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Lesson 7

W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 1
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Test Record Form

Possible Criterion Student

Score Score Score

Vocabulary: Target Vocabulary, Synonyms 10 8

Comprehension: Text and Graphic Features, Selection Test 10 8

Phonics: Three-Letter Clusters (scr-, spr-, str-, thr-) 10 8

Language Arts: Verb Tenses 10 8

TOTAL 40 32

Total Student Score × 2.5 = %

'/ /.

Test Record Form 32 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 2
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Target Vocabulary, Synonyms Vocabulary

Use what you know about the target vocabulary and synonyms to answer
questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 What does the word imagine 3 What does the word tracing
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
Sherry liked to imagine that Robert did a tracing of the
she could run faster than a comic strip.
Say Reading
Brag Short play
Practice Original picture

4 What does the word sketches

2 What does the word illustrate mean in the sentence below?
mean in the sentence below? My sketches were in a pile on
My father can illustrate any the floor.
Tell Clothes
Confuse Quick drawings
Make it better Colored pencils
Draw pictures for

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Vocabulary 33 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 3
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What Do Illustrators Do?


5 What does the word research 7 Which word is a SYNONYM

mean in the sentence below? for the word below in the
Who did the research for that sentence below?
book? Mom put her shoes below the
Pictures On
Fact finding Under
Reading aloud Beside
6 Which word is a SYNONYM
for the word view in the 8 Which word is a SYNONYM
sentence below? for the word enormous in the
We can view the mountains sentence below?
from here. That enormous animal is an
Climb Tiny
Paint Gray
Choose Large

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Vocabulary 34 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 4
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What Do Illustrators Do?


9 Which word is a SYNONYM 10 Which word is a SYNONYM

for the word enjoys in the for the word ocean in the
sentence below? sentence below?
Willow enjoys making cookies. The fish swim in the ocean.

Likes Sea
Hates Tank
Teaches School
Practices Pool


Vocabulary 35 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 5
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Text and Graphic Features, Comprehension

Selection Test
Think back to the selection “What Do Illustrators Do?” to answer questions
1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 How do the pictures of the 3 The information in this

man and the woman help passage tells the reader that
the reader understand the illustrators —
information in the book? can draw very quickly
They show how each may dislike working
illustrator looked. together
They show which books may use things from their
needed illustrators own lives in their pictures
They show how draw pictures exactly the
illustrators and authors way the author tells them
are alike. to
They show what each
illustrator was thinking
4 How does the woman
and doing.
illustrator change Jack?
She makes Jack a girl.
2 The cat and the dog help the She makes Jack a giant.
reader by — She makes Jack very
illustrating the books small.
showing the reader She makes Jack very
32 pages mean.
showing the reader how
to do research
asking questions and
giving the reader facts
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Comprehension 36 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 6
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What Do Illustrators Do?


5 Who explained what the word 7 The man illustrator used the
scale means? cat to show —
The hen how the cat liked
The giant beanstalks
The cat and dog how the reader should
The man illustrator draw cats
how the cat helped the
beanstalk grow
6 The pictures in the story help
how the beanstalk grew
the reader understand that —
bigger over time
Jack was a little boy
illustrators are usually in
the same family 8 Why are there are four
pictures for the same pictures of Jacqueline’s face on
story can look very one page of the story?
different It is difficult to draw Jack
children should not talk as a girl.
while their parents are The illustrator liked to
working draw Jacqueline.
They show how
Jacqueline would look
if the illustrator used
different tools.
The man illustrator drew
two of them, and the
woman illustrator drew
the other two.

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Comprehension 37 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 7
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What Do Illustrators Do?


9 The reader can understand 10 How did the illustrators

the differences between celebrate finishing their
watercolors, watercolor books?
crayons, colored pencils, and They went to sleep.
no black lines by — They ate ice cream.
reading carefully They had a big party.
using imagination They sent them to the
trying it himself or herself publisher.
looking closely at the

Mark Student Reading Level: 34/0

____ Independent ____ Instructional ____ Listening

Comprehension 38 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 8
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Three-Letter Clusters Phonics

(scr-, spr-, str-, thr-)

Use what you know about the three-letter clusters scr-, spr-, str-, and thr- to
answer questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.

1 Which word or phrase 3 Which word or phrase

describes the word scratch in describes the word spread in
the sentence below? the sentence below?
The kitten likes to scratch the Alan spread the blanket on the
post. ground for the picnic.

Catch Crumpled
Scrape Opened up
Change Cleaned up
Sit next to Made it dirty

2 Which word or phrase 4 Which word or phrase

describes the word strange in describes the word stream in
the sentence below? the sentence below?
Uncle Ross heard a strange The deer walked next to the
noise in the garage. quiet stream.

Loud River
Common Shout
Quiet Street
Unusual Houses

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Phonics 39 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 9
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What Do Illustrators Do?


5 Which word or phrase 7 Which word or phrase

describes the word thread in describes the word scream in
the sentence below? the sentence below?
Grandma used a needle and The baby will scream when he
thread to sew the shirt. is hungry.

Heat Yell
Treat Smile
Walk carefully Tell us
Thin cotton yarn Wake up

6 Which word or phrase 8 Which word or phrase

describes the word straight in describes the word street in
the sentence below? the sentence below?

Mr. Phillips drew a straight The Jones family lives on this

line on the chalkboard. street.

Black Road
Chalk River
Very long Houseboat
Not wavy or curved Train station

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Phonics 40 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 1 0
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What Do Illustrators Do?


9 Which word or phrase 10 Which word or phrase

describes the word sprayed in describes the word throw in
the sentence below? the sentence below?
The children sprayed each Martin is learning how to
other with the hose. throw a baseball.

Tied up Buy
Shot water at Toss
Played and shouted at Make
Laughed and ran around Juggle


Phonics 41 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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3_246239RTXEAN_U2W2.indd 41 6/30/09 7:00:36 PM

Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 1 1
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Verb Tenses Language Arts

Use what you know about verb tenses to answer questions 1–10. Mark the space
for the best answer to each question.

1 What change, if any, should be 3 What change, if any, should be

made to the sentence below? made to the sentence below?
Gloria has looking for the trail Mr. Kwan are take his trash
in the woods. out on Monday.

Change has looking to Change are take to

looking is take
Change has looking to Change are take to
is looks will take
Change has looking to Change are take to
is looking has take
Make no change Make no change

2 What change, if any, should be 4 What change, if any, should be

made to the sentence below? made to the sentence below?
The bike started to go down Please be sure to writes your
the hill. name on your paper.

Change started to start Change writes to write

Change started to Change writes to wrote
is start Change writes to
Change started to writing
starting Make no change
Make no change

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Language Arts 42 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 1 2
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Language Arts

5 What change, if any, should be 7 What change, if any, should be

made to the sentence below? made to the sentence below?
The visitors have stepped off Honey liking to fly her kite on
the boat. windy days.

Change have stepped to Change liking to likes

is step Change liking to
Change have stepped to is liking
are stepped Change liking to
Change have stepped to was likes
will stepping Make no change
Make no change
8 What change, if any, should be
6 What change, if any, should be made to the sentence below?
made to the sentence below? Amy and Harvey have worked
The bee are buzzing as it flew at a hospital.
near the flower.
Change have worked to
Change are buzzing to is working
will buzzing Change have worked to
Change are buzzing to are worked
was buzzing Change have worked to
Change are buzzing to have working
has buzzing Make no change
Make no change

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Language Arts 43 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 1 3
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What Do Illustrators Do?

Language Arts

9 What change, if any, should be 10 What change, if any, should be

made to the sentence below? made to the sentence below?
The store are open in the Mr. Davidson buy a pizza for
morning. his students.

Change are open to Change buy to buyed

will open Change buy to bought
Change are open to Change buy to
have open has boughten
Change are open to Make no change
can opening
Make no change


Language Arts 44 Grade 3, Unit 2: Express Yourself

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