Intensive care unit
Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital
Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital
The main objective of management is “the performance of its function is to ensure that
nursing professionals reach the highest level of competence and commitment to ensure
personalized care for users.” In every work environment there must be strategic planning,
which is the foundation on which all the plans of an organization are built, which can be long
and short term. It is a broad plan that includes the future use of different resources in an
integrated pattern. and that establishes a sequence of required actions and chronological
programs for each one in order to achieve the stipulated objectives.
For this discipline, it is of utmost importance to prepare a situational diagnosis using
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) matrix in which areas of
opportunity will be detected and intervention actions will be formulated in the face of certain
conflicts and uncertainty that affect in this case to the intensive care service.
Addressing the needs in which an entire multidisciplinary team participates will help in
the improvement of intensive care at the traumatology and orthopedics hospital of Puebla
since the strategic plan will contribute to strengthening the work performance of the service,
therefore it is necessary to find the internal and external factors that are present in the
workplace and set goals or objectives that lead to improvement and quality for the service
Therefore, the importance of establishing a strategic diagnosis that allows identifying
opportunities for improvement in the service through lines of action that include training,
monitoring and evaluation programs in the medium and long term to improve the professional
development of the personnel of the Intensive Care Unit of the Traumatology and Orthopedics
Unit Description...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Infrastructure.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Epidemiological Data.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Installed capacity.................................................................................................................................................. 12
Services Portfolio.................................................................................................................................................. 12
User Population.................................................................................................................................................... 13
Reference Units.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Performance and productivity data Processes and Subprocesses.......................................................................17
Human Resources................................................................................................................................................ 21
Material Resource................................................................................................................................................ 22
equipment............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Strategic Analysis (SWOT)................................................................................................................................... 25
Processes Noun Management.......................................................................................................................... 25
Processes Noun Human Resources................................................................................................................. 25
Processes Noun Material Resources................................................................................................................ 26
Processes Noun Nursing Care.......................................................................................................................... 27
Strategic diagnosis with prioritization.................................................................................................................... 29
Unit Description
On November 19, 1988, the Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital (HTyO) was
inaugurated by the President of the Republic Lic. Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado as governor of
the state of Puebla Lic. Mariano Piña Olaya, the general director of the Mexican Social
Security Institute Lic. Ricardo García Sainz, and delegation head of Medical services Dr.
Manuel Tovia Arrioja, coordinator of the nursing department at the Enfra Delegation level. Ma
del Carmen Ramírez García. The first director was Dr. Coronado Olea Benjamín and the
head nurse was Socorro Cuevas Reyes.
The creation of the HTyO was due to the need to provide care to a growing number of
accident victims and injuries as a result of crime, accidents and violent acts. Before that date,
services of this type were provided at the San Alejandro hospital until June 15, 1999, the
hospital suffered severe damage during the earthquake, for which reason it was necessary to
transfer patients and staff to the specialty hospital.
The traumatology and orthopedics hospital was reopened on November 18, 2000 by
Lic. Melquiades Morales Flores Governor of the State of Puebla and Lic. Mario Marín Torres
Municipal President of Puebla and in 2004 Dr. Carlos Francisco Morales Flores director of the
hospital, explained that it was granted the classification of High Specialty Medical Unit due to
the complexity of the services offered, the medical equipment with cutting-edge technology,
the training human resources for postgraduate health and conducting health research, which
is why it was designated the headquarters of the orthopedics and traumatology residency.
The new establishment was located in what had been the hospital of the National Railways of
Mexico dating back to 1968, whose location was immediate to important road arteries
Avenida Defensores de la República and 4 Poniente.
It is considered one of the three most important high-specialty hospitals in the country,
it provides high-quality surgical medical services required by traumatic and orthopedic
pathologies since it has pediatrics, geriatrics, donation, pain clinic and palliative care
programs, clubfoot clinic, interventional radiology and burn unit, intensive care unit, care is
also provided for patients with spinal and hip injuries, plastic surgeries, neurosurgeries, hip
and maxillofacial surgery, among others, are also performed.
Currently, the Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital provides services to the states
of Puebla, Tlaxcala and Oaxaca, with a staff of 123 specialist doctors and 291 nurses, who
during 2019 performed seven thousand 924 surgeries, which despite the quarantine operates
normally. in its outpatient consultation services, emergency care, first-time and scheduled or
subsequent appointments, granting 253 specialty consultations daily, 153 emergency
consultations. In addition, it occupies fourth place nationally in the procurement of organs and
tissues, only that so far this year 20 donations have been made, 17 of them multi-organ and
three in cardiac arrest, of which: 30 kidneys were obtained , 24 corneas, 11 livers, three
hearts and a musculoskeletal tissue.
● 98 adult beds
● 14 pediatric beds
Non-censable beds 39
● 2 crash
● 7 first contact
Due to the current pandemic, a respiratory triage was adapted with 6 beds, this area is
waiting for transfer to the Manuel Ávila Camacho High Specialty Hospital or the General
Hospital of Zone Number 20.
● In the medical and surgical area, the specialties it has are: 2 spine and diaphysis
specialties, Pediatrics, Burn Unit, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery,
General Surgery.
● 1 Neurosurgery
● 1 Preanesthetic Assessment
⮚ 98 adult beds
⮚ 14 pediatric beds
⮚ 39 Non-registerable beds;
⮚ 2 crash
⮚ 7 first contact
Services Portfolio
⮚ Pediatrics
⮚ Burn Unit
⮚ Neurosurgery
⮚ Surgery. Maxillofacial
⮚ General Surgery
⮚ Psychology
Assigned 1963728
Source: Affiliated beneficiary population (PDA), Mexican Social Security Institute,
November 2021.
Men 955223
Women 1008505
Grand Total 1963728
Source: Affiliated beneficiary population (PDA), Mexican Social Security Institute, November
Reference Units
Occupancy Percentage=83%
Overall =9.6
Mortality rate
Hand washing is the main measure to reduce intranosocomial infections. These infections
increase morbidity and mortality. The use of alcoholic solutions reduces the incidence of
nosocomial infection by 40%.
Human Resources
Relevant Data
Material Resource
Relevant Data
The ICU has the necessary electro-medical devices in good working order for the care of
critically ill patients, such as:
Infusion pumps
pulse oximeters
Mechanical fans
-It has a fixed supply of consumer materials
-The instruments used in the service are: 4 healing kits with 2 tweezers, 4 suture kits with 3
-There is a supply of hospital clothing which is sufficient for the three shifts, although half is
given for the night shift since sponge baths are not performed.
-There are 6 functional and complete electric beds
-The provision of parenteral solutions is sufficient to supply the service
-There is a fixed supply of sufficient controlled and high-cost medications
-There is a complete inventory of furniture: 9 chairs, 3 desks, 2 shelves, 6 antibacterial
curtains, 6 high benches, 2 reclining chairs, 3 healing chairs, 6 May tables, 2 stainless steel
sinks and a nursing control
-There are 6 complete life support teams for patient care.
-existence of two computers to monitor patients from the nursing control which have not been
working for two months and a printer which does work.
-There is a computer equipment for use by the head nurse to request medications from
- There are two typewriters in good condition that the medical department uses to make
-There are 6 file folders
-A refrigerator which is used for medicines to be kept in good condition, which is monitored
every two hours to ensure that the temperature is adequate.
-It has a fire extinguisher with hose for hydrants in case of fire.
-The service has two video surveillance cameras
-The provision of insufficient consumer material for the needs of the service:
Sterile pads, 20ml syringes, Disposable gloves, Adhesive cloth, Adult diapers
-There are test strips and a functional glucometer for the ICU service.
-The service does not have antiseptic solutions, which implies that the nursing staff in charge
of patient care has to move from the unit, putting care at risk.
- In units 3 and 4 of the intensive care service, the bed mattresses are broken and in poor
-Two chairs resting for patient mobilization are broken
-The service does have a file cart
Relevant Data
- It has a triangular design in accordance with the provisions of NOM-016-SSA3-2012.
-Adequate lighting of the service.
-The 6 units are functional and viable for patient care
-Washable walls to avoid nosocomial infections
-Non-slip floors for the safety of patient transfer and hospital staff
-It has 2 hot-cold mini Split equipment.
-Each unit has two oxygen nozzles and two air nozzles.
-Each unit has two oxygen nozzles and two air nozzles.
-The ICU area is in a good location since it has communication with the operating room,
emergency room, CEyE and laboratory
-The dimensions of each cubicle are 3.20 meters x 1.20 meters and do not correspond to
what is established by NOM-016-SSA3-2012, which is 9 m 2 per patient unit;
-Each cubicle is isolated and has a transparent door
-The circuit of the lower electrical current contacts of the units are not functional, the light
switch of unit 3 is broken and the mini Split does not cool
-It does not have an air extractor for the environment.
- There is a septic tank to leave dirty clothes, commodes, urinals and garbage
-service cleaning is only done once per shift
Strategic Analysis (SWOT)
External analysis
Opportunities Threats
O1 Existing Official Mexican Standards. A1 Change of focus and management
O2 Dissemination and continuous training of portfolio structure.
staff. A2 Inaccessibility and/or delay to internet
O3 Clinical nursing records. technology and medical equipment.
O4 Quality assessment in nursing. A3 Adverse events and sentinels.
O5 Technology adopted for nursing activities A4 Insufficient commitment of the unit's
(platforms, reports) governing body
O6 Work meetings with SJE A5 Insufficient knowledge in strategic
O7 Visits from the supervision team planning of personnel
O8 Monitoring and evaluation instruments executive
O9 Report delivery traffic lights
Material resources
Internal analisis
Strengths Weaknesses
F1 Timely supply of material resources. D1 Inadequate RPBI classification.
F2 Optimal technology in monitors, infusion D2 Equipment not functioning for monitoring
pumps, ventilators, endotracheal tube from the nursing center.
(closed circuit), X-ray equipment. D3 Insufficient beds in ICU (6).
F3 Adequate infrastructure per cubicle. D4 Lack of control, clothing, supplies,
F4 Provision of appropriate hospital clothing. medications.
F5 Timely detection and management of D5 Ant theft of medicine and materials by
input shortages staff.
F6 Preventive maintenance and furniture D6 Poor use of clothing on the night shift
D7 Waste in the use of inputs by the staff.
D8 Fixed matter pools are not authorized
External analysis
Opportunities Threats
O1 Suppliers that provide equipment repair A1 Modifications to the basic material table.
(with warranty). A2 Change of tender.
O2 Clothes washing center that supplies A3 Population growth.
with opportunity. A4 Increase in the price of material
O3 CADIC. resources.
O4 Existence of supplies in central A5 Denied keys and insufficient authorized
warehouse according to CPMS increase budget
O5 Support from other hospital units at the A6 Damage to equipment
time of shortage A7 Warehouse shortage
O6 Comprehensive programs that provide A8 Lack of fixed clothing funds in services
the resource according to care needs in the
hospital unit.
Nursing Care
Internal analisis
Strengths Weaknesses
F1 VENCER II System D1 Insufficient records of Nursing
F2 Systematization of records of nosocomial interventions (20%).
infections. D2 Newly hired staff with little experience in
F3 Standardized nursing process in clinical the area.
practice guides. D3 Disinterest and detachment of the worker
F4 Technical-administrative instruments for from the rules, instruction manuals and
evaluation and supervision. guides.
F5 Quality evaluation as a management tool D4 Lack of attendance of Nursing staff to
F6 Emergent plans as strategies for scheduled courses (18.7%).
improvement D5 Lack of knowledge and attachment to
F7 Openness to teaching by staff nursing care
D6 Failure to complete a clinical record in
accordance with the nursing process A5
External analysis
Opportunities Threats
O1 Training program. A1 Increase in chronic degenerative
O2 Professionalization-degrees. conditions.
O3 Update of courses and specialties. A2 About demand for care (increase in
O4 International patient safety goals. population).
O5 Evaluation of nursing care (indicators, A3 Culture of the population with an
safety, quality) inclination towards the curative aspect and
O6 Interaction with patients on aspects of not the preventive aspect
well-being and care provided by nursing A4 Disinterest and detachment of the worker
O7 Nursing Performance Recognition from the rules, manuals, instructions and
Program guides
O8 Unit Certification A5 Massive medical information (internet)
poorly understood by patients
A6 Lack of collaboration of the
multidisciplinary team in interaction with the
nursing process
Strategic diagnosis with prioritization
Prioritization was carried out in order of importance, where a rating was given according to
what was valued, according to the following scale: 4 = highest rating and 1 = lowest rating.