Isabel2022 Audit Report
Isabel2022 Audit Report
Isabel2022 Audit Report
Regional Office No. VIII
On The
Province of Leyte
The audit was conducted to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions and
compliance of the Local Government Unit (LGU) to prescribed rules and regulations. It was
also made to ascertain the accuracy of the financial records and reports, as well as the fairness
of the presentation of the financial statements.
The Auditor rendered a qualified opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the
financial statements due to the audit exceptions noted as indicated in the Independent Auditor’s
We request that the audit observations and recommendations contained in Part II and
those which remain unimplemented as shown in Part III of the attached report be appropriately
acted upon and we will appreciate being informed of the actions taken thereon by submitting
the duly accomplished Agency Action Plan and Status of Implementation (AAPSI) form,
within sixty days upon receipt hereof.
We acknowledge the cooperation and support extended to our Audit Team during the
Very truly yours,
State Auditor IV
OIC- Supervising Auditor
Copy Furnished:
The Regional Director, DILG, Region VIII, Tacloban City
The Regional Director, BLGF, Region VIII, Tacloban City
Republic of the Philippines
LGS C - Leyte II & Biliran Provinces
Office of the Supervising Auditor
New City Hall, Ormoc City
The audit was conducted to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions and
compliance of the Local Government Unit (LGU) to prescribed rules and regulations. It was
also made to ascertain the accuracy of the financial records and reports, as well as the fairness
of the presentation of the financial statements.
The Auditor rendered a qualified opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the
financial statements due to the audit exceptions noted as indicated in the Independent
Auditor’s Report.
In our transmittal of even date, we requested the Local Chief Executive to act on
the recommendations contained in the report and to inform this Commission through our
Auditor of the action (s) thereon within sixty days from receipt hereof.
We acknowledge the cooperation and support extended to the Audit Team during the
State Auditor IV
OIC- Supervising Auditor
Copy Furnished:
The Regional Director, DILG, Region VIII, Tacloban City
The Regional Director, BLGF, Region VIII, Tacloban City
An audit was conducted on the accounts and operations of the Municipality for Isabel
covering transaction from January 01 to December 31, 2022 with particular emphasis on the
audit thrusts required in COA Local Government Sector Unnumbered Memo dated September
14, 2022, which include, among others, Cash and Cash Equivalents, Property, Plant and
Equipment (PPEs) and Financial Liabilities. The audit also covered review of the LGUs
compliance with pertinent provisions on the utilization of the 20% Development Fund and
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund, Fund Transfers received by the
Municipality, COVID-19 Vaccination Program, Grants and Donations, and other revenue and
expense accounts.
The audit was conducted to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions, the
accuracy of financial records and reports as well as compliance of the agency with prescribed
rules and regulations. It was also made to ascertain whether the programs as envisioned were
attained in an economical, efficient and effective manner. The audit was conducted in
accordance with International Public Sector Standards on Auditing (IPSSA) that includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation.
Financial Highlights
The total assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses for calendar year 2022 as
compared with CY 2021 of the Municipality of Isabel, Leyte, are as follows:
The appropriations, allotments and obligations of the LGU for calendar year 2022 as
compared with CY 2021, including funds received from national government agencies and
funds transferred to other LGUs are as follows:
The Auditor rendered a qualified opinion on the combined financial statements of the
Municipality of Isabel, Leyte for the year ended December 31, 2022 due to the exceptions as
stated in the Independent Auditor’s Report and as discussed in Part II of the report.
assistance from the SB in the enforcement of the remedies for collection provided
in RA No. 7160.
We further recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the officials concerned to
implement other tax collection mechanisms and strategies to encourage delinquent
taxpayers to settle their tax liabilities and increase RPT collections of the Municipality.
We also recommended the MGSO create and maintain updated Stock Cards for each
category of supplies with their respective stock numbers. These Stock Cards should
be reconciled with the RPCI at the end of each year. In addition, the Municipal
Accountant should likewise maintain Supplies Ledger Cards for every stock number
and reconcile them with the Stock Cards of the GSO and the RPCI of the Inventory
Committee. Meanwhile, regular reconciliation of records of both offices is necessary.
Lastly, we recommended that the Municipal Mayor centralize the inventory system,
stockpile manage by the MGSO, if warranted, or require all department heads to
manage the inventories under their custody and prepare the necessary documents to
account for regular issuances of these items.
b. require the Municipal Accountant to (i) expedite substantiation of recorded
unidentified PPE items based on the result of inventory count as recommended
above; (ii) drop from the PPE account the identified items below the ₱15,000.00
threshold totaling ₱717,242.43; (iv) initiate the proper turn-over of the completed
projects to the respective Barangay-Recipients supported with the properly
accomplished turn-over documents, and effect adjustments in the books; and (v)
maintain and update PPE Ledger Cards for each category of assets and Real
Property Ledger Cards for land; and
c. direct the General Services Officer to take charge in setting up and updating of
Property Cards for proper monitoring, control and accountability of purchased/
acquired and issued PPEs.
a. Require all End-User Units to submit all documents for the procurement of
goods and services charged from the current year appropriation, the obligations
of the suppliers having been duly fulfilled, based on the contract, during the
current year, to facilitate the recording of the expenses in the books of accounts
of the municipality;
b. prepare adjusting entry to drop from Accounts Payable account the
unsubstantiated claims as well as to effect corrections on the erroneously
recorded transactions;
c. Record only the accounts payable which were obligated and have complete
supporting documents.
a. conduct verification, analysis, and validation of the balances of the Due to NGAs
accounts and effect the necessary adjustments, if warranted, validate status of
programs, projects and activities for which funds were received and maintain
complete records of the same;
b. exhaust possible remedy to reconcile the balances of the account and effect the
necessary adjustments, as warranted; and
c. make representations with identified source agencies for the return of unutilized
Henceforth, we recommended that the Municipal Mayor mandate the LGU officials
designated as Project-in-Charge to:
a. implement immediately the projects in accordance with the timeframe provided for
in the MOA to maximize the beneficial use of government projects/program and the
eventual return of unused funds, if any;
b. prepare the corresponding reports for each of the completed projects and submit the
same to the Accountant within one month from completion; and
c. report to the Municipal Mayor any project/program which cannot be immediately
implemented for proper disposition or referral to the Source Agency/ies.
The LGU has unsettled disallowances and suspensions totaling ₱1,138,987.85 and
₱1,540.771.60, respectively. While no unsettled charges as of December 31, 2022.
Of the 102 audit recommendations embodied in CY 2021 and prior years’ Annual
Audit Reports, only 26 were fully implemented while 76 remained unimplemented.
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office No. VIII
Candahug, Palo, Leyte
Qualified Opinion
We have audited the financial statements of the Municipality of Isabel, Province of Leyte,
which comprise the Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2022, and the
Statement of Financial Performance, Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity, Statement
of Cash Flows and Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts for the year
then ended, and notes to the financial statements including a summary of significant
accounting policies.
In our opinion, except for the effects of the matters described in the Basis for Qualified
Opinion paragraph, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the Municipality of Isabel, Leyte as at December 31, 2022,
and its financial performance, its cash flows and its comparison of budget and actual
amounts for the year then ended in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting
Standards (IPSASs).
The Real Property Tax (RPT) is understated by ₱696,393.28 due to RPT advance payment
erroneously recognized as a collection of the current year, while the Deferred Credits of
Real Property Tax is also understated by ₱402,527.74 due to erroneous accounting entries.
Further, the Inventory accounts totaling ₱442,509.00 is unreliable due to: a) failure to
conduct the mandatory physical count for CY 2022; b) inventory purchases worth
₱20,144,936.95 were directly recorded as expenses, and c) non-moving carry-forwarded
inventory balances. While, the Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) accounts amounting
to ₱577,431,803.63 as of December 31, 2022 is unreliable due to a) non-conduct of complete
Physical Count of PPE for CY 2022 resulting to a variance of ₱77,929,444.19 between the
accounting records and Report of Physical Count of PPE (RPCPPE), b) undisposed
Unserviceable PPEs amounting at least ₱2,263,246.4 still carried at the books, c)
Approximately ₱55 million of unidentified PPE items, d) inclusion of items costing below
the capitalization threshold of ₱15,000.00 totaling ₱717,242.43, f) Inclusion of properties
costing ₱98,674,311.27 held for use by Barangay Local Governments and f) non-provis ion
for Depreciation expense of Road Networks, Machinery and Books accounts. Moreover,
the Accounts Payable is overstated by ₱22,922,324.17 due to uncorrected prior years’
discrepancies and current year’s deficiencies. The Due to NGAs also includes several
unsubstantiated amounts and/or long outstanding balances amounting to ₱2,245,010.25.
And lastly, there were erroneous entries of cash advances’ liquidation resulting to the
understatement of Advances for Payroll account by ₱1,778,507.97. Based on the foregoing,
these noted errors and deficiencies affects the fair presentation of the accounts reported in
the Financial Statement.
Except for the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section, we have
determined that there are no other key audit matters to communicate in our report.
Responsibilities of Management and those Charged with Governance for the Financial
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial
statements in accordance with IPSASs and for such internal control as management
determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the local government unit’s
financial reporting process.
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as
a whole are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an
auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAIs will always detect
a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected
to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
A. Financial Audit
1.1. Pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7160, otherwise known as “The Local
Government Code of the Philippines” provides in:
Section 247. Collection of Tax. – The collection of the real property tax with
interest thereon and related expenses, and the enforcement of the remedies
provided for in this Title or any applicable laws, shall be the responsibility if
the city or municipal treasurer concerned. The city or municipal treasurer
may deputize the Barangay treasurer to collect all taxes on real property
located in the Barangay: Provided, That the Barangay treasurer is properly
bonded for the purpose: Provided, further, That the premium on the bond
shall be paid by the city or municipal government concerned. (Emphasis
(b) Such notice shall specify the date upon which the tax became delinquent
and shall state that personal property may be destrained to effect
payment. It shall likewise state that at any time before the destraint of
personal property, payment of the tax with surcharges, interests and
penalties may be made in accordance with the next following Section,
and unless the tax, surcharges and penalties are paid before the
expiration of the year for which the tax is due except when the notice
of assessment or special levy is contested administratively or judicially
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3, Title II, Book II of this Code,
the delinquent real property will be sold at public auction, and the title
to the property will be vested in the purchaser, subject, however, to the
right of the delinquent owner of the property or any person having legal
interest therein to redeem the property within one (1) year from the date
of sale.
1.2. On the other hand, Section 472 (b), Article III of the Code partly provides:
(b) The assessor shall take charge of the assessor's office, perform the duties
provided under Book II of this Code, and shall:
(1) Ensure that all laws and policies governing the appraisal and
assessment of real properties for taxation purposes are properly
(2) Initiate, review, and recommend changes in policies and objectives,
plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in the
valuation and assessment of real properties for taxation purposes;
(3) Establish a systematic method of real property assessment;
(4) Install and maintain a real property identification and accounting
(5) Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping, showing
graphically all property subject to assessment and gather all data
concerning the same;
(6) Conduct frequent physical surveys to verify and determine whether
all real property within the province are properly listed in the
assessment rolls
1.3. While, Sections 111, 123 and 124 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445 provide that:
1.5 As of December 31, 2022, the Financial Statements of the Municipality of Isabel
reported RPT and SET Receivable balances amounting to ₱19,597,979.87 and
₱19,601,300.04, respectively. However, the audit revealed various deficiencies in
the establishment and keeping of accounts of RPT/SET Receivables such as:
(a) Absence of certified list of taxpayers and noted difference in the amount due
upon establishing CY 2022 receivables;
1.5.1 Verification of the Real Property Tax General Ledger for CY 2022 disclosed
the amount of ₱29,853,070.40 recorded on February 2022 to establish/set -up
the RPT and SET Receivables for CY 2022. However, the related Journal
Entry Voucher (JEV) was not supported with a certified list showing the
name of taxpayers and the amount due and collectible for the year prepared
by the Municipal Treasurer instead a report on Collectible Realty Tax for CY
2022 prepared by the Municipal Assessors Office was attached as a basis for
the amount recorded in establishing the collectible for the year.
1.5.3 Due to the absence of the aforementioned report from the Municipal
Treasurer, the Audit Team requested the supporting list of the Assessment
Roll furnished by the Municipal Assessor’s Office and made a comparison
with the records in RPTAR. Since the Assessor’s Office main function is to
appraise and assess all real properties within the Municipality as source or
reference in the Real Property Tax Account Register/Taxpayer’s index card
assessed value, thus, the computation of tax collectible should be based on
the latter. However, the Assessor’s Office can only provide the Audit Team
with a real-time Assessment Roll that includes various cancels and additions
after the submission of the report to the Accounting Office. As expected, the
provided report with the total amount did not equate to the total amount of
receivable established for the year. Nevertheless, the sampling comparison
was conducted to RPTAR and Assessment Roll for the identified taxpayer
which revealed that some assessed values exhibited gaps in amount and Tax
Declaration not found in RPTAR. On the other hand, the List of Top 50
Delinquent Taxpayers presented by the Municipal Treasurer matches the
value in the Assessment Roll.
1.5.4 Upon inquiry into the deficiencies noted, the Municipal Treasurer conceded
that reconciliation of the Assessment Roll was made since the last revision,
while, update and/or preparation of individual RPTAR is carried out only
upon payment made by taxpayers.
1.5.5 During the year, the Municipality has a total RPT gross collection of
₱12,989,124.00, of which ₱11,337,066.52 pertains to the current year,
₱955,664.20 amount paid for prior year and ₱696,393.28 advance payment
for CY 2023, all were recorded as a deduction of RPT Receivable for CY
2022 and the related income was recognized accordingly.
1.5.7 Aside from the 1% RPT imposed on real properties within the Municipalit y’s
jurisdiction, the Local Government Code also allowed the Municipality to
levy and collect an additional annual tax of one percent (1%) on the assessed
value of real property which shall exclusively accrue to the Special Education
Fund (SEF). Since both RPT and SET are imposed upon the same object
with the same rate at the same time and equally share in the collection thereof,
the balances of RPT and SET Receivables should naturally be equal.
However, the books of account show RPT and SET Receivable balances of
₱19,597,979.87 and ₱19,601,300.04, respectively, with a difference of
₱3,320.17. Scrutiny of the General Ledger for CY 2022 and prior years’
Annual Audit Reports (AARs) disclosed that the difference existed since CY
2015. Details are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison between RPT and SET Receivable year end balances
Statement of Financial Position
year end balances
Reference Difference
Receivable Receivable
Annual Audit Report ₱ 6,039,755.84 ₱ 6,042,726.52 ₱ (2,970.68)
(AAR) CY 2015
ARR CY 2016 9,443,423.62 9,446,394.36 (2,970.74
ARR CY 2017 13,129,504.92 13,132,475.65 -2,970.73
ARR CY 2018 15,547,596.74 16,476,592.47 -928,995.73
ARR CY 2019 12,056,692.53 12,059,663.27 -2,970.74
ARR CY 2020 15,392,167.39 15,395,138.13 -2,970.74
ARR CY 2021 17,660,568.67 17,668,787.24 -8,218.57
Financial Statements 19,597,979.87 19,601,300.04 -3,320.17
CY 2022
1.5.8 The Audit Team inquired from the Municipal Accountant for the existence
of such discrepancy from CY 2015 since there was no disclosure and/or
related information reported in the Financial Statement attached to the
Annual Audit Report. As the keeper of the accounts of the municipality, the
Municipal Accountant is expected to easily identify the difference
considering that the two Receivable accounts are reciprocal, and that any
transaction/adjustment in RPT receivables should also reflect in the SET
receivables account. However, the Municipal Accountant could not pinpoint
or justify the circumstance of the difference due to the absence of any
financial analysis or comparison of accounts during the Financial Statement
1.5.9 The Audit Team requested the submission of the List of Delinquent
Taxpayers as of December 31, 2022 to confirm the reconciliation of records
for the actual collectibles as against the RPT/SET Receivable balances
recorded in the books, and the Municipal Treasurer was able to provide a
copy of the Top 50 Real Property Tax Delinquent Taxpayers as required by
the Province of Leyte for submission, however, they failed to prepare the
complete List of Delinquent Taxpayer as required by Section 269 of RA
7160. Meanwhile, we noticed that this report was not posted in the Full
Disclosure Board or in a publicly accessible and conspicuous place. As a
consequence, the Municipality and/or offices and its constituents were not
fully knowledgeable of the struggle in collecting delinquent receivables.
1.6 Further review of the account balances in the General Fund and Special Education
Fund for the year ended December 31, 2022 showed the following balances of the
RPT Receivable, SET Receivable and Deferred Credits - RPT/SET accounts:
reciprocal accounts which means that any addition/deduction in one account should
also have a corresponding addition/deduction on the other account. Thus, the
balances should be the same and equal at all times except when receipt of advance
payment of basic RPT and additional levy on the assessed value of real property is
made and the corresponding deferred credits liability account is credited. However,
instead of reflecting the same balances, RPT Receivables and Deferred Credits –
RPT in the General Fund displayed a variance in its balances of ₱402,527.74.
1.8 Perusal of the accounting records disclosed that the variance was due to the
erroneous amount recognized and/or recorded for the Deferred Credit-RPT account,
the amount deducted to the account corresponds to the net amount of discounts and
penalties from the total RPT collections, instead of the gross amount pertaining to
basic tax paid. Nevertheless, at the end of the year, they made adjustments to
properly present the balance for Deferred Credit-RPT account, however, the
adjustment was short of ₱402,527.74. As a result, the fair presentation of the
foregoing account was not fairly stated in the Financial Statement as of yearend.
1.10 We further recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the officials
concerned to implement other tax collection mechanisms and strategies to
encourage delinquent taxpayers to settle their tax liabilities and increase RPT
collections of the Municipality.
1.11 During the exit conference and per written AOM reply, the Municipal Treasurer
explained that records were manually maintained, hence, summary of records was
not prepared though they are confident that discrepancies will be addressed soon as
they are planning to avail the iTax system but for the meantime, they have exerted
effort to currently utilized the MS excel for records to be able to provide the
necessary reports and promised to reconcile the RPTAR with the records of the
Municipal Assessor’s Office to arrive at an accurate RPT and promptly submit the
required reports to the Municipal Accountant. Meanwhile, the Municipal
Accountant was able to identify some of the discrepancies and will immediately
draw the necessary adjusting entries, as for the other deficiencies, they will conduct
verification and tracing of records. Further, the Municipal Mayor also explained that
they cannot implement measures to enforce collection without any directives from
the Province of Leyte, while records of delinquency may not be accurate as some
taxpayers prefer to pay directly to the province.
1.12 As a rejoinder, the Audit Team added that records should be accurately and timely
updated, RPTAR should be up-to-date based on the RPT collections of the
Municipality incorporated with the paid RPT directly to the Province of Leyte.
2.1 Section 111 of PD 1445 provides the following guidelines on the keeping of
(1) The accounts of an agency shall be kept in such detail as is necessary to meet
the needs of the agency and at the same time be adequate to furnish the
information needed by fiscal or control agencies of the government.
(2) The highest standards of honesty, objectivity and consistency shall be
observed in the keeping of accounts to safeguard against inaccurate or
misleading information.
Recognition as an Expense
44. When inventories are sold, exchanged, or distributed, the carrying amount
of those inventories shall be recognized as an expense in the period in
which the related revenue is recognized. If there is no related revenue, the
expense is recognized when the goods are distributed or the related service
is rendered. Xxx
2.3 Pertinent provisions of the MNGAS for use of LGUs also provides:
Sec. 51. Purchase of Supplies. – Purchase of supplies and materials for stock
regardless of whether or not they are consumed within the accounting period
shall be recorded as assets using the Inventory account following the Perpetual
Inventory Method. xxx
Upon receipt of the AIR and other supporting documents, the Chief
Accountant shall record the deliveries in the appropriate ledger cards. Upon
completion of the disbursement process pertaining thereto the Chief Accountant
shall prepare the JEV taking up the in the books the procurement made.
Thereafter, the Chief Accountant shall reconcile the JEV with the appropriate
ledger cards.
Sec. 124. Inventory of Supplies or Property. – The local chief executive shall
require periodic physical inventory of supplies or property. Physical count of
inventory items by type shall be conducted semestrally and reported in the Report
of the Physical Count of Inventories (RPCI). This shall be submitted to the
Auditor concerned not later than July 31 and January 31 of each year for the first
and second semesters, respectively.
Sec. 11. Supplies Ledger Card (SLC). – The Supplies Ledger Card (Annex
7) is a subsidiary ledger to be maintained by the accounting office for each
type of supplies, crops and other inventory items, to record acquisition,
issuance and disposal. The SLC shall be the basis in filling up the Supplies
Availability Inquiry (SAI).
Sec. 41. Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS). – The Requisition and Issue Slip
(Annex 33) shall be used to request supplies and materials that are carried in
Sec. 44. Stock Card (SC). – The Stock Card (Annex 36) shall be used to
record all receipts and issuances of supplies. It shall be maintained by the
Supply and Property Unit for each item in stock.
2.4 As of December 31, 2022, the financial statement of the Municipality of Isabel
reported an Inventory account balance of ₱442,509.00, details are presented in the
following Table.
2.5 Verification of the Inventory accounts as of December 31, 2022 and the inventory
control of the Municipality revealed various deficiencies including drawbacks that
were addressed in the prior year’s audit, however, efforts from the officers and
employees concerned were inadequate, as follows:
a.1 The Municipality failed to conduct the mandated semestral physical count
of Inventories, thereby posing difficulty in determining the accuracy and
reliability of the Inventory balance of ₱442,509.00 as reflected in the
financial statements.
a.2 Query with the Municipal General Services Officer (MGSO) disclosed that
they did not conduct physical count of all procured supplies and materials
semi-annually since these were directly released to the requesting office as
the storage area stockpiled unserviceable equipment.
indicates weaknesses in the internal control of the Municipality, which
could make its assets vulnerable to theft, loss, and wastage.
b.1 The Municipality did not adopt the Perpetual Inventory Method for the
procurement of supplies and materials. This method prescribed that all
regular purchases should be recognized as inventory regardless of whether
or not they are consumed within the accounting period and issuance thereof
shall be recorded as expense. As a result, all supplies and materials
procured in CY 2022 amounting to ₱20,144,936.95 were outrightly
expensed, the aggregate amount per Inventory account presented in Table
b.2 It should be noted that these commodities are a valuable asset of the agency
necessary in the day-to-day operation which is why the Perpetual Inventory
Method is placed to keep track of the quantity and updates the records
thereof. In the absence of necessary documentation upon issuance or use
of the items and the non-conduct of a periodic physical count, the actual
consumption of inventory items was not appropriately accounted for.
c.1 Perusal of General Ledger and the available records referring to the
inventory account uncovered inventory balance as of yearend amounting
to ₱442,509.00 were carry-forwarded balances from prior years. It was
found out that Office Supplies Inventory was from 2019, while the Medical,
Dental and Laboratory Supplies Inventory balance was from purchases of
CY 2021, but the physical existence at yearend could not be determined by
the officers concerned due to deficiencies noted in paragraph 1.5.a above,
while stock card and supply ledger card were not maintained as discussed
in the succeeding paragraph.
d.1 Upon further examination of the documents and records related to the
procurement of supplies and materials and inventory control, the Audit
Team discovered that neither the General Services Office (GSO) nor the
Accounting Office had maintained the required Stock Card (SC) and
Supply Ledger Card (SLC), respectively. The SC is crucial in supporting
the semi-annual Inventory report prepared by the GSO, while the SLC is
essential for the Accounting Unit to maintain a Subsidiary Ledger for each
type of supply, recording all receipts and issuances.
2.6 In view of the foregoing, the failure to faithfully comply with rules and regulations
in recording, procuring, and handling supplies and materials affected the fair
presentation of the related asset and expense account balances in the Financial
Statement. Likewise, these commodities were not safeguarded against errors,
irregularities, and problems.
2.8 We also recommended the MGSO create and maintain updated Stock Cards
for each category of supplies with their respective stock numbers. These Stock
Cards should be reconciled with the RPCI at the end of each year. In addition,
the Municipal Accountant should likewise maintain Supplies Ledger Cards for
every stock number and reconcile them with the Stock Cards of the GSO and
the RPCI of the Inventory Committee. Meanwhile, regular reconciliation of
records of both offices is necessary.
2.9 Lastly, we recommended that the Municipal Mayor centralize the inventory
system, stockpile manage by the MGSO, if warranted, or require all
department heads to manage the inventories under their custody and prepare
the necessary documents to account for regular issuances of these items.
It is the declared policy of the State that all resources of the government shall
be managed, expended or utilized in accordance with law and regulations,
and safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper
disposition, with a view to ensuring efficiency, economy and effectiveness
in the operations of government. The responsibility to take care that such
policy is faithfully adhered to rests directly with the chief or head of the
government agency concerned.
may be sold at a private sale at such price as may be fixed by the same
committee or body concerned and approved by the Commission.
3.3 Section 111 of PD 1445 explicitly states the following guidelines on the keeping of
(3) The accounts of an agency shall be kept in such detail as is necessary to meet
the needs of the agency and at the same time be adequate to furnish the
information needed by fiscal or control agencies of the government.
(4) The highest standards of honesty, objectivity and consistency shall be observed
in the keeping of accounts to safeguard against inaccurate or misleading
3.5 IPSAS 17 also states that the depreciable amount of an asset shall be allocated on a
systematic basis over its useful life. The depreciation of an asset begins when it is
available for use, i.e., when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be
capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Depreciation of an
asset ceases when the asset is derecognized. Therefore, depreciation does not cease
when the asset becomes idle or is retired from active use and held for disposal unless
the asset is fully depreciated.
3.6 Issues on the non-establishment of the accuracy of the Property, Plant and Equipment
of government agencies have become recurring on every Annual Audit Reports of
the Commission, such that COA Circular No. 2020-006 dated January 31, 2020 was
instituted, prescribing the Guidelines and Procedures in the Conduct of Physical
Count of PPE, Recognition of PPE Items Found at Station, and Disposition for Non-
existing/Missing PPE Items, for the One-Time Cleansing of PPE Account Balances
of Government Agencies, which partly states, thus:
4.2 The cost of an item of PPE shall be recognized as asset if, and only if:
a. it is probable that the future economic benefits or service potential
associated with the item will flow to the entity;
b. the cost or fair value of the item can be measured reliably;
c. beneficial ownership and control clearly rest with the government;
d. the asset is used to achieve government objectives; and
e. it meets the capitalization threshold of P15,000.
3.7 Further, Chapter 7 of MNGAS, Volume I provides the maintenance of Property Card
and Equipment Ledger Card, as stated:
Upon receipt of the AIR and other supporting documents, the Chief
Accountant shall record the deliveries in the appropriate ledger cards. Upon
completion of the disbursement process pertaining thereto the Chief Accountant
shall prepare the JEV taking up the in the books the procurement made.
Thereafter, the Chief Accountant shall reconcile the JEV with the appropriate
ledger cards.
3.8 As of December 31, 2022, the PPE account of the Municipality of Isabel has carrying
amount of ₱577,431,803.63, presented as follows:
Addition/ Accumulated Balance, as of
PPE Accounts Acquisition Cost
Adjustments Depreciation 12/31/2022
Books 95,811.13 - - 95,811.13
Construction in Progress-
2,432,024.16 - - 2,432,024.16
Infra. Assets
Construction in Progress-
Buildings and Other 1,105,831.51 (61,682.60) - 1,044,148.91
Other Property, Plant and
34,678,020.51 - (2,387,238.87) 32,290,781.64
Net Amount ₱861,724,962.58 ₱18,777,928.72 ₱(303,071,087.67) ₱577,431,803.63
3.9 Perusal of relevant records regarding the composition of the subject account revealed
various errors and deficiencies that depart from the foregoing laws, rules and
regulations. The following predicaments have been existing in previous years, but
despite bringing them to the attention of officials concerned, the same still exist,
hence our reiteration, viz:
a.3 Failure of the Municipality to conduct complete physical count of PPE
casts doubt as to existence and validity of the recorded amount of PPE and
the related provision for depreciation as presented in the financial
statements. Moreover, the non-conduct of physical count signifies
weakness in the internal control of the Municipality making the assets
susceptible to theft or loss.
a.5 Moreover, the Inventory Committee revealed that only supplies, equipment
and other PPEs provided per office and/or found at station were validated
and incorporated in the RPCPPE, and although embodied in the report, they
did not include the Land, Land Improvements, Infrastructure Assets, and
Buildings and Other Structures during the conduct of physical count. Of
the said report, other relevant information was lacking such as date of
acquisition, number of years in service and property number.
a.6 Other factors that contributed to the existence of unaccounted variance are
the gaps in the Municipality’s control mechanism, such as:
b.1 We noted in prior year’s audit report the existence of various unserviceable
properties. However, verification with the Municipal Accountant and
Property Custodian disclosed that said properties remain undisposed to date
contrary to Section 79 of PD 1445.
b.2 Comparison between the report of the Inventory Committee and accounting
records uncovered various unserviceable properties still recorded in the
books, with a total cost of ₱1,165,184.48, as shown in below.
PPE Account Acquisition Cost
ICT Equipment 198,604.48
Communication Equipment 99,940.00
Technical and Scientific Equipment 29,950.00
Other Machinery and Equipment 82,484.00
Motor Vehicle 548,900.00
Total ₱ 1,165,184.48
Office Particulars/ Description Amount
2 Pulse Oximeter 5,900.00
1 Sphygmomanometer: Pedia 3,450.00
4 Thermometer 392.00
Total ₱ 1,098,062.00
b.4 Although unserviceable PPEs were identified, the prescribed Inventory and
Inspection Report of Unserviceable Properties (IIRUP) was not prepared
by the Inventory Committee for items found unserviceable, obsolete and/or
no longer needed to precede the assessment of proper disposal and
appraisal procedures. The items included in the list should be evaluated to
exclude those PPEs that can still be repaired within reasonable cost. And
since the Committee failed to conduct complete physical count of all
properties, thus, there may be other properties that are unserviceable and
for disposal but still in the possession of the accountable officer,
considering that the accounting records include PPEs from CY 1990s.
c.2 As per PPE supporting schedules, these unidentified PPEs were lumped
into their PPE subsidiary accounts and were labelled as “various/assorted”
or “unreconciled items”, while those items under the infrastructure assets
have “please refer to Registry of Public Infrastructure…” particulars.
Moreover, it was also observed that there was no provision for accumulated
depreciation pertaining to the unidentified PPE item under the Other PPE
c.3 Interview with the Municipal Accountant disclosed that each PPE line item
was previously presented in lumped amount without any description when
he assumed office in 2017. Consequently, the unidentified balances,
remained as is and carried over in the books throughout the years.
Nevertheless, she invoked that her office is will coordinate with the
Property Custodian, GSO and Municipal Engineer regarding the matter and
committed to initiate more efforts to corroborate the said unidentified PPE
d.1 Review of Serviceable PPEs showed that there were items with unit costs
below ₱15,000.00 that were recorded under PPEs, with an aggregate
amount of ₱717,242.43, as presented in Table 7.
d.2 Per accounting guidelines, an item whose life extends for more than a year
but costs below ₱15,000.00 should be recorded as inventory upon
acquisition and charged to the expense upon issuance to end-users.
Therefore, the cost and corresponding accumulated depreciation of the
items in Table 4 should be dropped from the PPE account and the net book
value should be debited to prior period errors or appropriate expense
account, whichever is applicable. For monitoring, control and
accountability, an Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS) shall be prepared upon
issuance of small tangible items covered by approved Requisition Issue
Slip (RIS).
d.3 As a result, the recorded PPE items with amount below the capitalization
overstate the PPE account in the financial statement by ₱717,242.43.
e.2 Although these projects were implemented by the LGU, ownership should
be transferred to the barangay concerned. Accordingly, these infrastructure
projects should have been turned over to the respective Barangays upon
completion to transfer the responsibility of managing and maintaining the
said projects.
f.1 We further noted that the Road Networks, Machinery and Books accounts
with acquisition costs of ₱47,035,890.22, ₱9,990.00 and ₱95.811.13,
respectively, have no provisions for depreciation expense and/ or
accumulated depreciation (highlighted in Table 1).
f.3 Consequently, failure to compute and record the depreciation overstates the
Road Networks, Machinery and Books accounts with a corresponding
understatement of the depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation
in CY 2022.
3.10 The foregoing deficiencies cast doubt on the accuracy, existence, valuation and
propriety of the items comprising the PPE account.
f. direct the General Services Officer to take charge in updating of
Property Cards for proper monitoring, control and accountability of
purchased/ acquired and issued PPEs.
3.12 Lastly, we recommended that the Municipality avail the one -time cleansing of
the PPE Account and strictly adhere with the provisions of COA Circular No.
2020-006 dated January 31, 2020 to establish PPE balances that are verifiable
as to existence, condition and accountability.
3.13 During the exit conference, the appointed GSO promised to conduct a complete
physical inventory of all properties belonging to the Municipality. Additionally,
both the Municipal Accountant and GSO assured reconciliation of their records and
hopefully administer the one-time cleansing prescribed by COA Circular 2020-006.
(1) Xxx
4.2 Section 350 of R.A. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 provides:
Section 350. Accounting for Obligations - All lawful expenditures
and obligations incurred during a fiscal year shall be taken up in the
accounts of that year.
4.3 Paragraph 27 of IPSAS I provides that fair presentation requires the faithful
representation of the effects of the transactions, other events, and conditions in
accordance with the definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, revenue
and expenses set out in the IPSASs.
19. Xxx
(a) Payables are liabilities to pay for goods or services that have been
received or supplied, and have been invoiced or formally
agreed with the supplier (and include payments in respect of
social benefits where formal agreements for specified amounts
exist); Xxx
4.5 As of December 31, 2022, the Financial Statements of the Municipality of Isabel
reported the Accounts Payable balance under General Fund amounted to
₱75,029,441.78, accumulated over the years and composed of the following:
4.6 Perusal of the General Ledger, Journals, Itemized List of Accounts Payable for CY
2022 and prior years’ Annual Audit Reports (AARs) revealed uncorrected
discrepancies of prior years’ Accounts Payable and various deficiencies in CY2022
cause by the same dilemma in the prior years’ audit findings, however, the same still
existed as of yearend, as a result the Accounts Payable is overstated by
₱20,807,351.13 and the corresponding expense accounts by the same amount. The
source and details of the overstatement were as follows:
4.6.1 As reported in AAR CY 2021, the Accounts Payable is overstated by
P31,522,390.76 due to inclusion of payables with no documents presented,
recording of various transactions with no valid contracts and uncertain
deliveries, inclusion of transactions not delivered or with questionable
deliveries, erroneous recording of amount payable, and exclusion of various
transactions incurred in 2021 but not yet paid, summarized in Table 10:
Table 10. Summary of Prior Year Discrepancies and Adjustments made in CY 2022
Amount of CY 2022 payment Balance of
Discrepancies Noted
Over/(Under)statement and adjustments Over/(Under)statement
A. Payables with no documents presented (Table 3)
1. Overstatement of CY 2010 to ₱ 27,371,983.45 ₱9,075,268.56* ₱18,296,714.89
2020 payables
2. Overstatement of CY 2021 6,875,245.36 3,345,880.52** 3,529,364.84
Sub-total 34,247,228.81 12,421,149.08 21,826,079.73
B. CY 2021 payables with no valid contracts and uncertain deliveries
3. Unsigned Purchase Orders (POs) 245,057.00 0.00 245,057.00
and Acceptance and Inspection
Reports (AIRs)
4. Unsigned POs but received by the 1,199,216.00 0.00 1,199,216.00
Sub-total 1,444,273.00 0.00 1,444,273.00
C. CY 2021 transactions not delivered or with questionable deliveries
5. Unsigned and Undated AIRs 805,511.00 0.00 805,511.00
Sub-total 805,511.00 0.00 805,511.00
D. Erroneous recording of amounts of payables
6. Erroneous recording of amounts 182,072.28 0.00 182,072.28
7. Payables recorded twice 59,890.00 0.00 59,890.00
8. Prior years’ transaction recorded 1,080.00 0.00 1,080.00
as Accounts Payable in CY 2021
9. CY 2022 obligations recorded as 10,671.51 0.00 10,671.51
Accounts Payable in CY 2021
Sub-total 253,713.79 0.00 253,713.79
E. Exclusion of various transactions incurred in 2021 but not yet paid
10. Transactions incurred in 2021 but (5,069,692.10) 0.00 (5,069,692.10)
not yet paid
Sub-total (5,069,692.10) 0.00 (5,069,692.10)
F. Erroneous recording of amounts paid in CY 2021
11. Payments that are not equal to the (105,493.74) 0.00 (105,493.74)
payables recorded
12. Payments for transactions from (53,150.00) 0.00 (53,150.00)
prior years that were not recorded
as payable
Sub-total (158,643.74) 0.00 (158,643.74)
Net Overstatement of Accounts ₱ 31,522,390.76 ₱12,421,149.08 ₱ 19,101,241.68
Payable Balance as of 12/31/2021
* Adjustments of ₱9,081,725.56 less ₱78,959 (valid claim) and payment of ₱72,502.00 for CY 2018 payables without documents
** Paid payables in CY2022 of ₱3,307,362.50 plus adjustment for double entries of ₱38,518.02
4.6.2 In CY 2022, the accounting office prepared and recorded an adjustment
dropping the payables without documents of prior years’ specifically payables
for CY 2010 to 2017 reducing the overstatement of the Accounts Payable
balance by ₱9,081,725.56. Additionally, CY 2022 the Municipality rendered
payment of payables totaling ₱28,311,902.53, of which ₱24,865,932.03
(Appendix G.1) refers to payments of payables supported with valid documents
while the remaining ₱3,445,970.50 (Appendix G.2) was disbursed to pay those
without supporting documents in CY 2018 to CY 2021.
4.6.4 From the foregoing, the identified discrepancies from prior years which remain
uncorrected in the books of accounts, cumulatively overstates the Accounts
Payable account by ₱19,101,241.68.
4.6.5 As of December 31, 2022, the Municipality was able to settle its payables
totaling ₱28,311,902.53. Review and analysis of records uncovered the
following errors that affect the Accounts Payable account, to wit:
recognition as payment thereof even without an outstanding payable result
in an understatement of the Accounts Payable account by ₱623,869.13.
Table 12. Erroneously recorded in relation to payment of payables as of December 31, 2022
Deduction of
ALOBS Recorded Account Payable Over
Number Payable account in CY (Understatement)
2022 (payments)
Flaviano C. Centino Jr. 21082911 10,450.00 11,000.00 ₱ (550.00)
Lilt L. Clemena 21114023 1,150.00 900.00 250.00
PEMC 21124525 43,072.37 43,072.34 0.03
LEYECO V 21125427 14,000.00 11,103.26 2,896.74
ABRAHAM ACORDA 21125035 107,216.49 107,220.00 (3.51)
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 21125285 1,698.00 1,497.00 201.00
Various Payroll 21114075- 703,618.45 656,754.45 46,864.00
Various Payroll 21114114- 143,036.98 143,037.48 (0.50)
Various Payroll 21114118- 64,280.64 64,280.65 (0.01)
Various Payroll 21114268- 744,017.00 633,000.00 111,017.00
Various Payroll 21114363- 652,567.51 695,182.21 (42,614.70)
Various Payroll 21124626- 623,879.72 645,311.72 (21,432.00)
Various Payroll 21124645-46; 1,614,170.21 1,633,180.21 (19,010.00)
Various Payroll 21124664- 477,069.78 474,243.08 2,826.70
Various Payroll 21124673- 42,621.95 42,612.95 9.00
Payroll 21124752 7,650.00 28,800.00 (13,500.00)
21124971 4,264.63 4,109.72 154.91
21125314 2,508.00 6,384.00 (3,876.00)
21125425 118,088.00 59,044.00 59,044.00
21124547 403,486.50 6,300.00 397,186.50
Sub-total 519,463.16
Payment of payables recorded to Prior Period Adjustments
No Available Data 20082806 600.00 0.00 600.00
Noel R. Gubalane 20113999 720.00 0.00 720.00
Jeonmira M. Bernales 21103635 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00
Jenrose A. Limpios 21124512 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00
Isidro Requitillo 21124526 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00
Berzabeth Pitao 21124532 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00
Shilma B. Lariba 21124569 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
Leizel L. Villaber 21124606 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00
Rogelio N. Recto 21124738 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
Sub-total 11,820.00
Recorded payment of payables without the transaction set-up as payable in the books
DBP Ormoc Branch 21124751 0.00 404,016.41 404,016.41
PEMC 21125305 0.00 42,892.72 42,892.72
Vivian E. Araneta 21125020 0.00 114,000.00 114,000.00
Deduction of
ALOBS Recorded Account Payable Over
Number Payable account in CY (Understatement)
2022 (payments)
Ma. Jackelyn D. Cerillo 21124681 0.00 500.00 500.00
Roberto A. Simbajon 21020336 0.00 1,860.00 1,860.00
Jeneth Cabonegro 21082801 0.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
Cherrielyn Joyce F. Misa 21126383 0.00 7,500.00 7,500.00
Municipal Treasurer 21125203 0.00 48,000.00 48,000.00
Martins Living Water Refilling 21114120 0.00 2,400.00 2,400.00
Ma. Lisa P. Amson, CPA 21114331 0.00 900.00 900.00
Sub-total (623,869.13)
Net overstatement ₱ (92,585.97)
4.6.6 As seen in Table 12, it is apparent that the settlement of Accounts Payables
account was inadequately monitored and inaccurately updated which
eventually leads to undetected errors affecting the fair presentation of the
outstanding balance thereof. The errors noted resulted in a net
understatement of the Accounts Payable account by ₱92,585.97.
4.6.7 At year end, the Municipality established payables for CY 2022 amounting to
₱15,847,308.24. Verification of the existence and validity of payables recorded
and scrutiny of the presented vouchers and supporting documents uncovered
the following deficiencies:
ABS MARKETING & 22020487 47,223.95 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING AND 22020398 49,470.00 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING AND 22030500 49,600.00 5 02 03 010
TOTAL ₱ 180,478.95 Upon inquiry to the designate personnel of the Accounting Office, she
clarified that their records starting CY 2022 were based on the documents
presented by the Municipal Treasurer’s Office (MTO), however, she
cannot exactly pinpoint the reasons for unsupported records. Further
inquiry was made to the Municipal Treasurer also confirmed that the
complete set of documents not yet paid were borrowed by the Accounting
Office to be recorded and recognize as payables at yearend. The Audit Team commended the efforts of the MTO and Accounting
Office on adopting the previous audit recommendations that recognition of
payables should be based on vouchers with sufficient documents and they
halted the practice of handing-out documents to concerned
suppliers/payees for safekeeping. However, documents for the payables
amounting to ₱5,289,517.48 not presented during audit creates doubt on
the appropriateness of the records and the diligent safekeeping of
c.2. CY 2022 transactions not yet paid at yearend but were not recorded as
payable– ₱2,444,439.21 These transactions were all incurred in CY2022 but were not yet paid as
of the reporting date. These expenses refer to other maintenance services,
equipment, supplies and fuel procurement in CY 2022 presented with
valid supporting documents upon verification by the Audit Team. Being
valid obligations of the LGU, the corresponding expense and payable
account should have been recorded in the books. The non-recognition of
these transactions resulted to an understatement in the payable account by
₱2,444,439.21. Scrutiny of the documents presented for the recorded CY2022 payables
revealed various Purchase Orders without signature from Municipal
Mayor/authorized representative or the supplier which makes the
agreement without legal binding. Moreover, delivery of services or goods
are questionable due to the absence of signature by the LGU inspector as
proof and attestation of the actual services/goods rendered and/or
delivered. While, we also noted that the BAC Resolution justifying the
adoption of the Alternative Method of Procurement for various supplies
and materials was not signed by Head of the Procuring Entity (HOPE)
which creates uncertainty on the validity of the procurement modality
adopted by the LGU.
Payee Amount PO AIR BAC Reso
MED CAPTAIN 22062164- not signed by
MARKETING B supplier
LINGANAY 22062214 not signed by
ABS MARKETING 22030763 not signed by
22020423 not signed by
22020419 not signed by
22030798 not signed by
22020488 not signed by no inspection
supplier signed
ISABEL 22030806 not signed by
EDUCATIONAL 4,985.00 supplier
PEMC 22062181 no inspection
BENECIO 22041216 not signed by
22051497 not signed by
925.00 Mun.
JUDEFOOD 22030879 not signed by
TOTAL ₱888,111.24
4.7 In summary, the foregoing discrepancies of the prior and current year’s Accounts
Payable results to a net overstatement of ₱20,987,830.08, as shown below:
Amount of
Discrepancies Noted
Prior Years:
A. Payables with no documents presented ₱21,826,079.73
B. CY 2021 payables with no valid contracts and 1,444,273.00
uncertain deliveries
C. CY 2021 transactions not delivered or with 805,511.00
questionable deliveries
D. Erroneous recording of amounts of payables 253,713.79
E. Exclusion of various transactions incurred in 2021 (5,069,692.10)
but not yet paid
F. Erroneous recording of amounts paid in CY 2021 (158,643.74)
Sub-total 19,101,241.68
Current Year:
1. Erroneous recognition of payment/settlement of (92,585.97)
2. CY 2022 Accounts Payable deficiencies
a) CY 2022 payables without supporting 3,535,502.34
documents and some were recorded twice
Amount of
Discrepancies Noted
b) CY 2022 transactions not yet paid but was not (2,444,439.21)
recorded as payable at year end
c) Inclusion of transactions with deficient and 888,111.24
lacking supporting documents
Sub-total 1,886,588.40
Net Overstatement ₱ 20,987,830.08
4.8 Due to the significant amount and voluminous number of payables the Municipalit y
must settle, adequate control and monitoring of the additions and deductions of
payable account and proper safekeeping of documents should be in place. It is the
responsibility of the Municipal Accountant to ensure that all valid expenditures of
the municipality should be recorded in the year these were incurred, and any portion
thereof which remain unpaid as of yearend, be duly obligated and a payable
recognized in the books of accounts. The recognition of payables with no valid
supporting documents and erroneous recording of amounts payable and payments in
CY 2022 overstates the expense and payable accounts of the municipality by
d. Require all End-User Units to submit all documents for the procurement of
goods and services charged from the current year appropriation, the
obligations of the suppliers having been duly fulfilled, based on the
contract, during the current year, to facilitate the recording of the expenses
in the books of accounts of the municipality;
f. Record only the accounts payable which were obligated and have complete
supporting documents.
4.10 The Municipal Accountant will further initiate investigation on the whereabouts of the
listed payables without documents presented since they have recorded the CY 2022
payables based on vouchers.
Unsubstantiated balance and various errors/ omissions in the Due to NGAs account
Circular No. 94-013, thus affecting the fair presentation of the account in the
year-end Financial Statements, and exposed the said funds to possible
misapplication. Addedly, liquidated damages were not imposed on the
Construction of River Wall project despite the lapse of contract durations,
contrary to pertinent provisions of Presidential Decree (PD) 1445 and the 2016
Revised IRR of Republic Act No. 9184, to the detriment of the government.
It is the declared policy of the State that all resources of the government shall be
managed, expended or utilized in accordance with law and regulations, and
safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper disposition, with
a view to ensuring efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the operations of
government. The responsibility to take care that such policy is faithfully adhered
to rests directly with the chief or head of the government agency concerned.
5.2 Section 111 of PD 1445 provides the following guidelines on the keeping of
(1) The accounts of an agency shall be kept in such detail as is necessary to meet
the needs of the agency and at the same time be adequate to furnish the
information needed by fiscal or control agencies of the government.
(2) The highest standards of honesty, objectivity and consistency shall be observed
in the keeping of accounts to safeguard against inaccurate or misleading
5.3 Paragraph 29 (b) of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) I
states that a fair presentation of financial statements is achieved when an entity
presents information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides
relevant, reliable, comparable, and understandable information. Information is
reliable when it is free from material error and bias, and can be depended on by users
to represent or could reasonably be expected to represent. Information is material if
its omission or misstatement could influence the decisions of users or assessments
made on the basis of the financial statements.
5.4 COA Circular No. 94-013 dated December 13, 1994 provides the rules and
regulations in the grant, utilization and liquidation of funds transferred to
implementing agencies. This Circular was issued to ensure that:
5.5 The Circular further states that: “Within 10 days after the end of the month or agreed
period for the project, the Implementing Agency (IA) shall submit the report on the
utilization of the funds to the Source Agency (SA) for taking up in the books. Any
unused/unexpended balance shall be returned by the IA and duly receipted by the
SA. Both the SA and IA are required to maintain subsidiary ledger/records for each
5.6 Moreover, pertinent provision of Annex E states the contract implementat ion
guidelines for the procurement of infrastructure projects, viz:
8.1. Where the contractor refuses or fails to satisfactorily complete the work
within the specified contract time, plus any time extension duly granted and
is hereby in default under the contract, the contractor shall pay the
procuring entity for liquidated damages, and not by way of penalty, an
amount, as provided in the conditions of contract, equal to at least one tenth
(1/10) of one (1) percent of the cost of the unperformed portion of the works
for every day of delay.
8.3. To be entitled to such liquidated damages, the procuring entity does not
have to prove that it has incurred actual damages. Such amount shall be
deducted from any money due or which may become due the contractor
under the contract and/or collect such liquidated damages from the
retention money or other securities posted by the contractor whichever is
convenient to the procuring entity.
8.4. In case that the delay in the completion of the work exceeds a time duration
equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the specified contract time plus any time
extension duly granted to the contractor, the procuring entity concerned
may rescind the contract, forfeit the contractor's performance security and
takeover the prosecution of the project or award the same to a qualified
contractor through negotiated contract.
8.5. In no case however, shall the total sum of liquidated damages exceed ten
percent (10%) of the total contract price, in which event the contract shall
automatically be taken over by the procuring entity concerned or award the
same to a qualified contractor through negotiation and the erring
contractor's performance security shall be forfeited. The amount of the
forfeited performance security shall be aside from the amount of the
liquidated damages that the contractor shall pay the government under the
provisions of this clause and impose other appropriate sanctions.
9.1 The procuring entity shall have the authority to suspend the work wholly
or partly by written order for such period as may be deemed necessary, due
to force majeure or any fortuitous events or for failure on the part of the
contractor to correct bad conditions which are unsafe for workers or for the
general public, to carry out valid orders given by the procuring entity or to
perform any provisions of the contract, or due to adjustment of plans to suit
field conditions as found necessary during construction. The contractor
shall immediately comply with such order to suspend the work wholly or
9.2 The contractor or its duly authorized representative shall have the right to
suspend work operation on any or all projects/activities along the critical
path of activities after fifteen (15) calendar days from date of receipt of
written notice from the contractor to the district engineer/regional
director/consultant or equivalent official, as the case may be.
10.1 Should the amount of additional work of any kind or other special
circumstances of any kind whatsoever occur such as to fairly entitle the
contractor to an extension of contract time, the procuring entity shall
determine the amount of such extension; provided that the procuring entity
is not bound to take into account any claim for an extension of time unless
the contractor has, prior to the expiration of the contract time and within
thirty (30) calendar days after such work has been commenced or after the
circumstances leading to such claim have arisen, delivered to the procuring
entity notices in order that it could have investigated them at that time.
Failure to provide such notice shall constitute a waiver by the contractor of
any claim. Upon receipt of full and detailed particulars, the procuring entity
shall examine the facts and extent of the delay and shall extend the contract
time completing the contract work when, in the procuring entity's opinion,
the findings of facts justify an extension.
rainy/unworkable days pre-determined by the government in relation to the
original contract time during the conduct of detailed engineering and in the
preparation of the contract documents as agreed upon by the parties before
contract perfection, and/or for equivalent period of delay due to major
calamities such as exceptionally destructive typhoons, floods and
earthquakes, and epidemics, and for causes such as non-delivery on time of
materials, working drawings, or written information to be furnished by the
procuring entity, non-acquisition of permit to enter private properties
within the right-of way resulting in complete paralyzation of construction
activities, and other meritorious causes as determined by the Government's
authorized Engineer and approved by the procuring entity. Shortage of
construction materials, general labor strikes, and peace and order problems
that disrupt construction operations through no fault of the contractor may
be considered as additional grounds for extension of contract time provided
they are publicly felt and certified by appropriate government agencies
such as DTI, DOLE, DILG, and DND, among others. The written consent
of bondsmen must be attached to any request of the contractor for extension
of contract time and submitted to the procuring entity for consideration and
the validity of the performance security shall be correspondingly extended.
5.7 Analysis of the Subsidiary Ledgers (SL) disclosed that the LGU again received funds
from NGAs totaling ₱12,869,805.87 for the implementation of programs, projects
and activities. This is in addition to the funds transferred to the LGU in prior years
with an aggregated balance of ₱2,844,354.02 as of December 31, 2021.
5.8 Perusal of the Financial Statements disclosed that the consolidated balance of the
Due to NGAs account totalled ₱14,800,365.39 as of December 31, 2022.
5.9 Scrutiny of the composition of this account exposed unsubstantiated amounts and/or
non-moving accounts for three (3) years or more, roughly ₱2.3 million (Table 16),
for which some of these balances may refer to unutilized funds or balances of
completed projects subject for return to source agencies or the Bureau of Treasury
Table 16. Unsubstantiated and/or Long Outstanding Balances as of December 31, 2022
Balance as of
No. Available Data per SL
General Fund
1 COMELEC ₱1,395.16
Balance as of
No. Available Data per SL
2 Magna Carta 1,339.81
3 Mining Claim 442,660.99
4 Disbursing Fund 1,386.82
5 National Fund 30,659.99
6 D.O.L.E. 754,608.78
7 NAPOLCOM -PLEB 3,784.50
8 LGSEF - Palaro Ng Bayan 10,000.00
9 Fire Code Fees 48.00
10 Scout Jamboree Area VII 136,950.00
11 DA - RFU 8 5,000.00
Sub-total 1,387,834.05
Trust Fund
1 Construction of Municipal Building 5,805.14
2 DA Project 390,250.00
3 Repair & Maintenance of Barangay Roads 21,718.57
4 Financial Aid from DPWH -18,627.00
5 Construction of Public Market 10,969.82
6 Barangay Street Maintenance 882.83
7 Disbursing Funds 1,000.00
8 Barangay Roads & Bridges Maintenance 1,581.16
9 Calamity Relief Assistance 15,000.00
10 Remittance of Mining Claim 23,670.00
Emergency Emp.Ass. Riverbank Stabilization DOLE Employment
11 2,008.98
Assistance for De-clogging open canal Poblacion Isabel Area
12 Livelihood Individual diversified DOLE Project -943.00
13 2014 DILG Salintubig GPBP Project -0.01
14 Repair/Rehabilitation of Isabel Community Hospital -17,377.50
15 COSE 2,749.25
16 Implementation of GPBP along PSU (Day Care Center) 0.00
17 Barangay Livestock Breeding Loan Program 270,000.00
18 KKK GRSP 84,000.00
19 MASO HOG Dispersal Program 42,482.50
20 Techno Gabay Interconnectivity -76.77
21 Fits Center 16,553.08
22 Tissue Cultured Lakatan Banana 2,250.00
23 Brgy. Binog Housing Project 3,279.05
F/A for Diversified Livelihood Project Disadvantages for Women
24 0.10
& Person
Sub-total 857,176.20
Grand Total ₱2,245,010.25
5.10 This audit finding on fund transfers from NGAs that remained relatively idle for
several years has been the subject of the prior year’s audit observation that the
balances comprising the Due to NGAs account were unsubstantiated and were
already existing when the Municipal Accountant assumed Office in 2017.
Regardless, this remained unsubstantiated and/or unreturned to their respective
Source Agencies.
5.11 According to the Municipal Accountant, the lack of previous years’ records hindered
her in identifying the source agency/ies where the funds came from, year of receipt
and whether some funds have already been utilized for completed projects without
Fund Utilization Reports (FURs) or the liquidation thereof was inadvertently not
recorded in the books. Even so, she committed to coordinate with the Municipal
Engineer, Municipal Agriculturist, Municipal Social Welfare and Development
Office and other personnel concerned to continue the conduct of reconciliation of
the account against relevant records.
5.12 It is also noteworthy that in the course of our audit and as exhibited in Table 16, we
observed that the account included items with abnormal negative balances
amounting to ₱37,024.28 which were not investigated and adjusted in the books,
thereby casting doubt on the accuracy and reliability of the account.
5.13 In view of the foregoing, the accuracy of the Due to NGAs account balance as of
yearend could not be ascertained, affecting the fair presentation in the Financial
Statements, and the inability of the Municipality to return the remaining balances to
Source Agencies exposed the said funds to possible misapplication.
5.14 On the other hand, we found that although contract duration for the Construction of
River Wall project has lapsed and delays were incurred in completion, the
Municipality still certified/acknowledged completion of the projects and paid the
contractor without imposing liquidated damages. Perusal of the submitted contract
and Subsidiary Ledger of the Due to NGAs account, Table 17 shows the details and
summarizes the timeline of the implementation of the project.
Date Particulars Amount
December 21, 2022 Payment of final billing equivalent to 100% 988,199.91
work accomplishment, under check number
Total ₱ 9,881,999.08
5.15 After thorough review of pertinent transaction documents, we noted that neither
request from the contractor nor approval from the Municipal Mayor on the extension
of contract duration - citing the reason/s for such delay were attached in the
disbursement vouchers.
5.16 We have discussed the said audit deficiency with the Municipal Engineer and he
attested the existence of time extension during the implementation of the project due
to unfavorable weather conditions and was willing to comply with the submission of
the request and approval documents and its supporting records to substantiate such
claim. However, compliance has not been made to date.
5.17 Likewise, in order for the Audit Team to compute the liquidated damages to be
imposed, an Inspection Report or a Punch List as of the target date of completions is
required from the Municipal Engineer to determine the cost of unfinished portion of
the project. However, no inspection and report were made/ available, hence the cost
of the unfinished portion of the project as of the target date of completion cannot be
determined for computation of liquidated damages.
5.18 Failure by the contractor to fully and faithfully comply with its contractual
obligations without valid cause serves as grounds for imposition of liquidated
damages and/or administrative sanctions particularly termination of contracts,
forfeiture of performance security and recommended for blacklisting pursuant to
Sections 68 and 69, and Appendix 17 of the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184.
b. exhaust possible remedy to reconcile the balances of the account and effect
the necessary adjustments, as warranted; and
c. make representations with identified source agencies for the return of
unutilized balances.
5.21 Henceforth, the Municipal Mayor mandate the LGU officials designated as
Project-in-Charge to:
b. prepare the corresponding reports for each of the completed projects and
submit the same to the Accountant within one month from completion; and
5.23 Also, to protect the interest of the government and to prevent further loss and
wastage of government funds and resources, we recommended that the
following measures for future projects of similar nature be undertaken:
5.24 In the Exit Conference held on June 22, 2023, attended by the Municipal Mayor and
Department Heads of LGU Leyte, they concurred with the recommendations of the
Audit Team. The Municipal Accountant further committed to formulate remedies on
substantiation of long outstanding and/or unexpended balances.
5.25 On the other hand, the Municipal Engineer justified that the Construction of River
Wall project was not yet completed since a time extension was agreed and approved
due to unfavorable weather conditions, thus extending the completion date. He also
emphasized that, moving forward, they will strictly monitor proper implementation
of all projects funded by National Government Agency/ies - if they are in accord
with the approved plans and specifications within the time frame specified in the
contract agreement and effect appropriate management actions, if necessary.
Unsettled balances, liquidation beyond the prescribed period and erroneous entries of cash
6. Cash advances are granted despite unsettled balances and liquidation beyond
the prescribed period, and Accountable Officers with expired fidelity bond
continued to perform their duties and functions contrary to the provisions of
COA Circular No. 97-002 and Treasurer Circular No. 02-2019 exposing to risks
of unrelieved losses of cash thru defalcations, robbery, and fire might not be
recovered. Moreover, there were erroneous entries of cash advance liquidation
in the books of accounts, contrary to Section 111 of Presidential Decree 1445
resulting in an understatement of Advances for Payroll account by
6.1 Section 111 of PD 1445 provides the following guidelines on the keeping of
(1) The accounts of an agency shall be kept in such detail as is necessary to meet
the needs of the agency and at the same time be adequate to furnish the
information needed by fiscal or control agencies of the government.
(2) The highest standards of honesty, objectivity and consistency shall be observed
in the keeping of accounts to safeguard against inaccurate or misleading
6.2 COA Circular 97-002 dated February 10, 1997 modifying COA Circular 90-331,
dated May 30, 1990 provides rules and regulations on the granting, utilization and
liquidation of cash advances, to wit:
4.1 General Guidelines
5.1.1 Salaries, Wages, etc. - within five (5) days after each fifteen (15)
day/end of the month pay period.
5.1.3 xxx.
5.8 All cash advances shall be fully liquidated at the end of each year.
Except for petty cash fund, the AO shall refund any unexpended balance
to the Cashier/Collecting Officer who will issue the necessary official
5.9 At the start of an ensuing year, a new cash advance may be granted,
provided that a list of expenses against the previous cash advance is
submitted. However, when no liquidation of the previous cash advance is
received on or before January 20, the Accountant shall cause the
withholding of the AO's salary.
6.3 Moreover, Treasury Circular No. 02-2019 dated April 25, 2019 provides the Revised
Omnibus Regulations Governing the Fidelity Bond of Accountable Public Officers,
stating the following provisions:
4.1.2 Every officer, agent, and employee of an LGU whose duties permit
or require possession, custody or control of local government funds
and properties, including but not limited to regional/provinc ia l
governors, city/municipal mayors, provincial/city/municipal/
barangay/sangguniang kabataan treasurers, punong barangays, and
sangguniang kabataan chairperson, including those employed as job
order, contractual and casual employees, shall be accountable and
responsible for said public funds and properties for the safekeeping
thereof and shall be or his/her fidelity insured/bonded.
4.3 Accountability of Public Funds – Every officer, agent and employee
accountable for public funds shall be liable for all losses resulting
from the unlawful deposit, use, or application thereof, and for all
losses attributable to negligence in the keeping of such funds.
6.4 In CY 2022, the Municipality of Isabel granted cash advances to the Disbursing
Officer (DO) totaling ₱54,234,756.97, of which ₱53,544,638.97 appertain to
salaries/wages, honorarium, and the like were recorded in Advances for Payroll
account, and ₱690,118.00 for various Operating Expenses recorded in Advances to
Special Disbursing Officer account.
6.5 Perusal of the records on the grant and liquidation of cash advances authorized to be
expended and dispensed by the DO in CY 2022, records in the Cashbook maintained
by the latter, the reported transactions in General Ledger/Journals by the Accounting
Office and copies of approved Fidelity Bond disclosed various deficiencies, as
same bond coverage and renewal dates, nevertheless, both continued to
perform their duties and functions despite expiration of their fidelity bonds,
placing the Municipality at a disadvantage when loss of government funds
may arise due to any unforeseen events.
a.2 Upon inquiry, the Municipal Treasurer explained that they took a long time
to process their application using the new online application process of
Fidelity Bond, likewise, approval thereof consumed time than expected is
beyond their control. They have continued their usual work in the
Municipality despite expiration of bonds due to lack of information and
awareness of the consequences and prohibition appertained thereto.
b.1 Verification of the records also disclosed that additional cash advances
were granted despite the presence of unsettled and outstanding balances
and expired fidelity bond, while, related liquidation thereof were not
submitted and/or prepared within the prescribed period and additional cash
advances were granted despite unsettled balances which eventually
increases and accumulates the cash liability of the DO exceeding the
maximum accountability allowed in the applied Fidelity Bond, as shown in
Table 18.
Table 18. Schedule of the Grant and Liquidation of Cash Advances for CY 2022
Cash Advance granted Liquidation Excess
amount from
Period Covered Accumulated P2.5M
Date Amount Balance
CY 2022 Amount maximum
Jan.1 – Mar 18 ₱ 11,977,621.73 03/30/22 ₱3,905,393.93 ₱8,072,227.80 ₱ 5,572,227.80
Mar 31 1,139,289.87 04/06/22 2,385,963.35 6,825,554.32 4,325,554.32
Apr 13-May 13 4,803,592.48 5/19/22 6,681,296.44 4,947,850.36 2,447,850.36
May 30-June 8 1,852,211.76 06/09/22 3,179,883.08 3,620,179.04 1,120,179.04
6/13/22 229,391.43 3,390,787.61 890,787.61
June 15-June 23 7,116,715.66 6/22/22 39,700.00 10,467,803.27 7,967,803.27
6/27/22 1,918,398.61 8,549,404.66 6,049,404.66
June 30-July15 3,643,545.74 7/19/22 2,148,509.61 10,044,440.79 7,544,440.79
July 26 389,967.57 7/27/22 1,845,469.15 8,588,939.21 6,088,939.21
July 29-Aug 29 1,357,725.59 08/05/22 287,076.33 9,659,588.47 7,159,588.47
08/12/22 7,911,895.31 1,747,693.16
Aug 15 1,981,750.35 8/19/22 1,747,693.16 1,981,750.35
Aug 22-31 1,570,287.45 09/01/22 2,110,350.35 1,441,687.45
09/05/22 52,092.00 1,389,595.45
09/06/22 63,750.00 1,325,845.45
Sept 9-16 2,232,285.34 9/19/22 1,325,845.45 2,232,285.34
Oct 3 3,004,727.25 10/04/22 1,999,729.34 3,237,283.25 737,283.25
10/05/22 232,556.00 3,004,727.25 504,727.25
Oct 13-26 1,286,077.46 11/04/22 3,110,615.25 1,180,189.46
Nov 14 1,278,407.54 11/17/22 1,200,989.46 1,257,607.54
Cash Advance granted Liquidation Excess
amount from
Period Covered Accumulated P2.5M
Date Amount Balance
CY 2022 Amount maximum
Nov 18-Dec 13 7,738,400.71 12/13/22 23,000.00 8,973,008.25
Dec 14 214,232.00 12/14/22 2,911,994.42 6,275,245.83
Dec 27 1,797,894.20 12/27/22 857,562.50 7,215,577.53
Dec 28-29 850,024.27 12/29/22 6,227,093.83 1,838,507.97
TOTAL ₱54,234,756.97 ₱52,396,249.00
b.2 The DO’s practice of handling her cash advances exposes the risk of loss
of funds through misapplication and/or misappropriation, while,
defalcation, shortages, and unrelieved losses beyond the fidelity bond
might not be recovered.
6.6 Moreover, verification of the Report of Disbursement, General Ledger and Cash
Disbursement Journal disclosed delayed submission and liquidation of cash
advances as presented in Table 1, but recognition thereof per accounting records was
done on the same month when the cash advances were released, thus, the books of
account does not reflect the date-based submission of the related liquidat ion.
Consequently, the cash advances granted in December 2022 and submission of the
related Report of Disbursement/Liquidation Report were received in January 2023,
but were recognized as liquidated at yearend, details presented in Table 19:
6.7 The misleading practice of the Accounting Office in recording of the above
transactions give rise to inaccurate information and balances in the Financial
Statement, as a result the Advances for Payroll account is understated ₱1,778,507.97.
6.8 We recommended that the Disbursing Officer, as well as the other Accountable
Officers timely monitor the effectivity and expiration dates of their respective
fidelity bond and see to it that renewal thereof be made before their expiration.
Henceforth, no Accountable Officer shall be allowed to perform their duties
and responsibilities with expired fidelity bonds.
b. Municipal Treasurer shall ensure that no additional cash advances be
granted to the DO with outstanding balances thereof in accordance with
the provisions of COA Circular No. 97-002 to avoid accumulation of
unliquidated cash advances, and validate that cash advances granted to
DO does not exceed the maximum accountability covered by the fidelity
bond in order to protect the interest of the Municipality.
6.6 Finally, we recommend strict compliance with the pertinent rules and
regulations in granting and utilization of cash advances provided in COA
Circular No. 97-002 and the bonding requirement in Treasury Circular No. 02-
6.7 The officials and employees concerned assented to the audit recommendations ,
guaranteed strict compliance on the aforementioned rules and regulations, and
assures timely liquidation accurately recorded in the books.
B. Compliance Audit
Recurring low utilization of the 20% DF and various deficiencies and errors/omissions
noted in the utilization and implementation under the fund
7.1 Section 287 of the Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as Local Government Code
of 1994, requires each Local Government Unit (LGU) to appropriate in the annual
budget no less than 20% of its Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for development
7.3 As part of the General Policies prescribed in Section 3 thereof, the JMC emphasized
in Section 3.2 that it is the responsibility of every LGU to observe the following
policies and guideline in the appropriation and utilization of the 20% Development
Fund (DF):
3.2.1 The 20% DF shall be utilized to finance the LGUs' priority development
projects, as embodied in their respective duly approved local
development plans, and medium-term and annual investment programs ,
which should be harmonized with the Regional Development Plan and
the Philippine Development Plan.
3.2.2 The development projects that may be included under the 20% DF shall
be those that are necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and
effective local governance, and those which are essential to the
promotion of the general welfare of the people.
3.2.3 The LGUs shall ensure that the development projects to be funded out of
the 20% DF are well-planned and procurement and implementation
7.5 Section 9.1 of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Budget Circular
No. 2022-1 for the Acquisition, Use, Rental and Replacement of Government Motor
Vehicles provides:
9.1 For purposes of economy and efficiency and to ensure the prudent and
judicious use of government resources, the acquisition of all
secondhand/reconditioned motor vehicles, except for aircraft and seacraft,
regardless of the source of funds and approving authority, shall be
7.6 Section 2 of P.D. No. 1445 otherwise known as the State Audit Code of the
Philippines explicitly imposes that it is the declared policy of the State that all
resources shall be managed, expended or utilized in accordance with law and
regulations, and safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper
disposition, with a view to ensuring economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the
operations of the government. The responsibility to take care that such policy is
faithfully adhered to rests directly with the chief or head of the government agency
7.7 Section 58 of the same law states that examination and audit of assets shall be
performed with a view of ascertaining their existence, ownership, valuation and
encumbrances as well as the propriety of items composing the respective asset
account, determining their agreement with records, proving the accuracy of such
records, ascertaining if the assets were utilized economically, efficiently and
effectively, and evaluating the adequacy of controls over the accounts.
7.8 Lastly, COA Circular No. 2012-003 was issued last October 29, 2012 for the updated
guidelines on the prevention and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive,
extravagant and unconscionable expenditures and item 5.1 of Annex B provides
situational cases when to consider illegal expenditures of government funds:
5. Use of public funds for private purposes [Section 4(2) of P.D. No. 1445],
such as:
7.9 For CY 2022, the Municipality received its Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)
amounting to ₱190,615,583.00 where it appropriated ₱38,123,116.60 for the
identified ten priority development programs, projects and activities under its 20%
DF. In addition, nine PPAs through Supplemental Budget No. 1 were enacted in
August 22, 2022 from realigned funds and the continuing appropriation from prior
years amounting to ₱98,992.154.28 as contained in their Annual and Supplemental
Investment Plan.
7.10 Verification of the Record of Appropriations and Obligations (RAO) and Utilizat ion
Report as of December 31, 2022 revealed that only ₱12,593,259.52 or 9.18% was
utilized from the current and continuing appropriations for the 20% Development
Fund of the Municipality. Details are presented below.
Source of Funds Appropriation with Reversion/ Utilization Balance
₱38,123,116.60 - ₱4,190,275.15 ₱33,932,841.45
98,992,154.28 - 8,402,984.37 90,589,169.91
Total ₱137,115,270.88 - ₱12,593,259.52 ₱124,522,011.36
Percentage 9.18% 90.82%
7.11 The issue on low utilization of the 20% Development Fund has become recurring on
every Annual Audit Reports of LGU Isabel. Validation confirmed that same is true
for CY 2022 that projects were not implemented due to insufficient cash, as these
were used to defray other necessary expenses of the municipality, thus proves that
cash for the Development Fund or 20% of the monthly IRA were not set aside for
such purpose. As a result, the constituents were deprived of the immediate benefits
or facilities that could have been obtained had the development projects have been
promptly implemented. Likewise, economic development may have been hampered
due to failure of the Municipal Government to optimally utilize these funds for
development projects.
7.12 On the other hand, scrutiny of the Annual Budget and Annual Investment Plan (AIP)
uncovered deficiencies and errors/omissions, to wit:
a.2 The AIP is a tool or guide in the development efforts of every local
government unit. This is not only a listing of projects with a sensible
allocation for optimum use of scarce resources but a product of discussions,
recommendations and agreements among members of the Local
Development Council as proof of genuine partnership between the LGU
and its constituents with the end view of uplifting the economic and social
conditions of the people in the locality.
c.2 The acquisition involves an agreed amount of ₱6,200.000.00, for which the
Municipality appropriated ₱2,500,000.00 and ₱3,500,000.00 in CY 2020
and prior years, respectively. As of writing, the Municipality has paid ₱2.5
Million under check no. 00076422679, dated February 28. 2022 and an
unreleased three million obligation due to Engr. Purisima.
c.3 It is also noteworthy that 3.5 of the Contract of Usufruct stipulates that
“After the end of the usufruct period, the usufructuary shall have the option
to return the property to its original condition or leave the permanent
improvements to the owner without any obligation on the part of the owner
to reimburse the usufructuary for the cost thereof.” This demonstrates that
the Municipality acquired a property on a lot not owned by them,
concurring to item 5.1 of Annex B of the COA Circular No. 2012-003 that
use of public funds for construction of multi-purpose building where the
lot under usufruct.
7.13 Due to minimal utilization of the subject fund and the non-compliance with DBM-
DOF-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 on the implementation of the
identified PPAs, the intended purpose and objectives of creating the Development
Fund which is to achieve the desired socio-economic development of the
constituents, as outlined in the Annual Investment Plan, may not have been attained.
7.14 We recommended that the Municipal Mayor, together with the Municipal
Planning and Development Coordinator, Municipal Engineer and Municipal
Budget Officer:
and resolved in their latest CY2023 budget formulation. Moreover, the LGU ensures
an appropriate investigation and pleaded for a considerable time extension to conduct
a formal resolution on the unwarranted acquisition of Multi-Purpose Building. As
for the rent-to-own reconditioned vehicle, the Local Chief Executive subscribed with
the interpretation of the Audit Team that the lease agreement is considered one of
the alternative modes of procurement. He emphasized that they resorted to the said
scheme considering that the period under audit was a transition period from the
previous administration. He further stressed that the scarcity of funds and the
unavailability of motor vehicle to cater the needs of the municipality, particularly the
Solid Waste Management, which the LGU considered as urgent, prompted the
administration to resort to such scheme. Henceforth, he vowed to strictly observe
the aforementioned specific provisions
7.17 The Audit Team would like to highlight solely the earnest preference of the LGU for
the acquisition of reconditioned MV rather than brand new MV and the necessary
submission of APMV.
Uninsured government assets and properties with the General Insurance Fund
8.1 Pertinent provisions of RA No. 656, otherwise known as the Property Insurance Law,
prescribes that:
or acceptable for insurance may be insured with any private insurance
company… Xxx
Section 11. Each government as defined herein shall include in its annual
appropriation the amount necessary to cover the premiums for the insurance
of its properties during each fiscal period and remit the same immediately to
the System as provided in section ten hereof.
8.2 Moreover, COA Circular 2018-002 dated May 31, 2018 was issued on the subject:
“Guidelines prescribing the submission of Property Inventory Form as basis for the
assessment of general insurance coverage over all insurable assets, properties and
interests of the government with the General Insurance Fund of the Government
Service Insurance System.” The said circular was established to assist in the
implementation of the provisions of RA No. 656, as amended, on the insurance and
bonding of risks on insurable government assets and properties with the General
Insurance Fund.
8.3 As of December 31, 2022, the Statement of Financial Position showed insurable
properties owned by the Municipality with a total value of ₱268,931,138.02, to wit:
8.4 By definition, “Property” includes vessels and craft, motor vehicles, machineries,
permanent buildings, properties stored therein (i.e., furniture, fixtures, equipment,
supplies and materials, etc.) or in buildings rented by the Government, or properties
in transit, the ownership of which had already been passed to the Municipality.
8.7 Consequently, the inability of the Municipality to insure its property with the
Property Insurance Fund of the GSIS exposes the government properties to the risk
of not being indemnified for any damage to or loss of their properties arising from
fire, flood, earthquake, storm and/or other force majeure.
8.9 In the exit conference, the GSO attested that the Management is currently gathering
data and/or documents needed to start the process of insuring some property/ies and
equipment owned by the Municipality. Likewise, the Municipal Mayor and Budget
Officer assured the Audit Team that insurance coverage of the properties will be
incorporated in the upcoming CY 2024 budget hearing/ preparation.
9 The Municipality was deprived of competitive procurement when it opted for
reimbursement of various supplies and materials, meals and other maintenance
and operating expenses totaling ₱323,474.83, instead of direct procurement
from suppliers, contrary to Section 48.2 of the Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of R.A. No. 9184 and COA Circular No. 97-002, which could
result in higher costs, decreased transparency, limited supplier options, and a
potentially compromised procurement process .
9.1 In Section 48.2 of IRR RA 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement
Reform Act, states:
Ideally, cash should be handled under the general principles of the imprest
system, to wit:
3. Only payments in small amounts may be made through the petty cash
fund. Replenishment of the petty cash fund shall be equal to the total
amount of expenditures made therefrom.
9.3 Post-audit of the submitted paid DVs and the supporting documents of the
Municipality of Isabel for the period January to December 2022 revealed numerous
procurements made through reimbursement basis, including receipts from prior
years, by officials and employees totaling P323,474.83 (Appendix G.7). It was
observed that most of the reimbursed expenditures were regular expenses of the LGU
specifically office supplies, medical supplies, drinking water, internet subscription,
and the like. Scrutiny of its supporting documents exposes that the majority of the
disbursements were only supported by DVs, official receipts, Obligation Request
and Status, Acceptance and Inspection Reports (AIRs), and attendance sheets for
meals and snacks.
9.5 Upon inquiry with MGSO, he explained that it has been the practice of the
Municipality to reimburse expenses with an amount limit of P3,000.00 to
immediately address the urgent need for supplies and materials such as sudden
unexpected vehicle or equipment repairs.
9.6 Most of the reimbursed expenses were regular expenditures of the LGU crucial to
the efficient discharge of its government functions that were estimated and
determined during the budget preparation incorporated in the Annual Procurement
Plan, which includes foreseeable emergencies based on historical records, which
should be regularly reviewed and updated. Reimbursement hereof indicates poor
planning and inefficient procurement actions that impede the conduct of proper
procurement procedures in accordance with RA 9184, thus, depriving the
government of competitive procurement.
9.7.1 Municipal Officials and Employees to stop the practice of procuring goods
and services on a reimbursement basis.
9.7.2 Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Treasurer to ensure that all
payments are made by check directly to the creditor to whom the money is
9.7.3 Bids and Awards Committee to strictly adhere to the provisions of IRR RA
9184 on the use of Alternative Methods of Procurement if public bidding is
not feasible.
9.8 We also recommended the Municipal Mayor, through the authorization of the
Sangguniang Bayan, establish a Petty Cash Fund with an amount sufficient to
cover the emergency and petty operating expenses of the Municipality for one
month and appoint a duly bonded Petty Cash Custodian, that will manage and
safeguard the fund in accordance with the rules and regulations of Petty Cash
9.9 The Officials concerned accepted and agreed with the recommendations, as a
resolution Petty Cash Fund will be established and reimbursement will ceased.
10. Contracts funded out of various funds for the procurement of infrastructure
projects and goods totaling ₱20,044,064.90 were not sufficiently documented,
contrary to various provisions of the Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations of R.A. 9184 and Section 9 of COA Circular 2012 -001, thus, the
veracity of the awarded contracts and payments thereof are doubtful.
10.1 Pertinent provisions of the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Republic Act 9184 states:
7.1 All procurement shall be within the approved budget of the Procuring
Entity and should be meticulously and judiciously planned by the
Procuring Entity. Consistent with government fiscal discipline measures,
only those considered crucial to the efficient discharge of governmental
functions shall be included in the Annual Procurement Plan (APP)…Xxx.
The APP shall include provisions for foreseeable emergencies based on
historical records. In the case of Infrastructure Projects, the APP shall
consider the appropriate timing/phasing of related project activities, such
as, engineering design and acquisition of right-of-way site or location, to
reduce/lower project costs.
12.1 The Bids and Awards Committee shall have the following functions: (a)
advertise and/or post the invitation to bid/request for expressions of
interest; (b) conduct pre-procurement and pre-bid conferences; (c)
determine the eligibility of prospective bidders; (d) receive and open bids;
(e) conduct the evaluation of bids; (f) undertake post-qualification
proceedings; (g) resolve requests for reconsideration; (h) recommend
award of contracts to the HoPE or his duly authorized representative…Xxx;
and m) perform such other related functions as may be necessary, including
the creation of a Technical Working Group (TWG) from a pool of
technical, financial, and/or legal experts to assist…
13.1 To enhance the transparency of the process, the BAC shall, during the
eligibility checking, shortlisting, pre-bid conference, preliminary
examination of bids, bid evaluation, and post-qualification, invite, in
addition to the representative of the COA, at least two (2) observers, who
shall not have the right to vote…
17.1 The Bidding Documents shall be prepared by the Procuring Entity
following the standard forms and manuals prescribed by the GPPB. The
Bidding Documents shall include the following:
a) ABC;
b) Invitation to Bid/Request for Expression of Interest;
c) Eligibility Requirements;
d) Instructions to Bidders, including scope of bid, documents
comprising the bid, criteria for eligibility, bid evaluation
methodology/criteria in accordance with the Act, and post-
qualification, as well as the date, time and place of the prebid
conference (where applicable), submission of bids and opening of
e) Terms of Reference, for Consulting Services;
f) Scope of work, where applicable;
g) Plans/Drawings and Technical Specifications;
h) Form of Bid, Price Form, and List of Goods or Bill of Quantities;
i) Delivery Time or Completion Schedule;
j) Form, Amount, and Validity Period of Bid Security;
k) Form, Amount, and Validity of Performance Security and
Warranty; and
l) Form of Contract and General and Special Conditions of Contract.
32.3 After all bids have been received, opened, examined, evaluated, and
ranked, the BAC shall prepare the corresponding Abstract of Bids. All
members of the BAC shall sign the Abstract of Bids and attach thereto
all the bids with their corresponding bid securities and the minutes or
proceedings of the bidding.
37.1.6 The BAC, through the Secretariat, shall post within three (3) calendar
days from its issuance the Notice of Award in the PhilGEPS, the website
of the Procuring Entity, if any, and any conspicuous place in the premises
of the Procuring Entity.
37.2.3 The following documents shall form part of the contract:
a) Contract Agreement;
b) Bidding Documents;
c) Winning bidder’s bid, including the Eligibility requirements,
Technical and Financial Proposals, and all other
documents/statements submitted;
d) Performance Security;
e) Notice of Award of Contract; and
f) Other contract documents that may be required by existing laws
and/or the Procuring Entity concerned in the Bidding Documents,
such as the construction schedule and S-curve, manpower
schedule, construction methods, equipment utilization schedule,
construction safety and health program approved by the
Department of Labor and Employment, and PERT/ CPM or other
acceptable tools of project scheduling for infrastructure projects
37.4.1 The concerned Procuring Entity shall issue the Notice to Proceed
together with a copy or copies of the approved contract to the successful
bidder within seven (7) calendar days from the date of approval of the
contract by the appropriate government approving authority. All notices
called for by the terms of the contract shall be effective only at the time
of receipt thereof by the successful bidder.
37.4.2 The Procuring Entity, through the BAC Secretariat, shall post a copy of
the Notice to Proceed and the approved contract in the PhilGEPS and the
website of the Procuring Entity, if any, within fifteen (15) calendar days
from the issuance of the Notice to Proceed
39.1 To guarantee the faithful performance by the winning bidder of its
obligations under the contract in accordance with the Bidding
Documents, it shall post a performance security prior to the signing of
the contract.
40.1 If the bidder with the LCRB, HRRB, SCRB or SRRB fails, refuses or is
unable to submit the documents required under Section 37.1 of this IRR
or to make good its bid by entering into a contract with the Procuring
Entity or post the required Performance Security within the period
stipulated in this IRR or in the Bidding Documents, the bid security shall
be forfeited and the appropriate sanctions shall be imposed provided in
this IRR and existing laws, except where such failure, refusal or inability
is through no fault of the said bidder
the project and conformance to land use and zoning guidelines prescribed by
existing laws. The findings contained in the feasibility study, if undertaken for
the project, shall be examined…Xxx
10.4 Lastly, Section 9 of COA Circular No. 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012 enumerates
among others the basic documentary requirements for all types of procurement
through public bidding.
No. Name of the Project Contractor
11 * Procurement and Installation of Municipality WJ Builders 2,266,020.00
wide CCTV Surveillance Camera and
Wireless Network
12 * Repair of Market Tiles and Drainage Chamicos Builders 1,193,253.52
13 * Road Concreting at Isabel Public Market Chamicos Builders 3,993,337.22
TOTAL ₱20,044,064.90
* discussed in Paragraph 10.6.3
10.6.1 The APP is the document that consolidates the various PPMPs submitted by
the various PMOs and end-user units within the Procuring Entity. It reflects
the entirety of the procurement activities that will be undertaken by the
Procuring Entity within the calendar year. The basic content of the plan shall
include the decisions as to the type of contract to be employed, the extent/size
of contract scopes, the procurement methods to be adopted, along with the
expected time schedule for each procurement action.
10.6.2 A review and updating of the individual PPMPs and the APP shall be done
regularly, at least once every six months or as often as may be required by
the HoPE. The review and updating of the PPMPs will be done by the
respective PMO, end-user or implementing units of the procuring entities.
These units may avail of the services of technical experts to review the
individual PPMPs. The updated PPMPs will then be submitted to the BAC
Secretariat for consolidation into an updated APP, which will be subject to
the approval of the HoPE.
10.6.3 Perusal of the presented APPs for CYs 2021 and 2022, we noted that seven
awarded contracts were neither incorporated in the said plan nor a
supplemental/revised APP were executed to update the list of programs,
projects or activities to be undertaken prior to commencement of any public
bidding as prescribed under Section 7 of the Revised IRR of the RA No.
9184, while contracts 3 and 4 in Table 1 could not be validated whether or
not embodied in the plan or not due to unobtained CY 2020 APP.
Consequently, the said projects could not be ascertained if they were properly
planned and implemented within the time frame.
public funds unless an appropriation appurtenant thereto had been made,
thus, the transaction departs with the afore-cited law.
b. non-preparation of plans/drawings
10.6.6 The Audit Team observed that the BAC failed to attach evidences inviting
COA representatives and other observers at any stage of the bidding process
pursuant to Section 13 of the Revised IRR of RA 9184, thus results of
evaluation derived therefrom were doubtful.
10.6.8 Bids shall then be ranked in the ascending order of their total calculated bid
prices, as evaluated and corrected for computational errors, and other bid
modifications, to identify the Lowest Calculated Bid. Total calculated bid
prices, as evaluated and corrected for computational errors, and other bid
modifications, which exceed the ABC shall be disqualified.
10.6.9 Interview with the BAC personnel disclosed that bid opening and bid
evaluation are done simultaneously but unfortunately overlooked the
preparation/inclusion of the Abstract of Bids as Read in the contract.
10.6.10 As per inquiry with the Municipal Engineer on this omission, he explained
that he was unaccustomed of the inclusion of work item Construction Safety
and Health as pay item for every infrastructure project. Also, the BAC
overlooked to require the winning bidder to submit the DOLE approved
CSHP during the post qualification as provided in Section 34.1 of the
Revised IRR of RA 9184 that the lowest calculated bid/highest rated bid
shall undergo post-qualification in order to determine whether the bidder
concerned complies with and is responsive to all the requirements and
conditions as specified in the bidding documents, instead the BAC only
obliged the winning bidder to render contractor’s CSHP.
10.6.12 The contention that it is the responsibility of the contractor to provide safety
gears for their workers, DPWH D.O. No. 56 s. 2005 provides that the PPEs
shall be provided by the Constructor, and its cost shall be duly quantified
and made part of the overall cost of safety and health (SPL).
10.6.14 From the foregoing, due to the absence of the approved CSHP, there is a
possibility that the CSHP submitted by the winning contractor was not
compliant with the requirements of DOLE Department Order No. 13 and
the non-inclusion of Occupational Safety and Health as pay item of the
project convey that there is no assurance that workers of these projects were
adequately protected against occupational risks.
f. non-posting of Notice of Award, Purchase Order/Contract and Notice to
10.6.15 Audit conducted disclosed that the Invitations to Bid were posted in the
PhilGEPS website. However, the postings of the NOA, approved
contract/PO and the NTP in the PhilGEPs website, the website of the
Procuring Entity, if any, and any conspicuous place in the premises of the
Procuring Entity, were not practiced by the BAC, thus, attachment of the
said documents in the submitted contracts or in the Disbursement Vouchers
(DVs) was not adopted by their office.
10.7 Aside from the foregoing deficiencies, the Audit Team also noted that performance
securities of ten contracts, although within the maximum period of ten (10) calendar
days from the receipt of the Notice of Award (NOA) from the Procuring Entity, were
posted later than the signing of the contract and some were even after the issuance
and receipt of the contractor/supplier of the Notice to Proceed (NTP). Summary of
details is presented below:
Winning Performance Security Date of NTP
Projects NOA
Bidder Date Amount Contract Date
Procurement of
Various Medical/ 10/03/ 10/07/ 10/05/ 10/07/
Pharmaceutic 161,131.15
Medicine 2022 2022 2022 2022
Concreting at
Chamicos 09/26/ 10/03/ 09/28/ 09/30/
Brgy Tolingon 298,582.19
Builders 2022 2022 2022 2022
(255m x 2m x
(Rent to Own) of
1 unit Rescue
Cebu Titan 10/10/ 10/17/ 10/12/ 10/14/
Vehicle, 6- 26,850.00
Surplus, Inc. 2022 2022 2022 2022
Surplus Truck
(Rent to Own) of
2 units Mini
Cebu Titan 10/10/ 10/17/ 10/12/ 10/14/
Dump Truck, 6- 107,800.00
Surplus, Inc. 2022 2022 2022 2022
Surplus Truck
(Rent to Own) of
1 unit Rescue
Cebu Titan 10/10/ 10/17/ 10/12/ 10/14/
Vehicle, 6- 102,375.00
Surplus, Inc. 2022 2022 2022 2022
Surplus Truck
Repair of Market
Chamicos 10/25/ 10/28/ 10/27/ 11/02/
Tiles and 357,976.06
Builders 2022 2022 2022 2022
Road Concreting
Chamicos 10/25/ 10/28/ 10/27/ 11/02/
at Isabel Public 1,198,001.17
Builders 2022 2022 2022 2022
Total ₱2,926,656.17
* Performance Securities were posted after the issuance of NTP
10.8 The performance security shall be denominated in Philippine Pesos and posted in
favor of the Procuring Entity in an amount equal to the percentage of the total
contract price. Winning bidders shall post a performance security within a maximum
period of ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the NOA from the Procuring
Entity and in no case later than the signing of the contract.
10.9 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the above-mentioned requirement
shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the
bid security, in which event the Procuring Entity shall initiate and complete the post
qualification of the second Lowest Calculated Bid. The procedure shall be repeated
until the LCRB is identified and selected for contract award. However, if no bidder
passed post-qualification, the BAC shall declare the bidding a failure and conduct a
10.11 Lastly, we found out that the date of receipt on notices issued by the Municipality to
winning bidders were not provided/specified. Particularly the Notice to Proceed
(NTP) as prescribed in Section 37.4.1 of the Revised IRR of RA 9184, hence,
effectivity date of the contract and basis in computing liquidated damages in case of
delay by the contractor in the performance of the contract could not be ascertained.
10.12 Due to the above circumstances, the conduct of contracts review, the technical
evaluation and inspection, and other necessary auditing procedures could not be fully
undertaken, hence, raising doubts on the propriety and validity of the awarded
contracts and corresponding payments thereof.
10.13 We recommended that the Municipal Mayor instruct the Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC) and Municipal Engineer to:
a.) render satisfactory explanation and/or submit to the Audit Team within
five (5) days, the enumerated lacking documents to prove propriety of the
contracts and validity of the payments thereof. This is without prejudice to
the issuance of Notice of Suspension and/or Disallowance, if warranted; and
b.) strictly adhere with the provisions of the Revised IRR of RA 9184, existing
law, rules and regulations including COA Circulars and latest GPPB
Resolutions to ensure that all awarded contracts are supported with
sufficient and/or appropriate documents and to establish concurrence to
the principles of transparency, competitiveness and public monitoring.
10.14 The Chairman and member of the BAC and Municipal Engineer accepted the audit
team’s recommendations and agreed to promptly comply thereof in the succeeding
project implementation and comprehensive public bidding.
Payments for progress/ final billings without sufficient appropriate supporting documents
11.1 One of the fundamental principles governing government expenditures provided
under Section 4(6) of PD 1445 states that “Claims against Government shall be
supported with complete documentation.”
11.2 Section 9.1.1 of COA Circular No. 2012-001 provides the following revised
documentary requirements for infrastructure projects before any payment is made:
11.3 In the same circular, Section specifies additional documentary requirements
whenever final payment is made to the contractor:
As-Built Plans
Warranty Security
Clearance from the Provincial Treasurer that the corresponding sand and
gravel fees have been paid
Copy of turn over documents/ transfer of project and facilities such as motor
vehicle, laptops, other equipment and furniture include in the contract to
concerned government agency.
11.4 In CY 2022, the Municipality of Isabel has been striving hard to best serve its
constituents thru implementation of various programs, projects and activities.
Verification of the Record of Appropriations and Obligations (RAO) or Utilizat ion
Report as of December 31, 2022 and Subsidiary Ledgers revealed that
₱11,266,851.45 was utilized from current and continuing appropriations of 20%
Development Fund (DF), and Fund Transfers from National Government Agencies
(NGAs) for progress/final payments for the implementation of the infrastructure
projects. Details are presented in Table 22.
Table 22. Progress and final payments for the implementation of infrastructure projects
Date Particulars Amount
20% DF Appropriation – Current Appropriations
Date Particulars Amount
11/28/2022 82064397 Chamicos Builders, payment for partial billing 500,125.18
equivalent to 60% accomplishment for the
Road Concreting at Brgy. Tolingon
12/27/2022 82064505 Chamicos Builders, payment for partial billing 1,003,325.97
equivalent to 30% accomplishment for the
Road Concreting at the Public Market
12/29/2022 82064506 Chamicos Builders, payment for final billing 333,416.78
equivalent to 100% accomplishment for the
Road Concreting at Brgy. Tolingon
Sub-Total ₱ 1,836,867.93
20% DF Appropriation – Continuing Appropriations
11/28/2022 82064396 Maga Construction and Supplies, payment for the 234,234.37
De-clogging of Canal at Brgy. Marvel
Sub-Total ₱ 234,234.37
Fund Transfers from NGAs
02/02/2022 56646832 Circle Z Ventures & Development Corp., 4,597,874.57
payment for partial billing equivalent to 50%
Work Accomplishment for the Construction of
River Wall at Dupong River, Brgy. Marvel
08/31/2022 56646893 Circle Z Ventures & Development Corp., 1,379,362.37
payment for partial billing equivalent to 65%
Work Accomplishment for the Construction of
River Wall at Dupong River, Brgy. Marvel
10/21/2022 56646897 Circle Z Ventures & Development Corp., 2,298,937.29
payment for partial billing equivalent to 90%
Work Accomplishment for the Construction of
River Wall at Dupong River, Brgy. Marvel
12/21/2022 56646900 Circle Z Ventures & Development Corp., 919,574.92
payment for final billing equivalent to 100%
Work Accomplishment for the Construction of
River Wall at Dupong River, Brgy. Marvel
Sub-Total ₱ 9,195,749.15
Grand Total ₱ 11,266,851.45
c.) Monthly Certificate of Payment – statement prepared by the contractor of the
estimated value of the work executed less the cumulative amount certified
previously by the Procuring Entity;
d.) Contractor’s Affidavit on payment of laborers and materials or Certification
of clearance for equipment rental or lease, labor and materials payments;
e.) Statement of Time Elapsed – prepared for every project so that the details
regarding the implementation of the projects could be determined;
f.) As-Built Plan – reflects all the completed scope of the works within the
contract, as well as changes (Variation Orders/Extra Work/Supplementa l
Works) encountered and necessary for the completion of the project. It shall
be approved by the implementing office and be the basis for final billing of
the contractor; and
g.) Copy of turn over documents/transfer of project and facilities to the recipient
agencies and/or end-users.
11.6 Interview with the Municipal Engineer disclosed that the SWA, Contractor’s
Affidavit, Monthly Certificate of Payment, Statement of Time Elapsed and As-Built
Plan were not required from the contractor, thus, attachment of the said documents
in every billing was not adopted by their office.
11.7 The mandate of the Municipal Accountant is to install and maintain an internal
control audit system in the Municipality. It is one of his duties to review supporting
documents before the preparation of vouchers to determine completeness of
requirements. In other words, by affixing his signature in Box A of the Disbursement
Voucher, which states “Supporting Documents Complete”, it is indeed supported
with the required documents.
11.9 The absence of the above-mentioned documents casted doubt on the extent of control
and monitoring undertaken by Management, thus, affected auditorial review as to
accuracy of the reported accomplishments and validity of payments. These lacking
documents might also hamper the conduct of COA technical evaluation and
11.10 We recommended that the Municipal Mayor re quire the Municipal Engineer
and Municipal Accountant to:
a.) submit to the Audit Team within five (5) days, the required lacking
documents enumerated above to prove regularity and legality of the
corresponding disbursements. This is without prejudice to the issuance
of Notice of Suspension and/or Disallowance, if warranted;
b.) ensure that all disbursement vouchers are properly supported with
complete documentation and in no case shall a disbursement be paid
without the necessary supporting documents; and
c.) strictly observe the provisions of the 2016 Revised IRR of RA No. 9184,
COA Circular 2012-001 and relevant/applicable GPPB Resolutions to
ensure adherence to the principles of transparency, competitiveness and
public monitoring.
11.11 During the exit conference, the management guaranteed to adhere with the required
provisions stated in the audit recommendations. Likewise, the Municipal Engineer
committed submission of available documents to the audit team once gathered.
12. The Municipality did not establish adequate controls in the receipt and
issuances of in-kind donations while these were not disclosed in the Notes to the
Financial Statements, contrary to COA Circular No. 2014-002 as amended by
COA Circular No. 2020-009, thus, in-kind donations were not properly
recorded and accounted for, while accountability over these transactions was
not established and transparency of the transactions were not achieved.
12.1 Pertinent provisions of COA Circular No. 2014-002 provide accounting and
reporting guidelines on the receipt and utilization of in-kind donations, to wit:
7. In-kind donations other than PPE shall not be recognized in the books of
accounts but shall be recorded in the Registry of Donated Relief Goods for
DRRM to be prepared and maintained by the Property and Supply Unit for
each kind of relief goods using the prescribed format shown in Annex G.
9. The inventories of donated items shall be considered in the determination of
the volume of relief goods to be purchased.
1. The head of the agency shall be primarily responsible for the safeguarding
of all procured and donated supplies, materials, equipment and relief goods
against loss and wastage through illegal or improper disposition, in
accordance with Section 2, Presidential Decree No. 1445.
2. The Property Officer shall prepare and maintain an inventory list of all
procured and donated items (Annexes P, P-1 and P-2) based on the updated
Stock Cards and Property Cards prescribed under Sections 41 and 42,
Volume II of MNGAS.
12.2 Moreover, Paragraph VII -2 in the same circular, provides that all information as to
quantity of received, issued and balance of donated relief goods per category such as
food items, medicines and medical supplies, hygiene kits and others shall be
disclosed in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
12.3 In 2020, as the nation faces difficult times due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Commission on Audit issued COA Circular No.
2020-009 that temporarily relaxes certain provisions of the precedent circular in so
far as receipt, recording, distribution, reporting and direct release of donations in-
kind and relief goods to the beneficiaries concerned during the period, without
necessarily disregarding basic controls to ensure that the donations are properly
accounted for.
12.4 Paragraph II-A of the abovementioned Circular relaxes certain provisions, as
2. To ensure that the aids and donations received by the recipient agencies
during the quarantine are properly accounted for, the recipient agencies shall
be required to submit a Summary/ List of Donations Received, Distributed
and Balances. The Summary/ List should be categorized (i.e. food, medical
supplies, medicines, etc…) and can be submitted within ten (10) working
days after the end of the quarantine, or if the quarantine exceeds three (3)
months, within ten (10) working days after the end of each quarter, supported
3. The costing and recording of the donations will be done after the quarantine
and only the remaining balances shall be costed and recorded in the books or
in the registries.
12.5 This is a reiteration of the prior year’s observation and recommendation, but said
practice is not yet corrected as of date. The observation on in-kind assistance/
donations received by the Municipality from various government agencies, private
individuals and entities in CY 2022 and prior years were still not managed and
recorded in the books or disclosed in the Financial Statements of the Municipality.
12.6 As an alternative source, the Audit Team accessed the Facebook account/page
associated to the Municipality wherein appreciation and gratitude were expressed for
donations received, and we found that the Municipality acknowledged receipt of 1-
set Air Sampler System from Environment Management Bureau (EMB) Region 8
last February 15, 2022.
12.7 Also, validation conducted by the Audit Team last May 26, 2023 as to accuracy and
existence of the Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) and Inventory accounts at the
Rural Health Unit (RHU) uncovered multiple in-kind donations from Department of
Health (DOH) from CYs 2021 and 2022 based on the presented Requisition and
Issue Slip and Property Transfer Report from the donee with signed receipt by the
RHU Personnel. Table 23 enumerates the donations in-kind received by the
Municipality of Isabel.
Table 23. Donations received by the Municipality
Date Quan
Item/s Amount
Received tity
undated USB Flash Drive (Micro USB, OTG Dual Interface, 1 ₱ 827.00
10/13/2022 Coverall 100 47,320.00
Laboratory Gown 100 5,817.00
Surgical Mask 2,500 5,650.00
10/13/2022 Surgical Mask 3,500 8,540.00
Total ₱ 68,154.00
12.8 In the course of audit, we noted the following deficiencies after the assessment of
the controls employed by the Municipality on the receipt, distribution and
monitoring of in-kind donations:
a.) There was no written policy or guidelines as to the specific office/ department to
receive all in-kind donations on behalf of the Municipality.
b.) In-kind donations were not supported with Acknowledgment Receipts, duly
signed by the Head of the Agency or his authorized representative.
c.) The Summary/ List of Donations Received, Distributed and Balance was not
prepared; and
d.) Inventory of the remaining balance of donated items, if any, was not conducted
and a report thereon was not prepared, which is necessary on the part of the
Municipal Accountant in determining the value of the remaining donations and
its consequent recording or disclosure in the Financial Statements.
12.9 Interview with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management (MDRRM)
Officer and General Service Officer (GSO) disclosed that they were unaware of the
reportorial requirements of the existing circulars, thus proper documentation for the
said in-kind donations were not prepared. However, the GSO was able to present
deeds of donation of some vehicles and equipment/supplies received by the
Municipality from various donors.
12.10 Analysis of the Deeds of Donation and comparison with the accounting records
exposed 2 unrecorded donations, to wit:
12.11 Due to the foregoing, records maintained by the Municipality pertaining to Property
Acknowledgment Receipt (PAR) for issuance of donated PPEs and/or Inventory
Custodian Slip (ICS) for the issuances of tangible items which costs ₱15,000.00 or
less and have a life of more than a year, if any, were also not prepared.
12.12 Further verification on the financial reports, revealed that the receipt, issuance and
balance of in-kind donations were not disclosed in the Notes to the Financial
Statements for CYs 2020, 2021 and 2022, despite multiple donations received by the
12.13 According to the Municipal Accountant, they were not able to provide itemized
information on in-kind donations as they did not obtain any document and/or reports
from the GSO to support such disclosure.
12.14 Due to these deficiencies and omissions by management, in-kind donations were not
properly recorded and accounted for, thus, accountability over these transactions was
not established and transparency was not achieved.
d. require the departments (MDRRMO, DSWDO and RHU) responsible
for the distribution of relief goods and other supplies to submit Proof of
Receipt by and Distribution to the Beneficiaries/ end-users to the Office
referred to in item b.
12.16 We also recommended that the Municipal Accountant summarize the data from
the documents obtained, compare records with Registry of Donated Relief
Goods maintained by the Property Custodian or duly appointed GSO for check
and balance, and accordingly disclose all necessary information in the Notes to
the Financial Statements.
12.17 The Management was receptive with the recommendations and agreed to take into
consideration the observations noted by the Audit Team for future reference to
achieve transparency and establish accountability.
13. The necessity of hiring 377 Job Order (JO) personnel which is equivalent to
68.42% of the Municipality’s total work force, could not be established due to
the absence of clear-cut hiring policies of the Municipality and lack of specific
functions and duties expected from the JO personnel in the contracts, contrary
to Sections 76 of RA No. 7160; CSC Memorandum Circular Nos. 17 and 24,
series of 2002 and corresponding CSC Resolution Nos. 020790 and 021480, thus,
the selection process may be subjective, persons hired may not be qualified,
tasks and functions could be duplicated and unnecessary expenses on wages
may be incurred.
Every local government unit shall design and implement its own
organizational structure and staffing pattern taking into consideration its service
requirements and financial capability, subject to the minimum standards and
guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service Commission.
13.2 CSC MC No. 17-02 dated June 24, 2002 was issued providing the adoption of Policy
Guidelines for Contract of Services pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 020790 dated
June 5, 2002.
13.3 Under Section 1(a) of the said CSC Resolution, Job Order refers to employment
described as follows:
2. The Job Order covers piece of work or intermittent job or short duration not
exceeding six months and pay is on a daily basis;
3. The contract of services and job order are not covered by Civil Service laws,
rules and regulations, but covered by Commission on Audit rules;
4. The employees involved in the contract or job order do not enjoy the
benefits enjoyed by government employees, such as PERA, ACA, and
5. Services rendered hereunder are not considered as government services.
13.4 Corollary thereto, although the Local Government Code of 1991 allows employment
of individuals on a job order basis, Section 4 of CSC Resolution No. 020790
specified individuals who are disqualified from being appointed under job order,
such as those who have previously been dismissed; those covered by nepotism; and
those who are compulsory retired save as to consultancy services.
13.5 Moreover, CSC MC No. 24-02 was issued providing the adoption of Clarificatory
Policy Guidelines on Contract of Services pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 021480,
dated November12, 2002. And paragraph 2 of Section 1(b) of such resolution
expressly states:
A Contract of Service (CoS) or Job Order which does not cover special or
technical skills or where the functions to be performed are clerical or
administrative in nature or where the work is also performed by the regular
personnel of the agency may be entered only when done in the exigency of the
service and it is not feasible for the agency to hire said services under a casual
or contractual appointment.
13.6 Review of the contracts and plantilla of personnel disclosed that Job Orders comprise
68.42% of the total workforce of LGU Isabel. As of December 31, 2022, the
Municipality has total of 551 personnel, composed as follows:
13.7 Based on the above data, the LGU hired 377 JOs or almost 283.46% higher than the
regular personnel. Records showed that the LGU has 150 plantilla positions, 133 of
which were filled leaving only 17 items unfilled. The offices to which the JOs are
assigned is shown in Table 24.
Table 24. Personnel Complement of LGU Isabel CY 2022
Plantilla No. of
Office Filled Unfilled
Position JOs hired
Municipal Mayor 29 26 3 16
Municipal Vice Mayor 2 2 - 0
Sangguniang Bayan 12 12 - 22
SB Secretary 3 3 - 0
Municipal Administrator 3 3 - 2
Municipal Human Resource Management 6 5 1 3
Municipal Planning & Development 5 5 - 2
Municipal Civil Registrar 3 3 - 1
Municipal General Service 2 2 - 56
Municipal Budget 3 3 - 2
Municipal Accountant 7 6 1 8
Municipal Treasurer 13 11 2 8
Municipal Assessor 6 5 1 6
Municipal Internal Audit Services 3 2 1 2
Municipal Legal 1 - 1 1
Municipal Health 12 12 - 39
Isabel Emergency Hospital 7 3 4 33
Mun. Social Welfare and Development 5 4 1 16
Population Commission 1 1 - 3
Municipal Agriculture 6 4 2 6
Mun. Environment and Natural Resources 2 2 - 11
Municipal Engineer 4 4 - 17
Motorpool 2 2 - 15
Public Market 6 6 - 22
Slaughterhouse 1 1 - 11
Operation Transportation Services 1 1 - 34
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management 5 5 - 22
Municipal Nutrition Action Officer - - - 3
Bureau of Fire Protection - - - 2
Bureau of Internal Revenue - - - 4
Commission on Election - - - 2
Department of Agrarian Reform - - - 1
Department of Interior Local Government - - - 1
Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs - - - 4
Public Employment Service Office - - - 2
Total 150 133 17 377
13.8 Perusal of the records maintained by the HRMO, disclosed that the Municipalit y
adopted policies and/or guidelines on the procedures of hiring Job Order personnel,
thus the rights and obligations of both the Municipality and the JO personnel were
clearly established. Such policies/guidelines include submission of important
personal records to support the Personal Data Sheet (PDS), each applicant will
undergo an interview before hiring and/or employment orientation process once
hired, and the conduct of semestral performance evaluation per office thru Individua l
Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) which serves as basis for the renewal
of their contracts, thus identities and qualifications are apprehended.
13.9 However, the necessity of hiring such number of JOs could not be determined due
to the following deficiencies:
a. The LGU hired Job Order personnel without determining its manpower needs
through preparation of an Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern Plan.
These documents show the hierarchy within the Municipal Organization,
identify each position and where a certain office reports to within the
management, and establish how the management should operate and obtain its
goals to allow future growth. Because of the absence of such Staffing Pattern
Plan and guidelines, the necessity of hiring such number of JOs could not be
assessed or evaluated.
b. The LGU prepared Job Order Contracts approved by the LCE which state the
designation, pay rate, period covered, funding source and office of deployment,
without taking into consideration the specific lump sum of work or service
(number of hours, quantity and duration) and piece of work or intermittent job
to be performed (required functions, output or deliverables). For this reason,
the task performed for a certain period in the submitted accomplishment
reports could not be validated.
It was further noted that some JOs were performing clerical and administrative
functions such as receiving and recording of transactions, checking and
encoding of data, filing of office documents and the like, which are
administrative in nature, and could be done by regular employees.
13.10 Moreover, Part II - No. 12 of the Annual Audit Report for CY 2019 emphasized that
due to the excessive number of JOs hired by the LGU, the wages paid were not in
accordance with the current daily minimum wage prescribed in Regional Tripartite
Wages and Productivity Boards (RTWPBs) for Region 8.
13.11 Validation of its current status revealed that all 377 JOs of the Municipality were
still paid a daily wage below the ₱375.00 daily minimum wage prescribed by the
RTWPBs, thus failed to implement the audit recommendation on limited hiring of
JOs to indispensable functions only and defied the provisions of the Wage Order No.
RB VIII-21. Summary is shown in Table 25.
Wage Rate No. of Employees
₱ 500.00 -
350.00 -
300.00 51
250.00 -
228.00 326
Total 377
13.12 Had the LGU facilitated the hiring or filling up the 17 unfilled plantilla positions and
reviewed the actual manpower needs, it could have instead hired additional regular
personnel provided within the PS Limitation and could have avoided hiring
excessive number of Job Order Personnel paid below the prescribed daily minimum
wage. The funds allotted for the employment of additional manpower could have
been programmed and utilized for other basic services that are more responsive to
the need of the people or the constituents.
13.13 We recommended that the Municipal Mayor require the Human Resource and
Management Officer to:
c. institute contracts per Job Order and incorporate the number of man
hours, quantity and duration of the work to be performed by the JO
personnel in their respective contracts, and require them to submit
quantified accomplishment reports to support payments of wages.
13.14 The HRMO and her staff agreed to reconsider the existing workforce of the
Municipality and will require every Head of Office to provide job description of all
personnel and validate redundancy of work. They also assured to establish individua l
JO contracts and specify the required functions, output or deliverables, number of
hours, quantity and duration.
LTO registration, use of red plate and “For Official Use Only” marking of government
14. Out of the 21 government vehicles, only six have valid LTO registrations
pursuant to pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 4136 and
Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445, while 15 have no records of registration,
hence casting doubt on the accuracy, existence, owne rship, and propriety of the
recorded vehicles, and exposing the risk of non-recovery of damages in case of
accidents. Moreover, majority of these government vehicles do not bear the
mandatory government red plates and were not properly marked “FOR
OFFICIAL USE ONLY”, opposing COA Circular No. 75-6 dated November 7,
1975, thus, exposed the Municipality to possible misuse of the government
14.1. Pertinent provisions of RA No. 4136, also known as the “Land Transportation and
Traffic Code”, requires the following:
(a) No motor vehicle shall be used or operated on or upon any public highway
of the Philippines unless the same is properly registered for the current year
in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(b) Any registration of motor vehicles not renewed on or before the date fixed
for different classifications, as provided hereunder shall become delinquent
and invalid…xxx
14.2. Joint Administrative Order No. 2014-01 was likewise issued by the Department of
Transportation and Communication dated June 2, 2014, that establishes the schedule
of fines and penalties for violation of laws, rules and regulations governing land
14.3. Sections 102, 123 and 124 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445 provide that:
of its accounting data, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial
Section 124. Installation. It shall be the direct responsibility of the agency head
to install, implement, and monitor a sound system of internal control.
14.4. Further, Section 5 of COA Circular 75-6 dated November 7, 1975 or the Circular in
Regulating the use of government motor vehicle, aircrafts, and watercrafts which
prescribes the following:
All motor vehicles owned by the National Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities, and all local government units including government-owned
or controlled corporations, except those used by the officials enumerated under
No. I hereof, should be plainly marked:
under which should be written the corresponding name of the bureau, office,
corporation, provincial, city, municipality, or other local government unit
operating or using the name.
The mark should appear on each side of the motor vehicle. When there
is no sufficient space on each side, the same should appear at the back and on
the front just below the windshield of the motor vehicle. (General Circular No.
59, dated November 20, 1958)…xxx
14.5. Audit revealed that the Municipality owned several motor vehicles, which are
utilized for the day-to-day services offered to its constituents. Validation of the LTO
Registration records, as well as inquiry with the General Service Office (GSO) and
Municipal Accountant, disclosed the status of registrations of all government
vehicles as follows:
No. Description Cost CR. No OR No. Date
Motor Vehicle
1 Nissan Advance - Donated by 65,000.00 No Record of Registration
Miyakaw Ent., Japan presented
2 One (1) unit Kia Ceres Utility Vehicle 378,000.00 No Record of Registration
3 One (1) unit Multi Cab 130,500.00 No Record of Registration
4 Twenty-Four (24) units Suzuki Multi- 359,880.00 No Record of Registration
Cab 12 Valve w/ Canopy Recon, Brand presented
New Tire & Battery used for 24
5 One (1) unit Toyota Hi-Lux w/ 4 56,720.00 No Record of Registration
Wheel Drive, Double Cab & 5 speed presented
manual used in municipality
6 KIA Carnival EX SWB 2,154,055.48 No Record of Registration
7 One (1) unit Ambulance-Mitsubishi (L- 1,077,705.00 No Record of Registration
300 Versa Van) presented
8 Two (2) units Multicab Service Vehicle 243,800.00 No Record of Registration
for Mun. Accountant (returned to presented
motorpool and Budget Officer)
9 One (1) unit Pajero V6, VAN Type for 648,500.00 No Record of Registration
Judge Leda Nicol presented
10 * One (1) unit Vehicle KIA Pregio for 546,000.00 10672198-5 0836- 03/13/2023
VM Cherry Dayandayan 0000000
11 One (1) unit GL Grandia (Monotone), 1,880,000.00 267821750 0836- 04/11/2023
12-Seater Van for SB & VM 0000000
12 One (1) unit motorcycle (Honda) CB 60,000.00 No Record of Registration
125 CLES for Mun Slaughterhouse presented
13 One (1) unit Multicab Pick-Up with 258,000.00 No Record of Registration
Canopy 4WD 4speed at Engineering presented
14 One (1) unit Honda TMX 150 Supremo 72,900.00 No Record of Registration
S25-Black presented
15 Two (2) units Ambulance Donated by 400,000.00 No Record of Registration
Pasar Foundation Toyota Hiace and presented
Construction and Heavy Equipment
8554495-5 0000000 04/19/2023
Two (2) units 10-Wheeler Dumptruck
16 2,787,000.00 43381
for LGU-Isabel
No Record of Registration
Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment
One (1) unit Ambulance donated by
17 866,000.00 13532154-6 0000000 03/17/2023
One (1) unit Canter 4WD, Wide Full 0836-
18 Size Japan Ambulance, USA 911 style 1,795,000.00 266281584 0000000 02/13/2023
ambulance body with basic accessories 38757
No. Description Cost CR. No OR No. Date
One (1) unit HINO Ranger Rescue No Record of Registration
19 2,795,000.00
Truck for MDRRM presented
Other Transportation Equipment
One (1) unit Boom Truck with Crane No Record of Registration
20 1,000,000.00
Donated by Equator Energy Corp. presented
Not in the Recorded in the Books
Honda XR125L Motorcycle (2014
21 unknown 224727101 0000000 06/02/2023
* tagged as unserviceable by the Inventory Committee
14.6. As of writing, only 5 valid LTO registration records out of the 20 vehicles identified
in the PPE account and one unrecorded in the Municipality’s books were presented
to/obtained by the Audit Team.
14.7. As evidenced by Table 26, safekeeping of the records of these motor vehicles’
registration documents were not properly maintained as the Municipality has not
established adequate controls on the renewal of vehicle registrations and non-
submission of 15 motor vehicles’ registration documents cast doubt on the accuracy,
existence, ownership, and propriety of the identified vehicles. It is apparent that such
obligation was overlooked and that failure of the Municipality to ensure LTO
registration of these vehicles consequently exposed users to uncompromising
situations and that the Municipality may be liable in case of accidents arising from
the use of such vehicles.
14.9. Moreover, validation as to existence conducted by the audit team in June 5, 2023
uncovered that majority of the vehicles owned by the Municipality did not bear
government (red) plates and/ or the “For Official Use Only” marking on the body of
the vehicles (see Appendix G.8), contrary to Items 2 and 4 of Section 5 of the COA
Circular 75-6 dated November 7, 1975. Non-compliance with the regulations on the
use of government vehicles exposes the Municipality to misuse/abuse on the
utilization of its resources pertaining to motor vehicles.
a. ensure that all vehicles owned by the Municipality are promptly registered
as government vehicles with the LTO under the name of the Municipality,
include in the annual budget appropriation for the renewal of registration
payment of all vehicles, and registration be made within the period
prescribed by the LTO to avoid payment of pe nalties and other sanctions;
b. instruct the Property Custodian or Driver of the Motor Vehicle to stop the
operation/use of the vehicles with expired LTO registration.
14.12 The Management acknowledged their lapses on the application for LTO registrations
and warranted that extra effort will be exerted and compliance will be prioritized.
Delayed and/or non-submission of contracts and AIR within the prescribed period
15.1 COA Circular No. 2009-001, dated February 12, 2009 restated and/or amended COA
Circular 87-278 and COA Memorandum 2005-027 as regards submission of copy of
government contracts, purchase orders and their supporting documents to the
Commission on Audit.
15.2 Section 3.1.1 of the said circular requires that within 5 working days from the
execution of contract by the Government or any of its subdivisions, agencies or
instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations and
their subsidiaries, a copy of said contract and each of all the documents forming part
thereof by reference or incorporation shall be furnished to the Auditor of the agency
15.3 Section 3.2.1 further provides that a copy of any purchase order irrespective of
amount, and each and every supporting document, shall within five (5) working days
from issuance thereof, be submitted to the Auditor concerned. Within the same
period, the Auditor shall review and point out to management defects and/ or
deficiencies, if any.
15.5 For CY 2022, review of records disclosed that copies of contracts and its supporting
documents of the 13 procurements of goods and infrastructure projects ranging from
₱249,850.00 to ₱3,993,337.22 and totaling ₱20,044,064.90 were not submitted
within the prescribed period of five working days after their perfection. Delay ranges
from 106 days to 371 days, as shown in Table 27.
Table 27. List of Contracts not submitted within the Prescribed Period.
Date of
Date No. of Days
No. Projects Amount Contract
Submitted Delayed
Procurement of
various processed
1 food for gift pack of 498,400.00 01/26/2022 01/31/2023 371
all Job Order
Landscaping of New
2 Rural Health Unit of 799,618.68 02/10/2022 01/31/2023 356
Construction of
Covered Court and
3 Evacuation Center 2,499,500.00 03/16/2022 01/31/2023 322
Phase II at Brgy.
Procurement of
Services for De-
4 249,850.00 03/22/2022 01/31/2023 316
clogging of Canal at
Brgy. Marvel
Procurement of 2-unit
Ventilation System
and Accessories at
5 1,197,000.00 03/22/2022 01/31/2023 316
Building at Brgy.
Procurement of
6 Various Medical/ 1,611,311.50 10/05/2022 01/31/2023 113
Medicine Supplies
Road Concreting at
7 Brgy Tolingon (255m 995,273.98 09/28/2022 01/31/2023 121
x 2m x .15m)
Date of
Date No. of Days
No. Projects Amount Contract
Submitted Delayed
Procurement (Rent to
Own) of 1 unit Rescue
8 Vehicle, 6-wheeler 537,000.00 10/12/2022 01/31/2023 106
Reconditioned Surplus
Procurement (Rent to
Own) of 2 units Mini
Dump Truck, 6-
9 2,156,000.00 10/12/2022 01/31/2023 106
Reconditioned Surplus
Procurement (Rent to
Own) of 1 unit Rescue
10 Vehicle, 6-wheeler 2,047,500.00 10/12/2022 01/31/2023 106
Reconditioned Surplus
Procurement and
Installation of
Municipality wide not yet 147 and
11 2,266,020.00 12/29/2022
CCTV Surveillance submitted counting
Camera and Wireless
Repair of Market Tiles
12 1,193,253.52 10/27/2022 05/23/2023 208
and Drainage
Road Concreting at
13 3,993,337.22 10/27/2022 05/23/2023 208
Isabel Public Market
TOTAL 20,044,064.90
15.6 As a result, the timely review and initial auditorial examination of the contract and
its supporting documents could not be undertaken, such as compliance with laws,
rules, and regulations on the procurement process as well as the determination of the
reasonableness of the contract cost, thus, deficiencies noted if any, cannot be
promptly communicated to the management.
15.7 Further, the Audit Team observed that the municipality failed to submit to the audit
team, copies of the AIR within 24 hours after acceptance of the delivered items
prepared by the Inspection and Acceptance Committee. Inquiry with the General
Service Officer revealed that such has been the practice of the municipality since it
is not aware that the said notice/report shall be furnished to the Commission on Audit
15.8 Thus, the non-submission of AIR within the specified period hindered the timely
validation/verification on the actual existence and evaluation of conformance to
specification of the delivered items by the Audit Team as reference in the post-audit
activities, especially on transactions involving huge amount of money.
15.9 We recommended that the Bids and Awards Committee and/or General Service
Officer submit within the reglementary period, copies of perfected contracts
and Purchase Orders (PO) and all the documents forming part thereof by
reference or incorporation, to the Audit Team, as prescribed under COA
Circular No. 2009-001.
15.11 The GSO and BAC Secretariat were amenable to the audit observations and
diligently implement the recommendations.
16.1. Item 6 of Section 4 Fundamental principles of Presidential Decree (PD) 1445 states:
16.3 In Item B of COA Circular No. 96-010 dated August 15, 1996, provides:
1. The existing forms of the purchase order or other contract used by the
agencies may be continued, provided that it shall contain all the
following data or information:
16.4 Moreover, Section 9.2 of COA Circular 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012 prescribing
the Revised Guidelines and Documentary Requirement for Common Government
Transactions, provides the additional documentary requirements:
Purchase Order/Letter Order/Contract, duly approved by the official concerned
and accepted by the supplier (date of acceptance must be clearly indicated,
especially when the time or delivery is dependent on or will be counted from
the date of acceptance of the purchase order/letter order/contract)
Request for purchase or requisition of supplies, materials and equipment, duly
approved by proper authorities
Original copy of the delivery invoice showing the quantity, description of the
articles, unit and total value, duly signed by the dealer or his representative and
indicating receipt by the proper agency official of items delivered.
Inspection and acceptance report signed “Inspected by” by the authorized
agency inspector and signed “accepted by” by the authorized end-user to whom
the item was delivered or the property officer if item is for stock.”
BAC Resolution recommending and justifying to the Head of Procuring Entity
(HOPE) the use of alternative mode of procurement and approval by the HOPE
of the BAC Resolution recommending award of contract.
16.6 In addition, Annex “H” Appendix A of the 2016 Revise Implementing Rules and
Regulations prescribes for the documents that the BAC shall require from suppliers,
contractors and consultants for Alternative Methods of Procurement.
Alternative Mayor's Professional PhilGEP PCAB NFCC Income/ Omnibus
Modality /Busines License/Curriculu S Reg. License (Infra.) Busines Sworn
s Permit m Vitae Number (Infra.) s Tax Statement
(Consulting Return
I. Direct ✓ ✓
(Section 50)
II. Shopping
✓ ✓
[Sec 52.1 (b)]
III. Negotiated
✓ ✓
F. Small Value ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
above above
P500K P50K
(Section 53.9)
16.7 In CY 2022, the Municipality of Isabel purchased various supplies, materials and
equipment for the total amount of ₱2,006,985.85 thru Shopping and Small Value
Procurement, summary presented in Table 28 (details are shown in Appendix G.9).
16.8 Audit of vouchers and its supporting documents, records and reports disclosed the
following deficiencies and lacking documents:
- brand name
- food menu (for meals and snacks)
- Delivery terms
- Complete detailed item specification, including accessories i.e., narrative
description, size/dimension/volume, model, use of item, color, capacity,
horsepower, voltage, watts, gauge, kind of equipment where spare part is
to be used whether replacement or original (for spare parts), part number
of spare parts, type and classification of material, brand new or second
hand, etc.
- Mode of procurement
- Date accepted by the supplier
b) The Acceptance and Inspection Report does not indicate the brand name, PO
number, and date of Inspection.
16.9 The procurement of the items in Annex A should be properly controlled and
monitored through the essential information needed in every document required. The
absence of essential information such as the serial number, date prepared, date
received, delivery terms, and date of receipt of the P.O. by the supplier makes the
imposition of the liquidated damages for late delivery difficult and PO without brand
name exposes the Municipality to the risk of receiving items of low cost, poor
quality, and may not be in accord with the specifications and/or needs of the end-
user. Additionally, the absence of the Mayor’s or Business Permit and PhilGEP S
Registration casts doubt on the legitimacy of the supplier.
16.10 Moreover, the absence of the Certificate of Product Registration, Batch Release
Certificate from FDA and Certficate of Distributorship from the manufacturer casts
doubt on the genuineness, quality, and efficacy of the procured medicines.
16.11 The practice of disbursing government funds despite incomplete and deficient
supporting documents is a manifestation that management is not adhering to the
prescribed rules and regulations on the documentary requirements prior to the
disbursement of government funds and an indication that the internal control system
of the Municipality is not properly working.
b) MGSO/BAC Chairman to ensure submission of complete and
appropriate documentation for Shopping and Small Value Procurement
required in R.A. 9184 with completely filled-out PR, PO and AIR.
16.13 The GSO, Municipal Accountant and the BAC Chairman accepted the
recommendation and ensure strict compliance for all succeeding small value
17. Paid Disbursement Vouchers (DVs) and their supporting documents lack the
essential information and were not stamped “PAID”, contrary to the pertinent
provisions of COA Circular 92-389 and Section 32 of the Manual on the New
Government Accounting System (MNGAS), Volume II that may facilitate the
possibility of reusing the same documents for another claim and creating
difficulty in identifying, monitoring, and tracking transactions.
17.1 COA Circular 92-389 dated November 3, 1992 modifying COA Circular 81-155,
dated February 23, 1981 provides:
2. Voucher Preparation
B. The "Voucher No." box shall indicate the number of the voucher in
accordance with COA Circular No. 78-79 dated April 5, 1978, which
prescribes the Voucher Numbering System. The voucher number shall
be indicated on the face of the voucher and on every supporting
17.2 In Section 32 of NGAS Manual, Volume II, provides accounting forms and reports
and its specific instructions, states:
17.3 Post-audit of the submitted paid DVs and the supporting documents of the
Municipality of Isabel for the period January to December 2022 revealed that the
supporting documents were not duly stamped “PAID” and DV serial number was
not indicated in each document, while, Box A-D of DVs do not bear the dates the
officials/employees concerned affixes their signatures on the document.
17.4 An appropriate internal control system for the preparation of documents should be
adopted by the Municipality to achieve the objective of accurate and reliable
financial information and compliance with laws, rules and regulations, which is
crucial in the efficient operation and decision-making of management.
17.5 These observations have been brought up by the Audit Team to the Municipal
Treasurer and explained that she is unaware of these guidelines while conforming to
the same practice of the predecessor.
17.6 In view of the foregoing, DVs and their supporting documents without the
appropriate stamped “paid” consequently risk the possible usage of the same
documents for another claim, and the absence of DV’s essential information creates
difficulty in identifying, monitoring, and tracking transactions
17.9 Finally, we recommend that the LCE ensure strict compliance by the officials
concerned with the rules and regulations under COA Circular Nos. 92-389 and
78-79, and Volume II of NGAS Manual.
17.10 Both the Municipal Treasurer and Municipal Accountant concurred with the audit
recommendations and ensured strict compliance for subsequent disbursements
Of the 102 audit recommendations embodied in the prior years’ Annual Audit Reports,
only 26 were fully implemented while 76 remained unimplemented.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
AAR The existence and We recommended that
CY accuracy of the the Municipal Mayor
2021- Property, Plant and require the Inventory
01 Committee to conduct the
Equipment (PPE)
physical count of PPE in
account with a
accordance with COA
carrying value of Circular 2020-006 and
P594,509,956.61 is instruct the Chairperson
unreliable due to: (a) of the Inventory
the difference of Committee to:
between the balance of 1. prepare and submit to
the Municipal Mayor Not
the General Ledger
for his approval, a Implemented
(GL) and the Report Physical Inventory
on the Physical Count Plan (PIP) indicating Another audit
of Property, Plant and therein the specific observation on
PPEs is discussed
Equipment assignments/duties of in Part II of this
(RPCPPE), (b) the the Committee report.
inclusion of members, cut-off date
and schedule
specifying the dates
properties costing and locations of the
P4,496,566.96 and c) inventory taking
the provision of 10% activities from start up
residual value on the to the targeted
depreciable completion of the
components of the physical inventory;
road network system,
2. conduct the physical Not
contrary to inventory within the Implemented
International Public period identified in the
Sector Accounting PIP and tag all
Standards (IPSAS) 1 counted properties of
and COA Circulars the municipality;
Nos. 2020-006 and
3. categorize the Not
2015-008, thus,
accounted PPE using Implemented
affecting the fair the PPSAS account
presentation of the classification in the
PPE accounts balance RPCPPE and prepare
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
in the Statement of the report within 60
Financial Position as days from the
of December 31, 2021. completion of the
physical inventory and
furnish a copy of the
report to the COA
Team Leader,
Municipal Accountant
and Head of the
Property Unit of the
2. We also recommended
that the Municipal
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
RPCPPE with the
recorded properties in
the books of accounts
of the Municipality
and prepare the
necessary report on
the results of the
reconciliation and
submit to the
Municipal Mayor for
his appropriate action,
in cases of non-
existing/ missing
properties, if any.
7. Finally, we Not
recommended that the Implemented
Municipal Mayor,
together with the
Municipal Accountant
and General Services
Officer, perform the
procedures to account
for non-
properties as a result
of the reconciliation
conducted to facilitate
the disposition of
these items in
accordance with the
provisions of COA
Circular No. 2020-006
to reflect a reliable
balance of the PPE
account in the
Financial Statement.
AAR The Accounts Payable We reiterated our audit No Action
CY account totaling recommendations in CYs Taken.
2021- P97,243,101.79 is 2017 and 2020 with
02 overstated by modification, that the Another audit
P31,522,390.76 due Municipal Accountant: observation on
Accounts Payable
to: (a) the inclusion of is discussed in
payables totaling to
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
P34,247,228.81 8. Prepare adjusting Part II of this Not
without supporting entry to drop from the report. Implemented
documents Accounts Payable
presented;(b) unsubstantiated
recognition of various claims totaling
transactions with no P36,497,012.81;
valid contracts and
uncertain deliveries 9. Require all End-User Not
costing Units to submit all Implemented
P1,444,273.00; (c) documents for the
inclusion of procurement of goods
undelivered and services charged
transactions totaling from the current year
P805,511.00; (d) appropriation to
erroneous recording of facilitate the recording
payable totaling of the expenses in the
P253,713.79; (e) books of accounts of
erroneous recording of the municipality; and
amounts paid in CY
2021 totaling 10. Keep the original file
P158,643.74 resulting of the vouchers and its Not
to understatement; and supporting documents Implemented
(f) exclusion of pertaining to all
various transactions recorded Accounts
incurred in 2021 but Payable until it is paid.
not yet paid totaling
P5,069,692.10, 11. Record only the
contrary to Section 4 accounts payable
of PD 1445, Section which were obligated Not
350 of RA 7160, and and have complete Implemented
International Public supporting
Sector Accounting documents.
Standard (IPSAS) 1
and 19, thereby 12. Stop the practice of
affecting the fair paying prior year’s
presentation of obligations which Not
accounts in the were not recorded as Implemented
financial statements. Accounts Payable.
AAR The reported balance We recommended that
CY of the Local DRRM the Municipal
2021- Fund as of year-end in Accountant:
03 the Notes to Financial
Statements was 13. Record only the Not
understated by accounts payable Implemented
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
P1,129,067.09 due to which were obligated
overstatement of and have complete
reported utilization by documents to support
the same amount, valid claim.
contrary to Appendix
A of the International 14. Review and reconcile Not
Public Sector monthly the LDRRM Implemented
Accounting Standards Fund Utilization
(IPSAS) 1, thereby Reports with the
affecting the reliabilit y accounting records to
of the disclosures ensure proper
reflected in the Notes monitoring of the
to Financial available and utilized
Statements. LDRRM Funds and
reflect reliable
information in the said
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
Trust Fund books, Fund account and
contrary to Section 6 deposit the fund to the
of COA Circular No. Trust fund bank
94-013 and IPSAS 1, account intended for
thus, funds may have the purpose.
been utilized for other
purpose and fairness 18. We also Fully
of the financial recommended that the Implemented
statements was Municipal Accountant
affected. prepare the
Voucher for the return
of the unutilized
amount totaling
P22,270.00 for the
completed projects to
the national
government through
the Bureau of
Treasury and submit
the required
Liquidation Reports to
the funding agencies
AAR Various procurement We recommended that
CY for supplies and the Municipal Mayor
2021- materials and require:
05 Personnel Services
expenditures in CY 19. the Municipal Fully
2019 and CY 2020 Accountant to submit Implemented
totaling P2,691,262.87 explanation to the
were not recorded as Audit Team for
expenses in the year paying CYs 2019 and
these were incurred 2020 expenditures
nor were these from CY 2021
recognized as appropriations;
payables as of year-
end, contrary to R.A. 20. require all End-User Not
7160, thereby Units to submit all Implemented
rendering such documents for the
obligations invalid procurement of goods
which cannot be paid charged from the
in the subsequent current year
years. appropriation, the
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
obligations of the
suppliers having been
duly fulfilled, based
on the contract.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
amount of submit explanation on
P654,367.75 remain the unaccounted fuel
unaccounted due to (diesel, gasoline and
non-rendition of unleaded gasoline).
reports on fuel This is without
consumption and prejudice to the
official travels issuance of a Notice of
pertaining to previous Disallowance, if
purchases made, warranted.
contrary to Paragraph
44 of the International 24. henceforth, prepare Another audit
Public Sector the Monthly Report of observation is Not
discussed in Part
Accounting Standards Supplies and II of this report. Implemented
(IPSAS 12) and COA Materials Issued
Circular No. 77-61, (MRSMI), duly
thus, affecting the fair supported with
presentation of the properly
Fuel, Oil, and accomplished RIS.
Lubricant Inventory
and expense account 25. instruct all driver Not
in the financial personnel of the Implemented
statements as of municipality to
December 31, 2021 properly accomplish
and regularity of these the Driver’s Trip
expenditures was not Tickets and prepare
ascertained. the report of official
travel monthly and to
submit the same to the
General Services
Officer for the
preparation of the
monthly report of fuel
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
Recognize expense
based on the monthly
Report of Supplies
and Materials Issued,
supported by duly
approved RIS.
AAR The Municipalit y’s We reiterated our
CY available cash as of previous
2021- December 31, 2021 recommendations that the
07 was onlyMunicipal Treasurer
P17,723,287.67 which should:
is very insufficient to
cover its current 27. prepare a Daily Cash Fully
obligations and Trust Position Report, Implemented
Liabilities totaling segregated by
P103,937,626.24 and mandatory fund (20%
P108,986,031.69, DF, LDRRMF, etc.),
respectively, or a cash and submit the same to
overdraft of
the Municipal Mayor
P212,923,657.93 was
incurred, contrary to to inform him on the
Section 337 of R.A. availability of cash to
No. 7160 and pertinent support checks that he
provisions of the will sign;
Budget Operation
Manual for Local 28. maintain a record on
Government Units estimated and actual Not
(LGUs), collections and the Implemented
thus,thecapability of disbursements
the Municipality to therefrom, to make
deliver basic services sure that such
to its constituents may disbursements will not
be adversely affected.
exceed fifty percent
(50%) of the
uncollected estimated
revenue accruing to
the General Fund.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
month to discuss and
monitor whether the
targeted income is
attained with actual
receipts, and to adjust
cash disbursement
program for the
remaining months,
when necessary, to
prevent the incurrence
of cash overdraft.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
obligations of the
LGU, without
sacrificing mandatory
appropriations for
projects and disaster
risk reduction;
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
(BLGF) and
Department of Interior
and Local
Government (DILG)
Joint Memorandum
Circular (JMC) No. 1
s. 2020, thereby
depriving the
constituents of the
Municipality of the
benefits that could
have been obtained
from the mandated
programs and projects.
AAR Of the P12.5 million We recommended that
CY Local Disaster Risk the Municipal Mayor, as
2021- Reduction and Chairman of the
09 Management (DRRM) MDRRM Council,
Fund for CY 2021,
only P3,529,240.09 through the MDRRM
was utilized, while Officer:
P1,505,721.37 was Not
35. Ensure that the PPAs
realigned for non- Implemented
disaster purposes,
are specific and
contrary to Republic
aligned with the
Act (RA) No. 10121
NDRRM Plan and the
andDILG MC No.
2012-73, thus, the
capacity of the
indicators are definite,
Municipality to
measurable, and
respond to disasters
achievable; and
and calamities was not
enhanced Not
andstrengthened. 36. Monitor and evaluate
the Programs/ Implemented
Projects/ Activities
incorporated in the
MDRRM Plan to
avoid duplication of
programs and identify
projects that can
address the current
state of calamity or
any calamity that may
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
possibly arise. Revise
the Plan, if necessary
and indicate specific
timeframe of
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
as of December 31, 40. stop the grant of cash Not
2021. advances to officials Implemented
and employees with
outstanding cash
We recommended that
the Municipal
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
on cash advances in
which purpose have
been served;
46. discontinue
processing DVs for Not
grants of additional Implemented
cash advance to
officials and
employees with
unliquidated previous
cash advances to
avoid accumulation
47. We also
recommended that the
Municipal Treasurer Not
withhold the salaries Implemented
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
of officials and
employees with
unliquidated cash
advances, as directed
by the Municipal
CY Payables amounting to We reiterated our Another audit
2020 P31,087,632.70 were recommendation in CY observation on
Accounts Payable
AAR recorded in the books 2017 AAR, with is discussed in
Finding without the necessary modification, that the Part II of this
No. 1 supporting documents Municipal Accountant report.
and even if no actual should:
CY claim has been filed,
2017 thus, overstating the 48. prepare adjusting Not
AAR Accounts Payable by entry to drop from Implemented
page no. the same amount, and Accounts Payable
32 related Expenses by unsubstantiated
P5,779,721.70, while claims totaling
CY unpaid expenditures in P31,087,632.70 unless
2012 CY 2020 totaling valid supporting
AAR P12,520,051.21, were documents are
page no. obligated in the RAO presented; and
33 but not recorded as
Accounts Payables by 49. keep the original file
the Municipal of the vouchers and its Not
Accountant due to the supporting documents Implemented
delay in the pertaining to all
submission of recorded Accounts
documents by the Payable until it is paid,
Municipal Budget and stop the practice
Officer which render of paying prior year’s
such obligations obligations which
invalid, pursuant to were not recorded as
R.A. No. 7160 and P.D Accounts Payable.
1445 and IPSAS 1.
50. We further
recommended that the Not
Municipal Budget Implemented
Officer stop the
practice of releasing
DVs to payees or
suppliers and ensure
that all the DVs which
remained unpaid as of
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
yearend, and duly
obligated in the RAO,
are transmitted to the
Municipal Accountant
before the agreed cut-
off date to allow
recording of the same
in the books.
CY The LGU collected in 51. We recommended that Not
2020 advance a total of P25 the LGU should Implemented
AAR million as 2% share of reconcile first with
Findin the gross income of PASAR the latter’s
g No. Philippine Associated tax obligation, with
2 Smelting and Refining due consideration of
Corporation its advance
(PASAR), a PEZA- remittances, in order
registered enterprise that the correct
located in the income be recognized
Municipality of Isabel, and the other deferred
which turned out to credits be adjusted,
have been operating at before making any
a loss, and recorded request for advances
the collections under for its 2% share of the
Other Deferred gross income of
Credits which PASAR.
remained unearned at
yearend, while the 52. We also Not
Other Deferred recommended that the Implemented
Credits account Municipal Accountant
balance is misstated prepare the necessary
by P1,413,230.13 adjusting entry/ies for
contrary to the noted variances
Government and for the recognition
Accounting Manual of the earned portion
for Local Government of the advanced
Units. collections whenever
CY Disbursement 53. We recommended that Fully
2020 Vouchers and the Municipal Mayor Implemented
AAR supporting documents and Municipal
Finding for the cash advances Accountant submit
No. 5 for confidential written justification
expenses totaling why submission to
P1,100,000.00 were COA of the cash
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
CY not submitted to COA advances for
2017 within the prescribed confidential expenses
AAR period, while, was not made within
page additional cash the period prescribed
no. 56 advances were granted in conformity with the
despite non- existing regulations.
CY liquidation of previous
2016 cash advances drawn
AAR contrary to COA,
page DBM, DILG, CGC,
no. 50 DND Joint Circular
No. 2015-01, casting
CY doubt on the
2015 regularity, necessity
AAR and legality of the
page disbursements and
no. 59 understating the
confidential expense
account by
CY P1,100,000.00 in the
2009 year-end financial
AAR statements.
g No.
CY Unrestricted We recommended that
2020 disbursements were the Municipal Treasurer
AAR made despite the non- should:
Finding attainment of
No. 6 estimated income for 54. prepare a Daily Cash Fully
CY 2020 and funds for Position Report, Implemented
CY priority projects and segregated by
2019 mandatory obligations mandatory fund (20%
AAR were used for other DF, LDRRMF, etc.),
purposes that resulted and submit the same to
Finding in the incurrence of the Municipal Mayor
No. 1 cash overdraft to inform him on the
amounting availability of cash to
CY P297,560,574.20 at support checks that he
2017 year end contrary to will sign; and,
AAR Section 337 of
page R.A.7160 and other 55. maintain a record on
no.24 relevant laws and estimated and actual Not
regulations. collections and the Implemented
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
CY therefrom, to make
2016 sure that such
AAR disbursements will not
page exceed fifty percent
no. 25 (50%) of the
uncollected estimated
CY revenue accruing to
2015 the General Fund.
Page 56. We reiterated the
no. 27 recommendation that Fully
the Local Finance Implemented
CY Committee should
2017 convene at least once a
AAR month to discuss and
page monitor whether the
no.27 targeted income is
attained with actual
receipts, and to adjust
cash disbursement
program for the
remaining months,
when necessary, to
prevent the incurrence
of cash overdraft.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
Lastly, we recommended
that the Municipal Mayor
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
Finding amounting officials submit a discussed in Part
No. 7 P27,135,953.80 were written justification II of this report.
not implemented by why the appropriation
CY the LGU of Isabel due for 20%DF was not
2019 to the utilization the used to implement the
AAR 20% DF appropriation programmed 20% DF
Finding for other purposes projects and was
No. 8 brought about by its utilized for other
dire financial purposes.
CY condition/cash
2016 overdraft contrary to
page Memorandum
no. 35 Circular (JMC) No.
2017-1 dated February
22, 2017 thus, the
LGUs targeted socio-
development and
outcomes were not
CY Only P2,650,596.05 or We recommended that
2020 17% of the the Municipal DRRMO
AAR P16,000,000.00 CY should:
Finding 2020 appropriation for
No. 8 Local Disaster Risk 62. maximize the Not
Reduction and utilization of the Implemented
CY Management Fund LDRRMF by
2019 (LDRRMF) was implementing the
AAR utilized, while PAPs in the LDRRMF
expenses totaling Investment Plan to
Finding P2,376,471.16 were strengthen the
No. 9 charged to prior years’ capability of the
LDRRMF Municipality to cope
CY unexpended balances with adverse effects of
2018 in the Trust Fund disasters and/or
AAR without a revised pandemic, and
Page no Annual Investment
44, Plan approved by the 63. include in their Not
local Sanggunian LDRRMF Investment Implemented
contrary to Section 21 Plan the PAPs that are
CY of RA 10121, Section to be undertaken using
2017 6.5 of the NDRRMC- the LDRRMF
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
AAR DBM-DILG Joint unexpended balances
page no. Memorandum in the Trust Fund.
51 Circular No. 2013-1
dated March 25, 2013 64. We recommended that Not
CY and DBM Local the MPDC prepares a Implemented
2016 Budget Circular No. Supplemental AIP
AAR 124 dated March 26, integrated therein the
page 2020. COVID 19 related
no. 44 PPAs, to be approved
by the Sanggunian, to
legally use the
unexpended balances
and to avoid
disallowance of the
transactions in audit.
CY The procurement of 65. We recommended that Fully
2020 relief goods totaling the MSWDO and Implemented
AAR P7,152,263.16 was not Secretary to the
No. 9 conducted pursuant to Mayor, in-charge of
Government distribution, should
Procurement Policy submit justification on
Board (GPPB) the deficiencies noted
Circular No. 01-2020 in the distribution of
on Emergency relief goods for
Procurement, while Auditor’s evaluation.
the distribution of
relief goods to 66. We also Fully
affected households recommended that the Implemented
during COVID-19 Bids and Awards
pandemic was not Committee (BAC) and
supported with its Secretariat should
complete submit justification
documentation on the deficiencies
contrary to Section 4.6 noted in the
of P.D. No. 1445, procurement of relief
thereby rendering the goods for Auditor’s
propriety of the evaluation. For similar
transactions transaction in the
unreliable. future, we
recommended that the
BAC and its
Secretariat should
comply substantially
the requirement of the
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
laws, rules and
regulations applicable
in the circumstances
to avoid audit
CY Submission of the 67. We recommended that Not
2020 necessary outputs/ the LCE requires the Implemented
AAR deliverables or reports consultants for
No. stipulated in the Terminal Operation,
10 Contracts of Service Local Economic
with the consultants Enterprise and Bulk
hired by the LGU for Water and Port
its various local Operation Facilities
economic enterprises submit to the Audit
were not strictly Team their
enforced, hence, the deliverables like the
purpose of hiring these comprehensive
consultants to increase business plan and
LGU revenues were physical report of
not realized and the operations for their
disbursements totaling assigned economic
P3,670,212.50were enterprise or the
suspended in audit. operational plan as
Further, copies of the stipulated in the
contract of service of Contract of Service;
other consultants hired
in other services were 68. We recommended that Not
not submitted to COA. the Local Finance Implemented
Committee prepares
the financial reports
for the economic
enterprise of the LGU
and conduct the semi-
annual financial self-
sufficiency review for
evaluation by the
Municipal Mayor and
Sangguniang Bayan.
CY Disbursements 69. We recommended that Not
2020 totaling P861,987.37 the Municipal Implemented
AAR were approved by the Administrator and
Findin Municipal Secretary to the
g No. Administrator and Mayor should submit
11 Secretary to the Mayor valid justification for
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
who had no authority approving LGU
to approve the same disbursements which
contrary to the GAM were not authorized
for LGUs and through an Executive
Memorandum Order.
Circular No. 03 series
of 2016, resulting in 70. We further Fully
unauthorized recommended that, Implemented
disbursements henceforth, any acts of
approval of LGU
transactions should be
based on a written
authority to avoid
disallowance in audit.
CY Disbursements 71. We recommended that Not
2020 totaling P359,895.00 the Municipal Mayor Implemented
AAR for meals/food should submit
Findin supplies of frontline justification for the
g No. personnel, grant of meal
13 P277,000.00 were allowances in cash to
granted in cash and not aforementioned
supported with Punong Barangays,
complete Watchman and Health
documentation Officer. We also
contrary to Section 4.6 recommended that the
of P.D. No. 1445, BAC and its
Government Secretariat should
Procurement Policy submit to the Auditor
Board (GPPB) for evaluation,
Circular No. 01-2020 justification on the
on Emergency deficiencies noted in
Procurement and the procurement of
DBM LBC No. 125, supplies such as
thereby rendering the instant noodles,
propriety of the crackers, 3n1 coffee
transactions and distilled water.
CY Procurement of 72. We recommended that Fully
2020 materials for the Municipal Mayor, Implemented
AAR Construction of the MDRRM Officer
Findin Comfort Rooms for and other officials
g No. Badjao Community, concerned submit
14 the labor for justifications why
Construction of disbursements should
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
Materials Recovery not be disallowed in
Facility (MRF), and audit, for using the
vials of Rabisin for LDRRMF on
Mass Dog Vaccination expenditures which
totaling P215,518.00 were not in related to
were charged to the DRMM purposes.
contrary to DILG 73. We also
Memorandum recommended that the Fully
Circular No. 2012-73 Municipal Mayor and Implemented
and DILG-DBM Joint other officials
Memorandum concerned utilize the
Circular No. 2013-1, LDRRMF solely and
thus resulting in strictly, for disaster-
irregular expenditures. related activities as
mandated in the
CY Collectors do not 74. We recommended that Fully
2020 remit their collections the aforementioned Implemented
AAR daily to the collectors should
Findin Liquidating Officer submit explanation/
g No. contrary to P.D. No. justification for the
15 1445 and Local delayed remittance of
Treasury Operations daily collections
Manual (LTOM), thus exposing government
exposing government funds to the risk of
funds to the risk of loss, theft or misuse.
loss, theft or misuse to
the disadvantage of
the municipality.
CY Due to unrecorded 75. We recommended that Fully
2019 transactions caused by the Municipal Implemented
AAR unsubmitted reports Accountant demand
Findin and documents, the from the Municipal
g No. Cash in Bank account Treasurer the
2 balance of P42 million submission of lacking
as of December 31, DVs instead of
2019 was understated retaining the
by P4,143,829.23, transactions as
contrary to PPSAS 1 reconciling items for
and COA Circular No. long period
96-011, thus the actual
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
cash position of the 76. We reiterated our Fully
Municipality in its previous Implemented
depository banks was recommendation that
not accurately the Municipal
presented in the Treasurer submit
financial statements. weekly to the
Accounting Office all
paid disbursement
vouchers with the
supporting documents
for recording in the
books and to avoid
penal sanctions.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
receivables which no otherwise, impose
longer exist. legal sanctions on the
officials and
employees who refuse
to abide with the
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
billing statements are
received so that the
actual income and
receivable accounts
can be reported in the
financial statements.
CY The balances of RPT 83. update the Another audit Not
2019 and SET Receivables Taxpayer’s Index observation is Implemented
discussed in Part
AAR and the corresponding Card and reconcile II of this report.
Finding Deferred RPT the same with the
No. 6 accounts were not records of the
accurately presented Municipal
CY in the financial
2016 statements of the LGU
AAR as of December 31,
page no. 2019, contrary to 84. prepare a certified
38, CY PPSAS I and pertinent list of all real Not
2014 provisions of RA7160, property tax Implemented
AAR due to erroneous delinquencies which
computation of the remained
amount set-up as uncollected or
receivables and unpaid for at least
recording of one (1) year
collections from Real including reasons for
Property Taxes, which such non-collection,
resulted to a net and;
understatement of
P946,194.38 on the Fully
affected accounts. 85. submit such list to Implemented
the Sangguniang
Bayan on or before
December 31 of the
year immediately
succeeding the year
in which the
delinquencies were
incurred, and request
for assistance from
the SB in the
enforcement of the
remedies for
collection provided
in RA No. 7160.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
86. prepare the necessary Not
accounting entries to Implemented
adjust the
overstatement of Real
Property Tax/Special
Education Tax
Receivable accounts
and other related
accounts in the
financial statements.
CY The Inventory Report We recommended that
2019 on Road Network the Municipal Engineer
AAR submitted by the and the General Services
Findin Municipal Engineer Officer accomplish the
g No. does not contain following:
7 reliable, complete and
necessary data, does 87. complete the conduct
not include the lot of inventory of the Not
components of the LGU’s local roads; Implemented
road networks, was and prepare an
not reconciled with accurate Inventory of
accounting records Local Roads and
and was not submitte d reconcile with
to DILG, contrary to accounting records,
Section 524 of RA No. and;
7160 and DILG
Memorandum 88. submit the Inventory Not
Circular No. 2011-52. of Local Roads to Implemented
DILG immediately
and every three years
thereafter, without
need for demand from
the said Office.
CY Unutilized funds 89. We recommended that Another audit Not
2019 received from the Municipal observation is Implemented
discussed in Part
AAR National Government Treasurer and the II of this report.
Finding Agencies in prior Municipal Accountant
No. 10 years totaling trace records on the
P13,228,797.05 were unknown balances or
CY not returned to source prepare necessary
2017 agencies since the adjustments, if found
AAR equivalent cash were that these were
page no longer available, improperly recorded
no. 48 contrary to pertinent
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
provisions of PD 1445 under Due to NGAs
and COA Circular 94- account.
013, while balances of
P1,987,336.20 cannot
be substantiated for
lack of records thereby
rendering the
liabilities of the LGU
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
accuracy of Property,
Plant and Equipment
with carrying value of
cannot be ascertained.
CY Advances to Officers 92. File with COA a Not
2018 and Employees request for authority Implemented
AAR totaling P6,723,528.62 to write-off cash
Page no as of December 31, advances granted to
38 2018 remain already deceased
unliquidated for 91 Accountable Officers;
CY days to over ten years
2015 because submission of 93. Stop the grant of Not
AAR liquidation reports additional cash Implemented
page were not strictly advances to officials
no. enforced while write- and employees with
38, off of cash advances of previous cash
deceased personnel advances.
CY were not requested,
2014 contrary to pertinent
AAR provisions of COA
page Circular Nos. 97-002
no. 40 and 2012-001, thus,
expense accounts were
CY understated and LGU
2013 funds remain
AAR unaccounted.
no. 22
CY Barangay shares from 94. We recommended that Prior years Not
2018 Real Property Tax the Municipal Mayor Barangay Implemented
AAR collected by the and all department shares were
Page no municipality totaling heads exercise not fully
42, CY P12,103,633.69 as of prudence in the remitted as of
2017 December 31, 2018 disbursement of LGU December 31,
AAR were not remitted funds. Limit 2022
quarterly to the disbursements to
CY concerned barangays priority expenditures
2016 contrary to Section only based on the
AAR 271(d) of R.A. 7160, approved Annual
page thus, the cash Budget.
no. 35 therefrom was at risk
of being used by the 95. Prioritize the issuance Not
municipality for other of checks for the Implemented
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
purposes and the remittance of all RPT
barangay constituents shares due to
were deprived of the Barangays concerned.
projects that could
have been
implemented out of it.
CY The minimum 96. We recommended that Not
2018 requirements for the the Municipal Mayor, Implemented
AAR operation of controlled and other LGU
Page dumpsites were not officials concerned,
no 59 complied by the LGU, accelerate the
contrary to pertinent acquisition of a lot for
provisions of RA No. the municipal sanitary
9003 and its IRR, thus, landfill. If not yet
the environment and available, comply
public health of the strictly with the
constituents were not minimum
adequately protected. requirements in the
operation of the
LGU’s controlled
dumpsite to safeguard
the environment and
health of its
CY Delays in the 97. Impose liquidated Another audit Not
2017 completion of fifteen damages on payments observation is Implemented
discussed in Part
AAR (15) projects with to contractors the II of this report.
page contract cost totaling amount equal to at
no. 43 P9,733,557.69 were least one tenth (1/10)
neither supported with of one percent of the
approved time cost of the
extensions nor unperformed portion
imposed liquidated of works for every day
damages contrary to of delay pursuant to
pertinent provisions of Item 8.1 of Annex “E”
the Manual of of the 2016 Revised
Procedures for the IRR of RA No. 9184.
Procurement of
Infrastructure Projects 98. We also
for Local Government recommended Not
Units and Revised Municipal Accountant Implemented
Implementing Rules submit immediately
and Regulations (IRR) the Report of
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
of Republic Act (R.A.) Disbursement and
No. 9184; thus, the Fund Utilization
delivery of intended Reports to the
services to identifiable source
beneficiaries were agencies on all
consequently delayed. completed
including information
on the remittance of
the unused balances.
CY Various 99. We recommended that Not
2014 disbursements an explanation and Implemented
AAR totalling P694,000.67 authority be submitted
page was charged directly by the Municipal
no. 49 to the RPT share of the Accountant for the
barangays charging of the noted
expenditures directly
from the Due to LGUs
– 25% Barangay
Share account of the
CY The amount of P655, 100. We recommended Not
2014 577.25 was expended for the refund of the Implemented
AAR for the Study and excessive travelling
page Educational expenses of P167,
no. 51 Tour/Lakbay Aral of 328.00 by the
the Punong Barangays participants of the
in August 2013 and educational tour to
October 2014. Batangas and
Oriental Mindoro.
Management Status of
Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations
Actions Implementation
thus preventing the
auditor to review the
Post/contracts and
inform management of
any defects and/or
deficiencies that may
be observed therein.
AAR Ownership of land and 102. The LCE should Not
2007 buildings having a instruct the Implemented
Findin total cost of P14, municipal assessor
g No. 878,078.95 and P98, to coordinate with
1 355,858.41, and to request from
respectively, cannot the municipal
be validated due to the accountant the list of
absence of Certificates all land, buildings
of Titles and the and land
failure of the improvements
municipal assessor’s constructed/acquired
office to effect by the municipality.
accurate information Conduct ocular
in the Declaration of inspection of these
Real Property. properties to validate
Likewise, no DRPs existence, utilizat ion
were issued for Land and condition for
Improvement having a issuance of DRPs for
total cost of P5, correction of
409,309.96 in information thereat.
violation of Sections Preparation and
201 and 202 of RA issuance of DRPs
7160. should be prioritized.
General Fund A.1
Special Education Fund A.2
Trust Fund A.3
Statement of Financial Performance
General Fund B.1
Special Education Fund B.2
Trust Fund B.3
Statement of Changes in Net Assets-Equity
General Fund C.1
Special Education Fund C.2
Statement of Financial Cash Flows
General Fund D.1
Special Education Fund D.2
Trust Fund D.3
Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amount
General Fund E.1
Special Education Fund E.2
C. Others
Accounts Payable with supporting documents paid in CY 2022 G.1
Accounts Payable without supporting documents paid in CY 2022 G.2
CY 2022 AP – With Supporting Documents G.3
CY 2022 AP – Without/ No Supporting Documents Presented G.4
Transactions incurred in CY 2022 not yet paid at yearend but were
not recorded as payable (Unrecorded Payables)
Utilization of the 20% Development Fund G.6
Expenditures reimbursed by Officials and Employees for CY 2022 G.7
Municipal vehicles that didn’t bear government (red) plates and/or the G.8
“For Official Use Only” marking
procured supplies and materials thru shopping and small value
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix A.3
Appendix B.1
Appendix B.2
Appendix B.3
Appendix C.1
Appendix C.2
Appendix D.1
Appendix D.2
Appendix D.3
Appendix E.1
Appendix E.2
Appendix G.1
Payee Obligation No. Amount
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20072200 712.00
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20072492 670.00
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20092959 400.00
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20072246 400.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20072271 33,682.50
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20093386 97,251.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20125381 5,470.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20125379 14,720.00
RICHARD AGUJAR 20125265 1,800.00
RICHARD AGUJAR 20125297 450.00
MARK JEFFERSON B. SIAO 20125270 3,900.00
VICTORIANO U. MONTANO 20125277 12,150.00
JULIUS M. ESBER 20125272 5,100.00
ALEJANDRO OMPAD 20125284 2,100.00
ALEJANDRO OMPAD 20020486 450.00
PROS. ERWIN JAMES B. FABRIGA 20051490 5,000.00
PROS. ERWIN JAMES B. FABRIGA 20072173 5,000.00
PROS. ERWIN JAMES B. FABRIGA 20072180 5,000.00
PROS. ERWIN JAMES B. FABRIGA 20093109 5,000.00
PROS. ERWIN JAMES B. FABRIGA 20124504 5,000.00
PROS. ERWIN JAMES B. FABRIGA 20124511 5,000.00
LINGANY ENTERPRISES 20125376 29,590.00
LINGANY ENTERPRISES 20125378 29,260.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20124447 23,360.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20114348 71,780.00
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 20124935 1,200.00
MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA 20114302 275.00
MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA 20124533 500.00
MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA 20072290 500.00
NOEL R. GUBALANE 20082834 480.00
NOEL R. GUBALANE 20082833 1,280.00
CHRISTIAN JASON LIMBO 20125259 2,550.00
RYAN P. LISONDRA 20125278 2,100.00
MA. CINDERELLA BAYOT 20125266 2,400.00
FELICISIMO C. COLON 20125267 2,550.00
GENO PASUHIL 20125060 3,000.00
JERIC P. ROCHE 20125271 6,300.00
JULIUS P. ORTIZ,JR 20125064 1,500.00
GLENN P. DECLARO 20125054 6,900.00
MARVEN SANCHEZ 20125067 750.00
PAQUITO E. LAZO 20125061 2,250.00
ROLITO BALBERO 20125052 1,500.00
DEMPOL B. ERASMO 20125264 1,800.00
ALEXIS ESPENIDO 20125228 2,250.00
JONAS JAN S. JABONETE 20125258 900.00
JONIVIE E. PENINSULA,JR 20125162 2,700.00
EDDIE G. AGUSTIN 20062061 442.00
Payee Obligation No. Amount
FLORELYN M. CABREROS 20124846 675.00
JENETH S. CABONEGRO 20125279B 450.00
RENEE LAINE S. JABONETE 20125281 300.00
JUANITO L. LEPORADA 20124384 300.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20072466 495.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20103586 450.00
JANETH A. REQUITILLO 20125229 9,150.00
MELANIE D. LAMOSTE 20125230 9,150.00
LALAINE E. BALERMO 20125004 12,750.00
SAMIE M. GALOS 20103497 800.00
IMELDA BAYOT 20125226 450.00
DIOSDADO TANDO 20124379 300.00
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20124392 400.00
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20113972 400.00
TERESITA A. CUBICO 20103814 2,271.00
MA. JOENALYNN L. RAYANDAYAN 20125062 2,250.00
VICTORIANO U. MONTANO 20125293 4,200.00
DORTE E. LINGANAY 20125042 450.00
VICKY B. WENCESLAO 20125273 1,500.00
ROGELIO HERMOSO 20124838 600.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 20114349 66,760.00
ALEJANDRO OMPAD 20072461 1,350.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20125109 750.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20124548 911.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20124549 1,800.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20124546 750.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20124553 1,160.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20124552 240.00
ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON 20124545 870.00
RICHARD AGUJAR 20125056 320.00
NOEL R. GUBALANE 20113999 720.00
JONATHAN PELIN 20125279 450.00
CY 2021
FLAVIANO C. CENTINO JR. 21082910 22,000.00
FLAVIANO C. CENTINO JR. 21082911 11,000.00
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21103763 1,500.00
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21103764 500.00
JKN CAR RENTAL 21041293 45,000.00
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 21114424 2,300.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21114006 16,665.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21114005 26,036.08
MARLITA G. TANTE 21103845 4,448.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 21051806 9,300.00
PEMC 21114041 41,929.41
PEMC 21114042 39,290.21
PEMC 21114043 35,180.55
PELAGIO P. GALBAN 21124507 22,000.00
ENGR. ALLAN L. INDOLOS 21124506 22,000.00
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 21114028 39,000.00
Payee Obligation No. Amount
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21051677 1,200.00
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21061991 1,200.00
MITZI C. AMODIA 21103904 2,550.00
MITZI C. AMODIA 21113981 5,250.00
EDDIE G. AGUSTIN 21124496 22,709.00
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 21103629 1,700.00
RODGIE D. ISADA 21124513 15,000.00
LUCE ENTERPRISES 21124773 48,750.00
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 21082621 1,500.00
PEMC 21124521 45,638.85
PEMC 21124522 45,902.71
PEMC 21124519 44,438.69
PEMC 21124520 45,693.05
FIONA JANISA D. EGARDO 21062104 800.00
MARK VINCENT B. CARBAQUIL 21103597 1,050.00
PLDT 21124735 14,000.00
GO ENTERPRISES 21114340 49,596.00
GO ENTERPRISES 21114339 25,979.00
MERCEDITA T. ROSALES 21124776 2,040.00
PEMC 21124980 44,537.85
PEMC 21124525 43,072.34
PEMC 21124786 46,970.04
PEMC 21124783 44,947.30
PEMC 21124785 45,468.75
PEMC 21124784 43,004.92
PEMC 21124524 47,943.37
PEMC 21124523 45,567.88
ANILYN B. MANGUBAT 21093302 1,900.00
ALMA C. MAÑOSA 21040977 500.00
LANIE MARJAS 21051406 5,000.00
PEMC 21124789 46,751.79
PEMC 21124790 41,408.84
PEMC 21124787 47,903.15
PEMC 21124788 46,664.21
PEMC 21124791 35,153.86
PEMC 21124981 46,538.23
PEMC 21124982 46,692.11
PELAGIO P. GALBAN 21124775 22,000.00
ENGR. ALLAN L. INDOLOS 21124774 22,000.00
EDDIE G. AGUSTIN 21124769 22,709.00
SJO4 BASILIO S MAULA, JR. 21124533 3,000.00
Payee Obligation No. Amount
RODGIE D. ISADA 21124988 15,000.00
LEYECO V 21124500 6,587.05
LEYECO V 21124544 13,897.41
LEYECO V 21124543 5,093.45
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 21124505 58,333.33
ABELARDO T. SALAMAT 21113983 100,000.00
LUVILLISA LEI C. FULLON 21125197 1,500.00
PEMC 21124984 45,417.27
PEMC 21124983 44,437.36
PEMC 21124985 44,917.62
PEMC 21125081 45,506.64
PEMC 21125082 46,409.29
PEMC 21125083 45,428.79
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21124736 450.00
PEMC 21125084 46,125.78
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 21124550 62,965.00
PEMC 21125087 45,740.95
PEMC 21125086 40,843.22
PEMC 21125290 45,725.56
LEYECO V 21124830 5,666.00
LEYECO V 21124932 4,362.60
ALMIRA G. VILLIASERAN 21124792 1,200.00
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 21124986 58,333.33
MERCIDITA T. ROSALES 21125167 840.00
LEYECO V 21124767 7,221.41
LEYECO V 21124770 17,346.96
LEYECO V 21124864 129.91
LEYECO V 21124865 3,792.31
LEYECO V 21125007 34,583.05
LEYECO V 21125439 66,882.62
LEYECO V 21125440 52,768.57
LEYECO V 21124971 4,109.72
NATY GOLO 21124675 5,000.00
PEMC 21125291 49,366.87
PEMC 21125292 47,652.21
PEMC 21125294 46,376.94
PEMC 21125295 47,826.53
PEMC 21125293 47,026.61
MITZI C. AMODIA 21125166 2,850.00
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 21124987 58,333.33
LINGANY ENTERPRISES 21103542 20,440.00
LINGANY ENTERPRISES 21072510 30,560.00
MITZI C. AMODIA 21125193 896.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21114007 24,080.00
Payee Obligation No. Amount
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 21124973 35,000.00
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 21124972 35,000.00
IGGY'S HOMETEL 21103627 16,000.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21103951 31,752.00
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 21124970 35,000.00
LEYECO V 21125427 11,103.26
DUNHILL D. DE LEON 21124677 3,450.00
DUNHILL D. DE LEON 21124678 3,300.00
MITZI C. AMODIA 21125164 4,650.00
NARCISA D. TAMPOS 21114357 1,500.00
SHERYL A. PAGADORA 21125178 5,000.00
ATTY. MELINDA C. DOMAEL 21124623 14,600.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21125044 4,950.00
ABRAHAM ACORDA 21125035 107,220.00
FERDINAND A. SERRANO 21093309 3,000.00
FERDINAND A. SERRANO 21093308 3,000.00
JEANY CATERINF SERVICE 21124841 40,000.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21125278 63,982.40
SEBASTIAN CARE PHARMA 21125079 195,678.29
EDDIE G. AGUSTIN 21125163 1,080.00
ELAINE BRILLANTES 21103773 600.00
MICHELE Y. BAJE 21103645 900.00
MEDILYN PAUTAN 21103643 1,800.00
LEYECO V 21125426 5,306.44
CIRILO CAPUYAN 21125098 2,250.00
CIRILO CAPUYAN 21125097 2,250.00
ALEJANDRO OMPAD 21125099 600.00
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 21125209 1,375.00
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 21125285 1,497.00
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21124739 1,820.00
LILT L. CLEMEÑA 21124540 750.00
LILT L. CLEMEÑA 21124539 1,000.00
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 21125159 1,400.00
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 21103760 1,400.00
JACQUELINE R. YUSON 21124676 3,970.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21125042 13,500.00
LILT CLEMEÑA 21125190 1,050.00
LILT CLEMEÑA 21114023 900.00
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 21124534 1,110.00
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 21114232 4,090.00
Payee Obligation No. Amount
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 21124974 350.00
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21093196 200.00
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21093345 1,200.00
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21072549 1,200.00
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21125078 650.00
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 21082907 1,400.00
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 21082906 1,400.00
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 21103761 1,400.00
JACQUILYN M. PARBA 21125413 2,250.00
ELENITA A. TAYO 21124600 750.00
NOELANE JOY L. CAMACHO 21125407 1,400.00
NOELANE JOY L. CAMACHO 21125423 750.00
NOELANE JOY L. CAMACHO 21125422 300.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 21124499 38,700.00
ANNABEL B. AMODIA 21124777 1,290.00
ANNABEL B. AMODIA 21124742 2,670.00
ALDEN A. MARTIN 21103509 3,120.00
PAYROLL 21114072 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21114075-21114087 656,754.45
No available data 21114090-95, 2,041,142.28
No available data 21114109-113 488,798.28
No available data 21114114-117 143,037.48
No available data 21114118-19 64,280.65
No available data 21114268-92 633,000.00
No available data 21114311-26 430,000.00
No available data 21114363-78 695,182.21
PAYROLL 21114405 4,788.00
PAYROLL 21114406 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21114407 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21114408 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21114409-20 651,981.01
PAYROLL 21114432-34 97,215.00
PAYROLL 21114435-38 336,314.50
PAYROLL 21114439 28,356.50
PAYROLL 21114440-57 1,475,116.50
PAYROLL 21124537 19,570.20
No available data 21124553-80 620,000.00
No available data 21124581, 374,000.00
PAYROLL 21124607-22 377,610.18
PAYROLL 21124626-36 645,311.72
PAYROLL 21124637 5,472.00
PAYROLL 21124638 6,072.63
PAYROLL 21124639 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21124640 41,965.52
PAYROLL 21124641 2,508.00
Payee Obligation No. Amount
No available data 21124645-46, 1,633,180.21
No available data 21124664-68 474,243.08
No available data 21124669-72 143,037.48
No available data 21124673-74 42,612.95
PAYROLL 21124741 8,524.93
PAYROLL 21124752 28,800.00
PAYROLL 21124798-816 1,493,867.68
PAYROLL 21124817-20 336,314.50
PAYROLL 21124821 46,872.00
PAYROLL 21124824 28,356.50
PAYROLL 21124894-909 656,504.82
PAYROLL 21125050-61 523,008.69
PAYROLL 21125140-54 397,984.83
RATA 21125124 67,500.00
RATA 21125124 67,500.00
RATA 21125342-60 286,200.00
PAYROLL 21124893 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21124910; 637,513.29
PAYROLL 21125071 2,508.00
No available data 21125314 6,384.00
No available data 21125316 2,736.00
PAYROLL 21125330-41 517,300.24
No available data 21124601 13,000.00
No available data 21124602 13,000.00
PAYROLL 21124855 13,000.00
PAYROLL 21124851 93,600.00
PAYROLL 21124852 93,600.00
PAYROLL 21125040 100,000.00
No available data 21124495 37,500.00
No available data 21124768 37,500.00
PAYROLL 21125067 118,088.00
PAYROLL 21125068 51,464.88
PAYROLL 21125070 4,000.00
No available data 21125313 48,976.23
No available data 21125317 3,000.00
No available data 21125425 59,044.00
PAYROLL 21125069 28,839.50
PAYROLL 21125318-29 632,823.18
TOTAL ₱ 24,865,932.03
Appendix G.2
Payee ALOBS no. Amount
GILBERTO NUÑEZ, JR. 21051368 1,200.00
VICKY B. WENCESLAO 21051374 300.00
EFLEDA C. MAGLA-OY 21072557 45,000.00
FERDINAND A. SERRANO 21072558 3,000.00
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 21082904 1,400.00
21082905 1,400.00
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 21083008 384.00
21083009 1,120.00
RANEL LASQUITES 21083059 2,400.00
NIÑO JOHN P. MANTUA 21083060 1,500.00
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21083063 500.00
ANA MARIE S. AZARCON 21093153 32,440.29
No Available Data 21103543 93,838.07
MARILOU D. URGEL 21103543 93,838.07
ARMIDA C. CAMINERO 21103547 50,000.00
JEONAMIRA M. BERNALES 21103552 1,800.00
No Available Data 21103635 14,532.60
No Available Data 21103635 2,490.60
No Available Data 21103635 200.00
No Available Data 21103635 200.00
BRIAN KYLLE B. UBUZA 21103642 2,400.00
JOBERT FABRIQUE 21103644 600.00
VILMA M. CONSTANTINO 21103646 900.00
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 21103774 1,200.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 21114238 2,812.00
21114239 2,220.00
LILT L. CLEMEÑA 21114329 1,000.00
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21114330 1,500.00
21114331 900.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 21114337 4,680.00
LILT L. CLEMEÑA 21114422 1,010.00
21114423 985.00
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 21124515 3,740.00
LILT L. CLEMEÑA 21124538 950.00
MARIE FLOR S. VALERIO 21124750 1,500.00
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 21124771 6,770.00
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21124936 1,500.00
MA LISA P. AMSON, CPA 21124937 740.00
21124975 400.00
21124976 600.00
21124979 240.00
INSP TERESO T TUAZON 21125175 3,000.00
SJ04 BASILIO S MADULA JR 21125179 3,000.00
SHERYL A. PAGADORA 21125180 5,000.00
LEYECO 21125199 27,998.02
Payee ALOBS no. Amount
Delima's Computer Repair and Services 21125204 2,675.00
LEYECO 21125226 14,353.91
CIRILO CAPUYAN 21125227 750.00
EUTIQUIO L. DELA CERNA 21125399 3,300.00
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 21125455 31,674.90
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 21083111A 2,100.00
No Available Data 21125122 63,498.60
No Available Data 21125399 3,300.00
No Available Data 21125095 18,392.00
No Available Data 21124829 2,175.00
No Available Data 21125382 13,304.81
No Available Data 21125287 475.00
No Available Data 21125286 325.00
No Available Data 21125085 44,198.56
No Available Data 21125300 44,715.87
No Available Data 21125301 33,050.97
No Available Data 21125302 38,793.25
No Available Data 21125303 35,661.77
No Available Data 21125304 48,151.15
No Available Data 21125308 42,892.72
No Available Data 21125306 49,317.02
No Available Data 21125307 45,189.59
No Available Data 21125308 35,240.62
No Available Data 21125309 36,116.22
No Available Data 21125310 17,430.00
No Available Data 21125160 44,800.00
No Available Data 21125437 1,800.00
No Available Data 21124826 1,550.00
No Available Data 21124977 12,850.00
No Available Data 21124512 1,500.00
No Available Data 21124526 1,500.00
No Available Data 21124532 1,500.00
No Available Data 21124569 1,000.00
No Available Data 21124606 1,500.00
No Available Data 21124738 1,000.00
No Available Data 21125156 1,500.00
No Available Data 21125157 216.00
No Available Data 21125158 700.00
No Available Data 21124740 3,130.00
No Available Data 21125039 1,620.00
No Available Data 21125224 1,590.00
No Available Data 21125183 3,000.00
No Available Data 21125217 750.00
No Available Data 21125280 1,350.00
No Available Data 21125410 3,000.00
No Available Data 21125424 11,962.81
No Available Data 21124991 750.00
No Available Data 21125284 1,698.00
Payee ALOBS no. Amount
No Available Data 21125027 2,700.00
No Available Data 21125165 3,000.00
No Available Data 21125168 4,764.00
No Available Data 21125194 232.00
No Available Data 21125195 3,500.00
No Available Data 21125196 897.00
No Available Data 21125205 2,128.00
No Available Data 21125206 2,400.00
No Available Data 21124680 1,455.00
No Available Data 21124681 500.00
No Available Data 21124938 500.00
No Available Data 21124501 3,060.00
No Available Data 21124502 27,000.00
No Available Data 21125282 1,200.00
No Available Data 21125200 2,400.00
No Available Data 21124551 5,000.00
No Available Data 21124624 3,254.40
No Available Data 21124926 480.00
No Available Data 21124779 5,000.00
No Available Data 21124844 40,000.00
No Available Data 21124845 20,000.00
No Available Data 21124846 20,000.00
No Available Data 21124968 35,000.00
No Available Data 21124969 35,000.00
No Available Data 21124978 69,000.00
No Available Data 21124822 45,362.50
No Available Data 21124823 4,980.50
No Available Data 21125128 325,435.79
No Available Data 21125130 11,400.00
No Available Data 21125131 55,507.07
No Available Data 21125132 4,332.00
No Available Data 21125133 24,396.00
No Available Data 21125134 39,600.00
No Available Data 21125135 27,813.62
No Available Data 21125136 9,600.00
No Available Data 21125137 27,833.50
No Available Data 21125138 50,100.00
No Available Data 21125139 38,700.00
No Available Data 21125312 42,731.34
No Available Data 21124854 93,600.00
No Available Data 21125080 2,800.00
No Available Data 21125126 2,736.00
No Available Data 21125127 13,632.00
No Available Data 21125125 42,685.98
No Available Data 21124854 93,600.00
No Available Data 21125019 122,400.00
No Available Data 21124605 88,000.00
No Available Data 21124743 99,000.00
Payee ALOBS no. Amount
No Available Data 21103532 29,895.50
No Available Data 21114000 29,895.50
No Available Data 21124516 30,018.00
No Available Data 21114015 90,172.48
No Available Data 21124548 82,865.45
No Available Data 21114016 54,000.00
No Available Data 21114018 5,400.00
No Available Data 21125089 82,865.45
No Available Data 21124546 51,000.00
No Available Data 21124545 5,100.00
No Available Data 21124547 6,300.00
Luvillisa Lei C. Fullon 21125005 30,018.00
TOTAL ₱3,445,970.50
Appendix G.3
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
MARIA ANTONITA M. BARICUATRO 22124665 750.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124745 750.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124746 750.00 5 02 01 010
ETHEL R. CASOLARI 22124664 750.00 5 02 01 010
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 22124662 600.00 5 02 01 010
LUVILLISA LEI C. FULLON 22124705 2,998.00 5 02 01 010
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 22124775 4,576.00 5 02 01 010
EDGARDO C. CORDEÑO 22124792 29,520.18 5 02 01 010
EDGARDO C. CORDEÑO 22124795 5,388.00 5 02 01 010
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 22114134 1,200.00 5 02 01 010
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 22114043 3,600.00 5 02 01 010
GLENN FEDERITO M. CERILLO, JR. 22124338 3,860.00 5 02 01 010
JENNIFER D. FRANCISCO 22113784 450.00 5 02 01 010
HON. ALDEN A. MARTIN 22114048 750.00 5 02 01 010
HON. ALDEN A. MARTIN 22103404 750.00 5 02 01 010
JENNYLYN P. DEQUINO 22124173 750.00 5 02 01 010
GILBERTO NUÑEZ, JR. 22082832 600.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124459 4,800.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124477 600.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124476 1,500.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124474 2,250.00 5 02 01 010
ROEL YUSON 22124475 1,500.00 5 02 01 010
LORNA F. PEÑEDA 22114081 1,334.00 5 02 01 010
NALYN B. ABORDO 22114085 1,334.00 5 02 01 010
MARLOU I. CALOB 22114086 1,784.00 5 02 01 010
MA. FLORA CERO 22114019 2,834.00 5 02 01 010
PROSERPINA G. LABARDA 22114084 1,334.00 5 02 01 010
JACQUELINE R. SUSON 22124214 2,250.00 5 02 01 010
EXEQUIEL GALOS JR. 22114135 1,350.00 5 02 01 010
JEFFIN V. GALOS 22114082 1,334.00 5 02 01 010
ELSE R. VELMONTE 22114083 1,334.00 5 02 01 010
DENIEZA N. JUMUAD 22114165 85,518.00 5 02 01 010
ANGIE S. DELA CRUZ 22124288 1,050.00 5 02 01 010
ELENITA A. TAYO 22124169 2,399.00 5 02 01 010
GILBERTO M. NUÑEZ, JR. 22114136 1,500.00 5 02 01 010
ZOSIMO RIOS JR. 22124407 600.00 5 02 01 010
ALBERTO B. LAMOSTE 22114133 600.00 5 02 01 010
EXEQUIEL GALOS 22114132 600.00 5 02 01 010
EXEQUIEL D. GALOS JR. 22114036 450.00 5 02 01 010
EXEQUIEL D. GALOS JR. 22103402 750.00 5 02 01 010
DR. RENALYNE D. GARCIA 22103553 900.00 5 02 01 010
DR. RENALYNE D. GARCIA 22103554 750.00 5 02 01 010
ARCELL B. ROJAS 22103562 750.00 5 02 01 010
GLENNFREY A. CENTINO 22103557 150.00 5 02 01 010
GLENNFREY A. CENTINO 22103551 750.00 5 02 01 010
GEOFFREY G. ANG 22103555 600.00 5 02 01 010
SARAH O. ROSALITA 22103561 750.00 5 02 01 010
ROSELYN T. AMANCIO 22103559 600.00 5 02 01 010
SIMEON LARIBA 22103558 600.00 5 02 01 010
JACQUILYN M. PARBA 22103420 4,500.00 5 02 01 010
ZOSIMO RIOS JR. 22114032 450.00 5 02 01 010
MARCELINO B. ARELLANO JR. 22114031 450.00 5 02 01 010
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
MICHAEL BALORO 22114028 600.00 5 02 01 010
EXEQUIEL D. GALOS JR. 22114037 600.00 5 02 01 010
ARMINIDA VELEZ 22114029 450.00 5 02 01 010
ARMINIDA VELEZ 22114030 600.00 5 02 01 010
JEONAMIRA M. BENALES 22114023 434.00 5 02 01 010
GILBERTO M. NUÑEZ JR. 22114033 150.00 5 02 01 010
GILBERTO M. NUÑEZ JR. 22114034 150.00 5 02 01 010
GILBERTO M. NUÑEZ JR. 22114035 150.00 5 02 01 010
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22114026 2,834.00 5 02 01 010
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22124205 2,399.00 5 02 01 010
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22124206 2,399.00 5 02 01 010
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22124204 2,399.00 5 02 01 010
LUTH DECIO 22114161 750.00 5 02 01 010
LIGAYA E. HERMOSO 22114149 750.00 5 02 01 010
DONNA A. MONTALBAN 22061927 1,350.00 5 02 01 010
LIEZL L. DELANTE 22041074 600.00 5 02 01 010
LIEZL L. DELANTE 22041426 600.00 5 02 01 010
WILFREDO R. BARTOLINI 22041075 600.00 5 02 01 010
CHERRIELYN JOYCE F. MISA 22041263 750.00 5 02 01 010
HAZEL B. DAGTING 22051495 3,994.00 5 02 01 010
ELENITA A. TAYO 22062163 3,634.00 5 02 01 010
ALEJANDRO OMPAD 22061934 2,400.00 5 02 01 010
NERISSA ZAIRA D. LABORDO, MD. 22020427 1,350.00 5 02 01 010
NERISSA ZAIRA D. LABORDO, MD. 22020436 750.00 5 02 01 010
LIEZL L. DELANTE 22061925 600.00 5 02 01 010
ELENITA A. TAYO 22051496 1,534.00 5 02 01 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030883 24,885.00 5 02 01 010
JACQUILYN M. PARBA 22062140 2,352.00 5 02 01 010
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22093093 2,424.00 5 02 01 010
MICHELLE Y. BAJE 22062154 784.00 5 02 01 010
VILMA REQUITILLO 22062146 494.00 5 02 01 010
NERISSA ZAIRA D. LABORDO, MD. 22062172 7,860.00 5 02 01 010
JO2 ALLAN R. PEREZ 22124646 3,900.00 5 02 01 010
JO2 ALLAN R PEREZ, ET. AL 22124647 3,450.00 5 02 01 010
MARLITA G. TANTE 22124478 4,066.00 5 02 01 010
EXEQUIEL D. GALOS JR. 22114038 450.00 5 02 01 010
RAMIL C. LARIOSA 22124695 660.50 5 02 03 010
MITZI C. AMODIA 22124685 2,070.00 5 02 03 010
MITZI C. AMODIA 22124684 2,931.00 5 02 03 010
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22124741 260.00 5 02 03 010
ALMA C. MAÑOSA 22124677 1,074.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124454 20,104.00 5 02 03 010
KML MARKETING & GEN. SERVICES 22124668 145,000.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124340 11,740.00 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING & GEN. MDSE 22020398 49,470.00 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING & GEN. MDSE 22030500 49,600.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22020430 49,525.00 5 02 03 010
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22103383 611.00 5 02 03 010
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22114024 486.00 5 02 03 010
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22113800 205.00 5 02 03 010
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
ONE-STOP RESOLUTION & TRADING CORP. 22124189 2,750.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124284 36,042.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124286 17,452.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124285 25,468.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22093010 38,995.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22020384 49,263.00 5 02 03 010
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22124221 570.00 5 02 03 010
JACQUILYN M. PARBA 22103678 2,300.00 5 02 03 010
PMAJ FLORANDO S. RELENTE 22093281 1,120.00 5 02 03 010
PMAJ FLORANDO S. RELENTE 22093280 2,025.00 5 02 03 010
ONE-STOP RESOLUTION & TRADING CORP. 22103378 2,700.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22113774 29,663.00 5 02 03 010
HON. ADAM A. FUENTES 22124658 1,805.00 5 02 03 010
ONE-STOP RESOLUTION & TRADING CORP. 22082672 10,998.00 5 02 03 010
NEED INK SALES 22082793 21,600.00 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22030599 13,483.00 5 02 03 010
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 22041046 49,150.00 5 02 03 010
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 22030598 48,370.00 5 02 03 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030882 49,405.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22061942 49,570.00 5 02 03 010
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 22051728 49,545.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22020486 49,800.00 5 02 03 010
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 22020372 47,335.00 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22020487 49,897.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22062143 49,955.00 5 02 03 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22062142 47,360.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22062141 49,330.00 5 02 03 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22062238-C 22,475.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124481 31,280.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124453 80,000.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124611 65,900.00 5 02 03 010
ONE-STOP RESOLUTION & TRADING CORP. 22061928 13,500.00 5 02 03 010
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22030719 19,900.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22051729 49,369.00 5 02 03 010
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22062164-C 19,038.00 5 02 03 080
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22062164-D 7,228.00 5 02 03 080
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22062164-A 28,230.00 5 02 03 080
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22062164-B 30,892.50 5 02 03 080
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22072350 5,212.00 5 02 03 080
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22051821 19,500.00 5 02 03 080
MED CAPTAIN MARKETING 22062153 82,430.00 5 02 03 080
PEMC 22103620 48,050.60 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22103622 35,760.25 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22103621 31,532.25 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124490 46,607.06 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124491 49,221.61 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124486 49,577.86 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124487 49,884.29 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124488 19,550.00 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124489 47,786.23 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124485 49,461.24 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124484 48,250.30 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124483 48,373.65 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124492 49,636.65 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124719 44,456.40 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124720 49,585.53 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124718 45,163.90 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124717 43,546.05 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124714 49,670.50 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124715 48,869.20 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124716 49,923.00 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124711 49,601.15 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062173 49,773.66 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062180 49,309.19 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062216-F 49,242.28 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062177 49,370.90 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062175 49,412.17 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062176 49,590.96 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062174 49,312.40 5 02 03 090
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124286 2,980.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22103428 13,180.00 5 02 03 990
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 22124532 610.00 5 02 03 990
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 22124531 779.00 5 02 03 990
NERISSA ZAIRA D. LABORDO, MD 22124681 962.00 5 02 03 990
ARCHILLES A. SILVA, DM 22124679 2,172.00 5 02 03 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22124743 250.00 5 02 03 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22124744 345.00 5 02 03 990
FLORDELIZA C. DE LOS SANTOS 22124704 2,420.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22103601 72,521.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22113776 32,201.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124287 59,000.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124469 20,020.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124339 42,468.00 5 02 03 990
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22124465 16,790.00 5 02 03 990
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22124466 4,535.00 5 02 03 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22124648 20,770.00 5 02 03 990
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22124811 15,960.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124272-A 4,274.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124411-B 42,464.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124272-C 26,668.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124411-C 6,723.00 5 02 03 990
CHAMICOS BUILDERS 22124411-A 19,304.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124272-B 12,520.00 5 02 03 990
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22124696 2,300.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING & GEN. MDSE 22020429 4,699.02 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030595 48,750.10 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22041130 35,740.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22051484 48,725.60 5 02 03 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22051776 2,097.50 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22030564 188,500.00 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22051715 24,700.00 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22051777 10,622.00 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22051716 24,800.00 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22062214 90,860.00 5 02 03 990
LUZ E. CONCILLADO 22103543 2,960.00 5 02 03 990
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22082657 2,300.00 5 02 03 990
VIVIAN E. ARANITA SARI-SARI STORE 22093351 4,500.00 5 02 03 990
VIVIAN E. ARANITA SARI-SARI STORE 22093352 4,500.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22113774 18,180.00 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22030611 45,000.00 5 02 03 990
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22062167 20,200.00 5 02 03 990
KNC PRINTZ 22051490 31,200.00 5 02 03 990
RHU ISABEL / ZEKE MITCHOLO T. 22051585 1,885.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22030763 4,944.00 5 02 03 990
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 22030910 46,170.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22020423 4,990.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22020419 4,985.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22020414 4,995.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030805 49,295.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22051486 49,824.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22041296 49,625.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22041295 49,470.00 5 02 03 990
ISABEL EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY 22030806 4,985.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22030798 4,990.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030568 49,735.00 5 02 03 990
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 01220019 23,500.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22030600 49,555.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22020488 4,985.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030911 49,315.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22051727 49,385.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22062238-A 49,825.00 5 02 03 990
KML MARKETING & GEN. MDSE. 22062238-B 49,661.00 5 02 03 990
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22124707 2,300.00 5 02 03 990
GERARDO P. EMBOG 22124694 570.00 5 02 03 990
PEMC 22062181 49,079.74 5 02 03 990
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124508 6,191.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124244 4,889.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124245 25,254.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124246 9,640.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124247 564.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124248 3,757.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124249 3,387.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124250 240.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124251 4,460.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124252 7,716.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124253 6,976.00 5 02 04 010
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124254 17,114.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124255 534.50 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124256 2,869.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124257 17,373.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124258 14,561.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124259 240.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124260 190.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124261 293.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124262 623.00 5 02 04 010
ISABEL WATER DISTRICT 22124263 2,000.00 5 02 04 010
LEYECO V 22124433 9,752.01 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124434 3,482.95 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124432 55,219.69 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124450 8,136.83 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124458 3,058.62 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124451 28,651.26 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124452 156.75 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124449 13,416.55 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124447 10,089.95 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124172 35,325.75 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124416 19,765.27 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124413 19,032.34 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124435 26,150.43 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124494 91,013.56 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124495 10,009.61 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124594 37,278.49 5 02 04 020
ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN 22124530 392.59 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124708 2,458.54 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124737 50,790.69 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124809 6,584.68 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124807 140.87 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124806 21,711.82 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124278 3,474.55 5 02 04 020
LILT L. CLEMEÑA 22124285 2,448.00 5 02 05 030
PLDT 22124462 14,000.00 5 02 05 030
PLDT 22124463 14,000.00 5 02 05 030
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 22051829 1,400.00 5 02 05 030
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 22051827 1,400.00 5 02 05 030
ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS 22051825 1,400.00 5 02 05 030
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 22030628 58,333.33 5 02 11 990
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 22030627 58,333.33 5 02 11 990
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22124421 27,220.00 5 02 13 040
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22124422 21,885.00 5 02 13 040
MARIA SARAH G. LANUGAN 22124659 2,400.00 5 02 13 040
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124223 13,969.90 5 02 13 040
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22062165 34,000.00 5 02 13 040
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22062152 4,600.00 5 02 13 040
LINGANAY ENTERPRISES 22062164 15,535.00 5 02 13 040
GEOFFREY G. ANG 22124436 360.00 5 02 13 050
DONNA A. MONTALBAN 22124437 800.00 5 02 13 050
RAMIL C. LARIOSA 22124595 400.00 5 02 13 050
MAXICOOL 22072587 3,500.00 5 02 13 050
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
JULIUS CESAR T. MATIGA 22124295 2,110.00 5 02 13 060
ORMOC EVERGREEN TRADING 22124273 19,469.00 5 02 13 060
RIEKI ENTERPRISES 22124274 3,625.00 5 02 13 060
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22051841 93,350.00 5 02 13 060
SHERYL A. PAGADORA 22072345 5,000.00 5 02 14 060
SHERYL A. PAGADORA 22072569 15,000.00 5 02 14 060
GSIS 22113797 4,170.27 5 02 16 030
NENITA P. IGNACIO 22124213 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
RHIANS SNACK HOUSE 22051674 18,000.00 5 02 99 990
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22051675 23,000.00 5 02 99 990
LUCE ENTERPRISES 22051676 43,760.00 5 02 99 990
RHIANS SNACK HOUSE 22051673 42,200.00 5 02 99 990
ALR SPACE RENTAL AND RELATED 22041265 48,000.00 5 02 99 990
RHIANS SNACK HOUSE 22124403 9,650.00 5 02 99 990
KAYEMARIES BREAD HAUZ 22124406 7,365.75 5 02 99 990
ANGELITO B. ROJAS 22124336 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
MARILYN C. BARRAL 22124335 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
RONA M. ROJAS 22124290 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
RODYLYN B. LIMPIOS 22124337 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
DONNA A. MONTALBAN 22124438 5,500.00 5 02 99 990
JESELLE GAIL L. REASOL 22124300 2,988.00 5 02 99 990
JESELLE GAIL L. REASOL 22124301 2,720.00 5 02 99 990
JESELLE GAIL L. REASOL 22124299 2,374.00 5 02 99 990
JESELLE GAIL L. REASOL 22124298 1,986.00 5 02 99 990
ISABEL TRANSPORT COOPERATIVE 22113886 13,000.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124426 960.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124427 720.00 5 02 99 990
ARSE PURIFIED WATER 22124457 1,975.00 5 02 99 990
RUEL A. MESTERIO 22124425 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
AGNEL C. PANIS 22124424 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ARIANNE R. BOHOT 22124411 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
RONILO C. POGOY 22124408 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
AUDACIOUS SITE ENTERPRISES 22124468 47,000.00 5 02 99 990
ARSE REFILLING STATION 22124188 960.00 5 02 99 990
ARSE PURIFIED WATER 22124222 1,200.00 5 02 99 990
RITCHIE S. DU 22114069 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
MELD'Z CATERING SERVICES 22124464 4,800.00 5 02 99 990
RUBY ANNA B. ALFORNON 22124505 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
WENELITA O. AGOT 22124504 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
AVELINA D. POGOY 22124503 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
JUAN V. VILLACORTEZA 22124557 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
GENALYN R. ALITO 22124556 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ARSE PURIFIED DRINKING WATER 22124529 1,530.00 5 02 99 990
DEBIE B. OLIVEROS 22124528 2,150.00 5 02 99 990
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22124498 1,184.00 5 02 99 990
MA. JACKELYN D. CERILLO 22124596 829.00 5 02 99 990
ROSITA I. DAYANDAYAN 22124612 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
FLORDELIZA C. DE LOS SANTOS 22124493 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
MELD'Z CATERING SERVICES 22124613 89,300.00 5 02 99 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124688 870.00 5 02 99 990
DIANE JANE B. SALAS 22124690 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
DONNA A. MONTALBAN 22124686 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
HENRY B. REVAMONTE 22124678 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
ALMA C. MAÑOSA 22124674 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
MELD'Z CATERING SERVICES 22124533 26,250.00 5 02 99 990
ALMA C. MAÑOSA 22124675 1,810.00 5 02 99 990
MARILYN C. BARRAL 22124335 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
JONALYN N.TAPIC 22124683 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ARCHILLES A. SILVA, DM 22124680 1,657.00 5 02 99 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22124742 400.00 5 02 99 990
ARSE REFILLING STATION 22113880 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
MUNICIPAL TREASURER 22124682 48,000.00 5 02 99 990
ALMA C. MAÑOSA 22124676 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124693 630.00 5 02 99 990
MELD'Z CATERING SERVICES 22114093 8,010.00 5 02 99 990
NENENG'S FASTFOOD 22124702 10,486.00 5 02 99 990
NENENG'S FASTFOOD 22124701 15,945.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124501 2,700.00 5 02 99 990
EDDIE G. AGUSTIN 22124643 1,190.00 5 02 99 990
DIVINE WORD HOSPITAL 22124774 104,000.00 5 02 99 990
DIVINE WORD HOSPITAL 22124773 235,000.00 5 02 99 990
MELD'Z CATERING SERVICES 22124650 70,786.80 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124747 2,490.00 5 02 99 990
VANIN'S DIGITAL SIGN 22124423 2,020.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVING WATER EFILLING 22124211 1,650.00 5 02 99 990
KML MARKETING AND GEN. 22124289 76,000.00 5 02 99 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22082844 400.00 5 02 99 990
SJO1 JELSON Q GALLEGO JR 22114022 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
DANILO C. BASNILLO, SR. 22124219 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ELVIRA C. FLORES 22103400 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
FE ARELLANO HANVIVATPONG 22114067 11,880.00 5 02 99 990
FE ARELLANO HANVIVATPONG 22114058 45,000.00 5 02 99 990
JOZA V. PAJARES 22114160 600.00 5 02 99 990
JOZA V. PAJARES 22114159 130.00 5 02 99 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22113801 400.00 5 02 99 990
JENNIFER D. FRANCISCO 22103560 500.00 5 02 99 990
ARCHILLES A. SILVA 22124297 23,750.00 5 02 99 990
KOKIKA'S CATERING SERVICES 22124187 30,000.00 5 02 99 990
MELD'Z CATERING SERVICES 22124243 180,000.00 5 02 99 990
JAVIER G. ALEGRE 22124269 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
LIEZEL S. ARAÑO 22124225 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
JESELLE GAIL L. REASOL 22114157 1,438.00 5 02 99 990
JESELLE GAIL L. REASOL 22114158 2,135.00 5 02 99 990
LILIA A. ESPERAS 22124184 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
MARITES C. ROJAS 22114060 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
JUANITA M. BIORE 22113733 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
JUANITA P. TABASA 22114039 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22103362 400.00 5 02 99 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22103363 400.00 5 02 99 990
TERESITA A. CUBICO 22020428 400.00 5 02 99 990
MARLINDA P. REUSORA 22113806 1,000.00 5 02 99 990
RHEA MAE G. ELIDEROS 22093270 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
RHODORA AÑORA 22124266 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ERNESTO B. DAYANDAYAN 22124267 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
LENDY LOU S. ROSQUITES 22114087 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
HELEN P. RUTA 22114089 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
RUTH C. ALIPIO 22114088 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
JUN REY B. INOPIQUEZ 22114011 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ABELYN M. DAYANDAYAN 22114090 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
BERMALIE D. BELARO 22124271 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
ANNABELLA B. ROCHE 22124268 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
AUDACIOUS SITE ENTERPRISES 22124186 22,800.00 5 02 99 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
GIRLIE M. BORREL-YU 22124226 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
GIRLIE M. BORREL-YU 22124233 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
MELISSA R. MACAPUGAS 22124232 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
MARIA CORAZON S. VERGARA-NARAJA 22124228 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
MELISSA R. MACAPUGAS 22124234 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22124221 450.00 5 02 99 990
SJO1 JELSON Q. GALLEGO JR 22124272 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
FLORDELIZA C. DE LOS SANTOS 22103639 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
DENIEZA N. JUMUAD 22103640 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
GILBERTO M. NUÑEZ JR. 22114151 600.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22103634 900.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER REFILLING 22041216 700.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22030873 575.00 5 02 99 990
ARSE PURIFIED WATER 22113934 750.00 5 02 99 990
PHILIPPINE RED CROSS LEYTE CHAPTER 22103605 13,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22030868 1,600.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22103399 2,160.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22103635 1,350.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22103429 1,560.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22103593 750.00 5 02 99 990
JENNIFER D. FRANCISCO 22124772 2,130.00 5 02 99 990
ATTY. MELINDA C. DOMAEL 22051500 16,450.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22072339 875.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051786 925.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22061948 900.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22030913 1,450.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051759 1,825.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22041091 1,575.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051832 850.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22030863 1,955.10 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051867 1,125.00 5 02 99 990
JUDEFOOD CATERING SERVICES 22030879 16,600.00 5 02 99 990
JUDEFOOD CATERING SERVICES 22030880 7,500.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051497 925.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051724 2,200.00 5 02 99 990
BENECIO ROSABELLA WATER STATION 22051757 925.00 5 02 99 990
MA. LISA P. AMSON, CPA 22051787 600.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22030878 8,800.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22030750 1,620.00 5 02 99 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030531 49,460.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124479 77,848.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124480 79,330.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124455 34,809.00 5 02 99 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124500 93,209.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124454 20,104.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124340 13,304.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124341 43,227.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124342 28,318.00 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22113776 32,201.60 5 02 99 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124700 42,525.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22124651 2,400.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22124212 1,170.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22124558 1,290.00 5 02 99 990
EDDIE G. AGUSTIN 22124537 22,709.00 5 02 99 990
PMAJ EDGARDO Z DE ASIS 22062329 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
PMAJ EDGARDO Z DE ASIS 22062330 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
PMAJ EDGARDO Z DE ASIS 22062331 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22103370 1,280.00 5 02 99 990
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22093198 1,200.00 5 02 99 990
DANMAR LIGHT AND AUDIO 22051779 7,000.00 5 02 99 990
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22061912 35,000.00 5 02 99 990
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22061950 35,000.00 5 02 99 990
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22061949 35,000.00 5 02 99 990
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22061914 35,000.00 5 02 99 990
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22061913 35,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22051720 25,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22051721 25,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22051722 25,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22061924 25,000.00 5 02 99 990
MARTIN'S LIVINGWATER REFILLING 22051841 2,760.00 5 02 99 990
REQUITILLO, RHUFFA MAE LONGAKIT 22051717 40,000.00 5 02 99 990
FLORDELIZA C. DE LOS SANTOS 22124703 816.00 5 03 03 080
PEMC 22124723 49,541.40 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124729 49,227.90 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124724 48,553.00 5 02 03 090
22124727 49,279.30 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124726 45,492.41 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124722 34,725.20 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124730 34,512.95 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124728 49,597.96 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124725 48,945.60 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124712 47,621.90 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124721 33,306.93 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22124713 48,710.15 5 02 03 090
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22124699 2,300.00 5 02 03 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22124697 2,300.00 5 02 03 990
NEED INK SALES AND SERVICES 22093006 37,800.00 5 02 03 010
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124813 49,555.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124810 48,998.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124805 47,270.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124798 11,780.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124812 48,551.60 5 02 03 990
ARSE PURIFIED DRINKING WATER 22072364 2,340.00 5 02 99 990
ZEKE MITCHOLO T. RAMIREZ,RN 22124515-A 1,684.00 5 02 01 010
JOZA V. PAJARES 22124794 761.00 5 02 99 990
JOZA V. PAJARES 22124796 941.00 5 02 99 990
ANA MARIE S. AZARCON 22061971 32,440.00 5 01 04 030
SAMUEL C. DAYANDAYAN 22124593 2,392.00 5 02 01 010
ALMA C. MAÑOSA 22124614 4,394.00 5 02 01 010
JENNIFER D. FRANCISCO 22124770 1,184.00 5 02 01 010
RIZAMAY N. MANCAO 22124663 600.00 5 02 01 010
RIUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22051499 334.00 5 02 01 010
JENNIFER D. FRANCISCO 22030914 1,800.00 5 02 01 010
ONE-STOP RESOLUTION & TRADING CORP. 22072637 13,000.00 5 02 03 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030884 44,627.00 5 02 03 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22041049 49,105.00 5 02 03 010
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22030608 46,930.00 5 02 03 010
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030815 34,850.00 5 02 03 010
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124482 78,047.00 5 02 03 010
BAJ PHARMACEUTICALS 22124710 768,720.00 5 02 03 080
ABS MARKETING & GEN. MDSE 22030612 41,358.93 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030815 34,153.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22030814 127,500.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22030612 43,700.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030595 49,745.00 5 02 03 990
ABS MARKETING AND GENERAL MDSE 22020429 4,965.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124469 20,020.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124287 59,000.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22124339 42,468.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND 22103601 72,521.00 5 02 03 990
LEYECO V 22124414 2,060.16 5 02 04 020
LEYECO V 22124415 7,170.00 5 02 04 020
JEFRED ENTERPRISES 22061967 26,000.00 5 02 13 060
BAIZO VEHICLE REPAIR SERVICES 22062169 8,280.00 5 02 13 060
BAY WALK PENSION AND FOOD SPOT 22124496 14,100.00 5 02 99 990
WT COLON SCRAP TRADING 22113903 10,000.00 5 02 99 990
ALR SPACE RENTAL AND RELATED 22113810 3,500.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22051718 40,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22051719 25,000.00 5 02 99 990
CHEF LYN'S SNACK BAR 22051864 25,000.00 5 02 99 990
REQUITILLO, RHUFFA MAE LONGAKIT 22051868 40,000.00 5 02 99 990
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
REQUITILLO, RHUFFA MAE LONGAKIT 22030622 20,000.00 5 02 99 990
REQUITILLO, RHUFFA MAE LONGAKIT 22051723 20,000.00 5 02 99 990
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22124698 2,300.00 5 02 03 990
CMBA CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22124801 47,700.00 5 02 03 990
LUVILLISA LEI C. FULLON 22124642 51,000.00 5 02 99 990
LUVILLISA LEI C. FULLON 22124706 7,150.00 5 02 99 990
RUTHLYN P. GORGONIO 22051498 1,000.00 5 02 99 990
TOTAL TRANSCRIPTION SOLUTIONS INC. 22124709 10,380.00 5 02 99 990
TOTAL ₱12,311,805.90
Appendix G.4
Payee Alobs Number Amount Account Code
PEMC 22062177-A 48,988.23 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062176-B 48,622.13 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062177-B 47,828.33 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062178-B 47,970.87 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22061948-A 49,546.18 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062217-B 49,277.63 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062020-C 49,365.04 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062020-A 44,154.24 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062020-B 49,427.86 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062128-B 46,043.69 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22061948-B 49,407.74 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22061948-C 49,752.37 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22061915-A 49,721.43 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062178-A 48,849.77 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062217-A 46,026.23 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22001915-B 49,467.09 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062128-A 49,993.87 5 02 03 090
PEMC 22062128-C 47,435.85 5 02 03 090
ADVANCE AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 22124692 1,750.00 5 02 03 990
No available data no data 1,564.00 5 02 03 990
ABRAHAM C. ACORDA 22124696 12,745.00 5 02 03 990
RSO AND SONS BUILDERS AND SUPPLIERS,INC. 22030798 49,950.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22051484 49,720.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22041130 35,740.00 5 02 03 990
TERESITA CUBICO 22072349 1,746.00 5 02 03 990
TULING ENTERPRISES 22030568 49,735.00 5 02 03 990
LEYECO V 22124431 77,506.62 5 02 04 020
INNOVE COMMUNICATION INC. 22041128 1,496.83 5 02 05 030
NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 22114163 133,446.54 5 02 99 990
VICTORIANO B. TOLEDO 22114070 1,500.00 5 02 99 990
LOURLYNN ME V. EMPAS 22124255 2,000.00 5 02 99 990
RENANTE M. PANCHO 22093230 2,000.00 5 02 99 990
PMAJ EDGARDO Z DE ASIS 22062332 3,000.00 5 02 99 990
J AND M WATER REFILLING STATION 22062135 8,060.00 5 02 99 990
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 22062002 58,333.33 5 02 99 990
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 22062004 58,333.33 5 02 99 990
ROVELSON R. VELMONTE 22062003 58,333.33 5 02 99 990
REQUITILLO, RHUFFA MAE LONGAKIT 22031621 40,000.00 5 02 99 990
TOTAL ₱3,355,023.39
Appendix G.5
To Payment of 1 unit
ABS MARKETING AND Carrier Airconditioner
12 02/28/2022 22020490 124,750.00
GEN. MDSE. Flor Standing 3tons.
(Mun. Treasurer's Office)
To payment of lunch and
snacks (during
13 03/09/2022 22030621 reskbakuna kasanga NB 40,000.00
BIDA (jan. 05 & 07,
To Payment for Diesel ,
14 06/30/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 48,967.74
(May 09-10, 2022)
To payment of various
15 06/08/2022 22 06064 TULING ENTERPRISES 79,825.00
supplies (ALS office)
To payment of various
16 05/27/2022 22 05061 TULING ENTERPRISES 100,760.00
supplies (DepED office)
To Payment of 2 units
17 03/01/2022 22 03016 Computer printer 4 in 1 49,960.00
(ALS office)
To Payment of 2 units
ABS MARKETING AND Computer Laptop (Deped
18 03/08/2022 22 03025 119,900.00
GEN. MDSE. district supervisor & ALS
Dist. Coordinator))
To payment of 3 units
KML Marketing and Gen.
19 03/21/2022 22 03028 steel cabinets 4 drawer 44,985.00
(DepEd office)
To Payment of 2 units
KML Marketing and Gen.
20 03/21/2022 22 03030 Computer printer (Deped 39,960.00
district Office)
To Payment of 2 units
KML Marketing and Gen. split type Aircondition
21 03/21/2022 22 03029 119,900.00
MDSE. (Deped district clinic and
Dental clinic)
To Payment of 1 units
22 03/01/2022 22 03015 TULING ENTERPRISES split typr Aircondition 44,990.00
(Deped district OFFICE)
To Payment of 1 units
23 03/01/2022 22 03017 TULING ENTERPRISES DESKTOP Computer 49,980.00
(Deped district OFFICE)
To Payment of 8 sets
KML Marketing and Gen.
24 03/08/2022 22 03024 folding Bed w/ beddings 49,800.00
(DepeD district office)
To payment of 1 unit
25 06/02/2022 22061890 TULING ENTERPRISES Laptop core i3 for use of 39,950.00
POPCOM office
To payment of 1 unit
KML Marketing and Gen. Airconditioner 2 HP
26 02/21/2022 22020412 42,750.00
MDSE. window type (
PESO/Admin. Office )
To Payment for Diesel ,
27 12/29/2022 22124754 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 49,641.90
(Nov 07-11, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
28 12/29/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 11,916.00
Dec. 1-13, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
29 12/29/2022 22124756 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 49,913.75
(Nov. 1-4, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
30 12/29/2022 22124764 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 13,313.97
(Dec. 16-31, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
31 12/29/2022 22124763 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 21,467.50
(Nov. 12-25, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
32 12/29/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 2,032.50
(Nov. 12-22, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
33 12/29/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 583.20
(Dec. 13-21, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
34 12/29/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 33,689.67
(Dec. 01-30, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
35 12/29/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 3,882.00
(Dec. 02-13, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
36 12/29/2022 22124762 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 11,071.50
(Nov. 12-18, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
37 12/29/2022 22124755 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 48,700.00
(Nov. 04-07, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
38 12/29/2022 PEMC Fuel and Extra Gasoline 3,994.50
(Dec. 17-23, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
39 12/29/2022 22124791 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 37,906.88
(Dec. 13-15, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
40 12/29/2022 22124786 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 48,929.75
(Dec. 01-13, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
41 12/29/2022 22124787 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 49,297.05
(Dec. 03-06, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
42 12/29/2022 22124788 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 44,284.49
(Dec. 06-09, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
43 12/29/2022 22124789 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 49,728.77
(Dec. 09-10, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
44 12/29/2022 22124790 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 33,869.16
(Dec. 12-13, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
45 12/27/2022 22124781 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 44,549.62
(Nov. 19-21, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
46 12/27/2022 22124782 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 48,873.16
(Nov. 21-24, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
47 12/29/2022 22124783 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 44,520.93
(Nov. 24-26, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
48 12/29/2022 22124784 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 37,596.25
(Nov. 26-29, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
49 12/29/2022 22124785 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 21,401.05
(Nov. 29-30, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
50 12/29/2022 22124779 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 45,654.18
(Nov. 16-19, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
51 12/29/2022 22124758 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 43,590.90
(Oct. 16-31, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
52 12/27/2022 22124777 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 34,593.64
(Nov. 08-15, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
53 12/27/2022 22124776 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 32,655.27
(Nov. 01-07, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
54 12/29/2022 22124757 KP GASOLINE STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 23,108.47
(Oct. 01-15, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
55 12/29/2022 22124767 RPM GAS STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 19,412.00
(Jul. 05 - Sept 30, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
56 12/29/2022 22124769 RPM GAS STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 9,027.70
(Oct. 01 - 15, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
57 12/29/2022 22124768 RPM GAS STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 9,557.30
(Oct. 16 - 31, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
58 12/29/2022 22124762 RPM GAS STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 9,287.45
(Nov. 01 - 15, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
59 12/29/2022 22124766 RPM GAS STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 19,874.35
(Nov. 16 - 30, 2022)
To Payment for Diesel ,
60 12/29/2022 RPM GAS STATION Fuel and Extra Gasoline 18,883.65
(Dec. 01 - 15, 2022)
Purchased of materials
61 06/28/2022 22062166 Linganay Enterprises for Municipal building 45,000.00
TOTAL ₱ 2,444,439.21
Appendix G.6
Program / Projects Supplemental
No. Appropriation Utilization Balance
/ Activities w/ Realignment
System for Water
System at Brgy.
Installation of 2
units Ventilation
System and
9 1,200,000.00 - 1,197,000.00 3,000.00
Accessories at
Other necessary
10 Covid-19 related 888,116.60 (888,116.60) - -
PPAs and Expenses
Road Concreting of
the Isabel Public - 4,120,000.00 1,198,001.17 2,921,998.83
Repair of Public
Market - Tiles and - 1,200,000.00 - 1,200,000.00
Construction of
- 20,000,000.00 - 20,000,000.00
Isabel Food Park
Tourism Promotion
Programs and - 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00
- 3,000,000.00 - 3,000,000.00
Programs and
Lease to Own:
SB a.) 2 Garbage
Collection Vehicles
(6 wheeler, 4
Cylinder Mini
Dump Truck)
- 1,200,000.00 800,000.00 400,000.00
b.) Rescue Vehicle
(6 wheeler, 6
Cylinder Drop Side/
Program / Projects Supplemental
No. Appropriation Utilization Balance
/ Activities w/ Realignment
Other Public
Beautification of
2 56,671.07 - - 56,671.07
Isabel Baywalk
Solar Powered at 24
3 12,096.76 - - 12,096.76
Installation and
Electrical Wirings
4 68,409.61 - - 68,409.61
of Generator Set at
Installation of 15
Units Pedestal for
5 133,681.00 - - 133,681.00
Streetlights at Bulk
Embankment and
Riprapping of
6 1,135.59 - - 1,135.59
Community Fish
Installation of
7 1,038,883.23 - - 1,038,883.23
System (Solar
Improvement of
Brgy. Hall (Stairs
8 40,085.00 - - 40,085.00
and Flooring at
Brgy. Mahayag)
Road Concreting
(Leading to Public
9 1,260.00 - - 1,260.00
Cemetery at Pingag,
Riprapping at Water
Impounding Dike
10 300.00 - - 300.00
Construction Of
11 Concrete Post (4 1,452.39 - - 1,452.39
2 Units Comfort
12 Room with One 199,996.68 - - 199,996.68
Septic Tank
Installation of
Streetlighting of 24
13 7,553,650.00 - - 7,553,650.00
Brgys. (Solar
Land Development
14 1,201,031.13 - - 1,201,031.13
7,000sqm. (Phase 1)
Construction of
Covered Court and
15 3,500,000.00 - 3,000,000.00 500,000.00
Evacuation Center
at Barangay
Program / Projects Supplemental
No. Appropriation Utilization Balance
/ Activities w/ Realignment
Road Concreting
16 (Brgy. Antipolo-San 5,319,758.01 - - 5,319,758.01
Construction of
17 Pathway at Pasil, 45,225.00 - - 45,225.00
Lot Acquisition by
18 LGU for Brgy. 8,850.00 - - 8,850.00
Road Opening and
Installation of Pipe
19 16,946.00 - - 16,946.00
Culvert (Matlang
Purchase of Medical
20 1,000,000.00 - - 1,000,000.00
Installation of
21 Streetlighting Solar 22,000,000.00 - - 22,000,000.00
Construction of
22 Facilities for PWD 512.62 - - 512.62
and Senior Citizen
Construction of
23 Material Recovery 500,000.00 - - 500,000.00
Facility (MRF)
De-clogging of
24 250,000.00 - 168,750.00 81,250.00
Construction of
25 33,833.00 - - 33,833.00
Local Road
Purchase of Medical
26 Equipment Dialysis 3,000,000.00 - - 3,000,000.00
Installation if
27 Streetlighting Solar 18,500,953.80 - - 18,500,953.80
Construction of
Covered Court and
28 2,500,000.00 - 2,500,000.00 -
Evacuation Center
at Barangay
Construction of
29 Covered Court and 2,500,000.00 - 2,500,000.00 -
Evacuation Center
at Barangay Tubod
De-clogging of
30 500,000.00 - 234,234.37 265,765.63
Purchase of
31 25,505,778.50 - - 25,505,778.50
Purchase of Garbage
32 3,500,000.00 - - 3,500,000.00
Sub-total 98,992,154.28 - 8,402,984.37 90,589,169.91
Total 137,115,270.88 - 12,593,259.52 124,522,011.36
Program / Projects Supplemental
No. Appropriation Utilization Balance
/ Activities w/ Realignment
Percentage 9.18% 90.82%
Appendix G.7
Check Amount
Nature of Payment
Date No. Payee
02/09/2022 1777671 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Philhealth Accreditation Fee 3,000.00
02/09/2022 1777672 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Laboratory Salad Cups 495.00
02/09/2022 1777673 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medical Supplies 2,160.00
02/09/2022 1777674 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medical Supplies 1,244.50
02/09/2022 1777675 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medical Supplies 1,635.00
02/09/2022 1777676 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Oxygen Medical 2,228.01
02/09/2022 1777694 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Various Supplies used for Repair 925.00
02/09/2022 1777695 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Various Supplies used for Repair 650.00
02/09/2022 1777696 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Hydraulic Hose for Repair 2,220.00
02/09/2022 1777697 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Oxygen Tank 500.00
02/09/2022 1777698 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Various Supplies 785.00
Reim Various Supplies Replacement of Check
02/09/2022 1777717 Almira G. Villaseran 1,320.00
02/09/2022 1777718 Almira G. Villaseran Reim Meals Replacement of Check 1777678 1,210.00
03/14/2022 1777786 Ma. Lisa P. Amson CPA Reimbursement Stamp Mail Services 275.00
03/14/2022 1777787 Ma. Lisa P. Amson CPA Reimbursement Various Materials 454.00
Reimbursement Purified Drinking Water-December
03/14/2022 1777788 Ma. Lisa P. Amson CPA 500.00
03/14/2022 1777789 Ma. Lisa P. Amson CPA Reimbursement Purified Drinking Water-July 2020 500.00
03/14/2022 1777793 Noel R. Gubalane Reimbursement Tarpaulin 720.00
03/14/2022 1777794 Noel R. Gubalane Reimbursement Tarpaulin 480.00
03/14/2022 1777795 Noel R. Gubalane Reimbursement Tarpaulin 1,280.00
Reim Cleaning of Aircon Replacement of Check #
03/16/2022 1777800 Gerardo P. Embog 550.00
03/16/2022 1777801 Gerardo P. Embog Reim Cleaning of Aircon 1,500.00
03/17/2022 1777804 Mitzi C. Amodia Reim of Electrical Supplies and Snacks 4,764.00
03/17/2022 1777805 Mitzi C. Amodia Reim of Various Supplies 2,128.00
03/17/2022 1777806 Mitzi C. Amodia Reim of Maintenance and Servicing of Aircon 2,700.00
03/14/2022 1777785 Eddie G. Agustin Reim Electrical Supplies 442.00
03/16/2022 1777797 Jennifer D. Francisco Reim Meals Accommodation September 22, 2020 675.00
03/16/2022 1777798 Jennifer D. Francisco Reim Purified Water May-August 2020 500.00
03/17/2022 1777850 Wilfredo R. Bartolini Reim Cleaning of Aircon 700.00
03/14/2022 1777790 Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Bearing and Fan Belt 360.00
03/14/2022 1777791 Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Purified Drinking Water 675.00
03/14/2022 1777792 Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Labor for Repair of Water Pump 2,000.00
03/14/2022 1777796 Ma. Jackelyn D. Cerillo Reim Cellphone Load 500.00
04/22/2022 1777911 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Various Supply for Repair of Ambulance 950.00
Check Amount
Nature of Payment
Date No. Payee
04/22/2022 1777912 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim of Oxygen Tank Refill 1,000.00
04/22/2022 1777913 Lilt L. Clemeña Reim Various Supply for Repair of Ambulance 985.00
Reim Various Supply for Repair of RESCUE
04/22/2022 1777914 Lilt L. Clemeña 1,010.00
Reim of PULSE Oximeter and AAA Battery-
04/22/2022 1777915 Lilt L. Clemeña 644.75
04/22/2022 1777916 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medicine Supplies-IEH 1,860.00
04/22/2022 1777917 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medical Supplies-IEH 460.00
04/22/2022 1777918 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim of Water Repair-IEH 1,333.00
04/22/2022 1777919 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medical Supplies-IEH 1,325.00
04/22/2022 1777920 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim of Philhealth-IEH 1,120.00
04/22/2022 1777921 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medical Supplies-IEH 1,830.00
04/22/2022 1777922 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim of Urine Collector-IEH 495.00
04/22/2022 1777923 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim Medicine and Medical Supplies-IEH 825.00
04/22/2022 1777924 Roberto A. Simbajon Reim of Medical Oxygen-IEH 450.00
04/22/2022 1777898 Noelane Joy L. Camcho Reim Medical Supplies RHU 1,413.50
04/22/2022 1777904 Ruthlyn P. Gorgonio Reim 1 pc Tarpaulin -DA 384.00
Reim Internet Subscription December 2021
04/22/2022 1777907 Ma. Lisa P. Amson, CPA 1,500.00
Accounting Office
Reim Drinking Water August 2021 Accounting
04/22/2022 1777908 Ma. Lisa P. Amson, CPA 500.00
Reim Drinking Water December 2021 Accounting
04/22/2022 1777909 Ma. Lisa P. Amson, CPA 740.00
Reim Internet Subscription November 2021
04/22/2022 1777910 Ma. Lisa P. Amson, CPA 1,500.00
Accounting Office
Reim Drinking Water December 2021 Replacement
04/22/2022 1777926 AR. Florelyn M. Cabreros 475.00
of Check # 1777925
04/22/2022 1777927 AR. Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Drinking Water November 2021 325.00
04/22/2022 1777928 AR. Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Drinking Water May 2021 550.00
04/22/2022 1777929 AR. Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Drinking Water August 2021 625.00
04/22/2022 1777930 AR. Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Drinking Water February 2021 375.00
04/22/2022 1777931 AR. Florelyn M. Cabreros Reim Drinking Water January 2021 450.00
04/27/2022 1777960 Jennifer D. Francisco Reim Drinking Water September-December 2021 500.00
04/29/2022 1778000 Noel R. Gubalane Reim Accountable Forms 610.00
04/29/2022 1778012 Jeonamira M. Bernales Reim 1 Set of Sliding Window 1,800.00
04/27/2022 1777946 Samie M. Galos Reim Cleaning of 1 Split Type Air Conditioner 800.00
04/27/2022 1777947 Samie M. Galos Reim Cleaning of 1 Split Type Air Conditioner 800.00
04/27/2022 1777958 Jennifer D. Francisco Reim Drinking Water August 2021 500.00
04/27/2022 1777959 Jennifer D. Francisco Reim Drinking Water September-December 2021 500.00
04/27/2022 1777933 Almira G. Villaseran Reim Meals February 14, 2022 1,615.00
04/27/2022 1777934 Almira G. Villaseran Reim Various Supplies 439.00
04/27/2022 1777948 Ramil C. Lariosa Reim Printing of LGU LOGO 505.00
04/27/2022 1777949 Ramil C. Lariosa Reim Repair of Grass Cutter 480.00
04/27/2022 1777957 Jacqueline R. Suson Reim Internet Connection Sept 16-Oct 15, 2021 1,700.00
04/27/2022 1777967 Teresita A. Cubico Reim Various Materials 2,175.00
04/27/2022 1777935 Almira G. Villaseran Reim Internet October 2021 1,200.00
04/27/2022 1777936 Almira G. Villaseran Reim Internet April 2021 1,200.00
04/27/2022 1777944 Engr. Samie M. Galos Reim Internet May 2021 1,400.00
04/27/2022 1777945 Engr. Samie M. Galos Reim Internet April 2021 1,400.00
04/27/2022 1777952 Almira G. Villaseran Reim Internet Meals February 8, 2022 765.00
04/27/2022 1777961 Teresita A. Cubico Reim of 20 Bottles of Mineral water 400.00
Reim of 20 Bottles of Mineral water-December
04/27/2022 1777962 Teresita A. Cubico 400.00
Reim of 20 Bottles of Mineral water-November
04/27/2022 1777963 Teresita A. Cubico 400.00
04/27/2022 1777964 Teresita A. Cubico Reim of 20 Bottles of Mineral water-June 2021 400.00
Check Amount
Nature of Payment
Date No. Payee
04/27/2022 1777965 Teresita A. Cubico Reim of 20 Bottles of Mineral water-January 2021 400.00
04/27/2022 1777966 Teresita A. Cubico Reim of Various Meals 2,271.00
04/27/2022 1777956 Jacqueline R. Suson Reim Internet Connection Sept 16-Oct 15, 2021 1,698.00
04/27/2022 1777938 Isidro C. Requitillo Reim Drinking Water July-December 2021 700.00
04/27/2022 1777939 Eddie G. Agustin Reim Carpentry and Office Supplies-OSCA 216.00
04/27/2022 1777940 Eddie G. Agustin Reim of Documents sent to LBC-OSCA 1,080.00
04/29/2022 1778008 Julius A. Ignacio Reim of Repair & Rewinding of Siren Motor 500.00
06/27/2022 1778046 MITZI C. AMODIA Reimbursement-Various Supplies-MTO 1,404.00
Reimbursement-Meals of PNP Escort-Tacloban
06/27/2022 1778047 MITZI C. AMODIA 1,770.00
06/27/2022 1778048 MITZI C. AMODIA Reimbursement-LBC Mailing Expenses 794.00
06/29/2022 1778071 Julius A. Ignacio Reimbursement Meter Transfer-RHU 2,500.00
09/02/2022 1778133 Nerissa Zaira D. Labordo,MD Reimbursement Supplies-RHU 1,590.00
09/02/2022 1778134 Nerissa Zaira D. Labordo,MD Reimbursement of Accreditation Fee 2,000.00
09/02/2022 1778135 Nerissa Zaira D. Labordo,MD Reimbursement of Meals-July 23,2022 750.00
09/02/2022 1778145 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Medical Supplies-IEH 750.00
09/02/2022 1778146 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Medical Supplies-IEH 911.00
09/02/2022 1778147 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Medical Supplies-IEH 1,800.00
09/02/2022 1778148 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Medical Supplies-IEH 750.00
09/02/2022 1778149 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Medical Supplies-IEH 1,160.00
09/02/2022 1778150 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Change 2 Tires-IEH 240.00
09/02/2022 1778151 Roberto A. Simbajon Reimbursement-Medical Supplies-IEH 870.00
09/02/2022 1778136 Joza V. Pajares Reimbursement of Meals-August 2, 2022 980.00
09/02/2022 1778137 Joza V. Pajares Reimbursement of Various Supplies-Mayor's Office 595.45
09/02/2022 1778138 Edmar A. Rojas Reimbursement of Hotel Accomodation of PDEA 600.00
09/02/2022 1778139 Donna A. Montalban Reimbursement of Mineral Water-POPCOM 480.00
09/02/2022 1778140 Donna A. Montalban Reimbursement One Set Clutch Master-IEH 1,800.00
Reimbursement-Meals During Tourism Alliance-
09/09/2022 1778173 Jeselle Gail L. Reasol 2,600.00
July 27,2022
reimbursement-meals of pnp escort-nov. to
09/02/2022 1778143 LUVILLISA LEI C. FULLON 897.00
reimbursement-meals expenses with dti provincial
09/09/2022 1778180 JENNIFER D. FRANCISCO director 1,570.00
09/09/2022 1778168 MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement-servicing/repair, 2 units aircon 2,500.00
09/09/2022 1778169 MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement-purified drinking water-jan.2022 350.00
09/09/2022 1778170 MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement-purified drinking water-feb.2022 550.00
09/09/2022 1778171 MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement-maintenance of 2 units aircon 1,200.00
09/09/2022 1778172 MA.LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement-notarial fee 1,669.00
09/09/2022 1778174 RAMIL C. LARIOSA reimbursement-repalcement of thermostat 1,200.00
09/09/2022 1778175 RAMIL C. LARIOSA reimbursement-tarpaulin at gso 270.00
09/09/2022 1778176 EDDIE G. AGUSTIN reimbursement-documents sent to lbc 205.00
09/09/2022 1778177 EDDIE G. AGUSTIN reimbursement-installation of sliding window 1,500.00
09/09/2022 1778178 reimbursement-sliding glass cover of the fdp board 2,500.00
09/20/2022 1778186 DONNA A. MONTALBAN reimbursement-water bacteriology sample-ieh 1,950.00
09/20/2022 1778188 DIANA JANE B. SALAS reimbursement of tarp printing(ela) 480.00
09/02/2022 1778141 CERILLO reimbursement-one pc. wreath-aug. 29,2022 2,000.00
09/02/2022 1778142 reimbursement-one pc. wreath-aug. 29,2022 2,000.00
09/21/2022 1778203 JACQUELINE R. SUSON reimbursement of drinking water-mnao 1,375.00
09/21/2022 1778204 JACQUELINE R. SUSON reimbursement of internet connection-mnao 1,497.00
09/21/2022 1778205 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of travel-november 11-12,2021 1,820.00
09/21/2022 1778206 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of meals-feb. 15,2022 2,980.00
09/21/2022 1778207 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of travel-jan. 27,2022 1,200.00
Check Amount
Nature of Payment
Date No. Payee
09/21/2022 1778208 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of meals-menro 985.00
09/21/2022 1778209 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of travel-tacloban city 1,500.00
reimbursement for various supply for repair and
09/21/2022 1778198 LILT L. CLEMENA 750.00
maintenance of navarra
reimbursement for various supply for repair and
09/21/2022 1778199 LILT L. CLEMENA 1,000.00
maintenance of mitsubishi
09/21/2022 1778200 LILT L. CLEMENA reimbursement for nissan navarra 1,000.00
reimbursement for various supply for repair &
09/21/2022 1778201 LILT L. CLEMENA 976.00
maintenance of rescue vehicle
reimbursement multi stamp and survey measuring
09/21/2022 1778202 LILT L. CLEMENA 5,000.00
09/21/2022 1778210 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of various materials 1,036.00
09/21/2022 1778211 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of 20 bottles mineral water-feb.2022 400.00
reimbursement of 20 bottles mineral water-
09/21/2022 1778212 TERESITA A. CUBICO 400.00
reimbursement of 20 bottles mineral water-
09/21/2022 1778213 TERESITA A. CUBICO 400.00
09/21/2022 1778214 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of 20 bottles mineral water-apr.2021 400.00
09/21/2022 1778215 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of various materials 933.00
09/26/2022 1778222 reimbursent of travel 1,065.00
09/26/2022 1778223 reimbursent of travel 2,934.00
09/26/2022 1778224 reimbursent of tarpaulin printing 420.00
09/09/2022 1778181 ENGR.SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement-internet load-october 2021 1,400.00
09/09/2022 1778182 ENGR.SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement-internet load-august 2021 1,400.00
09/09/2022 1778183 ENGR.SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement-internet load-february 2022 1,400.00
09/09/2022 1778184 ENGR.SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement-internet load-april 2022 1,400.00
reimbursement of cleaning of 2 air conditioning
10/05/2022 1778225 LUVILLISA LEI C. FULLON 3,900.00
10/05/2022 1778226 NILO INOCELLAS reimbursement of meals expenses 1,330.00
10/19/2022 1778246 reimbursement of travel expenses 1,334.00
10/19/2022 1778247 reimbursement in fabrication of office table-mpdo 2,914.00
10/19/2022 1778251 reimbursement for snacks-aug. 18,2022 2,350.00
10/19/2022 1778252 reimbursement for cleaning aircon-ias office 500.00
10/19/2022 1778255 ALMA C. MANOSA reimbursement of meal expenses-sept.21,2022 3,000.00
10/19/2022 1778258 ROBERTO A. SIMBAJON reimbursement of power supply-mbo 650.00
10/19/2022 1778239 reimbursement of office supplies-hrmo 1,096.00
10/19/2022 1778244 DONNA A. MONTALBAN reimbursement of accreditation fees-rhu 2,000.00
10/19/2022 1778245 DONNA A. MONTALBAN reimbursement of ac servicing-ieh 800.00
NERISSA ZAIRA D. reimbursement of supplies for resbakuna
10/19/2022 1778253 704.25
LABORDO,MD vaccination
10/19/2022 1778256 RAMIL C. LARIOSA reimbursement of spare parts for garbage compactor 990.00
10/19/2022 1778257 RAMIL C. LARIOSA reimbursement of materials for maintenance section 807.60
10/19/2022 1778248 ARCHILLES A. SILVA, DM reimbursement of 400.00
10/19/2022 1778249 ARCHILLES A. SILVA, DM reimbursement of photopaper-admin. office 420.00
10/19/2022 1778263 LILT L. CLEMENA reimbursement of various supply for repair 1,150.00
10/21/2022 1778278 NOEL R. GUBALANE reimbursement of stamps and ink-lcr 700.00
10/21/2022 1778304 MA. LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement of drinking water-nov.2021 900.00
20/21/2022 1778305 MA. LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement of drinking water-sept.2021 500.00
10/21/2022 1778306 MA. LISA P. AMSON,CPA reimbursement of lbc express 200.00
10/21/2022 1778307 GERALDINE B. SACAY reimbursement of travel-june22,2022 750.00
10/21/2022 1778308 GERALDINE B. SACAY reimbursement of travel-july 15,2022 848.00
Check Amount
Nature of Payment
Date No. Payee
10/24/2022 1778312 GILBERTO NUNEZ, JR. reimbursement of travel-aug.23,2022 750.00
10/24/2022 1778313 GILBERTO NUNEZ, JR. reimbursement of travel-july 29 & aug.9,2022 300.00
10/24/2022 1778314 GILBERTO NUNEZ, JR. reimbursement of travel-july 12,2022 600.00
10/24/2022 1778315 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of wifiload aug.2021-menro 1,200.00
10/24/2022 1778316 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of wifiload july 2021-menro 1,200.00
10/24/2022 1778317 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of travel-june 21,2022 750.00
10/24/2022 1778319 ALMIRA G. VILLASERAN reimbursement of meals for emb 650.00
10/24/2022 1778320 ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement of internet load-july 2021 1,400.00
10/24/2022 1778321 ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement of internet load-june 2021 1,400.00
10/24/2022 1778322 ENGR. SAMIE M. GALOS reimbursement of internet load-sept.2021 1,400.00
10/24/2022 1778323 SF01 EUSEMIEL C. GALOS reimbursement of clutch pressure-bfp 4,060.00
10/24/2022 1778324 SF01 EUSEMIEL C. GALOS reimbursement of battery-bfp 4,050.00
reimbursement of repair and maintenance-
10/24/2022 1778326 GERARDO P. EMBOG 950.00
10/24/2022 1778340 reimbursement of drinking water-feb.2022 450.00
10/24/2022 1778341 reimbursement of travel 480.00
10/24/2022 1778330 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of mineral water-june 2022 400.00
10/24/2022 1778331 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of mineral water-april 2022 400.00
10/24/2022 1778332 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of mineral water-july 2022 400.00
10/24/2022 1778333 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of mineral water-march 2022 400.00
10/24/2022 1778334 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of mineral water-may 2022 400.00
10/24/2022 1778335 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of printer ink 1,560.00
10/24/2022 1778336 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of varoius materials 1,418.00
10/24/2022 1778337 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of varoius materials 920.00
10/24/2022 1778338 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of varoius materials 640.00
10/24/2022 1778339 TERESITA A. CUBICO reimbursement of office supply 1,657.00
10/21/2022 1778291 MITZI C. AMODIA reiimbursement of various expenses 1,155.80
10/21/2022 1778292 MITZI C. AMODIA reimbursement of a/c maintenance-mto 3,600.00
10/21/2022 1778293 MITZI C. AMODIA reimbursement of various office supplies-mto 550.00
10/24/2022 1778325 JULIUS A. IGNACIO reimbursement of water pump-ieh 1,719.00
11/23/2022 1778366 JOZA V. PAJARES reimbursement of snacks-mdrrmc-nov.1,2022 755.00
11/23/2022 1778367 JOZA V. PAJARES reimbursement of snacks for itfa-sept.27,2022 1,470.00
reimbursement of office supplies-mayor's
11/23/2022 1778369 JOZA V. PAJARES 1,178.00
conference room
reimbursement of snacks conference meeting-
11/23/2022 1778368 JOZA V. PAJARES 2,896.00
11/23/2022 1778370 JOZA V. PAJARES reimbursement of snacks for itfa-oct.6,2022 1,608.00
reimbursement of snacks for employees gen.
11/23/2022 1778371 JOZA V. PAJARES 1,256.00
reimbursement of office supplies-mayors
11/23/2022 1778372 JOZA V. PAJARES 961.00
conferenve room
11/23/2022 1778373 JOZA V. PAJARES reimbursement of sending doc. to cebu 205.00
11/23/2022 1778374 LILT L. CLEMENA reimbursement of supplies-rhu 2,975.00
11/23/2022 1778375 LILT L. CLEMENA reimbursement of supplies-rhu 2,880.00
11/23/2022 1778376 DONNA A. MONTALBAN reimbursement of brake shoe for ambulance-ieh 1,600.00
11/23/2022 1778382 JACQUELINE R. SUSON reimbursement of meals & snacks during rnet 2,995.00
11/23/2022 1778360 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM reimbursement of electrical supplies 2,700.00
reimburement of snacks for itfa committee-
11/23/2022 1778360 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM 1,375.00
11/23/2022 1778381 JACQUELINE R. SUSON reimbursement snacks during pnet 2,400.00
meals for the drive of rented van for sagip mata
12/15/2022 1778405 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM 2,994.00
12/15/2022 1778404 MITZI C. AMODIA trimming and ribbons-ibpls 2,928.90
12/15/2022 1778409 MITZI C. AMODIA meals during stage preparation-ibpls 720.00
Check Amount
Nature of Payment
Date No. Payee
reimbursement of snacks for itfa committee-
11/23/2022 1778361 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM 650.00
reimbursement of snacks for tourism council
11/23/2022 1778362 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM 980.00
reimbursement of travel expenses for med. mission-
11/23/2022 1778365 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM 15,765.14
11/23/2022 1778383 MITZI C. AMODIA reimbursement of various office supplies-mto 2,570.00
11/23/2022 1778384 MITZI C. AMODIA reimbursement of various office supplies-mto 1,085.00
11/23/2022 1778385 MITZI C. AMODIA reimbursement of various materials for repair-mto 1,450.00
11/23/2022 1778386 SHIERBEN JOHN C. JORDA tarpaulin & plaque 1,337.63
12/16/2022 1778436 JACQUELINE R. SUSON aircon repair 1,500.00
12/16/2022 1778440 GERARDO P. EMBOG meals-speakers/trainors-nov.8-11,2022 1,565.00
12/16/2022 1778445 RAMIL C. LARIOSA various materials 1,214.00
12/16/2022 1778446 RAMIL C. LARIOSA various materials 1,021.00
12/15/2022 1778400 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM snacks during seal of good local governance 1,665.00
12/15/2022 1778401 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM stamp and ink-admin office 380.00
12/15/2022 1778402 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM snacks during meeting for lgu christmas party 660.00
12/15/2022 1778403 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM diesel to convey cda r-8 personnels-nov.3,2022 2,526.30
12/15/2022 1778404 ARCHILLES A. SILVA,DM snacks during orientation-nov.10,2022 529.00
12/16/2022 1778433 FLORELYN M. CABREROS various supplies-market office 1,303.00
12/16/2022 1778435 JACQUILYN M. PARBA used for laptop upgrade-rhu 3,000.00
12/16/2022 03/17/6769 MA. LISA P. AMSON,CPA elastoseal-accounting office 650.00
12/16/2022 1778444 MA. LISA P. AMSON,CPA various supplies-accounting office 2,676.00
12/16/2022 1778421 wreath of late clotilde alcantara 2,500.00
12/16/2022 1778424 snacks during doh monitoring-oct.25,2022 488.00
12/16/2022 1778425 supplies-rhu 1,374.00
12/16/2022 1778426 DONNA A. MONTALBAN snacks during blst-ieh 3,000.00
12/16/2022 1778427 DONNA A. MONTALBAN ac repair/services-doctors quarter 1,000.00
12/16/2022 1778441 GERARDO P. EMBOG various expenses 1,960.00
12/16/2022 1778442 GERARDO P. EMBOG repair maintenance of rescue vehicle 1,718.00
12/21/2022 1778459 MITZI C. AMODIA snacks-during blessing of lgu vehicles 2,000.00
12/21/2022 04/03/6769 MITZI C. AMODIA meals during ibpls meeting-nov.29,2022 996.00
TOTAL P 323,474.83
Appendix G.8
Appendix G.9
Check Gross
Date Payee Purpose
No. Amount
02/21/2022 76422652 Isabel 1 Unit Air conditioner Terminal ₱40,000.00
Educational Office
03/14/2022 76422780 LUCE Various Supplies and Materials 46,235.00
Enterprises Can-Andan
04/07/2022 76422886 Various Supplies Mayor's Office 36,572.00
04/07/2022 76422885 Bond Paper and Photo Paper- 23,925.00
Mayor's Office
04/18/2022 76422943 Various Office Supplies Legal 18,000.00
04/18/2022 76422932 Sebastian Care Medicines and medical Supplies 183,937.60
04/20/2022 76422950 Tuling Cealing Fan 18"{Blade) 5 Units- 30,000.00
Enterprises IEH
Check Gross
Date Payee Purpose
No. Amount
04/22/2022 76422970 LUCE Various Supplies and Materials- 38,730.00
Enterprises Brgy. Cangag
04/26/2022 76422971 Various Office Supplies 43,500.00
05/05/2022 76423009 Photocopier Supplies-Mayor's 46,450.00
05/05/2022 76423008 Various Office Supplies-Mayor's 46,812.00
09/22/2022 82064114 RSO and SONS Various office supplies-Market 26,649.00
Builders and Office
09/22/2022 82064115 Suppliers INC. Various office supplies-IAS 15,940.00
09/22/2022 82064116 Various office supplies-Mayor’s 41,202.00
09/22/2022 82064117 Various office supplies-GSO 9,134.00
09/22/2022 82064118 Various office supplies-LCR 11,909.00
09/22/2022 82064119 Various supplies-maintenance 19,710.00
09/26/2022 82064122 Desk name plates 11 SB 49,940.00
Legislative office
09/26/2022 82064123 Various office supplies-Vice 11,149.00
Mayor’s Office
10/11/2022 82064156 Various supplies and materials- 34,092.25
Inaugural Party
10/14/2022 82064188 Materials for rehab/repair of 48,184.00
Vice Mayor’s Office
10/12/2022 82064165 Office supplies- SB 51,737.00
10/14/2022 82064172 ABS Marketing Weighing Scale MENRO 9,950.00
and General
10/14/2022 82064174 RSO and SONS Office supplies-PNP 18,120.00
10/14/2022 82064175 Builders and Office supplies-DA 20,535.00
10/14/2022 82064176 Suppliers INC. Office supplies-MNAO 17,695.00
10/14/2022 82064177 Office supplies-MENRO SWM 11,325.00
10/14/2022 82064178 Office supplies-HRMO 27,115.00
10/14/2022 82064179 Office supplies-MTO 49,830.00
10/14/2022 82064180 Office supplies-MSWD 19,538.00
10/14/2022 82064181 Office supplies-MAO 37,859.00
10/14/2022 82064182 Office supplies-MBO 19,483.00
11/15/2022 1778355 MedCaptain Supplies and Medicines for 86,525.00
Marketing Sagipmata Project
11/16/2022 82064337 RSO and SONS Office supplies-IEH 81,143.00
11/16/2022 82064338 Builders and Office supplies-Assessor 31,765.00
11/16/2022 82064339 Suppliers INC. Office supplies-MDRRMO 4,195.00
11/16/2022 82064340 Office supplies-RHU 43,747.00
11/16/2022 82064341 Office supplies-RHU 46,510.00
11/16/2022 82064342 Office supplies-RHU 22,530.00
11/16/2022 82064343 Office supplies-RHU 70,583.00
11/16/2022 82064344 CPU Power Supply-OSCA 1,498.00
Check Gross
Date Payee Purpose
No. Amount
11/16/2022 82064345 Split Type Air conditioner-Vice 119,750.00
Mayor’s Office
12/20/2022 82064458 LUCE Materials Purchase- 49,802.00
Enterprises Repair/Rehab of Session Hall
12/20/2022 82064467 Materials Purchase for Repair of 19,743.00
12/20/2022 82064468 Materials Purchase for Garbage 40,441.00
12/20/2022 82064469 Materials Purchase for GNRC 5,195.00
Male CR
12/20/2022 82064460 RSO and SONS Office supplies -MENRO 8,175.00
12/20/2022 82064461 Builders and Various Supplies-Senior 6,286.00
Suppliers INC. Citizen’s Office
12/20/2022 82064462 Office Supplies-BAC Office 19,657.00
12/20/2022 82064463 Office Supplies -PESO Office 4,175.00
12/20/2022 82064465 Office Supplies -MEO 24,076.00
12/20/2022 82064466 Office Supplies -MEO 61,279.00
12/20/2022 82064475 Various Supplies - Maintenance 39,119.00
12/20/2022 82064476 Office Supplies-Accounting 20,252.00
12/20/2022 82064473 Office Supplies -Slaughter 23,220.00
House Office
12/20/2022 82064474 Office Supplies-LCR Office 20,315.00
12/20/2022 82064478 Office Supplies-HRMO 27,450.00
12/21/2022 82064484 Office Supplies -DILG 14,402.00
12/21/2022 82064485 Office Supplies -MTO 49,895.00
TOTAL ₱2,006,985.85