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Sample Question Paper - 24

Biology (044)
Class- XII, Session: 2021-22

Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum marks : 35

General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper has three sections and 13 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Section–A has 6 questions of 2 marks each; Section–B has 6 questions of 3 marks each; and Section–C has a
case-based question of 5 marks.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to
attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(v) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.

Section - A (2 Marks Each)

1. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) gains entry into the cells after infecting the human body.
Name the cells into which HIV enters and explain the events that occur in these cells.
2. "Large scale cultivation of Spirulina is highly advantageous for human population." Give two reasons
for the above statement.
Not all microbes are pathogenic. Several microbes are useful to man in diverse ways. Name the
microbes that help in the production of the following products commercially:
(a) Statin ½
(b) Citric acid ½
(c) Penicillin ½
(d) Butyric acid ½
3. Name two drugs obtained from the latex of the plant given below. “These drugs are medically useful
but are often abused“. Taking the mentioned examples, justify your answer by giving reasons.

4. Given below is a table depicting population interactions between species A and species B.
Type of
Species A Species B
(a) (–) (+)
(b) (+) (–)

Name the types of interactions (a) and (b) in the above table.
5. The image shown below is of a typical biogas plant.

List the events that lead to biogas production from wastewater whose BOD has been reduced
6. Ronit has gone on a trek. After reaching high altitude, he started feeling sick. A doctor suggested that
he is suffering from “Altitude sickness’.

Why does Ronit suffers from altitude sickness after reaching the high-altitude regions? Give any two
ways by which his body will acclimatize after a couple of days?
In the absence of an external source of water, the kangaroo rat and desert plants in North American
deserts are capable of meeting all their water requirements.
How do kangaroo rats and desert plants adapt themselves to survive in their extreme habitat?

Section -B (3 Marks Each)

7. Two children, A and B of age 4 and 5 years respectively visited a hospital with a similar genetic disorder.
The girl A was provided with enzyme replacement therapy and was advised to revisit periodically for
further treatment. The girl B was however, given a therapy that did not require revisit for further
(a) Name the ailments the two girls were suffering from? 1
(b) Why did the treatment provided to girl A required repeated visits? 1
(c) How was the girl B cured permanently? 1
A farmer while working on his farm was bitten by a poisonous snake. The workers in the farm
immediately rushed him to the nearby health centre. The doctor right away gave him an injection to
save his life. What did the doctor inject and why? Explain. 3
8. A group of youth were having a ‘rave party‘ in an isolated area and was raided by police. Packets of
‘smack‘ and syringes with needles were found littered around.
(i) Why is taking ‘smack‘ considered an abuse ?
(ii) Write the chemical name of ‘smack‘ and the name of its source plant.
(iii) Syringes and needles used by the youth for taking the drug could prove to be very fatal. Why ? 1

9. Explain the roles of the following in Biotechnology:
(i) Restriction endonuclease 1
(ii) Gel-Electrophoresis 1
(iii) Selectable markers in pBR322. 1
10. (a) India has greater ecosystem diversity than Norway.” Do you agree with the statement ? Give rea-
sons in support of your answer. 1
(b) Write the difference between genetic biodiversity and species biodiversity that exists at all levels
of biological organization. 2
11. Faced with the conflict between development and conservation, many nations find it unrealistic and
economically not feasible to conserve all their biological wealth. On a global basis, this problem has
been addressed by renowned conservationists. They identified for maximum protection for certain
‘biodiversity hotspot’ regions. According to Conservation International at present, there are 36 biodi-
versity rich areas in the world that have been qualified as hotspots.
(a) State any two criteria for determining biodiversity hotspots. 2
(b) Name any two hotspots designated in India. 1
12. When the gene product is required in large amounts, the transformed bacteria with the plas-
mid inside the bacteria are cultured on a large scale in an industrial fermenter which then syn-
thesizes the desired protein. This product is extracted from the fermenter for commercial
(a) Why is the used medium drained out from one side while fresh medium is added from the other?
Explain. 1
(b) List any four optimum conditions for achieving the desired product in a bioreactor. 2

Section - C (5 Marks)

13. A schematic representation of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) up to the extension stage is given

(a) (i) Name and explain the process ‘a’. 2

(ii) Identify ‘b’. 1
(b) Mention the applications of PCR in the field of 2
(i) Biotechnology
(ii) Diagnostics

A large number of transgenic animals have been produced for scientific purposes. They are created
deliberately inserting a gene into the genome of an animal. The first transgenic sheep developed was
Tracy. It’s genome was changed and it carried genes from other species. The reason behind producing
the transgenic animals was for specific economic trait.
(a) What are transgenic animals? How they are helpful to humans? 1
(b) Name the transgenic animal having the largest number amongst all the existing transgenic animals.
(c) Name the first transgenic cow developed and state the improvement in the quality of the product
produced by it. 1
(d) Mention any two purposes for which these animals are produced. 2



Class 12 - Biology

Section - A (2 Marks Each)

HIV (Human immuno deficiency virus) The 3. Morphine and heroin are the drugs that are
HIV gains entry into the macrophages and extracted from the latex of unripe capsules of
the helper T-cells after infecting the human poppy plant (Papaver somniferum). Morphine
body. acts as an effective pain killer and sedative.
Events that occur in the human host after Heroin (a derivative of morphine) is used as
the entry of HIV : depressant. If these drugs are used in excess,
(i) After entering the human body, the HIV then it may impair the physical and mental
virus attacks and enters the macrophages. state of a person and is said to be abused. 2
(ii) Inside the macrophages, the RNA of the 4. (a) Amensalism 1
virus replicates with the help of enzyme (b) Predation 1
reverse transcriptase and give rise to viral
DNA. 5. Events that lead to biogas production from
(iii) Then, this viral DNA incorporates into waste water with reduced BOD are :
the host cell DNA, uses raw materials (i) Once the BOD of wastewater is signifi-
and infected cell machinery and directs cantly reduced, the effluent is passed into
the synthesis of virus particles. a settling tank for sedimentation.
(iv) At the same time, HIV enters the helper (ii) From the settling tank, the major part
T-lymphocytes, replicates and produces
of sedimented material called activated
sludge (bacterial flocs) is pumped into
(v) As a result, T-lymphocytes start
decreasing in number and immune large tanks called anaerobic sludge digester
response of the person becomes weak. and a small part is pumped back into the
½+1½ aeration tank to serve as inoculum.
 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] (iii) In these tanks, the sludge is anaerobically
digested by bacteria and fungi and the
2. Source of good protein, fats, carbohydrates, biogas is produced which is a mixture of
minerals and vitamins for undernourished methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2. The
humans and animal population, its biogas can be used as a source of energy as
cultivation reduce environmental pollution / it is inflammable. 2
can be grown in wastewater / molasses / straw
/ animal manure, easy to cultivate. 6. “Altitude sickness” is because of low
(Any two) 1 × 2 atmospheric pressure at high altitude and
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] as a result, the body does not get sufficient
oxygen. ½+½
The body compensates low oxygen availability
(i) Monascus purpureus by increasing RBCs production, decreasing
(ii) Aspergillus niger the binding capacity of haemoglobin, and by
(iii) Penicillium notatum increasing the breathing rate.
(iv) Clostridium butylicum  ½×4 ½ + ½ (Any two)
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017] OR

Kangaroo rats fulfil the water requirement Desert plants have thick cuticle to prevent
by internal oxidation of fat in the absence of loss of water. CAM plants open their stomata
water. It also has the ability to concentrate its during the night time to reduce the loss of
urine, so that minimal volume of water is used water during photosynthesis. 1
to remove excretory products. 1

Section - B (3 Marks Each)

(ii) Whenever quick immune response
7.  (a) Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. is required, we need to directly inject
preformed antibodies / Antitoxins.
(b) (In Enzyme Replacement Therapy)
functional ADA is introduced to the
patient (by injection), this therapy is not (iii) To neutralize the effect of snake venom
completely curative / enzyme can act quickly, passive immunity is provided.
only for a limited time period. 1 ½+½

(c) As there is no permanent cure at the age of
five, the gene isolated from bone marrow [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]
cells producing ADA is introduced into
the cells of girl-B at early embryonic 8. (i) Because an addictive substance causes
stages which acted as a permanent cure. drug dependence and affects nervous
system / used in amounts or frequencies
that impairs ones physical and
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2019] physiological or psychological functions.
Detailed Answer :
(ii) Diacetyl-morphine ½
(a) They were suffering from adenosine
Papaver somniferum / poppy plant / opium
deaminase (ADA) deficiency.
poppy. ½
(b) Girl A was given enzyme replacement
(iii) They can transmit serious infections i.e.,
therapy, in which lymphocytes isolated
transmission of HIV infections or AIDS or
from patient's blood are cultured in- vitro. Hepatitis.1
A functional ADA cDNA (using a retroviral
 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]
vector) is then introduced into these
lymphocytes, which are subsequently 9. (i) Cuts at specific position within the DNA
returned to the patient. However, as these / cuts DNA at specific nucleotide / cuts at
cells are not immortal, the patient requires palindromic nucleotide sequence.  1
a periodic infusion of such genetically (ii) Method of separation of DNA fragments
engineered lymphocytes. (under the influence of electric field).  1
(c) Girl B was treated with gene therapy, in
(iii) Helps in identifying and eliminating
which the gene isolated from bone marrow
non-transformants from transformants /
cells producing ADA is introduced into
selection of transformants.  1
cells at early embryonic stages, which is a
 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]
permanent cure. 3
Commonly Made Error Detailed Answer :
(i)  The enzyme restriction endonuclease
 Many students missed writing the answers of recognises the base sequence at palindrome
all the parts of the question asked. sites in DNA and cut it's strand.
(ii)  Gel electrophoresis is a technique of
Answering Tip separation of charged molecules under the
 Make sure you read the question properly and influence of an electric field. With the help
of the gel electrophoresis technique, DNA
avoid being in a hurry to conclude the answer.
fragments get separated according to their
size through the pores of agarose gel.
(iii) Selectable marker (marker gene) helps to
 (i) Antitoxin / Antivenoms / Preformed select the transformants and eliminate the
antibodies. 1 non-transformants.
E.g., antibiotic resistance genes.
10. (a) Yes zone while Norway lies near the Arctic
region. This exposes the India to greater
 India / tropical region :
amount of sunlight and thus a greater level
(i) are less seasonal / more constant /
of ecosystem diversity.
more predictable.
(b) Difference between genetic diversity and
(ii) promote niche specialisation leading
species diversity :
to greater biodiversity.
(iii) Species diversity increases as we Genetic diversity Species diversity
move towards equator.
It refers to the number It refers to the numbers
(iv) More number of species exist.
of genes and their al- of species per unit area.
Norway / temperate region : leles found in organ-
(i) more seasonal / less constant / less isms.
It increases as we move It may or may not in-
(ii) do not promote niche specialisation
up the biological organ- crease to a greater ex-
leading to low bio-diversity. ization. tent as we move up the
(iii) Species diversity decreases as we biological organization.
move away from the equator.
(iv) Less number of species exist. 11. (a) Criteria for determining biodiversity hot
(Any one) spots are :
(b) (i) Genetic diversity : Diversity /  High levels of species richness. 1
variation within a species over  High degree of endemism. 1
its distributional range/ (same (b) Hotspots in India - Western Ghats,
explanation with the help of a correct Himalaya (Indo-Burma/Sunderland to be
accepted) (Any two) 1
(ii) Species diversity : Diversity / 12. (a) This is to maintain the cells in the medium
variation at a species level (same in their log/exponential phase. This is
explained with the help of a correct physiologically the most active phase.1
example).  1+2
(b) Temperature, pH, substrate and oxygen

 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2018]
are the four optimum conditions required
Detailed Answer : for achieving the desired product in a
(a) Yes, India has greater ecosystem diversity bioreactor. (Any four) ½×4=2
than Norway. It is because India lies  [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2020]
primarily in the tropical and sub-tropical

Section - C (5 Marks)

13. (a) (i) "a" represents denaturation process. (ii) Diagnostics : PCR is used to detect

During the process, the double- HIV in suspected AIDS patients. It is
stranded DNA molecules are heated also used to detect mutations in genes
to a high temperature (94˚C–98˚C), in suspected cancer patients. It is a
so that the two strands separate into a powerful technique to identify many
single-stranded DNA molecule. Each other genetic disorders. 1
strand acts as a template for DNA Commonly Made Error
synthesis. 2
 While explaining denaturation, very few
(ii) "b" represents the primer annealing. 1
candidates mentioned the exact temperatures
(b) Applications of PCR in the field of: at which denaturation occurs.
(i) Biotechnology : It is used to amplify
a single or a few copies of a piece of Answering Tip
DNA. The amplified fragment can be  Students should understand the significance
used to ligate with a vector for further of temperature at denaturation step of PCR
cloning. This results in recombinant technique.
DNA (rDNA). 1
OR (b) Mice 1
(a) Transgenic animals are those animals whose (c) Rosie, it produced human protein-enriched
genome has been altered by the introduction milk (2.4 grams per litre). 1
of an extra gene through manipulation, e.g, (d) Transgenic animals are produced to:
transgenic rats, rabbits, sheep, etc. 1 (i) Study the disease in animals.
They are helpful to humans is many ways: (ii) Ensure vaccine safety and chemical
(i) Transgenic animals are produced to safety testing. 1+1
study how genes are regulated and Commonly Made Error
how they effect the normal functions
and development of the animal body.  Students usually get confused between
(ii) Medicines are produced from transgenic transgenic animals and other animals. It seems
animals, e.g., alpha-1-antitrypsin. they are unaware of the concept of transgenic
(iii) Transgenic animals are used to test
vaccine safely before using them on Answering Tips
(iv) They are designed to increase our  Understand definitions, importance, signi-
understanding of how genes contribute ficance and applications of transgenic animals
to the development of diseases. in detail.


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