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Blow Room Trutzschler

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4 it’s true 18 ­Truetzschler blow room
8 Discovering technology BALE OPENERS ...........................................20

COTTON INSTALLATION ...............................10

INSTALLATION PROTECTION .........................22

MAN-MADE FIBER INSTALLATION ..................12

CLEANERS ..................................................26


WASTE RECYCLING ..................................... 30

TUFT BLENDING INSTALLATION .................... 16

OPENERS ...................................................31

MIXERS ......................................................32

SEPARATORS ............................................. 34

TUFT BLENDING INSTALLATIONS ....................42

CONTROLS .................................................48



54 Technical data

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2. Use the Smartview function

Open the ­Truetzschler Spinning app and activate
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3. Scanning and viewing additional information
Scan the entire page that contains the scan icon with
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4 Blow room / it’s true


We want you to be successful with the help of our
technologies and services. However, our actions are not
limited to economic aspects.
As family enterprise, we have experienced, accompanied
and shaped the business and its specifics for decades.
Thus we know that success is more than just numbers.

Business partner, with the emphasis on partner Always innovative

Those who choose ­Truetzschler will receive added Our actions, which are based on long-term success,
values that cannot be taken for granted in view of ensure that you have a partner that is always availa-
the increasingly fierce competition. But in our opin- ble. But also the security to continuously profit from
ion they are imperative. technical innovations that can only be provided by
­Truetzschler in this quality.
Reliable and close
For four generations we have demonstrated that our In short: T
­ruetzschler attaches importance to com-
word carries the same weight as a contract else- mercial success, but even more to long-term part-
where. Though business numbers are taken serious- nerships.
ly by us, we will not bow to them. Instead, we rely
on real customer proximity in the textile markets of
this world through our international production and
service network.
it’s true / Blow room 5


Customer benefits, with emphasis on benefits

it‘s true
Long-term efficiency
What constitutes a good production installation? Our installations convince in terms of a well-known
Definitely a low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). The long service life and low energy consumption. At
only response of some machine manufacturers is the same time they make the best possible use of
to lower investment costs. We use a different ap- valuable raw materials. Our intelligent technologies
proach. retrieve additional good fibers even from alleged pro-
duction waste. The beauty of this particular type of
Compact and secure environment protection and resource conservation
The small footprint of our machine technology and its lies in the fact that it benefits nature and your pro-
high safety level are good for nature and user. One duction equally.
results in lower building and operating costs, and the
other protects the operator during his work. Anyone who expects sustained added value from an
installation throughout the entire production process
is demanding – and a ­Truetzschler customer.
6 Blow room / it’s true

Quality, value creation, life cycle costs 

Advantages made by ­Truetzschler

It is not by chance that ­Truetzschler is innovation leader

in the blow room. We use patented technologies that
allow maximum good fiber yield at highest quality.
There is no better starting position for your yarn quality.

Cotton qualities vary, • 

Only the T ­ruetzschler cleaning lines produce
but your yarn quality does not 1,200 kg/h per line, or 2,000 kg/h per line with two
The challenges associated with consistent first-class parallel cleaners.
fiber preparation seem simple. However, the quality • Savings in machines: For 2,000 kg/h, actually 2 – 3
of the raw material cotton is influenced by natural fac- blow room lines are needed. In comparison, a line
tors such as climate or pests. Seed coat fragments with only one bale work-off saves investments of
or honeydew can make the production of a consist- 210,000 US$ and more.
ent quality more difficult or expensive. ­Truetzschler • Using a spinning mill example*), the investment
masters these challenges in the blow room by inno- savings in building, machines and filter systems
vative technology, sensible sensors and intelligent alone amount to 426,000 US$.
software. All components work together optimally, • 
Concerning operating costs,*) additional annual
allowing full concentration on the core tasks. savings of 226,000 US$ can be realised.

More good fibers – more quality *) 14 cards, each 140 kg/h, 8,000 h p/a;
Maximum web quality at minimum waste quanti- raw material use approx. 15,680 t

ties – this is the standard against which every blow

room is measured. By applying its patented technol-
ogy, T­ ruetzschler brings highest quality in line with
maximum raw material yield – in a measurable way.
Examples for this are, a.o.:
• Foreign part separators which reliably remove parts ECO
that were "invisible" in the past (foils, PP parts, etc.) Energy Saving Mode T-ECO
• Waste Sensor WASTECONTROL, which utilises During the operation of blow room lines it is
more good fibers and thus saves many bales of always possible that material transport func-
raw material per year tions are not required. However, the drives, for
instance for fans, continue to run and consume
Return on investment in record time unnecessary power. This is prevented by the
Investments in ­Truetzschler system technology pay T-ECO function.
for themselves within shortest time. We would be T-ECO decelerates the fan drives to a basic
pleased to substantiate this claim with concrete ex- speed. As soon as material is requested, the
amples during a personal meeting. Here is an exam- drives accelerate again to regular values.
ple of what to expect:
it’s true / Blow room 7
8 Blow room / Installations

The blow room is part of our company's roots – and even after more
than 125 years our engineer teams continue to succeed in improving
the efficiency and product quality with intelligent solutions. The sum of
many details gives you the appreciated lead in your markets.

The automatic Bale Opener

BLENDOMAT BO-A possesses a
proverbial robustness and reliability.
Page 20

The WASTECONTROL sensors monitor

waste quality and improve raw material
utilisation. WASTECONTROL is exclusively
available at T­ ruetzschler.
Page 26

Speed sensors in foreign part separators

determine the speed of foreign parts and
allow a targeted separation at minimum
fiber loss.
Page 34
Installations / Blow room 9

­Truetzschler nozzle beams in foreign part The Installation Controls LINECONTROL ­Truetzschler has a high level of competence
separators are optimized for minimal loss are equipped with a large-size colour in the development and production of
of good fibers and air consumption. touch screen. electronic components such as motor
Page 38 Page 47 controls, digital cameras or special sensors.
Page 48
10 Blow room / Cotton installation

The perfect cotton installation

The cotton is gradually and gently opened in the precisely
synchronised ­Truetzschler blow room machines. The answer

Bale Opener BO-R

Sliver waste
Condenser BR-COU
Integrated Heavy Part
Separator SP-IH

Universal Bale Opener BO-U Electronic Metal Separator SP-EM Pre-Cleaner CL-P
Cleaned waste

Cotton bales BLENDOMAT BO-A Multi-Function Separator


< 750 kg/h

Bale Opener BO-E

Perfect bale opening Secure protection and dust removal

The degree of flexibility of the Automatic Bale Open- The Multi Function Separator SP-MF simplifies all rel-
er BLENDOMAT BO-A is such that nearly every in- evant safety functions, including initial dust removal.
stallation version is possible. The Universal Bale Even at production rates of 2,000 kg/h, the down-
Opener BO-U is ideally suited for adding cleaned stream cleaner line is securely protected.
waste. The Waste Opener BO-R is used to prepare
sliver waste in such a way that it can be fed into the Fiber-friendly pre-cleaning
production flow finely metered. As first gentle fiber cleaning, the Pre-Cleaner CL-P is
the ideal addition to a compact line. Coarse contami-
nants are reliably removed upstream from the mixers
and fine cleaners.
Cotton installation / Blow room 11

to which one is the correct cleaner or optimal combination of

two cleaners depends on raw material and production output.

Foreign Part separator


Universal Mixer MX-I Trunk Feeder FD-T Foreign Part separator


Dust Separator

Cards TC 15

Universal Mixer Universal Cleaner Foreign Part separator


= Recommendation

Material transport components such as fans,

condensers or material separators have not
been mentioned individually.

Homogeneous blending Reliable detection and separation of foreign parts

The Universal Mixer MX-U has been specifically de- The ­Truetzschler T-SCAN TS-T5 is the most effective
signed to feed one or two Cleaners CLEANOMAT system for the separation of foreign parts. Five dif-
CL-U. Alternatively, the Integrated Mixer MX-I, which ferent detection technologies tailored to the require-
allows direct coupling to the Cleaner CLEANOMAT ments of foreign part separators are combined in one
CL-C3, can be used. separator. Depending on type of contamination and
By applying the same mixing concept, both mixers further processing, the Foreign Part Separator TS-T3
ensure perfect homogenisation of the tufts. is also a good choice.
In addition, the high performance Dust Separator
Intensive and gentle cleaning DUSTEX SP-DX can be connected downstream from
The new Universal Cleaner CLEANOMAT CL-U is the the separators. Especially for use in rotor spinning
first choice for almost all applications. mills, the dust removal function is already integrated
A CL-C3 can be used in case of severely contaminat- into the Foreign Part Separator SP-FPO.
ed cotton.
12 Blow room / Man-made fibre installation

Customised man-made fiber opening

for a perfect carding result
Man-made fibers in an increasing variety are becoming
more and more important in short staple spinning.

< 300 kg/h

Universal Bale Opener BO-C

Man-made fiber

< 750 kg/h

Universal Bale Opener BO-E

Universal Bale Opener BO-U Dosing Opener FD-S

BLENDOMAT BO-A Heavy Part Separator SP-IH Universal Mixer MX-U

Optimal opening of every production size Homogeneous blending for even card slivers
For large lots, the Automatic Bale Opener BO-A with To achieve absolutely even card slivers with perfectly
a large bale lay-down is ideal. This ensures good homogeneous fiber distribution, mixers such as the
blending from the start even in case of variations in Universal Mixer MX-U are indispensable. This ho-
material moisture or reviving agent. The Bale Opener mogenisation is often neglected during processing
BO-E is perfect for medium production rates. If only of man-made fibers, thus the moisture content, for
one or two cards are fed, the compact Bale Opener example with viscose, can differ greatly from bale
BO-C provides the most economical solution. to bale.
Man-made fibre installation / Blow room 13

In this regard, the modular ­Truetzschler blow room offers

customised solutions ranging from small lines to feeding a
card at high production rates up to 2,000 kg/h.

Fine Opener TO-C


Universal Opener TO-TU

Universal Bale Opener BO-C for productions <300 kg/h

Feeding Unit FD-O Air Separator BR-ASI


Cards TC 15S

Trunk Feeder FD-T Air Separator BR-ASU


= Recommendation

Material transport components such as fans,

condensers or material separators have not
been mentioned individually.

Optimal opener feeding Individual degree of opening depending on fiber type

­Truetzschler openers can be optionally fed by dif- The selection of the fine opener determines the
ferent machines. The Feeding Unit FD-O is ideal degree of opening. A smooth or siliconised polyester
for fibers that require additional opening prior to the fiber or a tencel fiber require hardly any opening.
fine opening process. All other man-made fibers are In contrast, a dull viscose fiber or polypropylene
transported to the corresponding fine openers via fiber requires more intensive opening. To meet
the Trunk Feeder FD-T. these different requirements, the ­ Truetzschler
opener program offers three different opener types.
14 Blow room / Waste recycling installation

Efficient use of waste recycling

The recovery of good fibers from blow room and card waste
can significantly increase the overall efficiency of the spinning
mill. Small, compact or even large high performance
installations for central waste preparation have a short
amortisation period.

> 750 kg/h Parallel waste


for high production


Universal Bale Opener BO-U Feeding Unit FD-R

Heavy Part Separator SP-IH Waste Cleaner CL-R

< 750 kg/h

Bale Press
Bale Opener BO-E Pre-Cleaner Feeding Unit FD-R
Heavy Part Separator SP-IH CL-P Waste Cleaner CL-R

= Recommendation

Material transport components such as fans,

condensers or material separators have not
been mentioned individually

Benefits in integrated or stand-alone installations Reliable heavy part separation

When using integrated installations, the waste is Protecting the installation from heavy parts is of par-
usually directly suctioned off from the prefilter of the ticular importance during waste processing. For this
central filter system and directly fed to the recycling reason, a Heavy Part Separator in the suction area of
system. On a stand-alone installation, a Universal the bale openers is required.
Bale Opener BO-U is applied that simultaneously
also pre-blends different types of waste.
Waste recycling installation / Blow room 15

Universal Bale Opener BO-U Pre-Cleaner CL-P

Optimal cleaning of waste Utilisation of valuable fibers

Since waste cleaning is subject to very specific re- In theory it is possible to feed the cleaned fibers di-
quirements, cotton cleaners are less suitable for rectly back into the process. In practise, however,
this task. Under qualitative and economic aspects, pressing the fibers into bales has proven successful.
the Waste Cleaner CL-R is best suited. An initial They can be used in another product line or in the
pre-cleaning takes place already in the Feeding Unit bale lay-down of the same product line, or otherwise
FD-R. The further cleaning is performed by four be sold.
cleaning rolls connected in series.
16 Blow room / Tuft blending installation

Tuft blending – homogeneous and efficient

The production of tuft blends in a perfectly homogeneous
as well as efficient manner is an art. The production of
smaller lots with, for instance, five to six colours or continuous
polyester/cotton blends require highest flexibility of the
blending installations.

Sliver waste

Waste Opener BO-R

Cotton bales

Cotton cleaning line

Man-made fiber

High Performance Feeder BL-HF

Weighing Unit BL-WP


Precision Feeder BL-PF

Weighing Unit BL-WP
Bale Opener BO-E
Material Separator SP-IH

Bale Opener BL-BO

Weighing Unit BL-WP

Flexible fiber preparation Flexible dosing

The entire product range of bale work-off machines, Tuft blending begins with the exact dosing of the
pre-openers and cleaners is of course also available blending components. This applies to 99 percent
for tuft blending installations. When cotton is added as well as 1 percent blending ratio. High production
it should be completely cleaned, dedusted and free rates are best performed on the automatically fed
of foreign parts before blending it with man-made High Performance Feeder BL-HF and the manually
fibers. fed Bale Opener BL-BO. For low blending ratios, the
Precision Weighing Feeder BL-PF is used.
Tuft blending installation / Blow room 17

Universal Mixer MX-I


Cards TC 15

Tuft Blending Conveyor Belt Blending Opener Universal Mixer MX-U Trunk Feeder FD-T Air Separator

= Recommendation

Material transport components such as fans,

condensers or material separators have not
been mentioned individually.

Precision weighing Flexible fine opening

The pre-opened tufts of the various components are In principle, all T
­ruetzschler opener versions can
very precisely dosed in the Weighing Unit BL-WP. be used here. The preferred choice is the Opener
Flexible homogenisation
The precise homogenisation of the tufts takes place
in the controlled operating trunk mixers. Depending
on downstream machine, the Universal Mixer MX-U
or the Integrated Mixer MX-I are used.
18 Blow room / Components

Highest yarn quality in an efficient manner 

­Truetzschler blow room components

By using modular installation concepts, ­Truetzschler gives

you the opportunity to individually combine compact-
ness, production capacity, product quality and economic
­efficiency into an installation that is like a fingerprint of
your requirements.

Perfect quality + productivity + reliability Opening/cleaning (page 26)

The flexible ­Truetzschler blow room concept com- The cleaners and openers are the centre of every
bines high performance and reliability. Perfect quality blow room. The ­Truetzschler solutions are as diverse
is natural. The cotton cleaning lines are designed for as the various natural and man-made fibers.
production rates up to 1,200 kg/h. Using two parallel
cleaners and foreign part separators results in 2,000 Blending (page 32)
kg/h. The key components of the ­Truetzschler blow Whether homogenisation of the natural raw material
room are: cotton or blending of different fibers, graded solu-
tions are available for both tasks.
Bale opening (page 20)
Bale work-off can be performed fully automatic. Foreign part separation and dust removal (page 34)
However, there are also various manual solutions Three different foreign part separators cover all re-
with hopper feeders available quirements. In this area, only ­Truetzschler offers a
machine with five high-end technologies for foreign
Installation protection (page 22) part detection combined in one machine. Dust re-
Depending on requirements, ­Truetzschler can offer moval can be integrated or take place separately.
different solutions for heavy and metal part separa-
tion. It is prepared for the integration of fire protec-
tion devices from reputable providers. ­Truetzschler is
the only company that offers a multifunctional solu-
tion here as well.
Components / Blow room 19

SCAN The animation shows

a 360 degree view
into a blow room.

Scan page with Smartview.

20 Blow room / Bale openers

Automatic Bale Opener BLENDOMAT BO-A

Establishing the quality chain with maximum performance

Optimal start of the quality chain

• Separate lay-down of different cotton qualities in
different lines is possible
• Direct work-off of two or three different fibers,
which are blended on a downstream tuft blending
installation, on one BO-A.
• Two opening rolls ensure uniform production and
small tuft size

Constant tuft sizes and initial blending

Two opener rolls gently work off the tufts from the
bale surface in parallel. A special equipment ensures
uniform production of both rolls. Here one opening
roll is lifted and the other one lowered during change
Automatic Bale Opener of travel direction. The usual wear-intensive decel­
The BLENDOMAT BO-A can be flexibly adapted eration and acceleration of the opening roll is elim-
to spatial conditions: one-row or two-row bale lay- inated.
downs and feeding of up to three cleaner and opener
lines are possible. The quality chain starts with the More than 200 bales in the bale lay-down
homogeneous tuft flow from its gentle bale opening. The large working width of the BLENDOMAT BO-A
of 1,720 mm or 2,300 mm allows lay-down of up to
Flexibility at bale lay-down and during bale work-off 150 or over 200 bales with a machine length of 50   m.
• Production capacity up to 2,000 kg/h The BLENDOMAT BO-A can selectively process
• Work-off of 1 to 3 bale groups per work area bales on one or both sides.
• Selective work-off on one or both sides
• Lay-down of up to 200 bales for long, unattended Simple and safe operation
operation (up to three lines simultaneously) • Fully automated bale work-off
• Different bale heights are possible • Automatic adaptation of travel speed
• Free work-off area for a complete reserve set of • Intuitive operation with touch screen
bales: Working width max. 2,300 mm and machine • Minimal maintenance
length of 50 m and more • Work area secured by light barrier system
• Constant performance in both travel directions


The animation shows

the operation of

Scan page with


Travel direction to the right: Travel direction to the left:

The left roll is lifted. The right roll is lifted.
Bale openers / Blow room 21

Hopper Feeder Bale Opener

Compact and economical

The Hopper Feeder Bale Openers BO-U, BO-E and

BO-C are characterised by flexible use and high eco-
nomic efficiency during the opening of natural and
man-made fibers.

Universal Bale Opener BO-U

Powerful performance combined with economic
• Specific blending of different material flows by
means of additional trunk feeder
• Dosed addition of cleaned waste and re-feeding
of sliver waste
• Selective lay-down of bale layers/bales
Universal Bale Opener BO-U (shown here in version with one trunk feeder)
• Easy to combine with cleaners and openers
The BO-U is used with smaller lots or as a comple-

Bale Opener BO-E

The smaller and space-saving Bale Opener BO-E
is ideal for medium production rates up to approx.
750  kg/h. Its technology is comparable to the one of
the BO-U.

Compact Bale Opener BO-C

The Compact Bale Opener BO-C is specifically de- The Bale Opener BO-E is the economical solution in the medium
production range.
signed for opening of man-made fibers at low and
medium production rates up to 300 kg/h. It allows
highest flexibility on smallest space by direct feeding
of individual cards or small card groups.

Waste Opener BO-R

The Waste Opener BO-R is ideally suited for feed-
ing small amounts of waste, such as card and draw
frame slivers. Its specially designed technology en-
sures uniform feeding even when reducing produc-
tion to 5 kg/h.
The Compact Bale Opener BO-C is ideal for feeding of a small man-
made fiber installation and can directly feed an opener.

The Waste Opener BO-R reliably opens sliver waste as well.

22 Blow room / Installation protection

Multi Function Separator SP-MF

Completely secure installation protection

Multi Function Separator SP-MF lowers operating costs

The Multi Function Separator SP-MF is located
downstream from the automatic Bale Opener BO-A.
All functions work reliably at all times, even at pro-
duction rates up to 2,000 kg/h – supported by an in-
tegrated microcomputer control:
• Suction of BLENDOMAT BO-A
• Heavy part separation
• Metal separation
• Dust removal/air separation
• Waste feeding
it's true

6,480 US$
savings in investment

4,350 US$
Multi Function Separator SP-MF savings p/a in energy
The modular ­Truetzschler system protects the instal-
lation and thus the production at all decisive process
stages. 1. Suction
When applying conventional solutions, condens-
Parts separated before the cleaners:
er and fan always operate at highest output lev-
Metals and heavy parts
el to ensure reliable material transport even at the
Parts separated at the end of the cleaner line: furthest point. With ­Truetzschler, the fan operates
Coloured, white, transparent foreign parts only at the currently required performance, depend-
ing where the BLENDOMAT is running at the time.
This way secure installation protection is combined
Energy costs are considerably lowered. If the line
with the economic advantages of an optimal raw
temporarily does not require any material from the
­material utilisation.
BO-A, an automatic changeover to Energy Saving
Mode T-ECO takes place (see page
6). This means a reduction of the
fan speed to an energy-saving mini-
Constant fan speed
Power Consumption

Energy saved
ed fan 2. Heavy part separation
Optimal efficiency at minimal loss of good fibers
during the separation of heavy parts is ensured by a
special fan speed control. The heavy parts are auto-
matically discharged into a waste container.
Air volume 3. Air separation
Speed In conventional systems, the entire air flows from
bale opener to filter system. To increase efficiency,
­Truetzschler is using an integrated air-volume separa-
tor in addition to dust removal. It directs only a small
Air quantity = constant
Fan speed = variable amount of air into the filter, which can be designed
for approx. 3,000 m3/h less. The main air current
Installation protection / Blow room 23

The Multi Function Separator

SP-MF combines many
functions in a compact form.

1 The material is suctioned from an Automatic Bale Opener BLENDOMAT BO-A

2 The automatic control of the fan ensures uniform air volume
flows directly to the next machine. Compared to con- 3 A new guiding profile has been developed for the aerodynamic heavy part separator
ventional installations, significant savings in energy 4 The rectangular duct is monitored by two spark detectors *
5 The dusty air is extracted in the air separator
costs are achieved here as well. 6 The metal detector detects all types of metals
7 The extraction flap does not work with pre-tensioned springs, but is actively opened and closed
8 The next machine (e.g. fan in front of mixer) suctions off material
4. Fire protection 9 A flap conveys the separated heavy parts into the waste cart
10 Both waste carts are generously dimensioned
In order to reduce fire damage, the machine is 11 An extinguishing nozzle is installed at this point *
12 A heat detector monitors the waste container *
equipped with sensors. They are connected to the
13 The dusty exhaust air is fed to a filter system
installation control.* 14 Opened waste from the Waste Opener BO-R can be fed back without an additional fan

5. Metal separation
6. Waste re-feeding
The Multi Function Separator SP-MF reliably pro-
Soft waste, such as opened card and draw frame sliv-
tects cleaners and cards from metal particles: An
ers, can easily be re-fed without the usually required
electronic sensor surrounds the fiber channel and
fan: It is sucked up together with the main material
detects metal parts. The subsequent extraction flap
flow. Thus, it passes through the entire machine and
is a special ­Truetzschler development; since it is ac-
is also checked for heavy parts and metal particles.
tively moved, it responds quickly in both directions.
The customary wear-intensive spring pre-tensioning * T hese devices are no substitute for fire protection and extinguishing
is no longer required. equipment to be provided by customer.
24 Blow room / Installation protection

Special machines and components

Protection against heavy parts as well as
magnetic and non-magnetic metals

Dust Separator DUSTEX,

electronic Metal
Separator SP-EM and
Pre-Cleaner CL-P

Principle of Magnet Trap BR-MT

Basic protection against magnetic particles: BR-MT

The Magnet Trap BR-MT fitted into the pipeline of-
fers basic protection against magnetic particles that
are not stuck in material tufts.

Heavy parts separation: SP-H

The Heavy Part Separator SP-H reliably separates
heavy parts from the tuft flow into a waste container.
Since it is maintenance free and requires no electri-
cal energy, it also does not generate any operating
Heavy Part Separator SP-H
Installation protection / Blow room 25

Condenser BR-COU and Integrated Heavy Part Separator SP-IH Electronic Metal Separator SP-EM

1 The rectangular duct is monitored by two spark detectors *

2 The metal detector detects all types of metals
3 The extraction flap does not work with pre-tensioned springs,
Integrated separation SP-IH
but is actively opened and closed
The Integrated Heavy Part Separator SP-IH is directly 4 An extinguishing nozzle is installed at this point *
mounted on a Universal Bale Opener BO-U or under 5 A heat detector monitors the waste container *

a Condenser. Since fiber suction is performed at a

right angle, the heavy parts fall straight down. There
is no simpler and cheaper way.
Safe metal separation: SP-EM
The electronic Metal Separator SP-EM helps to pro-
tect the cleaners and cards from metal parts at the
interface between bale work-off and mixers/clean-
ers. Since, in the process, the material transport is
performed by the downstream machine, it is free of
exhaust air and requires no filter capacity – anoth-
er example of the efficiency of ­Truetzschler installa-

In order to reduce fire damage, the machine is

equipped with sensors. They are connected to the
installation control.*

* T hese devices are no substitute for fire protection and extinguishing

equipment to be provided by customer.
26 Blow room / Cleaners

Intelligent cleaning saves hundreds of bales of cotton per year.

The efficiency in terms of raw material yield of the world

exclusive Waste Sensor WASTECONTROL remains
unrivalled. It allows the surge in productivity from which
leading spinning mills profit today.

Small and intelligent:

reduces waste and lowers
raw material costs. When using 20,000 t/a of cotton, the WASTE­ system determines
CONTROL saves approx. 320 bales of cotton per the waste quality and 110,900 US$
year, for instance due to an additional 0.4 % yield in sets the cleaning ele- savings when purchasing
good fibers. At a cotton price of 63 ct./lbs, this cor- ments of the cleaner raw materials
responds to savings in the amount of 110,900 US$. in such a way that
Waste sensors are standard on the CLEANOMAT optimal cleaning is achieved with minimum it's true
fine cleaners (CL-C3, CL-U). The optical measuring loss of good fibers.

The unique technology of Perfect cleaning – the key to efficient production

the adjustable deflector
blades controls the
Cotton quality characteristics have changed greatly in
amount of waste recent years: While the pure trash content dropped
somewhat, the percentage of neps increased. Cot-
tons containing honeydew also require an adapted,
fiber-friendly cleaning technology. This current re-
quirement is also perfectly met by the CLEANOMAT
Cleaners / Blow room 27

Globally leading cleaner technology

To the point in an economically optimal way

The decisive factor for efficient cleaning is working 100 %
at the optimal point between degree of cleaning and
economic viability. 80 %

60 %
Advantages of the CLEANOMAT system:
• Optimal opening and cleaning combined with ex- 40 %

tremely gentle fiber treatment, even at 1,000 kg/h 20 %

and more
• Freely selectable degree of cleaning by means of 0 %
Space requirement Electr. energy Air requirement
individually adjustable cleaning elements at any (filter)
Comparison installation
time, even during production
• Perfect adaptation to every cotton by means of
specially developed needle and saw tooth rolls Savings potential with CLEANOMAT system
• Rapid raw material adaptation by means of in-
finitely variable roll drives
• Clean machine thanks to direct suction; allows CONTIFEED 2 increases production and quality
processing of even sticky cotton Full utilisation of the potential of a cleaner or open-
• Greater yarn quality and improved running be- er line is only possible with the control module
haviour in OE and ring spinning through specific CONTIFEED 2. With CLEANOMAT cleaners, a high
permanent dedusting of the cotton degree of cleaning is achieved even at high produc-
• Reduced maintenance outlay due to belt drives tion rates due to the continuous material flow instead
and maintenance-free motors of stop and go. (See page 52)
• Permanent monitoring and precision control by
means of integrated T ­ ruetzschler microcomputers
25 % savings in energy
costs compared to a
conventional cleaning

it's true

The Cleaner
features increasingly finer
clothing and steeper
angles of the clothing
teeth from roll to roll

rpm rpm rpm rpm

28 Blow room / Cleaners

Universal Cleaner CL-U

The new generation of cleaners

Production rates up to 1,200 kg/h made possible

through 4-roll feeding. The core of the cleaner fea-
tures a large-sized cleaning roll with two cleaning
elements: In the first element, the knife is lineally
movable by a motor. The second element features a
fixed knife and the successful ­Truetzschler deflector
blade principle.

The two suctions of the CL-U are monitored by the
optical sensors of WASTECONTROL. The application
of a special lighting technology enables the sensors
to distinguish between dirt and fibers. If the sensors
detect too many good fibers in the waste, the servo
motors adjust the knives and deflector blades. This
self-optimization is performed upon request while
machine is operating at full capacity. The material
and waste suction is permanently monitored by two
additional special ­Truetzschler pressure sensors.


The Universal Cleaner CL-U has a compact design and requires little space 4

The new T ­ruetzschler Universal Cleaner CL-U is a

fine cleaner with greatest possible self-adjustment
for meeting the highest standards. It combines a 2
wide range of functions:

• Effective fine dust removal

• Continuous card feeding without stop and go
• Excellent cleaning technology
Elements of self-optimization and monitoring
• Adjustable degree of cleaning
• Optical monitoring of the waste quality via 1 Servo motor knife
3 Servo motor deflector blades
• Self-optimization of the cleaning quality 4 Pressure sensors of suctions
• Easy operation on colour touch screen
Cleaners / Blow room 29

Specialists for clean work

Pre-Cleaner CL-P
The first fiber-friendly cleaning:
The Pre-Cleaner CL-P is the ideal addition to a clean-
ing line when the gentle removal of coarse contami-
nants from the raw material is required. For process-
ing ELS cotton, one CL-P in the line is sufficient for
complete cleaning.

Pre-Cleaner CL-P

WASTECONTROL and motor-driven deflector blade The universal fine cleaner:

adjustment CLEANOMAT Cleaner CL-C3
WASTECONTROL uses an optical sensor to perma- The CL-C3 is a stand-alone cleaner designed for se-
nently monitor waste suction. This sensor detects verely contaminated cottons in short, compact lines.
immediately if there are too many good fibers in the In combination with the Pre-Cleaner CL-P, it can be
waste. The motor-driven adjustment of the deflec- used for almost all cottons – a flexibility that provides
tor blades allows corrections while the machine is the spinning mill with investment protection and fu-
running. ture reliability.

Section CL-U Fine Cleaner CL-C3

30 Blow room / Waste recycling

Waste Cleaner CL-R

Recycling waste means saving costs

The result is a significant increase in opening and

297,000 US$ cleaning. The setting of the optimal degree of clean-
recovery per year from ing corresponds to the high level of the CLEANOMAT
waste. 1.0 % fiber yield series. Its performance can be further increased in
63 ct/lbs cotton connection with the Feed Unit FD-R, which opens
it's true the material and removes coarse dirt particles.

The higher the usage of raw material cotton down Installation concepts for waste cleaning:
to the last fiber, the higher the value creation of the 1. When waste cleaning is integrated in produc-
capital invested. Hence, powerful fiber recycling tion, the waste can be optionally returned into the
technologies play an increasingly important role in process, for instance by a central filter system via a
the economic success of a spinning mill. heavy part separator and the Waste Cleaner CL-R. It
can either be fed to a bale press or the lay-down of
­ruetzschler has designed the Waste Cleaner
T another lot.
CL-R for this specific purpose. It differs from the
­CLEANOMAT cleaners in a number of technological 2. Waste cleaning as separate line consists of a
features: Universal Bale Opener BO-U and a Pre-Cleaner
CL-P, which removes coarse contaminants. Another
• Four rolls with 5 cleaning elements cleaning occurs in the Waste Cleaner CL-R. Then the
• A tray feed for short fibers waste can be fed to a bale press.
• Availability of special clothings
• Adapted roll speed

Blow room

Fiber yield
after the­

Good fibers
after waste

Feeding Unit FD-R – Waste Cleaner CL-R

Openers / Blow room 31

The tailor-made opener program

The TUFTOMAT system offers perfect solutions viscose/acrylic and other man-made fibers. Other
for almost every production: From universal opener individual requirements can be realised by different
for all fibers ≤ 130 mm to special openers for PES/ opening rolls.

Universal Opener TO-U TUFTOMAT TO-T1 Fine Opener TO-C

• High performance opener for all fibers • PES/viscose/acrylic • Man-made fibers
up to 130 mm • For almost all fibers in the man-made • Direct feeding through a Universal Bale
• 3 different opening rolls for each materi- fiber short staple spinning mill Opener BO-U
al and each application • Maximum fiber protection • Ideal for direct feeding, i.e. of a card or
small card group

Feeding can look this good

Integrated Mixer MX-I Feeding Unit FD-O Trunk Feeder FD-T

­ ruetzschler cleaners and openers can be equipped

T Feeding Unit FD-O
with various devices. The selection of the optimal The intelligent design of the FD-O with its pre-open-
combination depends on material, production level, ing function gives fine openers a clear performance
available space and individual installation configura- advantage.
Trunk Feeder FD-T
Integrated Mixer MX-I The most cost-efficient feeding option is the Trunk
A very homogeneous cotton lay-down for cleaners is FD-T in combination with a Cleaner CLEANOMAT
possible as the most space and energy saving solu- CL-C3.
tion in combination with a mixer.
32 Blow room / Mixers

Mixer MX-U and MX-I

Controlled mixing at high precision

In the area of one component staple fiber blends, T-ECO takes place (see page 6), thus reducing the
­Truetzschler mixer systems offer individual solutions fan speed to an energy-saving minimum.
for every assignment:
• Individual mixer sizes for every task Perfect mixing
• Maximum homogeneity due to controlled, repro- The mixers are designed as universal (MX-U) and
ducible blending integrated (MX-I) machines. Depending on require-
• Uniform product appearance by optimizing the ment, six or ten trunks are sequentially filled from
blend the top and simultaneously emptied at the bottom
on both types. This principle guarantees maximum
If the mixer temporarily does not re- homogeneity of the mix. In case of highest require-
quest any material, an automatic ments, two mixers are set up in series (tandem mix-
changeover to Energy Saving Mode
ECO ing).

In order to reduce
fire damage, the
machine is equipped
with sensors. They
are connected to the
installation control.
These devices
are no substitute
for fire protection
and extinguishing
equipment to be
provided by customer.

The Universal Mixer MX-U is ideal for feeding two parallel installations.

MX-U: the flexible solution for every installation

The Universal Mixer MX-U is ideal for the feeding
of two parallel cleaners. The tufts reach the 6 or 10
trunks of the mixers via a fan. In contrast to Mixer
MX-I, suctioning of the mixing duct takes place di-
rectly below the opening rolls. The MX-U works with
a closed air circulation: The injected transport air is
simultaneously used for conveying the tufts to the
downstream machine.

SCAN The animation

shows the
operation of
the mixers.

Mixer MX-U6 – Pre-Cleaner CL-P

Scan page with Smartview.
Mixers / Blow room 33

The Integrated Mixer

In order to reduce fire MX-I, coupled with a
damage, the machine is CLEANOMAT Cleaner
equipped with sensors. CL-C3
They are connected to the
installation control. These
devices are no substitute
for fire protection and
extinguishing equipment to
be provided by customer.

MX-I: direct cleaner feeding for fire protection and extinguishing equipment to be
Its direct coupling with a cleaner or opener makes provided by customer.
the Integrated Mixer MX-I ideal for compact installa-
tions. The mixing chambers are fed from the top by FD-S: small dosing opener for great uniformity
the directly attached fan: Low-maintenance rotating To obtain a more continuous material flow it is prac-
flaps forward the material in sequence to the individ- tical to use small buffer units in some cleaning and
ual trunks in several stages. In the lower section of opening lines for uniform feeding of downstream
the trunks it is passed to a mixing conveyor belt via machines.
delivery rolls and large dimensioned opening rolls. At
the end of the conveyor belt, material from all the
trunks is stacked in layers in a sandwich format. This
ensures uniform feeding of the CLEANOMAT clean-
er. The 6-trunk version is suitable up to approx. 600
kg/h, after this the 10-trunk version is applied.
In order to reduce fire damage, the machine is
equipped with sensors. They are connected to the
installation control. These devices are no substitute

The Integrated Mixer MX-I 10 – directly coupled with a CLEANOMAT The Dosing Opener FD-S buffers small material amounts and releases
Cleaner CL-C3 them in doses.
34 Blow room / Separators

­Truetzschler T-SCAN TS-T5 

The new generation of foreign part separators

A complex task for our developers: "How can the benchmark

of foreign part separation be improved even more?"

The solution, which denotes an all-time high-end, is: "By adding

new features that have not been possible up to now!"

To detect foreign parts, T

­ ruetzschler used three tech- Focus of the development
nologies in one machine already in the previous gen- • Improved detection of white PP strips
eration. For a long time, the Foreign Part Separator • Improved detection of small/thin coloured PP
SP-FPU has been the benchmark for this type of ma- strips
chines. However, to date, no known machine could • Low good fiber loss
ever reliably detect and separate colourless and • Low energy consumption
white opaque PP. • Low air consumption
• Extended service intervals
The ­Truetzschler development team has found an in- • Low maintenance costs
novative solution to this complex task: The T-SCAN • Minimum space requirement
TS-T5 presents a new generation and works with • Integration into existing cleaner lines
two additional technologies:
The T-SCAN TS-T5 is in full compliance with all these
Module Foreign part detection criteria. Its cameras and lighting technology are
unique in the market. The T
­ ruetzschler T-SCAN TS-T5
• F-Module coloured/dark foreign parts
represents the high end of separation technology.
• P-Module transparent foreign parts
• UV-Module fluorescent foreign parts
• G-Module shiny foreign parts (NEW)
• LED-lighting small/thin foreign parts (NEW)

The T-SCAN camera

records colour pictures as
well as glossy pictures.

1 ­Truetzschler colour and gloss cameras with very

high resolution and scanning frequency
2 ­Truetzschler camera with polarisation filter
3 ­Truetzschler speed sensors
4 Lighting unit with polarisation filter for the detection
of transparent and semi-transparent parts in
transmitted light
5 UV lighting unit for the detection of fluorescent
foreign parts in incident light
6 Deflection mirror
7 LED lighting module with 536 LEDs and special
lenses for the detection of small thin foreign parts
8 Nozzle beams with 48 valves and 144 nozzles
9 Bucket wheel to separate exhaust air from fiber flow
Separators / Blow room 35

1 1


6 7 7 6

36 Blow room / Separators

Modules for the separation of foreign

parts and foreign fibers
Perfect interaction
F-Module for the detection of coloured parts G-Module for the detection of shiny parts
­ ruetzschler uses newly developed T-SCAN cameras
T The contrast of many foreign parts to cotton is very
with even higher resolution and scanning rate. The small, but they reflect light because they are shiny.
two high performance light modules in LED technol- The newly developed T ­ruetzschler gloss module
ogy that ensure perfect lighting are new as well. uses this effect. Two T-SCAN Cameras take pictures
The flow of cotton tufts is continuously monitored from two sides. Parts that differ from cotton due to
from both sides with reliable detection of even small shine are identified. To detect smallest shiny foreign
coloured foreign parts. parts, this module works with high resolution and
scanning frequency as well.

These are typical parts detected by the colour module. The G-Module detects the glossiness of foreign parts.

Over a thousand LEDs with assigned lenses ensure perfect illumination.

Separators / Blow room 37

P-Module for the detection of transparent and semi- UV-Module for detection of fluorescent parts
transparent parts Some cotton sources contain foreign parts
The ­Truetzschler P-Module detects transparent and that have a fluorescent glow in UV light. Even parts
semi-transparent parts, regardless of their colour. To that are difficult to detect, e.g. bleached cotton, PES
achieve this, the patented method uses polarised or fluorescent PP strips, are reliably detected by the
transmitted light. If the cotton contains transillumina- ­Truetzschler UV-module.
ble foils, packaging residues from PP fabric and sim-
ilar parts, they are reliably detected by this module.

In regular light, the contrast between these foreign parts and the cotton Fluorescent parts appear blue in UV light
is not sufficient for a reliable detection. In polarised light, the same parts
appear in colour and are therefore detected.

LED lighting
Increased scanning rate and detection of thin, thread-shaped parts
In standard foreign part separators, the lighting er resolution and scanning frequency can be used.
units feature fluorescent tubes. Their price advan- Thus, even small and thread-shaped thin parts are
tage is countered by a massive quality disadvan- detected. And of course LEDs do not require regular
tage: The light's proportion of blue – which is cru- replacement (like with fluorescent tubes).
cial for colour detection – is only available in new
tubes during the first few months after installation.
After approximately six months the proportion of the The bright LED light
detects even smallest
blue light is no longer sufficient for the reliable de- thread-shaped foreign
tection of foreign parts. Even though the fluorescent parts.
tubes still look new to the eye, they must already be
replaced to ensure that the high efficiency for foreign
part separation is maintained.
The lighting unit of the new T-SCAN TS-T5 features
high performance LEDs. Both lighting modules con-
tain a total of 1,072 exactly focused LEDs and the
same amount of lenses. Since the light is signifi-
cantly brighter than in the TS-T3, cameras with high-
38 Blow room / Separators

Foreign part separation and control

The right timing and precision of hits is decisive

During separation, correct timing is decisive 144 nozzles: precise hits and low fiber loss
Naturally, the T-SCAN TS-T5 is also equipped with spe- The 48 valves for the 144 nozzles are located in a
cial ­Truetzschler speed sensors. They measure the compact aluminium profile. To allow quick response
speed of the tuft flow and the foreign parts. With this and short blowing time, the valves are positioned di-
information, the separation nozzles can be controlled rectly at the nozzles.
at such a high level of accuracy that only approx.
0.4 g good fibers per foreign part are captured. This Bucket wheels reduces good fibers in the suction
top value corresponds to approximately half of the To keep the good fiber loss to a minimum, separa-
good fiber loss of other systems in the market. tion is not to be influenced by the suction air. Only
­Truetzschler separators feature a bucket wheel that
divides the waste section from the suction.

The nozzle beam with

144 tiny nozzles
Separators / Blow room 39

Simple use of optimization potential Powerful display and easy operation

Maximum foreign part separation at minimum fiber In spite of complex technology, the T-SCAN is easy
loss can only be achieved with an individual machine to operate with the familiar large-size touch screen.
optimization. All the information required for this is The new info unit T-LED, located at an exposed posi-
provided by the powerful T ­ ruetzschler control: tion, indicates the operating condition to the operator
•  Extensive functional analysis even from afar.
•  Extensive status analysis
•  Separation statistics Extensive quality and production data
• Easy to understand screen masks for individual The screen also allows the presentation of quality
optimization data in clearly structured graphics.
Consistent use of the control tools helps T ­ ruetzschler
foreign part separators to achieve their maximum ef-

Number of separations over the time axis and width of the machine G-Module settings

Data transfer to T-DATA

The separation data are impor-
tant for quality management. For
this reason the data from T-SCAN,
which are displayed on the operat-
ing unit, can also be transferred to
our quality and production data sys-
tem T-DATA.

The screen is also used for

detailed setting information.
40 Blow room / Separators

­Truetzschler Foreign Part Separator

The perfect machine for every task

­Truetzschler T-SCAN TS-T5 Foreign Part Separator SP-FPO

This machine presents the current high end of sepa- The SP-FPO fights PP contamination in an optimal
ration technology. The function, number of detection manner. Its camera technology and coordinated
modules as well as lighting technology are unique in light colour allow the detection of transparent and
the market. Even problems concerning the detection semi-transparent PP parts as well as fluorescent
of colourless and opaque, white PP have been elim- parts. The integrated high performance dust removal
inated. of the SP-FPO makes this solution a good choice in
rotor spinning mills.


F-Module F/P-Module
G-Module UV-Module
P-Module Dust removal module
UV-Module CONTIFEED module with opener roll
Separators / Blow room 41

Foreign Part Separator T-SCAN TS-T3 Maximum dust removal for all production stages
The TS-T3 is a good choice if low-contrast foreign If an integrated solution (e.g. on SP-FPO) is not ap-
parts are no problem. Its structure is similar to plied, the effective dust removal with a DUSTEX SP-
T-SCAN TS-T5 and and includes the modules: DX machine offers:
• Higher efficiency rates
• F-Module • Longer lives of clothings and spinning components
• P-Module • Improved running behaviour of the spinning ma-
• UV-Module chines
• Increased economic efficiency of the total instal-
• Clean ambient air

This is of particular advantage to downstream pro-

cessing: Thoroughly dedusted slivers ensure opti-
mized running behaviour during yarn formation, e.g.
in rotor spinning machines, but also significantly
higher efficiency rates (less yarn breaks) in winding,
knitting, warping and weaving.

2 3


T-SCAN TS-T3 Dust Separator DUSTEX SP-DX

F-Module 1 This fan sucks the material off the Cleaner CLEANOMAT
P-Module 2 The distribution flaps distribute the tufts over the working width of
UV-Module 1,600 mm
3 Major dust removal takes place by the tufts hitting the sieve surface
4 The material drops into the suction system and is transported to the
cards by the infinitely variable fan
5 The separated dust is permanently sucked off
42 Blow room / Tuft blending installations

Tuft Blending System T-BLEND

Exactly reproducible blends

Tuft blending installations T-BLEND hold a key position

in the value chain because blending faults originating
here often become obvious only after finishing.

Tuft blending installation for two

components with automatic feeding of one
component and manual waste feeding
1 Fan BR-FD
2 High Performance Feeder BL-HF
3 Weighing Unit BL-WP
2 4 Bale Opener BL-BO
5 Tuft Blending Conveyor Belt BL-TC
6 Blending Opener BL-TO
7 Waste Opener BO-R


Bad product quality at a later production stage wipes Blending six components in one step while achieving
out all previous production efforts and is thus a "full optimal CV values
cost". A decisive advantage of T ­ ruetzschler T-BLEND tuft
This is the reason why the T ­ ruetzschler T-BLEND con- blending installations lies in their flexibility – 2 to 6
cept for tuft blending relies on reproducible top blend different fibers can be blended. This results in an ap-
quality. The self-monitoring system ensures the per- plication range that covers everything from standard
fect quality when blending natural and man-made blends (e.g. 50 % cotton / 50 % polyester) to the addi-
fibers of different lengths, finenesses and colours. tion of smallest portions (e.g. 1% black fibers / 99 %
white fibers).
Only ­Truetzschler has this to offer: A second advantage can be seen in the reproduc-
• Direct measurement of weight ible high-end quality of the blend result: T-BLEND
• High capacities up to 2,000 kg/h it's true achieves excellent CV values even when adding
• Precise maintenance of blending ratios smallest portions.
• Blending of up to 6 components per process step
SCAN • Addition of smallest percentages (up to 1 %) Highest quality in harmony with high production rate
• Automatic taring, very simple calibration The large volume of the weigh pans and the short
• Formula memory for quick lot changes weighing cycles ensure a high throughput per weigh-
• Quality control by means of lot protocols ing unit of 800 kg/h and more. A high degree of blend-
The animation shows
ing homogeneity is ensured by electronic precision
the automatic start and
finish of a lot scales that deliver very accurate measurements.
Scan page with
Tuft blending installations / Blow room 43

Fully automatic start and finish of a lot

The BLENDCONTROL of the T-BLEND system fea-
tures a fully automatic control of the start as well as
the finish of a lot. The individual feedings are activat-
ed or deactivated as needed.

Variable blending ratios with one installation

A frequent requirement is the parallel feeding of var-
1. Dosing 2. Homogenisation ious blends of the same materials to two lines. With
The principle of ­Truetzschler tuft blending technology:
T-BLEND, the typical request of simultaneous pro-
Creation of precisely dosed layers of different raw materials and perfect cessing of PES/cotton 65%/35% and 50%/50% pos-
blending of all these layers.
es no problem. Depending on the requirement of
both lines, the change from one blend to another is
New weighing technology for T-BLEND performed fully automatic.
Compared to previous T ­ruetzschler tuft feeding in-
stallations, the performance of the scale is roughly Perfect also for different fibers
twice as much. This has been achieved by a number Blending different types of fibers in the tuft, e.g.
of measures: flax with cotton, and then subsequently carding
• The pan volume is 50% larger them together produces a particularly homogeneous
• New software automatically optimizes the filling product appearance. Even with critical blends,
process Truetzschler installations achieve an absolutely
• The pre-filling chamber is larger uniform result:
• Since the scales are suspended at three points, • Fabrics dyed tone in tone
weighing is performed more quickly. They do not • Fabrics where only one component is dyed
vibrate; the damping time is very minimal. This applies above all in comparison to draw frame
All of this combined results in increased weighings blending where different card slivers are blended at
per unit of time and more volume per discharge the draw frame.

Blend A

Blend B

SCAN The animation shows

The change between two blends the change between
takes place fully automatic two blends

Scan page with Smartview.

44 Blow room / Tuft blending installations

Tuft blending installation for polyester cotton 65%/35%

Production rate 2,000 kg/h with waste feeding
1 Fan BR-FD
1 2 High Performance Feeder BL-HF
3 Weighing Unit BL-WP
4 Tuft Blending Conveyor Belt BL-TC
5 Blending Opener BL-TO
6 Waste Opener BO-R

3 2

3 6

The ­Truetzschler tuft blending concept

Electronic weighing cells provide BLENDCONTROL
with the actual values for continuous comparison
with the target values already during filling of the Automatic taring prevents weighing errors
scales. As soon as the target weight is reached, the Between the discharge cycles an automatic taring of
closing flaps above the weigh pan are shut and stop the scales takes place at chosen intervals to rule out
the filling process. Due to the new 3-point suspen- exterior influences on accuracy, e.g. dust deposits.
sion of the weigh pans, the damping time is extreme- This ensures compliance with blending ratios over a
ly short. The settings for the subsequent weighing long period of time.
cycles are based on the results of this final weighing.
An optimization program compensates any possible
differences between target and actual weight during
the course of the next weighing.

Comparison of draw
frame blend / tuft blend 2nd draw frame passage

Draw frame blend Tuft blending

Cross sections of draw frame slivers (20-fold magnification). Dark sections: viscose 35 %; light sections: cotton 65 %
Tuft blending installations / Blow room 45

T-BLEND system
Precisely coordinated components

Bale Opener BL-BO BO-R waste opener

Due to manual feeding via the feed apron, the BL-BO This is the unit for accurate addition of spinning
is very flexible in its application. Additional feeding waste such as card or draw frame slivers. These ma-
from the top via a Material Separator BR-MS is also terials are already blended and are therefore added
possible. The feed table can be extended. Produc- downstream from the Blending Opener BL-TO. Here
tion rates up to 1,000 kg/h are possible. The BL-BO it is also possible to extend the feed table.
discharges the material into the weigh pan of the
weighing unit.

Bale Opener BL-BO for manual feeding The Waste Opener BO-R is suited for the addition of production waste
that has already been blended.

High Performance Feeder BL-HF Precision Feeder BL-PF

This very space-efficient feeding version can automatic- This feeder is designed for adding very small blend-
ally feed productions up to 800 kg/h. The material, for ing components in small productions. A typical appli-
instance, can be provided by a cotton cleaning line or cation example are blends with less than 10% of a
an automatic Bale Opener BLENDOMAT BO-A. The component. The Precision Feeder BL-PF discharges
High Performance Feeder BL-HF discharges the ma- the material into the weigh pan of the weighing unit.
terial into the weigh pan of the weighing unit.

High Performance Feeder BL-HF with automatic feeding Precision Feeder BL-PF for precision dosing
46 Blow room / Tuft blending installations

Weighing Unit BL-WP

The weighing unit has been designed for high accu-
racy and high performance. The weighing process
has been significantly reduced:
• An innovative three-point suspension prevents vi-
• To prevent unwanted vibrations, the weigh pan is
not connected to the feeders
• 50% increased weigh pan volume

Tuft Blending Conveyor Belt BL-TC

The tuft blending conveyor offers a high volume par-
The weigh pan BL-WP is suspended at three points on a solid frame.
ticularly for bulky fibers. Special elements ensure a
very good width distribution even at production rates
up to 2,000 kg/h.

The tuft blending conveyor belt BL-TC has a modular structure. Weighing units can perform 2 to 6 feedings.

Blending Opener BL-TO

At the end of the tuft blending conveyor belt, the
blending opener takes on the fibers from the con-
veyor belt, blends and opens them. The four-roll feed
unit ensures a high output up to 2,000 kg/h. The large
diameter of the needled opener roll ensures gentle

The Blending Opener BL-TO delivers the blended tufts usually to a trunk
Tuft blending installations / Blow room 47

Tuft blending installations

Consequent direction controlling quality and economy

Precise calibration and fully automatic taring In addition, BLENDCONTROL improves accuracy:
Electronic scales can be calibrated quickly and pre- Slight upward or downward deviations in target
cisely by inserting a standard weight. In the pro- values of a scale filling are stored and used for the
cess, the electronic is automatically calibrated; op- correction of the following weighings. Any malfunc-
erator-based errors are almost completely excluded. tion is precisely located and displayed on the screen.
During operation, taring is performed fully automatic Malfunctions can therefore be rapidly resolved and
in adjustable intervals. This guarantees exact weigh- machine availability increased.
ing at any time during production.
Tuft blenders that work with continuous material
flow do not allow taring during production and are
thus prone to fluctuations in the blending ratio.

The visualisation of the installation shows the current operating

condition of all machines at a glance.

Quality control by means of lot reports

Quality evidence is more important than ever today.
BLENDCONTROL simplifies operation due to a recipe library.
The BLENDCONTROL lot report proves to the cus-
tomer at any time that the blending ratio has been in
full compliance with his requirements.
More flexibility, speed and clarity:
BLENDCONTROL LC-BC Self-optimizing precision
The BLENDCONTROL LC-BC which is integrated The production of an installation or individual scale is
into the installation control of the tuft blending in- dictated by the application. To achieve this at highest
stallation is operated via the customary screens. The possible precision, a self-optimizing process takes
new blending combinations, as well as the required place in BLENDCONTROL. This entirely relieves the
settings (e.g. production rate) can easily be selected. operator who, in conventional installation, must per-
As it is possible to store the lot data, a particular qual- form numerous settings.
ity can always be reproduced and operating errors
minimised. Lot changes can be performed in a very
short time.
48 Blow room / Controls

­Truetzschler controls
Simple operation and optimal data flow

T­ ruetzschler control hierarchy

and communication T-DATA
Level (Ethernet)
Installation (Ethernet)


(RS 422)



­ ruetzschler installation and machine controls distin-

T It uses modern intelligent network technology and
guish themselves in various ways during the harsh offers maximum functional safety and reliability:
daily production:
• Flexible adjustment to individual customer require- • Simple commissioning
ments • Easy operation on colour touch screen
• Reliable, even under extreme conditions • High amount of display information
• Network capability • Use of international standards
• Worldwide online availability via T-DATA • Open system
• User friendliness • Minimum cabling
These criteria are only met by the ­Truetzschler in- • Same spare parts as machine controls
stallation and control technology developed and pro-
duced in-house. The electronic system of the Instal-
lation Control LC-I is resistant to dusty air, humidity
and high temperatures – conditions common in spin-
ning mills throughout the world.

Installation Control LINECONTROL LC-I

The LINECONTROL LC-I coordinates the functions of
the individual machines and thus fully automatically
controls the material transport of the total installation.
Malfunctions in the installation or individual machines
are graphically displayed, thus allowing quick and
specific reactions. All safety-relevant functions such
as emergency stop and door safeties are hardware-
wired, ensuring a particularly high level of fail-safe
The Electronic Installation Control LC-I is optimally
suited for coordinating individual machine controls. Installation Control LC-I – operating unit with colour screen
Controls / Blow room 49

Monitoring and display of machine conditions

All ­
Truetzschler controls ensure constant data ex-
change between the machines and the installations.
Thus it is possible, for instance, to control and mon-
itor the whole installation regarding production and
material flow from a central point with the Installa-
tion Control LC-I. Access to individual machines is
possible at any time.

At the same time, a number of machines are

equipped with an individual control, which offers
many advantages:
• Operation directly at the machine
• Significantly lower cabling outlay
• Simple planning
• Closed and tested functional units

Convenient operation of all blow room machines

All machines of the cleaner and opener lines with
their independent machine controls are also connect-
ed to the central installation control via the network.
Since the machine controls feature the same assem-
bly groups as the cards and draw frames, spare part
costs can be reduced.
A special software automatically localises possible
errors and shows them on the display. All production
processes as well as possible malfunctions can be
viewed on displays in numerous languages. Simple
symbols and functional keys facilitate operation.

The operating terminal of the Automatic Bale Opener BLENDOMAT BO-A

visualises the most important data.

Example of a display for the control of a Bale Opener BLENDOMAT BO-A.

50 Blow room / T-DATA

Online data monitoring system T-DATA

Transparency in spinning

Due to its unique sensors, only ­Truetzschler can provide

valuable insights into the system-relevant parameters during
all important process steps. A significant increase in
efficiency and quality in spinning is only possible with
this statement quality.

All important data in view at all times Special ­Truetzschler sensors at all relevant points
The ­Truetzschler Online Data Monitoring System ­ ruetzschler sensors measure all important qual-
­T-DATA acquires all current production and quality ity and production data that are required for the
data – even when on the road. No matter where you optimal control of production. The comparison
are, Smartphones or tablets allow access to all im- of several machines of a blow room line reveals
portant data and error statistics of the machines con- optimization potential with the Foreign Part Separator
nected, individually and also as overview. TS-T5. T-DATA also shows how the efficient separa-
tion of foreign part keeps the air consumption low.
Optimization of production
Trends in production can be detected at an early Integration into existing systems
stage and malfunctions and faults dealt with faster. T-DATA can easily be integrated into an existing ERP
This allows a measurable reduction of downtimes or control system. In addition to current data, it is
and optimization of machine settings for higher pro- also possible to transmit and compare past produc-
duction rates. With T-DATA, the correctness of the tion data and fault messages via an external inter-
blends is ensured. face. This allows easy use of synergy effects.

Individual data view For more information, GETTING FIBERS INTO SHAPE

Each customer decides which data is of interest and see the brochure "T-DATA".
how it is to be displayed. The Web interface with
intuitive operation can easily be adapted to individual
requirements. The options range from basic settings
to highly sophisticated functions.
Data can be selected from clearly arranged graphics
or tables over a freely definable period, and com-
pared with each other.


My Production
app video on
www.myproduction-app.com The new My Production app for T-DATA users
T-DATA / Blow room 51

Data of the individual machines, for

instance, can be read on the tablet.

Graphic T-DATA display

SCAN Watch the film T-DATA

with the ­Truetzschler
Spinning app.

Scan page with Smartview.

52 Blow room / CONTIFEED 2

Modular Control System CONTIFEED 2

Optimal cleaning and uniform card feeding

Conventional installations operate on a stop-and-go

basis: The material transport is frequently switched Production and quality increase
on and off due to production fluctuations. Result: un- due to CONTIFEED 2
economical production and increased quality risks. Full utilisation of the potential of a cleaner or
To ensure continuous operation from the cleaners to opener line is only possible with ­CONTIFEED  2.
the cards, T­ ruetzschler has been using the Modular Thus, for instance, greater cleaning efficien-
Control System CONTIFEED for decades. It is inte- cy can be achieved in CLEANOMAT clean-
grated into the installation control and optimally tunes ers even at higher productions.
the production rates of the individual machines. The
advantages of this are a greater cleaning efficiency

Degree of cleaning [%]

or a higher production at same cleaning efficiency. 80 Continuous
material flow
When processing man-made fibers, CONTIFEED en- 60
Increase in
sures that the degree of opening and therefore the cleaning
tuft size remains constant. efficiency
20 Discontinuous Increase in
material flow Production

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Production [kg/h]

The standard
CONTIFEED 2 guarantees
a continuous and
Self-optimization relieves the operator The improvements of CONTIFEED 2 are obvious:
uniform material flow The new modular control system CONTIFEED 2 • Uniform card feeding
to the card.
offers increased performance in many respects. In • Automatic adjustment during can
1 Maintenance-free addition to uniform material flow during production, change or sliver break
infinitely variable it also automatically finds the optimal setting when • Simplification and reduction of commissioning
2 Controller with commissioning an installation. • No manual interference required
adjustment for target After a one-time learning phase of several minutes when material properties change
3 Pressure transducer duration, a fully-automatic transition occurs to the • Continuous calculation of production
production phase. • Compensation of temporary material shortage
CONTIFEED 2 / Blow room 53

Assembly of digital
controls at ­Truetzschler
headquarters in

Uniform feeding for uniform sliver uniform feeding of the tuft feeders upstream of the
A typical CONTIFEED 2 application is the control of a cards. This results in better card sliver evenness than
cleaner of the CLEANOMAT system. In this case the in stop-and-go operation.
material transport from cleaner to card is controlled
by evaluating the pressure in the card feed pipes
and the overall production of the card line as signal.
Based on these data, the control can provide precise,

Compared to the reliable

1,400 CONTIFEED system,
the new CONTIFEED 2
features self-optimization
during a short learning
Evenness of feeding [pressure in Pa]
Production of card group [kg/h]

With CONTIFEED 2, the
operator does not need
any special know-how and
is not required to intervene
at any time.




Without levelling CONTIFEED 2 Time
CONTIFEED  Production
54 Blow room / Technical data

Technical data

On the following pages we provide you with the most

important technical data of T­ ruetzschler blow room
machines. The purpose of these tables is to give you
initial information for planning a new installation.

Customised planning
This information should not and cannot replace customised planning.
Our specialists will be happy to provide you with a professional plan to
implement your requirements for a new installation. Contact us.

3D planning of a fiber preparation installation

Technical data / Blow room 55
56 Blow room / Technical data

Bale openers
Max. Max. Average power Max.
Frame Height Machine Machine
length min. length max.
continuous consumption at continuous Noise level
height power max. production production
mm mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h db (A)
BLENDOMAT BO-A 1,720/2,300 2,900 1,800 10,670 50,270 10.6/17.6 7.4/12.5 1,200/2,000 < 70

Length options and max. number of bales for BLENDOMAT BO-A 1720/BO-A 2300
In small rooms it is possible to arrange the working areas in series

50270 mm max.

number of 18 36 52 60 68 84 100 118 134 150
1720 bales**

L5 5,810 10,760 15,710 18,185* 20,660 25,610 30,560 35,510 40,460 45,410

L6 10,670 15,620 20,570 23,045* 25,520 30,470 35,420 40,370 45,320 50,270
number of 26 50 74 84 96 120 142 168 190 214
2300 bales**
* = Standard ** = Bale dimensions: L 1.400 mm x W 600 mm

Max. Average
Frame Total Total Total Max. continuous Storage
MANUAL BALE width width length height
continuous power con-
production1) capacity
Noise level
power sumption
mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h m3 db (A)

BO-C 1,000 1,464 5,265 2,250 2.8 1.9 300 1.5 71

BO-E 1,600 1,800 6,180 2,520 4.9 3.5 750 5.0 73

BO-R 1,000 1,464 5,265 2,250 2.8 1.9 100 1.0 72

BO-U 1,600 2,464 7,010 3,000  5.4 3.8 1,700 6 74

1) depending on material characteristics


• The standard version of the BLENDOMAT BO-A (2,300) has a length (L 6) of 23,045 mm.
It can be extended up to 50,270 mm with up to 11 Extension Units BR-EU of 2,475 mm each.
• Feed table supply
Automatic material supply is made possible with a Trunk Feeder BR-FU
The feed table can be extended with one to three Feed Table Extensions BR-TE by 2, 4 or 6 m.
If an opener is fed directly then it is possible to temporarily bypass the opener via a Reversing Flap BR-RF
Maintenance platform
• Feed table supply
The feed table can be extended with one to three Feed Table Extensions BR-TE by 2.5 m, 5 m or 7.5 m.
• = Series = Option
Technical data / Blow room 57

Max. Max.
Frame Total Total Total Average power
continuous continuous Noise level
CLEANOMAT CLEANER width width length height consumption
power production
mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h db (A)

CL-P * 1.300 1.964 1.485 3.250 7,9/11,4 3,9/5,7 800/1.000 < 70

CL-C3 1.600 2.264 2.455 1.250 17,0 6,0 1.000 < 70

FD-R/* 1.600 2.264 3.265 4.230 27,4 16,4 200** 72

CL-U 1,600 2,200 1,480 3,900 5.9 3.0 1,200 < 70

* Maintenance platforms are optionally available

** Input 300 kg/h

Max. Max.
Frame Total Total Total Average power
continuous continuous Noise level
OPENER TUFTOMAT width width length height consumption
power production
mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h db (A)

TO-T1 1,600 2,264 2,165 1,250 6.1 4.3 1,000 < 70

TO-U 1,600 2,064 1,100 1,250 5.9 4.1 1,800 < 70

TO-C 1,000 1,464 860 1,250 2.4 1.7 250 < 70

58 Blow room / Technical data


Max. continuous power Average power consumption Noise level

kW kW db (A)

FD-R 1.3 0.9 72

FD-O 2.4 1.2 73

BR-COI 6.6 – 8.6 5.3 – 6.9 77

BR-MS 0.12 0.1 73

FD-T – – –

Machine combinations

Total length mm

4,320 4,030

3,115 2,825

* Maintenance platforms are optionally available

Max. Average
Max. Max.
Number Trunk Trunk Machine contin- power Noise
Width  Length
1) 1)
continuous filling
TYPES of trunks width depth height uous consump- level
production weight 2)
power tion
mm mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h kg db (A)

MX-U6 6 1,600 500 2,264 5,500 4,040 5.6 3.9 500 < 70

MX-U10 10 1,600 500 2,264 7,500 4,040 7,6 5.3 depends 875 < 70
on the
MX-I6 6 1,600 500 2,264 6,000 4,160 6.0 4.2 machines 400 < 70

MX-I10 10 1,600 500 2,264 8,000 4,160 8.6 6.0 700 < 70

1) without maintenance platform, without fan

2) depending on degree of opening and material type
* Maintenance platforms are optionally available
Technical data / Blow room 59

Dosage opener*
Max. Max.
Working Average power
Width Length Height 1)
continuous continuous Noise level
TYPES width consumption
power production
mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h db (A)

1,200 1,664 1,100 2,980 – 3,980 5.8 2.9 1,300 < 70


1,600 2,064 1,100 2,980 – 3,980 5.8 4.0 1,800 < 70

1) With condenser BR-COI 1,000 mm higher

* Maintenance platform is optionally available

Max. Continuous Max.
Frame Total Total Total
continuous power continuous Noise level
TYPES width width length height
power consumption production
mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h db (A)

SP-MF 1.000 1.664 4.485 4.140 1,41) 1,0 2.000 76

SP-H 600 635 1.750 3.250 – – 600 < 70

SP-EM 1.000 1.664 2.460 3.390 1,4 1,0 2.000 < 70

SP-FPO 1.600 2.264 3.930 4.280 7,1 3,5 1.000 < 70

TS-T5 1.200 1.864 2.618 4.450 3,5 2,8 1.200 79

TS-T3 1.200 1.864 2.618 4.450 2,7 1,9 1.200 79

SP-DX 1.600 1.864 2.150 3.110 0,51) 0,41) 1.200 < 70

1) without fans
60 Blow room / Technical data

Tuft blending
max. Average
Frame Total height Production
TUFT BLENDING Total width Total length continuous power con- Noise level
width 1)
up to approx.
INSTALLATIONS power sumption
mm mm mm mm kW kW kg/h db (A)

BL-BO 1,600 2,464 7,010 3,000 5.2 2.6 1,000 74

BL-HF 1,600 2,064 1,900 5.8 2.9 800 < 70

BL-PF 1,600 2,064 1,900 5.9 3.0 200 < 70

BL-WP 1,600 2,000 1,320 1,900 – – 1,000 < 70

BL-TO 1,200 1,664 2,275 1,000 6.4 4.4 2,000 < 70

BL-TC 1,200 1,664 7,750 2) 1,000 0.3 3) 0.15 3) 2,000 < 70

1) without trunk feeding

2) With 3,500 mm centre distance and 2 feedings. For every additional feeding (up to 6) 3,500 mm additional length
3) With 2 feedings. For each additional feeding (up to 6) +0.14 kW installed power. +0.09 kW power consumption


° Automatic material supply is made possible with a Feeding Unit BR-FU.

° The feed table can be extended with one to three Feed Table Extensions BR-TE by 2 m, 4 m or 6 m.

° Maintenance platform.
• = Series = Option
Technical data / Blow room 61

Data for power calculation

Production depends to a
1,200 large extent on the degree
of opening of the material.
l of
Production per weigh pan kg/h

a lo
1,000 al w O
teri L-B
Ma ing a f t er B
ope iscose
l of .v
ar leve e.g
800 gul
a re
al w
Ma ing
600 of ope otton
vel .c
ig h le e e.g
ry h
e rfin
av afte
l w ith scose
a i
400 .g.
Ma ing e y PES
e n u lk
op or b

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

Specific material weight [kg/m3]

Special controls for a wide range of applications

T­ ruetzschler offers a series of controls and special components in the control field for planning customised installations
in this area as well:

LC-I LINECONTROL Control for every T­ ruetzschler installation
LC-CU Conversion of control Conversion of existing controls
LC-BC BLENDCONTROL For tuft blending installations as integrated feature in LC-I

LC-DC Subdistribution for cards
LC-DD Subdistribution for draw frames
LC-DCO Subdistribution for combers

LC-CF2 Conversion to CONTIFEED 2 Continuous material flow control for existing ­Truetzschler machines
LC-IK Connection set Connection and installation set for the cards for installation of Nep Sensor TC-NCT
62 Blow room

vo n
lu n
t a r y c e r tifi c a ti o

Blow room 63

­ ruetzschler GmbH & Co. KG Textilmaschinenfabrik

Postfach 410164 · 41241 Mönchengladbach, Germany
Duvenstr. 82-92 · 41199 Mönchengladbach, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)2166 607-0 · Fax: +49 (0)2166 607-405
e-mail: info@truetzschler.de · www.truetzschler.com

Legal disclaimer:
The brochure has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and in good faith with the utmost care. However, it may be subject to type errors or
technical changes for which we assume no liability. The photos and illustrations are purely informative in nature and in part show special equipment
options which do not feature in the standard scope of delivery. We provide no guarantee as to the current nature, correctness, completeness or quality
of the information provided. Warranty claims for material or immaterial damage against us or the respective author based on the use or forwarding of
the information provided, even if the information is incorrect or incomplete, cannot be asserted. Our provided data is non-binding.

Print No.: 18025-07/18-gb · Agentur Brinkmann GmbH, Krefeld

G E T T I N G F I B E R S I N T O S H A P E – S I N C E 18 8 8

Fib e r pre p a rat ion in st a l l a t io n s : B a l e o p e n e r s · M i x e r s · C l e a n e r s / O p e n e r s

Fore ig n par t se par a t o r s · D u s t s e p a r a t o r s · Tu f t b l e n d e r s
Wast e c l e a n e rs | C a r d s | D r a w f r a m e s | C o m b i n g m a c h i n e s

Ba l e ope n e rs/ Mixe rs | C ard f e e d e r s | C a r d s / C r o s s l a p p e r s | We t l a y i n g l i n e s

H ydroe n t an g l in g , n e e d l i n g , t h e r m o - a n d c h e m i c a l b o n d i n g l i n e s
Fin ish in g , d r y i n g , w i n d i n g , s l i t t i n g m a c h i n e r y

Fil ame n t l in e s: C a r p e t y a r n s ( B C F ) · I n d u s t r i a l y a r n s

Me t a l l ic wire s: C a rds · C a rds l o n g s t a p l e · C a r d s n o n w o v e n s · O p e n - e n d s p i n n i n g

Flat tops | Fillets
C a rdin g se g me n t s | S e r v i c e m a c h i n e s | S e r v i c e 2 4 / 7

w w w . t r u e t z s c h l e r . c o m

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