Ata Ispec 2200 Specification
Ata Ispec 2200 Specification
Ata Ispec 2200 Specification
ATA Ispec 2200 provides the following document type definitions (DTDs):
ATA Ispec 2200 is a global aviation industry standard for the content, structure and
electronic exchange of aircraft engineering and maintenance information. It consists of a
series of data specifications relating to the requirements and procedures for maintenance
and configuration control of the aircraft. The goal of Ispec 2200 is to minimize the cost and
effort of operators and manufacturers, improve information quality and timeliness, and
facilitate the delivery of manufacturers' data that meets the airline's operational needs.
Recognizing the synergies between ATA Spec 100 and Spec 2100, the industry developed
this consolidated specification for guidance in the preparation of technical documentation
in support of aircraft maintenance. It includes the industry-wide standard for aircraft system
numbering, as well as content and electronic format specifications for technical
documents, regardless of delivery medium.
In 2000, ATA Spec 100 and ATA Spec 2100 were incorporated into ATA Ispec 2200:
Information Standards for Aviation Maintenance. ATA Spec 100 and Spec 2100 will not be
updated beyond the 1999 revision level.