AC Fortitude Reflex Will
22 15 15 16
Melee Basic Attack: +5 (+1 frost warhammer) vs. AC
Damage: 1d10 + 2
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Divine Mettle Paladin Feature Ability Check Ability Check
Your unswerving faith in your deity empowers a nearby creature to Scores Modifier Scores Modifier
resist a debilitating affliction. Str 12 +2 Int 10 +1
Encounter ✦ Divine Con 15 +3 Wis 16 +4
Minor Action Close burst 10 Dex 11 +1 Cha 16 +4
Channel Divinity: You can use only one channel divinity
power per encounter
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +3 bonus. Mark of Warding: When you use a power that grants a
bonus to one or more defenses, increase the bonus by 1
Divine Strength Paladin Feature (already included).
You petition your deity for the divine strength to lay low your When you mark a creature and that creature makes
enemies. an attack that doesn’t include you, it takes a –3 penalty
Encounter ✦ Divine to that attack instead of the normal –2 penalty (already
Minor Action Personal included).
Channel Divinity: You can use only one channel divinity
power per encounter You can master and perform rituals in the warding
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your damage with your next category and the Fluid Funds, Knock, and Leomund’s
attack this turn. Secret Chest rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.
Toughness: Gain 5 additional hit points (already included).
Lay On Hands Paladin Feature
Your divine touch instantly heals wounds. Key Skills Modifier Passive
At-Will ✦ Divine, Healing Insight +9 19
Minor Action Melee touch Perception +4 14
Special: You can use this power 3 times per day, but only once
per round. Trained Skills Modifier Trained Skills Modifier
Target: One creature Endurance +7 Insight +9
Effect: You spend a healing surge but regain no hit points. History +6 Religion +6
Instead, the target regains hit points as if it had spent a
healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge
remaining to use this power. Gear
Armor: +1 dwarven plate armor, heavy shield
Sacred Circle Paladin Utility 2 Weapon: +1 frost warhammer
You trace a circle around you with your hand, and it quickly
Neck Slot: +1 amulet of protection
expands into a wide circle of faintly glowing runes that glows
brightly and protects you and your close allies. Adventurer’s Kit: This kit includes: a backpack, a bedroll,
Daily ✦ Divine, Implement, Zone flint and steel, a belt pouch, two sunrods, ten days worth
Standard Action Close burst 3 of trail rations, 50 feet of hempen rope, and a waterskin.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that, until the end of the Holy Symbol of the Sovereign Host
encounter, gives you and allies within it a +2 power bonus
to AC.
Dwarven Armor Level 2
Crafted by the finest dwarf armorsmiths, this armor was once only
Racial Traits available to dwarves, though now some armors-miths will create a
Speed: 5 squares Vision: Low-light vision set for whoever can pay the price.
Languages: Common, Dwarven Alignment: Good Enhancement: +1 AC
Property: Gain a +1 item bonus to Endurance checks.
Cast-Iron Stomach: +5 racial bonus to saving throws Power (Daily ✦ Healing): Free Action. Regain hit points as if
against poison you had spent a healing surge.
Dwarven Resilience: You can use your second wind as a
minor action. Frost Weapon Level 3
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move— A thin layer of frost coats the business end of this weapon.
through a push, a pull, or a slide—you move 1 square Enhancement: +1 attack rolls and damage rolls
less than the effect specifies. Critical: +1d6 cold damage
Power (At-Will ✦ Cold): Free Action. All damage dealt by
In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, this weapon is cold damage. Another free action returns the
you can make an immediate saving throw to avoid damage to normal.
falling prone. Power (Daily ✦ Cold): Free Action. Use this power when you
hit with the weapon. The target takes 1d8 cold damage and
is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Level 2
Hit Points 31 ____________________________________
Bloodied 15 Healing Surge 7 Surges Per Day 9
Initiative +2 ___________ Action Points _______
AC Fortitude Reflex Will
18 16 17 15
Melee Basic Attack: +4 (mace) vs. AC
Damage: 1d8 + 1
Ranged Basic Attack: +5 (+1 flameburst crossbow) vs. AC
Damage: 1d8 + 2
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Daily Attack Power Ability Check Ability Check
Scores Modifier Scores Modifier
Life-Tapping Darts Artificer Attack 1 Str 12 +2 Int 18 +5
Con 14 +3 Wis 12 +2
You launch a magical dart at an ally and a foe. The dart that
strikes the foe transfers vitality to your comrade in a golden flash. Dex 12 +2 Cha 10 +1
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10 Feats
Target: One creature
Mark of Making: You can create magic items and
Attack: +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and one ally within 10 squares of you
alchemical items of your level + 2 and lower, instead
gains 10 temporary hit points. of your level and lower as normal. The component cost
Miss: Half damage, and one ally within 10 squares of you gains remains equal to the price of the magic item or alchem-
5 temporary hit points. ical item you create.
Ritual Caster: Master and perform rituals.
Utility Powers Alchemist: Master alchemical formulas.
Potent Restorables: When you use a power with the
Curative Admixture Artificer Feature
healing keyword, the target regains 2 extra hit points
You use the magic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your
(already included).
Encounter (Special) ✦ Arcane, Healing
Key Skills Modifier Passive
Minor Action Close burst 5
Insight +2 12
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing surge Perception +7 17
value + 3, and you expend an infusion crafted with your
Healing Infusion class feature. Trained Skills Modifier Trained Skills Modifier
Healing Infusion: You can use two Healing Infusion powers Arcana +10 History +10
per encounter, but only once per round. Dungeoneering +7 Perception +7
Heal +7 Thievery +7
Resistive Formula Artificer Feature
You channel the energy of your infusion into your target’s armor,
providing lasting protection.
Encounter (Special) ✦ Arcane
Armor: +1 magic leather armor
Minor Action Close burst 5 Weapon: +1 f lameburst crossbow
Target: You or one ally in burst
Implement: +1 rod of repair
Effect: The target gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the end
of the encounter, and you expend an infusion crafted with Neck Slot: +1 cloak of resistance
your Healing Infusion class feature. The target can end the Adventurer’s Kit: This kit includes: a backpack, a bedroll,
bonus as a free action to gain temporary hit points equal to
flint and steel, a belt pouch, two sunrods, ten days worth
its healing surge value + 2.
Healing Infusion: You can use two Healing Infusion powers
of trail rations, 50 feet of hempen rope, and a waterskin.
per encounter, but only once per round.
Flameburst Weapon Level 3
Restorative infusion Artificer Utility 2 This ranged weapon packs a fiery surprise.
You infuse a comrade with a restorative compound. That ally can Enhancement: +1 attack rolls and damage rolls
then redirect excess vitality to your other allies. Critical: +1d6 fire damage
Power (Daily ✦ Fire): Minor Action. The next ranged basic
Daily ✦ Arcane
attack you make with this weapon before the end of your
Minor Action Ranged 5
turn becomes a burst 1 centered on the target. Use your
Target: You or one ally
normal attack bonus for the basic attack, but against Reflex.
Effect: The target gains 20 temporary hit points. As a
Instead of normal damage, each target hit takes ongoing 5
minor action, the target can transfer any number of these
fire damage (save ends).
temporary hit points to an ally within 5 squares of him or
Rod of Repair Level 2
The elemental runes on this thick baton mark it as an artificer’s
Racial Traits implement. It augments spells that protect against energy.
Speed: 6 squares Vision: Normal Enhancement: +1 attack rolls and damage rolls
Languages: Common, Alignment: Unaligned Critical: +1d6 damage
Property: Whenever you use an artificer power that has the
healing keyword, you regain 1 hit point.
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Level 2
Hit Points 31 ___________________________________
Bloodied 15 Healing Surge 7 Surges Per Day 8
Initiative +2 __________ Action Points _______
AC Fortitude Reflex Will
14 14 13 18
Melee Basic Attack: +6 (+1 staff) vs. AC
Damage: 1d8 + 3
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Daily Attack Power Feats
Mark of Storm: When you hit a creature with a power
Lightning Breath Sorcerer Attack 1 that has the thunder or lightning keyword, you can
You exhale a blast of lightning at your foes. The lightning then slide the target 1 square. When you grant yourself a fly
forms a ring around you, repelling nearby attackers. speed, gain a +1 bonus to that speed.
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Lightning
You can master and perform the Endure Elements,
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Enhance Vessel, Summon Winds, and the Water Walk
Attack: +6 vs. Reflex rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.
Hit: 3d8 + 8 lightning damage and you slide the target 1 Raging Storm: +1 damage with lightning or thunder
square. power.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever an enemy
Key Skills Modifier Passive
hits you with a melee attack, you push that enemy 1 square
and it takes 5 lightning damage. Insight +3 13
Sustain Minor: The effect persists. Perception +1 11
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
AC Fortitude Reflex Will
17 13 14 16
Resist 6 psychic, 5 necrotic
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Utility Powers Racial Traits
Speed: 6 squares Vision: Normal
Bastion of Mental Clarity Kalashtar Racial Power
Languages: Common Alignment: Lawful Good
You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and
you ward your allies as well. Telepathy: You can communicate telepathically with any
creature within 5 squares that has a language.
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5 Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against saving throw against each effect currently rendering
your Will. you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw,
Target: You and each ally in burst
you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the
Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the
end of your next turn.
end of your turn.
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Name: ________________________________________
Level 2
Hit Points 37 ________________________________
Bloodied 18 Healing Surge 9 Surges Per Day 12
Initiative +2 ____________ Action Points _______
AC Fortitude Reflex Will
19 18 13 14
Melee Basic Attack: +10 vs. AC
(+1 inescapable greatsword)
Damage: 1d10 + 5
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7
Class Features Feats
Combat Challenge: Every time you attack an enemy, Warforged Tactics: +1 to melee attack rolls against a foe
whether the attack hits or misses, you can choose to adjacent to your ally.
mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of your Warborn Fury Style: Augment your reaping strike power
next turn. While a target is marked, it takes a –2 pen- (already included).
alty to attack rolls if its attack doesn’t include you as a
target. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a
Key Skills Modifier Passive
time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already
Insight +2 12
in place.
Perception +2 12
In addition, whenever an enemy marked by you is adja-
cent to you and shifts or makes an attack that does not Trained Skills Modifier Trained Skills Modifier
include you, you can make a melee basic attack against Athletics +10 Intimidate +8
that enemy as an immediate interrupt. Endurance +11
Combat Superiority: You gain a +1 bonus to opportu-
nity attack rolls. An enemy struck by your opportunity Gear
attack stops moving, if a move provoked the attack. If it
Armor: +1 veteran’s scale armor
still has actions remaining, it can use them to resume
moving. Weapon: +1 inescapable greatsword
Neck Slot: +1 amulet of protection
Racial Traits Adventurer’s Kit: This kit includes: a backpack, a bed-
Speed: 6 squares Vision: Normal roll, flint and steel, a belt pouch, two sunrods, ten days
worth of trail rations, 50 feet of hempen rope, and a
Languages: Common Alignment: Unaligned
Living Construct: You have the living construct keyword.
You do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. You Veteran’s Armor Level 2
never make Endurance checks to resist the effects of Battered and worn, this unassuming armor helps you get the most
starvation, thirst, or suffocation. All other conditions out of your experiences.
and effects affect you normally. Enhancement: +1 AC
Unsleeping Watcher: You do not sleep and instead enter Property: When you spend an action point, you gain a +1 item
a state of inactivity for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an bonus to all attack rolls and defenses until the end of your
extended rest. While in this state, you are fully aware next turn.
of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies
and other events as normal. Inescapable Weapon Level 3
This weapon grows increasingly eager to strike those you have
Warforged Resilience: You have a +2 racial bonus to
trouble hitting.
saving throws against ongoing damage. Also, when
Enhancement: +1 attack rolls and damage rolls
reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, you are less likely to
Critical: +1d6 damage
die than others. When you make a death saving throw, Property: Each time you miss a target with this weapon,
you can take the better of your die roll or 10. you gain a cumulative +1 bonus (up to the weapon’s
enhancement bonus) to your next attack roll with this
Ability Check Ability Check weapon against the same target. The bonus ends if you
attack a different target or when you hit.
Scores Modifier Scores Modifier
Str 18 +5 Int 11 +1
Con 16 +4 Wis 12 +2
Dex 13 +2 Cha 10 +1
Theo Miller (order #4358806) 7