Introduction to CAD: CAD involves the use of computers for design, analysis and
modification of a new or existing product. In CAD systems, the images are created using basic
geometric elements such as points, lines, circles, and curves. These can be modified (rotated,
moved, reduced, etc), rotated and transformed on the CRT screen using the respective
commands leading to creation of desired model.
Geometric Modeling: Geometric modeling in CAD refers to the creation of the geometry of
an object, which is the computer compatible mathematical description. The software for CAD
is the interface between the designer and the hardware. In geometric modeling, the designer
creates the graphical image of the required product on the CRT screen of the ICG system by
inputting three types of commands to the computer. The first type of command generates basic
geometrics like points, lines, curves, etc. The second type of command is used to form
transformations actions like scaling, modifying, rotation, etc. The third type of command is
used to obtain desired shape of the product. During geometric modeling process, the computer
converts these commands into a mathematical model, stores it in its data storage place, and
displays it on the CRT screen.
1. Wireframe modeling
2. Surface modeling
3. Solid modeling
The Wire Frame Modeling (WFM) is the basic form of geometric modeling. These
wireframes are used to represent an object. The object is displayed by interconnecting lines.
Surface modeling is the enhancement of WFM, in which the object is represented with surfaces.
Solid Modeling uses solid geometric shapes such as cylinders, cubes, etc called primitives to
1.1 NC Procedure
→ Process Planning
→ Part Programming
→ Part Program Entry
→ Proving the Part Programs
→ Production
1. Process Planning: The part programmer will often carry out the task of process planning.
Process planning is the procedure of deciding what operations are to be done on the
component, in what order, and with what tooling and work holding facilities. Both the
process planning and part programming aspects of manufacture occur after the detail
drawings of a component have been prepared. The following procedure may be used as a
guide to assist the programmer, by describing each step required in preparing the method
of production.
➢ Receive the part drawing. From part drawing information, check the suitability of part
to he machined against the machine capacity.
➢ Determine a method of driving the component (chuck type, chuck size, type of jaw,
collar size, face driver, etc.) & the method of machining.
➢ Determine the tooling required to suit the method of machining and utilise as much
possible the tools, which are permanently in the turret set upon the machine.
➢ Determine the order of machining and the tooling stations.
➢ Determine planned stops (Cycle Interrupt Procedure, Incorporating Block Delete Code)
for checking dimensional sizes where required by operator.
➢ Determine cutting speeds based on:
o Component material, method of driving, rigidity of component
o The tooling selected for roughing and finishing: tool holders with carbide drills,
high-speed steel drills, & ceramics.
➢ After completing the planning sheet, draw the component showing the cutter paths (a
simple sketch is sufficient for simple components.
➢ Select a component datum & carry out the necessary calculations at slopes and arcs.
➢ Prepare tooling layout sheet showing tools to be used in the program & indicate the station
number for each tool.
➢ Indicate the ordering code for each tool & the grade & the type of inserts to be used.
➢ Write the part program according to the sequence of operations.
i. Manual Data Input (MDI): Complete part programs arc entered into the CNC control unit
via the console keyboard. It is suited only for relatively simple jobs. The most common
application for MDI is the editing of part programs already resident in controllers' memory.
A typical dialogue from the machine would be as follows for the operator to identify such
things as:
➢ Material to be cut
➢ Surface roughness tolerance
➢ Machined shape required
➢ Size of the raw material blank
➢ Machining allowances, cut directions
➢ Tools & tool details etc
The operator may then examine and prove the program via computer graphics simulation
on the console VDU. After this, the program is stored or punched on tape. Although there
is some sacrifice in machine utilization, actual programming time is minimal and much
tedious production engineering work (calculating feeds and speeds etc,) is eliminated.
ii. Direct Numerical Control: The process of transferring part programs into the memory of
a CNC machine tool from a host computer is called Direct Numerical Control or DNC.
4. Proving Part Programs: it is a sale practice to check the programmed path for any
interference between the tool & the work before using the part program for production.
This process known as Proving Part Program is done in several ways:
➢ Visual Inspection
➢ Single Step Execution
➢ Dry Run
➢ Graphical Simulation
a. Visual Inspection: it represents the method of checking visually the program present
in the memory of the CNC machine, In this, actual program is run and the programmed
movements in all axes are to be checked along with ensuring the tool offset and cutter
compensation feature. This method represents the least form of verification and should
not be relied upon entirely.
c. Single Step Execution: Before auto-running the part program it should be executed in
a single step mode i.e., block by block. During this execution, spindle speed and feed
d. Dry Run: A dry run consists of running the part program in auto-mode. During this,
the component is not installed on the machine table and the cutting is done in air The
purpose of this run is to verify the programmed path of the tool under continuous
operation and to check whether adequate clearance exists between the clamping
arrangement and other projections within the setup. Feed rate override facilities are used
to slow down the speed of execution of the program.
e. Graphical Simulation: A graphical simulation package emulates the machine tool and,
using computer graphics, plots out the machine movement on a VOU screen. Machine
movement often takes the form a cutting tool shape moving around the screen according
to the programmed movements. When the tool shape passes over a shaded
representation of the component, it erases that part of the component. The resulting
shape, left after the execution represents the shape of the finished component. Any gross
deviations from the intended tool path can be observed and any potential interference
can be highlighted.
1.2 NC Organisation:
Workshop Programming: Many CNC machines are designed for workshop programming as
a fundamental concept, and there can be wide differences in how the machines are operated.
To support the operator in the workshop, most CNC systems feature operator guidance. When
such guidance is available, the screen shows consecutively or simultaneously, in any situation,
these functions that can be selected. When inputting programs, it is particularly useful that the
screen not only shows the program instruction input, but also the possible supplementary
functions (coordinates, feed rates, etc.).
➢ Axis X
➢ Axis Y
➢ Axis Z
The three axes are identified by upper case X, Y and Z and the direction 0 movement along
each axis is specified as either PLUS (+) or MINUS (-). The Z-axis is: always parallel to
The coordinate system for designating the axes is the conventional “Right Hand
Coordinate System” as shown in Fig.2. A labeling of the axes is a right hand coordinate
system whenever the fingers of the fight hand are aligned with the positive X axis and are
then rotated (through the smaller angle) toward the positive Y axis, then the thumb of the
right hand points in the direction of the positive Z axis. Otherwise, the orientation is a “Left
Hand Coordinate System”.
The right hand coordinate system is also known as “Clockwise Rotating Coordinate
System”. The reason for this is the sequence of the axis definitions if the X-axis is rotating
in the direction of the Y-axis, the movement is the same as if a screw is turned in the Z
direction as shown in Fig.3.
In programming it must be assumed that the workpiece is stationary and the tools move in the
coordinate system. The workpiece is positioned within the coordinate system so that the Z-axis
coincides with the turning center-line (axis of rotation) and the X and Y coordinates always
have the same values. Therefore the Y coordinate is not used in turning.
On CNC coordinating systems controls machines tool traverses. Their accurate position within
the machine too1 is established by “Zero Points” as shown in fig. 5.
Machine zero point (M): is specified by the manufacturer of the machine. This is the zero point
for the coordinate systems & reference points in the machine. On turning lathes, the machine
zero point as shown in F/G.6 & FIG.7 is generally at the center of the spindle nose face. The
main spindle axis (center line) represents the Z-axis; the face determines the X-axis. The
directions of the positive X and Z-axis point toward the working area. When the tool traverses
in the positive direction, it moves away from the workpiece.
Workpiece Zero Point (W): This point determines the workpiece coordinate system in relation
to the machine zero point. The workpiece zero point is chosen by the programmer and input
into the CNC system when setting up the machine. The position of the workpiece zero point
Tool Point: Which machining a workpiece, it is essential to able to control the tool point or the
tool cutting edges in precise relationship to the workpiece along the machining path Since tools
have different shapes and dimensions, precise tool dimensions have to be established
beforehand and input into the control system. The tool dimensions arc related to a fixed tool
setting point during pre-setting.
The tool selling point .E is located at a certain point on the tool holder as shown in Fig. 10.
This setting point permits measuring of tools away from the CNC machine. The data thus
measured such as tool length, tool point offset or tool radius is input into the tool data storage
(memory) or the control system. The mate of the tool setting point is the Socket point N on the
tool carrier. When the tool or tool holder is inserted into the tool carrier (e.g., turret), the setting
point and the tool socket point coincide.
Absolute Dimension System: Data in absolute dimension system always refer to a fixed
reference point in the drawing as shown in Fig.11. This point has the function of a coordinate
zero point as shown in Fig. 12. The dimension lines run parallel to the coordinate axes and
always start at the reference point. Absolute dimensions are also called as “Reference
2. Possibility of easily changing the dimensional data in the part program whenever required
In an NC program, the machining steps (operations) for producing a part on the machine tool
are laid down in a form that the control system can understand. A program is composed of
several blocks. A block is a collection of NC words. An NC word is a collection of address
letter and a sequence of numbers. Table.1 shows the address letters according to DIN 66025.
A Rotation about. X-axis.
B Rotation about, Y-axis
C Rotation about, Z-axis
D&E Rotation about additional axes
F Feed
G Preparatory function, identifying the action to be executed
H Unassigned
I Interpolation parameter / Thread pitch parallel to X-axis
J Thread pitch parallel to Y-axis
K Thread pitch parallel to Z-axis
L Unassigned
M Auxiliary function
M01 Optional Stop: Cycle operation is stopped after a block containing MO1 is executed.
This code is only effective when the optional stop switch on the machine control panel has
been pressed. Example: M01
M02 Program End: This code is inserted at the end of the program. When encountered the
cycle will encl. To produce another the system must be reset.
Example: M02
M03 Spindle Forward: Starts the spindle spinning forward, clockwise or negative direction
at the last specified spindle rate. Example: M03 51200
M04 Spindle Reverse: Starts the spindle spinning reverse, counter clockwise of positive
direction at the last specified spindle rate. Example: M04 51000
M06 Tool Change: The M06 in conjunction with “T” WORD, is used to can up the required
tool on an automatic indexing turret machine, and to activate its tool offsets. The left most digit
of the “T” ignoring zeros selects the new tool. Tool changes are normally performed with the
tool post at a safe position away from the workpiece, so the code G28 REFERENCE POINT
RETURN would be used in the block prior to M06.
& T20
M10 Chuck Open: M10 opens pneumatic or similar automatic chuck to allow for bar feed.
M13 Spindle Forward, Coolant On: Sets spindle rotation forward and coolant all. Example:
M13 51000
Note on G02/G03:
Description Illustration
G20 Imperial: A G20 causes position to be as being in imperial units. All the input values are
in inches. This can only be at the start of the main program.
G21 Metric: A G21 causes positions to be interpreted as being in metric units. All the input
values are in nun. This can only be at the start of the main program.
Description Illustration
A G28 causes a fast traverse 10 the specified, position and then to the G28 X35 Z5
machine datum
Compensate Function:
Description: Tool offset is used to compensate for the difference when the tool actually used
differs from the imagined tool used in programming (usually, standard tool), During
programming, a four digit number is programmed following the letter T, the first two digits
represent toe Tool number, and the second two digits represents the Tool offset number. Fig.18
illustrate the concept of Tool offsets
Tool Nose Radius Compensation (G40-642): In turning operations on lathe, the positions and
cutter path for contouring motion cannot be declined directly on the basis of the dimensions
specified on a part drawing. The coordinates of the end position in each contouring motion
statement of an NC program must be calculated. This calculation is time consuming and error
prone. On modem CNC machines, special calculation functions or cutter-radius compensation
codes are provided to allow a user to utilize part-profile coordinates obtainable from the part
drawing to program a contouring motion. These are the G41 and G42 codes for tool radius
The nose of a Lathe cutter is only a section of a circle and does not rotate, like an end mill,
during the cutting process. Therefore different cutter compensation vectors (or directions) must
be applied with different types of cutting tools as shown in Fig. 22, which illustrates the
relationship between the tool and the start point. The end of the arrow is the imaginary tool
nose. The direction of the imaginary tool nose viewed from the toot nose center is determined
by the direction of the tool motion during cutting; this is set in advance with the offset values.
Imaginary tool nose numbers 0 and 9 are used when the tool nose center coincides with the
start point.
The tools installed on the turret have different relative positions with respect to the turret center. To
compensate for these differences, one should set the offsets in the X and Z directions for different tools
as shown in the Table.2. The number of pairs of offsets is restricted to the number of tools
➢ In the linear move before entering the Tool nose compensation always add on a more than the
radius of the tool.
➢ After the Tool Radius Compensation has been applied and the particular move has been executed
(i.e., an arc has been turned) then two linear straight-line moves must be made before canceling
G50 Co-Ordinate Setting: GSO enables tool nose radius compensation to the left of the programmed
path. G50 has 2 uses. Coordinate setting block has "X", "Z", "LJ" OR "W"' upon it. A maximum
spindle speed block docs not.
G50 Clamp Spindle: GSO sets the maximum spindle speed for constant surface control. An “X”, “Z”,
“u” or “W” prefix must not be on the block or it will be interpreted as a coordinate setting block. G50
creates a new coordinate system in which the tools current position is set to the specified coordinates.
The new coordinates can be in absolute or incremental form.
G96 Constant Surface Speed: The cutting speed during turning is the peripheral speed of the work.
The peripheral speed of a rotating work represents the peripheral path in a given unit time as shown ill
FIG.33 The peripheral speed or cutting speed is thus the fully stretched chip length produced in one
time. The cutting speeds vary in direct relation to the diameters, even if the number of revolutions per
minute is the same in all cases.
The correct selection of the cutting speed for turning is very important.
Cutting Speed Too Low: Time Loss & Low surface finish with increasing cutting speed the surface
speed is improved
X - Primary Linear Axis U -Secondary axis parallel to X A - Angular axis around X axis
V -Secondary axis parallel to Y B - Angular axis around Y axis
Y - Primary Linear Axis
W- Secondary axis parallel to Z C - Angular axis around Z axis
Z - Primary Linear Axis
Preparatory Words
Some G words alter the state of the machine so that it changes from cutting straight lines to cutting
arcs. Other G words cause the interpretation of numbers as millimeters rather than inches. While still
others set or remove tool length or diameter offsets. Most of the G words tend to be related to motion
or sets of motions. Table lists the currently available g words.
Fixture offset are used to make a part home that is different from the absolute, machine coordinate
system. This allows the part programmer to set up home positions for multiple parts. A typical
operation that uses fixture offsets would be to mill multiple copies of parts on "islands" in a piece,
similar to the figure below
To use fixture offsets, the values of the desired home positions must be stored in the control, prior to
running a program that uses them. Once there are values assigned, a call to G54, for instance, would
add 2 to all X values in a program. A call to G58 would add 2 to X values and -2 to Y values in this
G53 is used to cancel out fixture offsets. So, calling G53 and then G0 X0 Y0 would send the
machine back to the actual coordinates of X=0, Y=0.
G53 is used to cancel out fixture offsets. So, calling G53 and then G0 X0 Y0 would send the
machine back to the actual coordinates of X=0, Y=0.
Experiment CNC
• In case of turning place the tool post at the outer circumference of the end
of the job
• In first pass rough surface may be obtained
• For smoother surface, second pass can be done
• For grooving purpose, depth of cut can be increased for a particular
Procedure • Hold the desired length of job into the chuck
• Centring can be required in case of 4 jaw chuck
• Fix the tool holder along with tool in the tool post
• Start the lathe
• Move tool post in front of the job until it just touches the end of the job
(for facing)
• In case of turning place the tool post at the outer circumference of the end
of the job
• In first pass rough surface may be obtained
• For smoother surface, second pass can be done
• For grooving purpose, depth of cut can be increased for a particular
Precautions • Ensure that the work-piece and single point cutting tool are mounted
securely before taking a cut.
• Don’t take a heavy cut or use to rapid a feed.
• Always use the cutting fluid for the material being cut.
• Make sure the power OFF, before changing the cutter.
• Do not use cracked or damaged cutters.
• Position guards to deflect chips to a safe area.
• Never run the machine faster than the correct cutting speed.
• Keep hands away from moving/rotating Machinery.