Prebreakdown Conduction in Vacuum Gaps Under Switching Impulse Excitations
Prebreakdown Conduction in Vacuum Gaps Under Switching Impulse Excitations
Prebreakdown Conduction in Vacuum Gaps Under Switching Impulse Excitations
The present investigation concerns prebreakdown con-
duction in vacuum gaps under slow impulses. Hemispheri-
cal, plane, and needle electrodes have been used in a
vacuum emvironment of better than 0.1 mPa. The gap
spacings were 0.5, 1, and 1.5 mm. The front times
ranged from 200 ps to 5 ins. The results indicate that
prebreakdown currents were smaller than the highest
sensitivity of 10-7 Afor front times of about 1 ins.
For larger front times, breakdown currents were ob-
served, which increased with front time. The voltage-
current relationship appears to follow Fowler-Nordheim
theory but Fowler-Nordheim plots are branched. The
high magnitudes may be attributed to ion-assisted field
emission based on which a model has been developed,
that agrees substantially with experimental results.
Applicability of non-metallic type of emission is dis-
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IEEE Tnansa EEl,t
on cal Tnlnauiltion Vol. EI-2C0 No.4. Al! ugut 1985
reduced to 80% of the sparking value and maintained con- addition to the delay and asymmetry, the pbd currents
stant for 10 minutes. From experimental observations, under impulse voltages have been found to be at least
the maintenance voltages during ac conditioning were an order higher than under comparable 50 Hz ac stress.
found to be 18, 36, and 48 kV for 0.5, 1 and 1.5 mm It is worth noting that pbd current magnitudes under
gaps, respectively. A few experiments were also con- 50 Hz voltages are about two orders higher than under
ducted with electrodes subjected to 'spark conditioning"? dc voltages [7].
in which the gaps were subjected to 20 to 30 sparks with
the current on sparkover being less than 0.5 A (peak). 0 6 1 1 1
The experiment started with the application of im-
pulses at a low level and increasing in small steps.
Five impulses were applied at each level at intervals of
30 s. That voltage level at which there were at least E 0 4 -
0 I Il
Prebreakdown currents have been measured for each of TIME TO FRONT IN ms
the above mentioned configurations. Additionally, some
experiments were conducted to study the effect of con- Fig. 1(b): Variation of tirne-Zag between voltage and
tamination. (1) in one set of experiments, liquid ni- current peaks as a function of time to front of
trogen was not used in the trap so that back-streaming appZied impulse voltages
of diffusion pump fluid would contaminate the electrodes.
This is designated "contaminated condition A", and (2)
in another set of experiments, the special alloy needle, INFLUENCE OF TIME TO FRONT ON PBD CONDUCTION
allowed to rust in water over a day, was used. This
is designated "contaminated condition "B". For any given gap configuration, pbd currents were
below perceptible levels (i.e. <<10-7 A) for front
times less than or equal to 750 ps. For 1.7 ms
fronted impulses, a well-defined pbd current waveform
developed occasionally. Over the regime of 200 to
750 ps front times, microdischarges were observed
frequently. These were typically rectangular pulses,
magnitudes ranging to a few tens of mA and duration
being around 1 to 2 ms. Sometimes, a micro-discharge
resulted in subsequent development of a well-defined
pbd waveform and at some other times a pbd current
culminated in a microdischarge. It was observed that
l___ \ ___ pbd currents would be conditioned off with repeated
application of impulses or by application of a higher
voltage impulse. For 0.5 mm gaps, more often than
not, a microdischarge resulted in a breakdown. With
3 and 5 ms fronted waves, pbd currents developed in
a regular manner. It is found that the current mag-
Fig. 1(a): Typical pbd current oscillogram of 3 ms nitudes increase as front time increases from 1.7 to
Front iapulse excitation
Upper beamr (voltage) 120 kV/div,
3 to 5 ms, with saturation becoming evident towards
5 ms (see Fig. 2).
Lower beam (current) 63 uiA/di-d,
Sweep 2 ms/div.
Peak has been indicated by an arrow. INFLUENCE OF CONTAMINATION
In every case, the pbd current waveform was "asym- Rusted needle cathodes (contaminated condition B)
metric" sensehatthecurretpeakalwaysgave
the tha the curent pek alway the highest pbd currents. These were almost two
orders of magnitude Citionparesute
higher compared to currents under
occurred later than the voltage peak, the time lag normal o niti. currentsu
ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 ms. The current magnitude in that w tice t e onlytaout
that were only about twice the current under normal
tailtailwaswashigher for aa given voltage.
the the Fig. 1(a)
voltage . Fi. a conditions .
shows a typical oscillogram. Fig. 1(b) shows time
lag between the voltage and current peaks as a func-
tion of front time of the applied impulse. The consis-
tent increase in the time lag with front time confirms INFLUENCE OF SPARK CONDITIONING
that the time lag is due to phenomena in the gap. It codtoigo.lcroe ie iet
has also been verified that the time lag due to the sytmicgohofpdureswihaealouh
measuring circuit is < 1 us, and therefore should be
precluded . Simi lar time lags between voltage and cur- hge nmgiue
rent peaks and asymmetry in the current waveform have
been observed also by earlier workers [6,7, 8, 9]. In
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Sriniva4Sa and Nagabhushana: PrE-breakdo-wn conduct-ioin a-n vacuum gaps 69-
4X1064 W ; C a ~
7X10 ~5 t
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 7X 1-
o -13 \ S B\ (73)
Fig f:pdcretai ueto ffottm f2\
_ \
i\\ t \A l
IF 0
phenomenon being a main cause of the enhanced pbd
currents. Furfher, the slowanode process es would re-
3xsuf7 0ic ie
sult in a delayed current peak. The longer the time
-- -
to front, the longer the activity of the anode phenom- Here the usual notation is adopted and as is common
enon, thereby enhancing emission. Thus higher cur- the functions t2(y) and V(y) are equated to unity.
rents could be expected with larger wave fronts. Further aend/0«1 and is neglected.
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694 IEEE Transactions on Electria-l Tnsulation Vol. EI-20 No.4. ugst 1935
13 _________________ for the computation. The F-N curves are plotted for
7 X 10 _ different voltages in kV (peak). They are shown in
Fig. 5. It is seen that experimental and theoretical
X \(37 5) curves have reasonable similarities, justifying the
2 3 4 5 6 0
1/V x 165(VOLT')
Fig. 4: Typical F-N plots of needle-pZane eZectrodes (35) RI
with 1.5 mm gap i t ) (30' \
Front time = 3 ms (polarity is positive) bX
A Standard conditions, B Rusted needZe, and 168 (2 5)
C Without liquid nitrogen in trap.
AZZ quantities in bracket indicate voltages in kV _
6 x
(peak). 21 3 4 5
-8 -1
l/E X 108 (VOLT cm)
In Eq. (1) JIF is the current density (A/cm2), E is
the average electric field intensity (V/cm), 0 is the
work function (eV) and F'is the field intensification Fig. 5: F-N plots as per the theoretical model
factor. Eq. (1) does not incorporate temporal growth and 0 = 2 eV
of current but only gives the final stable value. an _ e
Since, in the present case, the applied voltage is (all
time dependent, it becomes necessary to account for
the temporal growth. If the applied field intensity
El is changed to E2 in a time int3rval At, starting
at the instant t=0, it is now postulated that current CONCLUSIONS
density J(t) for t>0 is given by: Prebreakdown currents in vacuum gaps under slow im-
J(t) = J2 + (Jl-J2)exp (-t/a) (2) pulse excitations with Lront times from 200 Ps to 5 ms
have been studied. The results strongly indicate that
where Jl and J2 are current densities as given by Eq. an anode mechanism is at work to influence the current
(1), corresponding to: El and E2 respectively, and a is magnitude for front times of 1 ms or higher. This re-
the time constant of current growth. Thus even though sults in (1) current magnitudes one order higher than
the voltage is raised instantly to the value E2 the under comparable 50 Hz ac stress, '2) the current peak
current increase occurs gradually with a time constant occurring later than the voltage peak and (3) an
as. Thus in the case of impulses, the current continues "asymmetry" in the current waveform in that the current
to increase for a little while after the voltage has is higher in the tail for the same voltage. These
reached the peak. Therefore, the current peak occurs result in F-N plots that are branched. It has been
later than the voltage peak. By a similar process it possible to explain these on the basis of the ion-
may be seen that the currents will be different for the assisted field emission theory ( f Porotnikov and
same instantaneous voltage on the front and tail por- Rodnevich after incorporating time dependence in terms
tions of the wavre. A relatively low value (2 eV) of of the anode time constant. The agreement is con-
work function and a moderate F - lue (200) are assumed sidered satisfactory. Some features of the present
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SrinivasS and Nagabht h-ana: Prbr-eakdcwn conduction in vacuum gaps 695
results, namely, adequacy of lower values of work [7] G. Parthasarathy and H. V. Gopalakrishna, "Pre-
function and S to explain the current magnitude seems breakdown phenomena in vacuum gaps subject to
to conflict with the "non-metallic" emission model of alternating voltages", Proc. IV Int. Symp. on
Latham et al. and Hurley et al. Disch. and Elect. Insul. in Vacuum, p 214, (1970).
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