Winunisoft Manual
Winunisoft Manual
Winunisoft Manual
WinUnisoft is a program that allows you to learn and practice programming Fagor numerical
controls, widely used in the industrial environment. Thanks to this program, basic knowledge can
be put into use that can be applied in most industrial controls.
The program is equipped with an editor and a simulator for lathe and milling machine ISO code
programs, as well as a data manager for tools, origins, blanks, machine, etc. necessary to define
a machining.
- The editing of CNC programs with graphical help for each of the programmable ISO
functions, as well as the syntactic and semantic analysis of each edited block.
- 3D simulation of CNC programs, allowing you to view different planes and points of
view. The simulation can be performed by visualizing the tool path on the solid or by
showing the path followed by the tool tip. Verifying dimensions allows you to analyze
whether the programming is correct.
- The definition of all the necessary parameters for the configuration of the machine as
well as the raw material and the tools to be used. All the data necessary to define the
machining of a part and its verification in the simulator are managed in a simple way in
the program manager.
First of all, you have to know that the program is made up of three modules: the Simulator , the
Manager and the Editor
- The Editor allows you to create and modify CNC programs in a simple and guided way.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 2
- The Manager is where the other data that is necessary to simulate the CNC program is
defined (the rough, the tools, the part zero...). Also in this module are the options that
allow us to communicate with the numerical control of a machine.
- The Simulator analyzes the CNC program along with all the data defined in the
Manager to detect possible errors. If no error is detected, the machining simulation is
carried out.
In the diagram we can see the phases to follow to define a CNC program and carry out its
machining on the machine.
A project is the set of data that defines the machining of a part and the data are:
- The plan of the piece (optional).
- The machining process (optional).
- The CNC program.
- The machine parameters.
- The tools.
- The raw starting point.
- The origins piece.
Step 1:
A project can be created from two different places: when entering the WinUnisoft program or
once it is running. Upon entering the WinUnisoft program, a welcome window is displayed. To
create a new project, select the Create a new project option and click OK. If we are already in
the program, we must select Project-New in the main menu.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 3
Step 2:
Define the type of project to create.
The projects are divided according to the type of machine and numerical control. To create a
lathe project, click the Lathe tab and to create a milling project, click Milling Machine . Within
each tab there are different types, depending on the control they use. To create a project for the
Fagor-8025 control, click on Fagor8025.prj and to create a project for the Fagor-8050 control,
click on Fagor8050.prj . Click OK to validate the selection.
Step 3:
Save the new project.
Once the type of control has been selected, you must define where you want to save the project
and under what name. To do this, select in the field Save in the folder where you want to save
the project and in the Name field the name that the project will have from this moment on. Click
Save to finish the process and open the new project
When creating a project, default machine parameters are defined. These parameters can be
customized with the values of a specific machine as if you were working with an industrial CNC.
The parameters are used in the calculation of the trajectories
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 4
to detect limit errors, speeds out of range, calculation of machining times and others. To
customize the parameters, the following steps must be performed:
Step 1:
Access the manager by clicking the Manager button on the toolbar.
With this you access the Manager window, where the project data is located. In the new
window, the toolbar transforms to include the options available in the Manager . All project data
is distributed in different panels that are accessed by clicking on the tab that contains its name.
Step 2:
Select the Machine panel.
The panel referring to the configuration of the machine and the CNC is called Machine .
Click on it. On the panel you can see all the parameters that define the machine.
Step 3:
Modify the type of machine.
When creating the project, the type of machine and control was selected. To modify them, click
on the arrow in the Machine Type field and on the arrow in the Control field. To modify the
metric system, click on the arrow in the Units field. When changing the machine type, all defined
data will be lost.
Step 4:
Define the limits of the machine axes and their origins. On the right side of the Manager window
there are some panels to define the most specific data of the machine. Select the Tours panel
by clicking on it.
- .In the Limits section, the maximum and minimum values between which machine
movements will be possible are defined. Enter the new values.
- In the Reference Zero and PREF Origin section, the values of the coordinates where the
reference zero and the PREF origin are located, respectively. Both can be graphed on
the panel graph by selecting View Graph.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 5
Step 5:
Define the parameters for tool change.
To do this, click on the Tools tab.
- In the Change Position section, the coordinates of the point where the tool change will
be performed are entered. Each time a tool change is to be made, the axes will be
moved to this position.
- In Change time (sec.), the estimated time to perform the tool change is entered. This
value is used to calculate the machining time during the simulation.
- . In lathe type machines, the position of the turret with respect to the headstock must be
defined in the Turret Position field.
Step 6:
Define the head and carriage speeds.
To do this, click on the Speeds tab:
- Maximum Spindle Speed – Defines the maximum speed allowed for the spindle in
revolutions per minute.
- Minimum Spindle Speed – Defines the minimum speed allowed for the spindle in
revolutions per minute.
- Maximum work feed : defines the maximum feed allowed for machining movements
- Advance in G00 : defines the advance speed of the carriages when moving in fast (G00).
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Step 7:
Define programming parameters.
To do this, click on the Programming tab:
- In the Head rotation section, select the direction of head rotation when programming
function M03. Function M04 will take the opposite direction.
- In Circular path define the direction of the circular path when programming G02.
Function G03 will take the opposite direction.
- In the X Dimension section, define whether the X dimension is programmed in radii or
diameters. This section is only active if the machine is a lathe type.
Step 8:
Store the parameters of the new machine configuration.
To do this, in the Model based on ... field, click the Save button. The defined parameters can be
stored in a file so that they can be used in other projects. This means that the machine
parameters only have to be defined once and that they are loaded automatically from a file in
subsequent sessions.
Step 9:
Define the file name.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 7
To do this, select the folder where you want to save the file in the Save field and the name in the
File name field. Click Save to finish the process. When you install the WinUnisoft program,
some configurations for Alecop machines are installed.
To edit the CNC program you must access the ISO Editor . The editor allows you to create and
modify CNC programs in a simple and guided way, facilitating quick learning of the different ISO
functions and their parameters. To edit the CNC program follow the following steps:
Step 1:
Access the ISO editor by clicking on the Editor button on the simulator toolbar.
By doing this, you will access the editor window with the list of the numerical control program.
Upon entering, a syntactic analysis is automatically performed to detect if there are errors in the
programming format. Once in the editor, the menu and tool bars are transformed to include the
options and icons that allow you to perform the most common functions in the editor.
Step 2:
Write the program.
The program code can be freely written as in any Windows text editor. There are also options
such as deleting part of the program, copying from one place to another, changing the
numbering, replacing text... In addition to the typical options of text editors (copy, paste, delete...)
there are other specific options for numerical control : renumber, define name in the CNC, help
with programming... After editing a line and moving to the next, the syntax is analyzed showing
any errors that may exist.
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It should be noted that the program has a Programming Assistant . By placing the cursor on
one of the program lines and clicking on the Wizard button, a window opens containing the list of
functions that can be programmed. When selecting the necessary function, a window will appear
with help on said function and with the parameters that must be entered if required.
Likewise, it is also possible to write the program using any other editor (Word, Windows
Notepad...) and insert it into the project.
Step 3:
Analyze the syntax of the entire program.
Clicking on the Analyze button detects syntactic errors and displays the Error Window . To
access the exact position of the error within the program, double click on the error and the red
lateral arrow, which indicates the position of the cursor, will be placed on the line where the error
is located and the cursor on the character of the block in the one that has been detected.
Step 4:
Save the modifications made.
Click the Save button on the toolbar, or select the Save option from the File menu.
Step 5:
Verify that the program is correct. To do this, go to the simulator by clicking the Exit button.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 9
L, WinUmto/r - ISO Editor - C:WWinUnisol
Step 1:
Access the manager again.
Step 2:
Click on the tab named Gross .
The data that defines the gross will be displayed.
lulo Step 3:
| Pialo Garas
Z Mákmd
D ámei telacteda
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 10
Step 4:
Define whether the fixation with the rough will be displayed in the simulation.
To do this, select the type of fixation in the Fixation field. If the fixation is represented, any
collisions between the tool and it can be detected during the simulation.
Step 5:
Define the size of the gross.
When defining the size of the rough, the value of the initial Piece Zero is defined. The
parameters that are defined are:
Around :
Zmin = Z Minimum
Zmax = Z Maximum
D = Diameter
Lt = Length of pre-drilling
Dt = Diameter of pre-drilling
On milling machine:
Xmin = X
Minimum Ymin =
Xmin = X Y Minimum Zmin
Minimum Xmax = = Z Minimum L =
X Maximum Ymin Length D =
= Y Minimum Diameter
Ymax = Y
Maximum Zmin =
Z Minimum Zmax
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 11
Xmin = X Minimum Ymin = Y Minimum Zmin = Z Minimum L = Length D
Y Cylinder Shape : Z Cylinder Shape :
= Diameter
Xmin = X
Minimum Ymin =
Y Minimum Zmin Step 6:
= Z Minimum L = Save the modifications by clicking the Save button on the toolbar.
Length D =
Step 1:
Select the Tools tab. In the manager. On the left side of the panel, the list of Defined Tools is
displayed. By clicking on each of them, on the right side the parameters that define its geometry
and the correctors will be displayed.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 12
Step 2:
Modify tool data. Select the tool by clicking on it in the Defined Tools list, and modify the value
of the desired parameter.
Step 3:
Add a new tool.
To add a new tool, click the Add button.
Step 4:
Define the tool number.
In the Tool No. field, enter the position of the tool in the machine magazine and in the Offset
No. field, enter the offset assigned to the tool. Click on the Accept button. If the tool exists, an
error is displayed indicating that the tool or offset is incorrectly defined and is not inserted.
Step 5:
Assign a name to the tool.
In the Name field enter the description of the tool. This description will appear in the Defined
Tools list.
If the project is a milling machine type, continue with Step 6 . If it is a lathe type, skip to
Step 10 .
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 13
Step 6:
Define the type of strawberry.
The milling cutter is the part of the tool that machines. To select the type of strawberry, click on
the arrow in the Type field and select one of the types. Depending on the type of strawberry
selected, some parameters or others are requested. Enter a value for each parameter.
By clicking the Help button, located below the tool graphic, you can see the parameters that
define each type of tool.
Step 7:
Define the handle of the tool.
The handle is the part of the tool that does not machine and its definition is optional. If the
Display field is checked and the Options-View Handle option is activated in the simulator,
during the simulation the handle will be displayed and any collisions that may occur with the part
or the jaws can be detected. To define the handle, enter the Diameter and Length values of the
Handle section.
Step 8:
Define the clamp holder.
The collet holder is the element that holds the tool and its definition is optional. If the Display
field is checked and the Options-Display Handle option is activated in the simulator, during the
simulation the collet holder will be displayed and any collisions that may occur with the part or
the jaws can be detected. To define the clamp holder, select the Type by clicking on the arrow.
Depending on the type selected, some parameters or others are requested. Enter a value for
each parameter.
Step 9:
Define the values of the corrector.
The offsets are the parameters that define the dimensions of the tool once placed in the
machine. The parameters that define it are:
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 14
- In the Diameter field, enter the diameter of the tool to be compensated.
- In the Length field, enter the length of the tool to be compensated.
- In Wear R enter the tool radius wear. The CNC assumes (Diameter/2+Wear R) as the
real radius.
- In Wear L enter the tool length wear. The CNC assumes (Length+Wear L) as the actual
If the project is of type Lathe, the following steps will be carried out to define the tool
Step 10:
Define the insert.
The insert is the part of the tool that machines. To select the type of insert, click on the arrow in
the Type field and select a type (Rhombic, Square...). Depending on the type of insert selected,
some parameters or others are requested. Enter a value for each parameter. By clicking the
Help button, located below the tool graphic, you can see the parameters that define each type of
The types of inserts and the use of each of them appear in these tables:
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 15
Ref rent Cylinder Thread Groove Twist Shape Drill
Rhombic ♦ *
Triangular + •
Square 4 4
Groove ♦
bucking 4
Round 4 4
Thread - 4
Drill 4
Pentagonal + •
Hexagonal 4 4
As an example, if a rhombic insert is chosen, the parameters that must be entered and the visual
aid that appears are:
- l: Plate width.
- A: Plate angle (normalized values
are: 35º, 55º, 75º, 80º and 86º).
- C: Cutting angle.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 16
Step 11:
Define the handle.
The handle is the part of the tool that does not machine and its definition is optional. If the
Display field is checked and the Options-Display Handle option is activated in the simulator,
during the simulation the handle will be displayed and any collisions that may occur with the part
or the jaws can be detected. To define the handle, enter the values of Height , Length , Angle ,
X Separation and Z Separation as indicated in the graph.
Step 12:
Define the values of the corrector.
The offsets are the parameters that define the dimensions of the tool once placed in the
machine. The parameters of the checker around are:
- In the X Length field, enter the dimension of the tool in the X axis.
- In the Z Length field, enter the dimension of the tool in the Z axis.
- On Radio hta. define the radius of the tool tip.
- In Form Code define the position of the tool.
- In the Wear X field, enter the wear on the length in X of the tool. The CNC assumes
(Length X+Wear X) as the actual length.
- In the Z Wear field, enter the tool wear in the length in Z. The CNC assumes (Z Length+Z
Wear) as the actual length.
To save the modifications made, click the Save button on the toolbar.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 17
Within a CNC program you can define up to 7 different origin offsets with respect to machine
zero. To define these origins, perform the following steps:
Step 1:
Access the Program Sources panel in the Manager by clicking on the tab with this name.
Step 2:
Enter the transfer values.
The table shows the values assigned to the different transfers associated with the ISO functions
G53 to G59. These values can also be modified by programming functions G53 to G59 in the
ISO program.
Step 3:
Save your modifications by clicking the Save button on the toolbar.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 18
The simulator allows you to analyze the CNC program defined in the project, as well as all the
data associated with it. The quality of the graphics and the options for measuring the geometry
allow us to establish with a precision close to reality whether the defined part can be machined
on the machine. To simulate a project, perform the following steps:
Step 1:
Access the Simulator.
When you enter WinUnisoft you directly access the Simulator and when you are in the Editor or
Manager, clicking Exit also accesses the simulator.
Step 2:
Select the number of views.
There is the possibility of seeing the simulation in different views and each of them with different
configurations. To select the number of views, click on the View menu in the menu bar and
select the number of views. Up to 2 views can be selected on a lathe and up to 4 on a milling
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 19
Step 3:
Define the plane to display in each view.
In each view you can define a different plane. Click on one of the views (if there is more than 1)
and select the plane by clicking on the Plane button on the toolbar. A small menu is displayed
with the different plans and with a mark on the current plan. Change plane by clicking on it.
Step 4:
Define the type of trajectory to view.
During simulation, trajectories can be represented in three different ways:
- The theoretical trajectory of the tool tip.
- The actual path of the tool tip.
- The actual trajectory with the tool in solid and machining in the piece.
By default, the tool is represented in solid form machining the part, but in each view a different
path can be defined.
To select the display of the theoretical trajectory of the tool tip, click on a view and on the
Theoretical button on the toolbar. The theoretical path is the path of the tool tip without radius
compensation. To select the display of the actual path of the tool tip, click on a view and the
Real button on the toolbar. The actual path is the path of the tool tip with radius compensation.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 20
Step 5:
Start the simulation.
To simulate the program continuously, click on the Run button on the toolbar.
On the right side of the screen is the Status Panel , where data indicating the status of the
machine and the position of the axes throughout the simulation is displayed. The data displayed
Status: Indicates the status of the simulation. The different states are:
Running: When a block of the program is being executed.
Interrupted: When a program stop is being executed, either by
selecting the Stop option or because a Stop Control has been activated.
Line : Shows the line number of the CNC program that is being executed. This line number is
the relative position of the line throughout the program.
Simulated project : Progress bar that shows the development of the simulation, displaying the
simulated part compared to the total.
Working : Progress bar that is used by different options and that shows the development of the
operation with respect to the total.
Step 6:
Simulate block by block.
To perform the block-by-block simulation, check the Step Stop option in the Control panel,
located at the bottom of the screen. To simulate block by block, enter the value 1 in the field next
to Step . After simulation of a block, the state will become In position . To continue, click the
Run button.
Introduction to WinUnisoft. 21
Step 7:
Measure the geometry of the part.
Once a part has been simulated, its dimensions can be verified using the Measure option in the
Options menu.
In the option dialog window you can obtain the coordinates of a point or the characteristics of an
element by clicking the mouse on the part of the selected view. The measurement options are:
• Delete: As you click the mouse on the piece, element after element accumulates,
creating a list of all of them. If you want to delete one, click on it and click on the Delete
• Delete All: To delete all items from the list, click the Delete All button. The window will
be clean of elements.
• Center: Allows you to obtain the center of an Arc type element. When selecting an Arc
type element the option is activated.
• Enter XY: This button is only active if the simulated project is a milling project. It is used
when you want to find the exact value of the Z dimension for certain values of the X and
Y coordinates. When you click on the button, a small window appears in which you will
click on the OK button once the X and Y values have been entered.
• Elements: If this option is checked, when you click with the mouse on the piece, you will
determine in the Measurement window elements such as: Arc, center[X,Y,Z]R Straight edge
Normal plane Corner Cylinder , axis[X,Y,Z]R ...
• Elements: If this option is not checked, when you click with the mouse on the part, in
case it is a milling machine project, only one point and its coordinates will be
represented in the window:
Point at [X,Y,Z].
On the contrary, if it is a lathe project, you can indicate:
Cutting section no. [D,Z]Rgs
Cutting thread no. [D,Z]Thread pitch
Another piece of information that can be obtained to measure the piece is the distance between
two elements. For example, between two centers or between two lines. To calculate this data,
select an element from the list and by pressing the <CTRL> key, select the other element. When
you select the second element, the distance between them is shown in the lower window. In
views, a line is redrawn at the mark.
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Introduction to WinUnisoft. 23
Diameter programming
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