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US Patent Energy Harvesting For Wireless Sensor Operation and Data Transmission

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US 2005O116544A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0116544A1
Hamel et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 2, 2005
(54) ENERGY HARVESTING FOR WIRELESS Publication Classification
TRANSMISSION (51) Int. Cl. .................................................... H02.J 1/12
(75) Inventors: Michael John Hamel, Williston, VT (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................................ 307/46
(US); Steven W. Arms, Williston, VT
(US); Christopher P. Townsend,
Shelburne, VT (US); David L.
Churchill, Burlington, VT (US) (57) ABSTRACT
Correspondence Address:
JAMES MARC LEAS A device for powering a load from an ambient Source of
energy is provided. The device includes an energy harvest
ing device for harvesting energy from the ambient Source of
(73) Assignee: MICROSTRAIN, INC. energy wherein the rate energy is harvested from the ambi
ent Source of energy is below that required for directly
(21) Appl. No.: 11/023, 197 powering the load. A Storage device is connected to the
(22) Filed: Dec. 24, 2004 energy harvesting device. The Storage device receives elec
trical energy from the energy harvesting device and is for
Related U.S. Application Data Storing the electrical energy. A controller is connected to the
Storage device for monitoring the amount of electrical
(62) Division of application No. 10/379,223, filed on Mar. energy Stored in the Storage device and for Switchably
5, 2003. connecting the Storage device to the load when the Stored
(60) Provisional application No. 60/362,432, filed on Mar. energy exceeds a first threshold. The System can be used for
7, 2002. Provisional application No. 60/443,120, filed powering a Sensor and for transmitting Sensor data, Such as
on Jan. 28, 2003. tire pressure.


Controller 46 68
57 wa
Vikorotion or SArterrno.
Energy Monitoring
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4OoqC.IuU·kA/Ma OOqL3C-J4I.?usA

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1 O1





FC 7
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11 O

3× × FC 8

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Voltage & Current vs. load

-o-Voits 60Hz
--Wots 120Hz
s -a-Voits 18OHz
-)- Current 60Hz
D -- Current 120Hz
-- Current 180Hz

O 1000 10000 100000 OOOOOO 10000000

FG. 9

Output Power vs. Load & Frequency

Piezoelectric Fiber
OE-4 i

6OE-04 :
' ',
SOE-04 A.
40E-04 k --60Hz
y - 120Hz
30E04 2 s -- 180Hz
20E-04 ax A

OE-04 E-2S S.
OOE-00 -- O

100 OOO OOOO 100000 OOOOOO 10000000


FIG. 10
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(D &
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

ENERGY HARVESTING FOR WIRELESS SENSOR energy through the use of a variable capacitor http://ww
OPERATION AND DATA TRANSMISSION w.kric.ac.kr:8080/pubs/articles/proceedings/dac/313817/
p48-meninger/p48-meninger.pdf. However, these MEMs
RELATED APPLICATIONS Systems only demonstrated 8 microwatts of power. Trans
0001. This patent application is a divisional of U.S. mission of RF data over distances of 20 feet or more requires
patent application Ser. No. 10/379,223, incorporated herein milliwatt power levels.
by reference, and claims benefit of provisional patent appli 0011 Low power sensors have been developed, as
cation 60/362,432, filed Mar. 7, 2002, incorporated herein described on commonly assigned U.S. patent application
by reference and provisional patent application 60/443,120, Ser. No. 09/731,066, to Arms, that includes a sensing unit for
filed Jan. 28, 2003, incorporated herein by reference. This attaching to a structure or live Subject for Sensing a param
patent application is related to the following U.S. patent eter of the Structure or live Subject. The Sensing unit includes
applications: a Sensor, a data Storage device, and a transmitting device.
The data Storage device is for Storing data from the Sensor.
0002 Ser. No. 09/731,066, docket number 1024-034, Power is provided by a power Supply Such as a rechargeable
filed Dec. 6, 2000, incorporated herein by reference; battery or fuel cell. The rechargeable battery can be
0003) Ser. No. 09/757,909, docket number 1024-035, recharged by inductive coupling from an external control
filed Jan. 10, 2001, incorporated herein by reference;
0012 Over the past years, Sensors, signal conditioners,
0004 Ser. No. 09/801,230, docket number 1024-036, processors, and digital wireless radio frequency (RF) links
filed Mar. 7, 2001, incorporated herein by reference; have become Smaller, consumed less power, and included
0005 Ser. No. 09/768,858, docket number 1024-037, higher levels of integration. The Ser. No. 09/731,066 appli
filed Jan. 24, 2001, incorporated herein by reference; cation, for example, provides Sensing, acquisition, Storage,
and reporting functions. WireleSS networks coupled with
0006) Ser. No. 09/114,106, docket number 1024-041, intelligent Sensors and distributed computing have enabled a
filed Jul. 11, 1998, incorporated herein by reference; new paradigm of machine monitoring.
0007) Ser. No. 09/457,493, docket number 1024-045, 0013 A paper, “Wireless Inductive Robotic Inspection of
filed Dec. 8, 1999, incorporated herein by reference; Structures,” by Esser, et al, proceedings of the IASTED
and International Conference, Robotics and Applications 2000,
0008 non-provisional patent application having Aug. 14-16, 2000, Honolulu, Hi., describes an autonomous
robotic Structural inspection System capable of remote pow
docket number 115-004, Ser. No. 10/379,224, filed the ering and data collection from a network of embedded
Same day as this application, incorporated herein by Sensing nodes and providing remote data access via the
reference. internet. The System uses microminiature, multichannel,
wireleSS programmable addressable Sensing modules to
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Sample data from a variety of Sensors. The nodes are
0009. This invention generally relates to collecting and inductively powered, eliminating the need for batteries or
transmitting data. More particularly, it relates to a device for interconnecting lead wires.
Sensing, Storing and transmitting data. Even more particu 0014 Wireless sensors have the advantage of eliminating
larly, it relates to a device that can that can be attached to a the cost of installing wiring. They also improve reliability by
Structure or live Subject and that can harvest energy from its eliminating connector problems. However, wireleSS Sensors
environment to power Sensing, Storing and transmitting data Still require System power in order to operate. If power
about the Structure or live Subject. outages occur, critical data collected by the Sensors may be
lost. In Some cases, Sensors may be hardwired to a vehicle's
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION power System. In other cases however, the need to hard wire
to a power System defeats the advantages of wireleSS Sen
0.010 Several available devices convert mechanical Sors, and this may be unacceptable for many applications.
energy in the local environment into electrical energy, Most prior wireleSS Structural monitoring Systems have
including the Seiko “Kinetic' watch and mechanical wind therefore relied on continuous power Supplied by batteries.
up radioS. An article, “Energy Scavenging with Shoe For example, in 1972, Weiss developed a battery powered
Mounted Piezoelectrics,” by N. S. Shenck and J. A Paradiso inductive Strain measurement System, which measured and
http://computer.org/micro/homepage/may june/shenck/in counted Strain levels for aircraft fatigue. Traditional batter
dex.htm, reports on Systems that capture energy from the ies, however, become depleted and must be periodically
user's environment to provide electricity to wearable micro replaced or recharged, adding an additional maintenance
electronic devices without batteries. The unobtrusive task that must be performed. This is particularly a problem
devices Scavenge electricity from the forces exerted on a for monitors used for a condition based maintenance pro
shoe during walking. The devices include a flexible piezo gram Since it adds additional maintenance for the condition
electric foil Stave to harneSS Sole-bending energy and a based monitoring System itself.
reinforced piezoelectric dimorph to capture heel-strike 0015 None of the systems for sensing changes in the
energy. They also report on prototype development of radio environment have collected available mechanical energy to
frequency identification (RFID) tags which are self powered provide the electricity for running the Sensors, Storing data
by a pair of SneakerS.6. A recent report by Meniger et al., from the Sensor, or communicating the data externally. Thus,
entitled “Vibration-to-Energy Conversion”, discloses a a better System for powering Sensors and Storage devices,
microelectromechanical system (MEMs) device for the con and for transmitting data gathered by Sensors is needed, and
version of ambient mechanical vibration into electrical this solution is provided by the following invention.
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION of electrical energy Stored in the Storage device and for
Switchably connecting the Storage device to the load when
0016. It is therefore an object of the present invention to the Stored energy exceeds a first threshold.
provide a Scheme for powering a wireleSS Sensor System
with a Source of energy that avoids the need to provide, 0028. Another aspect of the invention is an energy har
replace or recharge batteries, vesting System comprising a piezoelectric transducer and a
0.017. It is a further object of the present invention to rectifier. The System also includes a reactive device having
a high impedance approximately matching impedance of the
provide a Scheme for powering a load with energy harvested piezoelectric transducer at its operating frequency for effi
from an ambient Source of energy in the local area, wherein ciently transferring energy from the piezoelectric transducer
the rate at which energy is harvested from the ambient to the reactive device. The System also includes a low
Source of energy is below that required for directly powering impedance high capacity Storage device. The System also
the load.
includes a circuit for monitoring Voltage across the reactive
0.018. It is a further object of the present invention to device, and for transferring the charge from the reactive
provide a Scheme for powering a Sensor System with ambi device to the low impedance high capacity Storage device
ent mechanical energy collected from the environment of the when the Voltage acroSS the reactive device reaches a
Sensor System or with energy obtained from ambient mag Specified Voltage value.
netic field coupled energy; 0029. Another aspect of the invention is a device for
0019. It is a further object of the present invention to Sensing temperature or pressure in a tire. The device
provide a network of Sensor Systems in which Sensors on the includes a tire and a PZT mounted on the tire. The device
network are powered with ambient energy collected from also includes a circuit for harvesting energy from the PZT,
the environment; wherein the circuit comprises an element having an imped
0020. It is a further object of the present invention to ance approximately matching impedance of the PZT. The
provide a device for monitoring the health of a machine or device also includes a Sensing module connected to the
another System in which the monitoring device is powered circuit, the Sensing module including a Sensor and a circuit
for wirelessly transmitting Sensor information.
with ambient energy harvested from the environment.
0021. It is a further object of the present invention to BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
provide a Sensing System that includes a Sensor that is read
with electrical energy obtained from the harvested mechani 0030 The foregoing and other objects, features, and
cal energy, advantages of the invention will be apparent from the
following detailed description of the invention, as illustrated
0022. It is a further object of the present invention to in the accompanying drawings, in which:
provide a wireleSS transmitter connected to receive and
transmit information obtained by the sensor, in which the 0031 FIG. 1a is a perspective view of an energy har
wireleSS transmitter is powered with electrical energy vesting addressable wireleSS Sensing node of the present
obtained from the harvested mechanical energy; invention mounted on a machine or Structure;
0023. It is a feature of the present invention that a sensing 0032 FIG. 1b is a perspective view of components
System includes a component for harvesting ambient within the energy harvesting addressable wireleSS Sensing
mechanical or magnetic energy and converts this energy into node,
electrical energy, 0033 FIG. 1c is a perspective view of the energy har
0024. It is a feature of the present invention to provide a vesting cantilever shown in FIG. 1b with variable mass for
data collection device that is powered by the electrical tuning to a vibration frequency of the machine or Structure;
energy obtained from the harvested mechanical energy; 0034 FIG. 1d is a schematic diagram of a base station for
0.025. It is an advantage of the present invention that the receiving Said wirelessly transmitted information;
data collection device can provide information about the 0035 FIG. 2 is an alternative embodiment in which a
environment using energy harvested from the environment; large sheet of PZT fiber is embedded in material, such as a
hull of ship So Vibration or Strain energy transmitted through
0026. It is a further advantage of the present invention the hull can be harvested;
that the data collection device does not itself require main 0036 FIG.3a, 3b are block diagrams of one embodiment
tenance for replacing or recharging batteries. of an energy harvesting addressable wireleSS Sensing node of
0027. These and other objects, features, and advantages the present invention in which energy is harvested by a PZT,
of the invention are accomplished by a device for powering
a load from an ambient Source of energy. The device 0037 FIG. 4 is a block diagram of an alternate embodi
comprises an energy harvesting device for harvesting energy ment of an energy harvesting addressable wireleSS Sensing
from the ambient Source of energy wherein the rate energy node of the present invention in which energy is harvested
is harvested from the ambient Source of energy is below that from a power transmission line;
required for directly powering the load. A Storage device is 0038 FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the wireless sensing
connected to the energy harvesting device. The Storage module shown in FIGS. 3a, 3b,
device receives electrical energy from the energy harvesting
device and is for Storing the electrical energy. A controller is 0039 FIG. 6a is a timing diagram of voltage across
connected to the Storage device is for monitoring the amount capacitor C2 of FIG. 11;
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

0040 FIG. 6b is a timing diagram of voltage across Viding for wireleSS communication without batteries, the
capacitor C 1 of FIG. 11; present invention provides the components necessary to
0041 FIG. 6c is a timing diagram of voltage across the realize the potential benefits of condition based monitoring,
transmitter of FIG. 11 showing how charge gradually stored including information acquisition, analysis, Storage, and
in long term Storage capacitor C1 is used to briefly power the reporting technologies that Substantially lower power
transmitter or transceiver;
requirements, making energy harvesting for condition based
maintenance a realistic Source of energy.
0.042 FIG. 7 is a cross sectional view of a tire having an 0052 An illustration of condition based maintenance and
energy harvesting device of the present invention to power another important use for the present invention is aboard
transmitting pressure and temperature Sense data; ships where batteryleSS Sensing Systems may be used for
0.043 FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram showing a receiver wirelessly monitoring oil debris or oil condition, tank & hull
mounted in a vehicle that receives Signals indicating tire corrosion, combustion pressure, water-lubricated-bearing
Sensor data transmitted by each of the tires on the vehicle; wear, and machine condition. The invention can also be used
0044 FIG. 9 is a diagram showing data from an experi for integrated, hierarchical machinery diagnostics & prog
mental test showing that the PZT provided the same low nostics, machinery diagnostics & prognostics, open Systems
current output as load resistance was varied from 100 ohms architecture condition based maintenance, human-computer
to 50 Kohms; interface condition based maintenance; and diagnostic of
insulation, Such as wire and windings. The invention can
004.5 FIG. 10 is a diagram showing data from the also be used on land vehicles or aircraft for purposes Such as
experimental test showing that the optimum load imped to monitor and report tire temperature and pressure. In each
ance, that delivers maximum power, was found to be about case mechanical energy, Such as the energy of Vibration of
500 Kohms; the vehicle, can be used to power the Sensor and its Storage
0.046 FIG. 11a is a block diagram of an improved or communications apparatus.
embodiment of an energy harvesting addressable wireleSS 0053 Batteries, and the additional maintenance burden
Sensing node of the present invention having an additional for replacing or recharging batteries, are avoided in the
Stage of charge Storage, monitoring, Switching, and imped present invention by providing wireleSS Sensing network
ance conversion between the rectifier and the controller of Systems which can harvest energy from the local environ
FIG. 3a; ment to provide the power needed for their own operation.
0047 FIG. 11b is a schematic diagram showing more 0054) Numerous sources of ambient energy can be
detail than the block diagram of FIG. 11a; and exploited for energy harvesting, including Solar, wind, ther
0.048 FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram showing a wireless moelectric, water/wave/tide, rotation, Strain, and vibration.
web enabled sensor network (WWSN) system that requires For Shipboard monitoring applications below deck and for
very little power. monitoring tire pressure and temperature, mechanical
energy harvesting devices, Such as those that harvest Strain
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE or vibrational energy are preferred. In Navy applications,
INVENTION Strain energy would be available on engine mounts, ship hull
Sections, and structural Support elements. Vibrational energy
0049. The present inventors recognized that substantial would be available on diesel turbine engine components,
efficiency in collecting, Storing, and transmitting data from propeller shaft drive elements, and other machinery and
wireleSS Sensors could be provided by harvesting energy equipment. This energy could be harvested using electro
from the environment. magnetic devices (coil with permanent magnet), Weigand
0050. This invention is aimed at developing a new class effect devices, and piezoelectric transducer (PZT) materials.
of Sensing Systems that can wirelessly report data without Of these, the PZT materials hold the most promise.
the need for maintaining or replacing batteries. Instead, the 0055 Recent developments in single crystal PZT have
Sensing Systems rely on harvesting vibration, Strain energy, led to Significant improvements in the mechanical-to-elec
or magnetic coupled energy from the local environment for trical conversion coefficients (coupling coefficients), from
conversion to electrical power for Storage and use to collect, 60% efficiency to 90% efficiency. Single crystals also exhibit
Store, or transmit data by the Sensing System. Thus, higher operating Strain capabilities than conventional PZT
machines, Structures, and live Subjects can be monitored materials (0.2% vs. 1.4%). These materials are available
without the need for replacing or recharging batteries or for through TRS Ceramics (State College, Pa. http://trsceram
a battery maintenance Schedule. Truly Smart structures and ics.com/Single Crystal.pdf).
machines will thus be able to autonomously report their 0056 Furthermore, PZT fibers have recently been made
condition throughout their operating life without the mecha commercially available at low cost for active damping of
nism used for reporting the data itself requiring mainte Sporting equipment, Such as baseball bats, tennis rackets,
nance. The System can be used to run and communicate with and skis (Advanced Cerametrics, Lambertville, N.J.,
actuators as well as Sensors.
www.advancedcerametrics.com/piezo fiber.html). These
0051 One important use of the present invention is to fibers may be directly bonded to a Straining element or
improve traditional condition based maintenance. Condition Structure to generate electrical energy that can be harvested.
based maintenance provides a more accurate and cost effec Major advantages of these fiber piezoelectric materials is
tive maintenance program for equipment or Structures. The that they can tolerate the loss of many individual fibers in a
present invention reduces unnecessary preventive mainte bundle and still function well. Since they are in mass
nance for the devices used to monitor. In addition to pro production, they may be obtained readily and at relatively
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

low cost. Because of these advantages the present invention reaching the reset Voltage of 2.63 volts. This is enough time
describes the use of these PZT materials for energy harvest to transmit data from Several Sensors. Obviously a bigger
ing wireleSS Sensor networkS. However, other devices and Storage capacitance Would Supply a longer operating time as
other Sources of ambient energy can also be used. would any reduction in load current presented by the trans
0057 The present inventors have used single crystal and mitter. However, a longer time would be needed to charge a
PZT fibers to create working energy harvesting prototypes larger capacitor. Furthermore, the practicality of Such a
that provide Sufficient energy to power StrainLink wireleSS System is dependant on the continued availability of Vibra
tion input energy. Thus, the present device is ideally Suited
sensor transmitters available from MicroStrain, Inc. (Strain to applications where ambient vibration is continuous for
Link, http://www.microStrain.com/slink.html). long periods to provide for the Self-discharge rate of Storage
0.058 Energy harvesting addressable wireless sensing capacitor 42, to provide power consumed by the circuit used
node 18 can be attached to machine or structure 19 that is to monitor charge and Switch on the load, as well as to power
subject to vibration, as shown in FIG. 1a. In one embodi the load.
ment, PZT 20 is mounted to cantilever 22 which can be
tuned with variable mass 24, as shown in FIGS. 1b and 1c, 0065. In an alternative embodiment PZT 20 device could
to provide a device resonance frequency close to the vibra be replaced with coil winding 47a that is closely coupled to
tion frequency of machine or Structure 19, thereby optimiz power transmission line 47b that would allow energy in the
ing energy harvesting. PZT 20 can be either a crystal or a magnetic field around the transmission line to be harvested,
fiber. Cantilever 22 is mounted on PC board 25 in enclosure as shown in FIG. 4. Such a configuration could be used with
26. thermocouples 47c to measure the temperature of transmis
Sion line 47b and detect an overheated condition in trans
0059) Alternatively, a large sheet of PZT fiber 27 can be mission line 47b. As with the PZT embodiment, the fre
embedded in material of hull 28 of ship 30 so vibration or quency of transmissions is proportional to current in the
Strain energy transmitted through hull 28 can be harvested, transmission line 47b.
as shown in FIG. 2. Large sheets of PZT fiber 27 are
preferred because tuning is not readily available to harvest 0066 Wireless sensing module 44 includes microcontrol
the Strain energy. A structure, Such as hull 28 or the deck of ler or microprocessor 48, which controls provision of power
a bridge bends only a limited amount, and the bending to A/D converter 50, sensors 52, non-volatile memory 54,
cannot be tuned as can flexural element by adjusting mass So and RF transmitter 56, as shown in FIG. 5. Sensors can
as to take advantage of resonance frequency to harvest more include Such Sensors as a temperature Sensor, a Strain gauge,
of the energy. a pressure Sensor, a magnetic field Sensor, an accelerometer,
or a DVRT. By selectively providing power to or withhold
0060. In the mechanical vibration embodiment, the ing power from these devices microcontroller 48 can
Source of mechanical energy, Such as machine or structure achieve Substantial energy Savings. Microcontroller 48 also
19, is converted to electrical energy in energy harvesting controls flow of data from A/D converter 50, from sensors
addressable wireleSS Sensing node 18", which includes a 52, to and from nonvolatile memory 54 and to RF transmit
miniature electric generator, Such as PZT 20, as shown in ter 56. A transceiver can be provided instead of RF trans
FIG.3a. A miniature electric generator can also be provided mitter 56 to enable two way communication, all powered by
with a coil and magnet in relative rotational motion, as for ambient vibrational energy.
example, would be available in the vicinity of Spinning
machinery or wheels. 0067. The strain or vibrational energy 57 from the ambi
ent environment is provided to PZT transducer 20 mounted
0061 Electrical power generated in PZT 20 is rectified in on a machine, Structure, or live Subject, as shown in block
rectifier 40, Stored in electrical Storage device 42, and once diagram form in FIG. 3a and in schematic form in FIG.3b.
Sufficient energy has been Stored, is provided to a load, Such As indicated above, electrical output of PZT 20 is rectified
as wireleSS Sensing module 44, by means of controller 46. in rectifier 40. DC output of rectifier 40 charges storage
0.062. In one experiment, a single crystal PZT 20 was capacitor 42. Controller 46 monitors charge Stored on Stor
connected to the circuit shown in FIGS. 3a, 3b, while age capacitor 42, and when Sufficient, provides Vcc power
vibration was applied to PZT 20. With a DC voltmeter across to wireleSS Sensing module 44 for transmitting Sensor data
Storage capacitor 42, upwards of 20 volts was measured through antenna 68 to receiver 69a on base station 69b
acroSS the capacitor with approximately 0.08 inch deflection (FIG. 1d). Receiver 69a can be a transceiver. Controller 46
of the PZT 20 at a 50 HZ rate. includes monitoring device 70, and Switch Q 1, which is
formed of MOSFET transistor 72. When voltage across
0063 PZT 20 is inherently a high impedance device capacitor 42 is sufficient, monitoring device 70 turns on to
which provides a nearly constant current, So the Storage provide Vcc to wireless sensing module 44. To reduce
capacitor charges linearly with time. Thus, the time for leakage and ensure that wireleSS Sensing module 44 remains
storage capacitor 42 to charge is found from T=CV/I where fully off and does not load Storage capacitor 42 when Voltage
C=capacitance value, V=Voltage charged to, and I=the acroSS Storage capacitor 42 is below a threshold, transistor
charging current. 72 is provided. When transistor 72 turns on, ground con
nection from wireleSS Sensing module 44 is established.
0064. The Microstrain StrainLink transmitter is also a
constant current load, So calculating the discharge uses the 0068 Transistor 72 is needed because when voltage
Same formula. A 47 uP cap charged to 16 Volts will Supply provided by Storage capacitor 42 is too low, monitoring
2.8 mA for 268 mS discharging to zero volts. A low power device 46 cannot provide its output in a known State.
StrainLink transmitter can be connected as load 44 in the Monitoring device 46 may turn on falsely and load down
circuit of FIG. 3a, 3b and can run for 224 mS before Storage device 42, preventing it from ever charging up.
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

Monitoring device 46 is not itself a reliable switch unless capable of charging a capacitor or battery Storage device.
Supply Voltage is above a threshold. To provide for operation The inventors also developed an efficient way to determine
in the regime when Supply Voltage is below that threshold, when enough power has been accumulated and applying that
Switch 72 is provided to ensure that wireleSS Sensing module accumulated power to a useful purpose.
44 remains fully off. Switch 72 connected between wireless 0073. In addition, the present inventors recognized that if
Sensing module 44 and ground and to has a single threshold. the available power in the piezoelectric element were to be
0069. In operation in one embodiment, monitoring device efficiently converted from its low current and high imped
70 becomes valid at 1.8 volts. Switch O1 transistor 72 turns ance current Source to a Voltage Source, the capacitor could
on at 2.0 V, enabling wireleSS Sensing module 44 when be charged much faster than if the same capacitor were
Storage capacitor 42 has Sufficient charge to operate moni charged directly from the short circuit current of the piezo
toring device 70 properly and can hold it off. Finally, when electric element without this conversion. For example, if a
Voltage at Storage capacitor 42 reaches 6.3 V monitoring Voltage converter can present a 500K load to the piezoelec
device 70 turns on and transferS charge from Storage capaci tric element, approximately matching its impedance, the
tor 42 to power wireless sensing module 44 for a brief element will deliver 17.5 volts at 35 uA or 610 microwatts.
period, until Voltage discharges back to 2.9 volts, at which If this power was then converted down to 100 ohms source
point monitoring device 70 turns off further transfer, and impedance, even at 80% efficiency, the charge current would
monitoring device 70 therefore continues to be in a valid be more than 2.2 mA. By comparison, the output at the same
state for subsequent operation, well above the 1.8 volts level level of excitation of the piezoelectric element when loaded
needed for proper operation in a determinate State. to 100 ohms without a converter, is 6 millivolts at 60 uA or
0.36 microwatts, about 1,700 times less power.
0070 Thus, when sufficient charge is provided to storage
capacitor 42 to provide a Voltage equal to a higher threshold, 0074 The inventors of the present invention conducted
monitoring device 70 turns on and connects wireleSS Sensing empirical tests on a Sample of piezoelectric material in order
module 44 to Storage device 42. This discharges Storage to determine a viable topology of conversion circuit. A test
device 42 down to a lower threshold voltage at which point was performed on a Sample of highly flexible piezoelectric
monitoring device 70 turns off, disconnecting wireleSS Sens fiber. The Sample was mounted in a 3 point bending jig with
ing module 44 from Storage device 62. Storage device 42 a Strain gauge attached to the material, and excited to the
can then recharge from energy supplied from PZT 20. Same Strain levels at three different frequencies. A decade
However, if storage device 42 fully discharges, or if poten resistance Substitution box was used to load the output in
tial across storage device 42 falls below the lower threshold order to determine the optimum load impedance for maxi
then monitoring device 70 may not be sufficiently powered mum power out of the material under these conditions. The
to operate correctly. It may not fully disconnect wireleSS Same low current was measured as the load resistance was
Sensing module 44 from Storage device 42, and thus, wire varied from 100 ohms to 50 Kohms as shown in FIG. 9. The
leSS Sensing module 44 may continue to load Storage device optimum load impedance, that delivers maximum power,
42, preventing it from ever recharging. To prevent this was found to be about 500 Kohms, as shown in FIG. 10.
possibility, Switch 72 is provided which disconnects wireless 0075. The present inventors found that further substantial
Sensing module 44 from ground when potential acroSS improvement in energy harvesting is available by adding an
Storage capacitor 42 falls Somewhat below the lower thresh impedance converter circuit to the circuit of FIG. 3a that
old. provide better impedance matching to the high impedance of
0071. The present inventors found that impedance mis PZT 20, while still finally providing the large capacitance
match between PZT 20 and storage capacitor 42 limits the needed to power wireleSS Sensing module 44. The improve
amount of power that can be transferred from PZT 20 to ment to energy harvesting addressable wireleSS Sensing node
Storage capacitor 42. They recognized that energy transfer 18", illustrated in block diagram form in FIG. 11a and in a
was limited by the fact that AC power generated by PZT 20 Schematic diagram in FIG. 11b, provides an additional Stage
is presented by the PZT at a very high impedance and at low of charge Storage, monitoring, Switching, and impedance
conversion between rectifier 40 and controller 46 of FIG.
frequency. They observed that PZT 20 behaves as a constant 3a. In addition to providing more efficient transfer of energy
current Source, and that when piezoelectric elements are from PZT to long term storage device 42", the improvement
used to charge capacitors, Such as Storage capacitor 42, allows a much larger capacitor or a battery to be used for that
charging is determined by the short circuit current capability long term Storage 42, and this enables more information
of PZT 20. When storage capacitor 42 is charged from a transfer by wireleSS Sensing module 44.
constant current Source, Such as PZT 20, Storage capacitor
42 will charge at a rate proportional to the current provided 0.076 PZT 20 connected to a source of mechanical
by the constant current Source. They further recognized that energy, Such as Vibration or Strain 57, produces a high
since the current available from PZT 20 is low, a long time impedance AC voltage in accordance with the Strain or
is needed to charge a large capacitance, Such as Storage vibration 57 applied to PZT element 20. D1 and D2 (FIG.
capacitor 42, needed for powering devices Such as wireleSS 11b) form Schottky barrier rectifier bridge rectifier 40 that
Sensing module 44 or other transmitters. They recognized converts the AC voltage from PZT 20 to DC. PZT 20 charges
the further difficulty that the larger leakage current presented reactance element 78, Such as Small capacitor C2 along
by larger capacitors may exceed the charge rate of the curve 80 until a voltage equal to Vth3 is reached, as shown
constant current provided by PZT 20. in FIG. 11a and FIG. 6a.
0.072 The present inventors developed a circuit that 0.077 Voltage Vth3 is sufficient to turn on switch 2,
efficiently converts power from a high impedance current transistor 82 which connects DC-DC converter 84 to
Source, Such as PZT 20, to a low impedance Voltage Source ground, enabling DC-DC converter 84 to turn on and
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

operate. When DC-DC converter 84 turns on, it converts the the Voltage on long term Storage device 42 reaches the
high Voltage Stored on Small capacitor C2 to a low voltage higher threshold, V, as shown in FIG. 6B. When voltage
at a low impedance for providing a small boost 86 to the on long term Storage device 42, C1 reaches V, monitoring
charge on long term Storage capacitor 42", capacitor C, as device 70 now turns on, as described herein above. Switch
shown along charging curve 88 in FIG. 6B. While long term Q1 (transistor 72) has already turned on before V was
Storage capacitor C1 is charging, Small capacitor C2 is reached, and charge is now transferred from long term
discharging. The discharge of Small capacitor C2, is shown Storage device 42, C1 to operate wireleSS Sensing module
along curve 90 in FIG. 6a, providing the charge to boost the 44, as shown in FIGS. 6B and 6C. Voltage on long term
Voltage of long term Storage capacitor C1 by the Small Step Storage device 42, C1 discharges to V, about 2.9 volts at
86 shown in FIG. 6b. Voltage scales are the same on FIGS. which point monitoring device 70 turns off.
6a, 6b, 6c. Small capacitor C2 continues to discharge 0082 If voltage to Switch Q1 declines too far, Switch Q1
through DC-DC converter 84 until voltage on Small capaci will turn off, and this shuts off transmitter 44 until enough
tor C2 equals voltage on long term storage capacitor C. energy is accumulated in Storage device 42 to Send another
Thus, as long term Storage capacitor C1 charges up, Small burst of data.
capacitor C2 discharges leSS and less fully, as shown by the
continuous increase in the discharge voltage level 92 in FIG. 0083 Multiple wireless sensing modules 44 or other
6A with each charging and discharging cycle of Small devices can be provided on a network, each powered as
capacitor C2, while the charge level of long term Storage described herein with energy harvested from its environ
capacitor C1 continuously increases. ment.

0078. Although voltage on small capacitor C2 dis 0084. The multiple wireless sensing module 44 can trans
charges, Second Switch 82 remains on because of delay mit on different frequencies or a randomization timer can be
introduced by capacitor C3 in parallel with resistor R2 in provided to add a random amount of time after wake up to
voltage divider 94. Thus, DC-DC converter 84 remains on reduce probability of collisions during transmission. How
while voltage across capacitor C2 drops below Vth3 as ever, Since the time for charging is likely to differ from one
shown in FIG. 6A. R4, R5 and second Switch 82 form a wireleSS Sensing module 44 to another, a randomization
Switch that disables any conversion until enough Voltage is timer may not be needed. Each wireleSS Sensing module 44
present on C2 to convert. This Switch threshold is set to will transmit an address as well as data. Transceivers can be
approximately 22 volts. DC-DC converter 84 is a high provided to each wireleSS Sensing module 44 to provide two
frequency stepdown DC to DC converter that has a typical way communication. Preferably, if a battery is used that is
quiescent current of 12 uA and is capable of 80% efficiency recharged from the environment, Sufficient energy will be
even with Small load current. In this embodiment, DC-DC available So it can wake up periodically to determine if
converter 84, U2 is an LT1934-1 (Linear Technology, Mil Something is being transmitted to it. If not it can go back to
pitas, Calif.). This converter was chosen due to its very low Sleep mode. If So, it can receive the transmission. All the
quiescent current. members can be managed by a broadcast signal or each
wireleSS Sensing module 44 can be addressed and pro
0079. As also described for the circuit of FIGS. 3a and grammed individually.
3b and the circuit of FIGS. 11a and 11b, resistors R1, R2, 0085. The present inventors have applied the energy
R3, and comparator U1 form monitoring device 70a and also harvesting System to design a device for embedding in a tire
form voltage sensitive switch 70b that turns off connection by a tire manufacturer for harvesting energy and for moni
to load 44 until enough charge has been accumulated on toring parameters, Such as tire temperature and pressure on
Storage capacitor 42, 42" to run load 44. Load 44 can be a vehicle and for transmitting the data, as shown in FIG. 7.
multiple wireleSS Sensing module 44, or an array of Such The cross section of tire 100 shows the placement of PZT
modules, as shown in FIG. 11b. 102, or several Such PZT elements, on or within interior
0080 Monitoring device 70a/voltage sensitive Switch sidewall 104 of tire 100 for gathering strain energy from
70b is in an undefined state, however, until at least 1.8 volts flexing of tire 100 on rim 101 as the tire rotates. PZT 102 is
is available on its Vcc pin 7, which is connected to Storage connected to provide power to energy harvesting address
device 42, 42". To avoid problems from this undefined state, able wireless sensing node 106 for transmitting data from
MOSFET switch Q1 is provided to disconnect load 44 until temperature and pressure sensors 108, such as Sensor Nor
voltage on storage device 42, 42" has reached 2.0 volts. R2 from Horten, Norway, to report this tire data. Energy har
& R3 set the turn-on threshold V of voltage sensitive vesting addressable wireleSS Sensing node 106 can be pro
Switch 70b to 6.3 volts. R1 provides hysteresis to compara grammed to provide it with a 128 bit address. With Such a
tor U1 giving it two thresholds. Voltage sensitive Switch 70b large address there are enough combinations possible to
now turns on when Voltage on Storage device 42.42 reaches allow every tire in the World to have a unique address. Thus,
the higher threshold V of 6.3 volts and stays on until the receiver 110 mounted in the vehicle can receive a signal
Voltage on Storage device 42 discharges down to V the indicating tire Sensor data for each of the tires on the vehicle,
lower threshold of 2.9 volts. When storage device 42, 42 as shown in FIG. 8.
reaches its higher threshold of 6.3 volts there is enough 0086 A display can provide the information to the opera
charge available on Storage device 42, 42 to power load 44 tor. Alternatively, an alarm can Signal when tire pressure or
to operate for a brief period, for example, to transmit a burst temperature is outside specified limits. Interference from
of data. Load 44 may be a StrainLink transmitter or a data other vehicles can be avoided by displaying only data from
logging transceiver. tires having known addresses.
0081. None of the charge provided to long term storage 0087 Local antennas 112 can be provided in each wheel
device 42", is Supplied to wireleSS Sensing module 44 until well (not shown) and the power output of energy harvesting
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

addressable wireless sensing node 106 can be adjusted to strated novel radio frequency identification (RFID) circuits
provide reliable communications within the wheel well of with the capability of interrogating these Sensors in under 50
the vehicle while avoiding interference with transmitters on microSeconds using less than 5 microamperes of current.
adjacent vehicles. Thus, although Small amounts of energy may be available
from energy harvesting, the energy So collected is enough to
0088 Receiver 110, having antennas 112 positioned in power Sensors, electronics, and transmitters.
each wheel well of the vehicle, can rapidly Scan antennas
112 to determine the address and position of each tire on the 0092. The present inventors have also developed wireless
vehicle. Because of the Scanning of the antennas, even if web enabled sensor network (WWSN) systems that require
tires are rotated, the display can indicate the location of a tire very little power. One Strategy for minimizing power is
having a problem. Most modern receivers have the capabil demonstrated by the WWSN network architecture illustrated
ity of accurately measuring received signal Strength with in FIG. 12. This is an ad hoc network that allows thousands
fairly high resolution. In the case of inner and outer wheels of multichannel, microprocessor controlled, uniquely
in a single wheel well, these received signals can be quali addressed Sensing nodes TX to communicate to a central,
fied by received Signal Strength indication to distinguish the Ethernet enabled receiver RX with extensible markup lan
tires in the wheel well, even if they are rotated. Thus, the tire guage (XML) data output format (http://www.microstrain
further from the antenna will have the weaker Signal .com/WWSN.html). A time division multiple access
Strength. In addition, the Serial numbers of each tire would (TDMA) technique is used to control communications.
also be logged in the receiver flash memory to distinguish TDMA allows saving power because the nodes can be in
tires on the vehicle for feedback to a tire manufacturer. Sleep mode most of the time. Individual nodes wake up at
0089. One alternative to the tire position problem that intervals determined by a randomization timer, and transmit
bursts of data. By conserving power in this manner, a single
does not require Scanning or multiple antennas, is to have a lithium ion AA battery can be employed to report tempera
technician Sequentially Scan a bar code on the tires at the ture from five thermocouples every 30 minutes for a period
time of tire installation on the vehicle, and communicate the of five years. The XML data format has the advantage of
tire position information to the automotive communications allowing any user on the local area network (LAN) to view
(CAN) bus or other communications bus within the vehicle, data using a Standard Internet browser, Such as Netscape or
or even directly to the receiver. The position information is Internet Explorer. Furthermore, a standard 802.11b wireless
provided using a different protocol than the information tires local area network (WLAN) may be employed at the receiv
are sending So this information can remain Stored in the er(s) end in order to boost range and to provide bi-directional
receiver while other data about the tire changes with each communications and digital data bridging from multiple
reading. In this way one receive antenna could receive data local Sensing networks that may be distributed over a
and an identification code from all tires on the vehicle, and relatively large area (miles). Further information about a
the Stored table linking identification and tire position can be wireleSS Sensor network System developed by the present
used to communicate the position, temperature, and pressure inventors is in patent application docket number 115-004,
of each tire. Interference from transmitters on adjacent incorporated herein by reference.
vehicles is avoided since they would not have known
identification codes. 0093. Another strategy for creating low power wireless
0090 The present inventors have also found ways to sensor networks is demonstrated by MicroStrain's Data
reduce power consumption as well as to provide power from
Logging Transceiver network (http://www.microstrain.com/
energy harvesting. They recognized that power consumed by
DataLoggingTransceiver.html) as described in copending
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/731,066, docket number
all of the Systems components (sensor, conditioner, proces 1024-034, incorporated herein by reference. This system
Sor, data storage, and data transmission) must be compatible employs addressable Sensing nodes which incorporate data
with the amount of energy harvested. Minimizing the power logging capabilities, and a bi-directional RF transceiver
required to collect and transmit data correspondingly communications links. A central host orchestrates Sample
reduces the demand on the power Source. Therefore, the triggering and high Speed logging to each node or to all
present inventors recognized, minimizing power consump nodes. Data may be processed locally (Such as frequency
tion is as important a goal as maximizing power generation. analysis) then uploaded when polled from the central host.
0.091 The present inventors have developed and mar By providing each Sensor node with a 16 bit address, as
keted Sensors that require very little power. For example, many as 65,000 multichannel nodes may be hosted by a
they have previously reported on micro-miniature differen Single computer. Since each node only transmits data when
tial variable reluctance transducers (DVRT's) capable of Specifically requested, the power usage can be carefully
completely passive (i.e., no power) peak Strain detection. managed by the central host.
These sensors can be embedded in a material and will 0094) For further energy savings, only limited data col
continuously monitor for the existence of a damaging Strain lected by Sensors may be transmitted. For example, mini
State. By providing a hermetic Seal the Sensors can withstand mum, maximum and average data can be transmitted to
harsh environmental conditions (moisture, Salt, and vibra reduce the amount of data transmitted and to thereby Save
tion). The Sensors can be reset remotely using shape memory energy. Standard deviation can also be locally calculated and
alloys and (remotely applied) magnetic field energy, as transmitted, Saving transmission time and energy.
described in a copending patent application Ser. No. 09/757,
909, docket number 1024-035, incorporated herein by ref 0095 For sensors detecting information where a band of
erence. The present inventors have also recently developed frequencies is measured, Such as measurements of a vibrat
totally passive Strain accumulation Sensors, which can be ing Source with an accelerometer, a fast Fourier transform
used to monitor fatigue. Furthermore, they have demon can be locally calculated and only the frequencies of Vibra
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

tion and the magnitude of Vibration need be transmitted, intended turn-on voltage level is reached. The transmitter
rather than the entire waveform, to reduce the amount of draws constant current, except when the Supply Voltage is
information transmitted and to Save energy. below the transmitter's regulator threshold. In this condition
0096. The present inventors provided improved designs the current increases Slightly from the normal operating
of each element of the entire measurement System, including current of 11 mA to about 15 mA at less than 1 volt. Because
the: Vibrating/straining Structure, piezo harvesting circuit, of this, and the fact that the Switch is on below approxi
Sensing circuit, microprocessor, on board memory, Sensors, mately 0.7 volts, a Silicon diode with equal to or greater than
and RF data transmitter/transceiver to provide a System that 0.7 V forward drop was added from the output of the Switch
operated with low power. The present inventors then built a to the transmitter power pin. This allows the Storage capaci
prototype that both improved on the performance of energy tor Voltage to charge to the point where the Switch is active
harvesting devices and that reduced the energy consumption before the transmitter Starts drawing current. The Settings for
of each element of the measurement System, including the voltage trip points were adjusted to 6.3V on and 2.9V off.
Vibrating/straining Structure, piezo harvesting circuit, Sens 0098. In practice, the voltage sensing Switch is still
ing circuit, microprocessor, on board memory, Sensors, and falsely on at Supply Voltages of up to 1 volt, at which point
RF data transmitter/transceiver, as shown in FIGS. 3a, 3b, the diode is already conducting power into the load. Draw
4 and 5. A demonstration energy harvesting circuit was built ing current from the Storage capacitor at this low voltage
using a PZT fiber as its input, as shown in FIGS. 3a, 3b. The Slows the charging of the capacitor. This creates a problem
PZT device generates a voltage that is rectified by low atic "turn-on' Zone where the capacitor is being drained at
forward drop diodes. This rectified Voltage is used to charge the same time it is being charged. This makes it difficult for
a storage capacitor. The transfer is purely a function of the the System to initially charge itself enough to begin operat
Short circuit current of the piezoelectric Structure, minus the ing properly. If enough Strain energy is applied to the PZT
loSS of the rectifier Stage, the Self discharge of the Storage element during initial System startup, then this turn-on Zone
capacitor, and any leakage current in the Switch in its off is exceeded, and the System works properly.
State. The behavior of this configuration is similar to charg
ing a capacitor from a constant current Source. The time 0099. The present inventors recognized that Switching
required to charge the capacitor is inversely proportional to the positive rail e.g. a "high-side Switch,” inherently requires
the amplitude of the strain or vibration applied to the PZT Some Supply Voltage to be present in order to properly turn
element at a given frequency of Strain, and also proportional the load “off.” This is not the case with a "low-side Switch,'
to the frequency of Strain at a given amplitude. Once the or one in which the minus lead is Switched to DC ground.
Voltage Sensing Switch detects that enough charge is Stored FIGS. 3a, 3b, 11a, 11b illustrate an improvement to the
on the capacitor, the load is connected to the Storage Switch that will eliminate the turn-on Zone problem. It
capacitor. The load in this demonstration circuit is a MicroS employs both the existing high Side Switch implemented
train Strainlink RF sensor microtransmitter. (MicroStrain, with nanopower comparator V1, LTC 150, and the addition
Inc. Williston, Vt. http://www.microstrain.com/slink.html) of a low side Switch in the DC return path of the power
StrainLink is a multichannel, digital wireleSS transmitter Source. The low side Switch is implemented with an N
System which allows direct Sensor inputs from five pseudo channel enhancement mode MOSFET, Such as first Switch
differential (single ended) or three true differential channels. Q1, 72 that has a gate turn-on threshold higher than the
StrainLink features on-board memory, with user program minimum operating Voltage of the high Side Switch. This
mable digital filter, gain, and Sample rates and with built-in combination eliminates the disadvantages of the high Side
error checking of pulse code modulated (PCM) data. Once Switch and the difficulties with implementing the appropriate
programmed, these Settings reside in the transmitter's non Switching function using only low Side Switch components.
volatile memory, which will retain data even if power is 0100 High side voltage sensing Switch V1 may falsely
removed. The StrainLink transmitter is compatible with turn on when Storage capacitor 42 is charged to between 0.7
numerous Sensor types including thermocouples, Strain
gauges, preSSure Sensors, magnetic field Sensors and many and 1.0 volts. No current will flow, however, until the Supply
others. The transmitter can transmit frequency shift keyed voltage exceeds the Vgs voltage of the gate of MOSFET Q1,
(FSK) digital sensor data w/checksum bytes as far as /3 mile 72. The Vgs voltage is typically greater than 1.5 volts even
on just 13 mA of transmit power Supply current. During with so-called logic level MOSFETS that are optimized for
testing, the transmitter operated for approximately 250 mS full Saturation at logic level (5 volt) gate to Source Voltage.
on the power Stored in the charged capacitor. This was ample Once the charge on capacitor 42" has exceeded Vgs, the
time for the StrainLink to acquire data from a Sensor and MOSFET will allow current to pass, but by that point, the
transmit multiple redundant data packets containing the Voltage Sensing circuit will have Sufficient Supply power to
Sensed data. function properly. These changes allow energy harvesting
0097 Voltage sensing Switch 70b was implemented using circuit 18, 18" to efficiently begin charging itself even when
it starts from a completely discharged State.
a nano-power comparator with a large amount of hysteresis.
Some design difficulties arise when using an electronic 0101 Efficiency of the energy storage element is an
device to perform Such Switching tasks. Voltage Sensitive important factor in implementing efficient designs because
Switch 70b itself needs to be powered from the source it is the energy may need to be Stored for Significant time periods
monitoring. When the available Voltage is near Zero the State before it is used. In the demonstration energy harvesting
of Switch 70b is indeterminate. This can present a problem System, an aluminum electrolytic capacitor was utilized as
when the circuit is initially attempting to charge the capaci the Storage element. This is not an ideal choice Since its
tor from a completely discharged State. In the demonstration leakage loSS is relatively high. In fact, it can be as much as
circuit as built, the Switch defaults to on until the supply ten times higher than that of the Voltage Sensing Switch used
voltage to its Vcc exceeds 0.7V, then it will turn off until the to monitor the capacitor Voltage. To minimize this problem,
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

alternative capacitor technologies, Such as tantalum electro current, and therefore the power, Savings that can be realized
lytic and ceramic, can be used. are significant. For example, a 350 ohm Strain gauge bridge
0102) No matter what capacitor technology is used, excited with 3 volts DC will consume approximately 8.6
milliamps. If powered continually, this represents a power
charge leakage is likely to be a limiting factor in applications drain of 25 milliwatts. By only providing the excitation
where long term Storage of charge is necessary. Batteries, Voltage at periodic intervals and performing digital data
can be used for long term energy Storage device 42, 42", and conversion under microprocessor control, we have been able
have advantage of essentially Zero charge leakage (<1% to reduce the Sensor excitation time to 200 microSeconds.
energy loss per year). Thin film batteries, such as those For applications where a Strain gauge reading is required
provided by Infinite Power Solutions, Littleton, Colo. every 100 milliseconds (10 Hz), the effective power drain is
www.infinitepowerSolutions.com, offer advantage of being reduced by a factor of 500, (from 25 to only 0.05 milliwatts).
able to be charged and discharged in excess of 100,000
times. In addition, battery chemistry allows for a battery cell 0.108 Power reductions in the signal conditioning are
to be continuously charged when power is available, as also realized by using highly integrated circuits (IC), Such as
supplied by the PZT. The battery cells have high enough the AD7714 by Analog Devices (Norwood, Mass.), that use
peak energy delivery capability (10 mA pulsed power) to very low power and combine a programmable gain instru
allow for short bursts of RF communications. mentation amplifier (110 dB CMRR), multiplexer, and 22 bit
0103 Reduced power consumption is inherently benefi Sigma-delta analog to digital converter. The current con
cial to the performance of Systems using harvested energy. Sumed by the AD7714 is 200 microamps at 3 volts DC, or
A significant reduction in power consumption can be real 0.6 milliwatts. The AD7714 can be programmed to accept 3
ized through the use of embedded Software in microcontrol full differential or five single ended sensor inputs. We have
successfully employed this IC for use with foil and piezore
ler 48 that controls the power consumed by the sensors, Sistive Strain gauges, thermocouples, temperature Sensors,
Signal conditioning, processing, and transmission compo torque Sensors, and load cells. With a rectifier, a differential
nents of the energy harvesting wireleSS Sensing Systems amplifier and periodic excitation we have Successfully used
(FIG. 5). By adjusting the time these devices are on, for these ICS with inductive displacement Sensors.
example, power consumed can be reduced. In addition
embedded processor 48 can be programmed to process and 0109 The power consumed by the embedded processor
Store Sensed information rather than immediately transmit, can be reduced by using low power embedded microcon
and thereby reduce the frequency of data transmission. trollers, such as the PIC 16 series from MicroChip Tech
0104 Finally the power levels used for RF communica nologies (Chandler, Ariz.). Such embedded processors
tions can be reduced by bringing a receiver closer to the include integrated instrumentation amplifiers to facilitate
Sensor nodes. This can be accomplished by providing mul Sensor conditioning, and integrated radio frequency (RF)
tiple receivers for a Sensor network, by bring an operator oscillators to facilitate wireleSS communications. By includ
with a receiver closer, or by providing a mobile robot that ing more capability on the processor, component count and
approaches Sensors and reads their data, as more fully System complexity are reduced, and there is a reduction in
described in copending application docket number 115-004, power consumed. Further reductions in power consumption
incorporated herein by reference. are realized by placing the processor in “sleep mode” while
the energy harvesting circuit is Storing energy in its capacitor
0105 The most direct strategy to reduce the power con bank or battery. The processor (and its integrated ampli
Sumed by the Sensors and Signal conditioners is to use fier/RF Stage) does not come out of Sleep mode until the
Sensors that do not require power, Such as thermocouples, energy harvesting circuit detects that the Stored charge is
piezoelectric Strain gauges, and piezoelectric accelerom adequate for the programmed task, Such as reading a Sensor.
eters. For thermocouples, cold junction compensation can be This prevents the measurement System and processor from
provided with a micropower Solid State temperature Sensor loading the energy harvesting circuit and allows Storage of
(National Semiconductor, Milpitas, Calif.) that typically energy to proceed most efficiently.
consumes 20 microamps current at 3 volts DC, for a 0110. Further reductions in power consumption may be
continuous power consumption of only 0.06 milliwatts. realized by using lower clock rates for the embedded pro
0106 A second strategy is to employ sensors that do not ceSSor. For example our existing Strainlink digital wireleSS
need to transmit data frequently, Such as temperature and Sensor transmitter product (http://www.microstrain.com/
humidity sensors. There are several very low power humid slink.html) is normally run at a clock rate of 4 MHz, and it
ity Sensors, for example from Honeywell that can be consumes 600 microamps at 3 volts DC (1.8 milliwatts). For
employed along with thermocouples or Solid State tempera temperature measurement applications (or any other appli
ture Sensors to provide periodic data updates. For these types cation requiring relatively infrequent data samples), we can
of measurements, the reading changes slowly, So energy can reduce the processor's clock rate to 100 KHZ, allowing a
be conserved by transmitting the data infrequently. more than 20 fold power reduction to 28 microamps at 3
0107 A third strategy to minimize the power consumed volts DC (0.084 milliwatts). For many health monitoring
applications, we can improve performance by Simply slow
by sensors 52 is to pulse the power to sensors 52 and to time ing down the System clock.
the reading of data from A/D converter 50 appropriately.
With the sensor on only for a brief period of time to achieve 0111. The energy required to power sensors, acquire data,
a stable reading and to obtain that reading for Storage or and process/store these data is much lower than the energy
transmission, much energy can be Saved. MicroStrain has required to wirelessly transmit these data. In the preceding
Successfully used this technique for powering and gathering discussion, we have shown that thermocouples (0 milli
data from Strain gauges used in medical implants. The watts) with cold junction compensation (0.06 milliwatts)
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

could be combined with a smart microcontroller (0.084 tion frequency. One or more PZT elements 20 are bonded to
milliwatts) and a very low power, highly integrated signal the Surfaces of leaf-spring 22 Such that when Spring 22
conditioner (0.6 milliwatts) to provide continuous thermo deflects, PZT 20 will undergo tensile/compressive strains
couple readings with a power drain of 0.744 milliwatts. This and therefore be Stimulated to generate an electrical output
is in Sharp contrast to the RF communications Section of the suitable for input into energy harvesting circuit 18, 18". To
electronics, which may require over 10 milliamps at 3 Volts maximize the output of PZT 20, leaf spring 22 is preferably
DC for a power drain of 30 milliwatts in order to provide constructed using a "constant Strain” profile, as shown in
adequate wireleSS range and good margin in electrically FIG. 1c, such that the strains experienced by the PZT
noisy environments. elements are uniform along their length. To provide a
0112 By programming the processor to acquire and log constant Strain profile, leaf Spring flexure element 22 can
Sensed data and to compare these data to programmable have a taper, as shown in FIG. 1c. Enclosure 26 surrounds
the device to keep contaminants out, and to make the device
threshold levels the frequency of RF transmission can be convenient to handle and damage resistant.
reduced to Save power. If the Sensed data exceeds or falls
below the acceptable operating temperature ranges, then the 0.116) Enclosure 26 measures approximately 50x50x150
processor transmits its data, along with its address byte. A mm and leaf Spring flexure element 22 has adjustable proof
randomization timer is be used to insure that if multiple mass 24 of between 100 and 500 grams. Tuning the unit will
transmitters are transmitting their data (or alarm status) be accomplished by adjusting the size of proof mass 24,
simultaneously, the probability of RF collisions is statisti which can be washers, as shown in FIG. 1c. The energy
cally Small, as described in http://www.microStrain.com/ harvester is capable of generating Sufficient energy to inter
WWSN.html, a paper entitled SPIE Scalable Wireless Web mittently power a transmitter and Several low powerSensors,
Sensor Networks, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials, as shown in FIGS. 3a, 3b, 11a, 11b.
March, 2002, by Townsend et al. In the event that threshold 0.117) While several embodiments of the invention,
levels are not crossed, Stored Summary data, Such as mean, together with modifications thereof, have been described in
maximum, minimum, and Standard deviation, are periodi detail herein and illustrated in the accompanying drawings,
cally transmitted over time intervals, Such as hourly or daily. it will be evident that various further modifications are
Transmission of processed data, Such as these trends, and possible without departing from the Scope of the invention.
periodic transmission of this data Saves more energy. Nothing in the above specification is intended to limit the
0113. The processors may also be programmed to acquire invention more narrowly than the appended claims. The
bursts of data from a vibrating Structure using an acceler examples given are intended only to be illustrative rather
ometer. These data may be processed using average fast than exclusive.
fourier transform (FFT) and power spectral density (PSD)
analyses. The processed data would allow the RF link to
transmit only the fundamental vibration frequencies, which What is claimed is:
would greatly reduce the amount of data that is transmitted 1-76. (canceled)
and thereby greatly reduce the “on-time of the RF link. 77. An electronic System, comprising:
0114) To further reduce power consumed by the energy a moving part;
harvesting Sensing nodes, we could reduce the RF commu
nications power levels at the expense of range. For Some an energy harvesting device mounted to convert mechani
applications, it may be possible for Navy maintenance cal energy of Said moving part into electrical energy;
perSonnel to approach an area where Shipboard monitoring
nodes have been placed. The energy harvesting monitoring a rechargeable power Supply connected to receive elec
nodes may also include RF transceivers, which would pro trical energy from Said energy harvesting device;
vide for bi-directional communications. Instead of only an electronic component connectable for using energy
periodically transmitting Sensed data, these nodes are pro derived from Said rechargeable power Supply; and
grammed to periodically activate their integral receiver to
detect the presence of maintenance perSonnel over the a micro-controller connected to receive a Signal indicating
wireleSS link. A handheld transceiver carried by maintenance State of charge of Said rechargeable power Supply, Said
workers would query various nodes on the network and micro-controller further connected to control Said elec
collect their data into the handheld device. This would tronic component, wherein Said micro-controller con
greatly reduce the need for long range wireleSS data com trols operation of Said component based on Said Signal.
munications, and therefore would allow for reduced RF 78. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said
power levels at the remote energy harvesting Sensor nodes. rechargeable power Supply comprises at least one from the
MicroStrain has developed a high Speed data logging trans group including a battery and a capacitor.
ceiver product that could be adapted to this purpose (http:// 79. A system as recited in claim 77, further comprising a
www.microStrain.com/DataLoggingTransceiver.html). monitoring device connected to Said rechargeable power
0115 The vibrational energy harvesting unit is illustrated Supply for monitoring Said State of charge of Said recharge
schematically in FIG. 1a-1d. It consists of circuit board 25 able power Supply and for providing Said Signal derived
that is rigidly fixed to Some vibrating component, Such as from Said State of charge.
Vibrating machine 19. Leaf Spring 22 is mounted to this base 80. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said com
in a cantilever configuration. Proof mass 24 is Suspended at ponent comprises at least one from the group including a
the free end of the leaf Spring, and this can be adjusted to Sensor, an A/D converter, a memory, a transmitter, and a
more nearly provide a resonance frequency close the vibra transceiver.
US 2005/0116544A1 Jun. 2, 2005

81. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said micro- 84. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said micro
controller controls operation by controlling provision of controller provides operation based on State of charge of the
power. power Supply.
82. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said micro- 85. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said mechani
controller controls operation by controlling clock rate. cal energy comprises at least one from the group including
83. A system as recited in claim 77, wherein said micro- Vibrational energy and rotational energy.
controller can be programmed. k . . . .

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