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Aei 2024

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Student Information

Full Name: Su Lay Nwe

Preferred Name: Su Lay Age: 32 Sex: F
City: Singapore Country: Singapore DOB: 4 Dec 1992
Phone: +6593553423 E-mail: snowyangel111@gmail.com
Employer: Titanium Safety & Security Job Title: Finance Executive
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact Name: Khine Zin Thant
Relationship: Sister Phone: 09795337550
Experience & Education Details
Languages Spoken:
Highest Level of Education: Have you ever worked or studied overseas? If so, where?
 High School Diploma I am working in Singapore.
 Trade School
Bachelor’s Degree
 Master’s Degree Do you plan to learn English to travel outside of Myanmar
 PhD for work or school? If so, when/where?
Institution Name/s: I am planning to study in US.

University of Computer Studies, Yangon

What English classes have you previously attended?

Degree/s: B.C.Sc (Computer Science)

Educational Needs
-Highlight Your Desired Courses- Placement Level:
Business English 1 Conversation 1
(Office use only, do not fill this
Business English 2 Conversation 2
Creative Writing
-Highlight Each Skill You Wish to Improve-
Speaking Fluency Native Speech Listening Creative Writing
Vocabulary Grammar Reading Business Writing
Pronunciation Professional/Polite Presentations Interviewing
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English Placement Test


Number Missed: (The teacher will mark this section)

Level Score: (The teacher will mark this section)

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Test Instructions
This test is designed to test your placement among the six levels of English proficiency. The six levels and their
descriptions are listed on the final page of this test. Depending on your skill level, this assessment may take 30
minutes to one hour to complete.

Do Do Not
1. Read each sentence carefully.  DO NOT try to type the answer in the question
2. Choose among the answers provided. line.
3. Color or highlight the most appropriate word in  DO NOT change the test answer options.
 DO NOT choose more than one option.

If you do not know the answer, it is okay leave it unanswered. If there is a vocabulary word that you do not
understand, please highlight it in yellow.

1. Hnin Su and Kyaw Thu are planning to get married and___________ a lot of children.
a. have
b. bring
c. get
d. make

2. Pho Cho loves art, and he would like to become a_______.

a. mechanic
b. cleaner
c. singer
d. painter

3. ________ is Mo Mo’s brother like?

a. What
b. How
c. Which
d. Why

4. You _______ to ring to Auntie Thandar to thank her for her present.
a. should
b. must
c. ought
d. could

5. I like living here because ________ are lots of interesting things to do.
a. there
b. we
c. it
d. they

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6. Your blue ______ are dirty – put on your blue skirt.

a. jeans
b. shoes
c. shirt
d. dress

7. Phyo _____ aikido after school every Friday.

a. goes
b. makes
c. plays
d. does

8. Htet Htet is very angry __________ her boss’s decision to sack several members of staff.
a. against
b. about
c. for
d. by

9. Please don’t forget to ring me when you___________ home.

a. get
b. will get
c. are going to get
d. are getting

10. We may have a picnic tomorrow, but it will depend _______ the weather.
a. of
b. in
c. on
d. off

11. Did you have any problems__________ our house?

a. find
b. to find
c. finding
d. for finding

12. Listen, I’m not imagining this. There’s a man_________ us.

a. which has followed
b. following
c. that follows
d. to follow

13. I’ll do my best to__________ there on time.

a. have got
b. get
c. be getting
d. getting

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14. In spite of my protests, he wouldn’t ___________ for the meal.

a. let me to have paid
b. let me pay
c. let me paying
d. have me to pay
15. The steak is beautifully ________ – mine are always so tough!
a. tender
b. mild
c. gentle
d. soft

16. You should read this novel – it’s been ________ recommended by all the critics.
a. highly
b. fully
c. deeply
d. truly

17. I am sure you would have regretted it if you _______ to go with him.
a. would agree
b. would have agreed
c. did agree
d. had agreed

18. The teacher asked if _________ to bring our textbooks to class.

a. all we had remembered
b. we had all remembered
c. had we all remembered
d. had all we remembered

19. Kyun Phi Lar is a beautiful Myanmar island off the west __________ of Thailand.
a. border
b. edge
c. coast
d. beach

20. When Aung Tun was a student, he ______spend hours every day reviewing his class notes.
a. would
b. used
c. was
d. should

21. If you do well at school, you will have the _________to go to university.
a. chance
b. result
c. hope
d. luck

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22. Thandar worked at the same company ______ I did.

a. than
b. like
c. as
d. so

23. One of my grandparents_____ born in Mawlamyaing.

a. are
b. is
c. was
d. were

24. When Myat Yee was a little girl she used to ______ Pokémon cards.
a. collect
b. play
c. choose
d. pick

25. If I _______ phone you, I’ll see you at seven.

a. haven’t
b. don’t
c. will
d. may

26. Is it a long _______ from your new house to the market?

a. street
b. travel
c. road
d. way

27. Hein Lay usually gets good grade marks at school __________ he doesn’t seem to spend
much time studying.
a. although
b. unless
c. even
d. because

28. That sign says ____________ walk on the lawn.

a. shouldn’t
b. shan’t
c. to not
d. not to

29. I really didn’t think there __________ any cake left.

a. has been
b. will have been
c. is

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d. would be
30. Hnin Htet Aung: Will the whole department lose their jobs?
Htay Aung Kyi: I __________.
a. think
b. don’t hope
c. don’t think
d. hope not

31. I was _______________ a housewarming party next week. What do you think?
a. having thinking
b. thinking having
c. thinking of having
d. thinking of having had

32. I have a confession to make. I ________________ you the truth.

a. wasn’t told
b. told not
c. haven’t been telling
d. couldn’t be telling

33. You’d better take these papers with you ____________ you need them for your meeting.
a. otherwise
b. as far as
c. unless
d. in case

34. It ______________ that garlic thins the blood.

a. is to say
b. would have been said
c. have said
d. is said

35. We don’t have to be there ___________ lunchtime.

a. as far as
b. yet
c. until
d. from

36. I’ve cooked you an omelet and I’ve cooked _______________ some spaghetti.
a. for me
b. myself
c. self
d. me

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37. I don’t understand why __________ me you were sick.

a. didn’t you tell
b. you didn’t say
c. you didn’t tell
d. didn’t you say

38. The grass is all wet. It ___________________ during the night.

a. should have rained
b. must have been raining
c. ought to have been raining
d. had been raining

39. Do whatever ___________ your boat.

a. drifts
b. floats
c. swims
d. sails

40. Zaw Ye was getting angrier and ____________ each minute.

a. more angry
b. angrier
c. angrily
d. the angriest

41. What ________________ if you had been in my position?

a. would you have done
b. could you do
c. should I have done
d. had you done

42. This area of town is beginning to look very __________ and impoverished.
a. put-down
b. run-down
c. broken-down
d. marked-down

43. Not only ___________ a car, but you’ve also won free gas for a year.
a. had you won
b. have you won
c. you have won
d. were you winning

44. I didn’t _________ eat ngapi yae.

a. never
b. used to
c. use to

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d. be used to
45. I asked __________________ use Kaung Htet’s phone.
a. if I could
b. whom to
c. you let me
d. could I

46. I must ________________ for being so late.

a. regret
b. apologize
c. excuse
d. pardon

47. I hope you don’t mind _________ joining you.

a. to be
b. that I may
c. I had been
d. my

48. How ____________ get back home if you lost your plane ticket?
a. have you
b. might I
c. would you
d. had you to

49. Although it had been advertised as fully furnished, there was __________ furniture in the
a. a few
b. none
c. little
d. lack of

50. Have you been back to the house_______________ you grew up?
a. who
b. which
c. when
d. where

51. You must come quickly now, or we won’t _____________ the bus.
a. meet
b. catch
c. take
d. run

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52. It’s hot in here – would you mind _________ the window?
a. open
b. opening
c. opened
d. to open
53. Hnin Su: Are dogs allowed in this store?
Moe: Yes, but I wish they ___________.
a. aren’t
b. weren’t
c. shan’t
d. wouldn’t

54. Kyaw Zaw Oo __________ taken the car without asking first.
a. has been
b. won’t have been
c. wouldn’t have
d. wasn’t
55. I ________________ have arrived in Laisho by now.
a. may
b. will
c. can’t
d. was meant to

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Your

application may not be considered if these are left unanswered.
How did you hear about this course? If it was a direct referral, name the referee.
…My friend, Scarlett recommended me to join Conversation class.

Which of your English skills do you feel you need to improve most?
…I need to improve Listening and Speaking skills.

Who was the greatest teacher you ever had (and why)?
…I have chances to meet with so many great teachers in studying different kinds of subjects.
Therefore, I could not make a choose to name only one teacher. However, the most
unforgettable teacher in my life is Daw Yu Yu Myint. She taught me the accounting subjects.
She was not only teaching, but also giving guidance in my careers. Because of her help and
advices, I could solve the difficulties in the work.

Is there anything that you would like Tr. Brittney to know about you? Do you have any
… I am planning to study in US. I want to learn with Tr. Brittney because I want to speak
confidently and I also want to improve in listening. Although I am working in Singapore, I
think my English speaking is not quite good.

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English Placement Guidelines

A1 A basic ability to communicate and exchange Listening Can ask simple questions about a menu &
BEGINNER information in a simple way. May still be Pointing understand simple answers
0-20 unfamiliar with sounds, rhythms, and patterns in Illustrating
English. Matching
A2 An ability to deal with simple, straightforward Naming Can understand sentences & frequently used
ELEMENTARY information and begin to express oneself in Listing expressions related to areas of most
21-27 familiar contexts. Uses longer phrases and can Categorizing immediate relevance (e.g. very basic
understand more detail in conversations. Labeling personal and family information, shopping,
Demonstrating local geography).
B1 The ability to express oneself in a limited way in Comparing Can ask to open an account at a bank,
PRE-INTERMEDIATE familiar situations and to deal in a general way Contrasting provided that the procedure is
28-34 with non-routine information. Uses vocabulary Recall & Re-tell straightforward.
with more accuracy and correctness. Can describe abstract thoughts & give
explanations for opinions & plans.
B2 Able to reach most goals and discuss a range of Explaining Can show visitors around & give a detailed
INTERMEDIATE topics. Can use higher-order language to describe Summarizing description of a place.
35-43 or persuade.
C1 A direct understanding of everyday language, Analyzing Can deal with hostile questioning
UPPER- including idioms, with use of extensive vocabulary Debating confidently. Can get and hold onto his/her
INTERMEDIATE and limited grammatical errors. Justifying turn to speak.
C2 The capacity to deal with material that is academic All Performance Indicators Can scan texts for relevant information, and
ADVANCED or cognitively demanding, & to use language at a grasp main topic of text, reading almost as
51-55 level of performance which may be more advanced quickly as a native speaker.
than that of an average native speaker.

AEI Online Placement Test 2024

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