Load Flow Analysis
Load Flow Analysis
Load Flow Analysis
LO5: Evaluate steady state system performance using power flow analysis
1. To familiarize with the major components of typical power systems and universally
accepted symbols used to identify such components.
2. To understand why and how complex three phase systems are represented by single-
line diagrams.
4. To do the power flow analysis by simulating the system in a power system simulation
and compare the output with the measured data.
The Power System Simulator is a model that has been built up using actual electrical
components such as synchronous generator, transformer, transmission line models and 11 kV
vacuum circuit breaker panels with electromechanical and numerical protection relays.
The power system simulator, an analogous model in voltage scaled down version of the actual
system is expected to fulfill the requirement providing practical exposure to the students.
At the end of the practical, the student will gain a vivid picture of each aspect of a power system
including generation, transmission, distribution and metering essential for a safe and reliable
operating system.
System Modeling
a) Synchronous Generator
Though in actual power systems, turbines are used as prime movers for generators in our power
system simulator model we are using an induction motor as the prime mover. To control the
speed of the motor VSD is used.
Generator Excitation
Exciting a generator means supplying DC current to the rotor DC winding. The following
methods can be used to provide excitation.
• Separate excitation
• Brushless excitation
• Shaft end DC generator type excitation
b) Substation
In this practical the generating voltage will be stepped down using a step-down transformer for
safety purposes. During the practical step–up and step-down transformers will provide the
purposes of the substation. Please note that the safety equipment used in a substation are not
used in the power system simulator model.
The purpose of using transmission lines is to transfer electric energy from generating units to
the distribution system. The electrical behavior of a transmission line under normal operating
conditions is characterized by four electrical parameters. They are,
Transmission lines can be studied under the following three models and the transmission lines
can be represented as a two-port network with the ABCD parameters.
The loads of a power system are divided into industrial, commercial, and residential. The
industrial loads are composite loads and induction motors contribute to a high proportion of
these loads. These composite loads are functions of voltage and frequency and perform a major
part of the system load. Commercial and residential loads consist of lighting, heating, and
cooling. These loads are independent of frequency and consume negligibly small reactive
Load models can be categorized into two sections as static and dynamic models.
Power flow studies, commonly referred to as load flow studies, are the backbone of power
system analysis and design. They are necessary for planning, operation, economic scheduling,
and exchange of power between utilities. Apart from these analyses such as transient stability
analyses and contingency analyses require a power flow analysis. In a power flow analysis,
the magnitude and phase angle of voltages at each bus and active and reactive power in each
line should be determined.
In solving a power flow problem, the system is assumed to be operating under balanced
conditions and a single-phase model is used. Four quantities are associated with each bus. They
are voltage magnitude |V|, phase angle δ, real power P and reactive power Q.
The following three methods are used to obtain power flow solutions.
Load Data:
Generator reactance:
Transmission line data
Transmission line 01 (Per phase): R L C
Transmission line 02 (Per phase): R L C
Part B
From the name plate details and through general observations collect the following
information on the major components of the UoM real-life power system. By using the
following information draw the single line diagram.
b) Load Flow
You should take the meter reading at the following points for the three scenarios given
i. With all the lines and loads in service, run the generator, and note down the
readings on each meter.
ii. Change the loads to increase the reactive load component and note the readings.
iii. Switch off two transmission lines and note the meter readings.
c) Simulation
Simulate the UoM real life power system using a power system software.
1. Convert all the impedance values to a common base of 100kVA and tabulate all
such values along with the impedance values given on the name plate.
2. Calculate the efficiency of each transmission line.