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Class / Path / Destiny Features

Healer’s Lore
Your study of healing allows you to make the most of
your healing prayers. When you grant healing with
one of your cleric powers that has the healing keyword,
add your Wisdom modifier to the hit points the
recipient regains.

Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune Cleric Feature

In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special
Encounter ✦ Divine
Free Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving
throw before the end of your next turn.

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead Cleric Feature

You sear undead foes, push them back, and root them in place.
Encounter ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Close burst 2
(5 at 11th level, 8 at 21st level)
Target: Each undead creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and you
push the target a number of squares equal to 3 + your
Charisma modifier. The target is immobilized until the end
of your next turn.
Increase damage to 2d10 + Wisdom modifier at 5th level,
3d10 + Wisdom modifier at 11th level, 4d10 + Wisdom
modifier at 15th level, 5d10 + Wisdom modifier at 21st
level, and 6d10 + Wisdom modifier at 25th level.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not pushed or

Healing Word Cleric Feature

You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target,
helping to mend its wounds.
Encounter (Special) ✦ Divine, Healing
Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only
once per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three
times per encounter.
Minor Action Close burst 5
(10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an
additional 1d6 hit points.
Increase the amount of additional hit points regained to 2d6
at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 16th level, 5d6 at
21st level, and 6d6 at 26th level.
At-Will Powers

Lance of Faith Cleric Attack 1

A brilliant ray of light sears your foe with golden radiance. Sparkles
of light linger around the target, guiding your ally’s attack.
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally
you can see gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next attack
roll against the target.
Increase damage to 2d8 + Wisdom modifier at 21st level.

Sacred Flame Cleric Attack 1

Sacred light shines from above, searing a single enemy with its
radiance while at the same time aiding an ally with its beneficent
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally
you can see chooses either to gain temporary hit points
equal to your Charisma modifier + one-half your level or
to make a saving throw.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Wisdom modifier at 21st level.

Encounter Powers
Mantle of Glory Cleric Attack 13
Whispering a prayer to your deity, you invoke a blast of white
radiance from your holy symbol. Foes burn in its glorious light,
but your allies are fortified by it.
Encounter ✦ Divine, Healing, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Allies in the blast can spend a healing surge.

Light of Arvandor Cleric Attack 3

A web of gleaming strands cuts into your foes and defends your
Encounter • Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 5 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1 d 8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and each
ally in the burst gains a +2 power bonus to A C until the
end of your next turn.

Zealous Sanction Cleric Attack 7

You name your foe an enemy of your god. Divine power sears it
and heals any who strike it.
Encounter • Divine, Healing, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: O n e creature
Attack : Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. The first
time any ally hits the target before the end of your next
turn, that ally can spend a healing surge.

Daily Powers
Astral Condemnation Cleric Attack 1
You brand a foe with your god's glowing symbol to drain power
from its attacks.
Daily • Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit 3d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes
a penalty to damage rolls equal to 5 - your Charisma
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.

Spiritual Weapon Cleric Attack 5

You conjure a glowing weapon adorned with the symbol of your
deity. The weapon attacks one of your foes and guides your allies’
attacks against the same target.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Divine, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: You conjure a weapon that appears in the target’s
square and attacks. Your allies gain combat advantage
against the target. You can move the weapon up to 10
squares to another enemy’s square as a move action. The
weapon lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: When you sustain the power, repeat the
attack. Your allies continue to gain combat advantage
against the weapon’s target.

Blade Barrier Cleric Attack 9

A barrier of whirling blades appears, slashing at those who come
too close or try to pass through.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Divine, Implement
Standard Action Area wall 5 within 10 squares
Effect: You conjure a wall of contiguous squares filled with
spinning blades of astral energy that lasts until the end of
your next turn. The wall can be up to 5 squares long and
up to 2 squares high. The spaces occupied by the blade
barrier are difficult terrain.
If a creature enters the barrier’s space or starts its turn
there, it takes 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage plus
ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Sustain Minor: The barrier persists.
Utility Powers
Return from Deaths Door Cleric Utility 2
You snatch an ally from the brink of death.
Daily • Divine, Healing
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 20
Trigger: A n ally within 2 0 squares of you fails a d e a t h saving
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: The target succeeds on the death saving throw and
can spend a healing surge.

Bastion of Health Cleric Utility 6

You invoke a prayer that instantly fortifies one of your allies.
Encounter ✦ Divine, Healing
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. Add your Charisma
modifier to the hit points regained.

Knights of Unyielding Valor Cleric Utility 10

You conjure four ghostly knights that carry huge shields emblazoned
with the symbol of your deity.
Daily ✦ Conjuration, Divine
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You conjure four ghostly warriors, each occupying
1 square within range. As a move action, you can move
any of the knights 2 squares. They can’t attack or be attacked
or damaged, and they last until the end of the
Enemies can’t enter a square occupied by a conjured
knight, but allies can move through the knights’ spaces as
if the knights were allies. The conjured knights grant cover
to allies but not enemies.

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