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PH.D Regulation 2018 - (FINAL)

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Annexure of SNT …….

Ph.D Regulations 2018


The Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)


राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान पटना

Ashok Rajpath, Patna - 800005, Bihar.
Annexure of SNT….

To contribute to India and the
World through excellence in
scientific and technical education
and research; to serve as a
valuable resource for industry and
society; and to remain a source of
pride for all Indians.

To generate new knowledge by
engaging in cutting-edge research
and to promote academic growth
by offering state-of-the-art Academic integrity and
undergraduate, postgraduate and accountability.
doctoral programmes. Respect and tolerance for
To identify, based on an informed the views of every
perception of Indian, regional and individual.
global needs, areas of Attention to issues of
specialization upon which the national relevance as well
Institute can concentrate. as of global concern.
To undertake collaborative Breadth of understanding,
projects which offer opportunities including knowledge of the
for long-term interaction with human sciences.
academia and industry.
Appreciation of intellectual
To develop human potential to its excellence and creativity.
fullest extent so that intellectually
capable and imaginatively gifted An unfettered spirit of
leaders can emerge in a range of exploration, rationality and
professions. enterprise.

Contact Details: राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान पटना

Ashok Raj Path, Patna 800005, BIHAR
Website: www.nitp.ac.in Email ID: registrar@nitp.ac.in

Registrar: 0612- 2660480

Institute Tele fax No.:0612- 2670631
Institute Phone No.: 0612 - 2370419, 2371715, 2371929, 2371930, 2372715
Extension No. Director - 101 Registrar - 104
Dean (Academic) - 247 AR (Academics) - 263
PI (Examination) -223 DR (Exam) - 105

Regulation for Ph. D Programme effective from session 2018-19 2

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All admissions and subsequent registrations, course

work and conferment of Degree shall be guided by Ph.D
Regulations 2018. This supersedes all the previous
regulations, e.g., Regulation 2009, Regulation 2013,
Regulation 2015, Regulation 2017 for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Programme. Ph.D
Regulations 2018 will be effective for all the students
under Ph.D programme. If any discrepancy arises due to
implementation of this Regulation, Chairman, Senate NIT
Patna is authorized to resolve the case(s) based on their

Regulation for Ph. D Programme effective from session 2018-19 3

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1. General ..........................................................................................................................................................6
2. Time Limits for Ph.D Programme ..........................................................................................................10
3. Admission...................................................................................................................................................13
4. Categories ...................................................................................................................................................15
5. Minimu m Elig ibility Criteria for Selection ..........................................................................................18
6. Reservations ...............................................................................................................................................19
7. Medical Fitness..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8. Enro lment ...................................................................................................................................................19
9. Course Work ..............................................................................................................................................19
10. Co mprehensive Examination ..................................................................................................................24
11. Pre-Registration Seminar .........................................................................................................................25
12. Ph.D Reg istration ......................................................................................................................................25
13. Permission to work outside the Institute ...............................................................................................25
14. Semester Registration and Progress Seminar/ Research Seminar ....................................................26
15. Pre- Sub mission Seminar:........................................................................................................................27
16. Synopsis and Thesis Submission............................................................................................................28
17. Thesis Submission.....................................................................................................................................29
18. Award of Degree .......................................................................................................................................32
19. Financial Support ......................................................................................................................................33
20. Rules of Conduct and Cancellation of Admission...............................................................................34
21. Leave Rules ................................................................................................................................................35
22. Migration fro m Other Institute/University to NIT Patna ...................................................................35
23. Temporary Withdrawal fro m the Program ...........................................................................................37
24. Conversion Fro m Full-Time To Part -Time ..........................................................................................39
25. Withdrawal/ Cancellation fro m Programme and Refund Rules ........................................................40
26. Waiver/Relaxation of Requirements in Special Cases........................................................................40
Appendix–A: Guidelines for Appointment/Change of Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor / Caretaker
Supervisor ....................................................................................................................... 41
Appendix – B: Composition of Admission Committee For every academic session. ............. 43
Appendix – C: Composition of Departmental Research Committee(DRC) For every academic
session............................................................................................................................. 44
Composition of the Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) 45
Appendix –D: Admission Procedure for Ph.D Programme .................................................. 47
Appendix–E: Summary of Time Limits for Different Academic Activities ........................... 50
Appendix –F: Rules for Sponsored Ph.D Programme.......................................................... 52
Appendix–G: Rules for Enrolment of Members of Teaching ............................................... 54
Schedule - A Undertaking 55
Appendix–H: Thesis Submission for Evaluation - Format Guidelines: ................................. 56
Appendix–I: Terms and Conditions for Award of Scholarship/ Research Fellowship ............ 60

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Schedule -B : Leave, & Other Administrative Matters of Research Scholars of Different

Categories 63
Appendix–J: Rules Regarding Conduct and Discipline ....................................................... 65
Appendix–K: Fees and Other Charges Payable by Research Scholars .................................. 67
Appendix–L: Some Forms for different purpose................................................................. 68
Form D1: Undertaking to be submitted by M. Tech/ MURP/ Ph.D Scholar Claiming Full-
Time Research Assistantship/ Scholarship 68
From D2 Choice of Ph.DSupervisor 70
Form D3 Request for Change of Research Supervisor or Inclusion of Additional Supervisor
Form D5 List of Publications Based on Ph.D Research Work 74
Form D6 Semester Progress Application and Research Seminar Report 76
Form D7 Plagiarism Report of Final Thesis 84
Form D8 Examiner’s Evaluation Report on Ph.D Thesis 85
Form D9 Report of Final Viva-Voce Examination Board 89
Form D10: Application Form for Enhancement of Scholarship 90

Regulation for Ph. D Programme effective from session 2018-19 5

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1.1 The Institute provides facilities for research leading to the award of
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in the areas related to
Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Science, Humanities and
Allied disciplines. The awarded degree will be as detailed below:

Degree With Specialization in Under the Department of

Civil Engineering, Computer

Science and Engineering,
Engineering / Electrical Engineering,
Technology Electronics and Communication

Mechanical Engineering

Doctor of Planning Architecture

Sciences Mathematics,


English Literature/
Economics/ Social
Humanities and Social Sciences

1.2 Ph.D Programme is to be carried out at NIT Patna under guidance of a

faculty of the Institute. Joint Supervisors/Co-supervisor from outside the
Institute, if required, may also be allowed with the approval of the competent

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One eligible faculty can normally supervise maximum eight candidates

under him / her at a time. (Guidelines for Appointment of Supervisor/ Co-
supervisor/ Caretaker Supervisor, see Appendix - A).

1.3 The regulation herein specified applies to all candidates admitted,

enrolled / registered and to be admitted.

1.4 Full-time Ph.D candidates must devote their entire available time for the
studies and research work as per schedule. All candidates registered for
doctoral Programme with fellowship are required to devote eight hours a
week in academic activity of the department, such as theory (tutorials),
Practical classes and laboratory development, etc.

If any candidate wants to apply for any kind of job or funding/ financial
assistance, or for admission at any other university/ research
organization, then he / she is required to inform respective department
through his/ her Supervisor in advance to consider and discuss it in DRC
for its approval. The approval of DRC may be placed in Senate for final
decision. The students admitted in academic session 2018-19 and
onwards, have to refund the stipend/scholarship/assistantship
received from the Institute in case of leaving the programme without
its completion, irrespective of the reasons at their end.

1.5 The Institute may allow candidates to pursue their Doctoral Degree
Programme of the Institute either fully or partly in any Indian/ Foreign
Institute / university with approval of the competent authority.

1.6 The Dean (Academic) of the Institute shall invite application/s for admission
to the Ph.D Programme twice a year in the month of April / May for
Autumn Semester and in the month of October / November for Spring
Semester for each academic session. The admission notification shall be
issued, if vacancy exists for any Specific research area in any Department.
The applicant must fulfill and satisfy the required criteria detailed in the
regulation for Ph.D Programme for admission.

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1.7 Equivalence of the degree for admission to the Doctoral Programme shall
be solely determined by either the appropriate national professional bodies
or with the classification followed by Association of Indian Universities or
Departmental Research Committee (DRC) with justification.

1.8 A candidate may be allowed to take admission after being declared

successful in the Screening admission test and / or Selection Interview
conducted by the institute for this program. After admission the candidate
has to complete the course work successfully before pre-registration
seminar; however the effective date of registration shall be the same as
the date of admission / enrolment.

1.9 Candidate is required to submit his/ her research area of interest with
choice of supervisor(s) in preferential order to the Chairman, DRC of the
Department in the prescribed format that is Form D2 (Appendix – L) in a
month’s time from the date of admission. The DRC will discuss and
allocate supervisor to the candidate. A brief research proposal should then
be submitted in consultation with the supervisor and this process should be
completed within two months from the date of admission.

The Dean (Academic) in consultation with Head of the Department will

constitute a Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) as per Appendix – C.
The DSC for each candidate admitted must be constituted within three
months from the date of admission.

1.10 Award of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree is made by the Institute on

the basis of satisfactory performance of the registered candidate, during
his/ her stay in the programme. The candidate must have completed the
following requirements:

 Prescribed course work

 Comprehensive examination

 Pre-registration seminar

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 Required Research Publication.

 Pre-Ph.D seminar for synopsis and final thesis


 Thesis submission by the candidate and

 Successful defence of Final viva voce.

The thesis shall be the report of research work encompassed by either

discovery of new facts, a new interpretation of known facts, a new theory
or an independent design and development or development of new
instrument / technology.

1.11 Admission Committee constituted as per Appendix - B shall

 Scrutinize applications received by the Dean (Academic)

 Conduct Written Screening Test and Interview

 Recommend the name of candidate(s) to be admitted and

enrolled to the Ph.D Programme in the Department/ Centre on
the basis of prevailing admission rules outlined at Appendix -

1.12 Departmental Research Committee (DRC) constituted as per Appendix

-C shall

 Establish equivalence of the degree with justification.

 Allocate supervisor

 Assign theory/practical work

 Report of DSC, if any

 Chairman, DRC of the Department will make sure that all the
relevant records / documents for each candidate are being

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maintained separately (individual file from admission to the

award of the Degree).

1.13 Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) constituted as per Appendix -C,


 Monitor the candidate’s progress and conduct the seminar in each


 Recommend the expert panel of examiner(s) for evaluation of the


 On receiving satisfactory reports on the thesis from the examiners, the

DRC and DSC along with an additional examiner (external) will
conduct the final viva voce examination and shall recommend for
award of the degree.

1.14 Candidate has to submit a write up for work done during current
semester after being duly signed by Supervisor and Co-Supervisor, if
any, in order to enable him/her for registration for next semester. In case
of unsatisfactory Performance, supervisor will issue a warning letter to
the candidate. However, he / she may be allowed to register in the next
semester. In case of three consecutive unsatisfactory reports, the case
will be forwarded to DSC / DRC. Recommendation of DSC / DRC will be
forwarded to Dean (Academic) and Chairman Senate for final decision.
If permitted, then only he / she will be allowed to register for the next

Time Limits for Ph.D Programme

2.1 A candidate has to devote minimum of three years inclusive of the period
for course work and research for the submission of his/ her research work
for final evaluation. The period will be counted from the date of
admission/ enrollment to the Programme in the institute.

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2.2 All candidates are required to devote minimum one semester for Course
work and preparation for research proposal.

2.3 A candidate has to appear for Pre-Registration Seminar after successful

completion of his course work.

2.4 Duration of a candidate for the Ph.D Programme shall be effective, from
the date of admission/ enrolment and shall remain valid for five years
for Full-time and Six Years for Part-time.

2.5 Summary of time limits for different activities such as enrolment, academic
evaluation, Pre-Registration seminar, thesis pre-submission seminar etc.
are detailed at Appendix -E

2.6 For a Candidate of Dual Degree, time limits shall be guided by (i) Dual
Degree Regulation - till working for Master’s Degree and thereafter by (ii)
Doctoral Degree Program Regulation. If such candidate discontinues after
Master’s Course, then he/ she will not be awarded any Degree under
the provisions of Dual Degree Structure, as No exit from Programme is
permitted. The students admitted in the academic session 2018-19 and
onwards, have to return the fellowship / Assistantship received from the
Institute, and may leave the Institute without completing the programme.

2.7 Any extension beyond the scheduled time limits (detailed at Appendix - E)
for course work, pre-registration seminar and pre-submission seminar,
will be recommended by DSC / DRC. The DSC and DRC may
recommend for maximum extension of one year in such case(s),
however, such extension will not affect the maximum allotted time limit i.e
five years for full time and six years for part time candidate.

2.8 In case of continuous two unsatisfactory annual progress of any

candidate, the candidature may be cancelled. DSC/DRC is required to
refer all such case(s) for cancellation of admission from the program to
Dean (Academic). The Dean (Academic) will place all such case(s) to the
Director- cum- Chairman Senate for direction and approval.

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2.9 If a candidate has completed (exhausted) maximum time limit for

submission of the research work i.e. Five years for Full-time and Six
years for Part-time candidate, any request for extension (based on
recommendations of the DSC and DRC) shall be placed before Chairman
Senate for approval for extension for maximum one year. Decision of
Chairman Senate shall be final and binding on the candidate.

2.10 If this extension is also exhausted then again DSC/DRC may recommend
with complete justification (with supporting documents) for another one
year extension in the Senate for discussion and direction. In such case,
total time for the Doctoral Programme shall limit to seven years for Full-
time and eight years for Part-time candidates from the date of admission.
The decision of the Senate shall be final and binding on the candidate.

2.11 Any such extension will not entitle the candidate for scholarship /
Teaching Assistantship. Duration and other terms and conditions for
scholarship / Teaching Assistantship will be bound by the Institute’s
notification from time to time.

2.12 If any candidate fails to submit his / her final Ph.D thesis, even after
extension allowed by the Chairman Senate, no further extension shall be
allowed. However, all such candidates may be permitted to take re-
admission and re-register for the program and shall be considered as new
admission. However, in such case, the course work is to be done again
only if the proposed area of research is different than the earlier. In all
such case(s), candidates will be governed by the rules and regulations
prevalent on the date of re-admission/ re-register. In all such case(s) of
re-admission/ re-register, no Institute Scholarship / Research fellowship
will be payable. Details of Institute Scholarship / Research fellowship are
available at Appendix -I.

Regulation for Ph. D Programme effective from session 2018-19 12

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Table 1: Explanation on different terminology used in the regulation /


Admission/ Date of admission and date of enrollment is one and

Enrollment: the same. This is the date on which the candidate is
admitted for the first time in the Institute after final
selection / recommendation / permission in Ph.D

Registration Ph.D registration means, the candidate(s) registration

for Ph.D after successful completion of Pre-registration seminar,
programme on the recommendation of the DSC to continue
(i.e. Ph.D research on a topic.
Registration): However, the Effective Date of registration will be
same as date of admission/ enrollment to the

Semester A candidate who has been admitted to the programme

Registration is required to get registered in each semester [ i.e. odd
(July-December) and even (Jan-June) semester ]

The semester registration is compulsory to continue

the programme, after payment of requisite fee as per
the registration schedule of the Institute.


3.1 Admission to the Doctoral Degree Programme shall be through open

advertisement as per the Admission procedure mentioned at Appendix-D.
Internal faculty / faculty or Scientist of other academic institute / Research
Institute / industry of repute are exempted from screening / admission
test. However, they are required to appear in the selection interview. The
applicants must apply for admission in prescribed forms.

3.2 The number of seats to be filled for any programme shall be decided by
the Chairman, Senate from time to time.

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3.3 The Chairman, Admission committee will provide following information to

the Dean (Academic) for notification of admission in odd / even semester
as detailed below:

3.4 Details of Specific Area of proposed Research, eligibility of Degree with

nomenclature of Discipline/ Branch and GATE / NET requirement for

3.5 List of faculty who may be Supervisor for Ph.D research scholar, faculty

3.6 The candidates who possess requisite qualification as detailed under

section 5 will be eligible for the Screening test / interview. Further, details
of selection procedure may be referred at Appendix – D.

3.7 The candidate(s) who have applied for Ph.D admission in the department/
Centre with minimum eligibility qualification as per section 5 and have
qualifying degree plus GATE / NET / any other applicable National Level
Test Score in same department/Centre, are required to appear in
Screening admission Test and selection interview for admission.

3.8 Internal faculty / Sponsored candidates/Part time candidates with

minimum eligibility qualification as per section 5 are exempted from GATE
/ NET / any other applicable National Level Test as well as from
appearing in screening admission test for admission. However, they are
required to appear in selection interview.

3.9 Candidates for whom, results of the qualifying examination are not
declared at the time of screening admission test / selection interview may
also be considered for admission. In such case(s) if the candidate is
selected, his/her admission will be provisional, subject to the condition
that he/ she submits an undertaking to produce proof of completing the
qualifying degree before a date announced at the time of admission.
Extension up to maximum period of three months for submitting the
required documents may be given by the competent authority but no

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scholarship will be given till the candidates produce proof of qualifying

degree. Once the candidate produces proof of qualifying degree, he / she
may be given arrear of scholarship for this period on the recommendation
of the Department.

3.10 In view of inter-disciplinary research, a candidate can be permitted to

take admission in the Department other than his / her discipline, i.e., even
if his / her basic qualifying degree at Bachelor’s and / or at Master’s level
is in other discipline. In other words, a candidate will be free to select
area/ topic of research and supervisor from the Department where he /
she wishes to enroll, provided he / she possess the required prerequisite
knowledge in the area of his / her research interest and recommended by
the Admission committee.

3.11 A candidate may apply in more than one department but in such a case
he/ she has to make separate application for each department, and if
shortlisted, then should appear at the Screening written test and / or
selection interview in each Department separately.

3.12 All admissions will be made on approval by the Chairman,

Senate on the recommendations of admission committee of the

3.13 The candidates, who have been found suitable for admission in Ph.D
Programme, shall submit application for admission in the prescribed
format along with requisite fees to the respective Department within the
time limit prescribed by the Institute, failing which their candidature may
be deemed as cancelled. Details of fees and other charges payable by a
candidate are available at Appendix - K.

4 Categories

The candidate shall be admitted to the Ph. D Programme under the

following categories and by the procedure detailed at Appendix - D.

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4.1 Full Time:

 With Scholarship - Funded by NIT Patna

 With direct financial support from Govt. / Semi Govt. agencies such as

 Full time Sponsored employee of PSU, Government department, R&D

organization, Industries of repute, Faculties of the Educational
institutions and sponsored defence personnel with a minimum relevant
experience of 2 years may be considered for admission as a sponsored
full-time research scholar.

 Sponsored applicant will be eligible for admission, if they are treated by

their employers as on-deputation with their full salary and allowances
and are relieved from their organization/ institute for fulfillment of
minimum residential requirement, if any.

 The sponsored candidates are exempted from GATE/ NET

qualification, but they should possess the minimum entry qualification
fixed by the institute as per eligibility criteria for full time candidate
selection. These candidates may be exempted from the Screening
written test for admission. However, they have to undertake the
selection interview to assess their knowledge in the field of their
research interest.

 Sponsored applicants have to submit NOC from their employer and

shall be considered against supernumerary seats, and shall not be
counted against open seats notified for admission to the program.

4.2 Part Time:

 Sponsored employee of PSU, Government department, Research/

Development organization, Industry of repute, Educational institutions
Faculty, employees under MoU, sponsored defence personnel,
Faculties of the educational institutions, etc.

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 The sponsored candidates are exempted from GATE / NET

qualification, but they should possess the minimum entry qualification
fixed by the institute as per eligibility criteria for part time programme.
These candidates may be exempted from appearing in screening
written test for admission, however, they have to appear in the selection
interview to assess their knowledge required in the field of their
research interest.

 Sponsored applicants have to submit NOC from their principal employer

and shall be considered against supernumerary seats, and shall not be
counted against open seats notified for admission to the program.

 The Part-Time Ph.D programme candidate(s) have to continue to

discharge their assigned duties along with their research work as per
the schedule of the Ph.D programme at the institute as detailed at
Appendix -G.

 JRFs / SRFs who fulfill the eligibility criteria and are working or to be
appointed in an externally funded research project running in the
Institute, provided such projects must not have less than one year
tenure left on the date of registration in the Programme are eligible for
Admission in Ph. D programme in the respective domain at that

Such a candidate should submit a no-objection certificate from the

Principal Investigator (PI) of the project. They will be required to attend
normal duties assigned to them by the PI of the research project and
attend classes to complete the course work requirements. They are also
required to continue the work of Research Project till the duration for
which they were appointed in the project, failing which their admission in
Ph.D. Programme will stand cancelled.

He / she will not be eligible for any Institute Scholarship/Fellowship even

after completion of research project. Such admission will be taken

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against supernumerary seats only. Such candidate will be guided by

PhD regulation of the Institute. Admission committee of the department
will send the recommendation for admission to Dean (Academic). In
case, he/she left the project during the project duration then his/her
admission will be terminated without assigning any reason.

• Non-PhD regular Faculty and Faculty Appointed on Consolidated

salary of NIT Patna can be admitted to Ph.D programme as a Part-
time candidate to the Doctoral program against supernumerary
seat provided they fulfill minimum eligibility of qualification and will
be governed by the regulation of the Doctoral program. They will be
required to attend normal duties assigned to them by the Head of
Department and attend classes to complete the course work

5. Minimum Eligibility Criteria for Selection

Candidates with following relevant and related qualification shall be

eligible for admission to the Ph.D Programme of the Institute.

(i) M. Tech./ M.E./ M. Arch/ M. Planning/ M. Design/M. Sc./ M. Com./

MBA/ MA/ equivalent degree in relevant and related discipline, with at
least 6.5 CGPA on the scale of 10 OR 60 percent marks in aggregate
from a recognized technical institute or university.

Candidates with M.Tech/ M.E/ M.Arch/ M. Planning/M. Sc./ M. Com./

MBA/ MA/ equivalent degree from CFIs in relevant discipline are
required to produce a proof of having qualified GATE/NET/equivalent
national eligibility test while taking admission in the master degree in
the relevant discipline OR has valid Score in one of the relevant
national eligibility test.

(ii) B. Tech/ B.E./ B. Arch or equivalent degree in relevant discipline with at

least 8.5 CGPA on the scale of 10 OR 80 percent marks in aggregate

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from a recognized technical institute or university, with a valid GATE/

NET/equivalent national eligibility test qualifying score is mandatory


Must have passed the qualifying examination in Single attempt without

any backlog or failure in any semester from IITs/ NITs/ CFTI/ SFTI or
Central/ State University

The minimum CGPA/ marks percentage shall be relaxed by 0.5 CGPA

or 5 percent in case of candidates belonging to the SC/ST/PwD
categories in all cases.

6. Reservations

The reservation of seats in admissions to the program on Institute basis will

be as per Government of India rules.

7. Enrolment
A successful candidate has to take admission (enrollment) in the institute as
per the schedule after paying prescribed fees. Chairman, DRC of the
department will make sure that all the relevant records/documents in
separate file for each candidate are being maintained (from admission to
award of degree).

8. Course Work

Every candidate admitted under PhD programme will have to complete the
course work in the prescribed period with minimum credit as given in Table
2 as advised by Supervisor / approved by DSC / Department.

Table 2. course requirement

Candidates Minimum credit Time Limit Remarks
having through course Minimum/Maximum
M. Tech/ Minimum 16 credit The Departmental
M.E. / M. from courses Courses from the

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Table 2. course requirement

Candidates Minimum credit Time Limit Remarks
having through course Minimum/Maximum
Arch /M. Sc. / under Mandatory existing M. Tech /
M.A./ M.B.A./ courses & Pre-Ph.D courses
equivalent Departmental offered by own
degree courses. Department/ other
For Full Time: Departments.
B. Tech/ Minimum 23 6 months/One Year The Departmental
B.E./ B. Arch credit from For Part Time: Courses from the
or equivalent courses under existing M. Tech/
degree Mandatory 6 months /One Year
Pre-Ph.D courses
admitted courses & offered by own
under PhD Departmental Department./ other
courses. Departments

NOTE: Candidate admitted under Dual degree programme: Course Credit

required to be completed as per Dual Degree Programme of the Institute.
Courses for Master’s degree for two years includes mandatory course of
Research Methodology, then continue research for Doctoral Degree (No exit

Table- 3: Mandatory Courses

S. Course Course Title L-T-P Credits

No Code
(a) xDD901 Research Methodology 3-0-0 3
(b) xDD990 Seminar and Technical Report 0-0-3 2

Note: COURSE CODE FORMAT (xDDxxx) is required to be substituted by the

Department with following details: Semester code: x (1st character from
left), Course offering Department Code: DD and Course No.: xxx (Last
three numeric code, for new course must be different than already
being used by the Department)

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Departmental Courses: Remaining minimum 11/18 credits as applicable have

to be acquired from theory courses of existing M. Tech / Ph. D courses along
with at least one lab course. In case of non-availability of subjects under
M.Tech. / Ph.D. courses, the concerned supervisor / DRC may recommend
the new course for the candidate. Such subject MUST be approved by Board
of studies of the department and Chairman, Senate.

Course work may be done outside the department of the Institute or outside
the institute. Following is the guideline for the same:

(i) If Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC) considers necessary, the candidate

may be directed to pursue all /some of the courses in other department of
the institute or at other institute/ universities of India or outside India.
However, the financial expenditure involved in such arrangement shall be
the candidate’s responsibility.
(ii) The evaluation of courses offered within the Institute shall be done as per
academic calendar and examination system of the Institute.
(iii) If any candidate enrolled for the programme is permitted to go to any
other institute/ university within the country or abroad (under some
exchange Programme or otherwise), then all credits earned at that
Institute/ University shall be transferred under credit earned. If the
evaluation of course/ research work done has not been completed at the
other Institute then the same shall be evaluated at NIT Patna for its
equivalent credit and earned credit shall be credited to the candidate as
his/ her academic record.
Depending upon background of the candidate or specific requirement for the
research work, DSC/ DRC may also recommend for more credit courses or
audit courses.

The Doctoral Scrutiny Committee shall recommend course work for different
categories of candidates enrolled in the department/ Centre in consultation
with respective Supervisor(s). Candidate may also opt for some courses in
consultation with supervisor.

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Full Time /Part Time Ph D candidate may also be allowed to do course work on self-
study mode with time line given at Appendix-E. DRC / DSC may recommend for
such ‘Self–study style’ course for the particular candidate approved by Chairman
Senate. But he/she has to follow all steps like assignments, examination etc. as
prescribed for a regular course. The candidate is exempted from attending regular
classes but shall be evaluated out of full marks assigned for the course.

In case of theory component/ course candidate is required to appear at Mid

and End semester examination for 40% and 60% of full marks respectively.

In case of Lab Component/ course (practical work) a candidate may work in

the Institute or at any other Institute of National Importance/ Research
organization approved by the DRC.

The candidate is required to submit Attendance Certificate and Certificate

issued by the competent authority of the department/ Institute/organization
where he/ she has performed/ completed Lab work, along with Practical
Record of the work done with results and findings for evaluation. The
Practical Component shall be evaluated first by internal evaluation for 50% of
full marks by the Supervisor and End semester evaluation for 50% by DSC/
evaluation committee constituted by the department.

PhD course work requirement may also be fulfilled by taking online courses such as
MOOCs, Swayam courses approved by the concerned Supervisor/DSC/DRC.
Credit of such courses will be considered for fulfillment of requirement of total credit
for completion of course work. If evaluation of such course is not done by the
concerned instructor then these courses will be evaluated by NIT Patna as per the
evaluation process of courses under Self-Study mode.

Requirement for Completion of Course Work

Research candidate shall have to pass course work successfully within time
limit. Research candidate must earn a minimum CGPA 7.0 in course work to
continue as a research scholar.

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In case, the candidate fails to clear the course work within time limit, then
DSC / DRC may review the performance of the candidate and recommend for
extension of at most one year. Failing to clear in this duration his/her
registration may be cancelled.

Any extension of period shall be counted within maximum limits of five years
duration for full-time and six years for part-time candidates of the program,
and no further extension shall be permitted and candidature may be

Evaluation process of Seminar and Technical Report Writing

The main objective of this course is to develop presentation and technical

report writing skills of the candidate.

Therefore the candidate is required to present “how to give seminar” and

“how to write technical report” before the evaluation committee during the
mid-semester for 40 marks. (i.e. 20 Marks for seminar and 20 Marks for
technical report writing)

At the end of the semester, the candidate has to give seminar and technic al
report (power point presentation) on any general topic (preferably from
his/her research area) exercising his presentation and technical report writing
skills for 60 Marks.

Candidate is required to be evaluated at end semester exam of 60 Marks as

detailed below

(i) Technical report on the seminar topic : 15 Marks

(ii) Presentation Structure : 15 Marks

(iii) Oral presentation content, response to queries : 30 Marks

Evaluation of Seminar shall be done in percentage of marks and will be

awarded grades as per rules. The minimum grade obtained by a
candidate should be “C” and if any candidate does not achieve this
grade then he/ she has to make another presentation within one month

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according to the specific suggestions given by the evaluation committee.

9. Comprehensive Examination

A comprehensive examination shall be conducted by the DSC/ DRC of the

candidate only after he/ she clears the requisite course work, but before the
pre-registration seminar.

DSC should inform about relevant topics/subjects that is to be covered in

Comprehensive Examination, 15 days before the Test or Exam.

This examination is to test a candidate’s academic preparation and potential

to carry out the proposed research plan. Comprehensive Examination
consists of - (i) Written Examination and (ii) Oral Examination. Procedure of
comprehensive examination is as follows:

 Written Examination: The written examination of 100 marks and of

three hours duration shall be conducted by the department before Pre-
Registration Seminar. The question paper may have objective type,
short answer type and long answer type questions. However the
distribution of question(s) may have different structure depending on
the supervisor point of view and requirement. The result of the written
examination should be declared within one week after the examination.
Candidate has to get minimum 60% marks to go to next stage of the
comprehensive examination. The syllabus must be given to the
candidate by the DSC. The question paper and evaluated answer book
of written component of Comprehensive examination shall be kept
ready for presenting to DSC.

 ORAL Examination: DSC will evaluate knowledge in the respective

domain. DSC will give remarks in terms of satisfactory/not satisfactory.

A candidate will be permitted to give maximum two attempts in each

component of the comprehensive examination to get through it, else his/ her
candidature shall be deemed to be cancelled.

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10. Pre-Registration Seminar

A candidate is required to submit his / her request for conduct of pre-

registration seminar in consultation with the supervisor.

Candidate will present Pre-Registration Seminar before the DSC of the

candidate and DRC of the Department.

During Pre-Registration Seminar presentation along with other internal

members of DSC and DRC at least one external expert member of DSC/
DRC from the area of specialization/ research must be present. If external
member is not present / available in DSC/DRC then department will request
for one expert from other institute of repute (to the Director through Dean

The DSC and DRC on the basis of the performance of the candidate in the
pre-registration seminar will make one of the following recommendations

 Satisfactory: The candidate can get registered for the Ph.D programme.

 Not Satisfactory: The candidate has to re-submit the research plan and
should give seminar once again, keeping in view the suggestions of the
DSC and DRC within 3 months.

The recommendation of DSC and DRC will be placed to the Dean

(Academic) for approval and notification.

11. Ph.D Registration

After successful completion of Pre-Registration Seminar, the candidate’s

registration in Ph.D programme is confirmed from the date of
admission/ enrolment to the programme which is to be notified by Dean

12. Permission to work outside the Institute

A candidate may be allowed to work outside the institute, partially or entirely

at an R&D Organization, educational Institution or a Government

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Organization having adequate research facilities subject to his/her fulfilling all

conditions, if the DRC is satisfied about availability of research facilities and
fulfillment of the requirements. Such permission is to be obtained in advance
from Director, NIT Patna. However, the course work has to be completed at
NIT Patna.

13. Semester Registration and Progress of Seminar/ Research Seminar

Every registered candidate will have to carry out registration in each semester
of their Ph.D programme along with requisite fees as per academic calendar
till the submission of the thesis.

Candidate has to submit a write up for work done during current semester
after duly signed by the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor, if any, in order to
enable him/her for registration for next semester. In case of unsatisfactory
performance, supervisor will issue a warning letter to the candidate. However,
he / she may be allowed to register in next semester. In case of three
consecutive unsatisfactory reports, case will be forwarded to DSC / DRC.
Recommendation of DSC / DRC will be forwarded to Dean (Academic) and
then to Director for final decision. If permitted, then only he/she will be allowed
to do registration in next semester.

All registered candidates shall have to present Progress Seminar at the end
of Each Year before DSC to evaluate the progress of the research work
from year to year. Details of progress are to be submitted in Appendix L:
Form – D6. Chairman, DRC / HoD will send the original copy of report to
Dean (Academic). Photocopy of the same should be kept in the personal file
of the candidate.

The date of Ph.D Progress Seminar/Research Seminar will be decided by the

department in consultation with supervisor and the same will be intimated to
every research scholar of the department.

The performance of the candidate at Ph.D Progress Seminar will be

recommended as “Satisfactory (S)” or “Not Satisfactory (NS)”.

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Satisfactory (S): The candidate will be permitted to register in the next

semester and he/ she will get the eligible to receive stipend.

Not Satisfactory (NS): If in first presentation the report is not satisfactory

then the candidate will be given one more chance to prove
his/her progress within 4 weeks. If he/she fails in the second
attempt also then he/ she will be issued warning and directed
to improve in next semester.

If any candidate is awarded consecutively two times not satisfactory

(NS) remarks in the Progress Seminar, then DSC may consider
withholding his/ her scholarship/ stipend for that period till he/ she improves.

14 Pre- Submission Seminar:

A candidate is required to apply to Chairman, DRC through Ph.D coordinator

in the prescribed format (Form D5) with updated details of - academic
progress/ semester progress, list of publication in International/ National
Journal and/ or conferences and draft synopsis of the research done for
presentation, through his/ her supervisor.

Prior to the thesis pre-submission seminar, a Ph.D candidate

 Should have publications with his/ her name (i.e. Candidate’s Name) as
first author and / or others as the Co-author(s) and

 Either two publications (or two accepted manuscripts) in journal listed in

SCI / SCIE / SSCI / AHCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) / ESCI/
SCOPUS Or one accepted patent.

After the report of satisfactory progress in each session by DSC, he/ she may
apply for thesis pre submission seminar within the time limits. The Pre
submission Seminar will be conducted by DSC/DRC. At least one external
Expert member of the DSC must be present during the pre-submission
Seminar. The DSC in its report may submit “Satisfactory” or “Not

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Satisfactory (S): The candidate will be permitted to submit his/her thesis

within three months.

Not Satisfactory (NS): In this case the candidate will be given

suggestion for modification/improvement by DSC members. The
candidate is given a time limit of three months, within which he/she
will incorporate the suggestions in his/her thesis. Thereafter, he/she
will make a request in written to his/her supervisor to fix a new date
for thesis Pre submission Seminar.

If the candidate fails again, he/she will be allowed for next pre submission
seminar after six months from the date of second pre submission seminar.
This process will continue till final maximum time limit permitted is over (i.e.
Five years for Full-time and Six Years for Part-time candidate). Thereafter, it
will be a case of extension for time by another one year by the approval of
Senate. After availing this permission of extension by the Senate, no further
request of permission for extension would be put up in the Senate. Hence
his/her candidature from the program shall stand automatically cancel.

15. Synopsis and Thesis Submission

Prior to submission of the thesis the candidate is required to submit synopsis

of the thesis and complete research thesis in softcopy to the DSC who will
first evaluate the thesis.

If DSC is satisfied, then synopsis and the thesis will be sent to the Dean
(Academic) office. Plagiarism test will be done with the help of software by the
Supervisor(s). The thesis shall be accepted for submission only if the content
of the thesis has less than or equal to 15% content duplication or as decided
by the Senate Chairman.

If his / her thesis fails Plagiarism test, he / she will be asked to modify and
resubmit it within three months. After revision and correction, it must be put
under plagiarism test by the Supervisor(s) and respective HoD and must fulfill
the requirement as stated above.

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Following documents are required to be submitted to the Dean (Academic)

office, within two months after the DSC’s approval as detailed below:

 Academic progress report: with details of course completed, pre-

registration seminar status, semester progress till submission and List
of publication in journal/ conference signed by the candidate and his/her

 Synopsis of the Research Work/ thesis based on recommendations of

DSC, during thesis pre-submission seminar.

 Detailed Plagiarism test report of all chapters with signature of the

candidate and countersigned by the Supervisor(s).

 Plagiarism Report in the prescribed format specified at Appendix L:

Form D7

 Thesis as per the format specified at Appendix H, based on

recommendations of DSC and DRC during thesis pre-submission

16. Thesis Submission

A candidate shall submit five copies of the thesis on A4 size paper, in case
of single supervisor and six copies if there is a joint supervisor along with
requisite fees. The thesis must contain, besides the text and common
matters like bibliography/ reference and summary / conclusions. Thesis
should contain the work published by the candidate. List of publication
should be included before the references with under line of category of
Journal SCI / SCIE / SSCI / AHCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) / ESCI
/ SCOPUS. Detailed format of Final Thesis submission for evaluation are at
Appendix - H:

(i) The candidate shall submit a declaration that “the thesis is his/ her
own original work and that it has not been presented and will not
be presented to any other University/ Institute for a similar or any
other Degree award”.

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(ii) An abstract of the thesis (about 500 words) with key words (not
more than 20)

(iii) A certificate from the supervisor(s) that (a) the work has been
carried out under his/ her/ their supervision, (b) the candidate has
fulfilled all prescribed requirements and (c) the thesis is based on
candidate’s own work and has not been submitted elsewhere for a
degree / diploma to the best of his/ her knowledge.

(iv) The details of guidelines for Thesis Format and certificate(s),

Chapter’s content and other outlines etc. are available at Appendix
H for reference.

DSC will recommend Panel of six external experts as detailed below, to

the Dean (Academic)

Panel-I: Two External Experts from abroad and

Panel-II: Four External Experts from India

Three experts (One from Panel-I and two from Panel-II) from the
aforementioned panel shall be appointed as ‘external’ examiners by the
Director and the supervisor(s) will be the internal examiner. The thesis shall
be forwarded to the selected examiners who shall report separately on the
thesis and forward their recommendations to the Dean (Academic).

The Dean (Academic) will examine the reports of the examiners and send it
to the Director-cum-Chairman, Senate. The reports of expert(s) shall
thereafter be sent to the DSC for their perusal and necessary action, if
required. There may be following possible situations arising out of the
nature of the reports, and the steps to be taken appropriate to the
circumstance shall be as laid down below.

i) Out of four, If three examiners are unanimous in recommending the

award of the degree on the basis of the thesis without any

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modification. This is a clear case for going in for the final requirement
of viva voce examination.

ii) If examiners are unanimous in recommending the award of the degree

but have suggested modification and/ or have asked for
clarifications. The candidate in that case shall make modifications
and provide the clarifications as suggested within the time period to be
fixed by the DSC which should not exceed six months from the date of
letter issued to the candidate.

In such case after modification has been incorporated by the

candidate, the supervisor is required to forward modified thesis with a
certificate that “the modification suggested by the examiner(s) have
been incorporated in the thesis at appropriate place and now same
may be sent for evaluation”, to the Dean (Academic).

iii) If one of the examiners does not recommend the award of the degree
and rejects the thesis while the other examiners recommend for
modification before award of the degree, the DSC in such a case
may direct the candidate to modify the thesis as suggested within
a given time not exceeding six months from the date of letter
issued to the candidate.

In such case after modification has been incorporated by the

candidate, the DSC is required to forward modified thesis with a
certificate that “the modification suggested by the examiner(s) have
been incorporated in the thesis at appropriate place and now same
may be sent for evaluation”, to the Dean (Academic).

iv) If three examiners reject the thesis, then the thesis may be sent to two
other examiners from the original list of examiners suggested by the
DSC. If both the examiners again do not recommend the award of
Degree then the candidate’s Ph.D registration stands cancelled.

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Once the reports of the examiners have been accepted as satisfactory the
candidate will have to defend his/ her thesis before an open viva voce board
consisting of all DSC &DRC members, and the ‘External Examiner’ from
Panel II. In case the External Examiner is not available to conduct the viva-
voce, the director at his discretion may appoint another examiner from the
original panel of thesis examiners by the DSC.

If the viva voce board is not satisfied, the candidate has to appear again
before the evaluation Board as stated above within the next three months.

The DSC and DRC shall recommend to the Senate for the award of the
Doctoral Degree, if the viva voce is satisfactory and all other requirements
have been fulfilled.

In case of unsatisfactory performance in Open Viva voce by the candidate,

DSC and DRC may recommend for its rejection/ modification. In such case
a copy of the reports of the examiners may be issued to the candidate at
his/ her request. However, the names of the examiners are not to be

Nothing contained in these regulations shall preclude a candidate from

publishing /patenting, jointly with the supervisor the results of the work
incorporated in the thesis, at any time before or after submitting the thesis
for examination.

17. Award of Degree

A candidate who has completed satisfactorily all prescribed requirements

and has cleared all fees and dues payable to the Institute shall be eligible
for the award of Ph.D degree of the Institute by the Senate. The degree
shall be awarded at the annual convocation for the academic session of the

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18. Financial Support

Scholarship / Research Fellowship / Teaching Assistantship will be available

to eligible candidates who are GATE / NET / National Level test qualified
according to MHRD, GOI norms. The period and amount of Scholarship/
research fellowship/Teaching Assistantship shall be as per notification of the
competent authority from time to time. Details are at Appendix - I.

The disbursement of Scholarship / Research Fellowship / Teaching

Assistantship to a candidate in each month will be based on his / her
required attendance, recommendation and confirmation of the Department.

Institute Scholarship / Research Fellowship /Teaching Assistantship to any

candidate is linked with satisfactory academic progress.

A candidate has to submit request for enhancement of scholarship /

Research fellowship / Teaching Assistantship in the prescribed format only
as given in Appendix - L: Form D10. Effective date of enhancement will be
date of recommendation of the respective DSC.

Financial Assistance under Technical Education Quality Improvement

Programme (TEQIP) (till the existence of the Project): Candidates
admitted to Engineering / Technology department in Ph. D programme may
be getting scholarship from TEQIP as per the prevalent norms of TEQIP.

Note: The scholarships from any other agency / organization are

governed by rules and regulation of funding agency only, and
candidates shall be governed by their rules only.

In case candidate wants to discontinue his/her Ph. D programme /

conversion from Full time to Part time after the completion of Pre-
registration seminar, then he/she has to return the complete amount
received as a scholarship/fellowship/assistantship.

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19. Rules of Conduct and Cancellation of Admission

Scholars admitted to the Ph.D Programme under any of the categories shall
conduct themselves within and outside the premises of the Institute in a
manner befitting the scholars of an Institute of national importance. Detailed
rules regarding conduct and discipline are given in Appendix - I.

In case residential accommodation is allocated to candidates, he/ she shall

have to follow the rules of Hostel.

If case of involvement in an act of indiscipline within or outside the Institute,

the admission of the candidate may be cancelled after giving opportunity of
hearing, before the disciplinary committee of the Institute.

In case of unsatisfactory performance of any candidate at any stage of

the programme, his/ her enrollment/ registration from the programme may
be cancelled as detailed under different sections and at different stages of
evaluation under the regulation.

If any candidate continues to remain absent or not doing semester

registration for two consecutive semesters then, it will be assumed that
candidate has no interest in the program and his/ her candidature shall be
deemed to be cancelled without any notice.

Candidate has to refund the entire stipend/scholarship/assistantship

received from the Institute in the case of leaving the programme
without its completion, irrespective of the reasons at his/her end.

Termination of Scholarship: The Studentship of a Ph.D Scholar may be

terminated by the Senate on exceptional ground as detailed below:

 Recommendation of Institute’s Disciplinary Committee

 Failure to do semester registration

 Failure to complete course work or Semester registration within two

years from the date of enrollment.

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 Poor progress as noted by DSC. Such a decision may be implemented

only after approval of the Senate.

 Prolonged absence (Exceeding six months) from the Institute without

sanctioned leave or withdrawal.

20. Leave Rules

The record of leave and attendance shall be maintained by the department/

center for each candidate and shall be made available to DSC/ DRC as and
when required along with the candidate’s annual progress report.

Leave of any kind may be subject to approval of the Head of the

Department/ Centre on recommendation of the Supervisor.

The Ph.D candidates shall not be entitled to avail Semester break, summer
and winter vacations.

A Research Scholar under full-time may be permitted to be on leave from

the Department/ Centre for a limited number of days per year of stay, as

i) For incidental purpose CASUAL LEAVE - 15 days

ii) For treatment on illness MEDICAL LEAVE - 15 days

The leave will be granted by the Head of the Department /Centre on the
recommendation of the Supervisor and any leave not availed of in a year
shall not accumulate.

In case of extensive field work, data collection, library consultation,

experimentation etc., absence from the Institute may be allowed up to a
period of 12 weeks per year and be considered on duty based on the
certificate of the Supervisor and approval of the Head of the Department/

21 Migration from Other Institute / University to NIT Patna

A candidate registered for Doctoral programme at any other Institute/

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University/ Organization of National Importance and repute or Institute/

University/ Organization of repute outside India may be allowed to get
transferred his/ her candidature to NIT Patna after subject to the condition

(i) DRC of the department will evaluate and has no objection.

(ii) He/ She have No Objection Certificate from his/ her previous

(iii) His/her previous Supervisor has joined at NIT Patna and the
supervisor agrees to supervise the candidate at NIT Patna.

(iv) Candidate produces a Character Certificate from the original

Institute/ University stating that “He/ She has not been involved in
any act of indiscipline or bad conduct, and has not been
punished/ debarred/ expelled by the Institute/ University”

(v) Further the candidate is presently enrolled/ registered for Doctoral

programme at Institute/ university as detailed above wants to get
transferred his/ her enrolment/ registration at NIT Patna then the case
may be considered on case to case basis provided candidate holds

(vi) Valid enrolment/ registration at any centrally funded Institute (CFI) or

Central University or any other Institute/ university directly under
State government control or Institute/ University of repute outside

(vii) Candidate stayed minimum of 1year OR fully completed the course

work requirement for the doctoral Program, whichever is earlier, are
only eligible for transfer of their candidature at NIT Patna.

(viii) Candidates after getting transferred to NIT Patna should stay at least
1 year (12 Months) from the date of restoration of admission at NIT
Patna, for giving pre-submission seminar

(ix) Following documents are required to be submitted by the candidate

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from the previous institute:

 Proof of Enrollment/Admission

 Proof of Course Completion certificate

 Grade cards of the course complete

 Proof of registration in Ph.D

 No Objection Certificate (NOC).

 Character Certificate

In all such cases, the candidate is required to make written request for
transfer of enrolment/ registration with all supporting documents as stated
above for consideration of the respective department/ DRC of the concerned

In case of all such candidature transfer, the credit earned under his/ her
previous Institute shall be transferred as it is and to be ratified by the Senate
for any deviation from the prevailing rules of the programme at NIT Patna.
After approval of the candidature transfer he/ she have to deposit fee for
admission and continue his/ her research at NIT Patna under the present

In case a new faculty joins from other MHRD Institutions, and the concerned
DRC recommends for transfer of admission/registration of the candidates
working under such faculty, and getting scholarship at the previous institute,
he/she may get scholarship at NIT Patna provided the candidate fulfills the
criteria laid down by the MHRD and total no of enrolled students in that
Department does not exceed for that particular academic session.

22. Temporary Withdrawal from the Program

A candidate admitted to the programme will be required to complete

successfully at a stretch. However, candidates may be given permission
for temporary withdrawal for maximum Two Semester within the

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maximum period of five years for all categories of candidates in special

circumstances such as:

(i) Illness or accident, which disables the candidate from appearing at

the examination. This must be duly certified by the Medical Officer of
the Institute or a Doctor recognized for the purpose.

(ii) A calamity in the family at the time of examination which, in the

opinion of the Head of the department/ Centre and Dean of Student
Affairs requires the candidate to be away from the campus.

The candidate applies to the institute within 15 days of commencement of

semester or from the date last attended the classes stating fully the
reasons for such withdrawal together with supporting documents and
endorsement of father/ legal guardian.

If the Institute is satisfied that, inclusion of period of withdrawal, the

candidate is likely to complete the requirement for award of degree
within five years (Full time)/six years (part time) of admission to the

If there is no outstanding due(s) or demand from the Institute/ Department/

Centre/ Hostel/ Library etc.

If Candidate has availed any stipend/scholarship/assistantship from

the Institute under this program, then he/she has to refund the entire
stipend/scholarship/assistantship received from the Institute even in
this case of leaving the programme without its completion,
irrespective of the reasons at his/her end.

Only one such temporary withdrawal during the programme will be

considered/ granted.

The candidate will submit final thesis as per rules under of doctoral
Programme no further extension is being considered.

If any candidate continues to remain absent or not doing semester

registration for two consecutive semesters then, it will be assumed that

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candidate has no interest in the programme and his/ her candidature shall
be deemed to be cancelled without any notice.

23. Conversion From Full-Time To Part-Time

The Institute discourages any conversion of candidature from Full Time to
Part Time under the Program. A doctoral degree candidate after admission /
enrolment may request for conversion from full-time to Part-time subject to
approval / recommendation of DRC and final approval of the Senate, if he /
she fulfill following conditions detailed below:

 Has completed course work, registration,

 Has been selected for a job as faculty in Central / State Government

funded Institution / University and there is a probability to continue in
the programme at NIT Patna.

 Has been selected for a job as per his qualification in Central / State
Government Research Organization and there is a probability to
continue in the programme at NIT Patna.

 His / her employer has no objection in continuing to the programme as

part-time candidate.

 Continues to do semester registration as per rules and has satisfactory

progress report.

 Appears for evaluation as per time schedule notified by the department.

If Candidate has availed any stipend/scholarship/assistantship

from the Institute under this program, then he/she has to refund
the entire stipend/scholarship/assistantship received from the
Institute even in this case of leaving the programme without its
completion, irrespective of the reasons at his/her end.

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24. Withdrawal / Cancellation from Programme and Refund Rules

Any candidate may request for withdrawal from the Institute after
admission or after joining but before the completion of Pre-Registration
Seminar. But in all cases, the candidate is required to inform the Dean
(Academic) through the HOD and submit reasons/ justification before grant
of such permission. No refund of fee after admission/ enrolment or
semester registration will be made, except caution money.

In case candidate wants to discontinue his / her PhD programme after the
completion of Pre-Registration seminar or convert from Full time to part
time, then he/she has to return the complete amount received as a
scholarship / fellowship / assistantship.

The candidate is required to submit No Dues from different departments,

labs, Hostel, Library, Accounts and academic section on No Dues
proforma for grant of permission to withdraw and issue of Migration

25. Waiver/Relaxation of Requirements in Special Cases

The procedures and requirements stated in this regulation, other than

those in Section 3 (Eligibility for Admission), and Reservation of Seats
may be waived by the Chairman, Senate under special circumstances
for cogent reasons. The ground on which such waiver/relaxation is granted
shall invariably be recorded and cannot be cited as precedence.

------- xXx -------

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Appendix–A: Guidelines for Appointment/Change of

Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor / Caretaker Supervisor
1. All candidates for the Ph.D degree are required to carry out his/ her
research work under the guidance of a supervisor from the Institute.
However for certain candidates DRC may propose more than one
supervisor drawn from the other Institute / University and/ or from
Industry/ R&D Organization as Joint supervisors/ Co-supervisors

2. In case of Inter-disciplinary area of research, Co-supervisors from other

departments of the institute or other Institute / University and/ or from
Industry/ R&D Organization may be assigned.

3. The co-supervisor may also be from external centrally funded

Institutions /Research organization of National repute or the reputed

4. For cases where the supervisor proceeds on long leave for more than
or equal to one semester, then either a joint supervisor may be
appointed or new supervisor may be appointed or a caretaker
supervisor is to be appointed by the DRC.

5. However, on the request of candidate, DRC may either allow supervisor

to continue as sole supervisor with a caretaker co-supervisor or change
supervisor on case to case basis depending on the state of progress of
the thesis work.

6. A student may request to change the supervisor/co-supervisor. The

DRC may recommend for change in supervisor/co-supervisor based on
merit of such request and forward its recommendation to Chairman,
Senate, NIT Patna for final consideration and approval.

7. After superannuation from the service of this Institute, if a person joins

the Institute as an Emeritus Professor or in any other capacity, he/she
may continue to be sole supervisor or a joint supervisor with the due
approval of Chairman, Senate.

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8. A faculty of the Institute having less than or equal to one year to

superannuate (from the end of the academic session in the month of
June of the year), can be appointed as thesis supervisor jointly with
another faculty of the Institute.

9. For case where a faculty joins new organization/Institute, he / she may

be allowed to continue as sole supervisor, as per the recommendation
of the DRC, if the thesis is submitted within six months from the date of
leaving the Institute otherwise a new supervisor will be appointed by the
DRC. In case, the thesis is submitted within six months, Ph. D
coordinator of the department will be appointed as a caretaker for such
students to carry out all administrative work.

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Appendix – B: Composition of Admission Committee For every academic


1. Head of the Department. Chairman (Ex-officio)

2. All regular faculty having Ph.D. Member


3. Ph.D Co-ordinator of the Department Member Secretary

Admission Committee shall be responsible for following activities with respect

to Ph.D Admission:

 Details of Specific Area of proposed Research, eligibility of Degree with

nomenclature of Discipline/ Branch and GATE / NET requirement for

 Scrutinize Ph.D applications and conduct admission

 Conduct Screening written test and selection interview for admission

 Recommend name of the candidate(s)

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Appendix – C: Composition of Departmental Research Committee(DRC) For

every academic session.

1. Head of the Department. Chairman (Ex-


2. Three faculty from the department (One Member

Professor, One Associate Professor, and One
Assistant Professor) to be nominated by Dean

3. Director’s nominee Member

4. Ph. D coordinator(to make sure that all the Member

activities should be initiated in time) Secretary

In case, department does not have Professor or Associate Professor or Assistant

Professor then any three faculty of the department may be nominated.

DRC shall be responsible for following activities with respect to Ph.D


Consider the research programme of the Department.

 To discuss the different decisions taken by the DSC of the research


 To discuss the issues related to Ph. D students

 To consider any research proposal / creation of Research Centre /

laboratory etc. in the Department

 Recommend name of supervisors for the candidates

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Composition of the Doctoral Scrutiny Committee (DSC)

1. Head of the Department Chairman (Ex-


2. Supervisor - for his/her candidate only Member


3. Co-supervisor/Joint Supervisor/Care taker, if any Member

4. One Faculty from the department to be Member

nominated by HoD in consultation with

5. External Expertfrom other department of the Invited

Institute or other Institutions of repute (such as Member(s)
IITs, NITs, Centrally Funded Institute/ University
etc. or from Research organization) to be
nominated by the Director(Presence of External
Expert for Pre-registration seminar and Pre-
submission seminar is a must)

6. One expert from other departments in subject Member

area in case of inter disciplinary subject (Optional)

External Expert from the other Institute is entitled for TA/DA/Honorarium as per
NIT Patna rule.

DSC shall be responsible for following activities with respect to Ph.D Programme:

(i) Approve the areas of research of the candidate defined by


(ii) Decide the course work for Ph.D candidates

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(iii) Courses to be offered/ completed by the candidate in the other

department(s) of the Institute or to be completed at other Institute/
university within India or outside India.

(iv) Evaluation of all courses undertaken by the candidate

(v) Organize pre- registration seminar for the candidate within time-limit
defined by the regulation.

(vi) Evaluation of Semester progress in research of the candidate is

to be done at the end of each Session. The recommendation of
DSC duly signed for each research scholar should be sent to
Dean (Academic) office for records.

(vii) External member shall be entitled for sitting honorarium, TA / DA as

per Institute rules for attending meeting of the DSC.

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Appendix –D: Admission Procedure for Ph.D Programme

Admission to the Ph.D Programme shall be made by the Institute based on

minimum eligibility criteria for the programme and selected after evaluation of the
candidate in Screening written Test and selection Interview conducted by the
respective Admission committee.

The Admission committee of respective department(s) will provide information as

per section 3(ii) and related information asked by the Dean (Academic).To keep
uniformity in admission procedure, the recommendations of Admission
committee of all departments will be discussed in Pre-admission/ Advertisement
meeting convened by the Dean (Academic), if required. In the meeting the
procedure of preparation of Merit list for admission shall be discussed.

Admission Committee of the respective department will conduct screening written

Test of Full marks 100 and Selection Interview of full marks 100. The final
selection will be based on Selection Interview only. The Dean (Academic) may
seek clarifications from the Admission Committee for admission to the program
on any issue or any ambiguity in selection process on recommendation and
accordingly revise the list of Selected/ Rejected candidates. In case of any
unresolved dispute, result of selection for Ph.D. admission may be cancelled by
the order of competent authority.

The Screening Written Test question paper may have questions of multiple
choice questions and/or subjective questions. The cutoff marks for Screening
of candidates cannot be less than 40% in case of Gen/OBC candidates and 35%
in case of SC/ST/PwD of the Full Marks for Written Test.

Further, merit List of candidates shall be prepared by Admission committee

based on Selection Interview only and sent to the Dean (Academic) for
notification. Cut off marks for admission cannot be less than 50% of the Full
marks for selection interview.

Following Report(s) are required to be submitted by respective Admission

committee to Dean (Academic)

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 List of candidates eligible for admission process and list of not eligible
candidates with the reason for the same.

 List of candidates who are exempted or required to appear at Screening

Written Test and/ or Selection Interview.

 Verification details of the Certificates and Documents, Attendance of

Candidate(s) and

 Admission committee recommendations of Selection Interview in following

format. The format has been suggested only for reference and to keep
uniformity among different departments.

Minutes of the Selection Interview for Ph. D Program of the

Department of <Name of the Department>

Dated <>

The Admission committee of the Department of <Name of the Department> on

<Date of Selection Interview>conducted Selection Interview for admission to the
Doctoral Program for Odd July_Dec_<YYYY>/ Even Jan_May_<YYYY>
Semester of the session < Session>.

Following Members were present:





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Following candidates were interviewed by the Committee and may be

admitted to the Doctoral Program as per recommendations for admission
as given below:

S. Applicatio Candidat Marks Category Recommendatio Selecte

No n No. e Name awarded of n for admission d under
. : (FM Candidat as: category
100) e Yes or Suitable/
Not Suitable/

Candidates recommended as “YES or SUITABLE” for admission are declared

selected and admission may be granted subject to verification of documents.

The Departmental Research committee (DRC) will invite choice of supervisor

from the admitted candidate(s)for allotment of Supervisor and then DSCwill be

The candidates marked as “ABSENT” did not appear for Selection Interview,
hence such candidates may not to be considered for admission to the Doctoral

Signature of all Member(s) with their Name:

Signature of the DRC Chairman/ Selection Committee

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Appendix–E: Summary of Time Limits for Different Academic Activities

The summary of time limits for different activities as per the regulation for Ph.D
Programme under different sections and sub-sections have been detailed below
for reference. For all count period reference is from the Date of Admission/

S. Scheduled Full-time: Time limits Part-time: Time

No. Academic Activities Limit

1. Allotment of Within two months Within two months


2. Course Work Minimum: 6 months Minimum: 6 months

Maximum: One Year Maximum: One Year

3 Ph.D Registration Within Two years Within Two years

Seminar: for
acceptance of
Research Proposal
(from date of

4 If Ph.D Registration 2nd attempt: Within 2nd attempt: Within

Seminar is not next Three months of next six months of
Satisfactory, then Previous Presentation Previous
Improved Research Presentation.
Proposal Seminar

5 Thesis Submission Subject to approval of Subject to approval

for final evaluation Thesis Pre of Thesis Pre
Submission seminar: Submission

After three years seminar: After three

years from the date

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fromthe date of of enrolment


In case of DD: After

Four years from
admission to Dual
Degree Program i.e.
after Two Yearsfrom
Completion of Masters

6 Maximum time Limit Five years Six years

for completion of
Ph.D Programme
from the date of

7 Extension of Additional One year Additional One year

Registration beyond
above maximum Time
limits: on the
recommendation of
DSC and approved
by the Senate.

Dual Degree Candidates- the academic progress time limits are guided by (i)
Dual Degree Regulation - till working for Master’s Degree and thereafter
by Doctoral Degree Program. Under this No exit from programme is
permitted. If a candidate decides to withdraw his/ her admission at any
stage of his/ her admission then none of the Degree shall be awarded.

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Appendix –F: Rules for Sponsored Ph.D Programme

1. Persons who possess the minimum prescribed qualifications as per

clause 5 and are in service in any of the following establishment shall be
eligible for admission to the Ph.D Programme as sponsored scholars.

(i) Defence or other ministries of the Government of India or any

other government organizations.

(ii) Established industrial research and development organizations

(iii) Autonomous bodies and public undertakings.

(iv) Universities/ Autonomous institutions/ colleges

(v) Such industries as may be recognized by the Senate of the

Institute for the purpose from time to time.

2. Qualified teachers of recognized Engineering College approved by

AICTE, Colleges/ Institution/ University and of Colleges/ Institution/
University, who all have been awarded Teacher Fellowship of the
University Grants Commission shall be eligible for admission to the

3. An intending sponsored candidate must submit his application in

prescribed form for admission through his employer who will forward the
same to the Institute with suitable endorsement so as to reach the
Institute by the date stipulated in the notification for the admission in that
semester of the academic session.

4. A sponsored candidate selected for admission shall be required to be

present in person at the time of joining the Institute.

5. To submit evidence of having passed the qualifying examination and such

other documents as the Institute may require. Guideline

6. To produce certificate from the employer to the effect

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That the candidate has been officially released from his duties for the
purpose of joining the Programme and has been granted the leave
for the required period, i.e., NOC from current employer.

That the services of the candidate shall be retained with the employers.

The candidate shall produce a release certificate from his/her employer

at the time of admission.

7. Sponsored research candidate shall not be eligible for any scholarship,

except the candidates from QIP schemes.

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Appendix–G: Rules for Enrolment of Members of Teaching

1. Members of teaching staff of the NIT Patna and other Institute may be
permitted to join the Ph.D Programme of the Institute provided the prior
permission has been obtained from the Director before applying for
admission to the Programme.

2. The application for permission to join a research Programme by a

member of teaching must be submitted through the Head of the
Department/ Centre of the section in charge, as the case may be. While
submitting the application he/ she must give an undertaking in the form
appended hereto (Schedule -A).

3. The prescribed minimum qualifications and percentage of marks/ CGPA

for admission to the Ph.D Programme as given under clause 5 of the
regulation shall be applicable to a member of staff of the Institute also.
The Chairman of the Senate may, on the recommendation of the DRC,
relax the above norm.

4. All common rules laid down in the Ph.D Regulations relating to course
work, prosecution of research work under the supervision of a member
of faculty, etc shall be applicable to all members of staff being enrolled
for Ph.DProgramme.

5. A member of NIT Patna enrolled to the Ph.D Programme shall be

exempted from payment of any tuition fee and other fee except the
following which all Ph.D candidates are required to pay
i. Admission fee (Enrolment cum registration fee)
ii. Thesis Evaluation fee
6. Members of staff permitted and enrolled for the degree shall not be
entitled to get any Scholarship.

7. Member of teaching staff may get registered under QIP scheme, and
then approval for such request shall be governed by the rules under the
QIP Scheme of MHRD/ AICTE.

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Schedule - A Undertaking

I Mr./Ms. ………………………………………………member of the our

staff holding a post of …………..in the Department/ Centre of
…………………at ……………………………………, hereby give the
undertaking that I shall abide by the rules and regulations as may be
laid down by the Senate of the Institute from time to time for
undergoing the Ph.D Programme

I also undertake hereby that since I shall be on duty while undergoing

the Programme of studies/research I shall ensure that all normal
official duties assigned to me are executed without any handicap.

I further understand that the permission granted to me for joining the

Programme can be withdrawn at any time if the exigencies of official
duties so require or if I breach any of the provisions of rules and

Date: ……………. (Signature of the Candidate with name)

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Appendix–H: Thesis Submission for Evaluation - Format Guidelines:

Arrangement of Certificates and Texts in Thesis -

1. Cover Page (For Hand bound Cover- in sky colour i.e. light blue
Colour with golden writing)

2. Inside Cover Page (Identical to Cover Page)

3. Certification

4. Declaration & copy right

5. Acknowledgments

6. Synopsis

7. List of Tables and Figures

8. List of abbreviations (if any)

9. Contents


This is to certify that Mr./ Ms./ ……………. …………………….

……………………………………. Roll No. …………… …… Enrolment No.
…………. ………. is a registered candidate for Ph.DProgramme under
department of ……………………. …………………. ……………. ………………. of
National Institute of Technology Patna.

The undersigned certify that he/ she has completed all other requirements for
submission of the thesis and hereby recommend for the acceptance of a thesis
entitled, ‘………… ……………… ……………… …………. ………………
………….’ in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Ph.D
Degree by National Institute of Technology Patna.

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Dated ……………. Supervisor(s) name, designation with

signature and seal


(to be signed by the candidate)

I ………………………………………. Roll No. …… …. … Enrolment No.

…………. a registered candidate for Ph.DProgramme under department of
……………………. …………………. ……………. ………………. of National
Institute of Technology Patna, declare that this is my own original work and that it
has not been presented and will not be presented to any other University/
Institute for a similar or any other Degree award.

Signature of the candidate: …………………………………….

Date: ………………………….

This thesis is a copy right material protected under the Berne Convention, the
copy right at 1999 and other International and National enactments, in that behalf,
or intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part,
except for short extracts in fair dealing, for research or private study, critical
scholarly review or discourser with an acknowledgment, without written
permission of the Department on both the author and NIT Patna.

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Guideline for Thesis Presentation Information for Ph.D

1. Contents of the thesis are as Follows but not limited to it

Title Page, Certification, Declaration and copyright, Acknowledgment,

Dedication, Abstract, Table of Content, List of Figures, List of Tables,

CHAPTER - 1 Introduction, Statement of Problem, Need of study,

Objectives and Scope

CHAPTER - 2 Literature Review

CHAPTER - 3 ProblemDefinition

CHAPTER - 4 Proposed Solution

CHAPTER - 5 Analysis and Discussion

CHAPTER - 6 Conclusion

ANNEXURE – 1, 2, 3 If any

REFERENCE Harvard-Like format/ IEEE/ ASCE/ ASME/

APS/ACS/ Chicago Manual of Style/ MLA Format
and list should restrict to maximum 200 references



2. Font and Spacing

Title: Bold, Times New Roman, 14 size and Centered

Subtitles: Bold, Times New Roman, 12 size and left justified

Spacing: Spacing between text lines: 1.5, Times New Roman, 12 sizes,

Leave one space between paragraphs, subtitle and the text or

between Title and sub title.

3. Paper Margins

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Left margin : 4.0 cm

Right margin : 2.5 cm

Top margin : 4.0 cm

Bottom margin : 2.5 cm

4. Printing

The entire thesis shall be printed only on one side of the paper.

5. Draft Submission

Five to six loose bound copies each for the examination committee shall
be submitted on the set deadline.

One each for the Institute, the External and Internal Examiners, and each

6. Final submission

- Five in case of one supervisor and six in case of more than one
supervisor(s) of the thesis hard copy (Hand bound in sky colour
i.e. light blue Colour) and in soft copy of thesis (in pdf format)
under a separate <folder name> as Candidate’s Roll no as file

- Soft copy of Thesis, synopsis, detailed plagiarism report, data used

in the research work, if any, coding in folder named with candidate’s
Roll no.

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Appendix–I: Terms and Conditions for Award of Scholarship/ Research


1.1 All Research Scholars admitted to the research Programme except the
sponsored scholars and members of staff of the Institute shall be
entitled to get the award of Research Fellowship/Teaching Assistance
as per rules of MHRD, Govt. of India.

1.2 If due to any reason Institute Research Fellowship is discontinued, then

it will not be continued again. However, such candidates may continue
their research work as self-financing candidate.

1.3 Candidates whose admission transferred from other institute, may be

entitled to get Research Fellowship/Teaching Assistance provided his
admission does not exceed total number admissible admission entitled
to get Research Fellowship/Teaching Assistance in an academic
session& approval of competent authority.

1.4 If Candidate has availed any stipend/scholarship/assistantship

from the Institute, then he/she has to refund the entire
stipend/scholarship/assistantship received from the Institute in
the case of leaving the programme without its completion,
irrespective of the reasons at his/her end.

2. General

2.1 No Research Scholar shall be permitted to accept or hold any

appointment, paid or otherwise or receive any emoluments, salary,
stipend or any other Scholarship during the tenure of award. In the
event of a scholar being awarded another Scholarship of the Institute or
of any external organization/ Institution he/she will have the option to
retain any one of the awards according to his/ her choice which he/she
will communicate immediately in writing to the Dean (Acad.) through
his/her supervisor and the HoD.

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2.2 QIP scholars shall however draw fellowship and contingency grant from
QIP Programme of MHRD only as per rules applicable to them. They
shall in no case be eligible for award of Institute Research

2.3 Research Scholars may be assigned academic responsibilities up

to eight hours per week theory (tutorial) classes, laboratory/
demonstration work, conduct of Seminar/ Symposia running and
maintenance of equipment/ computer as may be decided by the Head
of the Department/ Centre in consultation with the Supervisor(s).

2.4 A Research Scholar shall maintain, besides satisfactory academic

progress, good conduct behavior and discipline of the Institute. In the
event of a scholar being found to be involved in any act of misconduct,
misbehavior, indiscipline or use of unfair means at an examination, the
financial assistance is liable to be suspended with immediate effect.

2.5 If a Research Scholar wishes to relinquish the fellowship during the

tenure, it should be done with the prior approval of the Supervisor, the
Head of the Department/ Centre and the Dean (Academic). He/ she
should also obtain prior permission from the same authority for
appearing at any examination conducted by any Institution, University
or Public Body.

Financial Assistance: The Institute will provide financial assistance as

per MHRD norms.


4.1 The tenure of a scholarship/research Assistance shall be as per

guideline of MHRD, Govt. of India.

4.2 The financial assistance for the last month shall be payable subject to
foregoing conditions up to the actual date of the scholar’s presence in
the Institute. The disbursement of last monthly installment of financial

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assistance shall be made on production of a ‘No Dues’ certificate from

the Hall of Residence, the Library and the Department/ Centre and the
Academic Section of the Institute.

4.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub paragraphs,

continuation of Scholarship from month to month is subject to
candidate’s good conduct and continuous progress of research work to
the satisfaction of the Supervisor(s), the Head of the Department/
Centre and other authorities.

A candidate has to submit request for enhancement of

scholarship/fellowship in the prescribed format only as given in
Appendix K: Form D9. Effective date of enhancement will be date of
recommendation of the respective DSC.

In case candidate wants to discontinue his/her PhD programme after the

completion of Pre-registration seminar or convert from full time to
part time, then he/she has to return the complete amount received
as a scholarship/fellowship/assistantship.

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Schedule -B : Leave, & Other Administrative Matters of Research Scholars of

Different Categories

i) Institute Research Scholars:

Research Scholars can avail of the following types of leave in a year

from the date of joining:



In case of serious illness, the research scholar may avail a part of

casual leave as medical leave, in addition to 15 days, at the discretion
of the HOD/ HOC. They are not entitled to avail vacation leave (summer
& winter). Any leave not availed of shall not accumulate.

In cases where extensive field work is necessary, absence from station

up to a period of 12 weeks per year be considered as on duty on
certification of the Supervisor/ Head of the Department/ Centre.

ii) For other categories of research scholars (scheme research

fellows/ CSIR etc.): Same as that of applicable for Institute Research

On the basis of reports received from Doctoral Scrutiny Committee, the
enrolment may be terminated at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory
performance and the Institute’s decision in this regard shall be final.

i) Institute Research Scholars:

No one shall accept or hold any appointment, paid or otherwise or

receive any emoluments, salary, stipend etc. from any other source
during the tenure of the award. However, they may receive honorar ium
against specific work done for projects (mainly consultancy) from time

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to time with the prior permission of the Supervisors (s) and Dean

Other categories (scheme research fellows/ CSIR/ self - supporting etc.):

same principle will be applicable.


I) Institute Research Scholar :

If research fellow wishes to relinquish fellowship during the tenure, then

it should be done with the prior approval of the Institute. He/she should
also obtain prior permission of the Institute for appearing at any
examination conducted by any Institution, University or Public Body.

he/she has to refund the entire stipend/scholarship/assistantship

received from the Institute even in this case of leaving the
programme without its completion, irrespective of the reasons at
his/her end.

II) Other categories (Scheme Research fellows/ CSIR etc.): Same

principle will be applicable.

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Appendix–J: Rules Regarding Conduct and Discipline

Following rules shall be applicable to all candidates and research

scholars in the matters of conduct and discipline.

1. Research Scholars shall show due respect to the teachers of the

institute, the wardens of the Halls of Residence, the Sports officer of
the Gymkhana and the Officers of the National Cadet Crops, Proper
courtesy and consideration should be extended to the employees of the
Institute and of the Halls of Residence. They shall also pay due
attention and courtesy to visitors.

2. Research Scholars are required to develop a friendly camaraderie with

fellow candidates. In particular they are expected to show kindness and
consideration to the new candidates admitted to the Institute every
year, ragging of newcomers in any form is banned by law. The acts of
ragging will be considered as gross indiscipline and will be severely
dealt with.

3. The following acts omission and/ or commission shall constitute gross

violation of the code of conduct and are liable to invoke disciplinary

 Ragging

 Lack of courtesy and decorum, indecent behavior anywhere within

or outside the campus

 Willful damage or stealthy removal of any property/ belongings of

the Institute/Hall or of candidates

 Possession, consumption or disruption of alcoholic drinks or any

kind of hallucinogenic drug

 Adoption of unfair means in the examinations

 Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library books

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 Noisy and unseemly behavior, disturbing studies of fellow


Commensurate with the gravity of the offence, the punishment may be

awarded, fine expulsion from the Hall, debarment from an examination,
rustication for specified period or even outright expulsion from the

4. For offence committed in (a) Hall of Residence, (b) the Department or

in a class room and (c) elsewhere, the Chairman (HMC)/ Warden, the
Head of the Department and the Dean of Candidates Affairs
respectively, shall have the authority to impose fine or take other
suitable measures.

5. All cases involving punishment other than reprimand shall be reported

to the Chairman of Disciplinary Committee of the Institute.

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Appendix–K: Fees and Other Charges Payable by Research Scholars

As prescribed by the Institute/ Statute, admission fees, semester

registration fees, hostel fees and other admissible fees, if any are
payable by a Research Scholar as in force for the time being. Fees
are categorized as refundable (Institution Caution Money, Hostel
Caution Money, Mess Deposit, Mess Advance, Library Caution
Money etc) and non –refundable (Admission, Tuition, Hostel Seat
Rent & Water Charges, Gymnasium, Medical etc., Examination Fee,
Thesis Evaluation Fee (Payable at the time of submission of thesis
by all types of research scholars) etc.)

For the purpose of tuition fees and hostel charges the year shall be
counted from the date of joining of the Research Scholar except
that the fees shall be charged from the first day of the month
irrespective of the actual date of joining. Similarly at the time of
leaving the Institution the tuition fees and hostel rent shall be
charged for the full month irrespective of the actual date of leaving.

Research Scholars under all categories except internal staff shall pay
tuition fee and seat rent ordinarily for the entire duration of their
research work, i.e., till the date of submission of the thesis.

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Appendix–L: Some Forms for different purpose

Form D1: Undertaking to be submitted by M. Tech/ MURP/ Ph.D Scholar

Claiming Full-Time Research Assistantship/ Scholarship


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

Name of the Student :

Roll Number :
Department :
Specialization :
Permanent Address :

I……………………… …………….……………… …………………… ………… son/

daughter of ……………………… ………………………… ……………
………………………hereby undertake that

a) As on …………………………………………. I have not been selected for any

regular appointment / service and I am registering for full time M. Tech/
MURP/ Ph.Dprogramme of the National Institute of Technology Patna with the
intention of completing the course within the period as stipulated in the
regulations of the Institute.
b) I will obtain prior permission of the Director, National Institute of Technology
Patna for appearing for any examination conducted by other institutions /
Universities / Public bodies etc;
c) I will not apply for or accept a job in any institution in India or abroad without
obtaining prior permission from the Director, National Institute of Technology

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d) I will not discontinue the studies or relinquish the scholarship during it’s tenure
without the prior approval of the Director and I shall refund the entire amount
of scholarship received by me from the date of commencement of the
scholarship to the Director, National Institute of Technology Patna in case I
discontinue the studies or relinquish the scholarship and
e) I will abide by the rules for the award and renewal of the scholarship existing
and as stipulated by Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of
India from time to time.

Date: Signature of the


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From D2 Choice of Ph.DSupervisor


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

Name (in Capital letters) :

Roll No. :



Department :

Broad Area of Research :

Sl. No Name of the Faculty in preferential Willingness

order of Faculty

Signature of the Scholar

Supervisor Allotted


Chairman (DRC)

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Form D3 Request for Change of Research Supervisor or Inclusion of

Additional Supervisor


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India
Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,
2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in
Name of the Student :
Roll Number ;
Department :
Date of joining :
Type of Registration : Regular / External / QIP / Project /
Staff / Others
Name of the present research of :

Reasons for requesting change of Research SupervisorOR inclusion of

(to be stated clearly by the present Supervisor and/or additional Supervisor if

Signature(s) of Research Supervisor(s) and Additional-Supervisor (if


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Name Signature Date

Ph.D Scholar :
Present ;
Present :
Proposed :
Proposed :

The Records were verified and found to be in order.

Chairman (DRC)


Dean (Academic)

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Form D4 Course Work Registration Form [Ph.D]


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

Name (in Capital letters) :

Roll No. :
Type of Registration : Regular / External / QIP / Project / Staff / Others

Department :
Month and Year of :

Sl. Course Course Name Course Name of the

No Code Credit Teacher
offering the

Signature of the Scholar Signature of the


Date : Head of the Department

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Form D5 List of Publications Based on Ph.D Research Work


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

[to be filled-in by the Research Scholar and to be enclosed with Synopsis

Submission Form]
Name of the Student :

Roll Number ;

Department :

Publications in SCI/SCIE/ SSCI/ AHCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index)/


Sl. Title of the paper Authors (in Name of the Month &
No. the order it Journal with year of
appears on Volume No, publication
the paper)

Publications in International Conferences

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Sl. Title of the paper Authors (in Name of the Month &
No. the order it Conference year of
appears on and venue Conference
the paper) with main

Publications in National Conferences / Seminars

Sl. Title of the paper Authors (in Name of the Month &
No. the order it Conference year of
appears on and venue Conference
the paper) with main

(If the paper has been accepted for publication but is yet to be published / appear
in the Proceedings, the supporting documents for acceptance with probable time
of publication must be attached.)

Research Scholar Research Supervisor

Name & Signature, with Date Name & Signature, with Date

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Form D6 Semester Progress Application and Research Seminar Report


_____________ (ODD/ EVEN) SEMESTER OF SESSION 20___

1. Name of the Research Scholar ____________________________________

2. Roll Number__________________ 3. Enrollment Number: _____________

4. Dept. _________________________________ 5. Mobile No.: ____________

6. Email ID:____________________________________ __________________

7. Status: Full Time/Part Time/converted to PT from FT on ______________

8. Details of Fellowship receiving From NIT Patna: Yes/No

If Yes: Amount Received (Per

____ till_________________

Enhanced amount (if any): ___________________from ______________

till ________________

From External Funding Agency: Yes/No

If Yes: Amount received (Per month): ________from _______ till __________

Enhanced amount (if any): ______________ from __________till _________

9. Date of Admission: ____________

10. Current Semester: __________________________

11. Date of Registration in Ph.Dprogramme as per academic notification

_________ (Attach supporting document)

12. Ph.D Topic: ___________________________________________________

13. Supervisor (s)/ Co-Supervisor(s)

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Supervisor /
Name Designation Department/Organization Co-



14. Status of course work

SGPA at the end of Semester (if applicable) :________

CGPA at the end of course work :_______
15. Details of course work

Semester Session Course Course Title Credit Grade Overall


Attach grade sheet for completed courses

16. Status of experimental/Theoretical/Modeling work (Attach separate pages

with research scholar and supervisor signature. The number of pages should
not be more than three.)

(Please address the following points)

i. Works Proposed in the last semester, Recommendations & directions

given by the DSC in previous progress presentation:

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National Institute of Technology Patna
Annexure of SNT….

ii. Works Completed in the current semester: (as per the directions given by
the DSC in previous progress presentation), % of works completed by the
research scholar based on the previous proposed works, Additional works

iii. Works proposed for the next semester: (Short time goals, Long term

17. Publications (Attach separate sheet if Space is insufficient):

(i) SCI, SCOPUS Journals

(ii) Conferences

18. Other information:

(i) Leave available by the research scholar during this semester:


Attach details of the sanctioned leaves availed by the research scholar.

(ii) Details of workshops/conferences attended

(iii) Other details

Date: Signature of Research


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Roll No. _________________ Name of the


i. Progress Report forwarded by the Supervisor for ___________ (Frist/

Second/ Third/ Fourth/ Fifth/ Sixth/ Seventh/ Eight) semester

ii. In my opinion
__________________________________________________(name of
the research scholar) has/has not made progress in the following
respects on the basis of which I am satisfied/not satisfied with the work
done during the last six months:

iii. No. of Ph.D scholars currently working under me

As Supervisor: ___________________(full-

As Co-Supervisor: _______________(full-time)


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Date: Signature of Supervisor Signature of Co-


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Roll No. _________________ Name of the


(Please  the relevant column)

(i) Performance is Satisfactory

(ii) Performance is unsatisfactory

a) (i) Recommendation for Registration beyond 5 years for full time and 6
years for part time (needs approval of the senate on the basis of
recommendation of DSC)


(iii) Termination of registration is recommended because of


b) Brief of previous progress reports

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Progress Report
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Submitted (YES/NO)
Details (Satisfactory:
(S)/Not Satisfactory:
(NS/ U)
d) Comments of the members of DSC

Members of the DSC: Members present during the progress presentation

with their designation and signature:






Date: Signature of Chairman DSC


1. A warning may be issued to the candidate by DSC regarding the credits

achieved and progress of the work if it is not up to the mark.

2. Termination of registration is also recommended on account of the reason(s)

given by DSC.

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3. A copy of this form is to be retained by DSC Chairman.

4. The progress report duly filled in by student concerned and DSC is to be sent
to Academic Section for further processing.


Approved / Not approved the recommendation of DSC:

Signature of Chairman (DRC)

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Form D7 Plagiarism Report of Final Thesis


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

Name of the Student :

Roll Number :
Department :
Date of joining :
Name of Supervisor(s) :

Title of the Thesis :

Date of Plagiarism Test :

Percentage of plagiarism :
(copy of the report signed
by Student and supervisor)
Exclusion of continuous :
words or any other setting
in software for plagiarism

[Recommendation/comments DSC]

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Form D8 Examiner’s Evaluation Report on Ph.D Thesis


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

(Please send report and your comment/ recommendations in the prescribed

proforma in sealed envelope marked “Confidential”, to the Dean (Academic),
NIT Patna 8000005)

Name of the Student:

Roll Number:


Title of the Thesis:

1. The detailed Report and Comment should cover following points:

(Please send your Adjudication report in following prescribed format
in a Separate sheet)

a) Objective and Scope:

b) Originality of the Problem:

c) Literature Search
understanding of prior art:

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d) Material and Methods

e) Result and Discussions:

f) Conclusion and New


g) Strong/ Weak points of the


h) Language and presentation Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory

of the thesis: (If unsatisfactory, then specific comment be
made on separate sheet)

i) Correction in Punctuation, None Minor Require Changes

grammar, Spelling or

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2. Write at least Five questions fromthe area of research to be asked in

oral examination.
(Please send your questions on a Separate sheet along with the
report, if recommended for award of Ph.D Degree)

Final Specific Recommendations/ Remarks with mentioning the acceptance

of the thesis for Ph.D Degree or otherwise(Please write YES against the
recommendation accepted by you):
S.No. Recommendation Write
a) The Thesis is accepted in the present from and
recommended for the award of Ph.D Degree
b) The thesis be acceptable after correction/ revision/
modifications in the thesis, as detailed/ suggested in the
report with certificate by DSC
“that all the modifications/ revisions suggested by the
examiner are incorporated in the revised version of thesis
submitted by the candidate”
c) The thesis be rejected outright
(Please provide Reasons for the same on separate
sheet or be specifically indicated as per para number
of 1(a) to 1(i) of the proforma)

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Name of the Examiner:

Designation of the

Full Address:

Phone No/ Mobile No:

E-mail ID:

Date: (Signature of the Examiner)

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Form D9 Report of Final Viva-Voce Examination Board


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

Name of the Student :

Roll Number ;
Department :
Date of joining :
Name of the research of :

Title of the Thesis :

Date of Thesis Defense /

Viva-Voce Exam

[Recommendation/comments by DRC/DSC/External Examiner]

[Names & Signature of DRC/DSC/External Examiner with date]

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Form D10: Application Form for Enhancement of Scholarship


Ashok Raj Path, PATNA 800 005 (Bihar), India

Phone No.: 0612 - 2372715, 2370419, 2370843, 2371929, 2371930,

2371715 Fax - 0612- 2670631 Website: www.nitp.ac.in

(S.No.1 to S.No.11 to be filled in by the scholar and verified by the

concerned supervisor(s) )

(x) Name of Candidate with Roll No.:


Name of Department/Centre:

Category (please tick):

Ph.D. Regular/ Dual Degree/ Ph.D. under scheme (write name of scheme)

Full time/ Part time/ Sponsored/ Project Fellow

a) Name of Supervisor with designation:


b) Name of Co-Supervisor (if any) with designation: _______________

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Date of admission (Attach self-attested copy):


Course Work completed (Attach self-attested copy of Grade card) CGPA:


Date of Registration (Attach self-attested


No. of Semester completed:___

Title of the Work:

Publication(s) , if any: a) Journal_________________ b) Conference


Drawn Fellowship/assistantship @ Rs……………… per month since


_________________________ ____________
Signature of Candidate Signature of Co-Supervisor Signature of Supervisor

Date: Date: Date:

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Recommendation of Members of DSC with signature:

Note: Enhanced rate will be effective from the month of meeting of DSC in
case meeting held after successful completion of two years. Candidate must
have completed pre-registration seminar successfully.)

For Office Use only

Remarks/Recommendation by Chairman, DRC

Sig. Date

Remarks by Dean (Academic)

Sig. ______________Date_ _________

Approved by, Director

Sig. _ Date._

Regulation for Ph. D Programme effective from session 2018-19 92

National Institute of Technology Patna

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