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Physics Mock March 25/3

1. Which of the following is not true about semi-conductors?

A. Moving holes are equivalent to moving positive charges

B. There are two kinds of charge carriers, a free electron and a hole

C. The escape of a valence electron from atom produces electron-hole par of charge carriers

D. Increase in temperature increases electrical resistance

2. A wire carrying a current of 10A and 2.5m in length is placed in a field of flux intensity

0.14T. What is the force in the wire if it is placed at 60° to the field?

A. 30.3N B.20.5N C. 15.3N D. 10.5N

3. In the transformer, the magnetization of the core is repeatedly reversed by the alternating
magnetic field

resulting in energy dissipation as heat. This loss is called

A. Eddy currents loss B. Hysteresis loss C. Flux linkage loss D. Joule heat loss

4. A step-up transformer is designed to operate from a 25V supply. If the transformer is 80%

determine the current in the primary coil when the output terminals are connected to 240V. 100W

A. 5.0A B. 4.0A C. 2.5A D. 2.0A

5. Which of the following pairs consist of fundamental quantities only?

A. Velocity and gravitational potential B. Acceleration and field strength

C. Momentum and work done D. Moment and force

6.. One of the limitations of Thompson's model of the atom is that it does not explain,

A. small angle scattering B. stability of the atom C. ionization progress

D. the variation of the effective atomic radius

7.. An atom is said to be excited if an electron of the atom is A. in the round state B. At infinity

C. promoted to an energy level higher than its original Level D. having an energy level of 0.0eV

8. The minimum energy necessary to remove an electron from a given atom to infinity is called

A. Excitation energy B. Ground state energy C. lonization energy D. Binding energy

9. Find the dc Broglie wavelength of a 0.01 Kg pellets having a velocity of l0m/s [h = 6.63 x 103


A. 6.63 x 1031m B. 6.63 x 1032m C. 6.63 x l033m D. 6.63 x 1030m

10. What happens to the proton number Z and the nucleon number A of a nuclide which emits a y-

radiation? A. Z increases by 1 while A does not change B. Z increases by 1 and A increases by 1

C. Z and A neither increase or decrease D. Z increases by 1 while A decreases by 1

11. A note that is an OCTAVE higher than a given note of frequency 256Hz would have a frequency of

A. 2048Hz B. 1024Hz C. 128Hz D. 512H

12. The QUALITY and PITCH of a musical note depends respectively on A. Frequency and harmonics

B. Overtones and intensity C. Intensity and frequency D. Overtones and frequency

13. A sound wave of frequency 130Hz and wavelength 2.0m was produced at a distance, d,from a

target and echo was heard at the source 0.5 second later, calculate the value of d.

A. 65.0m B. 130m C. 260m D.520m

14. The thermometric substance of an absolute thermometer is:

A Platinum B Mercury C Alcohol D Helium

15. A body is projected with a velocity Vms-1, inclined at an angle β to the vertical. Which of the

following gives the CORRECT expression for the horizontal component of velocity Vx after time t?

A. Vcosβ B. Vsinβ C. Vgcosβ D. Vtsinβ

16. Which one of the following has the highest specific heat capacity?

A. Water B. Liquid hydrogen C. Copper D. Lead

17. A rocket burns fuel at the rate of 20Kgs-1 and ejects it with a velocity of 5.0 X 103ms-1 Calculate

thrust exerted by the gas on the rocket

A. l.0 x 105ms-1 B. 2.0 x 105ms-1 C. 3.0 x 105ms-1 D. 5.0 x 105m

18.. A converging lens has radius of curvature 16.0cm, calculate the power of the lens

A. 0.0625 B. 0.125 C. 0.250 D. 0.500

44. If the velocity of light in air is 3.0 x 108ms-1, find the velocity of light in a medium whose

index is 1.5 A. 5.0 x 108

ms-1 B.5.0x 107ms-1 C. 2.5x l08ms-1 D. 2.5 x 107ms-1

19. When an object is at infinity to the pole of a concave mirror the image formed is at

A. Principal focus, real and diminished B. Centre of curvature, real and inverted

C. Centre of curvature, virtual and erect D. Principal focus, real and erect

20. A total eclipse of the sun is seen when the observer is in the

A. Umbra region of the sun's shadow B. Penumbra region of the sun's shadow

C. Umbra region of the moon's shadow D. Penumbra region of the moon's shadow

21. A long drawn sound arising from overlapping reflections together with the original sound which

rise to the reflections is called A. Beat B. Echo C. Diffraction D. Reverberation

22. Which of the following radiations is used for examining the freshness or staleness of eggs in the

poultry? A. Ultraviolet rays B. X-rays C. y-rays D. Radio waves

23. Which of the following statements is not correct about electromagnetic waves?

A. They are quantized energies B. They are transverse waves C. They are polarizable

D. They may be deflected in an electric magnetic field

24. A simple cell with mercury-amalgamated Zinc plate minimizes

A. Sparking B. Local action C. Back e.m.f. D. Polarization

25. Determine the distance between point P (8, 5, 3) and Q (2, 1, -2) (a)3.87 (b)3.32 (c) 15.00 (d) 8.7

25. A uniform meter rule of weight 1.0N is pivoted at the 40cm mark. A weight of 2.0N is hung

at the 15cm mark. Where must a weight of 2N be placed to balance the rule? (a) 60cm (b)45cm


26. Two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 60° to each other. Determine the number of images

in the two mirrors (a)6 (b)2 (c)5 (d)11

27. A concave mirror of focal length 20cm form image 1/2 the size of the object. Determine the

distance (a) 20cm (b)60cm (c) 100cm (d)80cm

28. A pool of water is 12m deep, what is its apparent depth (Reactive index of water is 4/3) (a)

6.0m (b) 48.0m (c)9.0m (d) 36.0m

29. When a steady current move in a long solenoid P, it said that

(a) P settles in a north-south direction if freely suspended (b) both end of P arc south poles (c) both

of P are north poles (d) there is only a magnetic field at the end of P.

30. A transformer has a primary coil of 400 turns and a secondary coil of two hundred turns. If

the primary coil is connected to 240 a.c. mains, calculate the efficiency given that the current in the

primary coil is 3A and in the secondary 5A.

(a) 60% (b) 50% (c) 83% (d) 62.5%

31.Which of the following consists of a pair of fundamental quantities only?

(a) luminous intensity, time (b) current, weight (c) mass, velocity (d) length, speed

32. Which of the following type of motion is least exhibited by the toy top?

(a) random (b) rotational (c) oscillatory (d) translational

33. A cube of side 20cm floats in water with 15cm of its height submerged. What is the density of

material of the cube? (a) 1.85gcm-3 (b) 0.85gcm-3 (c) 0.75gcm-3 (d) 0.65gcm-3

34. Which one of the following is not a contact force? (a) gravity (b) viscosity (c) tension (d) reaction

35. The motion of the prongs of a tuning fork can rightly be described as

(a) oscillatory (b) translational (c) random (d) rotational

36. The path described by a projectile motion is (a) convex (b) concave (c) parabolic (d) a straight line

37. Which of the following sources of energy is renewable?

(a) petroleum (b) coal (c) nuclear (d) ocean waves

38.Hot water is added to four times its mass of water at 20oC and the resulting temperature is 30oC.
What is
the initial temperature of the hot water? (assume constant specific heat capacity)

(a) 50oC (b) 60oC (c) 70oC (d) 80oC

39. A certain radioactive source emits radiations that were found to be deflected by both magnetic

electric fields. The radiations are (a) infra-red rays (b) x-rays (c) gamma rays (d) beta rays

40. Which of the following is not a general characteristic of waves?

A. Diffraction B. Polarization C. Reflection D. Refraction

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