Ashebo 2007
Ashebo 2007
Ashebo 2007
Received 2 November 2005; received in revised form 23 June 2006; accepted 5 July 2006
Available online 25 September 2006
Studies on dynamic loads are important for bridge engineering as well as pavement design. A large number of research studies have indicated
that bridge dynamic loads increase road surface damage by a factor of 2–4. Although the field test is the best available approach to understanding
actual vehicle-induced dynamic loads on bridges, according to pervious studies there is only a limited amount of field data available on skew box
girder continuous bridges. This paper presents an evaluation of vehicle-induced dynamic loads, based on a field test that was carried out on a
skew box girder continuous bridge as reported in a companion paper (Part I). The effects of different parameters such as the weight, speed, type,
number of axles and position of vehicles on dynamic loads are investigated. Based on the statistical analysis, the use of the dynamic load factor
(DLF) is proposed. The dynamic load factor obtained in this study is less than the values provided by most bridge design codes.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Skew bridge; Dynamic load factor; Dynamic load allowance; Normal traffic condition
1. Introduction estimated based on the static load, it has never been ascertained
as it varies from case to case.
Vehicles that are expected to cross a bridge are accounted for Most studies have used the analytical approach to study the
in the design or evaluation of the bridge through a static design bridge–vehicle interaction problem and estimated the dynamic
loading and a certain prescribed fraction of it that is referred to load factor (DLF). Even though the field test is the best
as an impact factor, a dynamic load allowance, or a dynamic available approach to understanding the actual bridge–vehicle
increment [1]. interaction to estimate the DLF, the amount of data available
As opposed to static design loading which is a tangible from the field on dynamic loads is limited [2]. Billings [3]
entity that can be formulated from the static weights of actual carried out field measurements of dynamic loads on 27 bridges
or foreseen vehicles, determining the dynamic load is not a of various kinds. He found that the dynamic load allowance
straightforward procedure because of the complex nature of the ranges from 0.05 to 0.10 and from 0.08 to 0.20 for prestressed
interaction between the bridge and moving vehicles. concrete and steel bridges, respectively. Tests carried out by
Numerous studies on bridge dynamics have been carried Cantieni [4] on 226 bridges in which most of the bridges
out. It has been discovered that the magnitude of the dynamic were loaded with the same vehicle, under the same load,
load depends on several factors, including bridge dynamic and with the same tire pressure showed that a dynamic load
behaviors, road roughness, vehicle dynamic characteristics, allowance as high as 0.7 could be obtained from the field.
vehicle speed, type, weight, number of axles, axle spacing, Chan and O’Connor [5,6] have found maximum value of 1.25
the position of vehicles on the bridge, and so forth. Although for a dynamic load allowance. Recently, on the basis of the
the exact magnitude of this dynamic load can be reasonably analytical simulations and field tests, Nowak et al. [7] pointed
out that the dynamic load allowance is considerably lower
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2766 6061; fax: +852 2334 6389. than code-specified values. According to their findings, the
E-mail address: (T.H.T. Chan). maximum simulated and measured dynamic load allowances
0141-0296/$ - see front matter c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.B. Ashebo et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1064–1073 1065
do not exceed 0.17 for a single heavy truck, and 0.10 for two 2.3. Design of the filter
trucks moving side-by-side. It can be understood that, given the
limited number of field tests, most of the studies on vehicle- As for the analysis of a large amount of field data on the
induced dynamic loads on bridges have ended up with different dynamic responses of the bridge owing to normal traffic, the
outcomes. This shows the need to conduct more field tests on fastest and the most convenient method to estimate the static
various bridges using unbiased random samples of vehicles. responses of a bridge due to a moving vehicle is to use an
In this study, a field test was conducted on a skew box appropriate filter. However, no universally accepted method yet
girder continuous bridge to collect vehicle-induced dynamic exists for designing a digital filter specifically for the study of
response data on the bridge and information from various kinds bridge dynamics. The method currently used, to choose the best
of vehicles under normal traffic conditions. The details about filter, is based on a trial-and-error approach.
the tested bridge such as the cross section, location of sensors, In selecting the low pass cutoff frequency to filter out
roadway width are presented in a companion paper [15]. A the dynamic portion of the responses and estimate the static
parametric study was carried out to determine the factors that response of the bridge due to moving vehicles, careful attention
affect the DLF. To determine the appropriate DLF value for should be taken to ensure that nearly all static frequency
design purposes, a statistical analysis was conducted. responses must occur below the cutoff frequency and nearly all
dynamic frequency responses should be filtered out above this
2. Dynamic load factor
cutoff frequency [14].
2.1. Definition of the dynamic load factor A low frequency “body bounce” may influence the
calculated dynamic load factor values if this dynamic mode is
Various studies have been carried out to determine and below the low pass threshold and remains among the presumed
evaluate the magnitude of the dynamic load factor. Past studies extracted responses. According to Billings [3] and Chan and
have used several definitions to represent this factor. Bakht and O’Conner [6], a typical vehicle “body bounce” occurs in the
Pinjarkar [8], in their state-of-the-art review of bridge dynamic range between 2 and 5 Hz frequencies. A vehicle body bounce,
tests, have summarized eight definitions of dynamic load factor. if present, will result in higher calculated static responses,
After comparing and analyzing the eight definitions, they which in turn will cause the calculated dynamic load factor to
suggested the following equation for computing the dynamic decrease.
load factor: The typical frequency spectrum graphs from both accelera-
DLF = 1 + DLA (1) tion and strain responses of the bridge under moving vehicles
are shown in Fig. 10 of the companion paper [15]. During the
where DLF is the dynamic load factor, and DLA is the dynamic selection of appropriate filter parameters, the cut off frequen-
load allowance given by cies greater than the frequency range that affects the static strain
Rdyn − Rstat and less than the first natural frequency of the bridge were con-
DLA = (2) sidered. In addition, in order to avoid the body bounce effect
of a vehicle, cutoff frequencies in between 2 and 5 Hz were
where, Rdyn is the maximum dynamic response and Rstat is the avoided. A low pass Butterworth digital filter was used in this
maximum static response. study. This type of filter ideally retains all frequency responses
Various researchers (such as Cantieni [9], Chan and below the cutoff frequency and omits all frequency responses
O’Conner [5,6], Kim and Nowak [10], Laman et al. [11]) have above the cutoff frequency [14]. The other important parameter
used these equations to compute the dynamic load factor, and which needs consideration in filter design is the order of the fil-
the equation has also be used for this purpose in design codes ter. As indicated by Johnson et al. [16], by keeping the low pass
(Ministry of Transportation of Ontario [12], AASHTO [13]). cutoff frequency constant, the measured response improves as
2.2. Dynamic load factor from the responses of a bridge the filter order increases.
The dynamic responses of the bridge induced by the control
Most of the previous studies on the dynamic load factor vehicle (calibration truck) as reported in [15] were filtered
used the measured responses of a bridge as their input. The by applying different low pass cutoff frequencies and filter
dynamic responses of a bridge are mainly measured in terms orders. The results were compared with the known measured
of the bending moment or the deflection at selected locations static strain responses of the bridge caused by the calibration
of the bridge structure. Then, the dynamic load factor can truck as well as with theoretically computed bending moment
be computed by dividing the measured maximum dynamic responses.
response to the known static response by using Eqs. (1) and (2). The comparison of the measured dynamic and the
According to Eq. (2), Rstat , the static response can be acquired corresponding filtered responses with the measured and the
from a theoretical analysis, by measuring or filtering out theoretically computed responses was carried out on the
the dynamic component of the measured dynamic responses, selected strain gauge location of the bridge. The selected strain
whereas Rdyn can be directly obtained from the peak measured gauges were strain gauges 7, 8, 9, and 22 (refer to Figure 2
dynamic response. The next section will present the method of in the companion paper [15] for the locations of the strain
estimating the static response Rstat from the measured dynamic gauges). The first three strain gauges were selected from the
responses. middle of each web of the first span so that the maximum
1066 D.B. Ashebo et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1064–1073
(a) Maximum measured static, and dynamic and filtered strain responses: (b) Maximum theoretically obtained static, and dynamic and filtered
fast lane. measured bending moment responses: fast lane.
(c) Maximum measured static, and dynamic and filtered strain responses: (d) Maximum theoretically obtained static, and dynamic and filtered
slow lane. measured bending moment responses: slow lane.
3. Factors affecting the dynamic load factor Fig. 2. Typical responses for computing dynamic load factor.
As mentioned in the preceding sections, many factors affect 3.1. Weight of the vehicle
the magnitude of the dynamic load factor. When carrying
out dynamic measurements in the field, in addition to strain It was indicated in previous studies (Chan and O’Conner [5],
and acceleration responses, information on the speed, weight, Nassif and Nowak [17], Laman et al. [11], Nowak et al. [7])
number of axles, axle spacing, and position of the vehicles on that the dynamic load factor is dependent on the weight of
the bridge was acquired. The influence of these parameters to the vehicles. In this study, the strain responses of the bridge
the dynamic load factor was studied and is presented in the were recorded for each case having a single vehicle traversing
following sections: on the bridge. According to the recorded data, in 5 days,
D.B. Ashebo et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1064–1073 1067
Table 1
Summary of statistical results of DLA versus number of axles
Table 2
Summary of correlation coefficients for number of axles versus DLA
Fig. 6. Number of axles versus mean DLA after excluding unloaded trucks.
Table 3
Summary of correlation coefficients between vehicle speed and DLA
Fig. 9. Typical axle signal output for vehicles moving on a bridge side by side
or in a group.
(b) At strain gauge 19.
Table 5
Statistical parameters of DLA at strain gauges 9, 19, 22, and 9 and 19 combined
Table 6
Summary of DLF of bridges according to different bridge design codes and present study
AASHTO (Standard) AASHTO (LRFD) CHBDC BS5400 BD 37/01 SDM (Hong Kong) Present study
DLA 0.252 0.33 0.25 0.25 0.80 0.80 0.24
DLF 1.252 1.33 1.25 1.25 1.80 1.80 1.24
5.3. Eurocode
Fig. 12. The 90% confidence interval of DLA. The British Standard Institute’s BS 5400 Steel, Concrete
and Composite Bridges Part 2, Specification for Loads (BSI
weight of the AASHTO HS20-44 design truck) generated about 1978) [24] gives one type of highway bridge live load, HA
14.5 micro strains at strain gauge locations 9 and 19. To be loads, a 25% factor for impact or dynamic effect by multiplying
conservative enough in deciding the design values of DLA the live load by this factor. For an HB loading, no dynamic load
while computing the percentage confidence interval, strains factor is included.
of less than 14.5 micro strains have been included in the The amended Manual for Roads and Bridge Designs
analysis. Therefore, the 90% confidence interval of DLA for BD37/01 [25] shows that a dynamic factor of 80% was made in
those vehicles that generated strains greater than or equal to deriving the HA loading. The factor was applied to the highest
the mean strain, obtained from the data of strain gauges 9 and axle load and only included in the single vehicle loading case.
19 combined together, is computed, and the result is presented
in Fig. 12. The maximum value of DLA in this percentage
5.5. Hong Kong structures design manual
confidence interval was found to be about 0.24. Thus, for a
safe design, this maximum value is taken as the design value
According to the Structures Design Manual for Highways
of DLA.
and Railways of Hong Kong [26], highway structures and
5. Comparing different bridge design codes railway bridges shall be designed on the basis of the limit
state philosophy contained in BS 5400 Steel, Concrete, and
5.1. American associations of states highway and transport Composite Bridges.
officials All undated references to BS 5400 refer to the current
edition of the Structures Design Manual for Highways and
In the standard AASHTO code [22], to allow for dynamic, Railways of Hong Kong [26] with the exception of loading
vibratory and impact effects, the live load stress in the (originally given in BS 5400: Part 2 [24]), which shall refer to
superstructure of the bridge due to the H and HS loadings the current edition of the United Kingdom Highways Agency’s
should be multiplied by a DLA as defined by, Departmental Standard BD 37/01 [25].
15.4 From Table 6 it can be noticed that the dynamic load factor
DLA = (3) obtained from the present study is less than the values obtained
L + 38.1
from all of the design codes. BD 37/01 and the Structures
where L is the loaded length in meters, and the DLA does not
Design Manual for Highways and Railways [26] were found to
exceed 0.3.
be the most conservative in deriving the value of the dynamic
In the new LRFD AASHTO code [13], a live load is
load factor for design purposes.
specified as a combination of a HS20 truck and a uniformly
distributed load of 9.3 kN/m. A DLA value of 0.33 for the truck
effect is taken with no dynamic load applied to the uniform 6. Conclusions
In this study an evaluation of vehicle-induced dynamic load
5.2. Canadian highway bridge design codes that was carried out on a skew continuous bridge is presented.
The bridge response data acquired in the field test were mainly
In the newly introduced Canadian Highway Bridge Design measured strains from strain gauge sensors. As the strains are
Code [18], the DLA is practically equal to 0.25 for all heavy proportional to the bending moment of the bridge, therefore, the
trucks. Larger DLAs of 0.4 and 0.3 are applied to single and computed DLFs values obtained in this study are based on the
dual axle vehicles, respectively. bending moment of the bridge.
D.B. Ashebo et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 1064–1073 1073
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