PH.D Regulation 2018 - (FINAL)
PH.D Regulation 2018 - (FINAL)
PH.D Regulation 2018 - (FINAL)
The Degree of
To contribute to India and the
World through excellence in
scientific and technical education
and research; to serve as a
valuable resource for industry and
society; and to remain a source of
pride for all Indians.
To generate new knowledge by
engaging in cutting-edge research
and to promote academic growth
by offering state-of-the-art Academic integrity and
undergraduate, postgraduate and accountability.
doctoral programmes. Respect and tolerance for
To identify, based on an informed the views of every
perception of Indian, regional and individual.
global needs, areas of Attention to issues of
specialization upon which the national relevance as well
Institute can concentrate. as of global concern.
To undertake collaborative Breadth of understanding,
projects which offer opportunities including knowledge of the
for long-term interaction with human sciences.
academia and industry.
Appreciation of intellectual
To develop human potential to its excellence and creativity.
fullest extent so that intellectually
capable and imaginatively gifted An unfettered spirit of
leaders can emerge in a range of exploration, rationality and
professions. enterprise.
1. General ..........................................................................................................................................................6
2. Time Limits for Ph.D Programme ..........................................................................................................10
3. Admission...................................................................................................................................................13
4. Categories ...................................................................................................................................................15
5. Minimu m Elig ibility Criteria for Selection ..........................................................................................18
6. Reservations ...............................................................................................................................................19
7. Medical Fitness..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8. Enro lment ...................................................................................................................................................19
9. Course Work ..............................................................................................................................................19
10. Co mprehensive Examination ..................................................................................................................24
11. Pre-Registration Seminar .........................................................................................................................25
12. Ph.D Reg istration ......................................................................................................................................25
13. Permission to work outside the Institute ...............................................................................................25
14. Semester Registration and Progress Seminar/ Research Seminar ....................................................26
15. Pre- Sub mission Seminar:........................................................................................................................27
16. Synopsis and Thesis Submission............................................................................................................28
17. Thesis Submission.....................................................................................................................................29
18. Award of Degree .......................................................................................................................................32
19. Financial Support ......................................................................................................................................33
20. Rules of Conduct and Cancellation of Admission...............................................................................34
21. Leave Rules ................................................................................................................................................35
22. Migration fro m Other Institute/University to NIT Patna ...................................................................35
23. Temporary Withdrawal fro m the Program ...........................................................................................37
24. Conversion Fro m Full-Time To Part -Time ..........................................................................................39
25. Withdrawal/ Cancellation fro m Programme and Refund Rules ........................................................40
26. Waiver/Relaxation of Requirements in Special Cases........................................................................40
Appendix–A: Guidelines for Appointment/Change of Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor / Caretaker
Supervisor ....................................................................................................................... 41
Appendix – B: Composition of Admission Committee For every academic session. ............. 43
Appendix – C: Composition of Departmental Research Committee(DRC) For every academic
session............................................................................................................................. 44
Composition of the Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) 45
Appendix –D: Admission Procedure for Ph.D Programme .................................................. 47
Appendix–E: Summary of Time Limits for Different Academic Activities ........................... 50
Appendix –F: Rules for Sponsored Ph.D Programme.......................................................... 52
Appendix–G: Rules for Enrolment of Members of Teaching ............................................... 54
Schedule - A Undertaking 55
Appendix–H: Thesis Submission for Evaluation - Format Guidelines: ................................. 56
Appendix–I: Terms and Conditions for Award of Scholarship/ Research Fellowship ............ 60
1.1 The Institute provides facilities for research leading to the award of
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in the areas related to
Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Science, Humanities and
Allied disciplines. The awarded degree will be as detailed below:
Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Planning Architecture
Sciences Mathematics,
English Literature/
Economics/ Social
Humanities and Social Sciences
1.4 Full-time Ph.D candidates must devote their entire available time for the
studies and research work as per schedule. All candidates registered for
doctoral Programme with fellowship are required to devote eight hours a
week in academic activity of the department, such as theory (tutorials),
Practical classes and laboratory development, etc.
If any candidate wants to apply for any kind of job or funding/ financial
assistance, or for admission at any other university/ research
organization, then he / she is required to inform respective department
through his/ her Supervisor in advance to consider and discuss it in DRC
for its approval. The approval of DRC may be placed in Senate for final
decision. The students admitted in academic session 2018-19 and
onwards, have to refund the stipend/scholarship/assistantship
received from the Institute in case of leaving the programme without
its completion, irrespective of the reasons at their end.
1.5 The Institute may allow candidates to pursue their Doctoral Degree
Programme of the Institute either fully or partly in any Indian/ Foreign
Institute / university with approval of the competent authority.
1.6 The Dean (Academic) of the Institute shall invite application/s for admission
to the Ph.D Programme twice a year in the month of April / May for
Autumn Semester and in the month of October / November for Spring
Semester for each academic session. The admission notification shall be
issued, if vacancy exists for any Specific research area in any Department.
The applicant must fulfill and satisfy the required criteria detailed in the
regulation for Ph.D Programme for admission.
1.7 Equivalence of the degree for admission to the Doctoral Programme shall
be solely determined by either the appropriate national professional bodies
or with the classification followed by Association of Indian Universities or
Departmental Research Committee (DRC) with justification.
1.9 Candidate is required to submit his/ her research area of interest with
choice of supervisor(s) in preferential order to the Chairman, DRC of the
Department in the prescribed format that is Form D2 (Appendix – L) in a
month’s time from the date of admission. The DRC will discuss and
allocate supervisor to the candidate. A brief research proposal should then
be submitted in consultation with the supervisor and this process should be
completed within two months from the date of admission.
Comprehensive examination
Pre-registration seminar
Allocate supervisor
Chairman, DRC of the Department will make sure that all the
relevant records / documents for each candidate are being
1.14 Candidate has to submit a write up for work done during current
semester after being duly signed by Supervisor and Co-Supervisor, if
any, in order to enable him/her for registration for next semester. In case
of unsatisfactory Performance, supervisor will issue a warning letter to
the candidate. However, he / she may be allowed to register in the next
semester. In case of three consecutive unsatisfactory reports, the case
will be forwarded to DSC / DRC. Recommendation of DSC / DRC will be
forwarded to Dean (Academic) and Chairman Senate for final decision.
If permitted, then only he / she will be allowed to register for the next
2.1 A candidate has to devote minimum of three years inclusive of the period
for course work and research for the submission of his/ her research work
for final evaluation. The period will be counted from the date of
admission/ enrollment to the Programme in the institute.
2.2 All candidates are required to devote minimum one semester for Course
work and preparation for research proposal.
2.4 Duration of a candidate for the Ph.D Programme shall be effective, from
the date of admission/ enrolment and shall remain valid for five years
for Full-time and Six Years for Part-time.
2.5 Summary of time limits for different activities such as enrolment, academic
evaluation, Pre-Registration seminar, thesis pre-submission seminar etc.
are detailed at Appendix -E
2.6 For a Candidate of Dual Degree, time limits shall be guided by (i) Dual
Degree Regulation - till working for Master’s Degree and thereafter by (ii)
Doctoral Degree Program Regulation. If such candidate discontinues after
Master’s Course, then he/ she will not be awarded any Degree under
the provisions of Dual Degree Structure, as No exit from Programme is
permitted. The students admitted in the academic session 2018-19 and
onwards, have to return the fellowship / Assistantship received from the
Institute, and may leave the Institute without completing the programme.
2.7 Any extension beyond the scheduled time limits (detailed at Appendix - E)
for course work, pre-registration seminar and pre-submission seminar,
will be recommended by DSC / DRC. The DSC and DRC may
recommend for maximum extension of one year in such case(s),
however, such extension will not affect the maximum allotted time limit i.e
five years for full time and six years for part time candidate.
2.10 If this extension is also exhausted then again DSC/DRC may recommend
with complete justification (with supporting documents) for another one
year extension in the Senate for discussion and direction. In such case,
total time for the Doctoral Programme shall limit to seven years for Full-
time and eight years for Part-time candidates from the date of admission.
The decision of the Senate shall be final and binding on the candidate.
2.11 Any such extension will not entitle the candidate for scholarship /
Teaching Assistantship. Duration and other terms and conditions for
scholarship / Teaching Assistantship will be bound by the Institute’s
notification from time to time.
2.12 If any candidate fails to submit his / her final Ph.D thesis, even after
extension allowed by the Chairman Senate, no further extension shall be
allowed. However, all such candidates may be permitted to take re-
admission and re-register for the program and shall be considered as new
admission. However, in such case, the course work is to be done again
only if the proposed area of research is different than the earlier. In all
such case(s), candidates will be governed by the rules and regulations
prevalent on the date of re-admission/ re-register. In all such case(s) of
re-admission/ re-register, no Institute Scholarship / Research fellowship
will be payable. Details of Institute Scholarship / Research fellowship are
available at Appendix -I.
3.2 The number of seats to be filled for any programme shall be decided by
the Chairman, Senate from time to time.
3.5 List of faculty who may be Supervisor for Ph.D research scholar, faculty
3.7 The candidate(s) who have applied for Ph.D admission in the department/
Centre with minimum eligibility qualification as per section 5 and have
qualifying degree plus GATE / NET / any other applicable National Level
Test Score in same department/Centre, are required to appear in
Screening admission Test and selection interview for admission.
3.9 Candidates for whom, results of the qualifying examination are not
declared at the time of screening admission test / selection interview may
also be considered for admission. In such case(s) if the candidate is
selected, his/her admission will be provisional, subject to the condition
that he/ she submits an undertaking to produce proof of completing the
qualifying degree before a date announced at the time of admission.
Extension up to maximum period of three months for submitting the
required documents may be given by the competent authority but no
3.11 A candidate may apply in more than one department but in such a case
he/ she has to make separate application for each department, and if
shortlisted, then should appear at the Screening written test and / or
selection interview in each Department separately.
3.13 The candidates, who have been found suitable for admission in Ph.D
Programme, shall submit application for admission in the prescribed
format along with requisite fees to the respective Department within the
time limit prescribed by the Institute, failing which their candidature may
be deemed as cancelled. Details of fees and other charges payable by a
candidate are available at Appendix - K.
4 Categories
With direct financial support from Govt. / Semi Govt. agencies such as
JRFs / SRFs who fulfill the eligibility criteria and are working or to be
appointed in an externally funded research project running in the
Institute, provided such projects must not have less than one year
tenure left on the date of registration in the Programme are eligible for
Admission in Ph. D programme in the respective domain at that
6. Reservations
7. Enrolment
A successful candidate has to take admission (enrollment) in the institute as
per the schedule after paying prescribed fees. Chairman, DRC of the
department will make sure that all the relevant records/documents in
separate file for each candidate are being maintained (from admission to
award of degree).
8. Course Work
Every candidate admitted under PhD programme will have to complete the
course work in the prescribed period with minimum credit as given in Table
2 as advised by Supervisor / approved by DSC / Department.
Course work may be done outside the department of the Institute or outside
the institute. Following is the guideline for the same:
The Doctoral Scrutiny Committee shall recommend course work for different
categories of candidates enrolled in the department/ Centre in consultation
with respective Supervisor(s). Candidate may also opt for some courses in
consultation with supervisor.
Full Time /Part Time Ph D candidate may also be allowed to do course work on self-
study mode with time line given at Appendix-E. DRC / DSC may recommend for
such ‘Self–study style’ course for the particular candidate approved by Chairman
Senate. But he/she has to follow all steps like assignments, examination etc. as
prescribed for a regular course. The candidate is exempted from attending regular
classes but shall be evaluated out of full marks assigned for the course.
PhD course work requirement may also be fulfilled by taking online courses such as
MOOCs, Swayam courses approved by the concerned Supervisor/DSC/DRC.
Credit of such courses will be considered for fulfillment of requirement of total credit
for completion of course work. If evaluation of such course is not done by the
concerned instructor then these courses will be evaluated by NIT Patna as per the
evaluation process of courses under Self-Study mode.
Research candidate shall have to pass course work successfully within time
limit. Research candidate must earn a minimum CGPA 7.0 in course work to
continue as a research scholar.
In case, the candidate fails to clear the course work within time limit, then
DSC / DRC may review the performance of the candidate and recommend for
extension of at most one year. Failing to clear in this duration his/her
registration may be cancelled.
Any extension of period shall be counted within maximum limits of five years
duration for full-time and six years for part-time candidates of the program,
and no further extension shall be permitted and candidature may be
At the end of the semester, the candidate has to give seminar and technic al
report (power point presentation) on any general topic (preferably from
his/her research area) exercising his presentation and technical report writing
skills for 60 Marks.
9. Comprehensive Examination
The DSC and DRC on the basis of the performance of the candidate in the
pre-registration seminar will make one of the following recommendations
Satisfactory: The candidate can get registered for the Ph.D programme.
Not Satisfactory: The candidate has to re-submit the research plan and
should give seminar once again, keeping in view the suggestions of the
DSC and DRC within 3 months.
Every registered candidate will have to carry out registration in each semester
of their Ph.D programme along with requisite fees as per academic calendar
till the submission of the thesis.
Candidate has to submit a write up for work done during current semester
after duly signed by the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor, if any, in order to
enable him/her for registration for next semester. In case of unsatisfactory
performance, supervisor will issue a warning letter to the candidate. However,
he / she may be allowed to register in next semester. In case of three
consecutive unsatisfactory reports, case will be forwarded to DSC / DRC.
Recommendation of DSC / DRC will be forwarded to Dean (Academic) and
then to Director for final decision. If permitted, then only he/she will be allowed
to do registration in next semester.
All registered candidates shall have to present Progress Seminar at the end
of Each Year before DSC to evaluate the progress of the research work
from year to year. Details of progress are to be submitted in Appendix L:
Form – D6. Chairman, DRC / HoD will send the original copy of report to
Dean (Academic). Photocopy of the same should be kept in the personal file
of the candidate.
Should have publications with his/ her name (i.e. Candidate’s Name) as
first author and / or others as the Co-author(s) and
After the report of satisfactory progress in each session by DSC, he/ she may
apply for thesis pre submission seminar within the time limits. The Pre
submission Seminar will be conducted by DSC/DRC. At least one external
Expert member of the DSC must be present during the pre-submission
Seminar. The DSC in its report may submit “Satisfactory” or “Not
If the candidate fails again, he/she will be allowed for next pre submission
seminar after six months from the date of second pre submission seminar.
This process will continue till final maximum time limit permitted is over (i.e.
Five years for Full-time and Six Years for Part-time candidate). Thereafter, it
will be a case of extension for time by another one year by the approval of
Senate. After availing this permission of extension by the Senate, no further
request of permission for extension would be put up in the Senate. Hence
his/her candidature from the program shall stand automatically cancel.
If DSC is satisfied, then synopsis and the thesis will be sent to the Dean
(Academic) office. Plagiarism test will be done with the help of software by the
Supervisor(s). The thesis shall be accepted for submission only if the content
of the thesis has less than or equal to 15% content duplication or as decided
by the Senate Chairman.
If his / her thesis fails Plagiarism test, he / she will be asked to modify and
resubmit it within three months. After revision and correction, it must be put
under plagiarism test by the Supervisor(s) and respective HoD and must fulfill
the requirement as stated above.
A candidate shall submit five copies of the thesis on A4 size paper, in case
of single supervisor and six copies if there is a joint supervisor along with
requisite fees. The thesis must contain, besides the text and common
matters like bibliography/ reference and summary / conclusions. Thesis
should contain the work published by the candidate. List of publication
should be included before the references with under line of category of
Journal SCI / SCIE / SSCI / AHCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) / ESCI
/ SCOPUS. Detailed format of Final Thesis submission for evaluation are at
Appendix - H:
(i) The candidate shall submit a declaration that “the thesis is his/ her
own original work and that it has not been presented and will not
be presented to any other University/ Institute for a similar or any
other Degree award”.
(ii) An abstract of the thesis (about 500 words) with key words (not
more than 20)
(iii) A certificate from the supervisor(s) that (a) the work has been
carried out under his/ her/ their supervision, (b) the candidate has
fulfilled all prescribed requirements and (c) the thesis is based on
candidate’s own work and has not been submitted elsewhere for a
degree / diploma to the best of his/ her knowledge.
Three experts (One from Panel-I and two from Panel-II) from the
aforementioned panel shall be appointed as ‘external’ examiners by the
Director and the supervisor(s) will be the internal examiner. The thesis shall
be forwarded to the selected examiners who shall report separately on the
thesis and forward their recommendations to the Dean (Academic).
The Dean (Academic) will examine the reports of the examiners and send it
to the Director-cum-Chairman, Senate. The reports of expert(s) shall
thereafter be sent to the DSC for their perusal and necessary action, if
required. There may be following possible situations arising out of the
nature of the reports, and the steps to be taken appropriate to the
circumstance shall be as laid down below.
modification. This is a clear case for going in for the final requirement
of viva voce examination.
iii) If one of the examiners does not recommend the award of the degree
and rejects the thesis while the other examiners recommend for
modification before award of the degree, the DSC in such a case
may direct the candidate to modify the thesis as suggested within
a given time not exceeding six months from the date of letter
issued to the candidate.
iv) If three examiners reject the thesis, then the thesis may be sent to two
other examiners from the original list of examiners suggested by the
DSC. If both the examiners again do not recommend the award of
Degree then the candidate’s Ph.D registration stands cancelled.
Once the reports of the examiners have been accepted as satisfactory the
candidate will have to defend his/ her thesis before an open viva voce board
consisting of all DSC &DRC members, and the ‘External Examiner’ from
Panel II. In case the External Examiner is not available to conduct the viva-
voce, the director at his discretion may appoint another examiner from the
original panel of thesis examiners by the DSC.
If the viva voce board is not satisfied, the candidate has to appear again
before the evaluation Board as stated above within the next three months.
The DSC and DRC shall recommend to the Senate for the award of the
Doctoral Degree, if the viva voce is satisfactory and all other requirements
have been fulfilled.
Scholars admitted to the Ph.D Programme under any of the categories shall
conduct themselves within and outside the premises of the Institute in a
manner befitting the scholars of an Institute of national importance. Detailed
rules regarding conduct and discipline are given in Appendix - I.
The Ph.D candidates shall not be entitled to avail Semester break, summer
and winter vacations.
The leave will be granted by the Head of the Department /Centre on the
recommendation of the Supervisor and any leave not availed of in a year
shall not accumulate.
(ii) He/ She have No Objection Certificate from his/ her previous
(iii) His/her previous Supervisor has joined at NIT Patna and the
supervisor agrees to supervise the candidate at NIT Patna.
(viii) Candidates after getting transferred to NIT Patna should stay at least
1 year (12 Months) from the date of restoration of admission at NIT
Patna, for giving pre-submission seminar
Proof of Enrollment/Admission
Character Certificate
In all such cases, the candidate is required to make written request for
transfer of enrolment/ registration with all supporting documents as stated
above for consideration of the respective department/ DRC of the concerned
In case of all such candidature transfer, the credit earned under his/ her
previous Institute shall be transferred as it is and to be ratified by the Senate
for any deviation from the prevailing rules of the programme at NIT Patna.
After approval of the candidature transfer he/ she have to deposit fee for
admission and continue his/ her research at NIT Patna under the present
In case a new faculty joins from other MHRD Institutions, and the concerned
DRC recommends for transfer of admission/registration of the candidates
working under such faculty, and getting scholarship at the previous institute,
he/she may get scholarship at NIT Patna provided the candidate fulfills the
criteria laid down by the MHRD and total no of enrolled students in that
Department does not exceed for that particular academic session.
The candidate will submit final thesis as per rules under of doctoral
Programme no further extension is being considered.
candidate has no interest in the programme and his/ her candidature shall
be deemed to be cancelled without any notice.
Has been selected for a job as per his qualification in Central / State
Government Research Organization and there is a probability to
continue in the programme at NIT Patna.
Any candidate may request for withdrawal from the Institute after
admission or after joining but before the completion of Pre-Registration
Seminar. But in all cases, the candidate is required to inform the Dean
(Academic) through the HOD and submit reasons/ justification before grant
of such permission. No refund of fee after admission/ enrolment or
semester registration will be made, except caution money.
In case candidate wants to discontinue his / her PhD programme after the
completion of Pre-Registration seminar or convert from Full time to part
time, then he/she has to return the complete amount received as a
scholarship / fellowship / assistantship.
4. For cases where the supervisor proceeds on long leave for more than
or equal to one semester, then either a joint supervisor may be
appointed or new supervisor may be appointed or a caretaker
supervisor is to be appointed by the DRC.
External Expert from the other Institute is entitled for TA/DA/Honorarium as per
NIT Patna rule.
DSC shall be responsible for following activities with respect to Ph.D Programme:
(v) Organize pre- registration seminar for the candidate within time-limit
defined by the regulation.
The Screening Written Test question paper may have questions of multiple
choice questions and/or subjective questions. The cutoff marks for Screening
of candidates cannot be less than 40% in case of Gen/OBC candidates and 35%
in case of SC/ST/PwD of the Full Marks for Written Test.
List of candidates eligible for admission process and list of not eligible
candidates with the reason for the same.
Dated <>
The candidates marked as “ABSENT” did not appear for Selection Interview,
hence such candidates may not to be considered for admission to the Doctoral
The summary of time limits for different activities as per the regulation for Ph.D
Programme under different sections and sub-sections have been detailed below
for reference. For all count period reference is from the Date of Admission/
Dual Degree Candidates- the academic progress time limits are guided by (i)
Dual Degree Regulation - till working for Master’s Degree and thereafter
by Doctoral Degree Program. Under this No exit from programme is
permitted. If a candidate decides to withdraw his/ her admission at any
stage of his/ her admission then none of the Degree shall be awarded.
That the candidate has been officially released from his duties for the
purpose of joining the Programme and has been granted the leave
for the required period, i.e., NOC from current employer.
That the services of the candidate shall be retained with the employers.
1. Members of teaching staff of the NIT Patna and other Institute may be
permitted to join the Ph.D Programme of the Institute provided the prior
permission has been obtained from the Director before applying for
admission to the Programme.
4. All common rules laid down in the Ph.D Regulations relating to course
work, prosecution of research work under the supervision of a member
of faculty, etc shall be applicable to all members of staff being enrolled
for Ph.DProgramme.
7. Member of teaching staff may get registered under QIP scheme, and
then approval for such request shall be governed by the rules under the
QIP Scheme of MHRD/ AICTE.
Schedule - A Undertaking
1. Cover Page (For Hand bound Cover- in sky colour i.e. light blue
Colour with golden writing)
3. Certification
5. Acknowledgments
6. Synopsis
9. Contents
The undersigned certify that he/ she has completed all other requirements for
submission of the thesis and hereby recommend for the acceptance of a thesis
entitled, ‘………… ……………… ……………… …………. ………………
………….’ in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Ph.D
Degree by National Institute of Technology Patna.
Date: ………………………….
This thesis is a copy right material protected under the Berne Convention, the
copy right at 1999 and other International and National enactments, in that behalf,
or intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part,
except for short extracts in fair dealing, for research or private study, critical
scholarly review or discourser with an acknowledgment, without written
permission of the Department on both the author and NIT Patna.
CHAPTER - 3 ProblemDefinition
CHAPTER - 6 Conclusion
ANNEXURE – 1, 2, 3 If any
Spacing: Spacing between text lines: 1.5, Times New Roman, 12 sizes,
3. Paper Margins
4. Printing
The entire thesis shall be printed only on one side of the paper.
5. Draft Submission
Five to six loose bound copies each for the examination committee shall
be submitted on the set deadline.
One each for the Institute, the External and Internal Examiners, and each
6. Final submission
- Five in case of one supervisor and six in case of more than one
supervisor(s) of the thesis hard copy (Hand bound in sky colour
i.e. light blue Colour) and in soft copy of thesis (in pdf format)
under a separate <folder name> as Candidate’s Roll no as file
1.1 All Research Scholars admitted to the research Programme except the
sponsored scholars and members of staff of the Institute shall be
entitled to get the award of Research Fellowship/Teaching Assistance
as per rules of MHRD, Govt. of India.
2. General
2.2 QIP scholars shall however draw fellowship and contingency grant from
QIP Programme of MHRD only as per rules applicable to them. They
shall in no case be eligible for award of Institute Research
4.2 The financial assistance for the last month shall be payable subject to
foregoing conditions up to the actual date of the scholar’s presence in
the Institute. The disbursement of last monthly installment of financial
i) Institute Research Scholars:
On the basis of reports received from Doctoral Scrutiny Committee, the
enrolment may be terminated at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory
performance and the Institute’s decision in this regard shall be final.
i) Institute Research Scholars:
to time with the prior permission of the Supervisors (s) and Dean
For the purpose of tuition fees and hostel charges the year shall be
counted from the date of joining of the Research Scholar except
that the fees shall be charged from the first day of the month
irrespective of the actual date of joining. Similarly at the time of
leaving the Institution the tuition fees and hostel rent shall be
charged for the full month irrespective of the actual date of leaving.
Research Scholars under all categories except internal staff shall pay
tuition fee and seat rent ordinarily for the entire duration of their
research work, i.e., till the date of submission of the thesis.
d) I will not discontinue the studies or relinquish the scholarship during it’s tenure
without the prior approval of the Director and I shall refund the entire amount
of scholarship received by me from the date of commencement of the
scholarship to the Director, National Institute of Technology Patna in case I
discontinue the studies or relinquish the scholarship and
e) I will abide by the rules for the award and renewal of the scholarship existing
and as stipulated by Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of
India from time to time.
Roll No. :
Department :
Supervisor Allotted
Chairman (DRC)
Chairman (DRC)
Dean (Academic)
Department :
Month and Year of :
Roll Number ;
Department :
Sl. Title of the paper Authors (in Name of the Month &
No. the order it Journal with year of
appears on Volume No, publication
the paper)
Sl. Title of the paper Authors (in Name of the Month &
No. the order it Conference year of
appears on and venue Conference
the paper) with main
Sl. Title of the paper Authors (in Name of the Month &
No. the order it Conference year of
appears on and venue Conference
the paper) with main
(If the paper has been accepted for publication but is yet to be published / appear
in the Proceedings, the supporting documents for acceptance with probable time
of publication must be attached.)
Name & Signature, with Date Name & Signature, with Date
Supervisor /
Name Designation Department/Organization Co-
ii. Works Completed in the current semester: (as per the directions given by
the DSC in previous progress presentation), % of works completed by the
research scholar based on the previous proposed works, Additional works
iii. Works proposed for the next semester: (Short time goals, Long term
(ii) Conferences
ii. In my opinion
__________________________________________________(name of
the research scholar) has/has not made progress in the following
respects on the basis of which I am satisfied/not satisfied with the work
done during the last six months:
As Supervisor: ___________________(full-
As Co-Supervisor: _______________(full-time)
a) (i) Recommendation for Registration beyond 5 years for full time and 6
years for part time (needs approval of the senate on the basis of
recommendation of DSC)
Progress Report
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Submitted (YES/NO)
Details (Satisfactory:
(S)/Not Satisfactory:
(NS/ U)
d) Comments of the members of DSC
4. The progress report duly filled in by student concerned and DSC is to be sent
to Academic Section for further processing.
[Recommendation/comments DSC]
Roll Number:
c) Literature Search
understanding of prior art:
Designation of the
Full Address:
E-mail ID:
Date: (Signature of the Examiner)
Name of Department/Centre:
Ph.D. Regular/ Dual Degree/ Ph.D. under scheme (write name of scheme)
_________________________ ____________
Signature of Candidate Signature of Co-Supervisor Signature of Supervisor
Note: Enhanced rate will be effective from the month of meeting of DSC in
case meeting held after successful completion of two years. Candidate must
have completed pre-registration seminar successfully.)
Sig. Date
Sig. _ Date._