B.SC - I Geography NEP 2022
B.SC - I Geography NEP 2022
B.SC - I Geography NEP 2022
FIRST YEAR (Each of Papers- I & II)
Sr. No. Subject or Paper Marks
1 Physical Geography (Papers- I & II) 100
2 Human Geography (Papers- I & II) 100
Practical (Pattern of Examination will be ANNUAL.) 50
The scheme of teaching and examination should be given as applicable to the
course / paper concerned.
Teaching Scheme (Credits / Week)
Sr. No. Subject or Paper
Credits Theory Practical Total
1 Physical Geography 04 04 -- 04
2 Human Geography 04 04 -- 04
Practical 02 -- 02 02
(Pattern of Examination will be ANNUAL.)
Reference books:
1. Conserva H.T., 2004: Illustrated dictionary of Physical Geography, Author House, USA.
2. Critchfield, H.J., 1997: General Climatology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Dasgupta, A. and Kapoor, A.N., Principles of Physical Geography. Grald, S., General
3. Gabler R.E., Petersen J.F. and Trapasso L.M., 2007: Essentials of Physical Geography
(8th edition), Thompson, Brooks/Cole, USA.
4. Garrett N. 2000: Advanced Geography, Oxford University Press.
5. Goudie A., 1984: The nature of the environment an advanced physical geography,
Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
6. Hamblin W.K., 1995: Earth’s Dynamic System, Prentice Hall, N J.
7. Husain M., 2002: Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Ravat Publication, Jaipur.
8. Lutgens, F.K. and Tarbuck, E.J., 2007: The Atmosphere, Pearson Prentice Hall, New
Jersey. Pirie, R.G., Oceanography (Contemporary).
9. Monkhouse F.J. 200: Principals of Physical Geogeaphy, Platinum Publishers, Kolkatta.
10. Ross, D.A., 1988: Introduction to Oceanography. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
11. Sharma, R.C. and Vatel. M., Oceanography for Geographers.
12. Strahler, A.A. and Strahler, A. N., 2002: Physical Geography: Science and Systems of
the Human Environment, John Wiley and Sons, INC.
13. Strahler, A.H. and Strahler, A. N., 1992: Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley and
Sons, INC.
14. Strahler, A.N., 1965: Introduction to Physical Geography, John Wiley and Sons,
15. Strahler A.N., Strahler A.H. 2008: Modern Physical Geography. John Wiley and Sons, New
16. Trewartha, G., Introduction to Weather and Climate. King, C.A.M., Oceanography for
Geographers. Lake, P., Physical Geography.
1.4 Urbanization
1.5 Classification of Urban Settlement
1.6 Functions of Urban Settlement
1. Bergwan, Edward E 1995: Human Geography; Culture, Connections and Landscape,
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
2. Carr, M. 1987: Patterns, Process and change in Human Geography. MacMillan
Education, London.
3. Fellman, J. L. 1997: Human Geography—Landscapes of Human Activities. Brown and
Benchman Pub., U.S.A.
4. De Blij H. J. 1996: Human Geography, Culture, Society and Space John Wiley, New York.
5. Johnston, R.J. (editor). 1994: Dictionary of Human Geography Blackwell, Oxford.
6. Mc Bride, P. J. 1996: Human Geography Systems, Patterns and Change, Nelson, U.K. and
7. Michael, Can 1997: New Patterns: Process and Change in Human Geography Nelson,
8. Rubenstein, J.H. and Bacon R.S. 1990: The Cultural Landscape — an Introduction to
Human Geography. Prentice Hall, India, New Delhi.
9. Singh, K.N. 1992:People of India, An introduction Seagull Books.
10. Spate O.H.K. and Learmonth A. T. A. 1968: India and Pakistan Methuen, London.
11. U. V. Jagdale& P. G. Saptarshi (2007): Human Geography, Diamond Publication (Marathi)
12. Johnson R. Gregory D, Pratt G. et al. (2008) The Dictionary of Human Geography
Reference Books
1. Buoygoot, J. (1964): An Introduction to Map work and Practical
Geography. University Tutorial, London.
2. Monkhouse, F. J. and Wilkinson, H. R. (1971): Maps and Diadgrams.
Mathuen, London.
3. Raisz, E. (1962): Principals of Cartography, McGraw Hill Book Com.,
Inc, New York.
4. Robinson, A.H. and Shale, R. D. (1969): Elements of Cartography. John
Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York.
5. Singh, L.R. and Singh, R., (1973): Map work and Practical
Geography. Allahabad.
6. Curran, P. (1989): Principles of Remote Sensing, Longman, London.
7. Lo C. P. and Young A. K. W., (2011): Concepts and Techniques of
Geographic Information Systems, PHI Learning Private Lim., New Delhi –
8. Dickinson, G.C., (1979): Maps and Air Photographs, Arnold Publisher,
New Delhi.
9. Mishra, R.P and Ramesh A., (2000): Fundamentals of Cartography.
Concept Publ. Com., New Delhi.
10. Burrough, P. A. and McDonell, R., (1998): Principles of
Geographical Information Systems, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
i) The details of field work, seminar, Group Discussion and Oral examination be
given wherever necessary.
ii) General/Specific instructions for Laboratory safety should be given wherever necessary.