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03 C and Datastructs

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Carnegie Mellon

The C Language And Some Extensions

18-613: Foundations of Computer Systems

3rd Additional Lecture, Jan. 31, 2019

Franz Franchetti

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition

Carnegie Mellon

Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 2

Carnegie Mellon

Linux and Windows

 Linux Bootcamp:
 Navigate and work on the shark machines
vim, emacs, nano, ls, mkdir, cd, ps,…
 Windows Setup:
 Windows SSH, SFTP, public key setup
Putty, Tectia, Bitvise
 GIT Client: TortoiseGIT
 Remote Editor: Visual Studio Code + sftp
 Xterm/X-Windows: X-Win32 or MobaXterm
 Cisco AnyConnect VPN
 OpenAFS
 See Windows section at
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 3
Carnegie Mellon

Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 4

Carnegie Mellon

C For Non-C Programmers

 You need to be firm with C in 18-613
 Remember the main differences from your favorite language
 Strings, arrays, multidimensional arrays
 Arithmetic and logic and/or/xor/not
 Type casting/type checking, scoping, Not object oriented
 (No) array bounds checking
 Pointers, function pointers, composite data structures, void pointers
 Typedefs, structs and unions
 Malloc/free, File I/O, keyboard I/O
 C preprocessor/macros
 Standard libraries and POSIX libraries
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 5
Carnegie Mellon

Basic Data Types

C Data Type Typical 32-bit Typical 64-bit x86-64

char 1 1 1
short 2 2 2
int 4 4 4
long 4 8 8
float 4 4 4
double 8 8 8

pointer 4 8 8

Remember: unexpected size guarantees

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 6

Carnegie Mellon

Bit-Level Operations in C
 Operations &, |, ~, ^ Available in C
 Apply to any “integral” data type 0 0 0000
 long, int, short, char, unsigned 1 1 0001
2 2 0010
 View arguments as bit vectors 3 3 0011
4 4 0100
 Arguments applied bit-wise 5 5 0101
 Examples (Char data type) 6 6 0110
7 7 0111
 ~0x41 → 0xBE 8 8 1000
~0100 00012 → 1011 11102

9 9 1001
A 10 1010
 ~0x00 → 0xFF B 11 1011
 ~0000 00002 → 1111 11112 C 12 1100
D 13 1101
 0x69 & 0x55 → 0x41 E 14 1110
 0110 10012 & 0101 01012 → 0100 00012 F 15 1111
 0x69 | 0x55 → 0x7D
 0110 10012 | 0101 01012 → 0111 11012

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 7

Carnegie Mellon

Contrast: Logic Operations in C

 Contrast to Bit-Level Operators
 Logic Operations: &&, ||, !
 View 0 as “False”
 Anything nonzero as “True”
 Always return 0 or 1
 Early termination
 Examples (char data type)
 !0x41 → 0x00
 !0x00 → 0x01
 !!0x41→ 0x01

 0x69 && 0x55 → 0x01

 0x69 || 0x55 → 0x01
 p && *p (avoids null pointer access)

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 8

Carnegie Mellon

Signed vs. Unsigned in C

 Constants
 By default are considered to be signed integers
 Unsigned if have “U” as suffix
0U, 4294967259U
 Casting
 Explicit casting between signed & unsigned same as U2T and T2U
int tx, ty;
unsigned ux, uy;
tx = (int) ux;
uy = (unsigned) ty;

 Implicit casting also occurs via assignments and procedure calls

tx = ux; int fun(unsigned u);
uy = ty; uy = fun(tx);

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 9

Carnegie Mellon

Why Should I Use Unsigned? (cont.)

 Do Use When Performing Modular Arithmetic
 Multiprecision arithmetic
 Do Use When Using Bits to Represent Sets
 Logical right shift, no sign extension
 Do Use In System Programming
 Bit masks, device commands,…

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 10

Carnegie Mellon

Casting Surprises
 Expression Evaluation
 If there is a mix of unsigned and signed in single expression,
signed values implicitly cast to unsigned
 Including comparison operations <, >, ==, <=, >=
 Examples for W = 32: TMIN = -2,147,483,648 , TMAX = 2,147,483,647
 Constant1 Constant2 Relation Evaluation
0 0 0U
0U == unsigned
-1 -1 00 < signed
-1 -1 0U
0U > unsigned
2147483647 -2147483647-1
-2147483648 > signed
2147483647U -2147483647-1
-2147483648 < unsigned
-1 -1 -2
-2 > signed
(unsigned) -1 -2
-2 > unsigned
2147483647 2147483648U
2147483648U < unsigned
2147483647 (int)2147483648U
(int) 2147483648U > signed
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 11
Carnegie Mellon

Integer C Puzzles
x < 0 ⇒ ((x*2) < 0)
ux >= 0
x & 7 == 7 ⇒ (x<<30) < 0
ux > -1
x > y ⇒ -x < -y
x * x >= 0
Initialization x > 0 && y > 0 ⇒ x + y > 0
int x = foo(); x >= 0 ⇒ -x <= 0
x <= 0 ⇒ -x >= 0
int y = bar();
(x|-x)>>31 == -1
unsigned ux = x; ux >> 3 == ux/8
unsigned uy = y; x >> 3 == x/8
x & (x-1) != 0

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 12

Carnegie Mellon

Byte Ordering Example

 Example
 Variable x has 4-byte value of 0x01234567
 Address given by &x is 0x100

Big Endian 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103

01 23 45 67

Little Endian 0x100 0x101 0x102 0x103

67 45 23 01

This is key in gdb and ProxyLab

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 13

Carnegie Mellon

Representing Strings
char S[6] = "18213";
 Strings in C
 Represented by array of characters
 Each character encoded in ASCII format x86-64
Standard 7-bit encoding of character set
 31
 Character “0” has code 0x30 38
– Digit i has code 0x30+i 32
 String should be null-terminated 31
 Final character = 0
 Compatibility 00
 Byte ordering not an issue

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 14

Carnegie Mellon

Floating Point in C
 C Guarantees Two Levels
 float single precision
 double double precision

 Conversions/Casting
 Casting between int, float, and double changes bit representation
 double/float → int
Truncates fractional part

 Like rounding toward zero
 Not defined when out of range or NaN: Generally sets to TMin
 int → double
 Exact conversion, as long as int has ≤ 53 bit word size
 int → float
 Will round according to rounding mode

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 15

Carnegie Mellon

Floating Point Puzzles

 For each of the following C expressions, either:
 Argue that it is true for all argument values
 Explain why not true
• x == (int)(float) x
• x == (int)(double) x
• f == (float)(double) f
int x = …;
float f = …; • d == (double)(float) d
double d = …; • f == -(-f);
• 2/3 == 2/3.0
Assume neither • d < 0.0 ⇒ ((d*2) < 0.0)
d nor f is NaN • d > f ⇒ -f > -d
• d * d >= 0.0
• (d+f)-d == f

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 16

Carnegie Mellon

Summarizing C Control Flow

 C Control
 if-then-else
 do-while
 while, for
 switch
 What to watch out for
 if-then-else
proper {…} for else if, logical condition in (…), = vs. ==
 do-while, while, for:
init, test, update: which ones execute at least once,…
break, continue
 switch
break, default
 goto, labels, setjmp/longjmp

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 17

Carnegie Mellon

 Functions
have return value, can be ignored
 Procedures: no return value
void x();
 Call by value/by reference
use of pointers, when to copy
 Recursion: nothing special
Declaration and definition
 Modifiers: __inline, __naked , …
 Variable length arguments:
printf, scanf,…
 In your own functions:
int sum(int n, …)
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 18
Carnegie Mellon

Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 19

Carnegie Mellon

Array Access
 Basic Principle
T A[L];
 Array of data type T and length L
 Identifier A can be used as a pointer to array element 0: Type T*
int val[5]; 1 5 2 1 3
x x+4 x+8 x + 12 x + 16 x + 20
 Reference Type Value
val[4] int 3
val int * x
val+1 int * x+4
&val[2] int * x+8
val[5] int ??
*(val+1) int 5
val + i int * x+4i

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 20

Carnegie Mellon

Array Element Accesses

Nested array Multi-level array
int get_pgh_digit int get_univ_digit
(size_t index, size_t digit) (size_t index, size_t digit)
{ {
return pgh[index][digit]; return univ[index][digit];
} }

Accesses looks similar in C, but address computations very different:

Mem[pgh+20*index+4*digit] Mem[Mem[univ+8*index]+4*digit]

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 21

Carnegie Mellon

N X N Matrix #define N 16
typedef int fix_matrix[N][N];
Code /* Get element A[i][j] */
int fix_ele(fix_matrix A,
 Fixed dimensions size_t i, size_t j)
 Know value of N at {
compile time return A[i][j];
#define IDX(n, i, j) ((i)*(n)+(j))
 Variable dimensions, /* Get element A[i][j] */
explicit indexing int vec_ele(size_t n, int *A,
 Traditional way to size_t i, size_t j)
implement dynamic
return A[IDX(n,i,j)];
arrays }

/* Get element a[i][j] */

 Variable dimensions, int var_ele(size_t n, int A[n][n],
implicit indexing size_t i, size_t j) {
return A[i][j];
 Now supported by gcc }
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 22
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Understanding Pointers & Arrays #1

Decl An *An
Cmp Bad Size Cmp Bad Size
int A1[3]
int *A2

 Cmp: Compiles (Y/N)

 Bad: Possible bad pointer reference (Y/N)
 Size: Value returned by sizeof

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 23

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Understanding Pointers & Arrays #1

Decl An *An
Cmp Bad Size Cmp Bad Size
int A1[3] Y N 12 Y N 4
int *A2 Y N 8 Y Y 4

A1 Allocated pointer
Unallocated pointer
Allocated int
Unallocated int

 Cmp: Compiles (Y/N)

 Bad: Possible bad pointer reference (Y/N)
 Size: Value returned by sizeof

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 24

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Understanding Pointers & Arrays #2

Decl An *An **An
Cmp Bad Size Cmp Bad Size Cmp Bad Size
int A1[3]
int *A2[3]

 Cmp: Compiles (Y/N)

 Bad: Possible bad pointer reference (Y/N)
 Size: Value returned by sizeof

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 25

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Understanding Pointers & Arrays #2

Decl An *An **An
Cmp Bad Size Cmp Bad Size Cmp Bad Size
int A1[3] Y N 12 Y N 4 N - -
int *A2[3] Y N 24 Y N 8 Y Y 4
int Y N 8 Y Y 12 Y Y 4
int Y N 24 Y N 8 Y Y 4




Allocated pointer
Unallocated pointer
Allocated int
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition
Unallocated int 26
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Understanding Pointers & Arrays #3

Decl An *An **An
Cm Bad Size Cm Bad Size Cm Bad Size
p p p
int A1[3][5]
int *A2[3][5]
int (*A3)[3][5]
int *(A4[3][5])
int (*A5[3])[5]
Decl ***An
 Cmp: Compiles (Y/N)
Cm Bad Size
 Bad: Possible bad p
pointer reference (Y/N) int A1[3][5]
 Size: Value returned by int *A2[3][5]
sizeof int (*A3)[3][5]
int *(A4[3][5])
int (*A5[3])[5]
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 27
Carnegie Mellon

Allocated pointer Declaration

Allocated pointer to unallocated int
int A1[3][5]
Unallocated pointer
Allocated int int *A2[3][5]
Unallocated int int (*A3)[3][5]
int *(A4[3][5])
A1 int (*A5[3])[5]




Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 28

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Understanding Pointers & Arrays #3

Decl An *An **An
Cm Bad Size Cm Bad Size Cm Bad Size
p p p
int A1[3][5] Y N 60 Y N 20 Y N 4
int *A2[3][5] Y N 120 Y N 40 Y N 8
int (*A3)[3][5] Y N 8 Y Y 60 Y Y 20
int *(A4[3][5]) Y N 120 Y N 40 Y N 8
int (*A5[3])[5] Y N 24 Y N 8 Y Y 20
Decl ***An
 Cmp: Compiles (Y/N)
Cm Bad Size
 Bad: Possible bad p
pointer reference (Y/N) int A1[3][5] N - -
 Size: Value returned by int *A2[3][5] Y Y 4
sizeof int (*A3)[3][5] Y Y 4
int *(A4[3][5]) Y Y 4
int (*A5[3])[5]
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition Y Y 4 29
Carnegie Mellon

Pointers and Function Pointers

int *p p is a pointer to int

int *p[13] p is an array[13] of pointer to int

int *(p[13]) p is an array[13] of pointer to int

int **p p is a pointer to a pointer to an int

int (*p)[13] p is a pointer to an array[13] of int

int *f() f is a function returning a pointer to int

int (*f)() f is a pointer to a function returning int

int (*(*f())[13])() f is a function returning ptr to an array[13]

of pointers to functions returning int

int (*(*x[3])())[5] x is an array[3] of pointers to functions

returning pointers to array[5] of ints

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition

Source: K&R Sec 5.12 30
Carnegie Mellon

Typedef, Struct, Volatile, Memory Error…

typedef struct {
int a[2];
double d;
} struct_t;

double fun(int i) {
volatile struct_t s;
s.d = 3.14;
s.a[i] = 1073741824; /* Possibly out of bounds */
return s.d;

fun(0) -> 3.14

fun(1) -> 3.14
fun(2) -> 3.1399998664856
fun(3) -> 2.00000061035156
fun(4) -> 3.14
fun(6) -> Segmentation fault

 Result is system specific

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 31
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 Allocate according to largest element
 Can only use one field at a time
union U1 {
char c;
int i[2]; c
double v; i[0] i[1]
} *up;
struct S1 { up+0 up+4 up+8
char c;
int i[2];
double v;
} *sp;

c 3 bytes i[0] i[1] 4 bytes v

sp+0 sp+4 sp+8 sp+16 sp+24
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 32
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Union: Byte Ordering Example

union {
unsigned char c[8];
unsigned short s[4];
unsigned int i[2];
unsigned long l[1];
} dw;

c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3] c[4] c[5] c[6] c[7]

s[0] s[1] s[2] s[3]
i[0] i[1]

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 33

Carnegie Mellon

Variable Declarations: Multiple Files

int x;
p1() {} p1() {} Link time error: two strong symbols (p1)

int x; int x; References to x will refer to the same

p1() {} p2() {} uninitialized int. Is this what you really want?

int x; double x;
int y; p2() {} Writes to x in p2 might overwrite y!
p1() {} Evil!

int x=7; double x; Writes to x in p2 will overwrite y!

int y=5; p2() {} Nasty!
p1() {}

int x=7; int x; References to x will refer to the same initialized

p1() {} p2() {} variable.

Nightmare scenario: two identical weak structs, compiled by different compilers

with different alignment rules.
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 34
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Global Variables
 Avoid if you can

 Otherwise
 Use static if you can
 Initialize if you define a global variable
 Use extern if you reference an external global variable

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 35

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Preprocessor: Pragmas and Macros

 Textual expansion to avoid copy-and-paste
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))

 Control compilation, can set from command line gcc -DDEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG



 Pragmas control compilation and compiler options

foo() {
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
int i, j;

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 36

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Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 37

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C Standard Libraries: K&R Appendix B

 Input & output: <stdio.h>
 String functions: <string.h>
 Mathematical functions: <math.h>
 Utility functions: <stdlib.h>
 Date and time: <time.h>
 and a few more …

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 38

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Standard I/O Functions

 The C standard library (libc.so) contains a collection of
higher-level standard I/O functions
 Documented in Appendix B of K&R

 Examples of standard I/O functions:

 Opening and closing files (fopen and fclose)
 Reading and writing bytes (fread and fwrite)
 Reading and writing text lines (fgets and fputs)
 Formatted reading and writing (fscanf and fprintf)

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 39

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Standard I/O Streams

 Standard I/O models open files as streams
 Abstraction for a file descriptor and a buffer in memory

 C programs begin life with three open streams

(defined in stdio.h)
 stdin (standard input)
 stdout (standard output)
 stderr (standard error)
#include <stdio.h>
extern FILE *stdin; /* standard input (descriptor 0) */
extern FILE *stdout; /* standard output (descriptor 1) */
extern FILE *stderr; /* standard error (descriptor 2) */

int main() {
fprintf(stdout, "Hello, world\n");
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 40
Carnegie Mellon

malloc Example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void foo(int n) {
int i, *p;

/* Allocate a block of n ints */

p = (int *) malloc(n * sizeof(int));
if (p == NULL) {

/* Initialize allocated block */

for (i=0; i<n; i++)
p[i] = i;

/* Return allocated block to the heap */


Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 41

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Nonlocal Jumps: setjmp/longjmp

 Powerful (but dangerous) user-level mechanism for
transferring control to an arbitrary location
 Controlled to way to break the procedure call / return discipline
 Useful for error recovery and signal handling
 int setjmp(jmp_buf j)
 Must be called before longjmp
 Identifies a return site for a subsequent longjmp
 Called once, returns one or more times
 void longjmp(jmp_buf j, int i)
 Meaning:
return from the setjmp remembered by jump buffer j again ...

 … this time returning i instead of 0
 Called after setjmp
 Called once, but never returns
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 42
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Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 43

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Functions in Shared Objects

#ifdef RUNTIME
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

/* malloc wrapper function */

void *malloc(size_t size)
void *(*mallocp)(size_t size);
char *error;

mallocp = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc"); /* Get addr of libc malloc */

if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) {
fputs(error, stderr);
char *ptr = mallocp(size); /* Call libc malloc */
printf("malloc(%d) = %p\n", (int)size, ptr);
return ptr;

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Process Control
 Spawning processes
 Call fork
 One call, two returns
 Process completion
 Call exit
 One call, no return
 Reaping and waiting for processes
 Call wait or waitpid
 Loading and running programs
 Call execve (or variant)
 One call, (normally) no return

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void sigint_handler(int sig) /* SIGINT handler */
printf("So you think you can stop the bomb with ctrl-c, do you?\n");
printf("OK. :-)\n");

int main()
/* Install the SIGINT handler */
if (signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler) == SIG_ERR)
unix_error("signal error");

/* Wait for the receipt of a signal */


return 0;

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 46

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Unix I/O
 Elegant mapping of files to devices allows kernel to export
simple interface called Unix I/O:
 Opening and closing files
open()and close()

 Reading and writing a file
 read() and write()
 Changing the current file position (seek)
 indicates next offset into file to read or write
 lseek()

B0 B1 • • • Bk-1 Bk Bk+1 • • •

Current file position = k

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 47

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Networking: Sockets Interface

 Set of system-level functions used in conjunction with Unix I/O
to build network applications.
 Created in the early 80’s as part of the original Berkeley
distribution of Unix that contained an early version of the
Internet protocols.
 Available on all modern systems
 Unix variants, Windows, OS X, IOS, Android, ARM

Clients and servers use the socket function to create a

socket descriptor:
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)

int clientfd = Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 48

Carnegie Mellon

Posix Threads (Pthreads) Interface

 Pthreads: Standard interface for ~60 functions that manipulate
threads from C programs
 Creating and reaping threads
 pthread_create()
 pthread_join()
 Determining your thread ID
 pthread_self()
 Terminating threads

 pthread_exit()
 exit() [terminates all threads] ,
RET [terminates current thread]
 Synchronizing access to shared variables
 pthread_mutex_init
 pthread_mutex_[un]lock

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 49

Carnegie Mellon

Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 50

Carnegie Mellon

C Standards C99, C11, Advanced Constructs

 Kerninghan & Ritchie Variable length arrays
 ANSI C/C 89 Designated initializers
Type-generic math library
 GNU C 89 New datatypes: long long, _Complex, _Bool
 C99 restrict pointers, _Generic
Intermingled declarations of variables
 C11 Inline functions
Shark machines: gcc version 4.8.5 One-line comments that begin with //

 C18: not yet supported

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 51

Carnegie Mellon

Advanced C/C++ Compilers

Intel C/C++ LLVM and GCC

PGI Compiler IBM XL C

Carnegie Mellon

Compiler Options

Carnegie Mellon

Beyond 18-613: Bit Fields

 Convenient way to access bits in status registers etc.
 Useful with union to avoid type casting (up to long long)
 Must fit within integral type

#include <stdio.h>
struct ieee754d {
unsigned int s: 1;
unsigned int exp: 11;
unsigned int frac: 52;

int main() {
struct ieee754d d = {0U, 0U, 33729U};
d.exp = 113U;
printf("%e", (double *)(&d));
return 0;

Carnegie Mellon

18-613: Programming with SSE3,…,AVX512

XMM registers (later versions: YMM, ZMM)
 16 total, each 16 bytes
 16 single-byte integers

 8 16-bit integers

 4 32-bit integers

 4 single-precision floats

 2 double-precision floats

 1 single-precision float

 1 double-precision float

Carnegie Mellon

Vector Instructions: Language Extension

 Language extension
 Aligned C library functions: _mm_malloc(), _mm_free()
 Attributes: _assume_aligned(), __declspec(__align())
 Pragmas
#pragma vector aligned | unaligned | always
#pragma ivdep, #pragma novector
 Data types
 __m128 f; // ={float f3, f2, f1, f0}
 __m128d d; // ={double d1, d0}
 Intrinsics
 Native instructions: _mm_add_ps(), _mm_mul_ps(),…
 Multi-instruction: _mm_setr_ps(), _mm_set1_ps, …
 Macros
 Transpose: _MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(),…
 Helper: _MM_SHUFFLE()
Carnegie Mellon

Carnegie Mellon

SSE4.1 Code Example

int dwmonitor(float *X, double *D) {
__m128d u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8 , x1, x10, x13, x14, x17, x18, x19, x2, x3, x4, x6, x7, x8, x9;
int w1;
unsigned _xm = _mm_getcsr();
_mm_setcsr(_xm & 0xffff0000 | 0x0000dfc0);
u5 = _mm_set1_pd(0.0);
u2 = _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_addsub_ps(_mm_set1_ps(FLT_MIN), _mm_set1_ps(X[0])));
u1 = _mm_set_pd(1.0, (-1.0));
for(int i5 = 0; i5 <= 2; i5++) {
x6 = _mm_addsub_pd(_mm_set1_pd((DBL_MIN + DBL_MIN)), _mm_loaddup_pd(&(D[i5])));
x1 = _mm_addsub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), u1);
x2 = _mm_mul_pd(x1, x6);
x3 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_shuffle_pd(x1, x1, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1)), x6);
x4 = _mm_sub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), _mm_min_pd(x3, x2));
u3 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_max_pd(_mm_shuffle_pd(x4, x4, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1)), _mm_max_pd(x3, x2)), _mm_set1_pd(DBL_MIN));
u5 = _mm_add_pd(u5, u3);
x7 = _mm_addsub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), u1);
x8 = _mm_mul_pd(x7, u2);
x9 = _mm_mul_pd(_mm_shuffle_pd(x7, x7, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1)), u2);
x10 = _mm_sub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), _mm_min_pd(x9, x8));
u1 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_max_pd(_mm_shuffle_pd(x10, x10, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1)), _mm_max_pd(x9, x8)), _mm_set1_pd(DBL_MIN));
u6 = _mm_set1_pd(0.0);
for(int i3 = 0; i3 <= 1; i3++) {
u8 = _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_addsub_ps(_mm_set1_ps(FLT_MIN), _mm_set1_ps(X[(i3 + 1)])));
u7 = _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_addsub_ps(_mm_set1_ps(FLT_MIN), _mm_set1_ps(X[(3 + i3)])));
x14 = _mm_add_pd(u8, _mm_shuffle_pd(u7, u7, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1)));
x13 = _mm_shuffle_pd(x14, x14, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1));
u4 = _mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_min_pd(x14, x13), _mm_max_pd(x14, x13), _MM_SHUFFLE2(1, 0));
u6 = _mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_min_pd(u6, u4), _mm_max_pd(u6, u4), _MM_SHUFFLE2(1, 0));
x17 = _mm_addsub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), u6);
x18 = _mm_addsub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), u5);
x19 = _mm_cmpge_pd(x17, _mm_shuffle_pd(x18, x18, _MM_SHUFFLE2(0, 1)));
w1 = (_mm_testc_si128(_mm_castpd_si128(x19), _mm_set_epi32(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)) –
(_mm_testnzc_si128(_mm_castpd_si128(x19), _mm_set_epi32(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff))));
__asm nop;
if (_mm_getcsr() & 0x0d) {
return -1;
return w1;
Carnegie Mellon

Beyond 18-613: Inline Assembly

 Write assembly instructions directly in C
 Compiler and machine specific
int src = 1;
int dst;

asm ("mov %1, %0\n\t"

"add $1, %0"
: "=r" (dst)
: "r" (src));

printf("%d\n", dst)

 Can trigger breakpoints

(but there are better ways to do this)
asm volatile ("int 3");

Carnegie Mellon

18-613: OpenMP for Multicore

//compute the sum of two arrays in parallel
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#define N 1000000
int main(void) {
float a[N], b[N], c[N];
int i;

/* Initialize arrays a and b */

for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
a[i] = i * 2.0;
b[i] = i * 3.0;

/* Compute values of array c = a+b in parallel. */

#pragma omp parallel shared(a, b, c) private(i)
#pragma omp for
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

Carnegie Mellon

18-613: CUDA for Nvidia GPUs

// Kernel definition
__global__ void MatAdd(float A[N][N], float B[N][N],
float C[N][N])
int i = threadIdx.x;
int j = threadIdx.y;
C[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j];

int main()
// Kernel invocation with one block of N * N * 1 threads
int numBlocks = 1;
dim3 threadsPerBlock(N, N);
MatAdd<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(A, B, C);

Carnegie Mellon

Scope of C in 18-613
 Bootcamp: Linux and Windows
 Basic data types and functions
 Structures, arrays, etc.
 C Standard Library
 Linux/POSIX Libraries
 Language Extensions
 Final thoughts

Carnegie Mellon

18-645: How to Write Fast Code

https://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/markusp/teaching/18-645-CMU-spring08/course.html 63
Carnegie Mellon


Carnegie Mellon
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
# define L } if(!i -- ){
struct timeval F,G; struct termios H,U={ T} ; enum{ N=64,a=N<<7,b=a-1,c=a*32,d
=c-1, e=c/ 2,f= a*2, g=a/2,h =g/2,j =h/ 2,Q=V*j*5} ; char*s=P,K,M;
int* p, l[ a] ,m,n,J,o=A, O=j,E,R,i,k,t,r,q,u,v,w,x,y,z
,B,C, *D,Z ;int main (){ for(D=mmap(D,4*Q,3,W,open(I,2 ),K); *s; o
++[ l]=k|=* s++%N){ k=* s++%N<<12; k|=*s++% N*N; } tcgetattr(q,& H); tcsetattr
(y,2, &U); for( fcntl(B,4,4); ; o&=b){ if(k& c){ q=- --k%N; if(!q)
k-=c ;i =k /N&7; { L L if(J&1) m+= t; J|=m%N*c; J/=2; m
/= 2; if(! q&&r ^n){ m^=d; J^= d; n=0; } L L J+=J; J|=m>=0; if(q){
m+=m; m|=J/c; m+=m<0?t:-t; } else{ m+=(m<0)*t; if(r)m^=d; if(n^r)J^= d; n=0; }
L if( (m^2 *m)/ e%2) k&=d; else{ J+=J; m+=m; m|=J/c; } L m|=n*c; J
|= m %N *c ;m /=2; J /=2; L m+=m; J+=J; J|=n; m|=J/c; L
m+=m; m|=n ; } J&=d ; } else{ i=k/f; t=i?k&b:16; p=l+t; if(k&a)p=
l+((*p+=13>i&&7<t&&16>t)&b); { L i=1; L*p=m; L*p++=o|n*e; o=p-l; L*p=0; L m=*p
; L m ^=*p ; L t=m; m +=*p; m+=d<m ; n|=((m^t)& (m^*p))/e; L m+=*p
; n=m/c; L k=*p; if( !Z||k/f-8) /*$ %*/ continue ; k=-k
; L++*p; o +=!(*p&=d) ; L m&=*p; L if(m!=*p)++ o; L o=p -l; L if(
k&a)n=m/e; if(k&g)J= 0; r=k&h&&m&e; if(k&j)J|=m; else if(r)m^=d; if(k&512)m=0;
i=k/N &7; { L if(k &4)J ^=d; if(k&2)m|=J; if (k&1 )m|= q; }
else { if(k%N)k += c; { L t =o ++[ l] ; if(r
)J^=d; L L t=o++[l]; if(r )J^=d; m-=t; if(m>=0 ){ k -=c; n=1;
++o; } } i=2; } L if(Z)k=-1; else{ if(k&8)m=0; t=r=0; i=k/N%N; if(i==27){ if(k
&2)u=v=w=Z=0; } if (i==57){ i=k/16&3; { L w =1; if(k&1)x =0; if(k&
2) { t= z/N; t= t/80*/*/*/100+t% 80; r=0 ; while(t) { r
+=t%10*w; t/= 10;w <<=4; } m|=r; } if(k&4){ r=m ; t=0; while (r) {
t+=r%16*w; w*=10; r>>=4; } r=t/100; t%=100; if(V<=r||79<t)x|=c/8; else z=(r*80
+t)*N ; } w=0; L if(k& 1&&x &(e|g) )++o; if(k& 2)m|=x |y;if
(k&4 )C =- m&65535; L if( k&1 )x=y=0; if (k&2
)B=m; if ( k&4) { y^=m&(h|j| j/2); if(y&j ){ y^=j;x|=g ; do{
B&=b; if(y&j/2)z[D]=B[l]; else B[l]=z[D]; ++z; z%=Q; ++B; } while(-- C); } } }
x%=e; if(x /a)x |=e; if(x&(e|g)&&y&h)u|=c ; else u%=c; L if(
k&1) t= h; if (k&2 )r= e; if( k&4){ r=j; u&=~
h ; } if(k &16) Z=f* 2; L L L t=f; if(k&2 )m|=M|Y; if( k&4)m
|=u|v; L t=a; if(k&4){ K=m&~Y; write(1,&K,1); u|=t; t=0; } } i=2; if(t){ if(k&
1&&u&t)++ o; if(k&2)u &=~ t; } if( r){ if(k&32) w=r; else v&=~r; }
} L if(k&a)m=k; else { t=0; if( k & N)t |= m/e%2; if(k&
128)t|=!m; if(k&256)t |= n; if( k& 512 )t=!t; o +=t; if(k& h)n =0;
if(k&g)m=0; if(k&1)m^=d; if(k&2)n^=1; if(k&4)m|=S; if(k&8){ m|=n*c; m+=m; if(k
& j)m +=m; m|=m /a/N ; n=m/c; } if(k&16){ m|=n*c; m|=m *2%N*
c; m /= 2; if (k&j) m/=2; n=m/c; } if (k &32)
{ if( Z)k= -1 ; else break; } } } } n&=1; if(k<c) { m &= d;
o &=b; if(!R--){ if (~u&f &&read(0, &M,1)>0){ if(X&& M== X)break; R=0; u|=f; }
gettimeofday(&G,0); G.tv_usec/=16667; if(G.tv_sec>F.tv_sec||F.tv_usec<G.
tv_usec){ F=G; if(v&j){ p=l+7; ++*p; *p&=d; if(!*p)u|=h; } R=0; } if
(!R){ E=O/4; O=4; } O+=R=E; } if(!++k||(v&e&&u)){ *l=o|n*e|Z;v%=
e; o=1+!k; Z=0; } v|=w; w=0; k=o++[l]; } }tcsetattr(w,1,&H); } https://www.ioccc.org/2018/mills/prog.c
Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 65
Carnegie Mellon

send(to, from, count)

register short *to, *from;
register count;
register n = (count + 7) / 8;
switch (count % 8) {
case 0: do { *to = *from++;
case 7: *to = *from++;
case 6: *to = *from++;
case 5: *to = *from++;
case 4: *to = *from++;
case 3: *to = *from++;
case 2: *to = *from++;
case 1: *to = *from++;
} while (--n > 0);

Bryant and O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Third Edition 66

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