Uv Manicure Lamp
Uv Manicure Lamp
Uv Manicure Lamp
Overview 3
3D Print Enclosure 5
Build UV Circuit 7
Final Assembly 13
Use it! 18
If you’ve seen my videos or photos before, you already know I like to paint my nails.
What you might not know is that it’s UV gel nail polish-- a different chemical
formulation that’s more durable, flexible, and lasts much longer than the air-dry stuff.
And it doesn’t just look nice, it lets you do more stuff with your nails-- open cans, pick
at electronics, do the dishes-- I like to call it “structural” nail polish. Without it, my long
and useful nails would split and break under the pressures of everyday makin’ stuff.
But gel polish has to be cured in a UV lamp, which is something usually only nail
salons have, or, like me, you buy one on Amazon and it takes up as much space as a
large toaster oven and has to be plugged into the wall.
Doing your own gel manicure is easy if you have the right tools, dare I say even easier
than standard polish because the different viscosity smooths out its own
inconsistencies and once it’s cured, it’s completely dry.
• 30 UV LEDs (http://adafru.it/1793)
• 30 100-ohm resistors
• half-size perma-proto (http://adafru.it/1609)
• silicone wire in red (http://adafru.it/1877)and black (http://adafru.it/1881)
PLA @230c
0.2 Layer Height
uv-top.stl Takes about 4-5 hours to print all
2 Shells
uv-eyes.stl parts
10% Infill
90/120 speeds
The enclosure is held together with machine screws, but you'll have to glue the eyes
in place. We recommend E6000 but hot-melt glue would work just fine too.
While your 3D printer is going, solder up the UV LED board! First place your perma-
proto securely in a Panavise.
Arrange the LEDs evenly across the two sides of the boards, keeping each LED leg in
a new row but distributing them laterally to fill the whole board. It's helpful (but not
strictly necessary) to keep all the LEDs in the same orientation (all long legs towards
one side). Here's an LED layout diagram:
With the board upright or LEDs-up, reheat the soldered leg until molten, then press
the LED flush to the board. Let the solder cool and harden for a moment before lettng
go of the LED.
Now that your LEDs are flush, you can now solder the other half of the LED legs. If all
your LEDs are in the same orientation, you can trim the legs short on all but one or
two, which can help you remember which is which for the next step.
Solder two long silicone wires to the corner of the circuit as shown (red for power and
black for ground).
Use it!
Flip the slide switch and stick your fingers in the frame! This lamp is great for travel,
touch ups, or our NFC phone-unlocking manicure project. It does take a bit longer to
cure each coat than a full-size lamp, use your cell phone as a timer set to 5 minutes
for each coat!
Recharge the battery over USB, then pack your supplies in the top compartment and
take it on the road.