Alert Service Bulletin: MODEL CL-600-2B16
Alert Service Bulletin: MODEL CL-600-2B16
Alert Service Bulletin: MODEL CL-600-2B16
MODEL CL-600-2B16
ATA 73-00
A. Compliance
It is recommended that the special check in PART A and PART B is accomplished
within 50 flight hours from the Alert Service Bulletin release date.
NOTES: 1. This Alert Service Bulletin supercedes Alert Wire TA601-055,
dated March 31, 1999.
2. If Alert Wire TA601-055, was successfully accomplished then
this Alert Service Bulletin A604-73-001, is not required.
B. Approval
This special check/modification is approved by the Bombardier Inc., Canadair
Design Approval Designee(s) for Transport Canada Aviation (TCA).
This special check/modification is also FAA approved under the TCA/FAA bilateral
C. Effectivity
CL-600-2B16 (CL-604) aircraft, Serial No. 5301 to 5408.
NOTE: The instructions in this Alert Service Bulletin are only applicable to
the systems and parts installed at the time of delivery of the aircraft or
as changed by Bombardier Aerospace or Canadair Service Bulletin(s).
Before you do this bulletin, examine all STC, STA or equivalent
action changes to make sure this bulletin can be completed.
D. Reason
An incident was reported of an Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) cable harness,
on the right engine, chafing against the adjacent fuel control unit (FCU) causing a
suspected flash fire on a Regional Jet aircraft. PART A of this Alert Service
Bulletin applies to the right hand engine only and gives instructions to inspect the
clearance between the IDG cable harness and the fuel control unit (FCU) with the
attaching fuel lines and the clearance between the IDG cable harness and the
adjacent structure. And, if necessary, in PART C, instructions are given to repair
a damaged IDG cable harness or to replace it.
Two occurrences of chafing between the fuel manifold pigtails and the 10th stage
bleed air check valve were reported on a Regional Jet aircraft. PART B of this
Alert Service Bulletin gives instructions to inspect the clearance between the fuel
manifold and the 10th stage bleed air check valve. And, if necessary, instructions
are also given to repair a damaged fuel manifold pigtail and to obtain the proper
E. Description
This Alert Service Bulletin gives instructions in:
PART A: IDG Cable Harness Special Check/Modification (Right Engine)
Special Check
Inspect for a minimum clearance between the IDG cable harness and the
adjacent FCU and the attaching fuel lines,
Inspect for a minimum clearance between the IDG cable harness and the
adjacent structure, and
Inspect for possible damage to the IDG cable harness (chafing).
A repair is given for the IDG cable harness,
Re-route the IDG cable harness to get the proper clearance between the IDG
cable harness and the adjacent fuel control unit and the attaching fuel lines, and
Re-route the IDG cable harness to get the proper clearance between the IDG
cable harness and the adjacent structure.
(3) The man-hours that follow are necessary to do PART C of this Alert Service
Bulletin (if necessary):
6 man-hours are necessary for the replacement of the IDG cable (per engine).
(4) The man-hours that follow are necessary for the testing required for PART B
and PART C of this Alert Service Bulletin:
1 man-hour is necessary for the testing for PART B (per engine).
1 man-hour is necessary for the testing for PART C (per engine).
G. Material - Cost and Availability
No kit is necessary to do this special check/modification. For material data, refer
to paragraph 3.
Bombardier Aerospace does not pay for the replacement part(s) given in
PART B and PART C of this Special Check/ Modification.
For aircraft in the new aircraft warranty, if a replacement part(s) is necessary as
given in PART B and PART C, the replacement part(s) will be available at no
cost if a no-charge purchase order is sent to Bombardier Aerospace in less than
12 months from the Alert Service Bulletin release date.
H. Tooling - Price and Availability
No equipment or special tools are necessary.
I. Weight and Balance
No change
J. Electrical Load Data
No change
K. References
Bombardier Aerospace, Modification Summary, 600-5599, Issue A
Bombardier Aerospace, Restriction Special and/or Instruction (RSI), C-1750, Rev. NC
Bombardier Aerospace, Restriction Special and/or Instruction (RSI), C-1752, Rev. NC
CL-604 Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Chapters 6, 24, 36 and 71
CL-604 Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC), Chapter 36
GE TURBOFAN ENGINE, Service Manual (SEI 780), Chapter 72.
L. Other Publications Affected
CL-604 Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC), Chapter 36.
NOTE: It is recommended that you record the new part(s) added by this
Alert Service Bulletin in Chapter 36-11-00, Figure 1 of your IPC.
The IPC will include these changes in a future revision.
M. Equivalent Alert Service Bulletin
For the CL-600-2B16 (CL-601-3R) aircraft, use Alert Service Bulletin A601-0524.
NOTES: 1. All TASKs referenced in the procedures that follow are from the
CL-604 Aircraft Maintenance Manual, unless otherwise specified.
2. All references made to zones, access panels and/or doors, are
from the CL-604 Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Chapter 6.
A. Aircraft Setup
(1) Obey all electrical/electronic safety precautions. Refer to TASK 24-00-00-
(2) For the left and right engine, open and tag the circuit breakers that follow:
(c) To adjust the clearance of the IDG cable harness do the steps that follow:
(i) Loosen the IDG cable supports from the pylon to the attaching
points on the IDG.
(ii) Adjust the IDG cable harness to obtain (i) a minimum clearance of
0.5 inch (12.7 mm) between the IDG cable harness and the adjacent
fuel control unit and the attaching fuel lines, and (ii) a minimum
clearance of 0.2 inch (5.08 mm) between the IDG cable harness and
the adjacent structure.
(iii) Tighten the cable supports that have been loosened.
NOTE: Make sure the proper clearance exists after you tighten
all the supports.
(d) If the proper clearance exists and the cable is not damaged (chafed) then
no further action is required. Do the “Close-out” per section 2.F. of this
Alert Service Bulletin.
C. PART B: Fuel Manifold Special Check/Modification (Left and Right Engine)
NOTE: For logistic purposes and parts control, we suggest you do the
inspection before ordering any parts.
(1) Special Check (Refer to Figure 2)
(a) Make sure a minimum clearance of 0.15 inch (3.81 mm) exists between
the fuel manifold pigtails (top and bottom) and the adjacent 10th stage
bleed air check valve and attaching clamps.
NOTES: 1. If the clearance is not correct do step (2)(a) or (2)(c)
(Modification) of this PART B.
2. On the right engine, if you cannot get the minimum
clearance of 0.15 inch (3.81 mm), contact Bombardier
Aerospace, Customer Support for further instructions.
(b) Inspect the fuel manifold pigtails for evidence of chafing.
NOTE: If either fuel manifold pigtails (top or bottom) is chafed do
step (2)(d) (Modification) of this PART B.
(2) Modification
(a) To obtain the proper clearance, loosen the fuel manifold attachment
brackets. It may be necessary to also loosen the bleed air manifold
clamps/brackets. Adjust the connections so that the proper clearance
of 0.15 inch minimum (3.81 mm) is obtained.
NOTE: Adjustments to get the proper clearance should be done
before the next flight.
(b) Tighten all connections that have been loosened.
NOTE: Make sure that the proper clearance exists after you tighten
all the connections.
(c) If unable to get the proper clearance, on the left engine, with the above
instructions add spacers as given in Figure 3.
NOTE: On the right engine the instructions in step (2)(a) should be
sufficient to get the proper clearance.
(d) If the fuel manifold is damaged refer to the GE TURBOFAN ENGINE,
Service Manual (SEI 780), Chapter 72-00-00, Maintenance Practices 57
(Hoses and Tubes Assembly – Cleaning, Inspection and Repair) for
disposition instructions.
NOTE: If the fuel manifold is damaged beyond repair it is to be
replaced immediately.
(e) If the proper clearance exists and the fuel manifold is not damaged
(chafed) then no further action is required. Do the “Close-out” per
section 2.F. of this Alert Service Bulletin.
D. PART C: IDG Cable Harness Replacement (Right Engine) (if necessary)
(1) Replace the IDG cable harness.
E. Testing
(1) For the aircraft that have replaced the IDG cable harness in PART C:
(a) Do an operational test of the IDG on the right engine. Refer to TASK
(2) For the aircraft that have made adjustments to get the proper clearance or
added spacers to obtain the proper clearance or replaced the fuel manifold
pigtails(s) in PART B, do the following test(s):
(a) Do a test of the fuel manifold lines. Refer to the GE TURBOFAN
ENGINE, Service Manual (SEI 780), Chapter 72-00-00, Testing.
(b) Do an operational test of the 10th stage bleed air shutoff valve. Refer to
TASK 36-11-01-710-801.
F. Close-out
(1) For the left and right engine, remove tags and close the circuit breakers
that follow:
A. Parts
The parts that follow may be necessary to do PART A or PART C of this Alert
Service Bulletin and can be purchased from Bombardier, Service Parts Center,
NOTE: If a replacement part is necessary you can order a new part from
Bombardier, Service Parts Center, Montreal. After the new part has
been installed, return the damaged part(s) to Bombardier, Service Parts
Center, Montreal at the address shown below:
Bombardier Aerospace
Distribution Center
2039 Cohen St.
St. Laurent, Quebec
Canada H4R 2N7
Addition of Spacers
Figure 3