Commands for Everyone
/@[user] Send someone a public message; it will highlight the message for the recipient.
/block [user] Block all chat messages from a user
/color [color] Change the color of your username. If you're a Turbo user, you can select a hex value.
/disconnect Disconnects you from the channel.
/gift [number] Randomly gift Subs (the number of your choosing) to the community.
Often used to denote third-person action. The command removes the colon after your
/me [message]
name and italicizes your message.
/mods List all the channel moderators.
/vips List all the channel VIPs.
/vote Vote in the poll.
/w [user] [message] Send someone a private message.
Commands for Moderators (and Broadcasters)
/ban [user] Permanently ban someone from the chat.
/clear Remove all messages in chat.
/emoteonly Users can only send emotes in their messages.
/emoteonlyoff Disable emotes only mode.
Restrict the chat to followers-only mode; optionally, specify a time duration (e.g., 30
/followers [duration]
minutes, 1 week)
/followersoff Disable followers-only mode.
/monitor [user] Monitor a user's messages.
/poll Create a poll.
/endpoll End a poll.
/deletepoll Delete a poll.
/requests Opens the Channel Points requests queue.
/restrict [user] Restrict a user's messages.
/slow [seconds] Limit the rate at which users can send messages.
/slowoff Disable slow mode.
/subscribers Restrict the chat to subscribers-only mode.
/subscribersoff Disable subscribers-only mode.
/timeout [user] Temporarily ban someone from the chat. 10 minutes is the default, or you can specify
[seconds] a time.
/unban [user] Unban someone from the chat.
/uniquechat Stops users from posting non-unique messages (like copy and pasted content)
/uniquechatoff Disable unique chat mode.
/unmonitor [user] Stop monitoring a user's messages.
/unrestrict [user] Stop restricting a user's messages.
/user [user] Record private notes on a user and see their chat and moderation history.
Commands for Channel Editors (and Broadcasters)
/commercial Runs a commercial (providing the channel is an Affiliate or Partner).
/goal Set a subscriber or follower goal.
/host [channel] Host another channel on yours via the embedded video player.
/unhost Stop hosting someone on the channel.
/marker [description] Adds a stream marker at the current time, with an optional description
/prediction Manage predictions.
/raid [channel] Send viewers to another channel.
/unraid Cancel the raid.
Commands for Broadcasters
/mod [user] Grant someone moderator status.
/unmod [user] Remove moderator status from someone.
/vip [user] Grant someone VIP status.
/unvip [user] Remove VIP status from someone.
/rules Display the channel rules.
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