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Bharthana, Vesu, Surat


Class 12 - Biology
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. The question paper has five sections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory.

3. Section–A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section–B has 5 questions of 2 marks each; Section– C has 7

questions of 3 marks each; Section– D has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each; and Section–E has 3 questions

of 5 marks each.

4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to

attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.

5. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.

Section A
1. Pyramid of numbers is: [1]

a) Always upright b) Ether upright or inverted

c) Always inverted d) Neither upright nor inverted

2. Which one is not correct about the function of the placenta? [1]

a) Help in respiration b) Help in nutrition

c) Release HCG hormone d) Release testosterone hormone

3. Endemism refers to: [1]

a) The distribution of species at a b) Distribution of certain species in a restricted

cosmopolitan distribution and Distribution area.
of certain species in a restricted area.

c) A common feature of all organisms seen in d) The distribution of species at a

the biosphere. cosmopolitan distribution.
4. Following is a weekly oral contraceptive: [1]

a) All of these b) Mala-D

c) i-pill d) Saheli
5. The technology of biogas production from cow dung was developed in India largely due to the efforts of: [1]

a) Indian Agricultural Research Institute and b) Gas Authority of India

Khadi & Village Industries Commission

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c) Oil and Natural Gas Commission d) Indian Oil Corporation
6. Maximum fossils are formed by: [1]

a) Desert animals b) Aquatic animals

c) Terrestrial animals d) Aerial animals

7. Which organism involved in biogas production? [1]

a) Glomus b) Both Glomus and E.coli

c) E.coli d) Methanobacterium
8. In a random mating population of 28,800 individuals percentage of dominant homozygous individuals is 49. [1]
Find out the percentage to heterozygous individual:

a) 9% b) 42%

c) 21% d) 32%
9. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) refers to: [1]

a) DNA polymorphism b) Polypeptide expression

c) Novel DNA sequences d) Genes expressed as RNA

10. How many given statements are correct? [1]
i. Microbes are diverse- protozoa, bacteria, fungi, and microscopic plant viruses, viroids, and also prions that
are proteinaceous infectious agents.
ii. Microbes like bacteria and many fungi can be grown on nutritive media to form colonies, which cannot be
seen by the naked eyes.
iii. During growth, the LAB produces acids that coagulate and partially digest the milk (lactose).
iv. A small amount of curd added to the fresh milk as inoculum or starter contains millions of lactic acid
bacteria (LAB), which converting milk to curd.
v. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) also improves its nutritional quality of curd by increasing vitamin B2.

vi. In our stomach too, the LAB plays a very beneficial role in checking disease-causing microbes.

a) 6 b) 3

c) 5 d) None of these
11. Blades in a bioreactor help in: [1]

a) provides ample space for the formation of b) mixing of all the components and prevent
recombinant protein product. their settling.

c) provides energy to bacterial cells. d) provides air bubbles.

12. Match the columns: [1]

Column I Column II

(A) In Vitro Fertilization (i) Transfer of gamete in fallopian tube of female.

(ii) Directly injecting sperms into the ovum under laboratory

(B) Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer

(C) Intra Uterine Transfer (iii) Embryo upto 8 blastomere is transferred into fallopian tube.

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(D) Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (iv) Fertilization outside the female body.

(E) Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm

(v) Transfer of embryo with > 8 blastomeres into uterus.

a) (A)-(v), (B)-(iv), (C)-(iii), (D)-(ii), (E)-(i) b) (A)-(iv), (B)-(iii), (C)-(v), (D)-(ii), (E)-(i)

c) (A)-(iv), (B)-(iii), (C)-(v), (D)-(i), (E)-(ii) d) (A)-(iii), (B)-(iv), (C)-(v), (D)-(i), (E)-(ii)
13. Assertion (A): Genetics deals with principles of inheritance and its practices. [1]
Reason (R): Variation can produce due to inheritance.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

14. Assertion: Dried spores of Bacillus thuringiensis are mixed with water and sprayed onto vulnerable plants such [1]
as brassicas and fruit trees for the killing of a harmful insect.
Reason: When these leaf eaten by the insect larvae toxin is released in the gut of the larvae results is larvae get

a) Assertion and reason both are correct b) Assertion and reason both are correct
statements and reason is correct explanation statements but reason is not correct
for assertion. explanation for assertion.

c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is
wrong statement. correct statement.
15. Assertion (A): Tepals may be free or fused. [1]
Reason (R): When sepals and petals are similar, they are called as tepals.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

16. Assertion (A): The peking man has the knowledge of fire. [1]
Reason (R): The tools made by them was very simple.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

Section B
17. Mention the cause and the body system affected by ADA deficiency in humans. [2]
18. Municipal Corporation has deputed personnel to check for mosquito breeding in your school. [2]
a) Which are the places they should check for mosquitoes and there larvae?
b) Name to diseases which are spread by mosquitoes.
c) Name any two biological agents which can be used to control mosquitoes.
19. If you are given a tall pea plant, how would you find out its genotype? Explain. [2]
20. Enlist the main Points of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. [2]
21. What is the biological significance of ectomycorrhizae in peach orchards? [2]

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Name the blank spaces a, b, c and d in the table given below:

Types of Microbes Name Commercial product

Fungus a Penicillin
Bacterium Acetobacter aceti b
c aspergillus niger citric acids
yeast d ethanol

Section C
22. Egrets are often seen along with grazing cattle. How do you refer to this interaction? Give reason. [3]
23. While finalising an alliance between his son and Rita, Mr Ram was curious to know what was Rita's blood [3]
group. Nobody was interested in their blood groups since their horoscopes matched. Mr Ram was adamant in
wanting to know the blood groups before finalising. The senior people got annoyed. Then Rita stood up and
gave the reasons. Mr Ram was happy and the marriage date was finalised.
i. Mr Ram's refusal to accept only horoscopes shows certain values. What are they?
ii. What effect on the foetus may be expected if the father has A+ and the mother O+ blood groups?
iii. What is the possible remedy in case of an Rh factor incompatibility between the foetus and mother's blood?
24. Define ecological pyramids and describe with examples, pyramids of number and biomass. [3]
25. Fed up of a large family, a couple wanted to adopt a terminal method of contraception. Describe the process [3]
conducted by the doctor in either of the cases (male / female partner).
26. The species diversity of the plants (22%) is much less than that of animals (72%). What could be the [3]
explanations to how animals achieved greater diversification?
List six advantages of ex-situ approach to conservation of biodiversity.
27. How does paleontological evidence support evolution of organisms on Earth? [3]
28. What are the proposed benefits of genetic engineering in crop improvement? [3]
Section D
29. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
The average duration of human pregnancy is about 9 months which is called the gestation period. Vigorous
contraction of the uterus at the end of pregnancy causes expulsion or delivery of the fetus. This process of
delivery of the fetus or childbirth is called parturition. Parturition is induced by a complex neuroendocrine
mechanism. The signals for parturition originate from the fully developed fetus and the placenta which induce
mild uterine contractions called fetal ejection reflex. This triggers the release of oxytocin from the maternal
pituitary. Oxytocin act on the uterine muscle and causes stronger uterine contraction, which in turn stimulates
further secretion of oxytocin. The stimulatory reflex between the uterine contraction and oxytocin secretion
continues resulting in stronger and stronger contractions. This leads to expulsion of the baby out of uterus
through the birth canal, i.e., parturition. Soon after the infant is delivered, the placenta is also expelled out of the
(i) Name the hormone that controls parturition.
(ii) If a female doesn’t show strong uterine contraction, then what does a doctor inject to induce parturition?
(iii) Why is parturition a neuroendocrine mechanism?
Why is foetal ejection reflex called so?

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30. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Siddharth is a chain smoker, he got into this habit in early adolescent due to peer pressure and gradually got
addicted in this habit. It is now 20 yrs., he is into the habit of smoking since few months he is experiencing pain
in chest, shortness of breathing, wheezing and chronic cough with phlegm.
He sought advice of medical practitioner who diagnosed him with lung cancer.
(i) Enumerate the two properties of cancer cells.
(ii) How is lung cancer diagnosed?
(iii) What do you mean by carcinogen? Give some examples.
Differentiate between two different types of tumours.
Section E
31. What is polyembryony? Describe the different types of polyembryony. [5]
Angiospermic flowers may be monoecious, cleistogamous or show self-incompatibility. Describe the characteristic
features of each one of them and state which one of these flowers promotes inbreeding and outbreeding,
32. How did Hershey and Chase prove that DNA is the hereditary material? Explain their experiment with suitable [5]
Study the given m-RNA segment and answer the questions that follow:

i. Redraw the m-RNA segment indicating:

a. 5' and 3' ends
b. the initiating and stop codons
ii. Draw a schematic diagram of t-RNA showing the following:
a. methionine attached to the amino acid acceptor site
b. the correct base sequence at the anticodon loop
iii. What role do ‘untranslated regions’ on m-RNA segment play in protein synthesis?
33. A vector is a way to take a sequence of DNA, usually, and introduce it into another place. So what vectors do is [5]
allow you to propagate the DNA you're interested in, in the organism you've chosen to propagate it in. So the
simplest one is the origins of recombinant DNA technology: They made copies of RNAs, and they were able to
insert these into what is known as plasmids.

Unless the vector and source DNA are cut, fragments separated and joined, the desired recombinant vector
molecule cannot be created.
i. How are the desirable DNA sequences cut?
ii. Explain the technique used to separate the cut fragments.
iii. How are the resultant fragments joined to the vector DNA molecule?

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Bioreactors are vessels that have been designed and produced to provide an effective environment for enzymes or
whole cells to transform biochemicals into products. In some cases, inactivation of cells or sterilization is carried out
in the bioreactor such as in water treatment. The development of bioreactors is required to produced large quantities
of products.

i. Give optimum growth conditions used in bioreactors.

ii. Draw a well labelled diagram of simple stirred-tank bioreactor.
iii. How does a simple stirred tank bioreactor differ from sparged stirred tank bioreactor ?

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