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Climate Conditions

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In common usage, climate change describes global warming—the ongoing increase in global
average temperature—and its effects on Earth's climate system. Climate change in a broader
sense also includes previous long-term changes to Earth's climate. The current rise in global average
temperature is primarily caused by humans burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuel use, deforestation, and
some agricultural and industrial practices add to greenhouse gases, notably carbon
dioxide and methane. Greenhouse gases absorb some of the heat that the Earth radiates after it warms
from sunlight. Larger amounts of these gases trap more heat in Earth's lower atmosphere, causing
global warming.

Changes in surface air temperature over the past 50 years. The Arctic has warmed the most, and
temperatures on land have generally increased more than sea surface temperatures.
Earth's average surface air temperature has increased almost 1.5 °C (about 2.5 °F) since the Industrial
Revolution. Natural forces cause some variability, but the 20-year average shows the progressive
influence of human activity.

Climate change has an increasingly large impact on the environment. Deserts are expanding,
while heat waves and wildfires are becoming more common. Amplified warming in the Arctic has
contributed to thawing permafrost, retreat of glaciers and sea ice decline. Higher temperatures are
also causing more intense storms, droughts, and other weather extremes. Rapid environmental
change in mountains, coral reefs, and the Arctic is forcing many species to relocate or become
extinct. Even if efforts to minimise future warming are successful, some effects will continue for
centuries. These include ocean heating, ocean acidification and sea level rise.

Climate change threatens people with increased flooding, extreme heat,

increased food and water scarcity, more disease, and economic loss. Human migration and conflict
can also be a result. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls climate change the greatest threat
to global health in the 21st century. Societies and ecosystems will experience more severe risks
without action to limit warming

Adapting to climate change through efforts like flood control measures or drought-resistant
crops partially reduces climate change risks, although some limits to adaptation have already been
reached. Poorer communities are responsible for a small share of global emissions, yet have the least
ability to adapt and are most vulnerable to climate change.

Examples of some effects of climate change: Wildfire intensified by heat and drought, bleaching of
corals occurring more often due to marine heatwaves, and worsening droughts compromising water

Many climate change impacts have been felt in recent years, with 2023 the warmest on record at
+1.48 °C (2.66 °F) since regular tracking began in 1850. Additional warming will increase these
impacts and can trigger tipping points, such as melting all of the Greenland ice sheet. Under the
2015 Paris Agreement, nations collectively agreed to keep warming "well under 2 °C". However,
with pledges made under the Agreement, global warming would still reach about 2.7 °C (4.9 °F) by
the end of the century. Limiting warming to 1.5 °C will require halving emissions by 2030 and
achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Fossil fuel use can be phased out by conserving energy and switching to energy sources that do not
produce significant carbon pollution. These energy sources include wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear
power. Cleanly generated electricity can replace fossil fuels for powering transportation, heating
buildings, and running industrial processes. Carbon can also be removed from the atmosphere, for
instance by increasing forest cover and farming with methods that capture carbon in soil.


The scientific community has been investigating the causes of climate change for decades. After
thousands of studies, it came to a consensus, where it is "unequivocal that human influence has
warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land since pre-industrial times." This consensus is supported by
around 200 scientific organizations worldwide; the dominant role in this climate change has been
played by the direct emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. Indirect
CO2 emissions from land use change and the emissions of methane, nitrous oxide and
other greenhouse gases play major supporting roles.

Drivers of climate change from 1850–1900 to 2010–2019. There was no significant contribution
from internal variability or solar and volcanic drivers.
Observed temperature from NASA vs the 1850–1900 average used by the IPCC as a pre-industrial
baseline. The primary driver for increased global temperatures in the industrial era is human activity,
with natural forces adding variability.

The warming from the greenhouse effect has a logarithmic relationship with the concentration of
greenhouse gases. This means that every additional fraction of CO2 and the other greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere has a slightly smaller warming effect than the fractions before it as

The total concentration increases. However, only around half of CO2 emissions continually reside in
the atmosphere in the first place, as the other half is quickly absorbed by carbon sinks in the land and
oceans. Further, the warming per unit of greenhouse gases is also affected by feedbacks, such as the
changes in water vapour concentrations or Earth's albedo (reflectivity).

As the warming from CO2 increases, carbon sinks absorb a smaller fraction of total emissions, while
the "fast" climate change feedbacks amplify greenhouse gas warming. Thus, both effects are
considered to each other out, and the warming from each unit of CO2 emitted by humans increases
temperature in linear proportion to the total amount of emissions. Further, some fraction of the
greenhouse warming has been "masked" by the human-caused emissions of sulfur dioxide, which
forms aerosols that have a cooling effect. However, this masking has been receding in the recent
years, due to measures to combat acid rain and air pollution caused by sulphates.


India is ranked fourth among the list of countries most affected by climate change in 2015. India
emits about 3 gigatonnes (Gt) CO2eq of greenhouse gases each year; about two and a half tons per
person, which is less than the world averaged. The country emits 7% of global emissions, despite
having 17% of the world population. Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau are causing
Himalayan glaciers to retreat, threatening the flow rate of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yamuna and
other major rivers. A 2007 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report states that the Indus River
may run dry for the same reason.Heat waves’ frequency and intensity are increasing in India because
of climate change. Severe landslides and floods are projected to become increasingly common in
such states as Assam. The climate change performance index of India ranks eighth among 63
countries which account for 92% of all GHG emissions in the year 2021.

Temperatures in India have risen by 1.94 °C (3.5 °F) between 1901 and 2018.

According to some current projections, the number and severity of droughts in India will have
markedly increased by the end of the present century.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the gases in the atmosphere that raise the surface temperature
of planets such as the Earth. What distinguishes them from other gases is that
they absorb the wavelengths of radiation that a planet emits, resulting in the greenhouse effect. The
Earth is warmed by sunlight, causing its surface to radiate heat, which is then mostly absorbed by
greenhouse gases. Without greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the average temperature of Earth's
surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F), rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F).

Greenhouse gases trap some of the heat that results when sunlight heats the Earth's surface. Three
important greenhouse gases are shown symbolically in this image: carbon dioxide, water vapour,
and methane.
This chart shows how much various physical factors affect climate change. Whiskers on each
bar show the possible error range.

The five most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere, listed in decreasing order of
average global mole fraction, are: water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone.
Other greenhouse gases of concern include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs and HCFCs),
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons, SF6, and NF3. Water vapour causes about half of the
greenhouse effect, but humans are not directly adding to its amount, so it is not a driver of climate
change. Carbon dioxide is causing about three-quarters of global warming and can take thousands of
years to be fully absorbed by the carbon cycle. Methane causes most of the remaining warming and
lasts in the atmosphere for an average of 12 years. Human activities since the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution (around 1750) have increased carbon dioxide by over 50%, up to a level not
seen in over 3 million years.The atmospheric methane concentrations have increased by over 150%
during the same time period.Without human influence, the natural flows of carbon between the
atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems, the ocean, and sediments would be fairly balanced. The vast
majority of carbon dioxide emissions by humans come from the burning of fossil fuels. Further
contributions come from agriculture and industry. Methane emissions originate from agriculture,
fossil fuel production, waste, and other sources.
If current emission rates continue then global warming will surpass 2.0 °C (3.6 °F) sometime
between 2040 and 2070. This is a level which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) says is dangerous.


Atmospheric absorption and scattering at different wavelengths of electromagnetic waves. The

largest absorption band of carbon dioxide is not far from the maximum in the thermal emission from
ground, and it partly closes the window of transparency of water—explaining carbon dioxide’s major
heat-trapping effect.

Greenhouse gases are infrared active, meaning that they absorb and emit infrared radiation in the
same long wavelength range as what is emitted by the Earth’s surface, clouds and atmosphere.99%
of the Earth’s dry atmosphere (excluding water vapour) is made up of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen
(21%). Because their molecules contain two atoms of the same element, they have no asymmetry in
the distribution of their electrical charges, and so are almost totally unaffected by infrared thermal
radiation, with only an extremely minor effect from collision-induced absorption. A further 0.9% of
the atmosphere is made up by argon (Ar), which is monatomic, and so completely transparent to
thermal radiation. On the other hand, carbon dioxide (0.04%), methane, nitrous oxide and even less
abundant trace gases account for less than 0.1% of Earth’s atmosphere, but because their molecules
contain atoms of different elements, there is an asymmetry in electric charge distribution which
allows molecular vibrations to interact with electromagnetic radiation. This makes them infrared
active, and so their presence causes greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect occurs when greenhouse gases in a planet’s atmosphere insulate the planet
from losing heat to space, raising its surface temperature. Surface heating can happen from an
internal heat source as in the case of Jupiter, or from its host star as in the case of the Earth. In the
case of Earth, the Sun emits shortwave radiation (sunlight) that passes through greenhouse gases to
heat the Earth’s surface. In response, the Earth’s surface emits longwave radiation that is mostly
absorbed by greenhouse gases. The absorption of longwave radiation prevents it from reaching
space, reducing the rate at which the Earth can cool off.
Energy flows down from the sun and up from the Earth and its atmosphere. When greenhouse
gases absorb radiation emitted by Earth's surface, they prevent that radiation from escaping into
space, causing surface temperatures to rise by about 33 °C (59 °F).

Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s average surface temperature would be about −18 °C (−0.4
°F), which is less than Earth’s 20th century average of about 14 °C (57 °F), or a more recent average
of about 15 °C (59 °F). In addition to naturally present greenhouse gases, burning of fossil fuels has
increased amounts of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. As a result, global warming of
about 1.2 °C (2.2 °F) has occurred since the Industrial Revolution, with the global average surface
temperature increasing at a rate of 0.18 °C (0.32 °F) per decade since 1981.All objects with a
temperature above absolute zero emit thermal radiation. The wavelengths of thermal radiation
emitted by the Sun and Earth differ because their surface temperatures are different. The Sun has a
surface temperature of 5,500 °C (9,900 °F), so it emits most of its energy as shortwave radiation in
near-infrared and visible wavelengths (as sunlight). In contrast, Earth’s surface has a much lower
temperature, so it emits longwave radiation at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths. A gas is a
greenhouse gas if it absorbs longwave radiation. Earth’s atmosphere absorbs only 23% of incoming
shortwave radiation, but absorbs 90% of the longwave radiation emitted by the surface, thus
accumulating energy and warming the Earth’s surface.The existence of the greenhouse effect, while
not named as such, was proposed as early as 1824 by Joseph Fourier. The argument and the evidence
were further strengthened by Claude Pouillet in 1827 and 1838. In 1856 Eunice Newton Foote
demonstrated that the warming effect of the sun is greater for air with water vapour than for dry air,
and the effect is even greater with carbon dioxide. The term greenhouse was first applied to this
phenomenon by Nils Gustaf Ekholm in 1901.


Earth’s rate of heating (graph) is a result of factors which include the enhanced greenhouse effect.

Strengthening of the greenhouse effect through additional greenhouse gases from human activities is
known as the enhanced greenhouse effect. As well as being inferred from measurements by ARGO,
CERES and other instruments throughout the 21st century, 7-17 this increase in radiative forcing
from human activity has been observed directly, and is attributable mainly to increased atmospheric
carbon dioxide level.
CO2 is produced by fossil fuel burning and other activities such as cement production and tropical
deforestation. Measurements of CO2 from the Mauna Loa Observatory show that concentrations
have increased from about 313 parts per million (ppm) in 1960, passing the 400 ppm milestone in
2013.The current observed amount of CO2 exceeds the geological record maxima (≈300 ppm) from
ice core data. Over the past 800,000 years, ice core data shows that carbon dioxide has varied from
values as low as 180 ppm to the pre-industrial level of 270 ppm. Paleoclimatologists consider
variations in carbon dioxide concentration to be a fundamental factor influencing climate variations
over this time scale.

Ozone depletion consists of two related events observed since the late 1970s: a steady lowering of
about four percent in the total amount of ozone in Earth’s atmosphere, and a much larger springtime
decrease in stratospheric ozone (the ozone layer) around Earth’s Polar Regions. The latter
phenomenon is referred to as the ozone hole. There are also springtime polar tropospheric ozone
depletion events in addition to these stratospheric events.

The distribution of atmospheric ozone in partial pressure as a function of altitude.

The main causes of ozone depletion and the ozone hole are manufactured chemicals, especially
manufactured halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam-blowing agents
(chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, haloes), referred to as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).
These compounds are transported into the stratosphere by turbulent mixing after being emitted from
the surface, mixing much faster than the molecules can settle. Once in the stratosphere, they release
atoms from the halogen group through photodissociation, which catalyze the breakdown of ozone
(O3) into oxygen (O2). Both types of ozone depletion were observed to increase as emissions of
halocarbons increased. Ozone depletion and the ozone hole have generated worldwide concern over
increased cancer risks and other negative effects. The ozone layer prevents harmful wavelengths of
ultraviolet (UVB) light from passing through the Earth’s atmosphere. These wavelengths cause skin
cancer, sunburn, permanent blindness, and cataracts, which were projected to increase dramatically
as a result of thinning ozone, as well as harming plants and animals. These concerns led to the
adoption of the Montreal Protocol in 1987, which bans the production of CFCs, halons, and other
ozone-depleting chemicals. Currently, scientists plan to develop new refrigerants to replace older
ones.The ban came Into effect in 1989. Ozone levels stabilized by the mid-1990s and began to
recover in the 2000s, as the shifting of the jet stream in the southern hemisphere towards the South
Pole has stopped and might even be reversing. Recovery is projected to continue over the next
century, and the ozone hole was expected to reach pre-1980 levels by around 2075. In 2019, NASA
reported that the ozone hole was the smallest ever since it was first discovered in 1982.The Montreal
Protocol Is considered the most successful international environmental agreement to date. Following
the bans on ozone-depleting chemicals, the UN projects that under the current regulations the ozone
layer will completely regenerate by 2045, thirty years earlier than previously predicted.

Three forms (or allotropes) of oxygen are involved in the ozone-oxygen cycle: oxygen atoms (O or
atomic oxygen), oxygen gas (O2 or diatomic oxygen), and ozone gas (O3 or triatomic oxygen).
Ozone is formed in the stratosphere when oxygen gas molecules photo dissociate after absorbing
UVC photons. This converts a single O2 into two atomic oxygen radicals. The atomic oxygen
radicals then combine with separate O2 molecules to create two O3 molecules. These ozone
molecules absorb UVB light, following which ozone splits into a molecule of O2 and an oxygen
atom. The oxygen atom then joins up with an oxygen molecule to regenerate ozone. This is a
continuing process that terminates when an oxygen atom recombines with an ozone molecule to
make two O2 molecules. It is worth noting that ozone is the only atmospheric gas that absorbs UVB
Levels of ozone at various altitudes (DU/km) and absorption of different bands of ultraviolet
radiation: In essence, all UVC is absorbed by diatomic oxygen (100–200 nm) or by ozone (triatomic
oxygen) (200–280 nm) in the atmosphere. The ozone layer also absorbs most UVB. In contrast,
UVA is hardly absorbed and most of it reaches the ground. Consequently UVA makes up almost all
the UV light that penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere.

The total amount of ozone in the stratosphere is determined by a balance between photochemical
production and recombination.

Ozone can be destroyed by a number of free radical catalysts; the most important are the hydroxyl
radical (OH·), nitric oxide radical (NO·), chlorine radical (Cl·) and bromine radical (Br·). The dot is
a notation to indicate that each species has an unpaired electron and is thus extremely reactive. All of
these have both natural and man-made sources; at present, most of the OH· and NO· in the
stratosphere is naturally occurring, but human activity has drastically increased the levels of chlorine
and bromine. These elements are found in stable organic compounds, especially chlorofluorocarbons,
which can travel to the stratosphere without being destroyed in the troposphere due to their low
reactivity. Once in the stratosphere, the Cl and Br atoms are released from the parent compounds by
the action of ultraviolet light,

e.g. CFCl3 + electromagnetic radiation → Cl· + ·CFCl2

Global monthly average total ozone amount

Ozone is a highly reactive molecule that easily reduces to the more stable oxygen form with the
assistance of a catalyst. Cl and Br atoms destroy ozone molecules through a variety of catalytic
cycles. In the simplest example of such a cycle, a chlorine atom reacts with an ozone molecule (O3),
taking an oxygen atom to form chlorine monoxide (ClO) and leaving an oxygen molecule (O2). The
ClO can react with a second molecule of ozone, releasing the chlorine atom and yielding two
molecules of oxygen. The chemical shorthand for these gas-phase reactions is:

Cl· + O3 → ClO + O2

A chlorine atom removes an oxygen atom from an ozone molecule to make a ClO molecule

ClO + O3 → Cl· + 2 O2

This ClO can also remove an oxygen atom from another ozone molecule; the chlorine is free to
repeat this two-step cycle. The overall effect is a decrease in the amount of ozone, though the rate of
these processes can be decreased by the effects of null cycles. More complicated mechanisms have
also been discovered that lead to ozone destruction in the lower stratosphere.A single chlorine atom
would continuously destroy ozone (thus a catalyst) for up to two years (the time scale for transport
back down to the troposphere) except for reactions that remove it from this cycle by forming
reservoir species such as hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine nitrate (ClONO2). Bromine is even
more efficient than chlorine at destroying ozone on a per-atom basis, but there is much less bromine
in the atmosphere at present. Both chlorine and bromine contribute significantly to overall ozone
depletion. Laboratory studies have also shown that fluorine and iodine atoms participate in analogous
catalytic cycles. However, fluorine atoms react rapidly with water vapour, methane and hydrogen to
form strongly bound hydrogen fluoride (HF) in the Earth’s stratosphere, while organic molecules
containing iodine react so rapidly in the lower atmosphere that they do not reach the stratosphere in
significant quantities.A single chlorine atom Is able to react with an average of 100,000 ozone
molecules before it is removed from the catalytic cycle. This fact plus the amount of chlorine
released into the atmosphere yearly by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs) demonstrates the danger of CFCs and HCFCs to the environment.


Ozone layer depletion is a major concern and is associated with a
number of factors. The main causes responsible for the depletion of the
ozone layer are listed below:
1. Chlorofluorocarbons:

Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs are the main cause of ozone layer depletion. These are released by
solvents, spray aerosols, refrigerators, air-conditioners; etc. The molecules of chlorofluorocarbons in
the stratosphere are broken down by ultraviolet radiations and release chlorine atoms. These atoms
react with ozone and destroy it.

2. Unregulated Rocket Launches:

Researchers say that the unregulated launching of rockets results in much more depletion of the
ozone layer than the CFCs do. If not controlled, this might result in a huge loss of the ozone layer by
the year 2050.

3. Nitrogenous Compounds:

The nitrogenous compounds such as NO2, NO, N2O are highly responsible for the depletion of the
ozone layer.

4. Natural Causes:

The ozone layer has been found to be depleted by certain natural processes such as Sun-spots and
stratospheric winds. But it does not cause more than 1-2% of the ozone layer depletion. The volcanic
eruptions are also responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.


Let us see the major effects of ozone layer depletion on man and environment.

 Effects on Human Health:

 Humans will be directly exposed to the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun due to the
depletion of the ozone layer. This might result in serious health issues among humans, such
as skin diseases, cancer, sunburns, cataract, quick ageing and weak immune system.
 Effects on Animals:
Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiations leads to skin and eye cancer in animals.

 Effects on the Environment:

Strong ultraviolet rays may lead to minimal growth, flowering and photosynthesis in plants. The
forests also have to bear the harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays.

 Effects on Marine Life:

Planktons are greatly affected by the exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. These are higher in the
aquatic food chain. If the planktons are destroyed, the organisms present in the food chain are also

The depletion of the ozone layer is a serious issue and various programmes have been launched by
the government of various countries to prevent it. However, steps should be taken at the individual
level as well to prevent the depletion of the ozone layer.


The depletion of the ozone layer is a serious issue and various programmes have been launched by
the government of various countries to prevent it. However, steps should be taken at the individual
level as well to prevent the depletion of the ozone layer.

Following are some points that would help in preventing this problem at a global

 Avoid Using ODS:

Reduce the use of ozone depleting substances. E.g. avoid the use of CFCs in refrigerators and air
conditioners, replacing the halons based fire extinguishers, etc.

 Minimise the Use of Vehicles:

The vehicles emit a large amount of greenhouse gases that lead to global warming as well as ozone
depletion. Therefore, the use of vehicles should be minimised as much as possible.

 Use Eco-friendly Cleaning Products:

Most of the cleaning products have chlorine and bromine releasing chemicals that find a way into the
atmosphere and affect the ozone layer. These should be substituted with natural products to protect
the environment.

 Use of Nitrous Oxide should be Prohibited:

The government should take actions and prohibit the use of harmful nitrous oxide that is adversely
affecting the ozone layer. People should be made aware of the harmful effects of nitrous oxide and
the products emitting the gas so that its use is minimised at the individual level as well.

Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has
elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). Most water, including drinking water, has a neutral pH
that exists between 6.5 and 8.5, but acid rain has a pH level lower than this and ranges from 4–5 on
average. The more acidic the acid rain is, the lower its pH is. Acid rain can have harmful effects on
plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.

Processes involved in acid deposition (only SO2 and NOx) play a significant role in acid rain
Acid clouds can grow on SO2 emissions from refineries

Acid rain has been shown to have adverse impacts on forests, freshwaters, soils, microbes, insects
and aquatic life-forms. In ecosystems, persistent acid rain reduces tree bark durability, leaving flora
more susceptible to environmental stressors such as drought, heat/cold and pest infestation. Acid rain
is also capable of detrimenting soil composition by stripping it of nutrients such as calcium and
magnesium which play a role in plant growth and maintaining healthy soil. In terms of human
infrastructure, acid rain also causes paint to peel, corrosion of steel structures such as bridges,
and weathering of stone buildings and statues as well as having impacts on human health.

Some governments, including those in Europe and North America, have made efforts since the 1970s
to reduce the release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere through air pollution
regulations. These efforts have had positive results due to the widespread research on acid rain
starting in the 1960s and the publicized information on its harmful effects. The main source of sulfur
and nitrogen compounds that result in acid rain are anthropogenic, but nitrogen oxides can also be
produced naturally by lightning strikes and sulfur dioxide is produced by volcanic eruption


The causes of acid rain are Sulphur and Nitrogen particles which get mixed with the wet components
of rain. Sulphur and Nitrogen particles which get mixed with water are found in two ways either
man-made i.e. as the emissions that are given out from industries or by natural causes like lightning
strike in the atmosphere releasing nitrogen oxides and volcanic eruptions releasing sulphur oxide.
According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, which considers him the “father of acid rain,” the
word acid rain was invented in 1852 by Scottish chemist Robert Angus Smith. Smith decided on the
word while studying rainwater chemistry near industrial towns in England and Scotland.

The regular clean rain we experience, even though it is not clean i.e. water and carbon dioxide react
together to form weak carbonic acid which essentially by itself is not extremely harmful. The
reaction occurring is :

H2O (l) + CO2 (g) ⇌ H2CO3 (aq)

The pH value of regular rainwater is around 5.7, giving it an acidic nature. The oxides of nitrogen
and sulphur are blown away by the wind along with the dust particles. They settle on the earth’s
surface after coming down in the form of precipitation. Acid rain is essentially a by-product of
human activities which emit oxides of nitrogen and sulphur in the atmosphere. Example – the
burning of fossil fuels, unethical waste emission disposal techniques.

Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide undergo oxidation, and then they react with water resulting in
the formation of sulphuric acid and nitric acid, respectively. The following reaction will clarify the
acid formation reaction:

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) → 2H2SO4 (aq)

4NO2 (g) + O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) → 4HNO3 (aq)


1) Acid rain is very harmful to agriculture, plants, and animals. It washes away all nutrients which
are required for the growth and survival of plants. Acid rain affects agriculture by the way it alters
the composition of the soil.

2) It causes respiratory issues in animals and humans.

3) When acid rain falls down and flows into the rivers and ponds it affects the aquatic ecosystem. It
alters the chemical composition of the water, to a form which is actually to the aquatic ecosystem to
survive and causes water pollution.

4) Acid rain also causes the corrosion of water pipes, which further results in leaching of heavy
metals such as iron, lead and copper into drinking water.
5) It damages the buildings and monuments made up of stones and metals.


1) Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders of the world, is largely affected by acid rain. The
city of Agra has many industries which emit the oxides of sulphur and nitrogen in the
atmosphere. People continue to use low-quality coal and firewood as a domestic fuel,
adding to this problem. Acid rain has the following reaction with the marble (calcium

CaCO3(s) + H2SO4(l) → CaSO4(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

The formation of calcium sulphate results in the corrosion of this beautiful monument.

2) Statue of Liberty which is made of copper has also been damaged by the cumulative
action of acid rain and oxidation for over 30 years and is, therefore, becoming green.


1) The only precaution that we can take against acid rain is having a check at the
emission of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.

2) Acid rain is harmful to animals, plants and the monuments.

3) Being responsible citizens, one should be aware of the harmful effects they cause
and of the industries which give out nitrogen and sulphur compound wastes


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