Mba - Ib - Semester III
Mba - Ib - Semester III
Mba - Ib - Semester III
2305 SMI 2306 SMI 2307 Paper Operations Management International Logistics Management International Finance Business Communication International Marketing Research Elective I Elective II C/E C C C C C E E Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
SMI 2301 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Objectives The Course is designed to acquaint the students with decision making in: Planning, scheduling and control of Production and Operation functions in both manufacturing and services; Productivity improvement in operations through layout engineering and quality management etc.; Effective and efficient flow, replenishment and control of materials with reference to both manufacturing and services organizations. Module1: Introduction: production and operation management as function, nature and scope , decision areas, historical developments. Operations strategy, different production systems product, process and capacity planning. Module 2: Total Quality Management,: elements, tools for TQM., Cost of Quality . Quality Stds-ISO 9000. Statistical process control, control charts. Concepts of acceptance sampling OC curve. Module 3: Design of goods and services. Process Technology. Facility location, layout planning. Work study, method study and work measurement. Module 4: Inventory management independent items , basic EOQ and production quantity models, reorder point Quantity discount model , safety stock , probabilistic models with constant lead time. Dependent items, Basic MRP structure Materials management classification system. JIT system. Purchasing stores management. Module 5: Production planning and control in different production systems, aggregate planning, short terms scheduling SCM concepts. Maintenance management. Suggested Readings 1. Adam, E E & Ebert RJ production and Operations Management 6th ed. New Delhi, Prentice hall of India1995 2. Amrine Harold T. etc Manufacturing Organisation and Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1993 3. Buffa E S Modern production management New York, John Wiley, 1987 4. Chary, S n Production and Operations Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989 5. Dobler, Donald W and lee lamar, Purchasing and materials Management, New York, McGraw Hill, 1984 6. Dilwsorth, Jaames AB Operations management: design Planning and Control for manufacturing & Services Singapore, McGraw Hill, 1992 7. Moore, FG and Hendrick, T.E. Production/Operations management Homewood , Illinois, Richard D. Irwin 1992
SMI 2302 INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Objective The objective of this course is to impart a general and clear idea of international logistics system and management. Course Content Module - 1 Integrated logistics management concept, evolution and development;Importance of logistics management to international business, International Logistics functions and intermediaries. Issues involved in movement of goods.Logistics information system positioning information in logistic s; logistics information systems design; I.T. in logistics; strategic information linkage. Warehousing and Inventory management, Total cost approach to Logistics. Module - 2 The general structure of shipping industry; cargo types; vessels and vessel characteristics; linear operations and tram operations; chartering of bulk ocean carriers; chartering principles; the ocean linear conference system; freight structure and practices; coordination; role of intermediaries forwarding and clearing agents; freight brokers; stevedores and shippers agents. Containerisation. Module - 3 Shipper-ship owner consultation arrangements the needed scope and machinery for consultation; types of consulting machinery, All India Shippers council, shippers associations and FIB and various standingCommittees set up for resolving shippers problems; UN convention on code of conduct for linear shipping conference. Module - 4 Port system and sub systems, port organization and management. Responsibilities of port trusts, Growth and status of Ports in India, Carriage of goods legal aspects. Module - 5 Air transportation, advantages, disadvantages, freight structure and operations, carrier and consignee liabilities. Suggested Readings
James F. Robbson & William C Copaciono (editors) : The LogisticsHand Book. Donald F Wood : International Logistics Douglas Lambert and James R Stock: Stratetic Logistics Management IIFT : Study of Arrangements of Shipping Conference J.Bes : Chartering Practice IIFT : Dictionary of Shipping and Chartering Terms IIFT : Freight Tariffs and Practices of Shipping Conferences. IIFT : Role of Shipping Policy in the Export Strategy of India.
SMI 2303 INTERNATIONAL FINANACE Objective The course enables students understand the macro environment in which financial transactions are carried out and also acquaints them with the problems and techniques of financial management in multinational corporations. Module I: Introduction to International Financial System: Brettonwood conference and afterwards: European monetary systems Role and functions of IMF. Module II: Balance of payments Meaning, Structure, Equilibrium, Disequilibria and Adjustments Module III: Foreign Exchange Market, Meaning, Features, Participants, Rate of Exchange, Types of Exchange Rates, Spot Market, Forward Market, Market for Currency Features and options.
Module IV: Foreign Exchange Exposure Management: Meaning of Exposure Types of Exposure Hedging Operations.
Module V: International Investment decisions: Foreign Direct Investment International Portfolio Investment International Financial Market instruments Financial Swaps. Suggested Readings: 1. International Finance 2. International Financial Management 3. International Financial Management 4. International Finance 5. International Finance 6. Principles of foreign exchange - Avadhani, - Sharan V. - P.G.Apte - M.D.Levi - Keith Pilbeam - A.K.Chatterjee.
SMI 2304 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Scope and Objective: The course covers verbal, non-verbal, written and other forms of communication. The objectives of the course are to make the students familiar with the premises and principles of different ways and forms of communication in a business context and sharpen their communication skills. Module: I Nature and scope of communication need for effective communication - process and components of communication barriers to communication significance of listening in effective communication different types and forms of communication Module: II Oral communication different forms of and occasions for oral communication role of non- verbal components in verbal communication - public speaking business presentations - interviewing conducting of meetings and conferences telephoning tone of courtesy audience analysis. Module: III Written communication need for and principles of persuasive writing forms of written communication letters and circulars salutations and complimentary clauses designing and drafting of letters and circulars. Module: IV Reports and reporting essentials and types of reports short, horizontal, upward, downward, formal and informal reports. Proposals kinds and parts. Linguistic factors in business communication. Techniques of emphasizing. Legal aspects of business communication. Module: V Strategies for successful communication technology and communication traditional vs. technology enabled communication visual aids. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Herta A. Murphy and others: Effective Business Communication Louis E. Boone and others: Contemporary Business Communication Bovee C. L., Thill J. V. & Barbara E. S: Business Communication Today Sinha K. K: Business Communication Raymond V. L.& John D. Petit Jr.: Business Communication Theory and application Kitty O. Locke: Business and Administrative Communication Hatch Richard: Communicating in Business Bowman J. P. & Bran chaw B. P: Business Communication: From process to Product.
SMI 2305 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING RESEARCH Objective The course acquaints students with the importance, complexities and process of conducting marketing research in international context. Module I: Introduction: Importance and nature marketing research; Marketing research in international-context complexity and issues; International data reliability and validity aspects; International marketing information system; International marketing research process and organization. Module II: Problem Definition and determination of Information Needs: Problem identification and definition; Developing a research proposal; Types of research exploratory, descriptive and experimental researches. Module III: Data Sources: International secondary data sources; Online sources; Primary data collection methods questioning and observation methods; Designing questionnaires for international surveys; Etic vs. Emic dilemma.Attitude Measurement and Scaling techniques. Module IV: Sample design: Determining universe, sampling unit and sampling frame; sampling methods; Sample size determination. International Data and Fieldwork: Planning and organizing field work for international surveys; Sampling and non-sampling errors. Module V: Data Analysis and Report Preparation: Preliminary data analysis; Univariate and multivariate data analysis techniques; Issues in multi-country data analysis; Report preparation and presentation. International Marketing research Applications: Overseas market opportunity analysis; Sales analysis; Product and advertising research; Consumer research; Ethical issues. Suggested Readings: Douglous, Susan P. and Craig, Samuel: International Marketing Research, Prentaice hall, International Edition, ITC Manual for Export Marketing Research, Geneva Luck, David J and Ronald S.Rubin Marketing Research, Prentice hall, New Delhi Tull, Donald S and Del l. Hawkins: Marketing Research: Measurement and Method, Prentice Hall, New Delhi Warren J. Keegan, Global Marketing Management