Introduction To Information Technology
Introduction To Information Technology
Introduction To Information Technology
The history of computers can be traced back to the 19 th century when an English mathematician
called Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine. It was based on this designs basic
framework that emerging computers have been based on until today.
Computer evolution can be classified into four groups, namely first generation computers,
second generation computers, third generation computers and forth generation computers.
First generation computers can be traced to have emerged between the 1940s and 1950s. These
computers were created during World War II and were created to perform specific tasks. These
types of computers depended on vacuum tubes and magnetic drums in order for them to function.
They were very large in size and could fill up a whole room. In 1946, the Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was created which is believed to have weighed around 30
tons and it used 18,000 vacuum tubes for processing information. These computers could only
perform one task and they did not have any operating systems. This made them very slow.
Second generation computers were developed between the 1950s and 1960s. Unlike the first
generation computers that used vacuum tubes, these computers were developed using transistors
which were more reliable. The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC 1) was the first
commercial computer to have been introduced to the public. It is in this computer generation that
many computer languages were created alongside the development of external storage devices
such as the tape and the disc.
Third generation occurred between 1963 and 1971 where much smaller, more powerful, and
more reliable computers were designed and created. These computers were able to perform more
than one task and were able to run a number of programs at the same time. These computers had
integrated circuits and semiconductors.
The fourth generation are computers made from 1971 till date. These computers are
characterized by the use of integrated circuits and microprocessors. In these computers, millions
of functions and information could be placed into a single silicon chip. This enables the
computers to become faster, more reliable and able to be used for multiple purposes at any given
time. These computers come in countless portable shapes, sizes and brands.
Computer hardware is composed of input devices and output devices. Input devices are parts of
the computer that enable a user to load data or information into the computer using a keyboard or
a mouse. Output devices are parts of the computer that are used to produce information which
has been created in line with the instructions that a user had given it. Output devices include
computer monitors and speakers.
On the other hand, computer software referrers to the non- visible, non-tangible programs and
instructions that control a computers functionality.
In order for any computer to function, it is required to have memory. There are generally two
types of memory that a computer uses, primary memory and secondary memory.
Mugivane (2014) states that the primary storage of information on a computer is Random Access
Memory (RAM). There are many different types of RAM and these include: DRAM, SRAM,
and SDRAM.
Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), this type of memory requires constant
refreshing in order for content not to be lost. DRAM is commonly used in personal
Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), is faster and less volatile than DRAM hence
requires more power to operate. Unlike DRAM, SRAM does not need to be refreshed
Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SRAM), is a type of DRAM which works
with a much higher processing speed tan DRAM.
Another form of memory used by a computer is called Read Only Memory (ROM). As the
name indicates, ROM only allows you to read but no changes can be made to it. ROM is
referred to as non-volatile information. ROM normally consists of information comprising
instructions that are needed to operate the computer. This information is normally installed at
the time the computer is manufactured. There are different types of ROM, these include;
Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM), is the type of memory that can only be
modified once by the user. This means that once information has been installed, it cannot be
edited or overwritten, it stays permanently.
Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM), is the type of memory that can
be programmed several times by the user, unlike PROM. However, erasing of content on
EPROM can only be done using ultra-violet light, normally using an EPROM eraser
Electronically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM), is the kind of
memory that can be erased electronically. This type of memory allows a user to erase and
reprogram content about ten thousand times.
Secondary Memory
Secondary memory, also known as external memory, are nonvolatile and cannot be readily
accessed by a computers CPU. Secondary memory comprises of HDD, SSD, compact DISC
(CD), Floppy disk and magnet tape.
Hard disc drive (HDD) is the main and usually the largest data storage device on a computer.
The HDD size of a computer varies from one computer to another depending on the
manufacturers design. They are able to store data ranging between 160 gigabytes to 2
Solid-State Drive (SSD) is the type of memory that is nonvolatile storage media that are used
to store solid-state flash memory. This type of memory is also referred to as flash drive. SSD
memory is designed to enable fast read and write performance for both sequential and
random data request.
Compact Disc (CD) is an external storage device that can be used to store data that can be
retrieved at a later stage. CDs can be used to store software programs, and various types of
files which can be used as backup storage. CDs can store data ranging between 650 to 700
megabytes (MB).
Floppy disk is a magnetic storage device used by computers to store data, it is also known as
a floppy. In order for a computer to be able to store data or have access to data on a floppy
disc, it needs a Floppy Dis Drive (FDD). Floppy discs have become smaller in size and
increased in storage capacity as they have evolved in design.
Magnet tape is another form of secondary storage that are used by computers for data
storage. It is one of the oldest forms of data storage that is made up of a thin plastic ribbon
that is one side coated with a material that can be magnetized so that data can be recorded
onto it.