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Mba 4th Sem Syllabus

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1 COST AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT Time: 60 hrs Marks: 100 marks(4 credits)

Module I Need and importance of understanding cost managementrelevance of cost management in organizational success-various cost conceptselements of cost-types of cost materials cost accountinglabour cost accounting overhead cost accountingcosting methods and costing techniquesinstillation of a costing system cost centrecost unitpre requisites of a good costing system- unit costing and cost sheet-preparation of cost sheet. Module II Marginal costing and breakeven analysisCVP analysisapplication of marginal costing in managerial decisionsmake or buy decision-key factor decisionpricing decisionoptimum production capacity decisionproduct mix decisioninvestment decision Module III Management control systems--Budgetary controlbudget centrebudget committee and budget manual. Functional budget-cash budgetmaster budgetfixed and flexible budget zero based budget Standard costing and variance analysis material variance, labour variance and over head variancesales variance ( Only first level variances) causes and disposition of variances. Responsibility accountingcost centre, profit centre and investment centre Transfer pricing. Module IV Evolution of quality Management; concepts and objectives of quality management; Zero defects; Acceptance sampling; Quality inspection; Quality assurance; Quality circles; training for quality; concept and tools of Six Sigma. Statistical quality control: basic concepts; product control; process control; variations in quality; control charts; types of control charts- mean charts, range charts, Pchart, n p chart, C charts; Applications of control charts. (Numerical are not necessary) Module VI Total quality management: strategic quality planning; organising for TQM; Training for TQM; Kaizen; benchmarking; TQM in service organisations; Implementing TQM. Quality standards: ISO 9000; Quality systems under ISO 9000; ISO 14000; ISO Certification process; Quality awards: Baldrige Award; Demings Prize.
Books: 1. Juran, J.M.and Frank K Gryana: Quality Planning and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill,Mumbai 1970. 2. Lock, Dennis: ed. Handbook of Quality management ;Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai1993. 3. Ramaswamy, Subburaj: Total Quality Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2005. 4. AmitavaMitra: Quality Control and Improvement, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2005. 5. Chandra, D, et el,: Quality Circles, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1991. 6. Ross, Joel E.: Total Quality Management, Vanity Books International, New Delhi 1996. 7. Evans, James R., et.el, The Management and Control of Quality , JaicoPublishingHouse, Mumbai1994. 8. Blocher and Chen: Cost ManagermentMcGraw Hill 9. Jain &Narang: Cost AccountingKalyani Publications

UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MBA 4.2 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Time: 60 hrs 4 Credits Module I Evolution of business policy and strategic management as a field of study.- nature and meaning of strategy- strategic planning tactical planning - characteristics of strategic decisions strategic management process benefits and relevance of strategic management growing relevance of strategic management in India. Module II Strategic formulation mission and purpose business definition Environmental appraisal - concept of environment environmental scanning-appraising the environment organizational appraisal strategic alternatives-classification of strategies strategic choice-process of strategic choice corporate portfolio analysis-industry, competitor, SWOT analysis-strategic plan. Module III Strategy Implementation-issue in strategy implementation-project implementation Procedural implementation-structural implementation-functional implementation behavioral implementation. Module IV Strategy Evaluation and Control-strategic control-operational control-technique of Strategic evaluation and control-essential features of effective evaluation and control preventive control contingency planning Module V Case discussions and analysis

References 1. William Glueck : Business policy Strategy formulation and management action 2. Rue : Strategic Management 3. Donal F Harvey: Business policy and Strategic Management. 4. R.M Srivasthava: Management policy and Strategic Management. 5. V.P Michael : Globalization, Liberalization and Strategic Management. 6. Francis Cherunilam: Business Policy and Strategic Management. 7. AzharKasmi : Business Policy 8. Bhattacharya : Strategic Management.

Finance Elective MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MBA FIN 6 FINANCIAL SERVICES 60 Contact hours - 4 Credits Module I Indian financial system an overview. Money market call money market commercial paper market commercial bill market certificates of deposits treasury bill market gilt edged securities market. Capital market an overview - capital market instruments capital market reforms primary markets methods of raising funds from primary market- public issue global markets issue of American depository receipts and global depository receipts guide lines on their issue emerging trends. Module II Financial services- nature characteristics role of financial services in economic development relevance of the study of financial services factors influencing the growth and development of financial services industry types of financial services Module III Merchant banking historical perceptive nature of services provided by Merchant bankers structure of merchant banking firm setting up and managing a merchant bank SEBI regulations on merchant banks under writing stock broking depositories tax planning services port folio management services factoring services and practices card business credit cards and debit cards. Module IV Credit rating: approaches and process of rating credit rating agencies CRISIL and ICRA, CARE ratings for financial instruments methodology of rating. Leasing: concepts and classification of leasing present legislative frame work of leasing lease evaluation (lessors and lessees point of view)- tax aspects of leasing. Hire purchase: introduction concepts and characteristics legal aspects and tax implications financial evaluation. Module V Stock exchange business and practices insurance role of insurance in financial frame work general insurance life insurance marine insurance and others. References 1 L.M. Bhole: Financial Institutions and Market 2 I. Friend M Blume, J Crocket: Mutual Funds and other Institutional Investors 3 N.J.Yasaswy: Personal Investment and Tax Planning 4 Julia Holyoake, William Weipers: Insurance 4th edition 5 M.Y.Khan: Financial Services 6 Sriam. K: Hand book of leasing, Hire purchase and Factoring. 7 Bhatt.R.S : Financial system for economic development 8 Pandey I.M: Venture Capital The Indian Experience

HRM Elective UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HRM 5 MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 60 Hours 4 Credits Objectives: To familiarize the students with the requirements for designing appropriate systems for management of organizational career development, roles identity and with the concepts of the Managerial competency approach and its relevance to career management. Module I: Training process an overviewtraining, development and education, structure of training originationrole competencies and positions of training professionals training as a system, training process models-evolution of training rolestrategic training and development process, implications of strategies for trainingtraining environment, models of organizing and training departments. Module II: Learning and learning stylesDavid Kolbs learning style model, VAK model,principles of learning, Blooms taxonomy, andragogy and pedagogy, synergogy for team learning learning theories, reinforcement theory, social learning theory, goal theory, need theory, expectancy theory, adult learning theory, information processing theory, learning and knowledge management- Robert Gagnes The nine events of instruction. Module III: Training needs analysis, organization analysis, person analysis, task analysis. Need assessment techniques, training design and developmentPrinciples, design process, Types of costs in training program, lesion plans- Training implementation, approaches, seating arrangements, selection and training of trainees, training aids, teaching and facilitation skills. Module IV: Technical trainingtraining for TQM, attitudinal training, training for management of change, training for productivity, training for creativity and problem solving, training for leadership. Training communication, evaluation process .Donald Kirkpatricks evaluation model-outcomes used in evaluation training program Methods of data collection for training evaluationcost benefit analysis, Future of training and development. Module V: Management developmentobjectives of MDMethods of MD, models of management development. Compulsory case analysis. References: 1. Lyntop R. Pareek.U: Training for development. 2. Buckley R and Caple: The theory and practice of Training 3. Peppar, Allan D: Managing the training and development function. 4. John Patrick: Training Research and practice.

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