RFP Vol VII - Project Summary Bankot
RFP Vol VII - Project Summary Bankot
RFP Vol VII - Project Summary Bankot
Project Summary
MARCH - 2024
Opp. Bandra Reclamation Bus Depot, Near Lilavati Hospital, KC Marg, Bandra (West),
Mumbai – 400050
Construction of Major Bridge across Bankot Creek between Kolmandla,
District Raigad to Veshvi on Revas Reddi Coastal Highway (SH (Special)
No. 5) in Ratnagiri District on EPC Mode in state of Maharashtra
2A Two Axle
3A Three Axle
AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AD Animal Drawn Vehicles
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADT Average Daily Traffic
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIV Aggregate Impact Value
ATMS Advance Traffic Management System
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BOQ Bill of Quantity
BOT Build Operate & Transfer
BPO Business Process Outsourcing
BS Bureau of Standards
CBD Commercial Business District
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
CC Cement Concrete
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CD Cross Drainage
CDP City Development Plan
Ch. Chainage
CISCE Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
CRRI Central Road Research Institute
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
CW Carriageway
CWC Central Water Commission
DGPS Digital Global Positioning System
DPR Detailed Project Report
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EPC Engineering Procurement & Construction
ETS Electronic Total Station
FIDIC Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils
Fig Figure
FOB Foot Over Bridge
FR Feasibility Report
FSR Feasibility Study Report
GAD General Arrangement Drawing
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOI Government of India
GoM Government of Maharashtra
GPS Global Positioning System
GR Government Resolution
iii M/s. Monarch Surveyors & Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Pune
Construction of Major Bridge across Bankot Creek between Kolmandla,
District Raigad to Veshvi on Revas Reddi Coastal Highway (SH (Special)
No. 5) in Ratnagiri District on EPC Mode in state of Maharashtra
CHAPTER-00 ....................................................................................................................... 1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1
0.1 BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................... 1
0.2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
0.3 NEED OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................... 2
0.4 PROJECT ALIGNMENT DESCRIPTION .................................................................... 3
0.4.1 PROPOSED ALIGNMENT ............................................................................... 3
0.4.2 GOVERNMENT APPROVAL ........................................................................... 3
0.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE SERVICES ............................................................................ 5
0.6 SCOPE OF SERVICES .............................................................................................. 5
0.7 CONSTRUCTION PACKAGES .................................................................................. 6
0.8 SALIENT FEATURES OF PROJECT ......................................................................... 1
0.9 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................................... 2
0.10 PROJECT ALIGNMENT DESCRIPTION .................................................................... 3
0.11 LIST OF VILLAGES.................................................................................................... 3
0.12 DESIGN STANDARDS ADOPTED............................................................................. 4
0.13 RIGHT OF WAY ROW (ROW) ................................................................................... 4
0.14 ABUTTING LAND USE PATTERN ............................................................................. 4
0.15 TERRAIN ................................................................................................................... 4
0.16 FOREST..................................................................................................................... 4
0.17 TRAFFIC SURVEYS, ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 5
0.18 TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS .......................................................................................... 6
0.19 CAPACITY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 9
0.20 DESIGN PROPOSALS............................................................................................... 9
0.20.1 DESIGN SPEED .............................................................................................. 9
0.20.2 DESIGN CROSS SECTION............................................................................. 9
0.21 ALIGNMENT DESIGN ................................................................................................ 9
0.21.1 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ............................................................................ 9
0.21.2 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT ............................................................................... 10
0.22 ROAD JUNCTIONS.................................................................................................. 10
0.23 PAVEMENT COMPOSITION ................................................................................... 11
0.24 PROPOSALS FOR STRUCTURES .......................................................................... 15
0.25 DETAILS OF RETAINING WALL.............................................................................. 15
0.4.1 Reference Documents .......................................................................................... 16
vii M/s. Monarch Surveyors & Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Pune
Construction of Major Bridge across Bankot Creek between Kolmandla,
District Raigad to Veshvi on Revas Reddi Coastal Highway (SH (Special)
No. 5) in Ratnagiri District on EPC Mode in state of Maharashtra
This Coastal Highway is traversing through various towns like Alibag, Chaul,
Revdanda, Nandgaon, Murud, Shrivardhan, Mandangad, Dapoli, Harihareshwar,
Guhaghar, Jaigad, Ganpatipule of Raigad & Ratnagiri district and further passes
through Devgad, Malvan, Vengurla, Kudal and Sawantwadi talukas of Sindhudurg
district. This portion of the project road is yet to be declared as NH necessary
proposal is submitted to MoRT&H by State Govt. and as per Road Development Plan
1981-2001 Talasri to Patradevi is coastal highway MSH-4. Deputy Chief Minister and
Finance Minister of the State has announced to develop this coastal Highway with
world class facilities in line with California Coastal Highway in budget session of 2020
on 8th March 2020 in the Assembly to boost the economy of the Konkan region and
work is entrusted to MSRDC as deposit contribution work. As per directives of Govt.
vide letter dated 30.06.2020, project is handed over to MSRDC by the CE (NH) PWD
Konkan Bhavan Mumbai. MSRDC has given presentation to Hon‟ble Chief Minister,
GoM on 16.06.2021 on concept of development of coastal Highway in line with
California coastal highway along coast line by constructing missing creek bridges on
Recently, MSRDC has been assigned for development of Coastal highway link from
JNPT-Revas bundar-Alibag-Murud-Shrivardhan to Bagmandla (Bankot) in Raigad
District. This report is submitted in accordance with the Terms of Reference and
Inception report and QAP plan approved by MSRDC. Final Feasibility Report has
been prepared and submitted after Preliminary survey of subjected road project by
keeping in view the observations/ comments from client. Widening proposal is of
construction of two lanes with paved shoulders along road stretch and balances both
side highway and Sagarmala links by up gradation with existing highway. With the
disposition of these both sides of existing highways and upcoming Sagarmala links,
one can note this alignment runs more or less concurrent along the Sea Face, serve
as single feeder link to major beaches along the road side. MSRDC has
commissioned services to M/s. Monarch for preparation of said DPR. As per
requirement of task M/s. Monarch carried out all feasibility surveys, investigations &
The commuters or tourists need to follow existing available highway for missing link
due to creek portion, either they prefer ferry ride or they should travel long distance
which is available towards Sahyadri hill at narrow width of water way for bridge
Currently, there is no through road from Mumbai to Goa Border along coast line. The
existing MSH-04 coastline road is available in segmental manner due to long creeks.
Due to this discontinuity, road user or tourists have some restrictions to plan their
trips. To avoid such difficulties and to boost for tourism industry, it is necessary to
improve existing MSH-04 by constructing creek bridges along the coast line on
priority. For commuters other than tourists, the existing NH-66 and upcoming Konkan
Expressway will be available for travel with high speed.
It was also commonly observed that people from MMR region and rest of
Maharashtra, frequently visits the beaches along coastline of Maharashtra as a relief
from their daily routine stress. As there is no through coastal road option in terms of
coastal Highway is available to the tourists for enjoyable reach at everywhere along
Coastline picnic spots. There is a limitation for tourism development due lack of
through link and the time taken for journey. To encourage tourism, it strongly needs
to improve the existing MSH-04 Road to attract the tourists in numbers by connecting
all missing links with shortest distance.
The Start point of Coastal Highway is proposed at Dronagiri node of CIDCO via
Karanja Revas village, Raigad district and passes through Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg
district and ends at Kiranpani – Arondha Bridge on Maharashtra State Border on NH-
This Coastal Highway is traversing through various towns like Alibag, Chaul,
Revdanda, Nandgaon, Murud, Shrivardhan, Mandangad, Dapoli, Harihareshwar,
Guhaghar, Jaigad, Ganpatipule of Raigad & Ratnagiri district and further passes
through Devgad, Malvan, Vengurla, Kudal and Sawantwadi talukas of Sindhudurg
district. Due to the upgradation of the highway, the journey from Dronagiri (Revas) to
Kiranpani – Arondha Bridge (Reddi) will take about 10 to 11 hours.
In view of this MSRDC Ltd has submitted proposal of implementation of the project in
phased manner vide letter no. MSRDC/Revas-Reddi/Mantralya/2021 /6732 (b) dated
23.11.2021. Govt. in Public Works Department has accorded approval vide Govt.
letter no 202 khashes;0/P. K.266/Raste-8 dated 23.02.2022.
GoM has directed to take up the work in hand under following phases by completing
the work of preparation of Detailed Project Report.
3) Govt. directed to update the progress of work for Govt. Review time to time.
MSECPL (M/s. Monarch Surveyors and Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd.) has been
entrusted the Consultancy services for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)
for Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Single/Intermediate lanes to Two Lane with
paved shoulder/ Four lane configuration of JNPT - Revas bundar - Alibag – Murud -
Shrivardhan to Bagmandla (Bankot) in Raigad District by the ‘Maharashtra State
Road Development Corporation”.
The Consultant has studied the alignment finalized by the CE PW (NH), Mumbai and
fresh mandate given to them to consider proposed alignment as close as to coastline
in line with California coastal Highway. Consultant has submitted three alternative
alignments and recommended for preferred alignment based on evaluation matrix.
Government of Maharashtra, Public Works Department has accorded approval to the
preferred alignment vide G. R. No KHASHE-2022/P. K. 79/Raste-8 dated 16.03.2022
The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economic
viability of the project and prepare detailed project reports for rehabilitation and
upgrading of the existing roads with appropriate lane configuration.
a) The up-gradation of work to appropriate lane width shall be within the existing
right of way as far as possible avoiding land acquisition, except for locations
having inadequate width and where provisions of short realignments, alignment
corrections, and improvement of intersections are considered necessary and
practicable and cost effective.
b) The Consultant shall furnish land acquisition details as per revenue records/maps
for further processing of land acquisition. Consultant shall also submit section 3
and 15(2) draft notification under Maharashtra Highway Act 1955. For further
action MSRDC is in process of appointment of land acquisition consultant.
c) The Consultants shall prepare documents for EPC mode of contracts under DPR
e) Wherever required, consultant will liaise with concerned authorities and arrange
all clarifications. Approval of all drawings including GAD and detail engineering
drawings will be got done by the consultant from the Railways. However, if
Railways require proof checking of the drawings prepared by the consultants, the
same will be got done by MSRDC and payment to the proof consultant shall be
made by MSRDC. Consultant will also obtain „NO Objection Certificate‟ from
Ministry of Environment Forest and Climatic Changes (MoEF&CC) and also
incorporate the estimates for shifting of utilities of all types of services involved
from concerned local authorities in the DPR.
f) The consultant shall prepare the bid documents including required technical
schedules as per EPC mode of contract documents. For that it is suggested that
consultant should also go through the EPC documents of ministry before bidding
the project. The Consultant shall assist the MSRDC and its Financial Consultant
and the Legal Adviser by furnishing clarifications as required for the financial
appraisal and legal scrutiny of the Project Highway and Bid Documents.
The entire Package-I lies in Raigad district which passes through 3 talukas; Alibag,
Murud & Shrivardhan. It is noted that Taluka boundaries terminates at Creek Portion
which are currently missing link. To achieve construction easiness, it is necessary to
avoid missing link. Considering size of the project 159.611 km, it is better to prepare
construction packages in phased manner on following backgrounds:
Proposed Bankot
Creek Bridge
Reddi Bankot
Proposed Bridge
Proposed Approaches
Project alignment passes entirely through Murud & Mhasala Taluka of Raigad
District. List of villages through which project alignment is passing in Murud &
Mhasala taluka is given below:
Sr. Length
Village Name Start Chainage End Chainage
No. (km)
1 DANDA 157+899 157+165 0.734
2 BANKOT 158+872 159+610 0.738
The design of road geometry for the project road for Bankot Creek bridge is proposed
to be based on “The Manual of Standards & Specifications for Two laning of National
Highways through Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode” published by Planning
commission, New Delhi, IRC: SP: 73-2018.
Government of Maharashtra has directed to consider 30 m RoW for two lane paved
The land use pattern on both sides of the project highway in maximum section is
agricultural, followed by barren land.
The terrain of this stretch can be termed as plain and flat throughout.
The following traffic surveys were mainly conducted to arrive at the projected traffic
on the proposed expressway:
▪ Classified Traffic Volume Count (TVC) Surveys
Survey Description Location Start Date End Date
1 2 Day Manual TVC Thal 19 Dec 2021 21 Dec 2021
2 2 Day Manual TVC Nagaon 19 Dec 2021 21 Dec 2021
3 1 Day Video TVC Vadkhal 23 Dec 2021 24 Dec 2021
4 1 Day OD Vadkhal 23 Dec 2021 24 Dec 2021
5 1 Day Axle Load Vadkhal 23 Dec 2021 24 Dec 2021
6 3 Day Video TVC Murud 19 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2021
7 2 Day Manual TVC Wadvali 26 Dec 2021 28 Dec 2021
8 1 Day OD Mhasala 27 Dec 2021 28 Dec 2021
9 1 Day Axle Load Mhasala 27 Dec 2021 28 Dec 2021
10 3 Day TMC Ghoteghar 19 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2021
11 3 Day TMC JSW 02 Jan 2022 05 Jan 2022
12 3 Day TMC Shrivardhan 23 Dec 2021 26 Dec 2021
As described above locations traffic survey activities has been conducted and after
analysing the same ADT has been prepared further correction factors are applied to
achieve AADT. Adopted Seasonal Correction Factor for survey carried out in the
month of December are.
Table 0. 5 Annual Average Daily Traffic Summary at various locations (In PCUs)
The traffic has been forecasted as per the projected traffic growth rates as mentioned
in the above table. Traffic forecast has been carried out for each location as per the
base traffic numbers derived from the classified volume count. Traffic is forecasted
up to 2053 as shown in tables below. Indo HCM 2017 is used for determining lane
capacity required.
Bus 3-
Two Auto Car / Jeep / Mini 2-axle Total
Year LGV axle MAV Total PCUs
Wheeler Rick. Taxi Minibus Bus LGV Truck Vehicles
2022 9886 844 9221 98 216 1316 556 256 184 217 22794 23730
2023 10380 861 9998 102 225 1392 588 270 192 221 24229 25195
2024 10899 878 10913 106 233 1503 634 291 205 226 25889 27013
2025 11444 896 14359 110 323 1623 761 416 263 371 30566 33588
2026 12016 914 15674 114 334 1753 822 449 280 379 32735 36037
2027 12617 932 17109 118 346 1892 887 484 299 388 35073 38682
2028 13248 950 18676 123 359 2043 958 521 318 397 37594 41542
2029 13910 969 20523 126 370 2180 1022 555 336 405 40397 44584
2030 14606 989 22553 130 381 2325 1090 592 355 413 43433 47879
2031 15336 1009 24784 134 393 2479 1162 630 376 421 46724 51448
2032 16103 1029 27235 138 405 2645 1240 671 397 429 50292 55316
2033 16908 1049 29929 142 417 2821 1322 715 419 438 54162 59509
2034 17753 1070 33101 146 428 2976 1395 754 439 446 58509 64047
2035 18641 1092 36610 150 439 3140 1472 795 460 453 63251 68990
2036 19573 1114 40490 153 450 3313 1553 838 482 461 68427 74377
2037 20552 1136 44782 157 461 3496 1639 883 504 469 74079 80250
2038 21579 1159 49528 161 473 3689 1729 931 528 477 80255 86659
2039 22658 1182 54858 165 483 3858 1808 972 549 484 87018 93498
2040 23791 1205 60762 168 493 4035 1891 1016 570 492 94423 100977
2041 24981 1230 67301 172 503 4219 1978 1061 592 499 102536 109161
2042 26230 1254 74544 175 513 4413 2068 1109 616 507 111428 118120
2043 27541 1279 82566 179 524 4615 2163 1158 639 514 121180 127934
Bus 3-
Two Auto Car / Jeep / Mini 2-axle Total
Year LGV axle MAV Total PCUs
Wheeler Rick. Taxi Minibus Bus LGV Truck Vehicles
2044 28918 1305 91148 182 534 4800 2250 1201 660 521 131520 138195
2045 30364 1331 100621 186 544 4993 2341 1246 682 528 142835 149416
2046 31882 1358 111078 189 554 5194 2435 1293 704 535 155221 161691
2047 33476 1385 122623 192 564 5403 2533 1341 727 542 168785 175125
2048 35150 1412 135367 196 574 5620 2634 1391 751 549 183645 189836
2049 36908 1441 149436 199 584 5826 2731 1438 773 556 199890 205817
2050 38753 1469 164967 203 594 6038 2831 1487 796 562 217700 223333
2051 40691 1499 182112 206 604 6259 2934 1537 819 569 237230 242539
2052 42725 1529 201039 209 614 6488 3041 1589 843 577 258655 263606
2053 44862 1559 221933 213 624 6725 3152 1643 868 584 282164 286723
After the completion of above surveys, the following outcome has been estimated for
further development proposals.
From above, the said section is eligible for Two lane divided carriageway. Hence, two lanes
is proposed on the basis of HCM issued by CSIR, New Delhi.
The project alignment is having two Lanes with Paved Shoulders Configuration. The
alignment has been designed with the design speed of 80 km/hr. for plain/rolling
terrain and 60/40 km/hr for Hilly terrain/ Busy built-up areas.
Typical Cross-Section of the project Highway are proposed on the basis Manual IRC
SP 73-2018 with some necessary modifications, these indicative cross sections for
CP-07 follow with reference to the Manual IRC SP 73-2018 without hampering its
self-explanatory status.
Table 0. 9 Typical Cross Section Schedule
Broken back and reverse curves are found in sizable number at site along existing
alignment of coastal road. Few of the existing horizontal curves, which are found
deficient in terms of radius, layouts, transition lengths, super elevation etc., are
Design Type of Side
Sr. Chainag Type of Cross
Chainage Junction (LHS/RHS Destination Remark
No. e Road
(Km) (Y,T,X) / Both)
1 157+899 Y SH and NH
2 159+610 X SH
Existing Design Side of
Sr. Type of Destinatio Remar
Chainag Chainag (LHS/RH Cros
No. Junction n k
e e S/ Both) s
Considering heavy rainfall zone of the area, a project road recommended for rigid
pavement for main Carriageway and paved shoulders. The detailed design for entire
corridor is under the head of Pavement Design chapter of main report. The entire
design has been prepared by considering safety of road users, economy of project
and environment friendly construction. The entire pavement design is based on IRC:
58:2015. The design is prepared on following input parameters
Design traffic - From Projected Traffic figures from traffic analysis and forecast are
considered for two lanes pavement design stretch is 688 CVPD for base year 2022.
Effective CBR – Single value of 7% of effective CBR has been computed 90th
percentile CBR value of field tests results at site. To compute single CBR value out
of all of the test values. The homogeneous stretches in accordance with CBR range
has finalized and as per IRC guidelines from IRC-37-2012 (Annex-IV, Pg.67), 90th
percentile CBR value is determined as 7%.
Design thickness is safe, as 0.750 < 1. Hence, 240 mm thickness is safe. As per
clause no. of IRC: 58:2015, the design thickness may be increased by 10 mm
to (i) to permit two retexturing and (ii) grinding to rectify faulting during the service life.
Therefore, consider slab thickness 250 mm.is recommended
Parameter Value for Two of lane
Dowel Bars
1 PQC thickness 300 mm
2 Joint width – expansion 20 mm
Joint width – contraction 5 mm
3 Modulus of sub-grade reaction “k” 48 Mpa / m
4 Radius of relative thickness (I) 616.30 mm
5 E for dowel bar 200000 MPa
6 Modulus of Dowel support 415000 MPa/m
7 Maximum single axle load 190 kN
Parameter Value for Two of lane
8 Maximum single wheel load 190 / 2 = 95 kN
Load transfer at terminal stage to tied concrete
9 30%
10 Wheel load for dowel bar design 70% = 95 * 0.7 = 66.5 kN
11 Load transfer through dowel bar 50% = 56 * 0.5 = 33.25 kN
Tie Bars
Slab Thickness 0.25
Lane Width ,b 3.5
Coefficient of friction, f 1.5
Density, KN/M3 24
Allowable Tensile stress for Plain Bars, Mpa 125
Allowable Tensile stress for Deformed Bars, Mpa 200
Allowable Bond stress for plain Bars, Mpa 1.75
Allowable Bond stress for deformed Bars, Mpa 2.46
Diameter of tie bar 12
Frictional force at bottom of slab, AS Plain 252
Frictional force at bottom of slab, AS Deformed 157.5
C/S of Bar 113.097
Perimeter of Tie bar 37.69
Spacing of Tie Bar ,Plain 425
Length of tie bar, L, Plain 580
Spacing of Tie Bar, Deformed 700
Length of tie bar, L, Deformed 640
Reinforcement System Dowel bar (Plain 40 mm) spacing 250 mm and length 450 mm
The rivers, streams, nallas and canals are mapped from the detailed topography
survey map and Topo Sheets availed from Survey of India. The watersheds of the
rivers/ streams at crossing points have been delineated with the help of Geo
Referenced Survey of India Topo Sheets and cross checked with Google Earth
Imagery. The watershed area, fall in height, total and segmental stream lengths and
corresponding elevations have also been determined with the help of Survey of India
Topo Sheets. The details hydraulic analysis for all major crossing rivers& streams
has been performed as per IRC 05 – 2015 and IRC SP 13 -2014. The clear water
opening & soffit level of the structures are verified against the existing major
structures on downstream & upstream side of the crossing point.
The consultant referred various documents for design of structures to make it safe
and economical. Hence, Indian Roads Congress (IRC) codes were referred for
design of various structures. It recommends suitable options as per practices
followed and acceptable to Government of Maharashtra. The main recommendations
of the document are summarized below:
1. The structural designs are based on the IRC Codes viz. IRC: 18, IRC: 21,
IRC:112 and IRC: 78. The other codes are also to be followed to the extent they
are relevant.
2. The structures are designed for 2-lanes of traffic (with median verge) carrying
70R, Class-„A‟ loading as well as Special vehicle loading.
3. The length of the project bridge passes through creek. Mostly, Pile foundations
have been provided in creek stretch. The choice of the type of foundation, the
depth of founding level and the load-bearing capacity are based on the
geotechnical investigations carried out for specific structures.
4. For the Creek Bridge, adequate clearance is proposed as per navigational
Standards. The same is also reflected in the General arrangement drawings.
5. Creek Bridge has been designed, limiting slopes in approaches not steeper than
The details of Design of proposed Creek bridge and Approaches are given below.
The details material used for the creek bridge are given below,
Also, this area falls in earthquake zone–IV. Earthquake zone map of India is shown in Fig.
Horizontal Clearance
Considering the corrosion & maintenance the necessary protective coating has
considered for Steel Structure in RCC work and for Super structure. The deck slab
and wearing coat has proposed for Pavement.
The resettlement and rehabilitation principles adopted for this project; will provide
compensation, resettlement and Rehabilitation assistance as per RFCTLARR 2013,
to all project affected persons (loss of land, residences, business establishments and
other such immovable properties), including the informal dwellers/ squatters in the
corridor of impact (COI) which is 20m in settlement area and 30m in open area on
the existing alignment. These will be submitted in Draft Resettlement Action Plan.
The primary objective of the RAP is to identify impacts and to plan measures to
mitigate various losses of the Project while the specific objectives are as follows:
To prepare an action plan for the project affected people for improving or at
least retaining the living standards in the post resettlement period;
The project road passes through Raigad district in the state of Maharashtra. Murud,
and Mhasala Tehsils lies under this section of coastal highway of Raigad districts.
Major part of the project road is passing through Agricultural zone for about 30.0 % in
entire road segment. The Major length of alignment improved due to poor geometry
of existing road; however, the requirement of new land is more, due to dense
population on existing road, the bypasses are proposed to avoid traffic conflict and
accidents. The bypass is finalized after detailed study of the project road.
a) Land
The area required for the improvement including bypass, Widening, Geometrical
Improvement & Realignment is proposed for land acquisition. Proposed road passes
through 3 Villages, which get affected partially.
The project will have multiple benefits. It will reduce the travel time substantially. In
addition, the improved road will provide other benefits like proposed activity improves
the economic status of the village people along project area. Overall improvement
will be expected in terms of;
Fast and safe connectivity resulting in savings in fuel, travel time and total
transportation cost to the society
Reduction in accidents
Reduction in pollution
Proposed Tree Plantation along the road side, green pockets alongside of
the alignment will have social benefits to the nearby people
Along with this it is also proposed to have area development, real estate
development, medical facilities, food courts, police stations, public toilets,
petrol pumps. This will definitely add value in the social and financial benefits
in the region
It is assumed that the overall project will boost socio-economic development in the
entire Raigad district region.
The details of existing underground utility services, likely to be affected due to the
proposed Project segments were collected from various agencies operating/
maintaining these utilities has been examined for conflict with the proposed Road
Structure and relocation has suggested wherever the situation demands with on-site
protection measures. In the DPR phase, the utilities were identified and provisions
were made in the estimate for its appropriate relocation. The detailed Utility
Relocation, Cost estimates were made in association with concerned departments.
Balance additional provisions suggested by service provider if any will be conducted
during execution at the cost of service provider.
Overhead utilities such as LT line, HT line, and OFC lines were noted in while
carrying out inventory. Provisions of cross ducts at appropriate interval have been
proposed for crossing utilities. The provision of separate utility corridor has been
proposed for the same.
The average lead for different construction materials is worked out based on the
sources of the materials. The lead rates (transportation) are based on the schedule of
rates 2022-23 of Maharashtra.
Ref SSR 2022-2023 Pages 553 to 560
Sr. Total SSR Page Total Lead
Material Unit
No. Lead Number Charges
Km Rs.
1 Trap metal 40 mm & above m3 5.00 558 263.19
2 Murum m3 3.00 557 219.98
3 Earth m3 3.00 557 219.98
4 Cement MT 5.00 554 164.99
5 Steel MT 5.00 553 164.99
6 Crushed metal m3 5.00 558 263.19
7 Crushed Sand m3 5.00 558 263.19
8 Asphalt MT 147.00 554 1,470.00
9 Rubble from Roadway excavation m3 5.00 557 321.99
The rate analysis has been carried on the basis of STANDARD DATA BOOK for
analysis of rate (First revision) and adopting Schedule of rate provided by
Government of Maharashtra, Public work department, State SOR for year 2022-
2023. The basic rates for each construction items were analysed on the basis of
material study undertaking the prices of construction materials collected from various
sources and on the anticipated distance of source to the site of work. For items
where these rates are not available, the rates were adopted as per previous
experience of the consultant / Market rates and prevailing percentage over these
rates were considered.
The cost estimates have been prepared for the project as rigid pavement standard
two lane carriageway with paved shoulder road.
The plan & profile for final selected approved alignment has been prepared and got
approved from MSRDC. Based on it General Arrangement Drawings (GAD) for all
the structures of the project has also been finalized.
In general, the work is to be executed as per IRC 58: 2018 for Rigid Pavement and
Technical Specifications contained in “Specifications Road and Bridge Works” (Fifth
Revision) published in 2013.
Project IRR
From economic evaluation of project road, seems that IRR obtained for this project is
more than 12% for the said package. Hence, it indicates that entire project becomes
technically and economically viable to proceed.
MSRDC guided consultant to identify land pocket along corridor to develop tourism
infrastructure to generate the revenue for Government. Consultant has identified land
pockets for tourism developments like Shopping Malls, Sport Centres, Market Space,
Restaurants, bars, etc. Land pockets for 32 hectors (For Package-I) are identified
and MSRDC has put up towards GoM to further actions.
Upon deliberations from the detailed engineering studies and studies of various
alignment options, structural proposals, the consultant finally arrived at the following
conclusions for improvement and development of Package – I of project corridor:
This project upon completion will boost the tourism of Raigad district and will
improve the living standard of residents.
The project road link becomes more realistic after completion and operation of
entire Revas to Reddy Coastal Highway.
The project road is not financially viable because of its high cost of construction due
to creek bridges and provision of rigid pavement and up gradation of cross
drainages. Therefore, it is recommended to take up work of improvement through
Budgetary provisions to boost the economy of Konkan area which are undeveloped
part of the state. On other hand it stood technically and economically viable. Hence,
it is recommended to move forward.