload

(0) (10) (ID (12) (13)

Not.'.ppl cable. Not By promo.ion Promotion : UpperDivis : or. Group ' C Department a 1 No applicable
applicable Ork/Group CWk/S.nior Promotion C^rmi'ttee
Store, keeper with 5 years (for considering promo-
ugular service in th grade. fionnr.c" coifrmation).
(i) Director (Adminis-
trafion)'Dmcfor of
Mine Safety (In-
charge of adminis-
tration — Chairman
(ii) Deputy Director
Deputy Director of
Mines Safety
— Member
(iii) An officer in the
scale of p?y of Rs.
2200-4000 or above
from th". office of
the Chief Mining
Adviser, Railway
Board, Dhanbad/
Coal Mines Provi-
dent Fund Organi-
sation — Member

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

3. Upper Division *179 General Central Rs. 1200-30- Not- Not applicable Notapplicablf
Clerk (120)/ (1988) Servic\ Group 1500-EB 40-2040 applica ble
Group Clerk ' C , Non-
(58)/Senior gazetted
Store Kcepcr(l) (Minist r'al).

*Subj c< to variation c'er\nd< nt on workload.

(8) (9) (10) (ID (12) (13)

Not applicable Not By promotion (1) 75 % by promotion from Group'CDepartmental ;Not

applicable a mongst Lower Division Promot'On Committee
Clerk/Bradma Operator/ (for considering rromo-
Hindi Typist with 8 yv.ars t ion a nd confirma t : on).
ngular service in th' gr-uV. (0 Director (AcJminls-
(2) 25 % by promotion on the lration)/Dircc'or of
basis of'Jepa rlmcnla 1 Mims Saf<ty (Tn-
eomp titive ex<Miiina ''or. ehaig. of A''minis-
fro ma mo ago I Lower t ra t ion)— Cha irmr n
D vision Cl ik'Br.uIma (li)Df-puty DiKciOr
oi> ralor/Hindi Typist Adminis t rat ion)/Deput;y
withat least 5 years rtgu- Director of Mims
la r service in any of the Safety — Member
grade. (iii) An official in the
scale of pay of Rs.
2200-4000 or above
from office of the
Chief Mining Advi-
ser, Railway Board,
Dha nba d /Coa 1 M i -
n s Provident Fund.
— Member
662 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [Pmr II—Sec. 3(i)]

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (fi) (7)

4. Lower Division •89 General Central Rs. 950 20-1150 - Not Not exceeding 25 (i) Malnculat or.or iquivrlent
Clerk (including (1988) Service Group EB-25-1500. applicable. years. from a r cognised Bond or
Senior Rt cord ' C Non- (Reliable for Go- University,
ke-e ptr, Record gazetti d vernment servants (ii) Minimum spu il of 30 words
kee per Tele- (Ministerial). uplo trie age of 40 per minute in English Type-
phone operator years in accordance writing or 25 woidi per
and S(orc kee- with ihc instructions minute in Hindi Typtwriting
pcr)(82)/Bradma orori'usisiuec' by piovidtd that:
Opcrator(l)/ the Central Govern- (a) a p t ison not possessing
Hindi Typisi(6,). ment). the said qualification in
NOTE ; The crucial typewriting may be a ppoin-
date for determining tetl subject to the conditions
the age, limit shall be that he will not be eligible
closing date for re- for drawing in.cn.ni<_nts in
cciptofapplication tht pay scale or for quasi
*Subjict lo variation J,i IHIKVUI un woikload. from candidate in prtmanncy or confirmation
India (other than in ihcgrod.c tjllho accquircs
those in the Andaman a speed of ,10 words per
Nicobarlslanilsand minute in English Typc-
Lakslw-dweep). vvntinG or 25 wort's per
2. In ih"-case of minute in Hindi typewriting;
recruit mi nt mado and
through the Emp- (b) a physically handicapped
loyment Excha nge pet son who is otherwise
ihccrucialdatefor qualified (o hold a clerical
determining the^ge post but does not possess
limit shall be thel-isl the said qualification in
date upto which the typewriting may be appoin-
Employment Excha- ted subject to Ihc condition
nge is asked to that Ihe Medical Board
submit the names. atiachtdtotln. Special Emp-
loyment Exchange for handi-
capped or where there is
no such Board, the Civil
Surgton certifies that ihe
said handicapped person js
not in a fli condition to
be able to type.

(9) (10) (ID (12) (13)


Not npplicable. Two years. By dinel iM-ruiinKi'.t. '.Not applicable. GiOup'C'Departmtntal ;Noiapplxablc.
NoU- : 10",,ofi1v vacan- Pro mot on Committic
cies shall IIL RSI rved for (for considering confir-
b''ingiilf i1 up from mation),
amongst Group'D' (i) Director (Adminis-
employv^s (boriv on trotiOn)/Dirtctor of
r 'gul <r. smblishni' nt)of Mines Saf, |y (ln-
th'Dir. ttorek G' tr rPl ehnrgt of Aiimmis-
ofMm sSafity subj ct irJt.on)- Chtiinnun
to the following eondi- (ii; D.putyDifeMOi (Ad
tions : mlnistr.i tion/Di-pu.y
(a) Selection woulu be Direetoi of Mm s
made through a diparl- Salely - Membi r
mentalexaminat.on con- (ii) Anofiicei in ilr soali
fined to such Group ' P ' of pjyof Rj. 2200-
employees who fulfill lh.' 4000 or above from
re quiremenl O f mini mum ihc Oifici. oi ih.
I'ducatiOnal qualification Chief Mining Advisor
namely Ma triculat,on or Railway Bonrtl,
[.quivali nt. Dhap.bai /Coy ] Mint s
(jo) theiuaximumdgcfor Piovii'enf Fund Or-
this examination would ganisation— Membs.]r
be 45 years (50 years for


Sch-duktl CtsUs/Schet'u-
led Tribes candicjii s).
(c) the maximum numlxr
of recruits by this method
would be limited to 10%
Of (he vacancies in the
cadre of Lower Division
Clerk Occurring in a year
unfilled vacancies would
not be carried over,

(2) (3) (4) (5) (61 (7)


5. Stenographer General Central Rs. 1400-40- Nor- No t exceeding 2J years Essential :

(1988) Service Group 18OO-EB-5O- scl ctimi. ("Rdaxablefor Go- (I) Miitnculr ion or iqih\nlcnt
' C Non- 2300. vernment stTV.l 111 tvimir.a/ or. o l the neog-
Gazetted uplo ilv a EL of 40 nisul Bonn or Unveisily.
(Ministi rial) y Li rs i n a ixo rd.a r.ce' (n) Mm mum spit i oi 120 woi-
with the instructions ds per minute in Steno-
or orders issued by graphy.
th.- Central Govern-
•Subject to variation dependent on workload. Note 1 : Tils cru-
cial t'ate for deter-
mining lh-age limit
sh'Ul be the closing
date for receipt of
applications from
candidates in India
(oth-r thin those
in the And a man and
Nico ba r Isla nds a nd
Note 2 : In th; case
of recruitment made
through Employ-
ment Exchange, the
crucial date for de-
termining the age
limit shall be the
last date upto which
(he Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit th • nflmn.

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

No 2 y.arsfor By promotion fa iling Promotion : GL-OLIP'C'D n-irtmcit. 1 N'">L .ipplicnbl.1

direct whxh by direct S'en.ographer Grade III wilh Promotion Committee
recruitment recruitment. 5 ye.a rs regula r service in (for considering promo
(he grade. tion and confirmation;>
• (I) Director (Ae'mir.is-
tiafion)/Director of
Mints Safety Cln-
chnrge of Adminis-
(li) Deputy Director
D - p u y Director of
Mines Safety.
— Member
664 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [FART II—SEC. 3(i)]

(iii) An officer in tlv;
scale of pay of
Rs. 2200-4000 or
above from the Offi-
ce of the Chief Min-
ing Adviser, Rail-
way Board, Dhar.bad/
Coal Min.s Provi-
dent Fund Organisa-
tion — MemKr

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

6. Stenographer * 70 Genera 1 Centra 1 Rs. 1200-30- Not Not cxcct(*ir.g25 ESSENTIAL.

Gradv.-lll. (1988) Service. Oioap 1560-EB-40- applicable. years. (i)Matriculat'on or iquival nt
' C NOR- 2040. (R.laxabli; for Go- elimination of a recognised
Gazvttai vernment Servant Board, or University,
(Minis', eric I). upto the age of 40 (li) Speid of 80 words per
y a rs iniccordar.ee mir.uie in English shorthand
•Subject to vanr.;Ion(\pmci n< on woikloao. with tho instructions and 40 words pir minute in
or Oi'Jcrs issued by English typing or 80 words
the Central Govern- per minute in Hindi Short-
ment). hand and 30 words per mi-
Note 1. : The crucial nute in Hindi typtwriiii.g.
uate for determining
th; age limit shall
bo !h; closing Late
for receipt of appli-
cations from candi-
dates in India (other
than those in the
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands and
Note 2. In th;
case of recruitment
made through <h~
Employment Ex-
change the crucial
c'ate for determining
th?. age limit shall
be the last date-up!o
which the Employ-
ment Exchange is
asked to submit ih;

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Not applicable 2 years (i) 75% by direct Net applicable. Group C Departmental Not applicable.
recruitment, Promotion Committee :
(ii) 25 % by selection (for considering confir-
through a test in steno- mation)
graphy and typewriting (i) Director (Adminis-
from amongst LDC/ tration)jDirector of
Bradma Operator/Hindi Mines Safety (In-
typist of DGMS who charge of Adminis-
have put in 3 years regu- tration) Dhanbad.
lar service in any of the - - Chairman
cadre. (ii) Deputy Director
(Administration) De-
puty Director of
Mines Safety.
— Member
8 9 10 11 12 13

(iii) An officer in the

scale of pay of
Rs. 2200-4000 or
above from office of
the Chief Mining
Adviser. Railway
B )ard Dhanbad/
Coal Mines Provi-
dent Fund Organi-
sation — Member

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

7. Head Surveyor •6 General Central Rs. 2000-60- Selection Not applicable Not applicable
0988) Service Group 23OO-EB-75-32OO
•Subject 1
C Non-
to gazetted (Non-
varia- Ministerial).
tion dep-
endent on

8) (9) (10) 01) (12) (13)

N)t applicable Not Bypromstion Promotion Group ' C Departmental Not applicable
applicable. Surveyor with 4 years regular Promotion Committee
service in the grade. (for considering promo-
tion and confirmation)
(i) Director (Adaunis-
tration)/Director of
Mines Safety (In-
charge of Adminis-
tration)— Chairman
(ii) Deputy Director
(Administration), /De-
puty Director of
Mines Safety.
— Member
uii) Survey Superinten-
dent — Member

O) (2) (3) (4) 0) (6) (7)

8. Surveyor "25 General Central R<). 1600-50- NDH selec- Upto 35 years Essential:
(1988) Service Group 23OO-EB-60- tion (Relaxable for Go- (1) Matriculation or equivalent
•Subject •C- Non- 2660/. vernment servants examination of a recognised
to Gazetted (Non- upto the age of 40 University or Board.
varia- Ministerial). years). (2) Surveyor's Certificate of Com-
tion dep- Notel. The crucial petency granted under the
endent on date for determining Coal Mines Regulations. 195
workload the age limit shall be or under the Metalliferous
the closing date for Mines Regulations 196l(Un-
receipt of applica- restricted).
rirns from candidates
i n India (other than
those in Andaman
and Nicobar Islands
and Lakahadweep).

537 GI/89—9
666 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18. 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

(2) In the case of
recruitment made
through the Emp-
loyment Exchange,
the crucial date for
determining the age
limit shall be the last
date upto which the
Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit the names.

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) '

Age : No. 2 years for By promotion failing Promotion: Grou y ' C Departmantal NJt applicabl
Educational direct which by direct Draftsman —Surveyor/ Head Promotion Committee
qualifications : recruits. recruitment. Draftsman with 3 years regu- (for considering promo-
Yes. lar service In the grade failing tion and confirmation :
which Draftsman-Surveyor/ (i) Director (AdmiPis-
Head Draftsman with 5 years tration)/Director of
regular service aj Draftsman Mines Safety (tn-
Surveyor/Head Draftsman charge of Adminis-
and Draftsman/Computer tration) —chairman
combined together and failing (ii) Deputy Director
both Draftsman/Computer (Adminitratlon) De-
with 5 years regular service puty Director of
in the grade. Mines Safety.
— Member
(iii) Survey Superinten-
dent — Memb

(1) (-2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

9. Draftsman •11 General Central Rs. 1400-40- Non- Not applicable Not applicable
Surveyor (9)/ (1988) Service Group 18OO-EB-5O- Selection.
Head •Subject ' C Non- 2300.
Draftsman (2) to Gazetted (Non-
vari- Ministerial).
depende nt

(9) (10) (11) (12) . (13)

Not applicable N.it By promotion. Promotion: Group ' C Departmental Not applicable.
applicable. Draftsmia/Computer with Promotion Committee
5 yoars regular service in the (for considering promo-
grade. tion and confirmation.) :
(i) Director (Adminis-
trtion)/Director of
Mines Safety (In-
charge of Adminis-
tration)-- Chairman
(ii) Deputy Director
puty Director of
Mines Safety.
- Member
(iii) Survey Superinten
dent — Member

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 16) (7)

10. Draftsman •22 Goneral Central Rs. 12 00-30- Not Between J 8 and 2 5 ESSENTIAL : J
(17) Computer (1988) Service Group 1 560-EB-40- applicable. years. 1[1) Matriculation or equivalent
(5) ' C Non- 2040. (Relaxable for Govenn- examination of a lecognised
Gazetted (Non- vnfint servants upto University or Board.
Ministerial). the age of 40 years). (2) Diploma/Certificate in Draft-
Notes: 1. The crucial smanship from a recognised
date for determining Institution or Diploma/Certi-
*Subject to vai iation dependent on workload. the age limit shall ficate in surveying or Civil/
be the closing date Eleclrical/Mechanlca 1/Minirg
for receipt of appli- Engineering of a recognised
cations from candi- Institution.
dates in India (other DESIRABLE
than those in Anda- Experioncc in Suiveying work
man and Nicobar in mines.
Islands and Laksha-
2. In the case of
recruitment made
through the Employ-
ment Exchange, the
crucial date for
determining the age
lirnitjshall be the last
date upto which the
Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit the names.

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 0 3)

Age—No 2 Years. (i) 75% by direct recruit- Not applicable Group ' C Departmental ;Not applicable.
Educational Qua- ment, Promotion Committee
lification : Yes. (ii) 25% by Selection (for considering confir-
except (ii) through a test from mation).
amongst Fenoprintor 0) Director (Adminin-
Sampler & Chairman in tration)/Director of
DGMS with 5 years Mines Safety (In-chargc
regular service in any one of Administration).
or more of the grades - - Chairman,
and procossing essential (ii) Deputy Director
qualifications except (Administration)/Dcputy
(ii) for direct recruitment Director of Mines Safety
failing which by direct — Member,
recruitment. (iii) Survey Superinten-
dent - - Member.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

11. Law Assistant •6 Genei al Central Rs. 1400-40- Not Bet ween 22 and ESSENTIAL
(1938) Service Group 1 8OO-EB-5O- applicable. 26 years* DegreeinLaw of Recognised
' C Non- 2300. •(Rclaxable for Go- Univci sity.
Gazetted (Non- vernment Sci vants
Ministerial). upto the age of 40
years in accordance
with Ilw Instruction
or orders issued by
the Central Govern-
•Subject to variation dependent oh workload. ment).
Notes: (1) The cru-
cial date for deter-
mining the age limit
shall be closing date
for receipt of appli-
cations from Candi-
dates in India (othor
663 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 LPARr II—SEC. 3(i)]

(1) (2) (1) (4) (3) (6) (7)

than those in the
Andamanand Nico-
bar Islands and
2. In the case of
recruitment made
th'ough the Emp-
loyment Exchange,
the crucial date for
determining tho age
limit shall be the
last date upto which
the Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit the names.

(9) (10) 01) (12) (13)

No applicable 2 years for (1) 50 % by transfer failing Transfer : G.oup LC" O ;pirtnaental Notapphcable
diiect which by direct recruit- Officers working in tho Direc- Promotion Committee
recruits ment. torate General of Mines (for considering confii ma-
(n) 50% by direct Safety— lion),
recruitment. (a)(i) holding analogous posts (i) Director (Administra-
on regular basis. tion/Director of Mines
OR Safety (Inchargc of Ad-
(ii) with 5 years regular ministration — Chaiman.
sorivce in tho post beai ing tho (ii) Deputy Director
pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040/- (Adrninistrtion)or Deputy
and Director of Mines Safety—Member
(b) possessing educational (ni) Senior Law Officer
qualifications presci ibed for — Member
direct recruits.

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (&) (7)

12. SUtisiical 9* General Central Rs. 1400-40- Not Between 22 a nd 2 6 ESSENTIAL.
Assistant. (1988) S^i-vice Group 1800-EB-30- applicable. Years.** D<w cc in Statistics oi Economics/
" C " Non- 2300 •*(Relaxable for Go- Ma'hematics with Siatislict as
Gazetted (Non- vernment servants one of the subject of a recogi-
Ministerial). upto the age of 40 niscd Univorsily or equivalent.
years in accordance
with the instructions
or orders issued by
the Central Govern-
'Subject to variation dependent on woikload ment.).
Notes: (1) The cru-
cial date for deter-
mining the age limit
shall be trr closing
dato for receipt of
applications from
candidates in India
(other than those in
the Andaman and
Nicobar Islanc's and
2. In tho case of
recruitment made
through the Emp-
loyment Exchange,
tho crucial date for
determining the age
limit shall be the
last da*o upto which
tho Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit the names.

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Not applicable ? yjars for (i) 50% by transfer TRANSFER Group ' C Not
direct failing which by diiect Officers working in the Dii ec- Drpnitmcnif IProrrolior: applkible.
recruits. recruitment, toratc General of Mines Committee (for conskioi -
(ii) 50% by direct Safety- ing confirmation),
recruitment. (a)(i) holding analogous (i) Director (Administra-
posts on regular basis. tion/Director of Mines
OR Safety (Incharge of Ad-
(ii) with 5 years regular ministration)— Chairman,
service in the post in the pay (ii) Deputy Director
scale of Rs. 1200-2040 and (Admlnistration)/Deputy
(b) Possessing educational Director of Mines Safety
qualification prescribed for — Member,
direct recruits. (iii) Joint Director (Sta-
tistics) — Member.

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

13. Scientific 10* General Central Rs. 1400-40- Not Between 22 and 26 Essential :
Assistant (1988) Service 1800 EB-50- applicable years." Degree in Science (Physics
•Subject Group ' C \ 2300 **(Rolaxab1e for Govt. or Chemistry) of a recog-
to variation Non-Gazetted servants upto the age nised University with
Non-Ministerial. of 40 years in accoid- at least 2 years experience
on work- ance with the instruc- in a scientific laboratory.
load. tions Or orders issued
by th-i Cstral Govern- :Note : —The qualification
ment). regarding experience Is
Notes : 1.—The crucial iclaxabk at the discretion
date for determining Of the competent auth-
the ago limit shall be ority in case of candidate
tbo closing date for belonging to the Schedu-
receipt of applications led Caste and Sche-
from candidates in duled Tribes if, at any
India (Other than those stage of sekction, the
in Andaman & N ; co- competent authority is
bar'Islandsa nc1 Laksha- of the opin'on that suffi-
dweep). cient number of candi
dates from these commu-
2. Tn the case of recruit- nities possessing the
ment made through requisite exptrkr.ee are
the Employment Ex- not likely to bo available
change, the crucial to fill up the vacancies
date for dterrrining reserved for thtm.
the age limit shall be
the last date upto
which the Employment
Exchange is asked to
submit the names.

(8) (9) (10) (ID (12) (13)

Not applicable 2 years By direct recruitment Not applicable Oroup ' C Departmental Not
Promotion Committee applicable
(for considering confirmation)
(i) Director (Administra-
tion)/ Director of Mines
Safety (In-chargc of Ad-
ministra t ion)~Cha irma n.
(ii) Director of Mines Safety
(Research and Develop-
(iii) Deputy Director (Admi-
nistra t ion)/DepUty
Director of Mines Safety
6n THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART U—SEC. 3(i)]

0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

14. Technical 2* Gcnernl Central Rs. 1400-40- Not Between 18 and 26ycars.** Essential.
Assistant (1988) Service 1800-EB-50- applicable ••(Relflxable for Govt. Degree in Science (Physics
Gi-oup ' C 2300 servants upto the oge Or Chemistry) of a recog-
Non-Oazutttd of 40 yesrs in accord- nised University with at
Non-Ministerial. ance with the instruc- least 2 years experience in
tions Or Orders Issued a scientific laboratory.
•Subject to variation by the Central Govl.) OR
dependent on workload. Notes : 1. Tiw crucial Diploma in Mining with
date for determining an Overman's Certificate
the age limit shall be of Competency.
the closing date for Note : The qualification
receipt of applications regarding txpirimct is
from candidates in relaxa ble a t the descretion
India (othtr than those of tho competent auth-
in the Andaman and ority in case of candidates
Nicobar Islands and belonging to the Sche-
Lakshadweep). duled Castes and Sche-
2. In the case of recruit- duled Tribes if at any
ment made through stage Of selection the
the Empoymtnt Ex- competent authority is
change, the crucial of the opinion that suffi-
date for determining cient number ofcandi-
the age limit shall be datcs from these com-
the last date upto munities possessing the
which the Employ- requisite experience are
ment Exchange is not likely to be available
asked to submit the to fiil up the vacancies
names. reserved for them.

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Not applicable 2 years By direct recruitment Not applicable Group ' C Departmental Not applicable
Promotion Committee
(for considering confirmation)
(i) Director (Administra-
tion)/ DircctOf of Mines
Safety (Incharge of
(ii) Director of Mines Safety
(Research and Develop-
(iii) Deputy Director
Director of Mines Safety.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. Librarian 2* O;n?ralC-ntral Rs 1400-40- Not Between 21 and 26 years.** Esscnta].
(1S>$8) Service 18OO-EB-5O applicable (i) Degree of a recognised
Group 'C 2300. •*(Relaxable for Govern- University or equivalent
Non-Q4zetted ment Servant upto the (ii) Degree Or equivalent
Non-Ministerial age of 40 years in Diploma in Library
accordance with the Science of a recognised
•Subject to variation instructions or orders University or Institu-
dependent on workload. issued by the Central tion.
Notes : 1. The crucial
date for determining
the age limit shall be
the closing date for
receipt of applications
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
from candidates in
India (other than those
in Andaman and Ni-
cobar Island and
2. In the case Of recruit-
ment made through
the Employment Ex-
change, the crucial
date for determining
the age limit shall be
the last date upto
which the Employment
Exchange is asked to
submit the names.

8 9 10 11 t2 13

Not applicable. 2 years. By direct recruitment, Not applicable. Group ' C Departmental Not
Promotion Committee applicable,
(for considering confirmation).
(i) Director(Administration)/
Director of Mines Safety
(Inchargc of Administra-
(ii) Dy. Director (Administ-
ration)/ Dy. Director of
Mines Safety—Member.
(iii) An officer in the scale
Of pay Of R». 2200-4000
or above from Office of
the Chief Mining Advisor
Railway Board, Dhan-
bad/Coal Mines Pro-
vident Fund Organisation,

1 2 3 4 S 6 7
16. Senior Hindi 1* General Central Rs. 1600-50-2300 Non- Not exceeding 2 8 years. Essential :
Translator (1988) Service EB-60-2660. Selection (Rclaxable for Govern- (1) Master's dtgice of a
Group ' C ment servants upto the recognised University
Non-Gazetted age of 40 years in acco- in Hindi/English, with
Non-Ministerial rdance with the Ins- English/Hindi as a com-
tructions or orders pulsory/elective subject
•Subject to varia. issued by the Central or as medium of exami-
iioti dependent 6n Govt.) nation at degree level
work-load. OR
Note 1. The crucial date Master's degree of a
for determining the recognised University
age limit shall be (he in any subject other
closing date for the than/Hindi/English, with
receipt of applications Hindi/English medium,
from candidates in and English/Hindi as
India (other than a compulsory/ elective
Andaman and subject or as medium of
Nicobar Islands and examination at degree
Lakshadweep). level.
672 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Incase of recruitment OR
made thi ough Emp- Master's degiee of a
loyment Exchange, recognised Universi'y in
the crucial date for any subject other than
determining the age Hindi/English. with
limit shall be the last Hindi and English as
date upto which the compulsory/elective sub-
Employment Exchange jects or either of the
is asked to submit the two as medium of exami-
names. nation and the other as
a compulsory/elective
subject at degree level.
(2) Recognised Diploma/
Certificate Course in
translation from Hindi
to English, and vice-
versa or two years'
expor ence of transla-
tion work from Hindi to
English and Vice-versa
in Central/State Govern-
ment offices, includ-
ing Government of
India Undertakings.

8 9 10 11 12 13

No 2 years By promotion failing Promotion : Group ' C Departmental Not

which by transfer on From amongst Junior Hindi Promotion Committee applicable.
deputation, falling Translators with 5 years' (for considering prmotion/
both by direct regular service in the grade. transfer on deputation/con-
recruitment. Transfer on deputation : firmation) :
From amongst Central Govt. (i) Director(Administration)/i
Officers holding :— Director of Mines Safety
(a) (i) holding analogous (In-charge of Administ-
posts; or ration)—Chairman,
(ii) posts in the pay (il) Deputy Director
scale of Rs. 1400- (Ac ministration)
2300 or equivalent Deputy Director of
with 5 year's regular Mines Safety—Member.
service in the grade (Hi) Hindi Officer- Member
(b) possessing educational
and other qualifications
prescribed for direct

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17. Junior Hindi 6* General Central Rs. 14(KM0-1800 Not Betwcen21 and28yaus. Essential :
Translator. (1988) Service E.B-50-2300. iapplicable. (Relaxable for Govt. Master1 s Dcgr»e of a recog-
Group ' C servant upto tho ago nised University f in Hindi/
Non-Gazetted of 40 year in accord- English, wilh English/
Non-Ministerial ance with the instruc- Hindi as a compulsory/
tions or orders issued elective subject oi as
•Subject to variation by the Central Govt.). medium of examination
dependent on work-load. Notes :— at Degree level.
1. The crucial date for OR
determining tho age Master's Degree of a re-
limit shall be the cognised University
closing date for in any subject other than
1 2 3 4 5. 6 7-
receipt of applications Hindi/English with. Hindi
from candidates in and English as compul-
India (oth^r than sory/Elective (ubjtciE or
those in tho Anda- either of the two as me-
man and Nicobar Is- dium of examination and
lands and Lnksha- the other PS compulsoty/
dwecp). elective subject at Dfguc
2. In the case of recruit- level.
ment made through OR
the Employment Master's degree of a recog-
Exchange, the crucial gniscd Univei 6ity in any
date for determining subject other than Hindi/
tho age limit shall l>o English with Hindi/Eng-
th<; last date upto lish as a compulsory/
which the Employment elective subject or BM ft
Exchange is asked to medium of eXRminatiC'ti
submit tho names. at degree level.
Bachelor's Degree of a
recognised University
with fHmdi/EngUsh as
compulsory/elective sub-
jects or cither of the
two as medium of exami-
nation and the other as
a compulaory/ckcthc
tubjret plus a recognised
Diploma/crtiflcatr cotrsc
in translation from Hinc'i
to English and vice vcrt-a
or two yeais expcricnLC
of translation work from
Hindi to English and vice
versa in Centtnl Govern-
ment /State Govercmrnt
offices including Govern-
ment of India Under-

8 9 10 11 12 13

Not applicable 2 ydars for (.0 50%bytransftr Transfer: Gfoup ' C Departmental Not
direct failing which by Officers working in the Promotion Committee : npplicf.blc.
recruits. direct recruitment Dirrctoraie-Genaal of (foi considirinp confirmc-
fii) 50% by di-ect Mines Safety, tion):—
recruitment. (a) (i) holding analogous (i) Director (Administration)
post on regular basU Director of Minos Safety
or (Incharge of Administra-
(ii) with 5 y*ars regular tion)- Ch?irmnn.
service in tho post OH Deputy Director (Ad-
bearing pay acaleof mini<itration)/Dcputy
Rs. 1200-2040 and Director of Mines Safety
(b) Possessing educational (iii) Hindi Offker Membci.
qualifications prescribed
for direct recruit*.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. Care Taker 1* General Central Rs. 1350-30-1440- Not Not applicable. Not applicable.
(1988) Service 40-1800-EB-50- applicable.
Group' C\ 2200.
'Subject to variation
dependent on work-load.
537 GI/89-10
674" THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : 'MARCH 18, m9ff&ALGVtiA 27, 1910 IPAR. U^Be^C!)]
8- 9 16 11 tt
Not applicable. Not By transfer on depu- Transfer on Deputation : Not applicable Not
applicable tation. (i) Employees of DGMS applicable.
holding analogous/
equivalent post or
UD employees of DGMS
in ihe scale of Rs. 1200-
2040 (Upper Division
Clerk/Group Clerk/
Senior Slorc Keeper)
with 3 years regular
(Period of deputation should
not ordinarily exceed 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Repro •1 Gin^ral Central Rs 1200-30-1560- Not (a) Matriculation or equiva-
grapher- (1988) Service EB-40-2040 applicable Between 18&25ycars- lent examination of a
Group 1 C". (Relaxable for Govern- recognised UnfttrMiy
'Subject to variation Non-Gazetttd ment servant upto the or Board.
dependent on work- Non-Ministerial age of 40 years in (b) Knowledge of type-
load. accordance with the writing with a minimum
instructions or orders, speed of 30 w.p.m.
iwued by the Central
Government). (e) Knowledge of working
Notes : and running mainten-
1. The crucial date for ance of electronic type-
determining the age writer/word processor
limit shall be the clos- and other rfflce equip-
ing date for receipt of ment. .
application from can-
didates in India (other
than those in the Anda-
man and Nicobar
Islands and Laksha-
2. In the case of recruit-
ment made -through
the Employment Ex-
change the crucial date
for determining the
uge limit shall be the
last date upto which
the Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit Lhe names.

8 9 10 11 12 13

Age : No 2 years for By transfer on depu- Transfer on deputation : Group ' C Departmental Not
Educational direct tation failing which Employees of the Directorate Promotion Ccmmittcc applicable.
qualification : recruits. by dirert recruit- Oencral of Mines Safety, (for considering confirmation):
Yes ment. (i) holding analogous post (i) Director (Administra-
on regular basis; or tion)/ Director of Mines
(ii) Lower Division Clerk/ Safety (Incharge cf Ad-
Bradma Operator/Hindi ministration)
Typisf with 5 years regu- -Chairman,'
lAr servjee.
(Period of deputation shall (ii) Deputy Director (Ad-
not ordinixily exceed 3 ministration/Deputy
years). Director of Mines Safety
- -Member,
(iii) Administrative CflJL-er
1 2 3 4 5 6 "7

20. Photo •1 (1988) General Central Rs- 950-20- Selection Between 18 and 25 years (a) Matriculation
Copier 'subject to Service Group 1150-EB-25- (Relaxable for or equivalent.
Operator. variation ' C Non- 1500. Government servants Cb) At least 2
dependent Gazetted (Non- upto the age of 40 years' ex-
on work- Ministerial). years in accordance perience in
load. with the instructions operation and
or order issued by the maintenance of
Central Government)'1'* automatic plain
Notes . — paper copier,
1. The crucial date for duplicating
determining the age machine, ferro-
limit shall be the Uos- printing machine,
ing date for receipt of
application fromcandi-
dates in India (other
than those in the
Andaman andNicobar
Islands and Lakshadwcep).
2 In the case of recruit-
ment made through
the Employment Ex-
change the crucial
date for determining
the age limit shall bo
the last date upto
which the employment
Exchange is asked to
submit the names.

R 9 10 11 12 13

Ni 2 yean for By promotion Promotion : Group ' C Not applicable,

direct recruit. failing which by Mechanical/Electrical Detrimental Promotion Committee
direct recruit- helper, or Technician (for considering promoticn and con-
ment. or Larapman with 2 firmation) :
yean regular service (i) Director (Administration)/Dircctor
in the grade. of Mines Safety (Inchargc of
Administration)- Chairman
(n) Deputy Director (Administration)/
Deputy Director of Mines Safety- -
(hi) Administrative Officer.
Directorate General of Mines Safety.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11. Lamnmtn *l(1988) General Central Rs. 950-20- Not applicable Between 18 and 25 years. Essential :
•subject Servioe. Group 1150-EB-25- (Rclaxablc for Govern- (1) Middle Schoor
to variationi ' C Non- 1400. mint servants upto the Standard pass,
. dependent Gazetted (Non- age of 40 years in (2) Electrical Wire-
on work- Ministerial). accordance with the men's permit
load. iiutiuctioni or orders granted by the
issued by the Central State Govcrn-
Govcrnment). nicnt.
(3) Five years
Notes ; experience as
1- The crucial date for Wircmcn/Awis-
dctermining the age tant Wiremeu.
limit shall be the closing
date for receipt of N o t e : The quah-
applications from can- ficatlon(a) re-
didates in India (other garding experi-
thanthoiein the ence ii/are re-
Andaman and Nlcobai laxable at the
676 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—Sue, 3(i)]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Islands and Laksha- discretion of the

dweep). Staff Selection
2. In the case of recruit- Competent
ment made through Authority in the
Lmploymeni hxuhauge, case of canJi-
the crucial date R. r datca belcngin;
determining the age to Scheduled
limit shall be the last Castes or Sche-
date upto which the duled Tribes if
Employment Exchange at any stage of
h asked to submit the selection, the
names. Staff Selection
Authority is of
the opinion that
sufficient number
of candidates
from these com-
munities posesss-
ing the requisite
experience are
uot likely to be
available to fill
up the vacancies
reserved for

8 9 10 11 12 13
Not 2 yean By direct Not applicable Group ' C Departmental Promotion ;No applicable,'
applicable recruitment. Committee (for considering confir-
mation) :
(0 Director (Admini<.tration)/Dircctor
of Mines Safely (Incharge of
(ii) Deputy Director (Administration)/
Deputy Director of Mines Safety- -
(iii) An officer in the scale of pay of
Rs. 2200—4000 or above in the
(Mice of the Chief Mining
Advisor. Railway Board. Dhanbad/
Coal Mines Provident Fund Or-
ganisation. —Member

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
22. Driver 43* (1988) General Central Rs. 950-20- Not applicable. Between 21 and 30 Etiential:
•Subject to Service Group 1150-E.B-23- years (i) At least Middle
variation • C Non- 1500. (Relaxable for School standard
dependent Gazetted (Non- Government servant pass,
on work- Ministerial). upto the age of 40 (ii) A valid licence
load years in accordance for driving motor
with the instrucUcns vehicle,
or order* issued by (iii) Basic knowledge
the Central Govern- of motor mechanics,
ment). (iv) 5 years ex-
perience in driving
a motor vehicle.
Notes : 1. The crucial date for
determining the use
limit shall be the
closing date for
reccrpt of applicaiicjiis
1 2 4 S 6 '7 I
from candidates In
India (other than
those in Andaman
and Nicobar Islands
dud Lakshftdweep).
2. In the case of recruit-
ment nwde through
the Employment Ex-
change the crucial
dale for determining
the age Unlit shall
be the last date up-
to which the Employ-
ment Exchange is
asked to submit the

8 9 10 11 12 13
Age-No. Not applicable By tranifer fail- Transfer : Group ' C D>:parim;ntal Promotion Not applicable.
Educational ing which by By transfer on the result Committee (fur considering confir-
Qualification direct recruit- of a test in driving mation cases) consisting of :--
Yes. ment. designed to adjudge (i) Director (Administration)/
suitability for the post Director of Mines Safty (Inchargc
with reference to of Administration) -Chairman
standard of compe-
tency considered (h) Deputy Director (Administration)/
essential in driving Dcpmy Director of Mines Safety—
from amongst the Member
regular Group 'D' (iii) An officer in the scale of pay of
employees of Rs. 2200-4000 or above in the
D Irect orate-O cncral, Office of the Chief Mining Adviser
Mines Safety and Railway Board Dhanbad/Coal
possessing qualifica- Mines Provident Fund Organisa-
tions prescribed for tion - Member
direct recruits.

1 2 S 4 5 6 7
23. Senior' 1* (1988) General C ntral Rs. 950-20-1150- Not No; applicable Not applicable
G^s'alncr *Subjecl to Survlcc Group EB-25-1400. applicable
Operator variation ' C Non-
dependent Gaze ttec". (Non-
o i work- Ministerial)
S 9 10 11 12 13

Nottipplcable Not By promotion Promotion : Grojp 'C'Oc.^ai ;u n;al Pioa.otion N'H. ppltab'.t.
•.ippKcublt-' failing wh;ch by Junior GesUtncr Committee Mn^isting of :—
transfer an Operator with 3 ytap. (i) Dirvctor(A- mir.istraik>n)Dir ctor
deputation regular service in the of Mines Safety (Inchanje of
Si'udt A 'ministration)—Ci?irman
Transfer on Pepu at : on: («i) Deputy Director (A '.ministration)/
r.moloy^csofDir ctoratc Deputy Dir otoi of M;nes Safety—
G.neral of Mines Member
Safely hM ling th; ( ii) An Offi;er in th- icale of pay of
posts of Junior R.S, ?.',00-4000 Or above from the
Rccord-Keep^i/ office of thiCYef M rung Vlvisir,
Library Atundcnt' Railway Board,D'xanbad/ C^a 1
Duftry/Jamadar with Mines Provident Pund Ori;anisa-
3 y arsiesularvrvice tion—M mbi;r
in thsgraitcand hav-
ing proficiency in
opcratineand mtiin-
taituna Duplicating
Machine. (Period of
deputnt;onshail not
ordinarily cxcccd 3
678 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 19«4>/PHALGUNA 27, 19JO [PART II—SBc..3(i)]
1 2 3 4 i 6 7

24. FcrrO- 3* (19S3) General Central Rs. 825-15-900 Non- Not applicable Not applicable
rriatcr •Subject tQ LServtee Group EB-2O-12OO Sel ctioa
variation' 'C Nun-
dependent Gazattcd (Non-
on work- Ministerial).

S 9 10 11 12 13

Notap^lcaU: Not by promotion Promotion : Group ' C D 'p'u mt nt«l Pionoi on No'nprl cable
«tppl"cttblt? Sampl rChainman with Commit'« (lor comc'eii"jt promo-
2yjarsrcirularserv.ee tion),
in th? f rade. (i) Director (A mois rat On)/Dircc:or
of Mines Safety (fndiarfio of
A"tmini*t ration)—Chairman,
(ii) Ds^uty Director (AdmtnisicatiJn)
Deputy Director of M'aes Safety -
(ii) Aoffljer n t'u wal. of pny o,"
Rs. 2200-4000 Or a bovc from Office
of the Chief Mimnj A Ivisor, Railway
Blard,D'wnb^i/Coa I M nes Pro-
vident Fund Ortanisst ott—Mimbtr.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2S. ITdrcr 2'XIW) Qcneral Cntrtil R?. 950-20- Not Bftwccn 18 and 25 Eavntiai :
•Subject to Service Group 115O-EB-35- appl.c.iblr. years. (a) For Helpor
variation 'C Non- 1400 (Relo xablc for Gowni- (Mtcharicil Branch),
ilcpcndent Qnzcllul (Non- ment servants upio (i) Middle School
on work- Ministerial), the age Of 40 >vflrsin stanc'an' pass.
toad. accorJnnce with the (ii) Fitter's certificate
instructions Or Orr'trs from any r^cognised
hsu d by tht; Central Inst tiit'an.
Government). (ii) One >vsr's t\-
Note :- pentnte fas m cli-
1. The crucial ('ate foi nntcfil fitter in any
determining the age workshop or mine
limit shall be th" or factory,
closing elate for (b) For Helper (El c-
r.edpt of applications tricnl) Branch.
from candidate in (0 Mit'dle Sclwul
India (other than those standard pass,
in the Andaman and (ii) Certificate in wirt-
N.cobar Islands and rn'iri'ihlp Or cl ctri-
Lakshfldweep). cian < from r co-
2. In the cas; of recruit-
ani^.d institute.
ment made through
(iii) At 1 ast^ie year's
111* Employment Ex-
change, tho crucial experience ad wire-
c'ate for dctcrmimni man Or el ct ca|
th- age limit shall be fitter in nny work-
ih; last date upto shop Or mine or
which the Employ- factory.
ment Exchange istuk- Not:;— Qualificat on
ed to submit ths rcgarJinc cxpcrier.ee
names. is r^lixahle at th 6
disctetion of ihe
competent authority
in csieofcmdidatts
belonging to Sche-
duled Castei/chc-
duled Tribe Com-
munities, if at any
stage of s;l ction

th- comjxUiU autho-
nty is of the opinion
[ha t SL'ffic <mt nui -
ber of <Mru4iJJ»t •>
Moiling to ih'.r.e
lng the u quired
cxtrienec AIC not
likily to be avail-
able to fill up lbs
v?c?rcjet> reserved
for ihem

f 9 10 11 12 13
Notappl cabli Iyt«n Bydirrct Nmappl cable-. Group ' C Departm r.ta 1 Proniot on NfJtJppl
! cable
rccruitmom. Committcr (for cons,dcr nf conflrm*-
tion> :
(0 Dlr ctoi (A' minimi a t[on)/
Dir ctor of Mints Safety (fa charee
of Admiristrat oni—Chmnnsi:.
(ii) Deputy Dtrectot Admiiiitratkm
r>«puty Director of M'ncB Safety-
(ni) Any officer in th- *,alc of pay of
Rs. 2200-4000'- Or above from Oftiw
Of the Chief Mininfi Advisor, Rail-
way, Board., Dhanbaci/Oaa 1 Mined
Provident fund Organist o i - Mtnibci

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
26 T^hniclan •! (1988) Gener«t Centra! Rs. 950-20- Not Between 18 and 25y^ars. (a) Matriculation or
•Subject to Service Group 1150-EB-25- applicable. (Rclaxable for Govern- equivalent,
variation ' C Non- 1400/- ment Servant upto the ( b y m Certificitc In
dependent Oa zct ted (NOn- age Of 40y^«min Etcctncal/Mechanieal/
on work- Mfnlsttriftl). n ceo rda nee with the EUctronics discipline
loat1. instructions or orders of atkast 2 y,-««
issued bythe-Centril duration.
Note :
1. Thccrucialdfltefor
determining the age
limit %hell be lUe clot-
ing date for receipt of
appl cation from candi-
dates in India (other
thiin those in the
Aiv'amanand Rcobar
UNnds and L»kshad-
2. In th-'i.ascorr cnut-
m -nt mede though th^
F.'mloym ntfivcVmac,
tU» crucial date iar
determining th'ragc
lirrnt s'lall be the last
t'ate upto which ttu
Bmploymmt Exchinge
isask.'d to ^.ubmn th=
68 0- THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :. MARCH. 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PARI II—SEC 3(1)]
8 9 10 LI 13 13
Not applicable. 2 years Direct Not applicable, Group ' C Not applicable.
recruitment. Departmental Promotion Committee
(for considering confirmation) :
(1) Director (Adminlstration)/Directcr
of Mines Safety (Inchargc of
Administration)-- Chairman,
(il) Deputy Director (Administration)/
Deputy Director of Mines
(lii) Administrative Officer--Member.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
27. Jun'Or 3* (1988) General Cntrai Rs. 800-15-1010- Non- Not applicable. Not applicable.
GtsUti.cr •Subject to Service Group EB-20-1150 sclcction.
Optra'Or. va rift lion ' D ' (Non-
c'&ptndcnt Gazrttcd)(Non-
on work- Mmfstmall.

8 9 10 11 12 13
Not applicable Not By promotion Promotion : Group 'D' Departmental Promotion Not applicable.
applicable. Daftary and Jamidar Committee consisting of : • -
with 2 years regular
service in the grade 0) Director (Admlnistration)/Director
and having proficiency of Mines Safety (In-charge of
in operating and main- Administration) —Chairman,
taining Oestttncr (ii) Deputy Director (Administration)/
. machine!.. Deputy Director of Mines
(ili) An officer in the scale of pay
Rs. 22-4000 or abovfr from the
office of the Chief Mining Adviser.
Railway Board. Dhanbad. Coal
Mines Provident Organisation—

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
28. Sampler 11*(1988) General Central Rs. 800-15- Non- Between 18 and 25 years. Essential:
•Subject to Service Group 1010-EB-20- selection Middle School standard
variation ' D ' Non- 1150 (Relaxable for Go- pass with 5 years'
dependent Gazetted (Non- vernment servants experience in a labo-
on work- Ministerial). upto the age of 40 ratory or other field
load. years in accordance work of scientific
with the instructions nature.
or orders issued by the
Central Government).
Note* :—
1. The crucial date for
determining the age
limit shall be the clos-
ing date fpr receipt of
applications from can-
didates in India (other
than those in the
Andaman and Nicobar
Islands and Laksh-
2. In the case of recruit-
ment made through
the Employment Ex-
change the crucial date
for determining the
age limit shall be the
last date upto which
the Employment Ex-
change is asked to sub-
mit the names.
8 9 10 11 12 13

Not applicable Not By promotion Promotion : Group ' D ' Departmental Promotion Not applicable
applicable. failing which by Chairman with 3 years Committee consisting of :—
direct recruit- regular service in the (i) Director (Administration)/ Director
ment. grade. of Mines Safety (Incharge of
Administration)- Chairman,
(li) Deputy Director (Administration)/
Deputy Director of Mines
Safety- Member.
(Hi) An officer in the scale of pay
Rs. 2200-4000 or above from the
Office of the Chief Mining Adviser.
Railway Board, Dhanbad/Coal
Mines Provident Fund Organisa-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
29. Junior 1* (.1988) General Central Rs.800-15-1010- Non- Between 18 and 25 Essential :
Record •Subject to• Service Group EB-20-1150 selection years (Rclaxable Middle School
Keeper variation 'D' Non- for Government Standard pass.
dependent Gazetted (Non- servant upto the
on work- Ministerial). age of 40 years in
load. accordance with the
instructions or orders
issued by the Central
Notes :
1. The crucial date for
determining the age
1 imit shall be the clos-
ing date for receipt of
applications from
candidate in India
(other than those in
the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands and
2. In the case of recruit-
ment made through
the Employment Ex-
change, the crucial
date for determining
the age limit shall be
the last date upto
which the Employment
Exchange is asked to
submit the names.

3 9 10 11 12 13

Ago—No Not By promotion Promotion : Group ' D ' Departmental Promotion Not applicable
Educational applicable failing which by Daftry/Jamadar and Committee consisting of :—
Qualification - direct recruit- Library Attendant (i) Director (Administration)/
Yes- ment . with 2 years regular Director of Mines Safety (Ihchargc
service in the grade. of Administration)--Chairman,
(ii) Deputy Director (Administration)/
Deputy Director of Mines Safety—
(iii) An officer in the scale of pay of
Rs. 2200-4000 or above from the
office of the Chief Mining Adviser.
Railway Board, Dhanbad/Coal
Mines Provident Fund Organisa-

537 GI/89—11
682 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART H—SEC. 3(i)J
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30. Daftry 10* (1988) General Central Rs. 775-12-955- Not Not applicable Not applicable.
•subject to Service Group EB-14-1025 applicable
variation •D' Non-
dependent Gazetted.
on work-

8 9 10 11 12 13

Not applicable. Not By promotion. Promotion : Group 'D' : Not applicable

applicable. Peon with 2 years regu- Departmental Promotion Committee
lar service in the grade. consisting of :—•
Note :— Peons who are (i) Director (Adniinistration)/Director
not Middle standard Director of Mines Safety (Incharge
pass shall be sub- of Administration—Chairman-
jected to a test in (ii) Deputy Director (Administration)/
Hindi or English Deputy Director of Mines Safety- -
according to their Member,
choice to ascertain (iii) Any officer In the scale of Rs.
their suitability for 2200-4000 or above from office
appointment as of the Chief Mining Adviser,
Daftry. Railway Board. Dhanbad/Coal
Mines Provident Fund Organiza-
tion —Member.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

31. Jamadar •1 General Central Rs. 775-12-955- Non- Not applicable Not applicable
(1988) Service EB-14-1025 selection
'Subject to Group 'D'
variation Non-Gazetted

8 9 10 11 12 13
Not applicable Not By promotion Promotion : Ooup 'D' Departmental Not applicable
applicable Peon with 1 years rcgulai Promotion Committee
service in (he giade. consisting of :
(0 Dnector (Adminis-
tration/Director of
Mines Safety (fn-
charge ot Administia-
tion)— Chairman
(11) Deputy Director
Deputy Director of
Mines Safety—
(iii) Any officer in the
scale of pay of Rs.
2200-4000 or above
from office of the
Chief Mining Advi-
ser, Railway Board,
Dhacbad/Cosl Mines
Provident Fund Or-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

32. Library •1 General Central Rs. 775-12-955- Non- Not applicabl Not applicable
Attendent (1988) Service EB-14-1025/-. Sv-lection
•Subject to Group 'D'
variation Non-Gazetted
dependent Non-Ministerial

8 9 10 11 12 13

Nat applicable Not By Diomotisn Promotion : Group 'D' Departmental Not applicablo
applicable Peon with two years Promotion Committee (for
regular service in the consdering promotion) :
grade. (1) Director (Administration)/
Director of Mines Safety
(Inchargc of Adminis-
(ii) Deputy Diiector (Admi-
nistration/Deputy Di-
rector of Mines Safety
(lii) Any officer in the scale
of pay of Rs. 2200-4000
or above from the officf
of Chief Mining Adviser,
Railwf y Board, Dhanbad/
Coal Mines Provident
Fund Organisation—.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33. Peon •14(5 General Central Rs. 750-12-870- Not Between 18 and 25 years Essential :
(1988) Civil Service EB-14-940/- applicable. (Relaxable for Govern- Middle School Standard
•Subject to Group'D' ment servants upto the pass.
variation Non-Gazetted age of 40 years in accor-
dependent dance with the instruc-
on tions or orders issued by
workload, the Central Government).
Notes :—
1. The crucial date for
determining the age
limit shall be the clos-
ing date for receipt of
applications from can-
didates in India (other
than those in the
Andaman and Nico-
bar Islands and Laic-
shad weep).
4. In the case of recruit-
ment made ttprough
the Employment Ex-
change the crucial
date for determining ther
age limit shall be tho
last date upto^whlch
the Employment Ex-
change is asked to
submit the names-
684 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PART II—SEC. 3(i)]

8 9 10 11 17 13
N)t applicible 2 yoars (i) 25% by transfer Tiausfer : G'oup 'D' Departmental Not oppiic; blc
failing which by Safaiwala/Chowkidars/ Promotion Committee
direct recruitment Mali/Gardcner/waterma n consisting of :
(ii) 75% by direct who have put in 5 years (i) Director /(Ai'ministra-
recruitment. regular sci vice in the lion)/Direcloi of Mines
parent cadre and do not Safety, (Incharge of
possess the qualifications Administiation)
p/escribed for direct re- —Chairman
el uitment to the post of (ii) Deputy Dircctoi (Admi-
peon but who possess nisliation)/Drputy Di-
elementary lite racy and rector of Mines Safety
give proof of ability to - 'Membor
read in Hindi or English (lii) An officer in the scale
or a regional language*. of pay of Rs. 2200-4000
or above from the office
of the Chief Mining Ad-
visci, Railway Board,
Dhanbad/Coal Mints
Piovident Fund Orga-
nization— Member

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

34. Chainman •61(1988) General Central Rs. 800-15-1010- Not Between 18 and 25 years Essential :
•Subject to Service EB-20-1150/-. applicable (Relaxablo for Govern- (i) Middle Schcol
variation Group ' D ' ment servants upto the standard pass,
dependent Non-Gazetted ago of 40 years in accor- (ii) Six months train-
on Non-Ministerial dance with the instruc- ing/experience in
workload. tions or orders issued by Land Survey/Mine
the Central Government). Surveying.
Notes : 1. The crucial Note : The qualifica-
date for determining the tion^) regarding ex-
ago Hmit shall be the perience is/are relaxable
closing date for receipt at the discretion of the
of applications from Staff Selection Commi-
candidates in India (other ssion/Competent Au-
than those in the Anda- thority in the case of
man and Nicobar Islands candidates belonging to
and Lakshadweep). the Scheduled Castes
2. In the case of recruit- or Scheduled Tribes if
ment made through the at any stage of selection
Employment Exchange the the staff selection C o
crucial date for determin- mmission/Ccmpetcnt
ing the age limit shall Authority is of the opi-
be the last date upto nion that sufficient num-
which the Employment ber of candidates from
Exchange is asked to these communities po-
submit the names. ssessing the requisite ex-
perience arc not likely
to available to fill up
the vacancy rescved for

8 9 10 11 12 13

Afjo : No 2 yoars (0 75% by direct Not applicable Group ' D ' Departmental :Notappliczblc
Educational recruitment. Promotion Committee (for
Qualification — (ii) 25% by selection consideiing confirmation)
Yes through a depart- (i) Director (Adminislra-
mental test amongst tion)/Director of Mines
Oroup ' D ' Emplo- Safety (Inchargo of
yees who fulfil the Administiation)—Chairmai i
requirements of Edu- (ii) Deputy Director (Admi-
cational qualifica- nistratjon)/Deputy Di-
tion for the post. rector of Mines Safety
(iii) Survey Superintendent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

35. Chowkidar *30(1988) General Central Rs. 750-12-870- Not Between 18 and 25 years Desirable :
•Subject to Civil Service EB-14-940 applicable (Rclaxable for Govern- Primary School
variation Group 'D' ment servants upto the Standard pass.
dependent Non-Gazetted age of 40 years in ace-
on dance with the instruc-
workload. tions or orders issued by
the Central Government).
Notes ; - 1 . The cruiial
date for determining the
Age limit shall be the
closing date for receipt of
applications from candi-
dates in India (other
than those in the Anda-
man and Nicobar Islands
and Lakshadwcep).
2. In the case of recruit-
ment made through the
Kmployment Exchange
the crucial date for deter-
mining the age limit shall
be the last date Upto
which the Employment
Exchange is asked to
submit the names.

8 9 10 11 12 J3

Nat applicable Not By direct reei uitment Not applicable Group 'D' Departmental Not applicable
applicable Piomolion Committee (for
confirmation) consisting of :
(i) Dlrector(Administration)/
Director of Mines Safety
(tnelwrge of th^ Admi-
(ii) Deputy Du'cctoi (Admi-
nistration)/Deputy Di-
rector of Mines Safef}
(lii) An officer in tin; scale
of pay of Rs. 2200-4000
or above fi ora the OlrUe
of th- Chief Mining Ad-
viser, Railway Board,
Dhanbad/Coul Minos
Provident Fund Orga-
nisation- -Member

1 3 4 5 6 7

36. Waterman 2*(1988) General Central Rs. 750-12-870- Not Between 18 and 25 years Doirablc :
'Subject to Civil Service EB-14-940 applicable (Rclaxable for Govern- Primary School
variation Group 'D' ment servants upto the standard pass.
dependent Non-Gazetted age of 40 years in accor-
on dance with the instruc-
workload tions or ordes issued by
the Central Government).
Notes : — 1 . The crucid
date for determining the
age limit shall bo the
closing date for receipt
of applications from can-
didates in India (other
than those in the Anda-
man and Nicobar Islands
and Lakshadweep).
686 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : MARCH 18, 1989/PHALGUNA 27, 1910 [PARF II—SEC. 3(i)]
] 2 3 4 5 6 7

?. In the case of recruit-

ment made through the
Employment Exchange,
the crucial date for de-
termining the age limit
hhall be the last date upto
which the Employment
Exchange U asked to
submit the names.

a 9 10 11 12 13

NJt applicable Not By direct rocruitmeii Not applicable Group *D' Departmental Not applicable
applicable Promotion Committee (for
considci ing confirmation)
consisting of :--
(i) Director (Administia-
tion)/Dircctor of Mines
Safety (Inchaige of Ad-
ministration) -Chahman
(li) Deputy Director (Admi-
nistration)/Deputy Di-
rector of Mra:s Safety
— Munber
(iii) An officer in the scale ot
pay of Rs. 2200-4000 or
above from the Office of
the Chief Mining Adviser
Railway Board, Dhanbda/
Coal Mines Provident
Fund Organisation--

2 3 4 5 6 7
G-neral Central Rs. 750-12-870- Nat applicable. Between 18 and 25 yrs. Desirable :
37. Mali - (2) 4*(1988) (Relaxablc for Govern- Primary school
Gdvdentr -(2) •atibjcctto vaia- Civil Service E B .14-940/-
ation dependent Group ' D ' N o n - m:nt Ssrvtints upto the pas;,.
on workload. Ga/cttcd. age of 40 years in ac-
cordance with the ins-
tructions or orders is-
sued by the Central
Nutes : 1.—'The crucial
date for determining
tlij age limit s hall be the
closing date for receipt
of applications from
candidates in India
(other than those in the
Andaman and Nicobar
Islands and Laksha-
2. In th; case of recruit-
ment made through
Employment Exchange,
ttn crucial date foi
ihtjrmining the age li-
mit shdll bi tbe last
date upto which the
Employment Exchange
is asked to submit thc

9 10 11 12 13
_ J . _K
Not applicable Not applicable By direct recruitment Not applicable Group 'D' Departmental Pro- Not applicable
motion Corairfttu- (foi win'i-
dcring confirmation) conM'tirg
of : -
(\) Director (Adminiotra-
tion)/Dircctor of Miius
S.iftty (.tnchorei; of Admi-
(ii) Deputy Din_ctor (Admi-
nistration)/Deputy D;-
l'tctor of Mines Sattty - -
(iii) An Officer in the scale of
pay of Rs. 2200-4000 oi
abovt from the Office of thL
Chief Mining Advi-ei,
Railway Board, Dh. nbi d '
Coal Mines Providf nt fur it
Organisation- Member

1 3 4 5 7
38. Safaiwala 11*(1988) G ; n.r. 1 Central Rs. 750-12-870- No t applicable BeUvitn IRanrf 25y Ll i^, Disiubli :
•subject to varia- civil service EB-14-940 (Rela\ablc for Govern- Primr ly ichool
tion dependent Group 'D'Nun- ment servants upto the stnnd.iid pals
on workload. Gazettcd. ai{e of 40 yeais in
(Njn-Ministerial) accordance with the in1-
tructionsorordv-rs is-
sued by tht C'.-ntiMi
Notes : 1. The crucial
date for determining
the age limit shall be
trie closing date foi
receipt of applicatk r ,
from candidates m
India (other than those
in ths Andamnn and
Nicobar Tslands and
2. In the case of 1'tcruii-
m:nt made Ihrough the
Employment Exchange,
the cruda] date for
detennining the age li-
mit shillbc the last dat<
upto which ihc Employ-
ment Exchnge isasktd
to submit the names.
R 9 10 11 12 13
N >t applicable. Two y.nrs By direct recruitment Not applicable Oroup ' D ' Departm ntal Pro- Not applie;ble
motion Gimmittcc (for consi-
dering confirmation) con-
sisting of :
(i) Director (.Administration)'
Director of Mines Safety
(Inchirg.- of Administra-
(ii) Diputy Director (Ad-
ministrationj/Dcpnty Dir-
reet'ir of Mines Safety - -
- -M.-mber.
(iii) An Officer in tht. scale of
pay of Rs. 2200-4000 or
above from the Office of the
Chief Mining Adviw.
RailwavBoard, Dhanbfd/-
Cjal Mines Provident Fund
Org-.nist tion—Membei.
R.T. PANDEY, Dy. Secy.
Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Read, New Ddhi-U(MM6
i' put i J by ' - P •«!* . ; p • -~r • i|j«-t i

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