Sonoran Desert Phenology Calendar GEOG696C
Sonoran Desert Phenology Calendar GEOG696C
Sonoran Desert Phenology Calendar GEOG696C
Phenology Calendar
Measurement of phenology
Every living thing experiences and responds to the changing of seasons. Thus, we can observe phenology in individual plants or
animals, populations of the same or different species, and entire communities, as each member responds to changes in light, moisture,
temperature, and even the phenophases of other organisms. Observation of phenological events includes noting, for example, when
individual flowers appear on a rose bush, when different rose bushes flower, when bees begin to show up to pollinate the roses, and what
other plants the bees also pollinate at that time. Tools for observing phenology include the human eye of course, as well as cameras,
satellites, and tools to measure the amount of pollen in the air or bacteria in the soil. Phenology can be measured across minutes, hours,
days, and months, and changes in the timing of phenological events can be measured across seasons or among years to millennia.
The above graph summarizes the climate of the Sonoran Desert using
temperature and precipitation data from the Arizona Meteorological
Network ( Three points in the Sonoran
Desert of Arizona (Tucson, Yuma and Paloma) for the period 1992-2007
were used to generate daily averages for high (red line) and low (blue line)
temperatures, and the probability of precipitation (green line). In addition,
the daily high (red dot) and low (blue dot) temperatures experienced over
the entire period are plotted to give readers the sense of the range of
temperatures that may be experienced during specific times of the year.
Similar climate figures were made for each month.
Photo credits: (Top right, bottom right, and background) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Bottom left) T.R. Van Devender.
Desert mistletoe
(Phoradendron californicum)
cover many trees during this
period. They are a great food
source for birds that are active
such as the curve-billed
thrasher (Toxostoma
curvirostre, right) and the
cactus wren (Campylorhynchus
brunneicapillus, below).
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Photo credits: (Top right) Rhonda Spencer, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; (Top middle) Warren Lynn, Arizona-Sonora
Desert Museum; (Top left) Jeanne Broom, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; (Bottom left) Paul Berquist, Arizona-Sonora
Desert Museum; (Background) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest.
On the cusp of springtime in Arizona, February can
provide balmy days and snowy storms with seemingly
equal probability. Shifts in bird phenology increase in
the Sonoran Desert in February. Cinnamon teal (Anas
cyanoptera), Western grebes (Aechmophorus
occidentalis) and other early north-bound migrants
begin to arrive. Wintering ducks show brighter
plumage, preparing for breeding season. Wintering
raptors such as ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis) and
red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis, right) remain
Photo credits: (Top right, bottom left) Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Background) Jennifer Davison.
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Nesting is underway for Costa’s hummingbirds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Photo credits: (Bottom left and background) Steve Amesbury; (Top right) Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest
The trees of the Sonoran Desert flower later than the
wildflowers, including the blue palo verde (Parkinsonia florida;
below left) and the foothills palo verde (P. microphylla; below
right). Both bloom during April, but the flowers of the blue
palo verde appear one to two weeks before those of the
foothills palo verde. The staggered blooming times help to
prevent hybridization between the two species, both of which
are pollinated by native bees and the introduced honeybee.
Other trees that flower at this time include the honey
mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa). The mesquite’s leguminous
pods will be an important food source for much of the desert’s
fauna in the coming months. Meanwhile, most desert cacti
are putting on flower buds and may be already blooming. The
prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) (center) provides pollen for bees
and migrating birds.
Photo credits: (bottom left and right) Steve Amesbury; (bottom center) Aaryn Olsson.
The orchid-like flowers of the desert willow (Chilopsis linearis; right)
are a beautiful pink or purple color. They first begin to appear in April
and last until August. Desert willows are most often found in arroyos
or near streams. During the autumn and winter, they lose their
The velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina) is the common
species of mesquite in the Sonoran Desert. It
generally begins to bloom in April. The flowers are
small and form an elongated cluster called a catkin.
Groves of mesquite, known as bosques (below), often
line arroyos.
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Record Low Max Monthly Precipitation (1905): 3.53 inches Record High
(1901): 28F (1965): 104F
Photo credits: (Top right, bottom left, and background) Steve Amesbury; (Top middle, Top left) Mark Dimmitt, Arizona-
Sonora Desert Museum
Saguaros bloom in April and May, providing a
valuable nectar source for the endangered Lesser
Long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae). This bat
undertakes long migratory flights, relying on the
nectar from columnar cacti such as the saguaro and
organ pipe cactus (Stenecereus thurberi). Their
dependence on nectar necessitates a tight coupling
of their migration with the timing of flowering of the
saguaro and other cacti. Therefore, the paths these
bats take are often called “nectar corridors.”
The white-winged dove (Zenadia asiatica) is another
migrant that utilizes the saguaro.
Photo credits: (Top left) Merlin D. Tuttle, Bat Conservation International; (Background).
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Photo credits: (Top right) Jacinto Mayboca Esparza ; (Bottom left) Jose Raul Romo Leon; (Background) Don Knight.
Some of the traditional activities
related to harvest the native flora
happen during June:
The traditional saguaro
(Carnegiea gigantea) fruit harvest
of the Tohono O’odham (Desert
People) Nation takes place
primarily during this month.
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* 1972,
Landsat 1
26 27 28 29 30 31
Drought Levels Based on
Monthly Streamflow discharge,
July 2008 Record Low Record High
Max Monthly Precipitation (1984): 7.56 inches
(1911): 49F (1995): 115F
Photo credits: USGS, Arizona Water Science Center. * Satellite launch dates.
August is the peak of the monsoon season and
month with the greatest rainfall (~3 in) in the
Sonoran Desert, which only averages 3-15 inches
of rain per year. Monsoon is defined as a seasonal
change in the wind direction with strong and brief
thunderstorms that bring heavy rain. The summer
monsoon in the Sonoran Desert brings moisture
from the Gulfs of Mexico and California. The winter
and summer rain seasons and mild winters of the
Sonoran Desert enable its unique biodiversity.
Populat household plants such as Caesalpinia
(bottom left) and Tecoma stans bloom throughout
the monsoon season.
Photo credits: (Top) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Bottom) Willem J. D. van Leeuwen; (Background) Jahan Kariyeva.
Sonoran desert toads (Bufo alvarius) emerge following the
rains to feed and breed in large temporary rain pools. During
the rest of the year this species hibernates underground.
Sonoran desert toads occur in a number of habitats ranging
from creosote bush desert scrub and grasslands to oak-pine
woodlands and tropical deciduous forests. These toads
consume a large variety of insects throughout their lives.
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of development.
Record Low Max Monthly Precipitation (1935): 5.61 inches Record High
(1917): 55F (1944): 112F
Photo credits: (Top and bottom) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Background) Jahan Kariyeva.
September is a transition
month climatologically and
biologically. The monsoon
rains recede rapidly and
drier conditions increase.
Temperatures are still hot
but may cool towards the
end of the month as
summer ends and fall
Photo credits: (Top and Background) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Bottom Left) Paul Berquist, Tucson Sonora Desert
September is a time of insect
activity due to standing water
from the monsoon rains. The
risk of West Nile Virus
transmission from mosquitoes
is high. Brilliant butterflies like
the gray hairstreak (Strymon
melinus) will decorate and
pollinate the landscape.
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Photo credits: (Top left) Stephen Minter, Tucson Sonora Desert Museum; (Top right) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Bottom
left) Paul and Joyce Berquist, Tucson Sonora Desert Museum; (Background) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest.
October brings a noticeable change in temperatures and
precipitation, as the days shorten and the monsoon season
officially ends. Precipitation decreases markedly and
temperatures begin to vary more between day and night, both
climatic shifts providing signals to plants and animals to begin
their next phenophase. Many plants start to turn color in
October, due to an interruption in chlorophyll production and
subsequent increase in the reds and yellows reflected by other
chemicals, e.g., anthocyanins. A leafless coralbean (Erythrina
flabelliformis) at right and a summer annual (below) show that
autumn colors can be quite dramatic in the Sonoran Desert.
Photo credits: (Bottom) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Top) Willem J. D. van Leeuwen; (Background) Jahan Kariyeva.
As the autumn progresses resident birds briefly sing again,
and migrating birds make a south-bound pass through the
Sonoran Desert. Wintering hawks and hummingbirds arrive,
and summering shore birds and water fowl migrate south.
Anna’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna; male shown at left) are
back in the Sonoran Desert to breed, starting in late
September. Both male and female Anna's Hummingbirds
have dark bills, green backs, grayish-green undersides, and
lack of prominent eye stripes.
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* 1978,
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Photo credits: (Top) Will Elder, National Park Service; (Bottom) T. Beth Kinsey, the Firefly Forest; (Background) Jahan Kariyeva.
* Satellite launch dates.
Although November is the beginning of the winter precipitation season, the
precipitation that typically occurs is inadequate to satiate the parched
landscape. Temperatures continue to decline and the Sonoran Desert
generally experiences its first freezing temperatures of the season by the last
week of the month. The dry conditions combined with winds generated by
storms moving across the Great Basin to the north can result in dust storms.
Besides particles of soil, the wind can also disperse microscopic biota across
the desert, which is an important part of desert ecology. In the Sonoran
Desert, the soil dwelling fungi Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides
posadasii are suspected of releasing their spores during this period. If these
spores are inhaled by humans they can cause a
usually mild respiratory disease called “Valley Fever”. Deciduous trees that inhabit the canyons of the
Sonoran Desert lose their leaves after a brief
flash of color.
Photo credits: (Top left ) Mark A. Dimmit, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; (Top right) Paul Berquist, Arizona-Sonora Desert
Museum; (Bottom left) T. Beth Kinsey, Firefly Forest
December is the month when the hunting activity
begins for species like mule deer, white tailed deer
(Odocoileus virginianus) and the desert big horn
sheep (Ovis canadensis), in many areas of the
Sonoran Desert.
Photo credits: (Top right and background) Rogelio Lizarraga; (Top left) Stephen Minter.
Winter crops abound in the Sonoran Desert, one of Agricultural produce unique to this region is sent
the few places within the U.S. where you can grow to the whole country where the weather
crops the whole year due to its mild temperatures conditions are not as favorable as in the Sonoran
and abundant sunshine. Desert in December.
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Winter TERRA
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