Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
W E E K LY T E S T S 7 . 1
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TOTAL 40 32
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Use what you know about the target vocabulary and synonyms to answer
questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
1 What does the word imagine 3 What does the word tracing
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
Sherry liked to imagine that Robert did a tracing of the
she could run faster than a comic strip.
Say Reading
Brag Short play
Practice Original picture
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Likes Sea
Hates Tank
Teaches School
Practices Pool
Selection Test
Think back to the selection “What Do Illustrators Do?” to answer questions
1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
5 Who explained what the word 7 The man illustrator used the
scale means? cat to show —
The hen how the cat liked
The giant beanstalks
The cat and dog how the reader should
The man illustrator draw cats
how the cat helped the
beanstalk grow
6 The pictures in the story help
how the beanstalk grew
the reader understand that —
bigger over time
Jack was a little boy
illustrators are usually in
the same family 8 Why are there are four
pictures for the same pictures of Jacqueline’s face on
story can look very one page of the story?
different It is difficult to draw Jack
children should not talk as a girl.
while their parents are The illustrator liked to
working draw Jacqueline.
They show how
Jacqueline would look
if the illustrator used
different tools.
The man illustrator drew
two of them, and the
woman illustrator drew
the other two.
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Catch Crumpled
Scrape Opened up
Change Cleaned up
Sit next to Made it dirty
Loud River
Common Shout
Quiet Street
Unusual Houses
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Heat Yell
Treat Smile
Walk carefully Tell us
Thin cotton yarn Wake up
Black Road
Chalk River
Very long Houseboat
Not wavy or curved Train station
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Tied up Buy
Shot water at Toss
Played and shouted at Make
Laughed and ran around Juggle
Use what you know about verb tenses to answer questions 1–10. Mark the space
for the best answer to each question.
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