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R-20 Syllabus (16-4-2024)

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RVR & JC College of Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)



Regulations (R-20)
Scheme of Instruction, Examinations and Syllabi
Four year B.Tech. Degree Programme

(w.e.f. 2020-2021)

Computer Science & Engineering

Accredited by NBA and NAAC with “A+” Grade
Chowdavaram, Guntur- 522019

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 1
RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering (R-20)
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Semester - I (First Year)

S.No Course Course Title Hours Per Scheme of Examination Category
Code Week
Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS/IT111 Mathematics – I 3 0 30 70 3 BS
2 CS/IT112 Engineering Physics 3 0 30 70 3 BS
3 CS/IT113 Basic Electrical & Electronics
3 0 30 70 3 ES
4 CS/IT114 Programming for Problem Solving 3 0 30 70 3 ES
5 CS/IT151 Engineering Physics Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 BS
6 CS/IT152 Basic Electrical & Electronics
0 3 30 70 1.5 ES
Engineering Lab
7 CS/IT153 Engineering Graphics and Design Lab 1 4 30 70 3 ES
8 CS/IT154 Programming for Problem Solving Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 ES
9 CS/IT MC1 Constitution of India 2 0 100 - - MC
10 Three-weeks orientation program - - - - -
TOTAL 15 13 340 560 19.5

Category CREDITS
Basic Science Courses 7.5
Engineering Science Courses 12

Semester - II (First Year)

S.No Course Course Title Hours Per Scheme of Examination Category

Code Week
L P Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS/IT121 Mathematics – II 3 0 30 70 3 BS
2 CS/IT122 Engineering Chemistry 3 0 30 70 3 BS
3 CS/IT123 Digital Electronics 3 0 30 70 3 ES
4 CS/IT124 English for Communication Skills 3 0 30 70 3 HS
5 CS/IT125 Programming in Python 2 0 30 70 2 ES
6 CS/IT161 Engineering Chemistry Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 BS
7 CS/IT162 Programming in Python Lab 0 2 30 70 1 ES
8 CS/IT163 Computer Engineering Workshop 0 3 30 70 1.5 ES
9 CS/IT164 English Language Communication Skills 0 3 30 70 1.5 HS
10 CS/IT MC2 Environmental Science 2 0 100 - - MC
TOTAL 16 11 370 630 19.5

Category CREDITS
Basic Science Courses 7.5
Engineering Science Courses 7.5
Humanities and Social Science Courses 4.5

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)
Semester - III (Second Year)

Hours Per
Scheme of Examination Category
Course Week
S.No Course Title
Code Internal Sem End
L P Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS/IT211 Probability and Statistics 3 0 30 70 3 BS
2 CS/IT212 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 30 70 3 ES
3 CS/IT213 Computer Organization 3 0 30 70 3 PC
4 CS/IT214 Data Structures 3 0 30 70 3 PC
5 CS/IT215 Object Oriented Programming 3 0 30 70 3 PC
6 CS/IT251 Probability and Statistics with R Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
7 CS/IT252 Data Structures Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
8 CS/IT253 Object Oriented Programming Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
9 CSSL1 Skill Oriented Course-I 1 2 100 - 2 SC
10 CS/IT MC3 Design Thinking & Product Innovation 2 0 100 - - MC
TOTAL 18 11 440 560 21.5

Category CREDITS
Basic Science Course 3
Engineering Science Courses 3
Professional Core Courses 13.5
Skill Oriented Basic Course 2

Semester - IV (Second Year)

Hours Per
Scheme of Examination
Course Week
S.No Course Title Category
Code L P Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS/IT221 Computational Statistics 3 0 30 70 3 BS
2 CS/IT222 Database Management Systems 3 0 30 70 3 PC
3 CS/IT223 Operating Systems 3 0 30 70 3 PC
4 CS/IT224 Software Engineering 3 0 30 70 3 PC
5 CS/IT225 Web Technologies 3 0 30 70 3 PC
6 CS/IT261 Computational Statistics Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
7 CS/IT262 Database Management Systems Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
8 CS/IT263 Web Technologies Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
9 CSSL2 Skill Oriented Course-II 1 2 100 - 2 SC
10 CS/IT MC4 Ethics & Human Values 2 0 100 - - MC
TOTAL 18 11 440 560 21.5
Internship of Minimum 6 Weeks is mandatory during Summer Vacation
(Will be evaluated in Fifth Semester)
**Registration for Honors/Minor degree permitted in this semester
(Maximum Two additional courses are permitted per semester for Honors/Minor**

Category CREDITS
Basic Science Course 3
Professional Core Courses 16.5
Skill Oriented Basic Course 2

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Semester- V (Third Year)

Hours Per Scheme of Examination Category
S.No Course Course Title Week
Code L P Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS/IT311 Automata Theory & Formal Languages 3 0 30 70 3 PC
2 CS/IT312 Computer Networks 3 0 30 70 3 PC
3 CS/IT313 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 30 70 3 PC
4 CS314 Professional Elective - I 3 0 30 70 3 PE
5 CS315 Open / Job-oriented Elective - I 3 0 30 70 3 OE
6 CS/IT351 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
7 CS/IT352 Data Analysis Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
8 CS/IT353 Summer Internship - - 100 - 1.5 PR
9 CSSL3 Skill Oriented Course – III 1 2 100 - 2 SC

TOTAL 16 8 410 490 21.5

Category CREDITS
Professional Core Courses 12
Professional Elective Course 3
Open Elective Course/Job Oriented Elective 3
Skill Oriented Basic Course 2
Summer Internship 1.5

Semester- VI (Third Year)

S.No Course Course Title Hours Per Scheme of Examination Catego
Code Week ry
L P Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS/IT321 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 30 70 3 PC
2 CS/IT322 Cryptography & Network Security 3 0 30 70 3 PC
3 CS/IT323 Machine Learning 3 0 30 70 3 PC
4 CS324 Professional Elective -II 3 0 30 70 3 PE
5 CS325 Open / Job Oriented Elective - II 3 0 30 70 3 OE
6 CS/IT361 Artificial Intelligence lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
7 CS362 Machine Learning Lab 0 3 30 70 1.5 PC
8 CS/IT363 Term Paper 0 3 100 - 1.5 PR
9 CSSL4 Skill Oriented Course – IV 1 2 100 - 2 SC
TOTAL 16 11 410 490 21.5
Internship minimum of 6 weeks is mandatory during summer vacation.
(Will be evaluated in Seventh Semester)

Category CREDITS
Professional Core Courses 12
Professional Elective Course 3
Open Elective Course/Job Oriented Elective 3
Skill Advanced Course 2
Project/Term Paper 1.5
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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Semester -VII (Fourth Year)

S.No Course Course Title Hours Per Scheme of Examination Category

Code Week
L P Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam Marks
1 CS411 Humanities and Social Sciences 3 0 30 70 3 HS
2 CS412 Professional Elective - III 3 0 30 70 3 PE
3 CS413 Professional Elective - IV 3 0 30 70 3 PE
4 CS414 Professional Elective – V (MOOCS) 0 0 - 100 3 PE
5 CS415 Open / Job Oriented Elective - III 3 0 30 70 3 OE
6 CS416 Open / Job Oriented Elective – IV 0 0 - 100 3 HS
7 CS451 Internship / Professional Certification - - 100 - 3 PR
8 CSSL5 Skill Oriented Course – V 1 2 100 - 2 SC
TOTAL 13 2 320 480 23

Category CREDITS
Professional Elective Courses 9
Open Elective Course/Job Oriented Elective 3
Humanities And Social Science Elective 6
Skill Advanced Course 2
Industrial/Research Internship 3

Semester - VIII (Fourth Year)

S.No Course Course Title Hours Scheme of Examination Category

Code Per Week Code
L P Internal Sem End Credits
Marks Exam
Project Work
1 CS/IT461 (Project Work, Seminar and internship) 0 12 30 70 12 PR

TOTAL 0 12 30 70 12

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Professional Elective Courses

III/IV B.Tech. ( Vth Sem)
1. CSEL01 Digital Image Processing 3-0-0 3
2. CSEL02 Information Retrieval 3-0-0 3
3. CSEL03 Data Engineering 3-0-0 3
III/IV B.Tech. (VIth Sem)
4. CSEL04 Compiler Design 3-0-0 3
5. CSEL05 Distributed Systems 3-0-0 3
6. CSEL06 Principles of Cloud Computing 3-0-0 3
7. *CSEL07 Industry Recommended Course(IRC)* 3-0-0 3
IV/IV B.Tech. (VIIth Sem)
1. CSEL08 DevOps (LBD) 3-0-0 3
2. CSEL09 Cyber Security(LBD) 3-0-0 3
3. CSEL10 Web and Micro Services(LBD) 3-0-0 3
IV/IV B.Tech. (VIIth Sem)
4. CSEL11 Internet of Things(LBD) 3-0-0 3
5. CSEL12 Visual Programming(LBD) 3-0-0 3
6. CSEL13 Natural Language Processing(LBD) 3-0-0 3
7. *CSEL14 Industry Recommended Course(IRC)* 3-0-0 3

Open Elective courses offered by CSE


1. CSOL01 Programming with Java 3-0-0 3

2. CSOL02 Relational Database Management 3-0-0 3

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Skill Oriented Courses


Basic Skill Oriented Courses

CSSL1 Skill Oriented Course - I
a. 2D-Computer Animation 1-0-2 2
b. Programming with C++ 1-0-2 2
c. PHP Programming 1-0-2 2

CSSL2 Skill Oriented Course - II

a. 3D-Computer Animation 1-0-2 2
b. Linux Programming 1-0-2 2
c. Mobile Application Development 1-0-2 2

CSSL3 Skill Oriented Course - III

Soft Skills 1-0-2 2
Advanced Skill Oriented Courses
CSSL4 Skill Oriented Course - IV
a. Automation Testing 1-0-2 2
b. Object Oriented Modeling and Design 1-0-2 2
c. Socket Programming 1-0-2 2

CSSL5 Skill Oriented Course - V

a. AWS cloud 1-0-2 2
b. User Interface Design with ReactJS 1-0-2 2
c. OpenMP & MPI 1-0-2 2
d. Industry Recommended Course (IRC)* 1-0-2 2

Courses offered for Minor in Computer Science & Engineering


1. CSMR1 Fundamentals of Data Structures 4-0-0 4
2. CSMR2 Computer Organization and Architecture 4-0-0 4
3. CSMR3 Operating System Concepts 4-0-0 4
4. CSMR4 Relational DataBase Management Systems 4-0-0 4
5. CSMR5 Programming with JAVA 4-0-0 4
6. CSMR6 Introduction to Algorithms 4-0-0 4
7. CSMR7 Principles of Software Engineering 4-0-0 4
8. CSMR8 Computer Networking Concepts 4-0-0 4
● 2 courses to complete through MOOCs with the acceptance of CSE BoS

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

B.Tech. (Hons.) CSE Courses

1 CSH11 Advanced Data Structures 4-0-0 4
2 CSH12 Functional Programming 4-0-0 4
3 CSH13 Fuzzy Logic 4-0-0 4
4 CSH14 Computer Graphics 4-0-0 4
1 CSH21 Advanced Databases 4-0-0 4
2 CSH22 Concurrent Programming 4-0-0 4
3 CSH23 Game Theory 4-0-0 4
4 CSH24 ARM system architecture 4-0-0 4
1 CSH31 GPU Programming 4-0-0 4
2 CSH32 Search Engine Internals 4-0-0 4
3 CSH33 Wireless Sensor Networks 4-0-0 4
4 CSH34 Parallel Algorithms 4-0-0 4
1 CSH41 Semantic Web Technologies 4-0-0 4
2 CSH42 Deep Learning 4-0-0 4
3 CSH43 Social Network Analysis 4-0-0 4
4 CSH44 Augmented and Virtual Reality 4-0-0 4
2 MOOC courses to be done with the acceptance of CSE BoS.
Any of the following two can be opted:
 Knowledge Graphs / Ethical hacking / Digital Forensics / BlockChain Technology.
 Courses from Honors Pools not opted by the concerned student & offered by NPTEL 
 Advanced courses offered by NPTEL with the permission of BoS, CSE. 

Humanities & Social Sciences Elective for CSE

1 HSEL1 Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship
2 HSEL2 Economics for Engineers
3 HSEL3 Introduction to Industrial Management
4 HSEL4 Project Management & Entrepreneurship
5 HSEL5 Human Resources and Organizational Behavior

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Open Elective Courses for CSE (Offered by other Departments)

CEOL1 Basic Surveying CEOL2 Building Materials And Construction
CHOL1 Energy Engineering CHOL2 Biofuels
EEOL1 Renewable Energy Sources EEOL2 Utilization of Electrical Energy
MEOL1 Operations Research MEOL2 Applied Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering
ECOL1 Applied Electronics ECOL2 Microprocessors and Interfacing
ECOL3 Linear ECs and Applications

Job Oriented Elective Courses (offered to all branches)

JOEL01 Big data Processing CSE JOEL02 Full Stack Development CSE
JOEL03 JavaScript Technologies IT JOEL04 Cloud Computing using AWS / IT
JOEL05 DevOps CSB JOEL06 Enterprise Programming CSB
JOEL07 Tableau Software CSD JOEL08 Python for Data science CSD
JOEL09 Interface and programming CSO JOEL10 IoT Cloud and Data Analytics CSO
with IoT Gateway
JOEL11 Geospatial Technology CE JOEL12 Building Planning CE
JOEL13 Quantity Estimation CE JOEL14 Bio Fuels ChE
JOEL15 Environmental Engineering CE JOEL16 Safety Management ChE
JOEL17 Non-Conventional Energy ChE JOEL18 Biopharmaceutics and Drug ChE
engineering design
JOEL19 Embedded Systems-1 ECE JOEL20 Embedded Systems-2 ECE
JOEL21 Open Source Systems CSM JOEL22 Machine Learning CSM

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Minor Programs offered by other Departments

● Minor in Civil Engineering

1. CEMR1 Geomatics (Survey, GIS & GPS) 3-1-0 4
2. CEMR2 Construction Engineering & Management 3-1-0 4

3. CEMR3 Fundamentals of Structural Engineering 3-1-0 4

4. CEMR4 Water Resource Engineering 3-1-0 4

5. CEMR5 Environmental Engineering 3-1-0 4

6. CEMR6 Geotechnical Engineering 3-1-0 4

7. CEMR7 Transportation Engineering 3-1-0 4

● Minor in Chemical Engineering

1. CHMR1 Unit Operations 3-1-0 4

2. CHMR2 Principles of Chemical process calculations 3-1-0 4

3. CHMR3 Transfer operations 3-1-0 4

4. CHMR4 Reaction Engineering 3-1-0 4

5. CHMR5 Industrial Pollution Controll Engineering 4-0-0 4

6. CHMR6 Principles of Safety Management 4-0-0 4

● Minor in Mechanical Engineering

1. MEMR1 Engineering Mechanics 3-1-0 4
2. MEMR2 Strength of materials and Fluid mechanics 3-1-0 4
3. MEMR3 Manufacturing Processes 4-0-0 4
4. MEMR4 Concepts of Thermal Engineering 3-1-0 4
5. MEMR5 Concepts of Mechanical Design 3-1-0 4
6. MEMR6 Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing 4-0-0 4
7. MEMR7 Additive Manufacturing 4-0-0 4

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

● Minor in Electronics & Communication Engineering

1. ECMR1 Electronics Devices & Circuits 3-1-0 4

2. ECMR2 Digital Logic Design 3-1-0 4

3. ECMR3 Network Analysis 3-1-0 4

4. ECMR4 Electronic Circuit Analysis 3-1-0 4

5. ECMR5 Signals and Systems 3-1-0 4

6. ECMR6 Microprocessors & Interfacing 3-1-0 4

● Minor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering


1. Electrical Machines Theory &
EEMR1 3-1-0 4
2. EEMR2 Electrical Power Generation & Utilization 4-0-0 4

3. EEMR3 Power Systems Engineering 3-1-0 4

4. EEMR4 Power Converters & Applications 3-1-0 4

5. Electrical Measurements &

EEMR5 3-1-0 4
6. EEMR6 Electric Vehicles 4-0-0 4

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Minor Programs offered under Industrial Tracks

• Minor in Automation & Robotics

1. ARMR1 Robotic Engineering 4-0-0 4
2. ARMR2 Mechatronics and Microcontrollers 3-1-0 4
3. ARMR3 Industrial Automation 4-0-0 4
4. ARMR4 Computer integrated Manufacturing 3-0-0 3
5. ARMR5 Fluidics and Control Systems 3-1-0 4
6. ARMR6 Mechanics of Robots 3-1-0 4
7. ARMR7 3D Printing 4-0-0 4

• Minor in Cloud Computing

1. CCMR1 Principles of Cloud Computing 3-1-0 4
2. CCMR2 Cloud Virtualization 3-1-0 4
3. CCMR3 Cloud Application Development 3-1-0 4
4. CCMR4 Cloud Security 3-1-0 4
5. CCMR5 Edge Computing 3-1-0 4
6. CCMR6 Block Chain Security 3-1-0 4
7. CCMR7 High Performance Computing 3-1-0 4
Cloud Computing and Distribution
8. CCMR8
Systems (MOOCs)
9. CCMR9 Cloud Computing (MOOCs)

• Minor in Full Stack Development

1. FSMR1 User Interface Design 3-1-0 4
2. FSMR2 Client Side Scripting 3-1-0 4
3. FSMR3 React JS 3-1-0 4
MEAN Stack(Mongo DB, Express, JS,
4. FSMR4 3-1-0 4
Node JS
5. FSMR5 C# (..Net Framework) 3-1-0 4
Web Application Development using
6. FSMR6 3-1-0 4
7. FSMR7 J2ME 3-1-0 4

FSMR8 Modern Application Development


FSMR9 Advanced Python Programming


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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

• Minor in Electric Vehicles


1. EVMR1 Energy systems and Electrical Machines 3-1-0 4
2. EVMR2 Hybrid Electric Vehicles 3-1-0 4
3. EVMR3 Plug – in Electric Vehicles 3-1-0 4
4. EVMR4 Electric vehicle power train 3-1-0 4
5. EVMR5 Autotronics 3-1-0 4
6. EVMR6 BMS & Charging stations 3-1-0 4

● Minor in VLSI
1. VLMR1 HDL Programming 3-1-0 4

2. VLMR2 System Venlog and UVM 3-1-0 4

3. VLMR3 Synthasis and Formal Verification 3-1-0 4

4. VLMR4 Design for Testability 3-1-0 4

5. VLMR5 Physical Design Fundamentals 3-1-0 4

6. VLMR6 Advanced Physical Design 3-1-0 4

● Minor in Safety Engineering

1. SEMR1 Safety Management 4-0-0 4

2. SEMR2 Chemical Process Safety 4-0-0 4

3. Hazard Identification and Risk

SEMR3 4-0-0 4
4. SEMR4 Fire Technology 4-0-0 4

5. SEMR5 Environmental Safety 4-0-0 4

6. Safety in Petroleum and Petrochemical

SEMR6 4-0-0 4


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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

Semester I (First year)

CS/IT111 Mathematics-I L P C
3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in basic calculus and linear algebra.
2. It aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to
advanced level that will serve them well towards tackling more a level of mathematics
and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Evaluate certain improper integrals apart from some other applications they will
have abasic understanding of Beta and Gamma functions.
2. Apply Role’s theorem which is fundamental application of analysis to Engineering
3. Solve problems related to linear algebra including linear transformations
in a Comprehensive manner
4. Find Matrix Eigen values and know diagonalization and orthogonalization.

Course Content:

UNIT I TextBook-1 15 Periods

Evolutes and Involutes, Evaluation of improper integrals: Integrals without infinite limits of
integration, Beta function, Gamma function, Relation between beta and gammafunctions
(without proof) Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of

UNIT II Text Book-1 15 Periods

Rolle’s theorem (without proof), Lagrange’s mean value theorem (without proof), Taylor’s
and Maclaurin series, Sequences, Series, Series of positive terms, Convergence tests:
Comparison test (limit form) D’Alembert’s ratio test, Raabe’s test for convergence.

UNIT III Text Book-2 15 Periods

Vectors: addition and scalar multiplication, linear dependence and independence of vectors.
Vector space, basis, dimension; Linear transformations (maps), range and kernel of a linear
map,rank and nullity, Inverse of a linear transformation, rank nullity theorem, composition of
linear maps, Matrix associated with a linear map.

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RVR & JC College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
R20 Regulations B.Tech.(CSE)

UNIT IV Text Book-2 15 Periods

Characteristic equation, Eigen values and eigenvectors, symmetric, skew-symmetric, and
orthogonal Matrices, Eigen basis, Diagonalization ; Inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt

Learning Resources:
Text Books:

1. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, 42nd edition.

2. V. Krishnamurthy, V.P. Mainra and J.L. Arora, An introduction to Linear
Algebra,Affiliated East–West press, Reprint 2005.

Reference Books:

1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, Pearson, 2002.
2. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
3. E. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 18

CS/IT112 Engineering Physics L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce the concept of electron motion in periodic potentials and classification of

solids,band formation by learning the prerequisite quantum physics.
2. Explain the diode equation and formation of P-N junction from the basics of
3. Introduce interaction of radiation with bulk semiconductors and the relevant
Optoelectronic devices with energy band diagrams.
4. Explain the applications of devices in low dimensional materials by understanding
the density of states and experimental techniques to be used for measurement of
transport properties.
Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the necessity of periodical potentials and conditions for explaining

theproperties and band formation with the help of quantum physics.
2. Explain the theory of P-N junction diode from the basics of semiconductor concepts.
3. Explain the theory and application of Optoelectronic devices.
4. Describe measuring techniques employed in transport phenomena and
variation ofproperties in low dimensions.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 15 Periods

Principles of Quantum Mechanics:Wave nature of particles, de Broglie's hypothesis,

Davisson and Germer's experiment, Time dependent and Time independent Schrodinger
wave equations, Physical significance of wave function, Uncertainty principle, single slit
experiment. Particle in a box and extension to 3D box (qualitative treatment only).

Electron Theory of Metals: Salient features of Free electron theory, Fermi - Dirac
distribution function, Fermi level, Density of States, Bloch wave function, Kronig-Penney
model, E-k curves, Brillouin zones, Effective mass, Degrees of freedom, Distinction of metals,
semiconductors and insulators. Concept of hole, Energy band formation insolids.

UNIT II CO2 15 Periods

Semiconductor Physics: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Dependence of Fermi

level on carrier-concentration and temperature (equilibrium carrier statistics), Carrier
generation and recombination, Carrier transport: diffusion and drift, drift and diffusion
equations, Einstein's relation, P-N junction formation, diode equation, Hall effect and
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 20

UNIT III CO3 15 Periods

Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices: Direct and Indirect band gap semiconductors,
Light- semiconductor interaction: Optical transitions in bulk semiconductors: absorption,
spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission, Optical loss and gain; Density of states for
photons, Semiconducting laser, Homo and Hetero structure lasers with band diagrams,
characteristics of laser and LED,PIN diode, Solar cell , working principle andcharacteristics.

UNIT IV CO4 15 Periods

Low Dimensional Structures and Measuring Techniques: Density of states in 2D, 1D

and 0D (qualitatively). Practical examples of low-dimensional systems such as quantum
wells, wires, and dots. Four-point probe and Van der Pauw measurements for carrier
density, resistivity and Hall mobility, Hot-point probe measurement, capacitance-voltage
measurements, Parameter extraction from Diode I-V characteristics.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. M.N. Avadhanulu, P.G. Kshirasagar - A Text book of Engineering Physics, S.

Chand & Company Ltd., 2018.

Reference Book(s):
1. Donald A.Neeman - Semiconductor Physics and Device : Basic Principle
(Fourth edition), TMH, 2012.
2. J.Singh, Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Physics and Technology, McGraw-
Hill Inc.(1995).
3. B.E.A.Saleh and M.C.Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.,(2007).
4. S.M.Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, Wiley (2008).
5. A.Yariv and P.Yeh, Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern
Communications, OxfordUniversity Press, New York (2007).
6. P.Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India (1997).

Web Resources:

1. Online course: ''Semiconductor Optoelectronics'' by M R Shenoy on NPTEL.

2. Online course: ''Optoelectronic Materials and Devices'' by Monica Katiyar and
DeepakGupta on NPTEL.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 20

CS/IT113 Basic Electrical & Electronics L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are :
1. To introduce fundamental laws, basic electrical elements, sources and their characteristics.
2. To develop the ability to apply circuit analysis to AC circuits.
3. To know the principle of operation and characteristics of Diode and transistors.
4. To acquire knowledge on feedback topologies and oscillators.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Analyse concepts of basic electrical circuits and batteries.
2. Solve problems on AC circuits.
3. Describe the principle of operation and characteristics of Diode and transistors.
4. Summarize feedback topologies and oscillators.

Course Content:

UNIT I Text Books – 1 & 2 CO1 16 Periods

DC Circuits: Batteries: Lead-acid, Nickel-iron, Nickel-Cadmium batteries (Operation only).

Elementary calculations for energy consumption. DC Circuits: Electrical circuit elements (R, L
and C), voltage and current sources, Kirchhoff current and voltage laws, analysis of simple
circuits with dc excitation. Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Theorems.

UNIT II Text Books – 1 & 2 CO2 16 Periods

AC Circuits: Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values, phasor

representation. Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC
combinations (series and parallel), real power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor.
Three phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta connections
(balanced loads only).

UNIT III Text Book – 2 CO3 16 Periods

Semiconductor Diodes: Semiconductor diode, Zener diode, Half-Wave Rectifier, Full-Wave

rectifier,Clippers and Clampers.
Bipolar Junction Transistor: Transistor operation, Common base configuration, Common
emitter configuration, Common collector configuration.

UNIT IV Text Book – 2, Reference Book-4 CO4 16 Periods

Amplifiers: Need of biasing, Thermal runaway, Types of biasing-fixed bias, collector base bias,
self- bias. Feedback and Oscillator Circuits: Feedback concepts, feedback connection types,
Barkhausen criteria, Phase-Shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Colpitts

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 21

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Sudhakar and Shyam Mohan SP, “Circuits and Networks: Analysis and
Synthesis”, 5thEdition, TMH, 2017.
2. M.S. Sukhija, T.K. Nagasarkar, “Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering”,
Oxfordpress, 2012.

Reference Books:

1. V.K. Mehta, “Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics”, S. Chand, 2010.

2. Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph Edminister, Electric Circuits, 5th Edition, Schaum’s
outlineseries, TMH, 2017.
3. S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, TMH, 2011.
4. Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, 10th
Edition, Pearson, 2010.

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CS/IT114 Programming for Problem Solving L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to introduce:

1. Basic problem solving process using Flow Charts and algorithms.
2. Basic concepts of control structures in C.
3. Concepts of arrays, functions, pointers and Dynamic memory allocation in C.
4. Concepts of structures, unions, files and command line arguments in C.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Develop algorithms and flow charts for simple problems.

2. Use suitable control structures for developing code in C.
3. Design modular programs using the concepts of functions and pointers.
4. Develop code for complex applications using structures and file handling features.

Course Content:

UNIT I 15 Periods

Introductory Concepts: Block Diagram of Computer, Computer Characteristics, Hardware vs

Software, how to Develop a Program, Software Development Life Cycle, Structured
Programming, Types of Programming Languages, Introduction to C program, Program

Introduction to C Programming: Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data types,

Constants,type qualifiers, Declaration and Initialization of variables.

Operators & Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators, Relational and Logical
Operators, Assignment Operators, Conditional Operator, Input/ Output functions.

UNIT II 15 Periods

Control Statements: Branching, Looping, Nested Control Structures, Switch Statement,

BreakStatement, continue Statement, and Goto Statement.

Arrays: Defining an Array, Processing an Array, Multidimensional Arrays & Strings.

UNIT III 15 Periods

Functions: Defining a Function, Accessing a Function, Function prototypes, Passing

Arguments to aFunction, Passing Arrays to Functions, Recursion, Storage Classes.

Pointers: Fundamentals, Pointer Declarations, Passing Pointers to a Function, Pointers and

Arrays,Dynamic memory allocation, Operations on Pointers, Arrays of Pointers

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UNIT IV 15 Periods

Structures and Unions: Defining a Structure, Processing a Structure, User-Defined Data

Types, Structures and Pointers, Passing Structures to Functions, Self-Referential Structures,

Files Handling: Opening and Closing a Data File, Reading and Writing a Data File,
Processing a Data File, Unformatted Data Files, Accessing the File Randomly.Command line
arguments, C-preprocessor directives.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Programming with C (Schaum's Outlines) by Byron Gottfried, Third Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill.

Reference Books:
1. Programming in C by Stephen G. Kochan, Fourth Edition, Pearson
2. C Complete Reference, Herbert Sheildt, TMH., 2000.
3. Programming with C by K R Venugopal&Sudeep R Prasad, TMH., 1997.
4. The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie,
SecondEdition, Prentice Hall.
5. A Structured Programming Approach Using C by Behrouz A. Forouzan,
Richard F.Gilberg, Third Edition, Cengage 2007.

Web References:
1. http://cprogramminglanguage.net/
2. http://lectures-c.blogspot.com/
3. http://www.coronadoenterprises.com/tutorials/c/c_intro.htm
4. http://vfu.bg/en/e-Learning/Computer-Basics--computer_basics2.pdf

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CS/IT151 Engineering Physics Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The aim and objective of the Lab course on Physics is to introduce the students of B.Tech.
class to the formal structure of Physics so that they can use these in Engineering as per their
1. To familiarize the students with electronic measuring instrumentsand measure various
parameters of the optical components.
2. Design/problem solving skills, practical experience are developed through laboratory
assignments which provide opportunities for developing team in multidisciplinary
3. To understand the general, scientific concepts and a wide idea on various components
&instruments required for technology.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be to:

1. Use CRO, Function generator, Spectrometer for making measurements.

2. Test the optical instruments using principles of interference and diffraction.
3. Carrying out precise measurements and handling sensitive equipment.
4. Draw conclusions from data and develop skills in experimental design.

List of Experiments:

1. Measurements using Vernier Calipers, Screw Gauge and Spherometer.

2. Newton’s rings - Measurement of radius of curvature of plano-convex lens.
3. Determination of Energy band gap of a Semiconductor.
4. Optical fibers – Determination of Numerical Aperture.
5. Diffraction grating - Measurement of wavelengths using Spectrometer.
6. Magnetic field in Helmholtz coil.
7. PhotoVoltaic Cell – Determination of fill factor.
8. Series LCR resonance circuit –Determination of Q – factor.
9. Four probe method apparatus for measurements of resistivity and conductivity
10. Determination of wavelengths using diffraction grating
11. Variation of magnetic field along the axis of a circular current carrying coil
12. Carey Foster’s bridge – Determination of Specific Resistance

Reference Book:

Physics Lab Manual: RVR & JCCE, Guntur

Note: A minimum of 10(Ten) experiments have to be performed and recorded by the
candidate toattain eligibility for Semester End Practical Examination.

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CS/IT152 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this lab course are to:

1. To conduct experiments on electrical circuits.
2. To design experimental setups for theorems.
3. To learn Diode characteristics, and basic diode applications as rectifiers and regulators.
4. To learn BJT characteristics and Oscillators.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Get an exposure to common electrical components and their ratings.

2. Make electrical connections by wires of appropriate ratings.
3. Use common electrical measuring instruments.
4. Verify the network theorems.
5. Design Zener voltage regulator to meet the specifications.
6. Verify popular BJT applications experimentally.

List of experiments/demonstrations:

1. Familiarization of Electrical Installations and Electrical Testing Equipment: Miniature

circuit breakers (MCBs), Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs), Earth-leakage circuit
breakers (ELCBs), Fuses, Types of Wires, Wire Gauges, continuity test, megger, Cables and
2. Basic safety precautions. Introduction and use of measuring instruments – voltmeter,
ammeter,wattmeter, multi-meter, oscilloscope, measurement of basic parameters.
3. Verification of KVL and KCL.
4. Verification of Superposition Theorem.
5. Verification of Thevenin's Theorem.
6. Verification of Norton's Theorem.
7. Determination of choke coil parameters.
8. Characteristics of Silicon, Germanium diodes.
9. Characteristics of Zener diode.
10. Half Wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier.
11. Transistor Characteristics in CE configuration.
12. Characteristics of FET.
13. Self-Bias circuit.
14. Wein Bridge Oscillator.
15. Colpitt's Oscillator.

Note: A minimum of 10(Ten) experiments have to be Performed and recorded by the

candidate toattain eligibility for Semester End Practical Examination.

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CS/IT153 Engineering Graphics & Design Lab L P C

1 4 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Expose the students to standards and conventions followed in preparation of
2. Make them understand the concepts of orthographic and isometric projections
3. Develop the ability of conveying the engineering information through drawings.
4. Make them understand the relevance of engineering drawing to different
engineering domains.
5. Develop the ability of producing engineering drawings using drawing instruments.
6. Enable them to use computer aided drafting packages for the generation of drawings.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate engineering drawing as per BIS conventions mentioned in the relevent
2. Illustrate the principle and projection of planes.
3. Determine the solids and surface models in varying positions.
4. Analize the isometric views of simple objects and convert to orthogaphic views.
5. Design 2d and 3D drawings using CAD software.

Course Content:
(UNIT I to IV shall be taught in conventional drawing method and Unit V shall be taught
with the aid of computer)
General: Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance, usage of drawing
instruments, lettering.
Conic sections: Construction of Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola and Rectangular Hyperbola.
(General method only)
Curves: Cycloid, Epicycloid, Hypocycloid and Involute; and Scales


Method of Projections: Principles of projection - First angle and third angle projection of points,
Projection of straight lines inclined to both planes. Traces of lines.
Projections of planes: Projections of planes inclined to both the planes, projections on


Projections of Regular Solids: Projections of solids (Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder and Cone)

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with varying positions.

Sections of Solids: Sections of Prisms, Pyramids, cylinders and Cones. True shapes of
sections. (Limited to the cutting plane perpendicular to one of the principal plane).

Development of surfaces: Development of surfaces of Right Regular Solids - Prism,

Pyramid, Cylinder and Cone; Draw the sectional orthographic views of geometrical solids,
objects from industry and dwellings (foundation to slab only)


Isometric Projections: Principles of Isometric Projection-Isometric Scale, Isometric Views,

Conventions; Isometric Views of lines, Planes, Simple and compound Solids.
Orthographic Projections: Conversion of pictorial views into Orthographic views and Vice-versa.
(Treatment is limited to simple castings).
Perspective Projections: Introduction to Perspective Projection.


Over view of Computer Aided drafting (AutoCAD): Introduction, starting and

customizing AutoCAD screen, usage of different menus, toolbars (drawing, editing,
dimension, text, object properties.etc), tabs (Object, snap, grid, polar, ortho, otrack.etc.)
and command prompt. Setting units, limits, layers and viewports (Isometric, Top, Front,
back, etc.). 2D drawings of various mechanical and structural components, electrical and
electronic circuits. Orthographic and Isometric views of mechanical castings and simple

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., (2014), Engineering Drawing,
CharotarPublishing House.

Reference Books:
1. Shah, M.B. & Rana B.C. (2008), Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics,
2. Agrawal B. & Agrawal C. M. (2012), Engineering Graphics, TMH Publication
3. Narayana, K.L. & P Kannaiah (2008), Text book on Engineering Drawing,
Scitech Publishers
4. (Corresponding set of) CAD Software Theory and User Manuals

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CS/IT154 Programming for Problem Solving Lab L P C

0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Basic problem solving process using Flow Charts and algorithms.
2. Basic concepts of control structures in C.
3. Concepts of arrays, functions, pointers and Dynamic memory allocation in C.
4. Concepts of structures, unions, files and command line arguments in C.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Write the C code for a given algorithm.

2. Implement Programs with pointers , arrays and Dynamic Memory Allocation
3. Write programs that perform operations using derived data types.
4. Develop programs to work with files

List of Exercises / Activities:

1. a) Evaluate the arithmetic expression and display its solution

i) X= ((a -b / c * d + e) * (f +g))
iii) R=(2v+6.22(c+d))/(g+v)
b) Write a C Program to exchange two numbers without temporary variable using Arithmetic, bit –
wise operators.

2. a) Write a program in C which is a Menu-Driven Program to compute the perimeter and area of
the various geometrical shapes (Square, Rectangle, Triangle, and Circle).
b) Develop a C Program which counts the number of positive and negative numbers separately and
also compute the sum of them.
c) Design a C program to print the sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the
three most recent predecessors. Assume first three numbers as 0, 1, and 1.

3. a) Write a program in C to display the n terms of harmonic series and their sum. 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 +
1/4 + 1/5 … 1/n terms
b) Implement the C program which computes the sum of the first n terms of the series sum = 1 – 3
+ 5 -7 +9 c) Design an algorithm and implement using a C program which finds the sum of the
infinite series 1 – x2 /2! + x4 /4! – x6 /6! + ....

4. a) Design a C program which determines the numbers whose factorial values are between 5000
and 32565.
b) Implement a C program which converts a hexadecimal, octal and binary number to decimal
number and vice versa.
c) Develop a C Program to determine given number is strong or not.
d) To print the four patterns using nested loops

5. Develop a menu driven program to compute statistical parameters (using one – dimensional array
with functions):
a) Mean

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b) Median
c) Variance
d) Standard deviation

6. Develop A menu driven program with options (using one -Dimensional array with functions):
(a) To insert an element into array
(b) To delete an element
(c) To print elements
(d) To remove duplicates e) Quit

7. A menu driven program with options (using two dimensional array with functions)
(i)To compute A+B
(ii) To compute A x B
(iii) To find transpose of matrix A Where A and B are matrices. Conditions related to size to be tested

8.A menu driven program with options (using Two-dimensional Character arrays and functions)
(i) To insert a student name
(ii) To delete a name
(iii) To sort names in alphabetical order
(iv) To print list of names

9. Develop A menu driven program with options (using Dynamic memory allocations function with
(a) To insert an element into array
(b) To delete an element
(c) To print elements
(d) To remove duplicates
(e) Quit

10. Develop A menu driven program with options (using Dynamic memory allocations function with
Array of pointers):
(a) To find transpose of matrix A
(b) Upper Triangle of a Matrix
(c) To print elements
(d) Lower Triangle of a Matrix
(e) Quit

11. Develop A menu driven program with options (using Structures with functions): Create Structure
with Complex tag name and its members are real and img with float types.
(a) Complex Numbers Addition
(b) Complex Numbers subtraction
(c) Complex Numbers Multiplication
(d) Quit

12.i) Implement a program in C to append multiple lines at the end of a text file.(using sequential file
ii) Implement a program in C to copy a file in another file (using command-line arguments).

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CS/IT MC1 Constitution of India L P C

2 0 0

Course Objective:

To provide basic information about Indian Constitution.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the significance of many provisions of the Constitution as well as to

gain insight into their back ground. They will also understand number of
fundamental rights subject to limitations in the light of leading cases.
2. Study guidelines for the State as well as for the Citizens to be followed by the
State inthe matter of administration as well as in making the laws. It also includes
fundamental duties of the Indian Citizens in Part IV A (Article 51A).
3. Understand administration of a State, the doctrine of Separation of Powers.
4. Know how the State is administered at the State level and also the powers and
functions of High Court.
5. Understand special provisions relating to Women empowerment and also
children. For the stability and security of the Nation, Emergency Provision are
6. Understand election commission as an independent body with enormous powers
and functions to be followed both at the Union and State level. Amendments are
necessary, only major few amendments have been included.

Course Content:

UNIT I 10 Periods

Preamble to the Constitution of India Domicile and Citizenship. Fundamental rights under
Part III,Leading Cases. Relevance of Directive Principles of State Policy under Part-IV, IV-A
Fundamental duties.

UNIT II 10 Periods

Union Executive - President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Union Legislature - Parliament

and Union Judiciary - Supreme Court of India. State Executive - Governors, Chief Minister,
State Legislature and High Court.

UNIT III 10 Periods

Special Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Casters and Tribes, Women and Children and
Backward Classes, Emergency Provisions.

UNIT IV 10 Periods

Electoral process, Centre State Relations (Amendment Procedure, 42nd, 44th, 74th, 76th,
86th and 91st Constitutional amendments).

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 30

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Durga Das Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India'' (student edition) Prentice -
HallEEE,19th/20th Edition, 2001.

Reference Books:

1. M.V. Pylee, ''An Introduction to Constitution of India'', Vikas Publishing, 2002.

B.Tech.(EC)/R-18/2018-2019 Printed through web on 30-04-2019 14:19:43 Page 1/ 2
2. Brij Kishore Sharma, ''Introduction to the Constitution of India'', PHI, Learning
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi,2011.

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Semester II (First year)

CS/IT121 Mathematics-II L P C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to extend concepts developed in Calculus to functions of

several variables of multivariable calculus and ordinary differential equations and to develop
student understanding and skills in the topic necessary for its applications to science and

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Optimize functions of several variables essential in many engineering problems’.

2. Evaluate double and triple integrals and find areas and volumes.
3. Concepts like divergence, curl in integration of vector functions.
4. Solve differential equations which model physical processes.

Course Content:

UNIT I 15 Periods

Multivariable Calculus: Limit, continuity and partial derivatives, total derivative

Maxima, minima and saddle points of two variables, Method of Lagrange

UNIT II 15 Periods

Multiple Integrals: Double integrals (Cartesian and polar), change of order of integration,
change of variables (Cartesian to polar), area by double integration, triple integrals, volume
by triple integrals.

UNIT III 15 Periods

Scalar and vector point functions, Gradient, directional derivative, divergence and curl, del
applied twice to point and product of point functions (without proofs) Vector integration: line
integral, surface and volume integrals, Green’s theorem (without proof), Stoke’stheorem
(without proof), Gauss divergence theorem (without proof)

UNIT IV 15 Periods

First order ordinary differential equations: Linear, Bernoulli and exact equations Second
order ordinary linear equations: Solution by method of variation of parameters,Cauchy’s
equation, Power series solutions; Legendre polynomials, Besselfunctions of the first kind and
their properties

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Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd edition.
Reference Books:
1. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics,
LaxmiPublications,Reprint, 2010.
2. E. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

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CS/IT122 Engineering Chemistry L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To develop concepts involved in molecular structure, intermolecular forces and make

themunderstand the chemistry behind electrochemical energy systems.
2. To acquire knowledge on the chemical concepts involved in Water treatment
and Corrosion.
3. Student shall know about the major organic reactions and end products like
4. Learn analytical methods useful in characterization of compounds.

Course outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Identify stable complexes and suitable electrochemical energy systems for end usage.
2. Apply his knowledge for effective water treatment and corrosion prevention.
3. Identify chemical reactions that are used in the synthesis of molecules and polymers
4. Distinguish the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum and characterize a
given compound using analytical techniques.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 15 Periods

Molecular structure, Intermolecular forces and Energy systems:

Crystal field theory-salient features, energy level diagrams-tetrahedral and octahedral
complexes, crystal field stabilization energies and magnetic properties.

Ionic, dipolar, Vander Waal’s interaction and Hydrogen bonding, critical Phenomena-Andrew’s
isotherms of CO2, derivation of critical constants from Vander Waal’s equation.

Electrode potential, electrochemical series, Nernst equation and its applications. Batteries-
Primary(Dry cell) and secondary (Lead acid), Lithium battery (Li-MnO2)- advantages, Fuel cell
(H2-O2 cell).

UNIT II CO2 15 Periods

Water Chemistry and Corrosion:

Water Chemistry-WHO standards, Municipal water Treatment-Removal of suspended
Impurities- Sedimentation, Co-agulation and Filtration-Disinfection of water by chlorine,
Break point chlorination, DE chlorination, Purification by ion-exchange method and reverse

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Corrosion-Introduction, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, galvanic corrosion, differential

aeration corrosion, Factors-temperature, pH, overvoltage. Cathodicprotection by sacrificial
anodic method and impressed current method. Electroplating (Cu), Electrolessplating (Ni).

UNIT III CO3 15 Periods

Organic Reactions and Polymers:

Types of organic Reactions-Substitution (SN1 and SN2), Elimination (E1 and E2), Addition-
Markownikoff’s rule and anti-Markownikoff’s rule, Cyclisation (Diel’s Alder reaction),
Synthesis of aspirin.

Polymers-Functionality, Degree of Polymerization, Tacticity-Addition and condensation

polymerization, Relationship between Structure and Properties of polymers (Strength,
Crystallinity, Elasticity, Plastic Deformation, Glass transition temperature (To)), Factors
affecting To.

Conducting polymers: Introduction, Examples, General applications, Mechanism of

conduction in polyacetylene.

UNIT IV CO4 15 Periods

Spectroscopic techniques and its applications:

Beer-Lambert’s law, limitations, colorimetric determination of Fe(III)
UV-VIS spectroscopy – electronic transitions, shifts-blue and red, Block diagram - brief
introduction of components, Applications – purity and differentiation of conjugated and non-
conjugated dienes.

IR Spectroscopy–condition to be IR active, vibrational modes of–AB2, Block diagram-brief

introduction of components, IR spectrum of CO2 and H2O molecules, General applications.
Fluorescence and its applications in medicine.



Text Books:

1. Engineering Chemistry, P.C. Jain and Monica Jain, 16th edition, Dhanpat Rai
2. Wiley Engineering Chemistry, 2nd edition, Wiley India Private Limited.

Reference Books:
1. University Chemistry, Bruce H. Mahan, 3rd edition, Narosa Publishing House.
2. A text book of Engineering chemistry, Shashi Chawla, 3rd edition, Dhanpat Rai

Web References:
1. Engineering Chemistry (NPTEL Web Book by B.L. Tembe, Kamaluddin&M.S. Krishnan).
2. http://www.powerstream.com/BatteryFAQ.html#lec.
3. http://freevideolectures.com/Course/3029/Modern-Instrumental-Methods-ofAnalysis.

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CS/IT 123 Digital Electronics L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Know the concepts of different number systems, conversions and functionality of

2. To analyse and design combinational logic circuits.
3. To analyse and design sequential logic circuits.
4. Understand programmable logic devices.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the knowledge in number systems, Boolean algebra, Combinational,

sequential circuits, Programmable logic devices and Logic families.
2. Analyse and Design various combinational Circuits.
3. Analyse and Design various sequential Circuits.
4. Implement combinational circuit functionality with Programmable logic devices.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 12 Periods

Digital Systems: Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number-Base Conversions, Octal and
Hexadecimal Numbers, complements, signed binary Numbers.
Codes:BCD, excess – 3, Gray.
Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates:Basic Definitions, Axiomatic Definition of Boolean
Algebra, Basic theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions, Canonical
and Standard Forms, Digital Logic gates.
Gate-Level Minimization: The Map Method, Four-Variable K-Map, Five-Variable K-Map,
Product of sums simplification, Don't-Care conditions, NAND and NOR implementation.

UNIT II CO1, CO2, CO3 12 Periods

Combinational Logic: Combinational Circuits, Analysis Procedure, Design procedure, Half

adder, Full adder, Half subtractor, Full subtractor, Carry look ahead adder, Magnitude
comparator, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers.

UNIT III CO1, CO2, CO3 12 Periods

Synchronous and sequential Logic: Sequential circuits, Latches, Flip-Fops, Analysis of

clockedSequential circuits, State Reduction and Assignment, Design Procedure.

UNIT IV CO1, CO4 12Periods

Registers and Counters: Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters.
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 36

Programmable Logic Devices: Programmable Read-Only Memory, Programmable Logic Array,

Programmable Array Logic.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 3rdEdition, Pearson Education, 2009

Reference Books:

1. Z. Kohavi - Switching and Finite Automata Theory,2nd Edition Tata McGraw Hill.
2. R.P. Jain - Modern digital electronics, 4thEdition, McGraw Hill.


1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117105080/3
2. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-
science/6-111- introductory

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CS/IT124 English for Communication Skills L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To enable students, improve their lexical and communicative competence and to
equipStudents with oral and written communication skills.
2. To help students understand and learn the correct usage and application of
Grammar Principles.
3. To get them acquainted with the features of successful professional communication.
4. To enable students, acquire various specific features of effective written communication.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Utilize vocabulary effectively and meaningfully across diverse communication contexts,
demonstrating proficiencycontextually.
2. Demonstrate competency in composing written communications, showcasing versatility in
formats and styles appropriate for professional environments.
3. execute grammatical principles accurately and effectively in both spoken and written
4. develop advanced writing skills and implement them to achieve effective communication
objectives in professional settings.

Course Content:

No. of Units Name of the Topic COs

UNIT I Vocabulary Building:
1.1 Root words from foreign languages and their use in CO 1
Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes from
1.2 CO 1
foreign languages in English to form
1.3 Synonyms, Antonyms, and Standard abbreviations. CO 1
1.4 One word substitutes CO 1

UNIT II Writing Skills

2.1 Proposal writing CO 1,CO 2,CO 3
2.2 Letter-writing CO 1,CO 2,CO 3
2.3 Techniques for writing precisely (Précis writing) CO 1,CO 2,CO 3
2.4 E-mail writing CO1,CO 2,CO 3

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UNIT III Identifying Common Errors in Writing

3.1 Subject-verb agreement CO 3
3.2 Noun-pronoun agreement CO 3
3.3 Articles CO 3

3.4 Prepositions CO 3
3.5 Tenses CO 3
3.6 Redundancies CO 3

UNIT IV Nature and Style of sensible writing

4.1 Description & Narration. (Paragraph CO 1,CO2,CO 3
4.2 Essay Writing. (Expository Essay) CO1,CO 2,CO 3
4.3 Note-Making and Note-Taking CO1,CO 2, CO 4
4.4 Methods of preparing notes. CO1,CO 2, CO 4

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Communication Skills, Sanjay Kumar and PushpaLata, Oxford University Press.

Reference Book(S):
1. Remedial English Grammar. F.T. Wood, macmillan,2007
2. On WritingWell, William Zinsser, Harper Resource Book, 2001
3. Study Writing, Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ben Heasly, Cambridge University Press, 2006
4. Practical English Usage, Michael Swan, OUP, 1995 Press.

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CS/IT125 Programming in Python L P C

2 0 2

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce the fundamentals of Python Programming language.
2. Teach students processing of files, mutable and immutable data types.
3. Impart knowledge of Object – Oriented Programming using Python

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the fundamentals of Python programming language.

2. Create user defined functions to solve problems
3. Manipulate the data structures lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries
4. Use Exception handling and Object – Oriented programming features of Python in
solving real world problems

Course Content:


The way of the program: What is a program? Running Python, The first program,
Arithmetic operators, Values and types
Variables, expressions and statements: Assignment statements, Variable names,
Expressions and statements, Script mode, Order of operations, String operations.
Functions: Function calls, Math functions, Composition, Adding new functions, Definitions
and uses, Flow of execution, Parameters and arguments, Variables and parameters are local,
Stack diagrams, Fruitful functions and void functions, Why functions.
Conditionals and recursion: Floor division and modulus, Boolean expressions, Logical
operators, Conditional execution, Alternative execution, Chained conditionals, Nested
conditionals, Recursion, Stack diagrams for recursive functions, Infinite recursion, Keyboard


Fruitful functions: Return values, Incremental development, Composition, Boolean

functions, More recursion, Checking types.
Iteration: Reassignment, Updating variables, The while statement, break, Square roots.
Strings: A string is a sequence, len, Traversal with a for loop, String slices, Strings are
immutable,Searching, Looping and counting, String methods, The in operator, String
Files: Persistence, Reading and writing, Format operator, Filenames and paths, Catching
exceptions, Databases, Pickling, Pipes, Writing modules,.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 40

Lists: A list is a sequence, Lists are mutable, Traversing a list, List operations, List slices,
List methods, Map, filter and reduce, Deleting elements, Lists and strings, Objects and values,
Aliasing,List arguments.
Dictionaries: A dictionary is a mapping, Dictionary as a collection of counters. Looping and
dictionaries, Reverse lookup, Dictionaries and lists, Memos, Global variables.
Tuples: Tuples are immutable, Tuple assignment, Tuples as return values, Variable-length
argument tuples, Lists and tuples, Dictionaries and tuples.


Classes and objects: Programmer-defined types, Attributes, Rectangles, Instances as

return values, Objects are mutable, Copying.
Classes and methods: Object-Oriented features, Printing objects, The init method, The str
method, Operator overloading, Type-based dispatch, Polymorphism, Interface and
Inheritance: Card objects, Class attributes, Comparing cards, Decks, Printing the deck,
Add,remove, shuffle and sort, Inheritance, Data encapsulation.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen Downey, Green Tea
Press, Version 2.0.17

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-

SolvingFocus by Dierbach, Wiley
2. Fundamentals of Python Programming : Richard L. Halterman by Southern
Adventist University

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CS/IT161 Engineering Chemistry Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To know the methods of determining hardness and chloride ion content of water sample.
2. To learn the redox methods to determine Fe2+ ions present in solution.
3. To know principles and methods involved in using instruments like conductivity bridge
and potentiometer.
4. To know the molecular properties like surface tension, viscosity.
5. To know synthetic methods for preparation of drugs and polymer.

Course outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Estimate the Fe(II) content of a given solution and chloride/hardness content of water.
2. Measure conductance of solutions, redox potentials of a cell.
3. Synthesize a small drug molecule and polymer.
4. Measure molecular properties such as surface tension, viscosity and determine
physicalparameters like saponification value, partition co-efficient and Rf value.

List of Experiments:

1. Estimation of Mohr’s salt using KMnO4. CO1

2. Estimation of Mohr’s salt using K2Cr2O7. CO1
3. Determination of chloride ion content of water. CO1
4. Determination of Hardness of water using EDTA method. CO1
5. Determination of Fe(II) strength using K2Cr2O7 potentiometrically. CO1& CO2
6. Determination on strength of NaOH using HCI conduct metrically. CO2
7. Preparation of p-bromo acetanilide. CO3
8. Preparation of Phenol Formaldehyde resin. CO3
9. Determination of surface tension. CO4
10. Determination of Viscosity. CO4
11. Determination of Saponification / acid value of oil. CO4
12. Determination of partition co-efficient of I2 in water. CO4
13. Determination of Rf value using TLC. CO4
14. Verification of Freundlich isotherm using adsorption of acetic acid on
activated charcoal.

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CS/IT162 Programming in Python Lab L P C

0 2 1

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To introduce the fundamentals of Python Programming language.
2. To make the students process files, mutable and immutable data.
3. To impart knowledge of Object – Oriented Programming using Python

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Develop simple Python Programs.

2. Implement list, tuple, string, dictionary module operations.
3. Use Exception handling and Object – Oriented programming features of Python in solving

List of Exercises / Activities:

[The laboratory should be preceded or followed by a tutorial to explain the approach or

algorithmto be implemented for the problem given.]

Lab1: Simple Programs to demonstrate Input - Output operations.

Lab2: Programs to demonstrate the behavior and use of various operators.
Lab3: Programs to emphasize the usage of Conditional Control Statements.
Lab4: Programs to emphasize the usage of Iterative control statements.
Lab5 : Programs on the usage of Built-in functions.
Lab6: Programs to demonstrate the creation and usage of User Defined Functions.
Lab7 : Programs to demonstrate Recursion.
Lab 8: Programs on creation and importing of modules.
Lab9: Programs on Lists and its operations
Lab10:Programs on List Processing. (Sortings, Searchings, Permutations...)
Lab11:Programs to demonstrate Exception Handling.
Lab12:Programs to demonstrate OOP concepts.

Note: A minimum of 10(Ten) experiments have to be Performed and recorded by the

candidate toattain eligibility for Semester End Practical Examination.

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CS/IT163 Computer Engineering Workshop L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To make the students aware of the basic hardware components of a computer
and installation of operating system.
2. To introduce Raptor Tool for flowchart creation.
3. To get awareness of cyber hygiene to protect the personal computer from getting
infectedwith the viruses, worms and other cyber-attacks.
4. To introduce the usage of Productivity tools in crafting professional word documents,
excelspreadsheets and power point presentations using open office tools.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Apply knowledge for computer assembling and software installation.

2. Draw flowcharts for the given problems
3. Troubleshoot hardware and software level problems.
4. Prepare professional word documents using the Microsoft office.

Apply the tools for preparation of PPT, and budget sheet etc.
TASK 1: PC Hardware: PC Hardware introduces the students to a personal computer and
its basic peripherals, the process of assembling a personal computer, installation of system
software like MS Windows, Linux and the required device drivers. In addition, hardware and
software leveltroubleshooting process, tips and tricks would be covered.
Every student should identify the peripherals of a computer, components in a CPU and its
functions. Draw the block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each
peripheral and submit to your instructor. Every student should disassemble and assemble the
PC back to workingcondition.
TASK 2: Software Installation: Every student should individually install operating system
like Linux or MS windows on the personal computer. The system should be configured as
dual boot with both windows and Linux.
TASK 3: Hardware Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a PC which does not
boot due to improper assembly or defective peripherals. They should identify the problem
and fix it to get the computer back to working condition.
Software Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a malfunctioning CPU due to system
software problems. They should identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to
working condition.
TASK 4: Orientation & Connectivity Boot Camp: Students should get connected to their
Local Area Network and access the Internet. In the process they configure the TCP/IP
setting. Finally students should demonstrate how to access the websites and email.
TASK 5: Web Browsers, Surfing the Web: Students customize their web browsers with
the LAN proxy settings, bookmarks, search toolbars and pop up blockers. Also,
plug-ins like Macromedia Flash and JRE for applets should be configured. Search Engines &

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 43

Netiquette: Students should know what search engines are and how to use the search
engines. Usage of search engines like Google, Yahoo, ask.com and others should be
demonstrated by student.
TASK 6: Cyber Hygiene: Students should learn about viruses on the internet and install
antivirus software. Student should learn to customize the browsers to block pop ups, block
active x downloads to avoid viruses and/or worms.
TASK 7: Drawing flowcharts (Raptor Tool): Students should draw flowcharts for the
validating an email id entered by user, printing first fifty numbers and preparing electricity
bill. TASK 8: Productivity tool: Microsoft (MS) office: Importance of MS office, Details of
the threetasks and features that should be covered in each, MS word – Accessing,
overview of toolbars,saving files, Using help and resources, rulers, format painter.
Formatting Styles, Inserting table,Bullets and Numbering, Changing Text Direction, Cell
alignment, Footnote, Hyperlink, Symbols,Spell Check, Track Changes.
Using MS Word to create project certificate: Features to be covered: - Formatting Fonts in
word, Drop Cap in word, Applying Text effects, Using Character Spacing, Borders and
Colours, InsertingHeader and Footer, Using Date and Time option in Word.
TASK 9: Spread sheet Orientation: Accessing, overview of toolbars, saving spreadsheet
files, Using help and resources. Creating a Scheduler: - Gridlines, Format Cells, Summation,
auto fill, Formatting Text
TASK 10: Creating Power Point: Student should work on basic power point utilities and
tools in Ms Office which help them create basic power point presentation. PPT Orientation,
Slide Layouts, Inserting Text, Formatting Text, Bullets and Numbering, Auto Shapes, Lines
and Arrows, Hyperlinks, Inserting Images, Tables and Charts.

** Minimum 8 tasks should be done by the student to get eligibility to appear for the exam
** Tasks 1 to 7 are mandatory



1. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions
limited,Pearson Education.
2. Comdex Information Technology course tool kit Vikas Gupta, WILEY Dreamtech.
3. Computer Fundamentals, l e, Anita Goel, Person Education.

Reference Books:
1. IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide Third Edition by
David Anfinson and Ken Quamme. – CISCO Press, Pearson Education.

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CS/IT164 English Language Communication Skills Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To identify speaker's purpose and tone; make inferences and predictions about
spoken discourse, discuss and respond to content of a lecture or listening passage
orally and/or in writing.
2. To acquaint the students with the Standard English pronunciation, i.e.,
ReceivePronunciation (RP), with the knowledge of stress and intonation.
3. To develop production and process of language useful for social and professional life.
4. To develop in them communication and social graces necessary for functioning.
Improve the dynamics of professional presentations.
5. To develop critical reading and comprehension skills at different levels.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Analize relationships between ideas and formulate inferences and predictions about spoken
2. Demonstrate accurate pronunciation in spoken english with proficiency.
3. Employ appropriate speech dynamics in various professional situations.
4. Utilize effective stratgies and social graces to augment the effectiveness of communication.

List of Exercises / Activities:

1. Listening Comprehension.
2. Pronunciation, Intonation, Stress and Rhythm.
3. Common Everyday Situations: Conversations and Dialogues.
4. Interviews.
5. Formal Presentations.
6. Reading Comprehension.
Reference Book(S):
1. Communication Skills. Sanjay Kumar and PushpaLata. Oxford University Press.
2. Practical English Usage. Michael Swan. OUP. 1995 Press.
3. Exercises in Spoken English. Parts. I-III. CIEFL, Hyderabad. Oxford University.
4. Technical English M. Sambaiah, Wiley Publications, New Delhi.

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CS/ITMC2 Environmental Science L P C

2 0 0
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Understand that humans are an integral part of environment and hence their
activities reflect on the environment.
2. Realize and appreciate the importance of ancient practices and their importance
in thepresent times
3. Appreciate the contribution of individuals for the upkeep of environmental
standards, in turn help the humans live better.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Evaluate the implications of human activities and thereby promote ecofriendly

2. Promote awareness among the members of the society for a sustainable environment.
3. Include and give priority to environmental protection in all developmental projects.

Course Content:


I. Source of water for human consumption/activities:
a. collection of information pertaining to water resources and
consumption in Andhra Pradesh
b. Water resource on campus: General / Laboratory use and
c. Drinking water - understand the background and adopt judicious management.
d. Recycled water for Gardening - Particularly Lawns.
e. Cut down wastage of electricity in class rooms / labs / hostels etc. by avoiding misuse.
II. After the group meetings and exposure to the local issues and healthy practices,
students motivated to make:
a. Posters
b. Slogans/One liners for promoting awareness
III. Lectures from Experts (at least 2 in the course duration)
IV. A walk in the neighborhood to promote a chosen theme on environmental consciousness.

1. Plantation on Campus and on the sides of approach road.
2. Distribution of saplings to the local colony dwellers and encourage plantation.
3. Development of Kitchen garden on campus - Cultivation of at least leafy vegetables
4. and creepers like cucumber etc. for use in college canteen/hostels etc.
5. Adoption of ''NO PLASTICS'' on campus.
6. Field trip to gain knowledge of biodiversity, water shed, mining, pollution and other
7. local issues.
8. Preparation of working models for energy generation/transformation etc.

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1. Introduction to Environmental Studies, Scope and Importance.

2. Natural resources Renewable and Non-Renewable; Definition and importance of the
following resources in detail: a. Forest b. Water c. Land d. Energy
3. Sustainable development - Concept and Measures.
4. Biodiversity - Definition, Types of Biodiversity, Values and threats to Biodiversity,
Conservation of biodiversity, IUCN classification: Endangered, Threatened, Vulnerable, Rare
species; Endemic and Exotic species.
5. Climate change - Global warming, Ozone depletion and Acid rain.

6. Water shed, water shed management in detail.
7. Solid wastes and Solid waste management.
8. Environmental Legislation, Environmental acts - Wild life protection act, Water act,
Forest conservation act, Air act and Environmental protection act.
9. Case studies: Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Bhopal gas tragedy, Narmada bachaoandolan,
Silent valley, Story of Tuvalu, Story of Ganga.
10. Earth summit and Kyoto protocol; Measures at individual level for conservation of
naturalresources and sustainable development.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Anubha Kaushik and C.P. Kaushik - Environmental Studies, 3rd Edition, New
AgeInternational Publishers, New Delhi., 2012.
2. R. Rajagopalan - Environmental studies from crisis to cure, 3rd Edition,
OxfordUniversity press, 2012.


1. Two assessments each of 40 marks will be done in the semester. The split up of
each assessment is as follows:
a. Two internal theory examinations will be conducted for 18 marks each.
b. Evaluation of the prepared activity sheets and working models will be done
for 12M (continual evaluation) twice in the semester in line with the theory
c. 5 Marks for attendance and 5 marks for oral test.

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Semester - III (Second Year)

CS/IT211 Probability and Statistics L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The student who successfully completes this course will have:

1. The ability to understand the basic principles of various probability distributions.
2. The ability to know the sample distributions of the data
3. The basic concepts of testing of hypothesis and their applications for the data.
4. The skill to predict the future behaviour based on time series data.

Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. CO1: Apply various formulae to analyze and interpret the data.

2. CO2: Apply the knowledge of distribution theory to both software and hardware
design problems.
3. CO3: Apply the basic concepts of testing of hypothesis and derive the conclusions
for thedata.
4. CO4: Forecast the behavior of the data by various models in time series.

Course Content

UNIT I 14 periods

Probability distributions: Random Variables, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution,

and Geometric distribution.

Probability densities: Continuous random variables, Normal distribution, Normal

approximation to the Binomial distribution, Uniform distribution, Log-normal distribution,
Gamma distribution, Beta distribution, Weibull distribution.

UNIT II 14 periods

Sampling distribution: Population and samples, the sampling distribution of mean (σ

known),the sampling distribution of mean (σ unknown), the sampling distribution of variance.

Testing of Hypotheses (Parametric Tests):

Inferences Concerning Means: Point estimation, Interval estimation, tests of hypothesis,
null hypothesis and tests of hypothesis, hypothesis concerning one mean, inferences
concerning two means

UNIT III 14 periods

Testing of Hypotheses (Parametric Tests) (Contd…):

Inferences Concerning Variances: The estimation of variances, hypothesis concerning
one variance, hypothesis concerning two variances.

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Inferences Concerning Proportions:The estimation of proportions, hypothesis

concerning one proportion, hypothesis concerning several proportions, The analysis of r×c
tables, Goodness of fit.

UNIT IV 14 periods

Testing of Hypotheses (Non-Parametric Tests): Comparison with parametric inference,

Use of order statistics. Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mann-Whitney test, Run test,
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Spearman’s and Kendall’s test. Tolerance region.

Basics of Time Series Analysis & Forecasting: Stationary, ARIMA Models: Identification,
Estimation and Forecasting.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Miller &Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers – Richard A. Johnson

Reference Books:

1. U. Dinesh Kumar, Business Analytics: The science of data- driven decision making.
2. S.M Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists.
3. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory,
UniversalBook Stall.
4. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1,
3rd Ed.,Wiley.
5. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor., Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
Sultan Chand&Co.

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CS/IT212 Discrete Mathematics L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, the student will

1. Introduce the concepts of mathematical logic.
2. Understand the combinatorial problems using counting principles,
3. Create generating functions and solve recurrence relations.
4. Use Directed & Un-Directed Graphs concepts and its applications.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Apply formal methods of proof and propositional & First order logic to validate
thepropositional statements.
2. Apply techniques for counting the occurrences of discrete events including
permutations, combinations with or without repetitions.
3. Solve generating function and recurrence relations.
4. Solve the real-world problems using directed and undirected graphs.

Course Content:

UNIT I 13 periods

Foundations: Sets, Relations and Functions, Fundamentals of Logic, Logical Inferences,

Methods of Proof of an implication, First order Logic & Other methods of proof, Rules of
Inference for Quantified propositions, Mathematical Induction.

UNIT II 10 periods

Elementary Combinatorics: Basics of Counting, Combinations and Permutations,

Enumeration of Combinations and Permutations, Enumerating Combinations and
Permutations with repetitions, Enumerating Combinations and Permutations with Constrained

UNIT III 13 periods

Recurrence Relations: Generating functions of sequences, Calculating Coefficients of

Generating Functions, solving recurrence relations by Substitution and generating functions.
The methods ofcharacteristic roots, solutions of inhomogeneous recurrence relations.

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UNIT IV 14 periods

Relations & Digraphs: Properties & Equivalence relations, Operations on relation, Directed
Graphs and Adjacency Matrices, Ordering relations, Lattices and Enumerations.

Graphs: Isomorphism’s and Sub graphs, Planar Graphs, Euler’s Formula, Multi-graphs and
Euler Circuits, Hamiltonian Graphs, Chromatic Numbers, The Four Color Problem.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Joe L. Mott, Abraham Kandel & Theodore P. Baker, Discrete Mathematics for
ComputerScientists & Mathematicians, PHI 2nd edition.

Reference Books:

1. C L Liu and D P Mohapatra, Elements of Discrete Mathematics A Computer

OrientedApproach, 3rd Edition by, Tata McGraw – Hill.
2. Discrete and Combinational Mathematics- An Applied Introduction-5th Edition– Ralph.
P. Grimaldi. Pearson Education
3. Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to computer science
Trembly J.P. & Manohar. P, TMH
4. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Kenneth H. Rosen, FifthEdition.TMH.

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CS/IT213 Computer Organization L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are:

1. To introduce the functional units of computer system, architecture and its operations.
2. To discuss the basic processing unit and I/O devices.
3. To impart the knowledge on memory system.
4. To demonstrate the arithmetic operations in a computer system.
5. To instruct the instruction level parallelism

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Describe components, architecture of a computer system and its working.
2. Describe instruction execution and control system.
3. Illustrate a pipeline system for the execution of instruction.
4. Explain various I/O handling mechanisms and its interfaces.
5. Discuss computer arithmetic algorithms.
6. compare various memory systems.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Basic structure of computers: Computer types, Functional Units, Basic Operational

Concepts,Number Representation and Arithmetic, Character Representation, Performance.

Instruction Set Architecture: Memory Locations and Addresses, Memory Operations,

Instructions and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes, Stacks, Subroutines, Additional
Instructions, Encoding of Machine Instructions.

UNIT II 14 Periods

Basic Processing Unit: Some Fundamental Concepts, Instruction Execution, Hardware

Components, Instruction Fetch and Execution Steps, Control Signals, Hardwired Control.
Pipelining: Basic Concept-The Ideal Case, Pipeline Organization, Pipelining Issues, Data
Dependencies, Memory Delays, Branch Delays, Resource limitations.

UNIT III 10 Periods

Basic Input/ Output: Accessing I/O Devices: I/O Device Interface, Program-Controlled
I/O; Interrupts: Enabling and Disabling Interrupts, Handling Multiple Devices, Controlling
I/O DeviceBehavior, Processor Control Registers.

Input/output Organization: Bus Structure, Bus Operation: Synchronous Bus,

Asynchronous Bus; Arbitration, Interface Circuits; PCI Bus, SCSI Bus.

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UNIT IV 14 Periods

The Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories, Read-only

Memories,Direct Memory Access, Cache Memories, Performance Considerations.

Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Design of Fast Adders,

Multiplication of Unsigned Numbers, Multiplication of Signed Numbers, Fast Multiplication-
Bit-Pair recoding of Multipliers, Integer Division, Floating-Point Numbers and Operations.

Learning Resources:

Text Book(s):

1. Computer Organization and Embedded Systems, 6th Edition by Carl

Hamacher,McGraw Hill Higher Education.

Reference Books:

1. Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Edition by John P. Hayes,

2. Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance,
10thEdition by William Stallings, Pearson Education.

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CS/IT214 Data Structures L P C

3 0 3
Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are:

1. To illustrate operations of linear and non-linear data structure
2. To demonstrate computational problems using suitable data structures
3. To familiarize searching and sorting techniques

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

1. Analyze computation complexity of algorithms
2. Implement searching, sorting and hashing techniques
3. Apply operations on linear and non-linear data structures
4. Develop solutions for computational problems using appropriate data structures

Course Content:

UNIT I 10 Periods

Introduction: Basic Concepts-Algorithm Specification, Data Abstraction, Performance

Analysis-Time complexity, Space complexity, Asymptotic Notations
Searching and Sorting: Linear Search, Binary Search, insertion sort, selection sort.
14 Periods

Lists: Pointers, Singly Linked Lists, Polynomials, Circular Linked Lists: Operations & their
algorithms, Polynomials: Addition, Multiplication
Hashing: Static Hashing - Hash Tables, Hashing Functions, Overflow Handling

UNIT III 12 Periods

Stacks and Queues: Stack ADT, Queue ADT, Evaluation of Expressions, Multiple Stacks
and Queues, Dynamically Linked Stacks and Queues

UNIT IV 14 Periods

Trees: Introduction, binary trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees,
Heaps,Heap sort, B-Trees and B+ Trees
Graphs: The Graph Abstract Data Type, representations of graphs, Elementary Graph Operations
- Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Connected Components.

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Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, Susan Anderson-Freed, "Fundamentals of
DataStructures in C", Second Edition, University Press, 2008.

Reference Book(S):
1. Mark Allen Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C", 2nd
Edition,Pearson Education, 1997.
2. Y. Langsam, M.J.Augeustein and A.M. Tenenbaum, Data Structures
Using C,Pearson Education Asia, 2004.
3. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, "Data Structures and Algorithms", Pearson
4. Jean Paul Trembly and P.G.Sorenson, An Introduction of Data Structures
with Applications

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CS/IT215 Object Oriented Programming L P C

3 0 3
Course Objectives:

The learning objectives of this course are:

1. To make the students understand Java fundamental concepts
2. To elucidate the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java
3. To create awareness on exception handling and multithreading
4. To familiarize students with the concepts of Event Handling, Generics and Collections

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, the students will be able to

1. Comprehend the concepts of OOP and fundamentals of Java Programming.
2. Develop reusable and efficient programs using Inheritance & Polymorphism.
3. Demonstrate the importance of packages and interfaces.
4. Use the concept of exception handling to create error free codes and avoid
abnormalprogram terminations.
5. Design multi-tasking applications using Multithreading.
6. Develop Event Driven applications and generic programs

Course Content:

UNIT I (CO1) 12 Periods

Introduction: The history and evolution of Java, Java Buzz words, object-oriented
programming, Data Types, Variables and Arrays, Operators, Control Statements.
Classes and Objects: Concepts, methods, constructors, types of constructors, constructor
overloading, usage of static, access control, this keyword, garbage collection,
finalize()method, overloading, parameter passing mechanisms, final keyword, nested classes
and inner classes.

Utility Classes: Date, Calendar, Scanner, Random

UNIT II (CO2, CO3) 12 Periods

Inheritance: Basic concepts, access specifiers, usage of super key word, method
overriding,using final with Inheritance, abstract classes, dynamic method dispatch, Object
Interfaces: Differences between classes and interfaces, defining an interface,
implementing interface, variables in interface and extending interfaces.
Packages: Creating a Package, setting CLASSPATH, Access control protection, importing
Strings: Exploring the String class, String buffer class, Command-line arguments

UNIT III (CO4, CO5) 12 Periods

Exception Handling: Concepts of Exception handling, types of exceptions, usage of try,

catch, throw, throws and finally keywords, multiple catch clauses, nested try, Built-in
exceptions, creatingown exception sub classes.
Multithreading: The Java Thread model, thread life cycle, Thread class, Runnable
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 57

interface, creating multiple threads, Synchronization, Inter Thread Communication, Deadlock.

Applets: Concepts of Applets, life cycle of an applet, creating applets
Event Handling: Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event
model,handling events.

UNIT IV (CO6) 12 Periods

AWT: AWT Components, , File Dialog boxes, Layout Managers, Event handling model of
AWT, Adapter classes, Menu, Menu bar.

GUI with Swing– Swings introduction, JApplet, JFrame and JComponent, Icons and Labels,
text fields, buttons – The JButton class, Check boxes, Radio buttons. Combo boxes, Tabbed
Panes, Scroll Panes, Trees, and Tables

Generics: Basics of Generic Methods, Generic Classes

Collections: Collection Interfaces, Collection Classes, Accessing a Collection via an Iterator

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Java The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt 11th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education.
Reference Books:

1. Introduction to java programming, 7th edition by Y Daniel Liang, Pearson

2. JAVA one step ahead, Anitha Seth, B.L.Juneja, Oxford.
3. Cay.S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Core Java 2, Vol 1, Fundamentals 7th
Edition,Pearson Education.
4. H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel, Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education/PHI.
5. Barbara Liskov, Program Development in Java, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
6. Cay Horstmann, John Wiley and Sons ,Big Java 2nd Edition, ,Pearson Education.

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CS/IT251 Probability & Statistics Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The student who successfully completes this course will have:

1. The knowledge to use R for statistical programming, computation, modelling and graphics.
2. The skill to write functions and use R in an efficient way.
3. The ability to fit some basic types of statistical models using R.
4. The idea to expand the knowledge of R on their own.

Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Write the programs in R to solve the statistical problems.
2. Apply various built in functions in R to solve the computational and
3. Interpret the statistical data by various functions of graphical representation.
4. Understand- reading, writing, working and manipulating the data in various
data frames.

Lab – Course Content:

Introduction to RFunctions Control flow and Loops Working with Vectors and Matrices Reading
in Data Writing Data Working with DataManipulating DataSimulation Linear modelData Frame
Graphics in R

Pre – Requisites
CS/IT-151– C Programming.

Lab – Course Plan & Delivery:


1. Graphical representation of data

a) Bar plot b)Frequency polygon
2. Graphical representation of data
a) Histogram b)Pie chart c) Scatter plot
3. Measures of central tendency
a) Mean b)Median c)Mode
4. Measures of central tendency
a)Geometric Mean e)Harmonic
5. Measures of dispersion
Range b)Quartile deviation 3
6. Measures of dispersion
Mean deviation b)Standard deviation 3
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 59

7. Goodness of fit
a) Binomial b)Poisson 3
8. Goodness of fit
Normal b)Contingency table
9. Parametric tests
a) t-test for one-mean b) t-test for two means
10.Parametric tests
a) paired t-test b) F-test
11. Non-parametric tests
a) Sign test b) Wilcoxon-Signed rank test
12. Non-parametric tests
a) Mann-Whitney test b)Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
13. Time series
a) Trend line b)Non-linear trend line
14. Time series
Moving averages b)ARIMA

Evaluation Methods:

Internal Lab Exam : 40 Marks

Final Lab Exam : 60 Marks
Topics Covered Beyond The Curriculum:
Statistical concepts regarding testing of
hypothesis Differences between C and R
Semester End Observations for Future Guidance:
Case studies to be explained are revised.
Identified new problems to be assigned for the next academic year students.
1. Hands-on Programming with R, Garrett Grolemund, O′Reilly.
2. R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics, Jared P. Lander, Addison-Wesley

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CS/IT252 Data Structures Lab L P C

0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To illustrate operations of linear and non-linear data structure
2. To demonstrate computational problems using suitable data structures
3. To familiarize searching and sorting techniques

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Implement linear and non-linear ADTs

2. Develop solutions for the given problems using appropriate data structures
3. Solve real world problems using searching and sorting algorithms

List of Experiments to implement:

1. Find the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers

2. Given an array that contains only 1s and 0s return the count of maximum consecutive ones in the

3. Perform the following operations on a singly linked list:

a. Insert a node at the head of a linked list.
b. Insert a node at the tail of a linked list.
c. Insert node at a specific position of a linked list.
d. Insert node at appropriate position in a sorted linked list.
e. Delete node from a linked list based on position.
f. Delete node from a linked list based on value.
g. Print the elements of a linked list
h. Delete duplicate nodes from a linked list.
i. Remove N-th node from the end of a Linked List
j. Merge two sorted Linked Lists
k. Find middle element in a Linked List
l. Sort the elements in a linked list
m. Detect a cycle in a linked list
4. Perform the following operations on a doubly linked list:
a. Insert a node at the head of a linked list.
b. Insert a node at the tail of a linked list.
c. Insert node at a specific position of a linked list.
d. Delete node from a linked list based on position.
e. Delete node from a linked list based on value.
f. Print the elements of a linked list
g. Reverse a Linked List
5. Perform the following operations on a circular linked list:
a. Insert a node at the beginning of a linked list.
b. Insert a node at the end of a linked list.
c. Insert node at a specific position of a linked list.
d. Delete node from a linked list based on position.
e. Delete node from a linked list based on value.
f. Print the elements of a linked list

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6. Find the sum/ product of two polynomials represented by using linked lists.

7. Implement separate chaining technique.

8. Check for Balanced Parentheses in the given infix expression using stack.

9. Convert the given infix expression to postfix form and evaluate it.

10. Implement dynamically linked Stack / Queue.

11. Implement Circular Queue.

12. Implement BFS using a Queue.

13. Perform following operations on a BST:

a. Construct BST from given keys
b. Delete a given key from a BST.
c. Find the inorder predecessor/successor of a given Key in BST.
d. Implement following traversals: Preorder, Inorder, Postorder

14. Implement heap sort on a given list of keys

15. Represent a directed graph using adjacency list/matrix and determine the in-degree and out-
degree of all nodes.

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CS/IT253 Object Oriented Programming Lab L P C

0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To introduce java compiler, interpreter

2. To make the students learn an object oriented way of solving problems using java
3. To make the students write programs using multithreading concepts and
4. To make the students understand the usage of Event handling, generics, collections

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Write simple java programs using java fundamentals and basic OOP concepts.
2. Design programs using inheritance and polymorphism.
3. Demonstrate inter process communication using multithreading.
4. Demonstrate the user defined exceptions by exception handling keywords ( try,
catch, throw, throws and finally).
5. Develop Event driven applications and Generic programs

List of Experiments:

Write a program by creating an 'Employee' class having the following methods and print the final
1 - 'getInfo()' which takes the input as name , id , salary, number of hours of work per day of
2 - 'AddSal()' which adds $10 to salary of the employee if it is less than $500.
3 - 'AddWork()' which adds $5 to salary of employee if the number of hours of work per day is more
than 6 hours.

(i) Write a java program to demonstrate static key word.
(ii) Write a java program to demonstrate this key word.
(iii) Write a java program to demonstrate variable length arguments.
(iv) Write a java program to demonstrate command line arguments.

(i) Write a program for the following: an inner class named Inner is defined within the scope
of class Outer. Therefore, any code in class Inner can directly access the variable outer_x.

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An instance method named display( ) is defined inside Inner. This method displays
outer_x on the standard output stream. The main( ) method of InnerClassDemo creates
an instance of class Outer and invokes its test( ) method. That method creates an
instance of class Inner and the display( ) method is called.
(ii) Write a Java program to display the volume of box using constructor Overloading.

(i) Write a java program for the following: Create a class employee which takes input as
name, id and designation and create another class salary which takes input as Basic pay
(BP), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Dearness Allowance(DA) and Provident Found (PF)
and inherits the members of class employee. Print the Net Pay of each employee using
the reademp() in employee class and readsalary() , calculatesalary() and displayemp()
methods in salary class. (np = bp + hra + da – pf)
(ii) Write a java program for the following: Assume that the test results of a batch of
students are stored in three different classes. Class student stores the name, roll-number
and class test stores the marks obtained in six subjects and class result contains the total
marks obtained in the test. The class result can inherit the details of the marks obtained
in the test and the name, roll number of students through Multi level inheritance.
(iii) Write a java program for the following: employee is the parent class which is common for
all the sub or child classes both the permanent_employee class and temporary_employee
class. Use the read_emp() method in employee class which reads the name, id and
salary. And use the print_emp() method in both permanent_employee class and
temporary_employee class which prints the details of name ,id and incremented salary
details.(if employee is temporary then increment the salary 3.5% of the given salary and
if employee is permanent then increment the salary 5% of the given salary).

(i) Write a Java Program to compute the area of “room”, using method overloading. (Area of
room=length X Breadth) (Considermethod with no parameters,method with single
parameter and method with twoparameters).
(ii) Write a program to create a superclass called Figure that stores the dimensions of a two-
dimensional object. It also defines a method called area( ) that computes the area of an
object. The program derives two subclasses from Figure. The first is Rectangle and the
second is Triangle. Each of these subclasses overrides area( ) so that it returns the area
of a rectangle and a triangle.
(iii) Write a Java Program to demonstrate a final keyword.
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Week 6:
Abstract classes, interfaces, Dynamic method dispatch.
i. Write a java program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains two integers
/ doubles and an empty method named printArea(). Provide three classes named
Rectangle, Triangle and Circle such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape.
Each one of the classes contain only the method printArea( ) that prints the area of the
given shape.
ii. In the following example, we have two interfaces: Motorbike and Cycle. The motorbike
interface consists of the attribute speed and its value is 50. The method is totalDistance().
The cycle interface consists of the attribute distance and its value is 150.The method is
speed().Both these interfaces are implemented by the class TwoWheeler.
Find the total distance (totalDistance=speed*distance) and average speed
( AvgSpeed=totalDistance/speed ) in the class TwoWheeler.
iii. Write a java program on Dynamic method dispatch.

Week 7
Write a java program to implement access protection in Packages.

Week 8
Write a java program to implement the methods of String and String Buffer Class.

Week 9
User Defined Exceptions or Custom Exceptions : Let’s take an example program
where we will evaluate candidate’s age to vote. If the candidate’s age is less than 18
years, the program will throw a custom exception “InvalidAgeException”.

Week 10
Write a java program that implements a multi-thread application that has three threads.
First thread generates random integer every 1 second and if the value is even, second
thread computes the square of the number and prints. If the value is odd, the third
thread will print the value of cube of the number.

Week 11
Write a java program for passing parameters to Applets.

Week 12
Write a java program to implement Graphics class and color class.

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Week 13
i. Write a java program for handling mouse events .
ii. Write a java program for handling key events .

Week 14
Write a java program to develop AWT components.

Week 15
Write a java program to develop Swings components.

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CSSL1(a) 2D- Computer Animation L P C

Skill Oriented Course – I 1 2 2

Course objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To familiarize the students with various approaches, methods and techniques
ofSketching ,Perspective Drawings, Photoshop Image Editing and 2D Animation
2. To develop competencies and skills needed for becoming an effective Animator.
3. Mastering traditional & digital tools to produce stills and moving images.
4. Exploring different approaches in computer animation.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Make use of software to develop storyboards and 2-dimensional animation
includingcreating, importing and sequencing media elements to create multi-media
2. Explain conceptualization, creativity, and visual aesthetics.
3. Apply various aspects of animation using a variety of 2 dimensional software.
4. Develop concepts, storyboarding and production of several 2 dimensional animations
will be accomplished.

Course Content:

CO1 5 periods
2D Sketching: U n d e r s t a n d i n g Fundamentals of Drawing and Free hand sketching,
Landscape sketching, Perspective
Drawings: 1point, 2 point and 3 point Character Face Design

CO2 10 periods
Photoshop Basics: Introduction UI, Selection tools, Brush tools, Pen tool, Eraser tool, Layer
Pallet,Mask options, Text tool, Layer Styles, Gradient tools and Custom shapes.

CO3 10 periods
Photoshop Concepts: Boucher Creation, Poster design, Matte painting, Black and White to
Colour,Colour corrections and Logo Design.

10 periods
Animate CC: Introduction UI, Layers, Tools, Image placing and Tracing, Character Design,
Walk Cycle animation,Shape Tween.

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Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. pdfcoffee.com_perspective-drawing-eguide-3-pdf
2. Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book
3. Adobe Animate CC Classroom in a Book

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CSSL1 (b) Programming with C++ L P C

Skill Oriented Course – I 1 2 2

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce to the student the fundamentals of C++ language.

2. To make the students understand the principles of data abstraction, inheritance
3. To create awareness about generic programming and exception handling
4. To make the students familiar with IO streams, STL.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Differentiate POP and OOP and then use C++ fundamentals and various
function modifiers to create and manipulate classes and objects.
2. Make use of the advantages of Compile time polymorphism and also develop
reusableprograms by applying inheritance.
3. Use runtime polymorphism, generic programming and exception handling
techniques for developing efficient programs.
4. Demonstrate C++ streams, Name Spaces and STL.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 periods

An Overview of C++: The Origins of C++, What is Object Oriented Programming, some
C++ fundamentals, Old-Style Vs Modern C++, Introducing C++ Classes, Function
Overloading, Operator Overloading, Inheritance, Constructors and Destructors, The C++
Keywords, TheGeneral Form of a C++ Program

Classes and Objects: Classes, Structures and Classes, Unions and Classes are Related,
Friend Functions, Friend Classes, Inline Functions, Parameterized Constructors, Static Class
Members, When Constructors and Destructors are Executed, Scope Resolution Operator,
Nested Classes, Local Classes, Passing and Returning Objects, Object Assignment, arrays of

UNIT II 12 periods

Function Overloading, Copy Constructors and Default Arguments: Function

Overloading, Overloading Constructor Functions, Copy Constructors, Finding the Address of
an Overloaded Function, Overload Anachronism, Default Arguments, Function Overloading
and Ambiguity.

Operator Overloading: Creating Member Operator Function, Overloading Using a Friend

Function, Overloading new delete, Overloading Special Operators & Comma Operator

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Inheritance: Base-Class Access Control, Inheritance and protected members, Inheriting

MultipleBase Classes, Constructors, Destructors and Inheritance, Granting Access, Virtual Base
UNIT III 12 periods

Virtual Functions & Polymorphism: Virtual Functions, The Virtual Attribute is inherited,
VirtualFunctions are Hierarchical, Pure Virtual Functions, Using Virtual Functions, Early Vs Late

Templates: Generic Functions, Applying Generic Functions, Generic Classes, Typename and
export Keywords, Power of Templates.

Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Derived-Class Exceptions, Options, Terminate() and

unexpected(), uncaught_exception(), exception and bad_exception Classes, Applying
Exception Handling.

UNIT IV 12 periods

The C++ I/O System Basics: Old Vs. Modern C++ I/O, Streams, Stream Classes,
Formatted I/O, Overloading << and >>, Creating Manipulators.
C++ File I/O: File Classes, Opening and Closing a File, Text Files, Unformatted Binary I/O,
get(),Getline() functions, Detecting EOF ,Random Access

Namespaces, Conversion Functions and other Advanced Topics: Namespaces,

Thestd Namespace, Creating Conversion Functions, const Member Functions and mutable,
Volatile Member Functions, Explicit Constructors, Differences between C and C++.

Introducing Standard Template Library: An Overview of STL

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. The Complete Reference - C++ - Herbert Schieldt, 4/e, Tata McGraw Hill.

Reference Books:

1. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, Special Edition,

2. C++ - How to Program – Dietel & Dietel
3. Programming in C++ - Barkakati
4. Mastering C++ by Venugopal

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CSSL1( c ) PHP Programming L P C

Skill Oriented Course – I 1 2 2

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students will understand

1. usage of PHP for developing web applications.
2. PHP Browser Handling Power.
3. accessing web form data at the server
4. creation of database driven web applications.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Apply basic concepts of PHP programming.

2. Design and Develop server side programs using PHP Technologies.
3. Assess the principles of object oriented development using PHP.
4. Develop Database Connectivity using MYSQL.

Course Content:

10 periods
Essential PHP, Operators and Flow Control, String Arrays, Creating Functions

10 periods
Reading Data in Web Pages and PHP Browser- PHP server variables, getting the user’s
browser type, Performing data validation using Regular expressions.

10 periods
Object-oriented Programming- Creating Classes, Creating Objects, Setting Access to
Properties and Methods, Using constructors to initialize objects, using destructors to clean up
afterobjects, Basing one class on another with inheritance, Overriding methods, Overloading

File handling -Opening files using fopen, Reading text from a file using fgets, Closing file,
Reading from a file character by character with fgetc, Reading a whole file at once with

10 periods
Working with Databases- Creating a MySQL database, Accessing the Database in PHP.

Sessions, Cookies- Setting a Cookie, reading a Cookie, Setting Cookies Expiration, Deleting

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Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. PHP: The Complete Reference By Steven Holzner, TATA McGraw Hill.

Reference Books:

1. Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, By by W. Jason

2. PHP 6 and MySQL 6 Bible, By Steve Suehring, Tim Converse, Joyce Park,
WileyPublishing, Inc.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CS/ITMC3 Design Thinking & Product Innovation L P C

2 0 0
Course Objectives:

1. Identify the design thinking principles and practices in today’s industry.

2. Learn the Planning of research activities to gather and empathize from a user’s viewpoint.
3. Study the Ideate techniques to help arrive at the best solution and evaluation.
4. Knowledge to Identify design thinking approaches for business challenges.

Course Outcomes:

1. Interpret the concepts of Design thinking to real-world activities.

2. Investigate a problem to determine its root cause in terms of Design Thinking perspective.
3. Apply group thinking methods and experiment with different solutions to a given problem.
4. Develop innovative thinking and creative problem solving abilities.

Course Content:

UNIT I [Text Book 1 & 2] 12 Periods

Introduction to Design Thinking – Origin of Design Thinking, Features & Principles of

Design Thinking, Applications of Design Thinking, Role of Research in Design Thinking.

UNIT II [Text Book 3] 12 Periods

Modules of Design Thinking – Inspiration – methods & tools used in Explore and
Empathizephases of Design Thinking, Case study-activity.

UNIT III [Text Book 3] 12 Periods

Modules of Design Thinking – Ideation & Implementation – methods & tools used in
Experiment, Engage and Evolve phases of Design Thinking, Case study-activity.

UNIT IV [Text Book 4] 12 Periods

Design Thinking applied in Business & Strategic Innovation – Ten Design Thinking
principles that redefine business – Business challenges: Growth, Predictability, Change,
Maintaining Relevance, Extreme competition, Standardization, Creative Culture, Strategy
& Organization –Design Thinking approaches.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Learning Resources:

Text Book(S):
1. “Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses” by Beverly Rudkin Ingle,
Apress. [UNIT -1]
2. “Change by design”, Tim Brown, Harper Collins, 2009 [UNIT -1]
3. “Design Thinking- The Guide Book” – Facilitated by the Royal Civil Service
Commission,Bhutan. [UNIT –II & III]
4. IdrisMootee, “Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation”, John Wiley & Sons
(2013).[UNIT -IV]

Reference Book(S):

1. “Design Thinking Business Innovation”, Rio de Janeiro – 2012 1st edition, MJV press.
2. "Design Thinking- Understanding How Designers Think and Work" by Nigel Cross,
Berg publishers.

Web Reference:

1. IDEO: Design Thinking for Educators toolkit https://designthinkingforeducators.com/.

2. https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/a-virtual-crash-course-in-design-thinking
3. https://dschool-old.stanford.edu/groups/designresources/wiki/4dbb2/ (wallet Project)

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Semester - IV (Second Year)

CS/IT221 Computational Statistics L P C

3 0 3
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. The knowledge to understand the concepts of linear statistical and ANOVA models
and draw the conclusions.
2. The idea to develop a sound understanding of current, modern computational
statisticalapproaches and their application to a variety of datasets.
3. To understand the key technologies in data science and business analytics such as
datamining, machine learning, visualization techniques and predictive modelling.
4. The knowledge to apply principles of data science to analyze and to effectively
visualizethe data.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. CO1 : Discuss the basic concepts of linear statistical models

2. CO2: Interpret the results of Multivariate Regression models
3. CO3: Estimate the discriminate function to segregate and allot the item to the subgroup.
4. CO4: A p p l y Data reduction and visualize the data for interpretation.

Course Content:

UNIT I 14 periods

Linear Statistical Models: Scatter diagram, linear regression and correlation, least squares
methods, rank correlation, multiple correlation.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Analysis of Variance (one-way classification),

Analysis ofVariance (two-way classification).

UNIT II 14 periods

Multivariate Normal Distribution: Multivariate Normal Distribution Functions, Conditional

Distribution and its relation to regression model, Estimation of parameters.

Multiple Linear Regression Model: Standard multiple regression models with emphasis on
collinearity, outliers, non-normality and auto correlation, validation of model assumptions.

UNIT III 14 periods

Multivariate Regression: Assumptions of multivariate regression models, Parameter estimation,

multivariate analysis of variance and co-variance.

Discriminant Analysis: Statistical background, linear discriminant function analysis,

Estimatinglinear discriminant functions and their properties.

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UNIT IV 14 periods

Principal Component Analysis: Principal components, Algorithm for conducting principal

component analysis, deciding on how many principal components to retain, H-plot.

Factor Analysis: Factor analysis model, extracting common factors, determining

number of factors, Transformation of factor analysis solutions, Factor scores.




1. Richard. A. Johnson and Dean.W. Wichern “Applied Multivariate Statistical

Analysis” Pearson Prentice Hall, 6th Edition, 2007

Reference Books:

1. ALVIN C. RENCHER, “Methods of Multivariate Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons

Publication, 3rd Edition
2. T.W. Anderson, “An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis”, Wiley,
3rdEdition, 2003.

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CS/IT222 Database Management Systems L P C

3 0 3
Course Objectives

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Fundamental concepts and architectures of database system
2. Features and design of conceptual and relational data models
3. Formal relational Languages and SQL to query, update, and manage a database
4. The concepts and protocols related to transaction processing, concurrency control

Course Outcomes
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the fundamental concepts and architecture of database systems.

2. Query the database using relational algebra and SQL.
3. Explain the concepts of relational data model and design database using
normalization process.
4. Develop conceptual database schema for a given specification.
5. Describe the role of transaction processing, concurrency control and recovery in a
multiuser database system.

Course Content:

UNIT I 11 Periods

Introduction to Databases and Database Management System: Database system

Applications, Advantages of DBMS over File System, Data Models, Instances and schema,
View of Data, Database Languages –DDL, DML, DCL, Database Users and Administrator,
Database SystemArchitecture

Introduction to the Relational Model: Structure of RDBMS, Database Schema, Keys,

Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations

UNIT II 15 Periods

Formal Relational Query Languages - The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus

SQL: Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL
Queries, Additional Basic Operations, Set Operations, Null Values, Aggregate Functions,
Nested Subqueries, Modification of the Database, Join Expressions, Views, Transaction,
Integrity Constraints, SQL DataTypes and Schemas, Authorization

UNIT III 12 Periods

Database Design and the E-R Model - Overview of the Design Process, The Entity-
Relationship Model, Constraints, Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets, Entity-
Relationship Diagrams, Reduction to Relational Schemas.

Relational Database Design - Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition
Using Functional Dependencies, Functional-Dependency Theory, Algorithms for
Decomposition, Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies, More Normal Forms,
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 72

Database-Design Process.
UNIT IV 12 Periods

Transactions: Transaction Concept, A Simple Transaction Model, Storage Structure,

Transaction Atomicity and Durability, Transaction Isolation, Serializability, Transaction
Isolation and Atomicity, Transaction Isolation Levels

Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols, Deadlock Handling, Multiple Granularity,

Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation-Based Protocols, Multiversion Schemes, Snapshot

Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery

Algorithm, Buffer Management

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth

and S.Sudarshan, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill Publishers

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CS/IT223 Operating Systems L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To introduce the structure and functions of the operating system
2. To provide the knowledge of how the operating system manages the resources
3. To expose the students to the issues related to executing multiple process in

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the structure, operations, Services provided by the operating systems.
2. Comprehend the features of process & Threads, inter process communication and multi-
threading issues.
3. Analyze the performance of CPU scheduling algorithms,.
4. Illustrate the problems of synchronizations and deadlocks.
5. Differentiate the effectiveness and the hardware support required for contiguous, non-
contiguous, and virtual memory management .
6. Explain the function, implementation of file systems and performance characteristics of
mass storage devices.

Course Content:

UNIT I (CO1 &CO2) 12 Periods

Introduction: What Operating Systems Do, Operating-System Operations,

ResourceManagement, Security and Protection, Virtualization, Distributed
Systems, Kernel Data Structures. Operating System Structures: Operating-System
Services, User and Operating-SystemInterface, System Calls, Operating-System Structure.
Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, inter process
Communication, IPC in shared-memory Systems, IPC in Message-passing Systems.

UNIT II (CO2,CO3&CO4) 14 Periods

Threads and Concurrency: Overview, Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models,

ImplicitThreading, Threading Issues.

CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Thread

Scheduling,Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real-Time CPU Scheduling.

Synchronization: Background, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson ‘solution, Hardware

support for Synchronization, Mutex Locks, Semaphores, Monitors. Classic Problems of

UNIT III (CO4 &CO5) 14 Periods

Dead Locks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks,
Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.
Main Memory: Background, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Structure of the Page Table,
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 74

Virtual-Memory: Background, Demand Paging, Page Replacement, allocation of frames,

Thrashing - Memory Compression, Other considerations.

UNIT IV (CO6) 10 Periods

Mass-Storage Structure: Overview of Mass-Storage Structure, HDD Scheduling.

Files System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, Memory
–mapped files.

File-Systems Implementation: File-System Structure, File-System operations, Directory

Implementation, Allocation Methods, and Free-Space Management.

Learning Resources:
Text Book(s):
1. Operating System Concepts-Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B Galvin, Greg
Gange Tenth Edition, WILEY.

Reference Books:
1. Operating Systems, Internal and Design Principles, Stallings, 8th Edition-
2015, Pearson education/PHI.
2. Operating system, A Design Approach-Crowley, TMH.
3. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tenenbaum 4th Edition Pearson/PHI.
4. An Introduction to Operating Systems, Concepts and Practice, 4th Edition,
PHI, 2013-Pramod Chandra P. Bhatt.
5. Operating Systems- A concept based approach –DM Dhamdhere -3rd
Edition TMH.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 75

CS/IT224 Software Engineering L P C

3 0 3
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Acquire knowledge on the principles and process models for software development.
2. Explain the specific requirements for a given software project
3. Acquire knowledge on design concepts and user interface principles for
4. Examine various testing techniques and metrics applicable to a Software project

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss basic concepts of software engineering.

2. Describe the software engineering process models required to create a software system.
3. Analyze the software requirements to solve real-world problems.
4. Design software architecture and components for given project.
5. Apply various software testing techniques to develop quality software.
6. Explain the software metrics and analytics.
Course Content:

UNIT I (CO1,CO2) 12 Periods

Software and Software engineering: The Nature of Software, Defining Software,

Software Application Domains, Legacy Software, The software Process.

The Software Process: Process Models: A Generic Process Model, defining a Framework
Activity, identifying a task set, Process Assessment and Improvement, Prescriptive Process
Models: The waterfall model, Prototyping Process model, Evolutionary process model, The
Unified Process.

Agile Development: What Is Agility? What Is an Agile Process? Scrum Other Agile Process
Models, Scrum, Other Agile Frameworks- The XP Framework.

UNIT II (CO3) 13 Periods

Understanding Requirements: Requirements Engineering, Establishing the Groundwork,

Requirements gathering, developing use cases, Building the Analysis Model, Negotiating
Requirements, Requirements monitoring, Validating Requirements.

Requirements Modelling: Requirements Analysis, Scenario-Based Modeling, Class-Based

Modeling, Functional Modelling, Behavioural Modelling.

Design Concepts: Design within the Context of Software Engineering, the Design Process,
Design Concepts, the Design Model.

UNIT III (CO4) 13 Periods

Architectural Design: Software Architecture, Agility and Architecture, Architectural Styles,

Architectural Design, Assessing Alternative Architectural Designs, Architectural Reviews.

Modeling Component-Level Design: What Is a Component? Designing Class-Based

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Components, Conducting Component Level Design.

User Experience Design: User Experience Design Elements, The Golden Rules, User
Interface Analysis and Design, Interface Analysis and Design Models, The process.

UNIT IV (CO5, CO6) 12 Periods

Software Testing –Component Level: A Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Planning

and Record keeping, Test case design, White box testing, Black-Box-Testing.

Software-Testing Integration level: Software Testing Fundamentals, Integration

testing,Validation Testing, Testing Patterns.

Software Metrics and Analytics: Software Measurement, Software Analytics, Product

Metrics,Metrics for Testing, Metrics for maintenance, Process and Project Metrics, Metrics for

Learning Resources:


1. Roger Pressman and Bruce Maxim “Software Engineering- A Practitioner's

Approach”,9th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill International.

Reference Books:
1. Ian Somerville, Software Engineering. 6 ed, Pearson Education.
2. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri and Dino Mandrioli, Fundamentals of
SoftwareEngineering.2 ed, PHI.
3. RajibMall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering. 2 ed, PHI.

Web Resources:
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106101061/2
2. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106101061/5

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CS/IT 225 Web Technologies L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Basic technologies to develop web documents.
2. Dynamic HTML Pages and Event handling mechanism.
3. XML, Web Servers, Servlet technologies.
4. Java Server Page Technologies.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Create web pages with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
2. Design dynamic web pages using client side scripting.
3. Create XML documents, work with Web Servers
4. Develop server side programs using Servlets and Java Server Pages.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods
Introduction to HTML5 Part - I & II. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Part - I & II.
JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting, Control Statements Part - I & II.

UNIT II 14 Periods

JavaScript: Functions, Arrays, Objects. DOM Objects and Collections. JavaScript Event Handling

UNIT III 12 Periods

XML: XML Basics, XML Namespaces, DTD, XML Schema, MathML, XSL &
XSLT.Web Servers (IIS and Apache).
Introduction to Servlets: Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Lifecycle of a Servlet,
deploying a servlet, The Servlet API, Reading Servlet parameters, Reading Initialization
parameters, Handling Http Request & Responses, Using Cookies and Sessions, connecting to
a database using JDBC.

UNIT IV 12 Periods

Introduction to JSP:JSP& Servlet as Web Components, Servlets vs. JSP, JSP Lifecycle, JSP
Page Lifecycle Phases, General Rules of Syntax, JSP syntactic elements, JSP element syntax,
Template content. JSP elements-directives, declarations, expressions, scriptlets, actions. JSP
Standard Actions: jsp: useBean, jsp: getProperty, jsp: setProperty, jsp: include, jsp: forward,
jsp: plugin, jsp: param.

Learning Resources:

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Text Book:
1. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J.Deitel, "Internet & World Wide Web How to Program",
4/3, Pearson Education.(UNIT I, UNIT II and UNIT III).
2. SubrahmanyamAllamaraju and Cedric Buest, “Professional Java Server
Programming: J2EE” (UNIT III and UNIT IV (Servlets and JSP)

Reference Books:
1. Jason Cranford Teague "Visual Quick Start Guide CSS, DHTML & AJAX", 4/ e,
"Pearson Education".
2. Tom NerinoDoli Smith "JavaScript & AJAX for the Web" Pearson Education, 2007.
3. Bill Dudney, Johathan Lehr, Bill Willies, Lery Mattingly "Mastering Java Server
Faces" Willey India, 2006.
4. Web Technology - UttamK.Roy, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Web References:
1. www.deitel.com
2. www.w3schools.com
3. www.tutorialspot.com

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CS/IT261 Computational Statistics Lab L P C

0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. The knowledge to understand the concepts of linear statistical and ANOVA models and
draw the conclusions.
2. The idea to develop a sound understanding of current, modern computational
statistical approaches and their application to a variety of datasets.
3. To understand the key technologies in data science and business analytics such as
data mining, machine learning, visualization techniques and predictive modelling.
4. The knowledge to apply principles of data science to analyse and to effectively
visualize the data.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the basic concepts of linear statistical models
2. Interpret the results of Multivariate Regression models
3. Estimate the discriminate function to segregate and allot the item to the subgroup.
4. Implement Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis techniques using Python.
5. Apply data reduction and visualization techniques.

Lab Programs to implement

1. Write a python program to find the best fit straight line and draw the scatter plot.
2. Write a python program to fit a second degree parabola of the form y=a+bx+cx 2 and draw
the scatter plot.
3. Write a python program to find Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
4. Write a python program to find the Spearman’s correlation coefficient between x and y
5. Write a python program to classify the data based on one way Anova.
6. Write a python program to classify the data based on two way Anova.
7. Write a python program to fit a multiple regression model for any given data.
8. Write a python program to fit a multivariate regression model for any given data.
9. Write a python program to classify the treatments based on MANOVA Test.
10. Write a python program to classify the given observations using Linear Discriminate Analysis.
11. Write a python program to find Principle components for the given variables.
12. Write a python program to group the given variables using Factor Analysis.

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CS/IT262 Database Management Systems Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Syntax and usage of DDL, DML, DCL, and TCL statements, asserting database
integrity constraints during database creation.
2. Semantics of SQL for implementing the user queries on a relational database.
3. Block structured PL / SQL programming concepts.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Define, manipulate and control data using Structured Query Language (SQL).
2. Identify various database integrity constraints during database creation.
3. Construct SQL statements for satisfying end user queries by utilizing functions,
setoperations, joins, and subqueries.
4. Develop various applications using various PL/SQL data object like Database
cursors,Functions, Stored Procedures, Packages, and Triggers.
Week 1
Practice DDL and DML statements for creating a sample database without
integrity constraints.
Week 2
Practice DDL and DML statements for refining a sample database including integrity
Week 3
Query the sample database using simple select statements retrieving:
1. Small-large number of attributes
2. Distinct output values
3. By Renaming attributes
4. Computed attributes
5. By using Simple-complex conditions (AND, OR, NOT)
6. By using Partial Matching operators (LIKE, %, _, *,?)
7. Sorted records
8. By checking for Nulls

Week 4-6
Query the sample database using joins, nested queries, aggregate functions and
setoriented operations
Week 7 Query the sample database using built-in single row functions
Week 8 Implement PL/SQL named and unnamed blocks
Week 9 Implement PL/SQL Implicit and Explicit Cursors
Week 10 Implement PL/SQL pre-defined and user defined exceptions
Week 11 Implement PL/SQL stored procedures, functions and packages
Week 12Implement PL/SQL database triggers

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CS/IT263 Web Technologies Lab L P C

0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Basic technologies to develop web documents.
2. Dynamic HTML Pages and Event handling mechanism.
3. XML, Web Servers, Java Servlet technologies.
4. Java Server Page Technologies
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students are able to
1. Create static webpages using front-end technologies.
2. Implement client-side pages by using HTML DoM.
3. Validate the XML data using XML Technologies.
4. Design server side applications with web Components.

a. Create a web page having the background in green and title “My First Page”.
b. Create a web page of pink colour and display a moving message in red colour.
c. Design a web page containing text, in form of paragraphs giving suitable heading style
a. Create a web page which displays WELCOME text using heading tags(h1 to h6)
b. Create a web page which displays WELCOME text using <b> tag
c. Create a web page which displays h2o and x2+y2 using <sup> tag and <sub> tag
a. Create a web page to show different attributes of Font tag.
b. Create a web page to show different attributes: italics, bold, underline.
c. Design a web page having background colour yellow and giving text colour red
a. Create a web page using href attribute of anchor tag & the attribute: alink, vlink etc.
b. Create links on the words e.g. ―Wi-Fi and ―LAN‖ to link them to Wikipedia pages.
c. Create a web page with appropriate content and insert an image towards the left
handside of the page. When user clicks on the image, it should open another Web
a. Create a web page, showing an ordered list of the names of five of your friends.
b. Create a web page containing a nested list showing the content page of any book
c. Create a web page, showing an unordered list of names of five of your friends
a. Create a table to show your class timetable using rowspan and colspan attributes.
b. Use tables to provide layout to your HTML page describing your college infrastructure.
c. Create a web page in the following table fields

Name of train place Destination Train No Time Fare

Arrival Departure

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a. Develop a web page having two frames that divide the Web page into two equal rows.
b. Develop a web page having two frames that divide the Web page into two equal
rows and then divide the second row into two equal columns.
c. Develop a web page having frames as described in the above web page and
then filleach frame with a different background colour
a. Create your bio-data form on a web page using all input types
b. Create a web page having radio buttons labeled as name of colours. Clicking on
each radio button should change the colour of the Web page
c. Embed Audio and Video into your web page
a. Create a webpage which displays the class time table and apply the following
effects on the table:
b. For the table header apply blue as the background colour and white for the colour
of thetext in the table header. b. Display days in a week (Mon, Tue etc...) in bold
format with the first letter in the day name in uppercase.
c. Display lunch slightly in bigger font other than the remaining text.

a. Create a webpage which displays "Hello World" with font size 20 pixels, bold
format, in"Times New Roman" font and green in colour using inline CSS, embedded
CSS and external CSS.
b. Create a web page containing two images, where one image overlaps another
image byusing the z-index CSS property.
c. Demonstrate the usage of CSS Inheritance and Specificity with an example.

a. Create a div element with a width and height of 500px. Create a diagonal linear
gradient using the colors of the rainbow—Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo,
Violet. (LinearGradient)
b. Create a div element with a width and height of 500px. Create a radial gradient
with three colors. Start the gradient in the bottom-left corner with the colors
changing as theymove along the gradient line to the right. (Radial Gradient)
c. Create an infinite animation of an element moving in a square pattern. (Animation)


1. Write a java scripts to

a) find the given year is leap year or not
b) compute the biggest of three numbers
c) perform the arithmetic operations using switch statement

2. Write a java script to

a) calculate the sum of the digits of a give number
b) reverse of a given number
c) print the first 10 natural numbers except 5

3. Write a java script to

a) functions (GCD, reverse, random numbers)
b) recursive function(factorial, Fibonacci , power)
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c) image generator
4. a) Write a java script to
a) sort the array element using bubble sort technique
b) search a given element in the given set of given elements using binary
search technique.
c) compute i) addition of two matrices ii) multiplication of two matrices
5. a) Write a java script to
a) implement string operations using String object
b) implement the mathematical operations using Math object
c) display Greeting messages using Date object

5. demonstrate collect objects

a) All collection
b) Children collection
c) Anchor collection

6. Demonstrate event model

a) Form events(onchange, onfocus ,onblur)
b) Mouse events (onclick, onmouesedown,onmoueseup,onmouesemove,onmoueseover)
c) Event bubbling


7. Write a valid XML document using DTD
8. Write a servlet program to validate a user
9. Write a web application using servlet and JDBC.
10. Write a JSP program on Implicit
objects 11.Write a JSP program on
Action tags.
12. Demonstrate cookies and session information using JSP

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CSSL2(a) 3D- Computer Animation L P C

Skill Oriented Course – II 1 2 2

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. This course introduces students to all the major features of Maya.
2. To train the students to acquire skills and mastery in the use of Maya software.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Design, model and texture 3D objects.
2. Create expressive movement with 3D objects and rigs.
3. Create intentional lighting within a 3D scene.

Course Content:

UNIT-1 10 Periods
Animation principles and history: Animation process, Importance of drawing in animation
context, Types of animation, Animation software tools.
Introduction to Maya: Learn the basics of 3D computer graphics using Autodesk Maya. Files
import and Export, Rendering.
UNIT-II 12 Periods
Basics of Polygonal Modeling: Polygon Basics, Poly Editing Tools, Putting the Tools to Use.
Objects Creation, Hard Surface modeling and Organic Modeling.
UNIT-III 12 Periods
Shading and Texturing: UV unwrapping, Lighting Fundamentals, Materials and properties
UNIT-IV 12 Periods
NURBS and curves: Introduction to NURBS, NURBS primitive , NURBS carv tools, Text
creations, NURBS revolve, NURBS loft.
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Introducing Autodesk Maya 2012 (Autodesk Official Training Guides) by DariushDerakhshani
(May 3,2011).
Reference Text Books:
1. Introducing Maya 2011 by DariushDerakhshani (May 3, 2010).
2. Learning Autodesk Maya 2010: Foundation (Autodesk Maya Techniques: Official Autodesk
TrainingGuides) by Autodesk Maya Press (Aug 24, 2009)
3. Understanding 3D Animation Using Maya by John Edgar Park (Dec 2, 2004)

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CSSL2( b ) Linux Programming L P C

Skill Oriented Course – II 1 2 2

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Introduce the architecture of Unix and shell programming.
2. Impart knowledge on Unix internals.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Use Unix commands and shell scripts to interact with operating system.
2. Demonstrate AWK for pattern scanning and processing.
3. Demonstrate file and process management using system calls.
4. Create applications using signals and IPC mechanisms.

Course Content:
UNIT I 8 Periods
Introduction to UNIX: Unix architecture, Features of Unix, Vi editor.
Unix Utilities:Directory Related utilities- pwd, mkdir, ls, cd ,rmdir. File Handling and Text
Processing - cp, mv, rm, ln, unlink, lp, cat, more, pg , head, tail, sort ,nl, grep, egrep, fgrep,
cut, paste, join, tee, w ,chgrp, chmod, chown, find, cmp, diff, uniq, tr.Disk utilities, Backup
and other utilities- du, df, mount, unmount, umask, ulimit, tar, cpio, dump , who, mail,
compress, uncompress, gzip, gunzip, crypt, sed, tty.
UNIT II 12 Periods
Programmable text processing: awk - awk programs, accessing individual fields, Begin
and end, operators, variables, control structures, extended regular expressions, condition
Ranges, fieldseparators, Built – in functions.
Bourne Shell programming: Shell, functions of the shell , Meta characters, Input
redirection, Output redirection, pipes, shell as programming language, shell variables,
predefined local variables, predefined environment variables, Arithmetic, conditional
expressions, control structures, positional parameters, passing command line arguments,
Built – in Shell commands and shell programs.
UNIT III 14 Periods
File management system calls : Regular file management system calls – open( ), read( ),
write( ), lseek( ), Close(),unlink( ),stat( ), getdents( ). Miscellaneous file management system

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– chown( ) and fchown( ), chmod( ) and fchmod( ), dup( ) and dup2( ), fcntl( ), ioctl( ), link(
), mknod( ), sync( ), truncate( ) and ftruncate( ).

Process Management: Creating a new process – fork( ),orphan processes, terminating a

process – exit( ), zombie processes, waiting for child – wait( ), Differentiating a process –
exec( ), changing directories – chdir( ), changing priorities- nice( ), Accessing user and Group

UNIT IV 14 Periods
Signals:The defined signals, A list of signals, terminal signals, Requesting on Alarm signal –
alarm( ), handling signals – signal( ), protecting critical code and chaining interrupt handlers,
sending signals – kill( ), Death of children, suspending and Resuming processes, process
Group’s and control terminals.
Inter process communication: Pipes, Sockets, shared memory, semaphores.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. “Unix for programmers and users” 3rd edition by Graham Glass, King Ables,
Pearson education.

Reference Books:
1. “Advanced programming in the unix environment” w- Richard Stevens 2nd
Edition Pearson education
2. “Unix programming environment”, Kernighan and pike, Pearson education.
3. “Your Unix the ultimate guide” Sumitabha Das, TMH 2nd edition.
4. “Advanced Unix programming” by Marc J. Rochkind, 2nd edition Pearson Educatio

List of Experiments

LABCYCLE I: (Using Commands and Shell Programming)

1. Working with different Unix commands.
2. Program on built in functions of awk programming.
3. Write Shell Programs for the following:
a) Display all the words which are entered as command line arguments.
b) Changes Permissions of files in PWD as rwx for users.
c) To print the list of all sub directories in the current directory.

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d) Program which receives any year from the keyboard and determine whether the
year is leap year or not. If no argument is supplied the current year should be assumed.
e) Program which takes two file names as arguments, if their contents are same
then delete the second file.

4. Write shell scripts for the following

a) To print the given numbers in the reversed order.
b) To print the given numbers in sorted order.
c) To print first 25 Fibonacci numbers.
d) To print the Prime numbers between the specified range.
e) To print the first 50 Prime numbers.
5. Write shell scripts for the following:
a) To delete all lines containing the word ‘unix’ in the files supplied as arguments.
b) Menu driven program which has the following options. i) contents of /etc/passwd
ii) listof users who have currently logged in. iii) present working directory. iv) exit.
c) For sorting, searching and insertion, deletion of elements in the list.

LABCYCLE II : (Using System Calls)

1. Program to transfer the data from one file to another file by using un-buffered I/O.
2. Write a C program for demonstrating dup () and dup2() system calls.
3. Write a C program to demonstrate PERROR () function.
4. Program to create two processes to run a loop in which one process adds all even
numbers and the other adds all the odd numbers. (use fork () ).
5. Program to create process ‘i’ and sends data to process ‘j’, prints the same after
6. Program to demonstrate orphan process.
7. Program to demonstrate how to create a zombie process and to avoid Zombie using
wait ().
8. Write a C program for Requesting an alarm signal to execute user defined alarm handler.
9. Write a C program to demonstrate Suspending and Resuming Processes.
10. Program on Inter process communication using pipes.
11. Program on Inter process communication using shared memory and semaphores.
12. Program on Client/Server Socket communication.

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CSSL2 (c) Mobile Application L P C

Skill Oriented Course – II 1 2 2

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Provide knowledge on tools required for Mobile Application Development using Android.
2. Create applications on Android User Interface using Views, Pictures and Menus.
3. Build apps using Notifications and Data Persistence.
4. Make the student to use Communication mechanisms in Android.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Create an Environment to develop Android applications.
2. Design user Interfaces using Views and Menus.
3. Implement backend Android App using SQLite.
4. Develop application using Messaging and Mailing services in Android.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 12Periods

Android Programming: What Is Android? Obtaining the Required Tools, Creating Your
First Android Application.
Android studio for Application development: Exploring IDE, using code completion,
debugging your Application, Generating a signed APK.
Activities, Fragments, and Intents: Understanding Activities, Linking Activities Using Intents,
Fragments, Displaying Notifications.

UNIT II CO2 12Periods

Android User Interface: Components of a Screen, Adapting To Display Orientation,

Managing Changes to Screen Orientation, Utilizing the Action Bar, Creating the User
Interface Programmatically.
User Interface with Views: Using Basic Views, Using Picker Views, Using List Views To
DisplayLong Lists, Understanding Specialized Fragments.

UNIT III CO3 10 Periods

Pictures and Menus with Views: Using Image Views to Display Pictures, Using Menus
with Views, Using Web View.
Notifications –Creating and Displaying notifications, Displaying Toasts.
Data Persistence: Saving and Loading User Preferences, Persisting Data to Files, Creating
andUsing Databases.

UNIT IV CO4 10 Periods

Content Providers: Using a Content Provider, Creating Your Own Content Providers.
Messaging: SMS Messaging, Sending E-Mail.

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Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio, J.F.DiMarzio, Wiley India

(Wrox), 2017.

Reference Books:
1. Wei-Meng Lee, Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wiley India
(Wrox), 2012.
2. Reto Meier, Professional Android 4 Application Development, Wiley India,
(Wrox), 2012.
3. James C Sheusi, Android Application Development for Java
Programmers,CengageLearning, 2013.

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CSSL2 – (Skill Oriented Course-II)

Mobile Application Development Lab

List of Experiments:

1. Create an application to design a visiting Card. The Visiting card should have a company
logo at the top right corner. The company name should be displayed in Capital letters,
aligned to the center. Information like the name of the employee, job title, phone number,
address, email, fax and website address is to be displayed. Insert a horizontal line between
the job title and the phonenumber.

2. Create an Application that takes the Student data (Name ,Regdno, Number, Email and
MobileNumber) from the user and display the same when user clicks the OK Button.

3. Develop an Android application using controls like Button, TextView, EditText for
designing acalculator having basic functionality like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
and division.

4. Create a SIGN-Up activity with Username and Password. Validation of password should
happen based on the following rules:
Password should contain uppercase and lowercase
letters. Password should contain letters and numbers.
Password should contain special characters.
Minimum length of the password (the default value is 8).
On successful SIGN UP proceed to the next Login activity. Here the user should SIGN IN using
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theUsername and Password created during the signup activity. If the Username and
Password are matched then navigate to the next activity which displays a message saying
“Successful Login” or else display a toast message saying “Login Failed”. The user is given
only two attempts and after that displays a toast message saying “Failed Login Attempts” and
disable the SIGN IN button. UseBundle to transfer information from one activity to another.

5. Develop an application to set an image as wallpaper. On click of a button, the wallpaper

imageshould start to change randomly every 30 seconds.

6. Write a program to create an activity with two buttons START and STOP. On pressing of
the START button, the activity must start the counter by displaying the numbers from One
and the counter must keep on counting until the STOP button is pressed. Display the
counter value in aTextView control.

7.Develop a simple application with one EditText so that the user can write some text in it.
Create a button called “Convert Text to Speech” that converts the user input text into voice.

8. Create an activity like a phone dialer with CALL and SAVE buttons. On pressing the

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CALL button, it must call the phone number and on pressing the SAVE button it must save
the numberto the phone contacts.

9. Create an application to demonstrate a basic media player Application.

10. Create a user Registration Application that stores the user details in the Database table.
List of Apps:
1. Medicine Reminder
2. Language Translator
3. Simple Music Player
4. Budget Manager
5. Eye Test App
6. Ludo App
7. College News
8. India in Detail
9. Quiz Application
10. Smart Farm
11. Student Attendance and Marks Application
12. To-Do List
14. Blood Bank
15. Food Donation Application
16. Hotel Review
17. Weather App.
18. Book Listing
19. Tax and EMI calculator App.
20. Text Encryption

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CS/ITMC4 Ethics & Human Values L P C

2 0 0
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To create awareness to specific set of morals, values and ethics the professional
must know and abide by, including work ethics, integrity and commitment etc.
2. To realize the importance of moral autonomy, professional ideals and Ethical theories
3. To study safety/risk aspects, welfare of the public and about employee rights
4. Know about the global issues and code of ethics of professional bodies

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. Have basic understanding of how a prospective engineer should behave in his
chosen field and society.
2. Realize the importance of moral autonomy, professional ideals and Ethical theories.
3. Know about the safety/ risk, welfare of the public and employee rights
4. Gain exposure to global issues and codes of some professional bodies

Course Content:

UNIT I 15 Periods

Human Values: Morals, Values and Ethics - Integrity- Work Ethics- Service Learning - Civic
Virtue Respect for Others - Living Peacefully - Caring - Sharing - Honesty - Courage - Valuing
Time -Co- Operation - Commitment - Empathy - Self-Confidence – Stress Management-
Character - Spirituality.

UNIT II 15 Periods

Engineering Ethics: Senses of Engineering Ethics- Variety of Moral Issues - Types of

Inquiry - Moral Dilemmas - Moral Autonomy - Kohlberg's Theory - Gillian-s Theory -
Consensus and Controversy.

Professions and Professionalism: The nature and characteristics of Professions,

Professionalism, the foundation and norms of Professional ethics, the need for separate code
of conduct for Professionals, Professional Rights, Theories about Right Action, Uses of Ethical
Theories. Case studies like The Space Shuttle Challenger, Bhopal gas tragedy, Chernobyl
disaster etc.

UNIT III 15 Periods

Engineering as Social Experimentation: Engineering as Experimentation - Engineers as

Responsible Experimenters Safety.

Responsibilities and Rights: Safety and Risk - Assessment of Safety and Risk,Risk Benefit
Analysis and Reducing Risk. Collegiality and Loyalty - Respect for Authority –Collective
Bargaining - Confidentiality - Conflicts of Interest - Occupational Crime - Employee Rights –
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - Discrimination.

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UNIT IV 15 Periods

Multinational Corporations - Environmental Ethics - Computer Ethics - Business ethics -

Engineers As Managers - Consulting Engineers - Engineers As Expert Witnesses and Advisors
- Codes Of Ethics -Sample Code Of Ethics Like ASME, ASCE, IEEE, Institution of Engineers
(India), Indian Institute of Materials Management Etc.,

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Mike martin and Ronald Schinzinger, "Ethics in Engineering" McGraw-Hill,

New York 1996
2. Govindarajan M, Natarajan S, Senthil Kumar V.S., "Engineering Ethics",
PHI,New Delhi
3. Bayles.M. D, Professional ethics, California, Wards worth publishing
4. Koehn.D, The ground of Professional Ethics, Routledges, 1995

Reference Books:

1. Charles D,Fleddermann, "Engineering Ethics", Pearson / PHI, New Jersey

2004(Indian Reprint)
2. Charles E Harris, Michael S.Protchard and Michael J Rabins, "Engineering Ethics
- Concepts and Cases" Wadsworth Thompson Learning, United States,
2000 (Indian Reprint now available)
3. John R Boatright, "Ethics and the conduct of business" Pearson, New
4. Edmund G.Seebauer and Robert L Barry, "Fundamentals of Ethics for
Scientists and Engineers" Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

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Semester- V (Third Year)

CS/IT311 Automata Theory & Formal Languages L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce the types of Finite Automata and properties of Regular Expressions.
2. Explain Context-Free Grammars and Push Down Automata
3. Introduce the Turing Machine and explain undecidability concept.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the fundamental concepts of Automata and Formal languages. L2

2. Apply the knowledge of Automata Theory, Formal languages, Grammars &
RegularExpressions for solving various problems. L3
3. Design PDAs for various languages. L4
4. Design Turing machines to solve problems. L4

Course Content:

UNIT I (CO-1,2) 12 periods

Automata: Introduction to Automata, The central concepts of automata theory - Alphabets,

Strings, Languages.
Finite Automata: An Informal picture of finite automata, Deterministic finite automata
(DFA) - Definition of DFA, DFA processing strings, Notations for DFA, Extended transition
function, the language of DFA, Non deterministic finite automata (NFA) – Definition of NFA,
Extended transition function, the language of NFA, Equivalence of DFA and NFA Finite.
Automata with ∈ transitions: Use of ∈ - transition, notation for an ∈ - NFA, Epsilon
closures, extended transitions and languages, Applications.

UNITII (CO-1,2) 12 periods

Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular expressions, finite automata and regular
expressions, Algebraic laws of regular expressions.
Properties of Regular Languages: Proving languages are not regular – Pumping lemma
for regular languages, Applications of the pumping lemma, Closure Properties of Regular
Languages,Equivalence and minimization of automata – Minimization of DFA

UNIT III (CO-1,2,3) 12 periods

(Construction based treatment & proofs are excluded)

Context Free Grammars: Context Free Grammars, Parse Trees, Constructing parse trees,
derivations and parse trees, ambiguous grammars.
Pushdown Automata: Definition of the Pushdown automata, the languages of PDA,
Equivalences of PDA’s and CFG’s.
Context free languages: Normal form’s for context- Free grammars, the pumping
lemma forcontext free languages.

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UNIT IV (CO-1,2,4) 12 periods

Properties of Context free languages: closure properties for context free languages,
Decisionproperties for CFL’s.
Introduction to Turing Machines: The Turing Machine, programming techniques for
Undecidability: A language that is not recursively enumerable, an undecidable problem
that is RE, Undecidability problems about TM, Post’s Correspondence problem.



1. John.E.Hopcroft, R.Motwani, &Jeffery.D Ullman, “Introduction to
AutomataTheory,Languages and Computations”, Second Edition, Pearson
Education, 2003

Reference Books:
1. Daniel I.A.Cohen, ‘Computer Theory’,
2. KLP Mishra &N.Chandrasekharan, ‘Theory of Computation’, PHI.
3. MichealSipser, “Introduction of the Theory and Computation”, Thomson
4. R.K.Ragade, “Automata and Theoretical Computer Science”, First Edition, Pearson
Education, 2004.
5. John E Hopcroft& Jeffery D Ullman’ ‘Introduction to Automata Theory & Languages
and Computation’, Narosa Publishing House.

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CS/IT312 Computer Networks L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce the fundamental concepts and layered architectures of networks.

2. Impart knowledge on functionalities, design issues, protocols and mechanisms
used in different layers of network stack.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the layered architectures of computer networks.
2. Explain the fundamental concepts of data communications.
3. Illustrate the data link layer protocols and the mechanisms used for accessing a channel.
4. Exemplify optimal routing algorithms and QoS mechanisms used for networks.
5. Explain reliable and unreliable protocols used for end to end connectivity.
6. Discuss the application layer protocols.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Introduction: Network Hardware, Network Software, Reference Models.

Physical Layer: The theoretical basis for data communication, Guided media, digital
modulation and multiplexing, switching.

UNIT II 13 Periods

The Data Link Layer: Data Link Layer Design Issues, Error Detection and Correction,
Elementary Data Link Protocols, Sliding Window Protocols.

The Medium Access Control Sub-layer: Multiple Access Protocols- ALOHA, Carrier Sense
Multiple Access Protocols, Collision-Free Protocols, Ethernet, Data Link Layer Switching.

UNIT III 14 Periods

The Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues, Routing Algorithms-Optimality

Principle, Shortest Path Algorithm, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing, Link State Routing,
Hierarchical Routing, Broadcast routing, multicast routing, Congestion control algorithms,
Quality of Service- Application Requirements, Traffic Shaping, Packet Scheduling, Admission
Control, Internetworking, The Network Layer in the Internet-The IP version 4.0 protocol, IP
Addresses, IP Version 6.0, Internet Control Protocols.

UNIT IV 11 Periods

The Transport Layer: The Transport Service: Services Provided to the Upper Layers,
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TransportService Primitives, Elements of Transport Protocols – addressing: Connection

Establishment, Connection Release, Error Control and Flow Control, Congestion control-
Desirable Bandwidth allocation, Regulating the sending rate, The Internet Transport
Protocols: Introduction to UDP, Remote procedure call, Real-Time transport protocols,
Introduction to TCP, The TCP Service Model, The TCP Protocol, The TCP Segment Header,
TCP Connection Establishment, TCP Connection Release.

The Application Layer: DNS- The Domain Name System, Electronic mail.

Learning esources:

Text Book(s):

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks, Fifth Edition,



1. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking, Third Edition, Pearson

2. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Fourth Edition,
TMH (2007).
3. Kurose & Ross, COMPUTER NETWORKS, A Top-down approach featuring the
Internet, Pearson Education, Alberto Leon, Garciak.

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CS/IT313 Design & Analysis of Algorithms L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Impart knowledge on algorithm design strategies and performance analysis of
2. Introduce pattern matching algorithms and NP-Completeness
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Analyze the performance of algorithms based on time and space complexities.

2. Apply algorithm design strategies to solve the real world problems.
3. Use string matching algorithms to solve given problems.
4. Differentiate P and NP class problems.

Course Content:

UNIT I 10 Periods

Introduction- What is an Algorithm? Algorithm Specification, Performance Analysis,

Randomized Algorithms – Identifying the repeated element, primality testing, advantages and

Divide and Conquer: General Method, Merge Sort, Quick sort, Divide and Conquer Run Time
Recurrence Relations.

UNIT II 15 Periods

Greedy Programming: General Method, Knapsack problem, Job Sequencing with Dead
Lines, Minimum Spanning Tree - Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms, Single Source Shortest-

Dynamic Programming: General Method, Multi Stage Graph, All Pairs Shortest Paths,
Single Source Shortest Paths-general Weights, Optimal Binary Search Trees, 0/1 Knapsack,
Traveling Salesman Problem.

UNIT III 13 Periods

Back tracking: General Method, 8-queen problem, Hamiltonian Cycles, 0/1 Knapsack.

Branch and Bound: Control Abstraction for LC Search, Bounding, FIFO branch and bound,
LC branch and bound, 0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling Salesman Problem.

UNIT IV 12 Periods

String Matching – The Naïve String Matching Algorithm, The Rabin-Karp Algorithm,
StringMatching with Finite Automata, The KMP Algorithm.

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NP-Completeness- Polynomial Time, Polynomial Time verification, NP Completeness

andreducibility, NP Complete Problems.
Approximation Algorithms - The Travelling Sales Person Problem.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni and S.Rajasekaran, "Fundamentals of Computer

Algorithms",Galgotia Publication. (Unit I, II, III).

2. T. H. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, "Introduction of Computer Algorithm",

PHI. (Unit IV).

Reference Book(s):

1. Sara Basse, A.V. Gelder, "Computer Algorithms", Addison Wesley.

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CSEL01 Digital Image Processing L P C

CS314 (CSEL01) Elective - I 3 0 3

Course objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To create basic understanding of fundamental concepts in digital image processing

and enhancement in the spatial domain.
2. To demonstrate the approaches used in enhancement in the frequency domain and
image segmentation.
3. To teach image restoration and image compression techniques.
4. To analyse morphological transformations, and image representation of real world objects

Course outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the fundamental concepts of image processing.
2. Explain image enhancement techniques in the spatial and frequency domains.
3. Describe the concepts of image segmentation
4. Illustrate image restoration, and image compression techniques.
5. Interpret morphological transformation operations and image representation techniques.

Course Content:

UNITI [CO1] 12 Periods

Introduction: Digital Image Processing, Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing,

Components of an Image Processing System.
Digital Image Fundamentals:Elements of Visual Perception, Image Sensing and
Acquisition, Image Sampling and Quantization, Some basic Relationships between Pixels.
Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain: Some Basic Gray Level Transformation,
Histogram Processing, Enhancement Using Arithmetic/Logic Operations, Basics of Spatial
Filtering,Smoothing spatial Filters, Sharpening spatial Filters.

UNIT II [CO2] 12 Periods

Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain: Introduction to the Fourier Transform

and the Frequency Domain, Smoothing frequency domain Filters, Sharpening frequency-
domain Filters,Holomorphic Filtering, Implementation.

Image Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge Linking and Boundary Detection,

Thresholding, Region-Based Segmentation.

UNIT III [CO3] 12 Periods

Image Restoration: A Model of the Image Degradation/Restoration Process, Linear,

Position- Invariant Degradations, Inverse Filtering, Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener)

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Filtering, Constrained Least Squares Filtering.

Image Compression: Image Compression Models, Error-free Compression, Lossy
Compression,Image Compression Standards.

UNIT IV [CO4] 12 Periods

Morphological Image Processing: Dilation and Erosion, The Hit-or-Miss Transformation,
Somebasic Morphological Algorithms, Extension to Gray-Scale Images.
Representation and Description: Representation, Boundary Descriptors, Regional Descriptors.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, 'Digital Image Processing' Addison

Wesley Pubs (Second Edition).

Reference Books:

1. " Image Processing. Analysis, and Machine Vision ", Milan Sonka, Vaclav
Hlavac, RogerBoyle (Second Edition).
2. A.K.Jain, 'Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing' PHI.

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CSEL02 Information Retrieval L P C

CS314 (CSEL02) Elective - I 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of the course are:
1. To introduce the basic concepts and techniques used for information retrieval
2. To introduce models for scoring and evaluating information Retrieval Systems
3. To impart knowledge on text classification and clustering.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. CO1 – Illustrate the basic concepts and techniques used in Information Retrieval.
2. CO2 – Exemplify index construction and compression techniques.
3. CO3 – Explain scoring and computing scores in vector space model.
4. CO4 – Explain evaluation of retrieved documents and the support of feedback.
5. CO5 - Explain probabilistic information retrieval and text classification.
6. CO6 – Explain vector space classification and clustering techniques.

Course Content:

UNIT I [CO1] 12 Periods

Boolean retrieval: An example information retrieval problem, A first take at building an

inverted index, Processing Boolean queries, The extended Boolean model versus ranked

The term vocabulary and postings lists: Document delineation and character sequence
decoding, Determiningthe vocabulary of terms, Faster postings list intersection via skip
pointers, Positional postings and phrase queries.

Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval: Search structures for dictionaries, Wildcard queries,
Spelling correction, Phonetic correction.

UNIT II [CO2,CO3] 12 Periods

Index construction: Hardware basics, blocked sort-based indexing, Single-pass in-memory

indexing, Distributed indexing, Dynamic indexing. [CO2]

Index compression: Statistical properties of terms in information retrieval, Dictionary

compression, Postings file compression.[CO2]

Scoring, term weighting and the vector space model: Parametric and zone indexes,
Term frequency and weighting, The vector space model for scoring, Variant tf-idf functions.

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Computing scores in a complete search system: Efficient scoring and ranking,

Components of an information retrieval system, Vector space scoring and query operator
interaction. [CO3]
UNIT III [CO4,CO5] 12 Periods

Evaluation in information retrieval: Information retrieval system evaluation, Standard

test collections, Evaluation of unranked retrieval sets, Evaluation of ranked retrieval results,
Assessingrelevance. [CO4]

Relevance feedback and query expansion: Relevance feedback and pseudo relevance
feedback, Global methods for query reformulation. [CO4]

Probabilistic information retrieval: The Probability Ranking Principle, The Binary

Independence Model. [CO5]

Text classification and Naïve Bayes: The text classification problem, Naïve Bayes text
classification, The Bernoulli model, properties of Naïve Bayes, Evaluation of text
classification. [CO5]

UNIT IV [CO6] 12 Periods

Vector space classification: Document representations and measures of relatedness in

vector spaces, Rocchio classification, k nearest neighbor.

Flat clustering: Clustering in information retrieval, Problem statement, Evaluation of


Hierarchical clustering: Hierarchical agglomerative clustering, Single – link and completelink


Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. “An Introduction to Information Retrieval” by Christopher D. Manning,

Prabhakar Raghavan & Hinrich Schütze, Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, England

Reference Books:

1. Modern Information Retrieval, Baeza – Yates Ricardo and Berthier Ribeiro –

Net, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley.
2. Information Retrieval : Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines, Stefan
butcher,Charlie Clarke, Gordon Cormack, MIT Press, 2010.
3. Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice, Bruce Croft, Donald
Metzler, andTrevor Strohman, Pearson Education.

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CSEL03 Data Engineering L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of the course are:

1. To introduce basics of data warehousing and data mining.
2. To impart knowledge on data mining techniques.
3. To introducemining on complex data objects.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the concepts of data warehousing and data mining.
2. Apply data preprocessing techniques for given data set.
3. Extract association rules from transactional databases.
4. Build a classifier for a given data set.
5. Apply various clustering and outlier detection techniques for a given data set.
6. Describe the concepts of mining on complex data objects.

Course Content:

UNIT I [CO1, CO2] 13 Periods

Data Warehousing and Online Analytical Processing: Data Warehouse: Basic

Concepts- Data Warehouse Modeling: Data Cube and OLAP-Data Warehouse Design and
Usage- Data Warehouse Implementation.

Getting to know Your Data: Data Objects and Attribute Types- Basic Statistical
Descriptions of Data- Measuring Data Similarity and Dissimilarity.

Data Preprocessing: An overview of Data Preprocessing- Data cleaning- Data Integration-

DataReduction- Data Transformation and Data Discretization.

UNIT II [CO1, CO3] 12 Periods

Introduction - Data Mining: Why Data Mining- What is Data Mining? -What Kinds of Data
can be mined? - What Kinds of Patterns can be mined? - Which Technologies are used? -
Major Issues in Data Mining.

Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations: Basic Concepts- Frequent

Item set Mining Methods: Apriori Algorithm, Generating Association Rules, Improving the
efficiency of Apriori, FP Growth Approach for Mining Frequent Item Sets, Mining Frequent
Item Sets using Vertical Data Format Method.

UNIT III [CO4] 13 Periods

Classification: Basic Concepts- Decision tree induction- Bayes Classification Methods- Rule-
Based Classification- Model Evaluation and Selection- Techniques to Improve Classification

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Advanced Methods in Classification: Bayesian Belief Networks-Classification by

Backpropagation-Classification by Support Vector Machines-Lazy Learners.

UNIT IV [CO5, CO6] 12 Periods

Cluster Analysis: Introduction to cluster analysis- partitioning methods- Hierarchical

methods-Density-Based Methods: DBSCAN, Outliers and Outlier Analysis- Outlier Detection
Data Mining Trends: Mining Sequence Data- Mining Graphs and Networks- Mining Other
Kinds of Data- Data Mining Applications.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Data Mining Concepts & Techniques, Jiawei Han, MichelineKamber, and Jian Pei,
3/e, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Data Mining, Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, and Vipin
Kumar,Addison Wesley.
2. Data Warehouse Toolkit, Ralph Kimball, John Wiley Publishers.

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CS315 Open Elective /Job Oriented Course- I L P C

3 0 3
CSOL01 Programming with Java

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To make the students learn the basic concepts and fundamentals of platform
independent object oriented language.
2. To elucidate the concepts of exception handling techniques and multithreading.
3. To create awareness on user interface design techniques and event handling mechanisms.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Use the syntax and semantics of java programming language and basic concepts of OOP.
2. Develop reusable programs using the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism,
interfaces and packages.
3. Apply the concepts of Multithreading and Exception handling to develop efficient and
errorfree codes.
4. Design event driven GUI and web related applications which mimic the real world

Course Content:

UNIT I [CO1, CO2] 12 Periods

Introduction: Introduction to java, java buzzword, data types, dynamic initialization, scope
and life time, operators, control statements, arrays, type conversion and casting, finals & blank
Classes and Objects: Concepts, methods, constructors, usage of static, access control, this
key word, garbage collection, overloading, parameter passing mechanisms, nested classes and
inner classes.
Inheritance: Basic concepts, access specifiers, usage of super key word, method overriding,
final methods and classes, abstract classes, dynamic method dispatch, Object class.

UNIT II [CO2, CO3] 12 Periods

Interfaces: Differences between classes and interfaces, defining an interface,

implementinginterface, variables in interface and extending interfaces.
Packages: Creating a Package, setting CLASSPATH, Access control protection, importing packages.
Exception Handling: Concepts of Exception handling, types of exceptions, usage of try, catch, throw,
throws and finally keywords, Built-in exceptions, creating own exception sub classes.

UNIT III [CO3] 12 Periods

Strings: Exploring the String class, String buffer class, Command-line

arguments.Library: Date class, Wrapper classes.

Multithreading: Concepts of Multithreading, differences between process and thread, thread

life cycle, Thread class, Runnable interface, creating multiple threads, Synchronization, thread
priorities,inter thread communication, daemon threads, deadlocks.

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I/O Streams: Streams, Byte Streams, Character Streams, File class, File Streams.

UNIT IV [CO4] 12 Periods

Applets: Concepts of Applets, life cycle of an applet, creating applets, passing parameters to
applets, accessing remote applet, Color class and Graphics
Event Handling: Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event model,
handling events.
AWT: AWT Components, windows, canvas, panel, File Dialog boxes, Layout Managers, Event
handling model of AWT, Adapter classes, Menu, Menu bar.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Java The Complete Reference 12th Edition, Herbert Schildt, Mc Graw Hill
Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi.

Reference Books:

1. Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel, Pearson Education/PHI.
2. Introduction to Java programming, By Y.DanielLiang,Pearson Publication.

List of Programs:

1.Write a program by creating an 'Employee' class having the following methods and print the final salary.
(i) - 'getInfo()' which takes the input as name , id , salary, number of hours of work per day of employee.
(ii) - 'AddSal()' which adds $10 to salary of the employee if it is less than $500.
(iii) - 'AddWork()' which adds $5 to salary of employee if the number of hours of work per day is more
than 6 hours.

2. (i) Write a java program to demonstrate a static keyword. (ii) Write a java program to demonstrate this
(iii) Write a java program to demonstrate a variable length argument.
(iv) Write a java program to demonstrate a command line arguments.

3. (i) Write a program for the following: an inner class named Inner is defined within the scope of class
Outer. Therefore, any code in class Inner can directly access the variable outer_x. An instance method
named display( ) is defined inside Inner. This method displays outer_x on the standard output stream. The
main( ) method of InnerClassDemo creates an instance of class Outer and invokes its test( ) method. That
method creates an instance of class Inner and the display( ) method is called.
(ii) Write a Java program to display the volume of box using constructor Overloading.

4. (i) Write a java program for the following: Create a class employee which takes input as name, id and
designation and create another class salary which takes input as Basic pay (BP), House Rent Allowance
(HRA), Dearness Allowance(DA) and Provident Found (PF) and inherits the members of class employee.
Print the Net Pay of each employee using the reademp() in employee class and readsalary() ,
calculatesalary() and displayemp() methods in salary class. (np = bp + hra + da – pf)
(ii) Write a java program for the following: Assume that the test results of a batch of students are stored in
three different classes. Class student stores the name, roll-contains the total marks obtained in the test. The
class result can inherit the details of the marks obtained in the test and the name, roll number of students
through Multi level inheritance.
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(iii) Write a java program for the following: employee is the parent class which is common for all the sub
or child classes both the permanent_employee class and temporary_employee class. Use the read_emp()
method in employee class which reads the name, id and salary. And use the print_emp() method in both
permanent_employee class and temporary_employee class which prints the details of name ,id and
incremented salary details.(if employee is temporary then increment the salary 3.5% of the given salary
and if employee is permanent then increment the salary 5% of the given salary).

5. (i) Write a Java Program to compute the area of “room”, using method overloading. (Area of
room=length X Breadth) (Consider method with no parameters, method with single parameter and method
with two parameters). (ii) Write a program to create a superclass called Figure that stores the dimensions of
a two-dimensional object. It also defines a method called area( ) that computes the area of an object. The
program derives two subclasses from Figure. The first is Rectangle and the second is Triangle. Each of
these subclasses overrides area( ) so that it returns the area of a rectangle and a triangle.
(iii) Write a Java Program to demonstrate a final keyword.

6. (i) Abstract classes, interfaces, Dynamic method dispatch. (ii) Write a java program to create an abstract
class named Shape that contains two integers / doubles and an empty method named printArea(). Provide
three classes named Rectangle, Triangle and Circle such that each one of the classes extends the class
Shape. Each one of the classes contain only the method printArea( ) that prints the area of the given shape.
In the following example, we have two interfaces: Motorbike and Cycle. The motorbike interface consists
of the attribute speed and its value is 50. The method is totalDistance(). The cycle interface consists of the
attribute distance and its value is 150.The method is speed().Both these interfaces are implemented by the
class TwoWheeler. Find the total distance (totalDistance=speed*distance) and average speed (
AvgSpeed=totalDistance/speed ) in the class TwoWheeler. (iii) Write a java program on Dynamic method

7. Write a java program to implement access protection in Packages.

8. Write a java program to implement the methods of String and String Buffer Class.

9. User Defined Exceptions or Custom Exceptions: Let’s take an example program where we will evaluate
candidate’s age to vote. If the candidate’s age is less than 18 years, the program will throw a custom
exception “InvalidAgeException”.

10. Write a java program that implements a multi-thread application that has three threads. First thread
generates random integer every 1 second and if the value is even, second thread computes the square of the
number and prints. If the value is odd, the third thread will print the value of cube of the number.

11. Write a java program for passing parameters to Applets.

12. Write a java program to implement Graphics class and color class.

13. (i) Write a java program for handling mouse events. (ii) Write a java program for handling key events.

14. Write a java program to develop AWT components.

15. Write a java program to develop Swings components.

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CSOL02 Relational Database Management Systems

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To learn the fundamental concepts of Data Base Management Systems.
2. To make the students learn how to retrieve the data from database using SQL
3. To understand the concepts of transaction processing, concurrency control.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the basic concepts of database systems.
2. Explain various data models and database system architectures.
3. Write queries to access database using SQL.
4. Describe the process of refining data base design using normalization.
5. Explain the concepts of transaction Processing and concurrency control.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Databases and Database Users: Introduction - An Example - Characteristics of the

Database Approach - Actors on the Scene - Workers behind the Scene - Advantages of Using
the DBMS Approach.
Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances -
Three- Schema Architecture and Data Independence - Database Languages and Interfaces -
The Database System Environment - Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs.
UNIT II 12 Periods

Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model: Using High- Level Conceptual
Data Models for Database Design - An Example Database Application - Entity Types, Entity
Sets, Attributes, and Keys - Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural
Constraints - WeakEntity Types.

The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints: Relational Model
Concepts - Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas - Update Operations,
Transactions, and Dealing with Constraint Violations.
UNIT III 12 Periods

SQL-99: Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries, and Views: SQL Data Definition and Data
Types - Specifying Constraints in SQL - Schema Change Statements in SQL - Basic Queries in
SQL - More Complex SQL Queries - INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE Statements in SQL - Views
(Virtual Tables) in SQL.
UNIT IV 12 Periods

Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases: Informal

Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas - Functional Dependencies - Normal Forms Based on
Primary Keys - General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd Normal
Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory: Introduction to
Transaction Processing - Transaction and System Concepts - Desirable Properties of
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Transactions -CharacterizingSchedules Based on Recoverability -Characterizing Schedules Based

on serializability.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, RamezElmasri and

SHamKanthB.NavatePearson Education, 5th edition.

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date Pearson Education.

2. Data Base Management Systems, Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke, TATA
McGrawHill, 3rdEdition.
3. Data base System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry.F.Korth, McGraw hill,
5th edition.

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CS/IT351 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Provide foundations to deal with variety of computational problems
2. To demonstrate the use of algorithm design and pattern matching techniques
forsolving given problems.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Solve the given problems using suitable algorithm design strategies.

2. Implement algorithms using high level language.
3. Use string matching algorithms to solve string editing problems.

List of Experiments to implement:

1.Create two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, sorted in non-decreasing order, and two integers m
and n, representing the number of elements in nums1 and nums2 respectively.Merge nums1 and
nums2 into a single array sorted in non-decreasing order. The final sorted array should not be
returned by the function, but instead be stored inside the array nums1. To accommodate this,
nums1 has a length of m + n, where the first m elements denote the elements that should be
merged, and the last n elements are set to 0 and should be ignored. nums2 has a length of n.

2. Create an array of k linked-lists lists, each linked-list is sorted in ascending order. Merge all the
linked-lists into one sorted linked-list and return it.

3 .Create an array of integers. Sort the array in ascending order using Quicksort and return it. You
must solve the problem without using any built-in functions in O(nlog(n)) time complexity and with
the smallest space complexity possible.

4. You are assigned to put some amount of boxes onto one truck. You are given a 2D array
boxTypes, where boxTypes[i] = [numberOfBoxesi ,numberOfUnitsPerBoxi ]:
numberOfBoxesi is the number of boxes of
type i.
numberOfUnitsPerBoxi is the number of
units in each box of the type i.
You are also given an integer truckSize, which is the maximum number of boxes that can be put on
the truck.
You can choose any boxes to put on the truck as long as the number of boxes does not exceed
Return the maximum total number of units that can be put on the truck.

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5. Create an array points representing integer coordinates of some points on a 2D-plane, where
points[i] = [x i , y i ]. The cost of connecting two points [x i , y i ] and [x j , y j ] is the manhattan
distance between them: |x i - x j | + |y i - y j |, where |val| denotes the absolute value of val.
Return the minimum cost to make all points connected. All points are connected if there is exactly
one simple path between any two points.

6. Create a network of n nodes, labeled from 1 to n and also consider times, a list of travel times as
directed edges times[i] = (u i , v i , w i ), where u i is the source node, v i is the target node, and w
i is the time it takes for a signal to travel from source to target. We will send a signal from a given
node k. Return the minimum time it takes for all the n nodes to receive the signal. If it is impossible
for all the n nodes to receive the signal, return -1.

7. Create an integer array coin representing coins of different denominations and an integer
amount representing a total amount of money. Return the fewest number of coins that you need to
make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the
coins, return -1.
You may assume that you have an infinite number of each kind of coin.

8. Given an input string s, reverse the order of the words. A word is defined as a sequence of non-
space characters. The words in s will be separated by at least one space. Return a string of the
words in reverse order concatenated by a single space. Note that s may contain leading or trailing
spaces or multiple spaces between two words. The returned string should only have a single space
separating the words. Do not include any extra spaces.

9. There is a robot on an m x n grid. The robot is initially located at the top-left corner (i.e.,
grid[0][0]). The robot tries to move to the bottom-right corner (i.e., grid[m - 1][n - 1]). The robot
can only move either down or right at any point in time. Given the two integers m and n, return the
number of possible unique paths that the robot can take to reach the bottom-right corner. The test
cases are generated so that the answer will be less than or equal to 2 * 10

10. The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no
two queens attack each other. Given an integer n, return all distinct solutions to the n-queens
puzzle. You may return the answer in any order.

11. Given two strings text1 and text2, return the length of their longest common subsequence. If
there is no common subsequence return 0.

12. Write a program to implement KMP algorithm.

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CS352 L P C
Data Analysis Lab
0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of the course are to:

1. Introduce Python libraries used for data manipulation and visualization
2. Create awareness on data cleaning, wrangling and various operations on data
3. Impart knowledge on visualizing the data using various plots

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Solve the problems using Numpy features
2. Perform operations on data using Pandas
3. Visualize data using the tool Matplotlib
4. Perform operations on time series data

Course Content:


NumPy Basics: Arrays and VectorizedComputation :TheNumPyndarray: A

Multidimensional Array Object, Universal Functions: Fast Element-wise Array Functions,Data
Processing Using Arrays.

Pandas Data Structure: Introduction to pandas Data Structure, Essential

Functionality,Summarizing and Computing Descriptive Statistics.


Data Loading, Storage, and File Formats: Reading and Writing Data in Text Format,
Binary Data Formats, Interacting with Web APIs, Interacting with Databases.

Data Cleaning and Preparation: Handling Missing Data, Data Transformation, Extension
DataTypes, String Manipulation, Categorical Data


Data Wrangling: Join, Combine, and Reshape: Hierarchical Indexing, Combining and Merging
Datasets, Reshaping and Pivoting

Plotting and Visualization: A Brief matplotlib API Primer, Plotting with pandas and
seaborn,Other Python Visualization Tools


Data Aggregation and Group Operations: How to think about Group Operations, Data
Aggregation, Apply: General split-apply-combine, Group Transforms and “Unwrapped”
GroupBys, Pivot Tables and Cross-Tabulation.

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Time Series: Date and Time Data Types and Tools, Time Series Basics, Date Ranges,
Frequencies, and Shifting, Time Zone Handling, Periods and Period Arithmetic, Resampling
and Frequency Conversion, Moving Window Functions

Learning Resources:
1. Wes McKinney, “Python for Data Analysis”, THIRD EDITION, O`REILLY

1. David Ascher and Mark Lutz, Learning Python, Publisher O’Reilly Media.
2. ReemaThareja, “Python Programming using Problem Solving
approach”,OxfordUniversity press
3. Allen Downey ,JeffreyElkner ,Chris Meyers,: Learning with Python,
Dreamtech Press
4. David Taieb ,”Data Analysis with Python: A Modern Approach “ 1st
Edition,Packt Publishing

List of Experiments:

1.Numpy Array operations

Write a Python program to do the following operations: Library: NumPy
a) Create a one-dimensional array and perform all operations on it.
b) Create multi-dimensional arrays and find its shape and dimension
c) Create a matrix full of zeros and ones
d) Reshape and flatten data in the array
e) Perform arithmetic operations on multi-dimensional arrays
f) Append data vertically and horizontally
g) Apply indexing and slicing on array
h) Use statistical functions on array – Min, Max, Mean, Median and Standard Deviation
i) Dot matrix product of two arrays
j) Compute the Eigen values of a matrix
k) Solve a linear matrix equation such as 3 * x0 + x1 = 9, x0 + 2 * x1 = 8
l) Compute the multiplicative inverse of a matrix
m) Compute the rank of a matrix
n) Compute the determinant of an array
o) Perform transpose and change of axes operations on arrays.
p) Perform splitting operations on arrays.

2. Fisher’s Iris Dataset

This famous (Fisher’s or Anderson’s) iris data set gives the measurements in 18ormalize18s of the
variables sepal length and width and petal length and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of
3 species of iris. The species are Iris 18ormal, versicolor, and virginica. Format iris is a data frame
with 150 cases (rows) and 5 variables (columns) named Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length,
Petal.Width, and Species.
The header is : sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width, iris, Species No. It has value 1 for
Iris setosa, 2 for Iris virginica and 3 for Iris versicolor.


a) Load the data in the file Iris.txt in a 2-D array called iris.
b) Drop column whose index=4 from the array iris.
c) Display the shape, dimensions and size of iris.
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d) Split iris into three 2-D arrays, each array for a different species.callthem iris1, iris2, and iris3.
e) Print the three arrays iris1,iris2,iris3
f) Create a 1-D array header having elements “sepal length”,” sepalwidth”, “petallength”,
“petalwidth”,” species No” in that order.
g) Display the array header.
h) Find the max, min, mean, and standard deviation for the columns of the iris and store the results
in the arrays iris_max, iris_min, iris_avg, iris_std, iris_varresp. The results must be rounded to not
more than two decimal places.
i) Similarly find the max, min, mean, and standard deviation for the columns of the iris1, iris2, iris3
and store the results in the arrays with appropriate names.
j) Check the minimum value for sepal length, sepal width , petal length, petal width of the three
species in comparison to the minimum value of sepal
length, sepal width, petallength, petal width for the data set as awhole and fill the table
below with True if the species value is greater than the dataset value and False
k) Compare Iris setosa’s average sepal width to that of Iris virginica.
l) Compare Iris setosa’s average petallength to that of Iris virginica.
m) Compare Iris setosa’s average petal width to that of Iris virginica.
n) Save the array iris_avg in a comma separated file named IrisMeanValues.txt on the
hard disk.
o) Save the arrays irisw_max, iris_avg, iris_min in a comma separated file named
IrisStat.txt on the hard disk.

3. Pandas Series Programs

Write a Python program to do the following operations: Library: Pandas Series
a) To add, subtract, multiple and divide two pandas Series.
b) To convert all the string values to upper, lower cases in a given pandas series. Also find the length
of the string values.
c) To remove whitespaces, left sided whitespaces and right sided whitespaces of the string values of
a given pandas series.
d) To create a series from a list, numpy array and dict
e) To calculate the number of characters in each word in a series.
f) To compare the elements of the two Pandas Series. Sample Series: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [1, 3, 5, 7, 10]
g) To convert a Panda module Series to Python list and it’s type.
h) To create a series from a list, numpy array and dict.
i) To Combine many series to form a dataframe.
j) to stack two series vertically and horizontally
k) To create and display a DataFrame from a specified dictionary data which has the index labels.
l) Identify frequency counts of unique items of a series.
m) To get the items of series A not present in series B?
n) To convert a numpy array to a dataframe of given shape.

4. Pandas DataFrames Programs

Python program to do the following operations: Library: Pandas Data Frames Iris setosa Iris
virginica Iris versicolor Sepal length , Sepal width , Petal length, Petal width
I. import and read a CSV file
II. To Generate a basic understanding of a given data.
a. Print First 5 rows, last 5 rows of data
b. Check the basic information of the data
c. Extract the shape of the data
d. Print the unique values of the marital status field based on the column
e. To make it consistent data( widow and widowed )are two different naming for
the same category on the column values
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f. Check for duplicates and null values in the whole dataset

III. select and filter data based on conditions

a. Select a subset of the data points(Birthdate, Education, and Income of every customer) from the
data frame.
b. Using loc() and iloc() methods to retrieve the first seven data points.
c. Filter data using the loc() and isin() methods.(Note: we choose the variable of interest and we
select the categories )
d. In our data, that satisfies two conditions such as choosing the customers with an income higher
than 75,000 and with a master’s degree(using python operators) and display the output.

IV. apply various data operation tools such as creating new variables or changing data types We can
apply different operations on the dataset using Pandas such as
a. setting a new index with the variable of our interest using the .set_index() method
b. sorting the data frame by one of the variable using .sort_values() with ascending or descending
c. creating a new variable which could be the result of a mathematical operation such as sum of
other variables
d. changing the datatype of variables into datetime or integer types
e. determining the age based on year of birth
f. creating the week date (calendar week and year) from the purchase date

V. perform data aggregation using group by and pivot table methods After we created new variables,
we can further aggregate and to analyze data by groups,
a. To apply groupby()method to find the mean of income ,recency,number of web and store
purchases by educational group.
b. To apply pivot_table()method to find the aggregated sum of purchases and mean of recency per
education and marital status group.

5. Canada Pizza Price Prediction

Columns: company, price_cad, diameter, topping, variant, size, extra_sauce, extra_cheese,
a) Count the number of null values in the pizza dataset and replace null values with average of the
concerned columns.
b) Calculate average price of pizza prepared by each company.
c) Find the companies, who prepared pizzas with different variants with same diameter.
d) Which company has more pizzas? Show the result with graph.
e) Check whether the pizza data set contains null value or not. /Count the no. of null values in the
pizza dataset./ Find the number of missing data points per column.
f) Rename the column price_cad as price.
g) Identify the number of companies in each category
h) Identify which type of pizza is more expensive.
i) Find diameter of jumbo size pizza.
j) Any jumbo pizza with diameter less than 16 exists, remove such rows.
k) Calculate average price of a pizza prepared by company A.
l) Find the mean of the diameter and average price of pizzas prepared by company C.
m) Find the companies, who prepared pizzas with different variants with same diameter.
n) Find the pizza variant with extra_mushrooms and topping with chicken.
o) What is the most expensive pizza in each company?
p) Which company has more pizzas on the menu? Show the result with graph.
q) What is the average price of pizza in each company?

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6.Mobile Phone Price Data set:

 Brand: the manufacturer of the phone
 Model: the name of the phone model
 Storage (GB): the amount of storage space (in gigabytes) available on the
 phone
 RAM (GB): the amount of RAM (in gigabytes) available on the phone
 Screen Size (inches): the size of the phone's display screen in inches
 Camera (MP): the megapixel count of the phone's rear camera(s)
 Battery Capacity (mAh): the capacity of the phone's battery in milliampere
 hours
 Price ($): the retail price of the phone in US dollars

a) Identify the models & the price released by each brand.
b) Identify the correlation between Battery Capacity and price.
c) Find how many models are there per each Battery capacity with same price.
d) Count the number of models in each brand with highest storage. Draw the graph.
e) Identify how many models are released by each brand.
f) Find the RAM capacity of all models of every brand.
g) Identify the correlation between Battery Capacity and price.
h) Find how many models are there per each Battery capacity.
i) Calculate average price of each brand.
j) Find which mobile brand has highest price.
k) Identify any missing values are there in mobile phone price dataset.
l) Display all models associated with apple brand.
m) Find the mobile prices based on Camera (MP).
n) List the models along with brands which have highest storage.
o) How many models in each brand having RAM>6.
p) List the models having price >600 and Storage between 100 and 200.

7.National Universities Rankings

 Name – institution name,
 Location – City and state where located,
 Rank – Ranking according to U.S News & World Report ,
 Description – Snippet of text overview from U.S News ,
 Tuition and fees – Combined tuition and fees for out–of–state students ,
 In–state – Tuition and fees for in–state students ,
 Undergraduate Enrollment – Number of enrolled undergraduate students .

a) Find the universities along with state whose fee is in between 25,000$ to 30,000$
b) Find university where undergraduate enrollement is morethan 25000 containing instate students.
c) Find the states where universities are located in three or more cities.
d) Find max & min tuition fee in each state.
e) Find the city & state where maximum tuition fee difference in the universities in that city is greater
than 5,000.
f) Identifying correlation between enrolment numbers and university rank
g) Print university name and where it is located.
h) Find cities having more than 2 universities along with state.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 119


i) Find the no. of states and cities locating top 100 universities.
j) Draw the plot to show undergraduate enrollment of each university.
k) Draw the plot to show university name and its corresponding tuition fee.
l) Plot the no. of universities in each state having ranks>100.

8.Adidas Sales Dataset

 Retailer ID, Invoice Date,
 Region, State,
 City, Product,
 Price per Unit, Units Sold,
 Total Sales, Operating Profit,
 Operating Margin, Sales Method

a) List all the products sold in every region.
b) Find the Cities & the retailers who sold womens related products.
c) Find the total sales of each womens product in in-store method.
d) For each product, find region wise total sales & units sold.
e) For men’s & women’s products, find state wise units sold & total sales.
f) Find states where women’s products sold were more than men’s products.
g) Find region wise units sold for each product
h) Find region wise profit for every retailer.
i) Find the states along with units sold where products sold in more than one city in the
j) Draw plot to show monthly sales in 2020 in every region
k) Draw the plot to show year wise sales in every region.
l) Draw plots to show Region wise sales in every year.

9. Movies dataset
 Title, US Gross,
 Worldwide Gross, US DVD Sales,
 Production Budget, Release Date,
 MPAA Rating, Running Time (min),
 Distributor, Source,
 Major Genre, Creative Type,
 Director, Rotten Tomatoes Rating,
 IMDB Rating, IMDB Votes

a) Find number of movies released under each genre in each year.
b) Find movies with loss every year for each distributor.
c) Find the Directors who directed for each creative type with IMDB rating above 6.
d) Draw the plot to compare the number of movies released till now by each director.
e) Find the genres of the movies released in each year in the ascending order.
f) Find the budgets of the movies released by each distributor along with movie names.
g) Find the movies with the same IMDD rating but with different no.of IMDD rating.
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

h) Write a Pandas program to get those movies whose revenue more than 2 million and
spent less than 1 million.
i) Find the no. of movies in each genre under each source.
j) Find the no. of movies released in each decade.
k) Draw the plot showing the no. of movies released in each genre.
l) Show the no.of movies not rated under each genre in each fiction

Learning Resources:
1. Wes McKinney, Python for Data Analysis - Data Wrangling with Pandas,
NumPy, and IPython 2nd Edition. O’Reilly/SPD

2. Jake VanderPlas, Python Data Science Handbook Essential Tools for Working
with Data. O’Reilly/SPD


- - 1.5

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Semester- VI (Third Year)

CS/IT321 Artificial Intelligence L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence.

2. Impart knowledge on problem solving using uninformed, informed, local and
adversarialsearch strategies.
3. Create awareness on formalization of knowledge and reasoning.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence

2. Apply search strategies for solving real world problems
3. Utilize game playing strategies for solving problems
4. Infer knowledge using propositional and predicate logic
5. Discuss knowledge representation of the real world using Ontologies
6. Summarize the algorithms for classical planning

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1, CO2 10 Periods

Introduction to AI: What Is AI?, The Foundations of AI, The History of AI, The State of the
Art. Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, Good Behavior: The Concept of
Rationality, The Nature of Environments, The Structure of Agents.
Problem Solving by Search: Problem-Solving Agents, Example Problems, Searching for
Solutions, Uninformed Search Strategies, Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies, Heuristic

UNIT II CO2,CO3 14 Periods

Beyond Classical Search: Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems, Searching
with Non-Deterministic Actions.
Adversarial Search: Games, Optimal Decisions in Games, Alpha–Beta Pruning.
Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Constraint
Propagation, Backtracking Search for CSPs, Local Search for CSPs, The Structure of Problems.

UNIT III CO4 12 Periods

Logical Agents: Knowledge-Based Agents, The Wumpus World, Logic, Propositional

Logic,Effective Propositional Model Checking, Agents Based on Propositional Logic.
First-Order Logic: Representation Revisited, Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic,
UsingFirst Order Logic, Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic.
Inference in First-Order Logic: Propositional vs. First-Order Inference, Unification and
Lifting,Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Resolution.
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

UNIT IV CO5,CO6 14 Periods

Knowledge Representation: Ontological Engineering, Categories and Objects, Events.

Mental Events and Mental Objects, Reasoning Systems for Categories, Reasoning with
Default Information.
Automated Planning: Definition of Classical Planning, Algorithms for Classical Planning
Planning and Acting in the RealWorld: Time, Schedules and Resources, Hierarchical Planning.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Fourth
Edition,Pearson Education


1. Artificial Intelligence, E. Rich and K. Knight,3rd Edn.,(TMH)

2. Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Edn., Patrick Henny Winston, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education.
3. A First Course in Artificial Intelligence, Deepak Khemani, Tata Mc-Grah Hill.
4. Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems – Patterson, Pearson Education.
5. Artificial Intelligence, SarojKaushik, CENGAGE Learning

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CS/IT322 Cryptography & Network Security L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Describe the architecture of network security.

2. Explain design principles of symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques.
3. Discuss various authentication protocols. Describe the web security and network
Course Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the network security vulnerabilities/attacks and symmetric encryption schemes.

2. Describe public key encryption techniques and mathematical foundations for cryptography.
3. Explain authentication and digital signature protocols.
4. Discuss the authentication applications, web and E-mail security mechanisms.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 13 Periods

Introduction: Computer Security Concepts, The OSI security architecture, Security

Attacks,Security Services, Security Mechanisms, A model for Network Security .
Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, testing for primality,
TheChinese remainder theorem, Discrete logarithms.
Classical Encryption techniques: Symmetric cipher model, Substitution
techniques,Transposition techniques, Steganography.

UNIT II CO1,CO2 13 Periods

Block Ciphers & Data Encryption Standard: Traditional Block Cipher Structure, Data
Encryption Standard, Strength of DES, Block Cipher Design Principles.
Advanced Encryption Standard(AES): AES structure, AES Transformation functions, AES key
Block Cipher operations:
Public key cryptography and RSA: Principles of public key crypto-systems,The RSA
Algorithm. Other Public Key Crypto Systems: Diffie Hellman Key exchange, Elgamal

UNIT III CO2,CO3 12 Periods

Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications of cryptographic hash functions, Hash

function based on cipher block chaining, SHA 512, SHA-3.
Message Authentication codes: Message Authentication requirements, Message Authentication
functions, MAC Based on Hash functions: HMAC
Digital signatures: Digital Signatures, ELGamal Digital Signature Scheme.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Key management and Distribution: Symmetric key distribution using Symmetric

Encryption, Symmetric key distribution using asymmetric encryption, Distribution of public
keys, X.509 Certificates.

UNIT IV CO4 12 Periods

User authentication: Kerberos.

Transport Level Security: Web security Considerations, Transport Layer Security(TLS), Secure
E-Mail Security: S/MIME, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).
IP Security: Overview, IP Security Policy, Encapsulating Security Payload.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1 Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice


Reference Books:

1 BehrouzA.Ferouzan,“Cryptography&NetworkSecurity”,TataMcGrawHill,2007.
2 Man Young Rhee, “Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles”, “Algorithms
andProtocols”, Wiley Publications,2003.
3 CharlesPfleeger,“SecurityinComputing”,4thEdition,PrenticeHallofIndia,2006.
4 Ulysess Black, “Internet Security Protocols”, Pearson Education Asia, 2000.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CS/IT323 Machine Learning L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Basic concepts and applications of machine learning.

2. Supervised learning and its applications
3. Unsupervised learning and its applications
4. Multilayer perceptions and kernel tricks

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students are able to:

1. Explain the scope of machine learning concepts in solving real life problems
2. Solve problems using supervised learning techniques.
3. Use rule sets and reinforcement learning to solve real world problems
4. Discuss various dimensionality reduction techniques.
5. Explain the working of unsupervised learning algorithms.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 12Periods

Introduction: Well posed learning problems, Designing a Learning System, Perspectives

and Issues in machine learning.
Concept Learning and general to specific ordering: concept learning Task , Concept
learning as a search, Finding a Maximally Specific Hypothesis , Version Spaces and Candidate
Elimination Algorithm, Remarks on Version space and candidate elimination. Bayesian
Learning: Bayes Theorem, Maximum Likelihood and Least Square Error Hypotheses, Bayes
Optimal Classifier, Naïve-Bayes Classifier, Bayesian Belief Network.

UNIT II CO2 12 Periods

Decision Tree Learning : Decision Tree Representation, appropriate problems for decision
tree, the basic decision tree Algorithm, Issues in decision tree learning.
l Neural Networks: Introduction, Neural Network Representation, appropriate problems for
neural network, Perceptrons , Multilayer Networks and the Back Propagation Algorithm.
Instance Based Learning: Introduction, KNN Learning, Locally Weighted Regression ,
Radial Bias Functions, Case-Based Reasoning.

UNIT III CO3 12 Periods

Learning Sets of Rules: Sequential Covering Algorithm , Learning Rule Sets:

summary ,Learning First Order Rules, Learning set of first order rules: FOIL.
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Learning: Introduction, the Learning Task , Q Learning , Non Deterministic Rewards and
Actions ,Temporal Difference Learning , Generalizing from Examples , Relationship to
UNIT IV CO4 12 Periods

Dimensionality Reduction : Introduction, subset selection, Principal component analysis,

Feature Embedding, Factor analysis, Singular Value Decomposition and Matrix factorization,
Multidimensional Scaling, Linear Discriminant analysis, Canonical correlation analysis.
Clustering: Introduction,Mixture Densities, K-Means Clustering, Expectation-Maximization
Algorithm, Mixtures of Latent Variable Models, Supervised Learning after Clustering, Spectral
Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Choosing the Number of Clusters.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private

Limited,2013. (UNIT I , UNIT II, and UNIT III)
2. EthemAlpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning , MIT Press, Prentice Hall
of India,Third Edition 2014. (UNIT IV)

Reference Books:

1. Stephen Marsland, ―Machine learning: An Algorithmic Perspective‖, CRC Press, 2009

2. Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin P. Murphy, MIT Press, 2012
3. Foundations of Machine Learning, MehryarMohri, AfshinRostamizadeh and
AmeetTalwalkar, MIT Press, 2012.
4. Machine Learning -The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of
Data, PeterFlach, Cambridge

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page


3 0 3

III/IV B.Tech.
1. CSEL04 Compiler Design 3-0-0 3
2. CSEL05 Distributed Systems 3-0-0 3
3. CSEL06 Principles of Cloud Computing 3-0-0 3
4. *CSEL07 Industry Recommended Course(IRC)* 3-0-0 3

CSEL04 Compiler Design L P C

CS324 (CSEL04) Elective - II 3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to

1. To discuss the phases of compiler.

2. To demonstrate parsing techniques and syntax direct translation schemes.
3. To explain run-Times to rageallocations strategies and Symbol Table implementation.
4. To teach the intermediate code forms and code generation.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the fundamental concepts of compiler.
2. Implement Parsers and SDT schemes.
3. Specify intermediate code forms for compiler construction.
4. Explain the code generation process.
5. Illustrate code optimization techniques..


UNIT I CO 1 12 Periods

Introduction to Compiling: Compilers - Analysis of the source program - Phases of

acompiler-Cousins of the Compiler –Grouping of Phases – Compiler construction tools.
Lexical Analysis: Role of Lexical Analyzer - Input Buffering - Specification of Tokens-
Recognition of tokens- a language for specifying lexical analyzers- Finite Automata-From
Regularexpressions to NFA.

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UNIT II CO 2 12 Periods

Syntax Analysis: Role of the parser- Top-Down parsing- Recursive Descent Parsing,
Predictiveparsing, LL(1)Parser.

Bottom-upparsing-Shift Reduce Parsing, Operator Precedence Parser–Operator

precedence parsing, Operator Precedence functions, Error recovery in operator
precedence parsing, LR Parsers –SLR Parser, Canonical LR Parser, and LALR Parser-Parser

UNIT III CO 2 & CO 3 12 Periods

Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax Directed definition-construction of syntax trees ,

Bottom-up evaluation of S-attribute Definitions-L-attribute Definitions.
Intermediate Code Generation: Intermediate languages – SDT scheme for Assignment
Statements - SDT scheme for Case Statements-SDT scheme for Boolean Expressions, SDT
scheme for Flow of control constructs-SDT scheme for Procedure calls.

UNIT IV CO4 & CO5 12 Periods

Code Generation: Issues in the design of code generator - The target machine –
Runtime Storage management-Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs – Next – use Information-A
simple Code generator-DAG representation of Basic Blocks.
Code Optimization: Introduction- Principal Sources of Optimization - Optimization of
basic Blocks-Peephole Optimization.

Learning Resources:


1. Alfred Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman, "Compilers Principles, Techniques and
Tools",PearsonEducation Asia, 2007.


1. AlfredV. Aho, JeffreyD. Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design, Narosapublishing,2002.

2. Lex & Yacc - JohnR. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown,2ndEdition, O'Reilly
3. Engineering a Compiler -Keith Cooper & LindaTorezon, 2ndEdition Elsevier.

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CSEL05 Distributed Systems L P C

CS324 (CSEL05) Elective - II 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To learn the principles underlying the function in of distributed systems
2. To understand the major technical challenges in distributed systems design
and implementation
3. To get exposure to current technology and the software used in distributed systems
4. To understand the implementation of typical algorithms used in distributed systems
5. To know the research issues in the field of distributed systems.

Course Outcomes:

1. Ability to list the principles involved in distributed systems

2. Knowledge of the technical challenges in distributed systems design and implementation
3. Knowledge of current techniques used to solve the technical challenges
4. Ability to design algorithms for various concepts of distributed systems
5. Ability to do research in distributed systems
6. Ability to develop simple distributed applications.

Course Content:

UNIT-I 12 periods

Introduction: Definition of a Distributed System, Goals, Hardware Concepts, Software

Concepts, The Client-Server Model.
Communication: Remote Procedure Call-Basic RPC Operation, Parameter Passing,
Extended RPC Models, Remote Object Invocation –Distributed Objects, Binding a Client
to an Object, Static versus Dynamic Remote Method Invocations, Parameter assing.
Message-Oriented Communication:-Persistence and Synchronicity in
Communication, Message Oriented Transient and Persistent Communication.

UNIT-II 18 periods

Processes:-Threads, Clients, Servers, Code Migration, Software Agents

Naming: Naming Entities -Names, Identifiers and Addresses, Name Resolution, The
Implementation of a Name Space. Locating Mobile Entities, Removing Unreferenced

UNIT-III 18 periods

Synchronization: Clock Synchronization. Logical Clocks, Election Algorithms, Mutual

Exclusion. Distributed Transactions.
Consistency and Replication: Introduction, Data-Centric Consistency Models, Client–
Centric Consistency Models, Distribution Protocols, Consistency Protocols.

UNIT-IV: 12 periods
Fault tolerance:-Introduction to Fault Tolerance, Process Resilience, Reliable
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Client-Server Communication, Reliable Group Communication, Distributed Commit,

Distributed File Systems:-Sun Network File System

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Tanenbaum, Maarten VanSteen “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”,2002,

Pearson Education/PHI.

Reference Books:

1. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg,“DistributedSystems-

2. MukeshSinghal&NiranjanG.Shivaratri,“AdvancedConceptsinOperatingSystems”,TMH.
3. PradeepKumarSinha,“DistributedOperatingSystem–ConceptsandDesign”,PHI.A

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CSEL06 Principles Of Cloud Computing L P C

CS324 (CSEL06) Elective - II 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To Explain different Cloud Deploy Models & Service Models in an enterprise cloud
2. To teach Cloud Virtual Machines Migration and cloud enhancing service.
3. To create awareness Cloud Data security issues, workflow engines and SLA
management for clouds.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the concepts of enterprise cloud environments, Cloud Deployment & Service Models.
2. Discuss the use of Cloud Virtual Machines and cloud enhancing services.
3. Describe the Secure Distributed Data Storage and workflow engines for clouds.
4. Explain Data security and SLA Management.

Course Content:
UNIT I 12 Periods

Introduction to cloud computing: Cloud Computing, in a Nutshell, roots of Cloud

Computing, Layers and Types of Clouds, Desired Features of Cloud, Cloud Infrastructure
Management, Infrastructure as a Service Providers, Platform as a Service Providers.

Migration into a Cloud: Introduction, Broad Approaches to Migrating into the Cloud, The
Seven-Step Model of Migration into a Cloud.

Enriching the ‘Integration as a Service’ Paradigm for the Cloud Era: An

Introduction, The Onset of Knowledge Era, The Evolution of SaaS, The challenges of SaaS
paradigm, New integration scenarios, The integration methodologies, Saas integration
products and platforms, SaaS Integration Services, Business to Business Integration(B2Bi)
Services, A Framework of Sensor-Cloud Integration.

UNIT II 12 Periods

The Enterprise Cloud Computing Paradigm: Relevant deployment models for enterprise
cloud computing, Issues for Enterprise Applications on the Cloud, Transition Challenges,
Business Drivers toward a Marketplace for Enterprise Cloud Computing, The Cloud Supply

Virtual Machines Provisioning and Migration Services: Virtualization Technology

overview, Virtual Machines Provisioning and Manageability, Virtual Machine Migration
Services, VM Provisioning and Migration in Action, Provisioning in the Cloud Context.

Enhancing Cloud Computing Environments Using a Cluster as a Service:

Introduction, Related Work, RVWS Design, Cluster as a Service: The Logical Design, Proof of
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

UNIT III 12 Periods

Secure Distributed Data Storage in Cloud Computing: Introduction, Cloud Storage:

from LANs TO WANs, Technologies for Data Security in Cloud Computing Open Questions
and Challenges.
Workflow Engine for Clouds: Introduction, Workflow Management Systems and Clouds,
Architecture of Workflow Management Systems, Utilizing Clouds for Workflow Execution.

UNIT IV 12 Periods

SLA Management in Cloud Computing: Traditional Approaches to SLO Management,

Types of SLA, Life Cycle of SLA, SLA Management in Cloud, Automated Policy-based

Data Security in the Cloud: An Introduction to the Idea of Data Security, The Current
State of Data Security in the Cloud, Homo Sapiens and Digital Information, Cloud Computing
and Data Security Risk, Cloud Computing and Identity, The Cloud, Digital Identity, and Data
Security, Content Level Security—Pros and Cons.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. RajkumarBuyya, James Broberg, AndrZejGoscinski, Cloud Computing

Principles andParadigms, Wiley Publications.

Reference Books:

1. Michael Miller, Cloud Computing – Web-Based Application That Change the

Way YouWork
2. and Collaborate Online Pearson Publications.
3. Thomas Erl, ZaighamMahmood, & Ricardo Puttini, Cloud Computing-
4. Architecture Pearson Publications.
5. Enterprise Cloud Computing - Technology, Architecture, Applications, GautamShroff,
6. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
7. Cloud Computing Bible, Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley-India, 2010.
8. Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing, R.
9. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C.Fox. Jack J. Dongarra, Distributed and Cloud Computing – From
10. Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things, ELSEVIER Publications.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CS324(CSEL07-IRC*) Secure Software Engineering L P C

(Professional Elective-VI) 3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Identify the fundamental concepts in security aspects to be included in software systems

2. Explain the approaches used in secure software development methodologies.
3. Describe concepts in Secure Coding and Security Testing techniques.
4. Analyze Resources, code, protection and security mechanisms in software

Course Outcomes :

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the applicability of security concepts to the issues related to software development.
2. Explain the required improvements to ensure a secure development methodology
3. Identify the most appropriate approach to develop secure software solution for real world
problems .
4. Discuss the secure coding principles and practices.
5. Describe the effects and implications of security technologies and validating software.

Course Content:

UNIT I [CO1] [Text Book1] 12 Periods

Introduction &Motivation: Hacker vs. Cracker, Historical Background, Mode of Ethical

Hacking, Hacker Motive, Gathering Information, Secure Software, Compliance
Requirements, C- Level Language, Assets, Threats and Risks, Security Requirements,
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.

Secure Software Development Methodologies: Secure Software Development

Lifecycle (SSDLC), Guidelines for Secure Software, SD-3 Principles, Security Practices,
Secure coding standards, OWASP, ISO15408, Common Criteria (CC), build-insecurity
Requirements Engineering: Availability, Authenticity, Confidentiality, Efficiency, Integrity,
Maintainability, Portability,Reliability,

UNIT II [CO2] [CO3] [Text Book 1] [Text Book2] 12 Periods

Requirements Engineering for Secure Software: Introduction, Misuse and Abuse

cases, The SQUARE Process model, SQUARE Sample outputs, Requirements Engineering:
Requirements Elicitation, Requirements Prioritization.

Secure Architectural Design: Threat Modelling, Asset, Threat, Attack, Data flow Diagram
(DFD), Threat Tree (Attack Tree), STRIDE, DREAD. Security Architecture, Software Attack
Surface, Secure, Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Discretionary Access Control (DAC),
Role- based Access Control (RBAC), Access Matrix.

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UNIT III [CO4] [Text Book1] 12 Periods

Considerations for Secure Coding and Testing: Introduction, code analysis, static
analytical tools, examples, coding practices, Software security testing, Software security
testing considerations throughout SDLC Examples.
Security and Complexity: SystemAssembly and Challenges:Introduction, Security
Failures,Functionaland Attacker Perspectives for Security Analysis:Two examples: System
complexity and drivers and security.

UNIT IV [CO5] [Text Book2] 12 Periods

Defensive Tactics and Technologies: Tactics and Technologies for Mitigating Threats,
Authentication: Mitigating Spoofing, Integrity: Mitigating Tampering, Non-Repudiation:
Mitigating Repudiation, Confidentiality: Mitigating Information Disclosure, Availability:
Mitigating Denial of Service, Authorization: Mitigating Elevation of Privilege, Tactic and
Technology Traps.
Validating That Threats Are Addressed: Testing Threat Mitigations, How to Test a
mitigation,Black box testing, White box testing, Penetration Testing

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. “Software Security Engineering: A Guide for Project Managers” byJulia H. Allen, Sean
Barnum, Robert J. Ellison, Gary McGraw and Nancy Mead. Addison-Wesley (2008)
2. “Threat Modelling: Designing for Security” by Adam Shostack, John Wiley and
Sons Inc, (2014).(UNIT II- Chapter 3, 4, 5and UNITIV- Chapter8, 10)

Reference Books:

1. “Software Security: Building Security “by Gary McGraw, Addison-Wesley (2006)

2. “7 Qualities of Highly Secure Software” by Mano Paul, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press.
Web Resources:

1. https://home.engineering.iastate.edu/~othmanel/CPRE562.html
2. http://player.slideplayer.com/download/22/6355598/GLChELIc45VZQLdcyZPJSg/
1686627 364/6355598.ppt4 (For Topics in Unit III and Unit IV)

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CS325 Open / Job Oriented Elective – II L P C

3 0 3
JOEL01 Big data Processing

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of the course are:
1. To impart the fundamental concepts and Eco System of big data.
2. To create awareness on NoSQL database sand MapReduce framework.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Discuss the basics of Big Data.
2. Explain the Hadoop framework and Hadoop Distributed File system.
3. Apply the MapReduce programming model to process the big data
4. Illustrate the concepts of NoSQL databases.
5. Process big data using Hadoop tools – AVRO, Hive, Pig, HBase and Zookeeper.

Course Content:

UNIT I Text Book-1 [CO1, CO2] 12 Periods

Introduction to big data: Data, Characteristics of data and Types of digital data: Unstructured,
Semi-structured and Structured, Evolution and Definition of big data, Sources of big data,
Characteristics and Need of big data, Challenges of big data.

Introduction to Hadoop: Text Book – 3

History of Hadoop, Components of Hadoop, The Hadoop Distributed File System: Design of
HDFS, HDFS Concepts, Java interfaces to HDFS, Analysing the Data with Hadoop, scaling out,
Hadoop Streaming.

UNIT-II Text Book – 3 [CO3] 12 Periods

Map Reduce:Developing a Map Reduce Application, How Map Reduce Works: Anatomy of a Map
Reduce Job run, Failures, Map Reduce Features: Counters, Sorting, Joins.

UNIT-III Text Book -2 [CO4] 12 Periods

NoSQL:Introduction to NoSQL, aggregate data models, aggregates, key-value and document data
models, relationships, graph databases, schema less databases, materialized views,
Distribution models: sharding, master-slave replication, peer- peer replication, Combiningsharding
and replication, consistency, relaxing consistency, version stamps.

UNIT-IV Text Book -3 [CO5] 10 Periods

Introduction to Hadoop ecosystem technologies: Serialization: AVRO, Co-ordination:

Zookeeper, Databases: HBase, Hive, Scripting language: Pig.

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Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Seema Acharya and SubhashiniChellappan, “Big Data and Analytics”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,
2. P. J. Sadalage and M. Fowler, "NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World Polyglot
Persistence", Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012.
3. Tom White, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", Fourth Edition, O'Reilley, 2015.

1. Bill Franks, “Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams
with Advanced Analytics”, John Wiley& sons, 2012.
2. ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti, “Big Data Science & Analytics: A Hands On Approach “,
VPT, 2016
3. Bart Baesens, “Analytics in a Big Data World;The essential Guide to Data Science and its
Applications (WILEY Big Data Series)”, John Wiley & Sons, 2014.

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JOEL02 Full Stack Development

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To Explore theNode.js-to-Angular Stack.

2. To make the students understand the MonoDB databases
3. To Develop Dynamic custom web applications using Mean Full Stack Web Framework

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss Node. js-to-Angular Stack Components

2. Design Front-end Applications using Angular JS Framework components
3. Implement Applications using Node.js components such as packages, events, listeners, etc.
4. Develop backend scripts using Mongo DB.

Course Content:
UNIT I (CO – 1) 12 periods
Introducing the Node.js-to-Angular Stack: Understanding the Basic Web
Development Framework, Understanding the Node.js-to-Angular Stack Components
Getting Started with Node.js: Understanding Node.js, Installing Node.js, Working with Node
Packages, Creating a Node.js Application, Writing Data to the Console
Angular.js: Getting Started with Angular, Why Angular?, Understanding Angular, Separation
of Responsibilities, Adding Angular to Your Environment, Using the Angular CLI, Creating a
Basic Angular Application, Understanding and Using NgModule,
UNITII (CO – 2) 13 periods
Angular Components: Component Configuration, Building a Template, Using Constructors,
UsingExternal Templates, Injecting Directives.
Expressions: Using Expressions, Using Pipes.
Data Binding: Understanding Data Binding.
Built-in Directives: Understanding Directives, Using Built-in Directives

UNIT III (CO – 3) 13 periods

Using Events, Listeners, Timers, and Callbacks in Node.js: Node.js Event Model,
Adding Work to the Event Queue, Implementing Callbacks

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Implementing HTTP Services in Node.js:Processing URLs, Understanding Request,

Response, and Server Objects, Implementing HTTP Clients and Servers in Node.js,
Implementing HTTPS Servers and Clients
Implementing Express in Node.js: Getting Started with Express, Configuring Routes,
Using Request/Responses Objects

UNIT IV (CO – 4) 12 periods

Understanding No SQL and MongoDB: Why No SQL?, Understanding MongoDB,
MongoDB Data Types;
Getting Started with MongoDB andNode.js: Adding the MongoDB Driver to Node.js,
Connecting to MongoDB from Node.js, the Objects Used in the MongoDB Node.js
Driver,Accessingand Manipulating Databases.

1. Node.js, MongoDB andAngular WebDevelopment(Second Edition), Brad
Dayley,Brendan DayleyCaleb Dayley, byPearson Education,Inc.(Chapters 1, 3,
21-25, 4, 7,11-12, 18)

1. Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular,and Node, Manning Publications,by Simon
Holmes, Clive Herber,ISBN-10 : 1617294756,
2. Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development,by Greg Lim (Author) ,ISBN-10 :
3. Beginning Node.js, Basarat Syed, APress, ISBN-10: 9781484201886

List of Lab Programs:

Lab 01.
Create a Node.JS environment with node and npm utilities commands and to check and test the node
environment with Node.js Console module.
 steps for installation of Node.js environment Node
 Test through the node REPL shell commands
 Also install prompt-sync module using npm utility.
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 Test and check the prompt-sync with console Module

Lab 02.
Create a custom Date module using exports keyword Node module by using npm commands and to
determine and display current Node.JS Webserver time and date.
 Create Node Package Module myDate() using node utilities without package.json file
 Also Create the Node Package ModulemyDate() using with
package.json file directives like version,name,bin,etc.,
 Also install created packaged module using npm utility

Lab 03.
Create Node JS Application with Folder structure using npm utilities and develop one application to
display “welcome Node JS APP” Greet message
 With VisualStudioCodeAPP Framework(Any other)
 WithoutVisualStudioCode APP Framework
 Also Access the Custom myDate Module.
Lab 04.
Create Angular CLIApplicationswith different component configuration steps usingdifferent @Angular
ng module utilities at CLI environment.
 Class component Angular app
 Define Inlineselector component in Angular HelloWorld app with root element
 Define Inline template component in Angular HelloWorld app with HTML elements
 Define Inline Style component in Angular HelloWorld app to style the color of the messag
Lab 05.
Create Angular CLIApplications using Angular Class component constructors and objects and different
variable initialization.
 Create Date Class Constructor with current Date in Class Component
 By using Selector,templateURL and styleURL External component configurations demonstrate
the constructor with different objects

Lab 06.
Create Angular CLIApplications using Angular Expressions and Filters to demonstrate the one App.
 Create different Angular Expressions in Class Component
 Also Specify with Different Angular pipes or filters to demonstrate each filter with Angular

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Lab 07.
Create Angular CLI Applications using Data Binding demonstrate each binding type with form
 Interpolation Binding.
 Style Binding
 Class Binding.
 Two –way binding.
Lab 08.
Create Node.js Application using URL module to decompose URL Componentswith urlStr =
 Resolving the URL Components with url.parse() and url.format() methods
 Also to Resolving the URL using url.resolve();
Lab 09.
Implementing Http Server and Http Client using http node.js module and demonstrate the Http
Client/server Application.
 Create Http Static server files data using static files.
 Define HttpRequest/HttpResponse objects

Lab 10.
Create Simple Arithmetic Operations Form with different form input elements N1 and N2 text
components and ADD button component.
 provide Express Server with listen port:3000
 Use Express.use route and URL Pattern ‘/add’
 provide different routing configurations either POST or GET
Lab 11.
Create Simple Login form Page Application using Express JS Module:
 provide Express Server with listen port:4000 with URL Pattern ‘/login’
 Display the login form with username, password, and submit button on the screen.
 Users can input the values on the form.
 Validate the username and password entered by the user.
 Display Invalid Login Credentials message when the login fails.
 Show a success message when login is successful.

Lab 12.
Create Simple MongDBServer withmongod configuration data and also manage Mongoshell using
 Create simple student document Database
 Insert one student record in mongosh
 Update and delete one document in mongosh
 Also to perform connection from MongoDB to node.js driver connection string

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CS/IT361 Artificial Intelligence lab L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of the course are:
1. Develop various applications in AI
2. Formulate and implement real-world problems as state space problems,
optimization problems or constraint satisfaction problems
3. Select and apply AI techniques to solve complex problems.
4. To learn about various Python packages that are used for solving AI problems
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Solve problems using different uninformed search techniques
2. Solve problems using different heuristic search techniques
3. Implement the algorithms for game playing
4. Solve problems using AI techniques.

List of Programs:

1. Implement Exhaustive search techniques using

a. BFS
b. DFS
c. Uniform Cost Search
d. Depth-First Iterative Deepening
e. Bidirectional
2. Implement water jug problem with Search tree generation using
a. BFS b. DFS
3. Implement Missionaries and Cannibals problem with Search tree generation using
a. BFS b. DFS
4. Implement Vacuum World problem with Search tree generation using
a. BFS b. DFS
5. Implement the following
a. Greedy Best First Search
b. A* algorithm
6. Implement 8-puzzle problemusing A* algorithm
7. Implement AO* algorithm forGeneral graph problem
8. Implement Game trees using
a. MINIMAX algorithm
b. Alpha-Beta pruning
9. Implement Crypt arithmetic problems.
10. Program to implement Logic.

Additional Programs:

1. Implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe Problem

2. Implementation of 8- Queens problem

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CS362 Machine Learning Lab L P C

0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Demonstrate the basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning.
2. Develop skills of using recent machine learning software for solving practical problems.
3. Provide experience of doing independent study and research.

Course Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

1. Implement supervised learning techniques.

2. Develop solutions to the problems using unsupervised learning.

Lab Programs:
1. Implement Find-S algorithm in Python for a concept EnjoyWaterSport and display the maximal
specific Hypothesis for the given training examples in a CSV file and assign a label for new instance.

2. Implement candidate elimination Algorithm for a concept EnjoyWaterSport by taking training

samples from CSV file and assign a label for new data.

3. Implement Naive Bayesian Classifier for PlayTennis Concept by reading training samples from .txt
file and assign a label.

4. Implement a Python program to calculate the accuracy of Naive Bayesian Classifier by reading a
training samples from CSV file.

5. Implementation of Bayesian belief network.

6. Implement ID3 Decision Tree Classifier for PlayTennis Concept by reading training samples from
CSV file.

7. Implement a Python program to calculate the accuracy of Decision Tree Classifier by reading a
training samples from CSV file.

8. Initialize the neural network with the given input data, train the network and display the updated
weights, outputs, and error values at each node along with the network error value upon completion
of training at each iteration.
a) Calculate accuracy of KNN classifier on IRIS data set using functions from scikitlearn package.
b) Calculate accuracy of SVM classifier on IRIS data set using functions from scikitlearn package.

10. Implement a K Nearest Neighbor(KNN) classifier to assign a label for new instance(data point)
using a set of N no. of data points.
11. Implement a K -Means Clustering under unsupervised learning to assign a cluster membership to
the each data point for the given set of N no. of data points.
12. Implement linear regression method to predict the loan amount for entered salary value.
13. Implementation of Q learning to demonstrate reinforcement learning.
14. Implement Apriori association rule mining to display all frequent item sets.
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CS/IT363 Term Paper L P C

0 3 1.5

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To build Confidence in understanding the current state of the art technology.
2. Identification of the field of interest.
3. To develop the ability to select are search paper from International Journals.
4. To identifying the technology used and to extend the work in various applications.
5. Develop presentation skills.

Course Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
1. Select a research problem from reputed international research journals.
2. Identify the limitations of existing techniques.
3. Discuss the merits and methodology of proposed solution(s) to the selected problem.
4. Present the selected problem as a member or a leader in a team.
5. Prepare a report as per the standard format.

It is aimed as a precursor to the project work done in the second semester of

thefinal year B.Tech. It should help the students to identify their research area / topic and
shouldform the ground work and preliminary research required for the project work.

The batches formed for pursuing the Project Work in the Final Year shall select
some research article published in the latest journals of IEEE, ACM and other referred
journals. The batch must gain an understanding of the research tools used and the related
material, available both in printed and digital formats. Each individual of the project batch
must make the presentation for two rounds on the same research article about their
understanding, conclusion and if possible propose the extensions for the work.

At the end of the Semester, the batch must submit a report in IEEE format, on the work
theyhave pursued through out the Semester containing.

The aim and objective of the study.

The Rationale behind the study.
The work already done in the field and identified.
Hypothesis, experiment ation and discussion .
Conclusion and further work possible.
Appendices consisting of Illustrations,Tables, Graphs etc.,
Evaluation is to be done for the two presentations made and the report submitted.

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CSSL4 Skill Oriented Course – IV L P C

1 2 2

Advanced skill Oriented courses


Automation Testing
b. Object Oriented Modeling and
c. Socket Programming

CSSL4(a) Automation Testing L P C

Skill Oriented Course – IV 1 2 2

Course Objectives:

1. Distributed Systems: Introduce basic concepts of automated software testing

2. Understand white box, black box, object oriented, web based testing
3. Know in details automation testing and selenium testing tool used for automation testing
4. Understand the importance of automation testing development.

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
1. Describe the fundamental concepts in software testing such as manual testing,
automation testing
2. develop a project test plan, design test cases, test data, and conduct test
3. Apply selenium automation tool for testing web application using java
4. Explain automation testing using NG tool
Course Content :

UNIT I 10 Periods

Introduction: Introduction to Selenium Structure Objectives What is Selenium?;

Introducing Selenium, Brief History of The Selenium Project, Selenium’s Tool Suite, Selenium
IDEF, Selenium RC, Selenium Web driver, Selenium Grid, Test Design Considerations

Preparing System and Application Under Test:Structure Objectives Setting eclipse

Create new Java project Adding Selenium jars Set browser drivers Walkthrough of BPB
application Other applications

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UNIT II 10 Periods

Web Driver, Web Element, and By Structure Objectives Web Driver and its purpose Set
browser drivers Methods of Web Driver The Web Element interface Generic structure of Web
Element Methods of Web Elements Exception with Web Elements About By class Methods in
By class Understanding locators Exception with the By class
Working with Web Elements—Form, Table, and Dropdown Structure Objectives Working with
formelements working with Web Tables Working with dropdown

UNIT III 10 Periods

Working with Web Element—Alert, Frame, IFrame, and Window Structure Objectives Working
with JavaScript alerts Working with Frame and IFrame Working with HTML window
Extra Concepts— Actions, Screenshot, Web Driver Manager Introduction Structure Objectives
Actions Screenshot Web Driver Manager

UNIT IV 10 Periods

What is Test NG Structure Objectives Introduction, Installation Structure Assertions in

Test NG Result and reporting in Test NG Design Test NG test passing data in Test NG test
Concept of Page Object Model Structure Objectives Page object model Implementing page
object model Implementing page factory Structure Objectives Managing data using CSV
Managing data using Excel Reading data from Excel file Using Excel reading function



1. Web Browser Automation for Testing Using Selenium with Java” by Pallavi S,

1. M G Limaye, “Software Testing Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Tata McGraw

Hill, ISBN: 9780070139909 0070139903
2. SrinivasanDesikan, Gopalswamy Ramesh, “Software Testing Principles and
Practices”,Pearson, ISBN-10: 817758121X
3. NareshChauhan, “Software Testing Principles and Practices ", OXFORD,
ISBN-10: 0198061846. ISBN-13: 9780198061847
4. Stephen Kan, “Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering”, Pearson,
ISBN-10: 0133988082; ISBN-13: 978-0133988086

Web References:

1. https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/
2. https://testng.org/doc/index.html

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CSSL4 (b) Object Oriented Modeling and L P C

Skill Oriented Course – IV 1 2 2

Course objectives:
At the end of the course, the student will understand
1. The basic concepts in Object-Oriented modeling and their benefits.
2. The basic concept of use-case model, sequence model and state chart model for a
given problem.
3. How Translate the requirements into implementation for Object Oriented design.
4. Choose an appropriate design pattern to facilitate development procedure.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Describe the concepts of object-oriented modelling.
2. Draw UML diagrams to model the given problem.
3. Develop software components for the given problem.
4. Explain design patterns for the given problem

Course Content:

UNIT I 10 Periods

Introduction, Modeling Concepts and Class Modeling: What is Object orientation?

What is OO development? Evidence for usefulness of OO development; OO modeling history.

Modeling as Design technique: Class Modeling: Object and class concepts; Link and
associations concepts; Generalization and inheritance; A sample class model.

UNIT II 10 Periods

Use Case Modeling and Detailed Requirements: Overview; Detailed object-

oriented Requirements definitions; System Processes-A use case/Scenario view;
Identifying Input and outputs-The System sequence diagram; Identifying Object
Behavior-The state chart Diagram; Integrated Object-oriented Models.

UNIT III 10 Periods


Nested state diagrams; Nested states; Signal generalization; Concurrency; A sample state model;

Interaction Modeling: Use case models; Sequence models; Activity models. Use case

UNITIV 10 Periods

Design Patterns: Introduction; what is a design pattern? Describing design patterns, the
catalogue of design patterns, Organizing the catalogue, How design patterns solve design
problems, how to select a design patterns, how to use a design pattern; Creational patterns:

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prototype and singleton (only); structural patterns adaptor and proxy (only).
Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh: Object Oriented Modelling and Design with
UML,2ndEdition, Pearson Education,2005
2. Satzinger, Jackson and Burd: Object-Oriented Analysis & Design with the
UnifiedProcess, Cengage Learning,2005.
3. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and john Vlissides: Design
Patterns –Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Pearson

Reference Books:
1. Grady Booch et al: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3 rd
Edition,Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Brahma Dathan, SarnathRamnath: Object-Oriented Analysis, Design,
and Implementation, Universities Press, 2009.
3. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado: UML 2 Toolkit,
Wiley-Dreamtech India, 2004.
4. Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb and Ray Farmer: Object-Oriented Systems Analysis
and Design Using UML, 2 nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CSLL4(C) Socket Programming L P C

Skill Oriented Course – IV 1 2 2

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are :

1. To introduce the client/server programming design issues and protocols.
2. To discuss the elementary TCP/UDP system calls.
3. To demonstrate the performance of server process using threads.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Explain the basics of network programming.
2. Implement client/server applications using elementary socket functions.
3. Develop concurrent client/server programs using multiplexing and threads.
4. Demonize various client/server processes.

Course Content:

UNIT I 10 periods

Data in client, Error Handling, Data in Server, Client Server examples, OSI model, Unix
Standards,64 bit architectures.

The Transport Layer:

Introduction, User datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), TCP Connection Establishment and Termination,
TIME_WAIT State,Port Numbers, TCP Port Numbers and Concurrent Servers.
Sockets Introduction:
Introduction, Socket Address structures, Value-Result Arguments, Byte Ordering Functions,
inet_aton, inet_addr,andinet_ntoa Functions, inet_pton and inet_ntop Functions, readn,
writen and readline Functions.

UNIT II 10 periods

Elementary TCP Sockets:

Introduction, socket Function, connect Function, bind function, listen function, accept
Function, fork and exec Functions, Concurrent Servers, close Function, getsockname and
getpeername Functions.

TCP Client-Server Example:

Introduction, TCP Echo Server: main Function, TCP Echo Server: str_echo Function, TCP
Echo Client: main Function, TCP Echo Client: str_cli Function, Normal Startup, Normal
Termination, POSIX Signal Handling, Handling SIGCHLD Signals, wait and waitpid Functions,
Connection Abort before accept Returns, Termination of Server Process, SIGPIPE Signal,
Crashing of Server Host, Crashing and rebooting of Server Host.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

UNIT III 8 periods

Elementary UDP Sockets:

Introduction, recvfrom and sendto Functions, UDP Echo Server: main Function, UDP Echo
Server:dg_echo Function, UDP Echo Client: main Function, UDP Echo Client:dg_cli Function,
Lost Datagrams, Verifying Received Response, Server Not Running, connect Function with
UDP, dg_cli Function (Revisited), Lack of Flow Control with UDP, Determining Outgoing
Interface withUDP,TCP and UDP echo Server Using select.

UNITIV 8 periods
Daemon Processes and the inetdSuperserver:
Introduction, syslogd Daemon, syslog Function, daemon_init Function, inetd Daemon,
daemon_inetd Function

Introduction, Basic Thread Functions: Creation and Termination, str_cli Function Using
Threads, TCP Echo Server Using Threads, Thread-Specific Data, Mutexes: Mutual Exclusion,
Condition Variables.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. W.Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff, Unix Network

Programming. TheSockets Networking API, Volume 1 , 3rd edition – 2004.

Reference Books:
1. Douglas E.Comer,David L.Stevens, Internetworking With TCP/IP: Design,
Implementation and Internals
2. Rochkind, Advanced Unix Programming, 2nd edition

Web References:
1. http://www.pearsoned.co.in/wrichardstevens
2. http://www.iana.org

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Semester- VII (Final Year)

Hours Per
Scheme of Examination Category
Course Week
S.No Course Title
Code Internal Sem End
L P Credits
Marks Exam Marks
Humanities and Social Sciences
1 CS411 3 0 30 70 3 HS
2 CS412 Professional Elective - III 3 0 30 70 3 PE
3 CS413 Professional Elective - IV 3 0 30 70 3 PE
4 CS414 Professional Elective – V (MOOCS) 0 0 - 100 3 PE
5 CS415 Open / Job Oriented Elective - III 3 0 30 70 3 OE
Open / Job Oriented Elective – IV
6 CS416 0 0 - 100 3 HS
7 CS451 Internship / Professional Certification - - 100 - 3 PR
8 CSSL5 Skill Oriented Course – V 1 2 100 - 2 SC
TOTAL 13 2 320 480 23

CS411-Humanities & Social Sciences Elective for CSE

1 HSEL1 Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship
2 HSEL2 Economics for Engineers
3 HSEL3 Introduction to Industrial Management
4 HSEL4 Project Management & Entrepreneurship
5 HSEL5 Human Resources and Organizational Behavior

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HSEL1 Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:

1. To enable the student to demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of Management

and Organisations.
2. To alert the students in regular business activity on Time values of money and
3. To motivate the students on Entrepreneurial Perspectives at present business.
4. To enable the student on the MSME sector and motivate the startup of MSME and
support agencies.

Course outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students are able to
1. To gain insight into contemporary issues in Management and Business Organisation
2. Ability to identify, analyze and interpret various concepts of time values of money
and depreciation.
3. An understanding of the impact of knowledge on Entrepreneurship to enable the
student to meet theneeds of Industry
4. Recognition of the needs and ability to MEME and Support Agencies

UNIT I Text Book - 1 [CO:1] 10 periods

Management and Business Organisation: Management concept-Managerial and operational

functions ofmanagement-Scientific management-Job Design-Job description and job
specification. Sole Proprietorship, Partnership Firm, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Joint
Stock Company, One Person Company (OPC), Private Company & Public Limited Company
form of Organization, Co-Operatives.

UNIT II Text Book - 1,2 [CO:2] 10 periods

Time values of money and depreciation: Simple interest-Compound interest-Present worth
factors Future worth factors-Depreciation Concept-Straight-line method of depreciation-
Diminishingmethod of depreciation-Sum of the year digits method of depreciation etc along
with problems

UNIT III Text Book - 3,4 [CO:3] 10 periods

Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship-Concept of Entrepreneur-Characteristics of an
Entrepreneur Distinction between an Entrepreneur and Intra preneur and a Manager-
Functions of an Entrepreneur-Types of entrepreneurs-Recent Trends
of Women Entrepreneurship-RuralEntrepreneurship-
Entrepreneurial process -Growth of Entrepreneurship in India

UNIT IV Text Book – 3,4 [CO:4] 10 periods

MSME and Support Agencies: Meaning of MSME-Definitions of MSME, Characteristics of
MSME- Relationships of MSME- Certificate of MSME - Make in India concept of MSME-
Commercial Banks- financial institutions-(KVIC) Khadi and Village Industries Commission-
(SIDO) Small Industries Development Corporation -(NSIC) National Small Industries
Corporation-(NPC) National productivity council-(DIC) District Industries Centre-(SFC) State
Financial corporation.
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Learning Resources:

Text Book(S):

1. KK Ahuja, Industrial Management, Vol. I & II, Dhanpat Rai, 1978.

2. E.PaulDegarmo, John R Chanda, William G Sullivan, Engineering Economy,
Mac Millan PublishingCo, 1979.
3. Poornima M Charantimath, Entrepreneurship Development Small business
environment, PearsonEducation
4. ShivganeshBhargav, Entrepreneurial Management, Sage Publications, 2008.
Reference Book(s):

1. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management,11th Edition, 2008.

2. Heinz Weirich and Harold Koontz, Management, 10th Edition, TMH, 2004.

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HSEL2 Economics for Engineers L P C

3 0 3
Course objectives:
1. To provide the students with knowledge of basic economic problems and the
relationship between engineering technology and economics.
2. To make the students understand the demand determinants and the methods of
demandforecasting of a product.
3. The students gain the knowledge about various cost concepts for determining the
manufacturing of a product.
4. To sensitize the students about the changing environment of banking scenario
and tounderstand the functions of RBI.

Course outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students are able to

1. Explain the basic economic problems and objectives of a firm.
2. Discuss overall functions and concepts of Demand elasticity of the firm and forecasting.
3. Describe how to sustain break even for a business through linkage of various cost concepts.
4. Explain the overview of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization and their impact on
Indian economy.

Course Content:
UNIT I Text Book - 1,2 [CO:1] 15 periods
ENGINEERING ECONOMICS: Economics definition - Functions & Scope of Engineering
economics -Basic economic problem - Relationship between Science - Engineering -
Technology -Economics.FIRMS OBJECTIVE: Theories of Maximization - Profit
Maximization - Wealth Maximization -Growth Maximization - Sales Revenue Maximization -
Utility Maximization.

UNIT II Text Book - 2,3 [CO:2] 15 periods

THEORY OF DEMAND: Demand Definition - Nature and Characteristics of Demand -
Demandschedule Law of demand - Limitations to the law of demand - Various concepts
of DemandElasticity – Price Elasticity - Income Elasticity - Cross elasticity - Demand
Forecasting definition - Factors determining Demand Forecasting - Methods of Demand

UNIT III Text Book - 4 [CO:3] 15 periods

COST CONCEPTS: Introduction - Types of costs - Fixed cost - Variable cost - Average cost
– Marginal cost - Real cost - Opportunity cost - Accounting cost - Economic cost - Break -
Even analysis.

UNIT IV Text Book - 4 [CO:4] 15 periods

INDIAN ECONOMY - AN OVERVIEW: Nature and characteristics of Indian economy –
Banking-Structure of Indian Banking- RBI functions - Functions of Commercial banks - Merits
and Demerits of Liberalization - Privatization - Globalization(LPG) - Elementary concepts of
WTO - GATT- GATS -TRIPs - TRIMs - Monetary Policy - Fiscal Policy.

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Learning Resources:

Text Book(s):
1. Riggs, Bedworth and Randhwa, Engineering Economics, McGraw-Hill Education India.
2. S.C.Sharma and T.R.Banga, Industrial Organisation and Engineering
3. S.K.Misra and V.K.Puri, Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya
4. H.L.Ahuja, Managerial Economics, S.Chand Publishing.

Reference Book(s):

1. Singh A and Sadh A.N., Industrial Economics , Himalaya Publishing House , Bombay
2. R.L.Varshney&K.L.Maheswari, Managerial Economics,S.Chand Publishing ,2003 Edition
3. Datt&Sundharam, Indian Economy ,S.Chand Publishing, 2014 Edition.

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HSEL3 Introduction to Industrial Management L P C

3 0 3

Course objectives:
1. To provide the students a foundation in concepts and skills in management.
2. To make the students understand the concept of interest and evaluation of
project alternatives.
3. Prepare the students for facing the changing environment, its implication on
human resources and to achieve the corporate excellence.
4. Provide awareness about the materials requirement and procurement, in order to
producegood quality products and maintain quality as desired by the consumer.

Course outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students are able to

1. become aware of the inference of organization structure and performance of
peopleworking inorganizations.
2. get knowledge about time value of money, evaluation of alternatives in the
3. understand the elements of human resource management to acquire competitive
4. use right sort of material for delivering the right products and services to the market.

Course Content:

UNIT I [CO:1] 15 Periods

GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Management Concept, Managerial levels, Managerial Skills,

Manageria llevels v/s skills, Brief treatment of managerial functions, Scientific Management
Principles, Administrative Principles of Management. FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANISATION:
Salient features of sole proprietorship. Partnership, JointStock Company, Private limited and
Publiclimited companies.

UNIT II [CO:2] 15 Periods

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Objectives of Financial Management - Concept of money –

Equivalent cash flow diagram - Break even analysis-Economic evaluation of alternatives-
Basic methods – the annual equivalent method - present worth method - future worth
method. DEPRECIATION: Purpose - Definition - types of depreciation - common methods of
depreciation – The Straight Line Method - Diminishing Balance Method - the Sum of the Years
Digits Method.

UNIT III [CO:3] 15 Periods

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Functions of Human Resource Management - Job

Analysis - Human Resources Planning - Brief treatment of Recruitment - Selection -
Placement - Induction &Orientation - Training and Development - Performance Appraisal.
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Introduction, need of supply, Chain management, Elements
of Supply chain management, logistics, E-commerce, Steps in creating an effective supply
chain, Supplier management.

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UNIT IV [CO:4] 15 Periods

MATERIAL MANAGEMENT: Functions of Materials Management - Material Requirement

Planning - Purchasing - Objectives of Purchasing - Sources of Selection - Procurement
Methods - Vendor Rating -Inventory Management - EOQ - EPQ - ABC Analysis.
MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Functions of Marketing - Marketing Mix - Product life cycle -
Channels of distribution - Marketing Segmentation -Advertising & Sales promotion - Market




1. KK Ahuja, Industrial Management and Organizational Behaviour, Khanna Publishers.

2. Pravin Kumar, Industrial Engineering and Management, Pearson Publications.

Reference Book(s):

1. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, 11th Edition, Pearson Education.

2. Heinz Weirich and Harold Koontz, Management, 10th Edition, TMH.

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HSEL4 Project Management & Entrepreneurship L P C

3 0 3
Course objectives:

1. To develop Entrepreneurial creativity and Entrepreneurial initiative, adopting the key

steps in the elaboration of business idea.
2. To be aware the growth and development of Entrepreneurial process and the
resources needed for the successful development of Entrepreneurial ventures.
3. To grasp the project identification, Planning and execution of the projects.
4. To understand the project analysis, apply appropriate project tools and techniques.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students are able to
1. utilize the ideas to create value.
2. self-advocacy and problem solving skills and manage strong identity purpose.
3. Understand the conceptual clarity about project identification, formulation and
4. Analyse the learning and implementation of the project techniques for project
planning,schedulingand execution.

UNIT I [CO:1] 15 Periods

Entrepreneurship: An overview of Entrepreneurship - Characteristics and competencies of
Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurial traits - Classification of Entrepreneurs - functions of
Entrepreneur -Distinction between Entrepreneur, Intra preneur and Manager -
Entrepreneurial decision process

UNIT II [CO:2] 15 Periods

Entrepreneurship growth and Development: Factors affecting Entrepreneurial Development –
Economic and Non-Economic factors - Entrepreneurial Development Programs - Need and
objectives of EDP -EDP programs in India - Entrepreneurial Motivation - theories of Maslow's
and Mc Clelland's– MSMEan introductory framework.

UNIT III [CO:3] 15 Periods

Project Identification and Formulation: Meaning and definition of Project - concepts - Project
Life cycle -Project Identification - Project Selection - Source of Finance for a Project - Project
- Technical,Financial, Market appraisal - preparation of detailed project report.

UNIT IV [CO:4] 15Periods

Implementation of project: An overview of Project Planning and Scheduling - Management
and Control of Projects - Network Analysis - PERT and CPM.

Learning Resources:
Text Book(s):
1. Dr. S.S Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and Company limited, New Delhi.
2. H. Nandan, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, PHI, New Delhi.
3. Prasanna Chandra, Project Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review,
4. Rao. P.C.K., Project Management & Control, S. Chand, New Delhi.

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HSEL5 Human Resources & Organizational Behavior L P C

3 0 3

Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the student with the fundamental aspects of various issues associated
with Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour.
2. This course aims to give a comprehensive overview about Career Planning,
theories of Motivationand styles of Leadership.
3. To introduce the basic concept of Individual Behaviour.
4. To enhance the awareness of Group Behaviour.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students are able to
1. Explain the functions of Human Resource Management, Job Description and Job
2. Describe the concepts in Compensation, Motivation and styles of Leadership.
3. Discuss the Behaviour of people at individual level through the concepts of Perception,
Learning and Personality.
4. comprehend the Group and Team Dynamics in an Organization.

Course Content:

UNIT I [CO:1] 15 Periods

Human Resource Management: Nature - significance - functions of HRM - .Job
Analysis –Objectives and methods of Job Analysis - Job Description - Job Specification - Job
Rotation - JobEnlargement -Job Enrichment - Job Evaluation & its Methods.

UNIT II [CO:2] 15 Periods

Career Planning & Motivation: Career Planning and Development - Career Stages -
Compensation - Components of Pay Structure - Wage and Salary administration - Incentives
and Employee Benefits -Motivation: Maslow's Theory - Herzberg's Two Factors Theory of
Motivation - McGregor's Theory X and Y - Vroom's Expectancy Theory - Leadership: Theories
of Leadership and its Styles.

UNIT III [CO:3] 15 Periods

Introduction to Organizational Behavior: Meaning- Importance - Nature & Scope of OB -
Contribution of other Disciplines to OB - Need for Development of individual Skills;
Perception - Process of Perception -Enhancing Perceptual Skills - Learning - Theories of
learning - Personality -Stages of personality Development - Determinants of personality.

UNIT IV [CO:4] 15 Periods

Groups and Teams: Meaning & Definition of Group and Group Dynamics - Dynamics of
Group Formation - Reasons for Group Formation - Types of Groups - Concept and Definition
of Team - Types of Teams - Work Teams - Cross-functional Teams - Virtual Teams -
Group/Team Effectiveness -How to make Teams more Effective - Team Building -
Collaboration - Group Leadership.

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Learning Resources:

Text Book(s):

1. Aswathappa.K., Human Resource Management, Text and Cases 8th Edition,

McGrawHill, NewDelhi.
2. De Cenzo. & Stephen P. Robbins, Personnel/ Human Resource Management,
Pearson Publications.
3. Stephen P. Robbins, Organisational Behavior, PHI, 9th edition
4. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.-12th Edition.

Reference Book(s):

1. VSP Rao, Human Resource and Personnel Management, PHI

2. Edwin B. Flippo, Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill.
3. Aswathappa.K., Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Jai, B.P.Sinha, "Culture and Organisational Behaviour", Sage Publications

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 150


Professional Elective Courses

IV/IV B.Tech.
1. CSEL08 Devopsy(LBD) 3-0-0 3
2. CSEL09 Cyber Security(LBD) 3-0-0 3
3. CSEL10 Web and Micro Services (LBD) 3-0-0 3
4. CSEL11 Internet of Things(LBD) 3-0-0 3
5. CSEL12 Visual Programming 3-0-0 3

6. CSEL13 Natural Language Processing(LBD) 3-0-0 3

7. *CSEL14 Industry Recommended Course(IRC)* 3-0-0 3

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CSEL08 DevOps L P C

CS412(CSEL08) Elective - III 3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are :

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Explain the importance of DevOps tools used in software development life cycle
2. Describe the importance of Jenkins to Build, Deploy and Test Software Applications
3. Examine different Version Control strategies
4. Illustrate the Containerization and deployment of applications over Docker
5. Summarize the importance of Software Configuration Management in DevOps
6. Synthesize the provisioning using Ansible.

Introduction to Devops:
What Is Devops ,History of Devops, Devops definition ,DevOps Main Objectives ,DevOps
and Software Development Life Cycle ,Waterfall Model ,Agile Model ,Continuous
Integration & Deployment ,Jenkins ,Containers and Virtual Development ,Docker ,Vagrant
,Configuration Management Tools ,Ansible

Cloud Computing :What is Cloud, IAAS(Infrastructure as a Service) ,SAAS(Software as a

Service) ,PAAS(Platform as a Service) ,Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud ,Public Cloud
Amazon Web Services , Microsoft Azure ,Google Cloud Services
Terraform: Introduction to terraform, terraform architecture and its components,
terraform lifecycle, terraform modules, terraform using aws examples.
Ansible: Introduction to Ansible, Infrastructure Management, YAML Scripts , Host Inventory
,Hosts and Groups , Host Variables ,Group Variables ,Playbooks ,Variables ,Conditionals ,Loops
,Blocks ,Handlers ,Templates ,Modules ,Core Modules ,Ansible Roles
Docker: What is Docker Image, Docker Installation, Working with Docker Containers,
What is Container,Docker Engine,Creating Containers with an Image,Working with Images
DockerCommand Line Interface ,Docker Compose

Version Control-GIT: GITFeatures, 3-TreeArchitecture, GIT–Clone /Commit/Push, GIT

Hub Management, GIT Rebase &Merge ,GIT Stash, Reset, Checkout ,GIT Clone, Fetch ,Pull

Continuous Integration–Jenkins: Introduction to Jenkins, Configure Jenkins, Jenkins
Management, Scheduling build Job, pollscmMaven Build Scripts , Support for the GIT
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 152

control System ,Different types of Jenkins Jobs, Jenkins Build Pipe Line ,Parent and Child Builds
,Sequential Builds ,Jenkins Master &Slave Node Configuration, Jenkins Workspace Management
,Securing Jenkins ,Authentication ,Authorization, Confidentiality ,Creating Users ,Jenkins Plugins
,Installing Jenkins Plugins , SCM plug in ,Build and test.
Kubernetes: Introduction to kubernetes, components and architecture of kubernetes

Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. Learning Devops,Mikael krief, packt publishers
2. Ansible from beginner to pro ,Michael heap ,Apress
3. Jenkins the definitive guide ,John ferguson smart,creative commons edition

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CSEL09 Cyber Security L P C

CS412(CSEL09) Elective - III 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are :
1. To introduce the different cyber-crimes.
2. To impart the cyber security attacks
3. Describe various methods used in cyber crime
4. List various implications of cyber security

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. Discuss classification of cyber-crimes and Computer Forensics process.
2. Discuss the impact of cyber attacks
3. Describe the tools and methods used in cyber crime
4. Explain organizational implications of cyber security
Course Content:

UNIT I CO 1 12 Periods

Introduction of Cybercrime: Definition and Origins of the Word, Cybercrime and Information
Security, Cybercriminals, Classifications of Cybercrimes: E-Mail Spoofing, Spamming, Internet Time
Theft, Salami Attack/Salami Technique, Data Diddling, Forgery, Web Jacking, Newgroup Spam,
Industrial Espionage, Hacking, Online Frauds, Pornographic Offenses, Software Piracy, Computer
Sabotage, E- Mail bombing, computer network intrusions, password sniffing, credit card frauds,
identity theft.

Introduction of Computer Forensics: Digital Forensics Science, Need for Computer

Forensics, Cyberforensics and digital evidence, Digital Forensic Lifecycle, OSI 7 Layer Models to
computer Forensics.

UNIT II CO2 12 Periods

Cyber offenses: Criminals Plan: Categories of Cybercrime Cyber Attacks: Reconnaissance, Passive
Attack, Active Attacks, Scanning/Scrutinizing gathered Information, Attack, Social Engineering:
Classification of Social Engineering.

Cyberstalking: Types of Stalkers, Working of Stalking, Real-Life Incident of Cyber stalking,

Cybercafe and Cybercrimes, Botnets: The Fuel for Cybercrime, Botnet, Attack Vector.

Attacks on mobile/cell phones: Theft, viruses, mishing, vishing, smishing, hacking Bluetooth.
UNIT III CO3 14 Periods

Tools and Methods: Introduction,Proxy Servers and Anonymizers, how phishing works, password
cracking, keyloggers and spywares, types of viruses, steganography,DoS and DDoS attacks –
classification, types, tools used for launch, DDoS attacks, protection, SQL injection – steps and
prevention, Buffer Overflow – types and minimizing attack, Attacks on Wireless Networks.

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Phishing: Methods of Phishing, Phishing techniques, Spear Phishing, Types of Phishing scams,
Phishing countermeasures.

UNIT IV CO4 12 Periods

Identity (ID) Theft: Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Types of ID Theft, Techniques of ID
Theft, Countermeasures.

Organizational Implications –Introduction –Insider threats, Privacy, Key challenges to

organizations, Cost of Cybercrimes and IPR issues.

Incident Handling: Definitions, Organizations need Incident Response systems, Examples of

incidents, what organizations can do to protect, best practices for organizations.

Learning Resources:

Text books(chapters 1,2,3,4,5,7,9)

1. Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapur, “Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes,
Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives”, 2nd edition, Wiley India
Publications, April, 2015

Reference books
1. James Graham, R Howard, R Olson, "Cyber Security Essentials" CRC Press,
2. MarttiLehto, PekkaNeittaanmäki, Cyber Security: Analytics, Technology and
Automation edited, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
3. NASSCOM Handbook Study Material.
4. Cyber Security – Attack and Defense Strategies by Yuri Diogenes and

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CSEL10 Web and Micro Services L P C

CS412(CSEL10) Elective - III 3 0 3

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are :

1. Analyze the basic technologies to develop Middleware applications.
2. Design web service applications using SOAP, UDDI and WSDL.
3. Devise message services and microservices.
4. Articulate the development of Micro services with Springbot configuration.
5. Describe the consuming, deploying and testing of a microservice.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to

1. Explain the development process of Middleware applications using RMI and CORBA technologies.
2. Apply Restful web services and SOAP using WSDL.
3. Describe the architecture of micro services using Springboot.
4. Explain the development, testing and consuming of Micro service applications.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

J2EE Introduction: J2EE Multi-Tier Architecture, JAVA XML: DOM parsers, SAX parsers.

J2EE Interconnectivity: Java Remote Method Invocation (JRMI).

Middleware Technologies: Java Interface Definition Language (JIDL) and CORBA.

UNIT II 12 Periods

Introduction: RESTful Web Services: SOAP Universal Description, Discovery and Integration(UDDI),

Web Services: Web Services Description Language (WSDL).

Messaging Services: Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

UNIT III 12 Periods

Microservices Introduction: Setting Up the Development Environment, Domain-Driven Design and

Implementing a Micro service.

A Solution Approach: Introduction: Evolution of microservices: Monolithic Limitation of monolithic

architecture versus its solution with microservices architecture overview, Microservices build pipeline.

Deployment: Setting Up the Development Environment, NetBeans IDE installation and setup, Spring
Boot configuration, Sample REST program, Domain-Driven Design, and Implementing a Microservice.

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UNIT IV 12 Periods
Domain-driven design fundamentals: Fundamentals of DDD, Artifacts of domain-driven design,
Strategic design and principles.

Deployment and Testing: Deployment and Testing of Microservices: Mandatory services for good
Microservices, Service discovery and registration

Consuming Services: Consuming Services Using a Micro Service Web Application, AngularJS
framework overview, Setting up the web application


Textbook (s):

1. Jim Keogh, The complete Reference J2EE, Tata McGraw Hill-Paper back, India
Edition 2017(Unit – I )
2. Mastering Micro services by SourabhSarma by PacktPublishers(Unit-II ,III,IV)

Reference books:

1. B.V.Kumar, S.Sangeetha, S.V.Subrahmanya, J2EE Architecture, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. James McGovern & Rahim Aditya, J2EE 1.4 Bible, Wiley publications. Justin
couch andDaniel H.Steinberg “Java2 Enterprise Edition” J2EE Bible by Hungry
minds Publishing.
3. Jonathan Wetherbee, Massimo Nardone, Chirag Rathod, Raghu Kodali “Beginning
EJBin Java EE 8” Academic Press, Third edition,2018
4. KamalmeetSingh,MertÇalışkan,OndrejMihályi,PavelPscheidl,Java EE 8
Microservices” Packt Publications,2018

Web References:

1. http://middlewaretutorial.com/
2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/microservices-introduction/
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/angularjs/index.htm

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CSEL11 Internet of Things L P C

CS413(CSEL11) Elective - IV 3 0 3
Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are :

1. Classify the interconnection and integration of the physical world and IoT devices.
2. Interpret the various IoT applications and its infrastructures
3. Relate the concept of setting up IOT Devices with Python.
4. Describe the concepts of interfacing hardware to develop IoT projects.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Explain the physical and logical design of IoT.

2. Discuss the application areas of IoT.
3. Explain the interfacing of IoT devices with Raspberry Pi.
4. Describe the design process of IoT applications using sensors, actuators and controllers
Course Content:

UNIT I 9 Periods

Introduction to Internet of Things –Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Physical

Design of IoT,IoT Protocols, IoT communication models, IoT Communication APIs.

IoT enabled Technologies –Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Big data
analytics,Communication protocols, Embedded Systems.

UNIT II 12 Periods

IoT Levels and Templates Domain Specific IoTs – Home, City, Environment,Energy, Retail,
Logistics, Agriculture, Industry, health and Lifestyle.

Python Introduction: Variables, Numbers, Strings-python examples,LaunchingPrograms

fromPython, Troubleshooting Errors, Basic Input andOutput - Using Inputs and Outputs

UNIT III 12 Periods

Programming Inputs and Outputs with Python: Installing and Testing GPIO in
Python,Blinking an LED, Reading a Button.
Creating the sensor project - Preparing Raspberry Pi - Clayster libraries - Hardware-
Interacting with the hardware - Interfacing the hardware- Internal representation of sensor
- Persisting data - External representation of sensor values - Exporting sensor data

UNIT IV 12 Periods


Creating the actuator project: Hardware - Interfacing the hardware
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Creating a controller for IoT project - Representing sensor values - Parsing sensor data -
Calculating control states Creating a camera for IoT project - Hardware -Accessing the serial
port on Raspberry Pi - Interfacing the hardware - Creating persistent default settings -
Adding configurable properties - Persisting the settings - Working with the current settings -
Initializing the camera

Learning Resources:

Text Book(s):

1. ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti, Internet of Things A Hands-on

Approach,Universities Press, 2015, ISBN: 9788173719547.
2. Peter Waher, 'Learning Internet of Things', Packt Publishing, 2015 3. Editors

Reference Books:

1. Dr. Guillaume Girardin , Antoine Bonnabel, Dr. Eric Mounier, 'Technologies &
Sensors for the Internet of Things Businesses & Market Trends 2014 – 2024.
2. Peter Friess,'Internet of Things – From Research and Innovation to Market 4.
Deployment', River Publishers, 2014 5. N. Ida, Sensors, Actuators and Their
Interfaces,Scitech Publishers, 2014.

Web References:
1. http://postscapes.com/.
2. http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/what-is-the-internet-of-things.
3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfY8sl5Q6VKndz0nLaGygPw.
4. https://www.codeproject.com/Learn/IoT/.

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CSEL12 Visual programming L P C

CS413(CSEL12) Elective - IV 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are :
1. Comprehend the C# language and the .NET Framework.
2. Demonstrate the use of Windows Forms applications with rich, highly responsive
3. Identify the cloud web applications using ASP.NET.
4. Relate the use of Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. Explain the fundamental concepts of C#
2. Apply OOPS concepts in C# console applications.
3. Implement Window Forms Applications and ASP.Net web applications
4. Create Data Access driven applications using LINQ and XML
Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 12 Periods

Introducing C#: What is the .Net framework and C#? , Console Applications
Variables and Expressions: Basic C# syntax, basic C# console application structure, variables,
Flow Control: Boolean logic, branching, looping, More about Variables: type conversion, complex
variable types, string manipulation

UNIT II CO2 12 Periods

Functions: struct functions, overloading functions, delegates.

Object-Oriented Programming: what is object-oriented programming, oop techniques, class
definitions in c#, system.object, constructors and destructors, interfaces versus abstract classes, struct
types, member definitions, interface implementation, partial class & method definitions

UNIT III CO3 14 Periods

Windows Programming: Windows forms applications, controls, button control, textbox control,
radiobutton and checkbox controls, richtextbox control, listbox and checkedlistbox controls, listview
control, tabcontrol control.
ASP.NET web programming: overview of web applications, asp.net runtime, creating a simple
page, server controls, ASP.NET postback, input validation, state management, authentication and
authorization, reading from and writing to a SQL server database.

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UNIT IV CO4 12 Periods

Files: streams, the classes for input and output xml: xml documents, using xml in your application
LINQ: first LINQ query, using the LINQ method syntax, ordering query results, order by clause,
ordering using method syntax.
Applying LINQ: LINQ varieties, using LINQ with databases, first LINQ to database query

Learning Resources: (Chapters 1-6, 8-10, 15, 18, 21-24)

1. Karli Watson, Christian Nagel, Jacob Hammer Pedersen, Jon Reid, and Morgan
Skinner, BEGINNING VISUAL C# 2010, Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Reference Books:
1. Stephen C. Perry, Core C# and .NET, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Herbert Scheldt, C#: The Complete Reference, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing.
3. Andrew Troelsen, Pro C# and the .NET Platform, A! Press.
4. Kevin Hoffman, Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Unleashed, Sams Pearson India.

Web References:
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Framework
2. www.dotnetjalps.com/.../Dynamic-URL-of-asp-net-web-service

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CSEL13 Natural Language Processing L P C

CS413(CSEL13) Elective - IV 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are :

1. To understand the underlying concepts and techniques required

f ornatural language processing.
2. To create computational models for enabling effective and natural language processing.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students are able to:

1. Determine the structural components of sentences for a given Grammar.

2. Produce logical form that represents context-independent meaning
of asentence.
3. Link logical forms with syntactic structures for semantic interpretation of
4. Understand the ambiguity in natural language constructs and identify
possible interpretations of a sentence.
5. Map the logical form to the Knowledge representation to generate
Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Introduction to Natural Language Understanding: Applications of Natural Language

Understanding, Evaluating language Understanding Systems, The Different levels of
Language Analysis.
Syntactic Processing: Grammars and Parsing, Grammars and Sentence Structure, Top-
down parser, Bottom up chart parser, Transition network grammars, Top-down chart parsing,
Finite statemodels and Morphological processing.

Features and Augmented Grammars: Feature Systems and Augmented Grammars,

Morphological Analysis and the Lexicon, A Simple Grammar Using Features, Parsing with
Features,Augmented Transition Networks.

UNIT II 12 Periods

Grammars for Natural Language: Auxiliary Verbs and Verb Phrases, Movement
Phenomenon in Language, Handling Questions in Context-Free Grammars.

Toward Efficient Parsing: Human preferences in parsing, Encoding Uncertainty-Shift-

Reduce Parsers, A Deterministic Parser.

Ambiguity Resolution: Statistical Methods: Part of Speech tagging, Obtaining lexical

probabilities, Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars, Best-First Parsing.

Semantic Interpretation: Semantics and logical Form: Semantics and Logical Form,
Word Senses and Ambiguity, The Basic Logical Form Language, Encoding Ambiguity in the

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Logical Form,Verbs and States in Logical Form.

UNIT III 12 Periods

Linking Syntax and Semantics: Semantic Interpretation and Compositionality, A Simple

grammar and Lexicon with Semantic Interpretation, Prepositional Phrases and Verb Phrases.

Ambiguity Resolution: Selectional Restrictions, Semantic Filtering Using

SelectionalRestrictions, Statistical Word Sense Disambiguation.

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Knowledge representation, A

Representation based on FOPC, Frames: representing Stereotypical Information, Handling
Natural Language Quantification.

UNIT IV 12 Periods

Local discourse context and Reference: Defining Local Discourse Context and Discourse
Entities, A Simple Model of Anaphora Based on History Lists, pronouns and Centering, Define

Using World Knowledge: Using world knowledge: Establishing Coherence, Matching

against Expectations, Reference and Matching Expectations, Using Knowledge about Action
and Casualty, Scripts: Understanding Stereotypical Situations

Discourse Structure: The Need for Discourse Structure, Segmentation and Cue Phrases,
Discourse Structure and Reference, Relating Discourse Structure and Inference, Discourse
Structure, Tense and Aspect, Managing the Attentional stack

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, Second Edition, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
1. Daniel Jurafsky, James H.Martin, Speech and Language Processing.
2. Christopher Manning, HinrichSchutze, Foundations of Statistical
NaturalLanguage Processing, MIT Press.
3. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Second Edition, Tata

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JOEL01-Big Data Processing

Job Oriented Elective - III 3 0 3

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To impart the fundamental concepts of big data analytics.
2. To explain the applications using Map Reduce Concepts and NoSQL Databases.
3. To introduce programming tools PIG, HIVE, Hbase, mahout.
4. To introduce Scala programming language for big data.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. Discuss the basics of Big data
2. Explain the Hadoop framework and HDFS
3. Apply the Map Reduce programming model to process Big data
4. Illustrate the concepts of No SQL databases.
5. Explain the processing of Big data using Hadoop tools- AVRO, Hive, Pig, Hbase, and
Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Understanding Big Data: Concepts and Terminology – Data sets, Data Analysis, Data
Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, Diagnostic Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive
Analytics, Business Analytics, Big Data characteristics – Volume, Velocity, variety, veracity,
value. Different Types of Data – structured data, unstructured data, semi-structured data,
meta-data.(Text Book 2)

Big Data and Hadoop- - Meeting the Big Data Challenge, The Hadoop Ecosystem: Hadoop
CoreComponents, Hadoop Distributionsi(Text Book 1)

HDFS- HDFS Architecture-Using HDFS Files, Hadoop-Specific File Types, HDFS Federation
and High Availability, Data Ingestion with Flume and Scoop and Hadoop archives, Hadoop
2(YARN).(Text Book 1)

UNIT II 12 Periods

Map Reduce- Getting to Know MapReduce, Processing data with Map Reduce- Execution
Pipeline,Runtime Coordination and Task Management in Map Reduce,Your First MapReduce
Application-Designing Map Reduce implementations:Simple Data Processing with Map
Reduce,Building Joins with Map Reduce.(Text Book 1)

NoSQL: Introduction to NoSQL, aggregate data models, aggregates, key-value and

document data models, relationships, graph databases, schema less databases, materialized
views, distribution models: sharding, master-slave replication, peer- peer replication,
sharding and replication, consistency, relaxing consistency, version stamps, working with
Cassandra, Table creation, loading and reading data.(Text Book 3)

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UNIT III Text Book 1 12 Periods

Pig- Pig on Hadoop, How Pig differs from Map Reduce, Pig’s History-Pig’s Data Model
Introduction to Pig Latin-Input and Output-Relational Operations-User Defined Functions-

Pig Latin-Advanced Relational Operations-Joining Datasets-Join-Cogroup- Controlling

Execution-Pig Latin Pre-processor

HBase-HBase Architecture, HBase schema design

Hive - Hive architecture –Hive in the Hadoop ecosystem –– Hive QL – Data Definition-

Apache Mahout: Introduction, Environment of mahout, Classification, Clustering

UNIT IV 12 Periods

Spark - What Is Apache Spark, SparkSQL, Spark MLlib,Apache Spark’s Distributed

Execution:Spark driver,Cluster manager,Spark executor,Deployment modes, distributed data
and partitions,Spark

SQL and Datasets:Single API for Java and Scala,working with Datasets,Transforming
Sample Data,Memory Management for Datasets and Data Frames.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. The Hadoop Definitive guide “O`Reilly Media” 4th Edition.

2. Bill Franks, “Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in
Huge DataStreamswith Advanced Analytics”, John Wiley& sons, 2012.
3. ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti, “Big Data Science & Analytics: A
Hands On Approach


1. Edward Capriolo,Dean ampler,Jason Rutherglen, “Programming Hive”, O'Reilly Media;

2. Tom White,“Hadoop: The Definitive Guide”, O'Reilly Media 3rd Edition,May6, 2012
3. Chuck Lam , “Hadoop in Action” ,Manning Publications; 1st Edition ,December, 2010

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CSSL5 Skill Oriented Course – V L P C

1 2 2


a AWS cloud
b User Interface Design with ReactJS
c OpenMP & MPI
Industry Recommended Course

AWS Cloud L P C

Skill Oriented Course – V 1 2 2

CSSL5(a) AWS Cloud


Skill Oriented Course – V 1 2 2

CSSL5(b) User Interface Design with ReactJS L P C

Skill Oriented Course – V 1 2 2

Industry Recommended Course

(IRC*) L P C

Skill Oriented Course – V 1 2 2

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page


Advanced Skill Course 1 2 2

Course Objectives:
1. Introduce to the student the fundamentals of MERN Components.
2. To make the students understand the principles of React elements
3. To create Good User Interface applications usingReact JS utilities.
Course Outcomes: After completion of the course, students will be able to 
1. Explain the fundamental concepts of React programming.
2. Implement reusable components using React JS library.
3. Apply state management techniques in React applications.
4. Describe the routing for navigation within a single page web application.
Course Content:

UNIT I 12 periods
Introducing React: Old-School Multipage Design New-School Single-Page Apps Meet React Automatic UI
State Management Lightning-Fast DOM Manipulation APIs to Create Truly Composable UIs Visuals Defined
Entirely in JavaScript Just the V in an MVC Architecture.
Building Your First React App : MERN components, what is react? virtual DOM performance, terminology
in React, single-page app,ReactJS – Overview, React Properties, Advantages Of The React, Install ReactJS
APP Using NPM And NPX Utilities.

UNIT II 12 periods
React Components: Components in React, Styling in React, Creating Complex Components , Transferring
JSX: Meet JSX…Again: Reactjs – Jsx, Using Jsx, Nested Elements, Features, Javascript Expressions, Elegance
React, Comments.

UNIT III 12 periods

React states and Events: Dealing with States in React , Going from Data to UI in React , Events in React
,Accessing DOM Elements in React, Working with External Data in React.
React Form Handling events.

UNIT IV 12 periods
React Router: Building an Awesome To do List App in React , Creating a Sliding Menu in React , Avoiding
Unnecessary Renders in React , Creating a Single-Page App in React Using React Router

Learning resources:

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Text Book:

1. Learning React A Hands – on guide to building web application using React and Redux, Second
Edition , Addison-Wesley ,Kirupa Chinnathambi

Reference Books:

1. Pro MERN Stack, Full Stack Web App Development withMongo, Express, React, and Node ,
Second Edition.
2. React js The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn React js Programming Step by Step, Apress,
Vasan Subramanian

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CSSL5(C) Open MP & MPI L P C

1 0 2
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Impart the knowledge of Shared and distributed memory concepts.
2. Introduce the fundamentals of Open MP and MPI Programming languages.
3. Familiarize students with the working of parallel regions and thread synchronization.

Course Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate parallel regions and Loop parallelism.
2. Implement basic parallelization and synchronization methods with OpenMP.
3. Explain MPI operations, data types and Functional parallelism.
4. Develop MPI programs for Process management and synchronization.

Course Content:
UNIT1 [CO1] 8 periods

Getting started with OpenMP: The OpenMP model, Compiling and running an OpenMP
program, first OpenMP program, Thread data, Creating parallelism.
Parallel regions: Creating parallelism with parallel regions, Nested parallelism, Cancel parallel
Loop parallelism: Loop parallelism, An example, Loop schedules, Nested loops, nowait, While loops.


periods Open MP Work sharing: Work sharing constructs, Sections, Single/master.

Controlling thread data: Shared data, Private data, Data in dynamic scope, Temporary variables
a loop, Default.
Synchronization: Barrier, Mutual exclusion, Locks, Nested locks, Relaxed memory model

UNIT III [CO3] 8 periods

Getting started with MPI:Distributed memory and message passing,History,Basic

model,Makingand running an MPI program,Language binding with C.
MPI Functional parallelism:The SPMD model,Starting and running MPI
processes,Processor identification,Functional parallelism,Distributed computing and
distributed data.
MPI Point-to-point operations:Blocking point-to-point operations,Non-blocking point-to-point

UNIT IV [CO4] 8 periods

MPI Data types: The MPI_Datatype data type, Predefined data types, Derived datatypes, Type
maps and type matching.
MPI Process management: Process spawning, Socket-style communications, Sessions.
One-sided communication in MPI: Windows,Active target synchronization: epochs,Put- get -
accumulate: halo update, Passive target synchronization,More about window memory:Memory
models,Dynamically attached memory.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Parallel Programming in MPI and OpenMP , Victor Eijkhout, 2nd edition.

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Parallel Computing by AnanthGrama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis,
VipinKumar,Pearson publication.

Web Resources:
1. https://tinyurl.com/vle335course
2. https://hpc-tutorials.llnl.gov/openmp/
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs28/

CSSL5 Skill Oriented Course-V

OpenMP& MPI Lab


1. Write an OpenMP ‘hello world’ program, where the print statement is in a parallel region.
2. Extend hello world program and insert the functions omp_get_num_threads,
omp_get_thread_num, omp_get_num_procs before, in, and after the parallel region.
• omp_get_num_threadsreports how many threads are currently active, and
• omp_get_thread_num reports the number of the thread that makes the call.
• omp_get_num_procs reports the number of available cores before, in, and
afterthe parallel region.
3. Write an OpenMP program to print the scope of a variable.
4. Write an OpenMP program to create team of Threads.
5. Write an OpenMP Program using single pragma limits.
6. Write an OpenMP Program using first and last private.
7. Write an OpenMP Program to show race condition.
8. Write an OpenMP Program to show binning problem.
9. Write an OpenMP program to implement master-worker paradigm.

1. Write MPI ‘parallel hello world’ program using 4 processes.
2. Write MPI program to implement ping-pong technique.
3. Write MPI program to implement functional parallelism.
4. Write MPI program to implement prime number factorization.
5. Write MPI program to implement simple blocking point to point communication.
6. Write MPI program to implement simple non-blocking point to point communication.
7. Write MPI program to implement process-spawning.
8. Write MPI program by using put-get-accumulate functions.
9. Write MPI program to implement synchronous communication.
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Courses offered for Minor in Computer Science & Engineering


1. CSMR1 Fundamentals of Data Structures 4-0-0 4
2. CSMR2 Computer Organization and Architecture 4-0-0 4
3. CSMR3 Operating System Concepts 4-0-0 4
4. CSMR4 Relational DataBase Management Systems 4-0-0 4
5. CSMR5 Programming with JAVA 4-0-0 4
6. CSMR6 Introduction to Algorithms 4-0-0 4
7. CSMR7 Principles of Software Engineering 4-0-0 4
8. CSMR8 Computer Networking Concepts 4-0-0 4
● 2 courses to be done through MOOCs with the acceptance of CSE BoS

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CSMR1 Fundamentals Of Data Structures L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To provide the knowledge of basic linear and non-linear data structures and their
2. To familiarize searching and sorting techniques.
3. To demonstrate the importance of data structures in developing and implementing
efficient algorithms.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze the efficiency of programs based on time complexity.
2. Implement operations like search, insertion, deletion and traversal etc. on a given
data structure.
3. Apply appropriate sorting/searching technique for solving the given problem.
4. Develop computational solutions to given problems using suitable data structures

Course Content:
UNIT I CO1, CO2 12 periods

Time and space complexity, Data Structures – Introduction to Data Structures, abstract
data types, Linear list – singly linked list implementation, insertion, deletion and searching
operations on linear list, circular linked list implementation, Double linked list implementation,
insertion, deletion and searching operations.

UNIT II CO2, CO4 12 periods

Stacks-Operations, array and linked representations of stacks, stack applications-infix to

postfix conversion, postfix expression evaluation. Queues-operations, array and linked
representations. Circular Queue operations.

UNIT III CO3 12 periods

Searching and Sorting – Sorting- Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort,
Merge Sort, Shell Sort, Radix Sort, Searching-Linear and Binary Search Methods, Comparison of
Sorting andSearching Methods.

UNIT IV CO2, CO4 12 periods

Trees – Definitions, Tree Representation, Properties of Trees, Binary Tree, Binary Tree
Representation, Binary Tree Properties, Binary Tree Traversals, Binary Search Tree

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Learning Resources:

Text Book(S):
1. Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni, Susan Anderson-Freed, “Fundamentals of Data
Structures in C”, Second Edition, University Press, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, 2nd Edition,
2. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Pearson ducation,1983.
3. ReemaThareja, “Data Structures Using C”, Second Edition, Oxford University

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CSMR2 Computer Organization And L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Impart basic concepts of computer architecture and organization.
2. Familiarize the basic CPU organization.
3. Introduce various memory devices used in a computer system.
4. Facilitate students in learning I/O communication

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss the representation of the data employed in arithmetic operations and the
binarycoding of symbols used in data processing.
2. Explain the organization and design of a basic digital computer
3. Describe the organization, architecture and functionality of the central processing unit
4. Write procedures for implementing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
operations with digital hardware
5. Discuss the techniques that computers use to communicate with input and output devices
6. Describe the organization and architecture of memory unit in a digital computer

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

DATA REPRESENTATION – Data Types, Complements, Fixed-point Representation, Floating point

Representation, Other Binary Codes, Error Detection Codes
BASIC COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND DESIGN: Instruction codes, Computer Registers,
Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory-Reference Instructions,
Input-Output and interrupt.

UNIT II 12 Periods

CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT: General Register Organization, Stack organization,

Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control,
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
MICRO-PROGRAMMED CONTROL: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro-Program
example, Design of Control Unit.

UNIT III 12 Periods

COMPUTER ARITHMETIC- Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithms, Division

Algorithms, Floating-Point Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic Unit, Decimal Arithmetic
MEMORY SYSTEM: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory,
Cache Memory, Virtual memory.

UNIT IV 12 Periods

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INPUT OUTPUT: Peripheral Devices, I/O interface Asynchronous data Transfer, Modes of transfer,
Priority Interrupt, DMA, Serial Communication.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. M. Moris Mano (2006), Computer System Architecture, 3rd edition, Pearson/PHI, India.

Reference Books:

1. Carl Hamacher, ZvonksVranesic, SafeaZaky (2002), Computer Organization,

6th edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India.
2. William Stallings (2010), Computer Organization and Architecture- designing
forperformance, 8th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
3. Anrew S. Tanenbaum (2006), Structured Computer Organization, 5th edition,
PearsonEducation Inc,
4. John P. Hayes (1998), Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd
edition, TataMcGrawHill

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CSMR3 Operating System Concepts L P C

4 0 4
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Operating system structure, functions and IPC mechanism.
2. Concepts of multithreading, process scheduling and process synchronization.
3. Dead lock handling mechanisms and memory management techniques.
4. Concepts of file management and secondary storage management.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the structure, operations and services provided by the Operating System.
2. Comprehend the features of process & threads, inter-process communication and
multi-threading issues.
3. Analyze the performance of CPU scheduling algorithms.
4. Illustrate the problems of synchronization and deadlocks.
5. Differentiate the effectiveness and the hardware support required for
contiguous,noncontiguous, and virtual memory management schemes.
6. Explain the function, implementation of file systems.

Course Content:
UNIT I CO 1, CO2 12 Periods

Introduction: What Operating Systems Do, Operating-System Operations, Process Management,

Memory Management, Storage Management, Protection and Security.
System Structures: Operating-System Services, User and Operating-System Interface,
SystemCalls, Types of System Calls.
Process Concept: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Inter process

UNIT II CO2, CO3 12 Periods

Multithreaded Programming: Overview of Multithreading, Multi-core

Programming,Multithreading Models, Threading Issues.
Process Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms- FCFS, SJF, SRTF,
Priority. Round Robin, Multi-Level Queue, and Multi-Level Queue Feedback scheduling.
Synchronization: Background, The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s solution, Semaphores.

UNIT III CO4,CO5 12 Periods

Dead Locks: Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention,
Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.
Memory-Management Strategies: Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation,
Segmentation, Paging.

UNIT IV CO5,CO6 10 Periods

Virtual-Memory Management: Background, Demand Paging, Page Replacement algorithms.

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Files System: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure.
Implementing File-Systems: File-System Structure, File-System Implementation, Directory
Implementation, Allocation Methods, and Free-Space Management.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:
1. Operating System Concepts-Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B, Galvin, Greg Gange 9th
Edition, John Wiley.

Reference Books:
1. Operating Systems, Internal and Design Principles, Stallings, 8 th Edition-2015,
Pearson education/PHI.
2. Operating system, A Design Approach-Crowley, TMH.
3. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tenenbaum 4th Edition Pearson/PHI.
4. “An Introduction to Operating Systems, Concepts and Practice”, 4th Edition, PHI,
2013-Pramod Chandra P. Bhatt.
5. Operating Systems- A concept based approach –DM Dhamdhere -3rd Edition TMH.

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CSMR4 Relational Database Management Systems L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To learn the fundamental concepts of Data Base Management Systems.
2. To make the students learn how to retrieve the data from database using SQL
3. To understand the concepts of transaction processing, concurrency control.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the basic concepts of database systems.
2. Explain various data models and database system architectures.
3. Write queries to access database using SQL.
4. Describe the process of refining data base design using normalization.
5. Explain the concepts of transaction Processing and concurrency control.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Databases and Database Users: Introduction - An Example - Characteristics of the

Database Approach - Actors on the Scene - Workers behind the Scene - Advantages of Using
the DBMS Approach.
Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances -
Three- Schema Architecture and Data Independence - Database Languages and Interfaces -
The Database System Environment - Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs.
UNIT II 12 Periods

Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model: Using High- Level Conceptual
Data Models for Database Design - An Example Database Application - Entity Types, Entity
Sets, Attributes, and Keys - Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural
Constraints - WeakEntity Types.

The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints: Relational Model
Concepts - Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas - Update Operations,
Transactions, and Dealing with Constraint Violations.

UNIT III 12 Periods

SQL-99: Schema Definition, Constraints, Queries, and Views: SQL Data Definition and Data
Types - Specifying Constraints in SQL - Schema Change Statements in SQL - Basic Queries in
SQL - More Complex SQL Queries - INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE Statements in SQL - Views
(Virtual Tables) in SQL.

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UNIT IV 12 Periods

Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases: Informal

Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas - Functional Dependencies - Normal Forms Based on
Primary Keys - General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd Normal
Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory: Introduction to
Transaction Processing - Transaction and System Concepts - Desirable Properties of
Transactions -CharacterizingSchedules Based on Recoverability -Characterizing Schedules Based
on serializability.
Learning Resources:

Text Book:
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, RamezElmasri and SHamKanthB.NavatePearson
Education, 5th edition.
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date Pearson Education.
2. Data Base Management Systems, Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke,
3. Data base System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry.F.Korth, McGraw hill, 5th

Relational Database Management Systems Lab

List of Programs:
1. Creating a sample database using DDL and DML statements without integrity constraints.

2. Refining a sample database using DDL and DML statements including

integrity constraints.
3. Simple queries: selection, projection, sorting on a simple table
i. Distinct output values
ii. Renaming attributes
iii. Computed attributes
iv. Simple-complex conditions (AND, OR, NOT)
v. Partial Matching operators (LIKE, %, _)
vi. ASC-DESC ordering combinations
vii. Checking for Nulls

4. Multi-table queries (JOIN OPERATIONS)

i. Simple joins (no INNER JOIN)
ii. Inner-joins (two and more (different) tables)
iii. Inner-recursive-joins (joining to itself)
iv. Outer-joins (restrictions as part of the WHERE and ON clauses)

5. Multi-table queries (JOIN OPERATIONS)

v. Simple joins (no INNER JOIN)
vi. Inner-joins (two and more (different) tables)
vii. Inner-recursive-joins (joining to itself)
viii. Outer-joins (restrictions as part of the WHERE and ON clauses)

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6. Queries using Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX and MIN), GROUP
BY, HAVING and Creation and dropping of Views.

7. Nested queries
i. In, Not In
ii. Exists, Not Exists
8. Set Oriented Operations
i. Union
ii. Difference
iii. Intersection

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Programming with Java

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To make the students learn the basic concepts and fundamentals of platform
independent object oriented language.
2. To elucidate the concepts of exception handling techniques and multithreading.
3. To create awareness on user interface design techniques and event handling mechanisms.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Use the syntax and semantics of java programming language and basic concepts of OOP.
2. Develop reusable programs using the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism,
interfaces and packages.
3. Apply the concepts of Multithreading and Exception handling to develop efficient
and errorfree codes.
4. Design event driven GUI and web related applications which mimic the real

Course Content:
UNIT I [CO1, CO2] 12 Periods

Introduction: Introduction to java, java buzzword, data types, dynamic initialization, scope
and life time, operators, control statements, arrays, type conversion and casting, finals & blank
Classes and Objects: Concepts, methods, constructors, usage of static, access control, this
key word, garbage collection, overloading, parameter passing mechanisms, nested classes and
inner classes.
Inheritance: Basic concepts, access specifiers, usage of super key word, method overriding,
final methods and classes, abstract classes, dynamic method dispatch, Object class.

UNIT II [CO2, CO3] 12 Periods

Interfaces: Differences between classes and interfaces, defining an interface,

implementinginterface, variables in interface and extending interfaces.
Packages: Creating a Package, setting CLASSPATH, Access control protection, importing packages.
Exception Handling: Concepts of Exception handling, types of exceptions, usage of try, catch, throw,
throws and finally keywords, Built-in exceptions, creating own exception sub classes.

UNIT III [CO3] 12 Periods

Strings: Exploring the String class, String buffer class, Command-line

arguments.Library: Date class, Wrapper classes.

Multithreading: Concepts of Multithreading, differences between process and thread, thread

life cycle, Thread class, Runnable interface, creating multiple threads, Synchronization, thread
priorities,inter thread communication, daemon threads, deadlocks.

I/O Streams: Streams, Byte Streams, Character Streams, File class, File Streams.
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UNIT IV [CO4] 12 Periods

Applets: Concepts of Applets, life cycle of an applet, creating applets, passing parameters to
applets, accessing remote applet, Color class and Graphics
Event Handling: Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Delegation event model,
handling events.
AWT: AWT Components, windows, canvas, panel, File Dialog boxes, Layout Managers, Event
handling model of AWT, Adapter classes, Menu, Menu bar.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Java The Complete Reference 12th Edition, Herbert Schildt, Mc Graw Hill
Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi.

Reference Books:

1. Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, H.M.Dietel and P.J.Dietel, Pearson

2. Introduction to Java programming, By Y.DanielLiang,Pearson Publication.

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Introduction to Algorithms
4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Analyze asymptotic performance of algorithms.
2. Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.
3. Demonstrate a familiarity with major graph algorithms
4. Understand how a number of algorithms for fundamental problems in computer
scienceand engineering work and compare with one another

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.
2. Propose solutions to the given problems using combinatorial algorithms like
mergesort, quick sort, bucket sort and radix sort
3. Solve the computational problems using important algorithmic design paradigms
4. Employ graphs to model engineering problems and solve them using suitable
5. Compare different classes of problems

Course Content:
UNIT I 12 Periods

Algorithm Analysis – Analyzing Algorithms, A Quick Mathematical Review,

Amortization Union-Find Structures - Union-Find and Its Applications, A List-Based
Implementation,Sorting - Merge-Sort, Quick-Sort, Bucket-Sort and Radix-Sort

UNIT II 12 Periods

Graphs and Traversals-Graph Terminology and Representations Depth-First Search,

Breadth-First Search, Directed Graphs, Biconnected Components
Shortest Paths - Single-Source Shortest Paths, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, The Bellman-Ford
Algorithm,All-Pairs Shortest Paths
Minimum Spanning Trees - Properties of Minimum Spanning Trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm, The Prim-
Jarnńık Algorithm.

UNIT III 12 Periods

The Greedy Method - The Fractional Knapsack Problem, Task Scheduling, Text Compression and
Huffman Coding
Divide-and-Conquer-Recurrences and the Master Theorem, Integer Multiplication, Matrix
Multiplication, The Maxima-Set Problem.

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UNIT IV 12 Periods

Dynamic Programming-Matrix Chain-Products, The General Technique, Telescope

Scheduling,Game Strategies, The Longest Common Subsequence Problem, The 0-1 Knapsack
ProblemNP -Completeness - P and NP, NP-Completeness, CNF-SAT and 3SAT

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Algorithm Design and. Applications, by M. T. Goodrich and R. Tamassia, Wiley, 2015

Reference Books:

1. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni and S.Rajsekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer

Algorithms”,Galgotia Publication.
2. T. H. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, “Introduction of Computer Algorithm”, PHI.
3. Sara Basse, A.V. Gelder, “Computer Algorithms”, Addison Wesley.

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Principles of Software Engineering

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Provide an understanding of the working knowledge Software Development
2. Acquaintance on process models, software requirement s, UML diagrams and
3. Knowledge on the software testing techniques for estimation, design, testing
4. Quality management of large software development projects.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Apply Knowledge to translate end-user requirements into system and software
requirements, using e.g. UML, and structure the requirements in a Software
Requirements Document (SRD).

2. Apply appropriate software architectures and patterns

3. Discuss high level design of a system and be able to critically compare alternative choices.
4. Explain the importance of software testing and features of a good quality software

Course Content:

UNIT 1 12 Periods

Introduction to Software Engineering: The evolving role of software, changing nature of

software, software myths.
A Generic view of process: Software engineering- a layered technology, a process framework,
the capability maturity model integration (CMMI), process patterns, process assessment,
personal and team process models.
Process models: The waterfall model, incremental process models, evolutionary process
models, theunified process.

UNIT II 12 Periods

Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional requirements, user requirements,

system requirements, interface specification, the software requirements document.
Requirements engineering process: Feasibility studies, requirements elicitation and analysis,
requirements validation, requirements management. System models: Context models,
behavioural models, data models, object models, structured methods.

UNIT III 12 Periods

Design Engineering: Design process and design quality, design concepts, the design model.
Creating an architectural design: software architecture, data design, architectural styles and
patterns, architectural design, conceptual model of UML, basic structural modelling, class
diagrams, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, use case diagrams, component

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

diagrams.Testing Strategies: A strategic approach to software testing, test strategies for

conventional software, black-box and white-box testing, validation testing, system testing, the
art of debugging

UNIT IV 12 Periods

Product metrics: Software quality, metrics for analysis model, metrics for design model, metrics
for source code, metrics for testing, metrics for maintenance.
Metrics for Process and Products: Software measurement, metrics for software quality. Risk
management: Reactive vs proactive risk strategies, software risks, risk identification, risk
projection,risk refinement, RMMM, RMMM plan.
Quality Management: Quality concepts, software quality assurance, software reviews, formal
technical reviews, statistical software quality assurance, software reliability, the ISO 9000
quality standards.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Software Engineering, A practitioner’s Approach- Roger S. Pressman, 6th

edition, McGraw Hill International Edition.
2. Software Engineering- Sommerville, 7th edition, Pearson Education.
3. The Unified Modelling language user guide Grady Booch, James
Rambaugh, IvarJacobson, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
1. Software Engineering, an Engineering approach- James F. Peters,
WitoldPedrycz, John Wiley.
2. Software Engineering principles and practice- Waman S Jawadekar, The Mc
3. Fundamentals of object-oriented design using UML Meilerpage-Jones:

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CSMR8 Computer Networking Concepts L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Fundamental concepts of computer networks.
2. Different error control, flow control techniques and Collision-Free Protocols.
3. Various routing, congestion control algorithms and QoS techniques.
4. Design issues of transport layer and protocols of application layer.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the layered architectures of computer networks.
2. Explain the fundamental concepts of data communications.
3. Illustrate the data link layer protocols and the mechanisms used for accessing a channel.
4. Exemplify optimal routing algorithms and QoS mechanisms used for networks.
5. Explain reliable and unreliable protocols used for end to end connectivity.
6. Discuss the application layer protocols.

Course Content:

UNIT I 14 Periods

Introduction: Network Hardware, Network Software, Reference Models.

Physical Layer: The theoretical basis for data communication, Guided media, digital modulation and
multiplexing, switching.

UNIT II 12 Periods

The Data Link Layer: Data Link Layer Design Issues, Error Detection and Correction,
Elementary Data Link Protocols, Sliding Window Protocols.
The Medium Access Control Sub-layer: Multiple Access Protocols- ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple
Access Protocols, Ethernet, Data Link Layer Switching.

UNIT III 12 Periods

The Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues, Routing Algorithms-Optimality Principle,
Shortest Path Algorithm, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing, Link State Routing, Hierarchical
Routing, Broadcast routing, multicast routing, Congestion control algorithms, Quality of Service:
Application Requirements, Traffic Shaping, Packet scheduling, Admission Control,
Internetworking, The Network Layer in the Internet-The IP version 4.0 protocol, IP Addresses,
IP Version 6.0, Internet Control Protocols.

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UNIT IV 12 Periods

The Transport Layer: The Transport Service-Services Provided to the Upper Layers,
Transport Service Primitives, Elements of Transport Protocols –Addressing, Connection
Establishment, Connection Release, Error Control and Flow Control.
The Internet Transport Protocols: Introduction to UDP, Remote procedure call, Real-Time
transport protocols, Introduction to TCP, The TCP Service Model, The TCP Protocol, The TCP
Segment Header,TCP Connection Establishment, TCP
Connection Release.
The Application Layer: DNS- The Domain Name System.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks, Fifth Edition,


Reference Books:

1. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking, Third Edition,

2. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Fourth
Edition, TMH (2007).
3. Kurose & Ross, COMPUTER NETWORKS, A Top-down approach featuring the
Internet, Pearson Education, Alberto L

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1 CSH11 Advanced Data Structures 4-0-0 4
2 CSH12 Functional Programming 4-0-0 4
3 CSH13 Fuzzy Logic 4-0-0 4
4 CSH14 Computer Graphics 4-0-0 4
1 CSH21 Advanced Databases 4-0-0 4
2 CSH22 Concurrent Programming 4-0-0 4
3 CSH23 Game Theory 4-0-0 4
4 CSH24 ARM system architecture 4-0-0 4
1 CSH31 GPU Programming 4-0-0 4
2 CSH32 Search Engine Internals 4-0-0 4
3 CSH33 Wireless Sensor Networks 4-0-0 4
4 CSH34 Parallel Algorithms 4-0-0 4
1 CSH41 Semantic Web Technologies 4-0-0 4
2 CSH42 Deep Learning 4-0-0 4
3 CSH43 Social Network Analysis 4-0-0 4
4 CSH44 Augmented and Virtual Reality 4-0-0 4
2 MOOC courses to be done with the acceptance of CSE
BoS.Any of the following two can be opted:
 Knowledge Graphs / Ethical hacking / Digital Forensics / BlockChain
 Courses from Honors Pools not opted by the concerned student &
offered byNPTEL

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CSH11 Advanced Data Structures

4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To illustrate operations of linear and non-linear data structures.
2. To demonstrate computational problems using suitable data structures.
3. To develop algorithms for text processing applications
4. To provide knowledge on the concepts of computational geometry.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Implement hashing techniques.
2. Explain importance of dictionary and skip list ADTs.
3. Implement the operations of AVL, red black, splay and 2-4 trees.
4. Develop applications by using text processing.
5. Explain the concepts of computational geometry.

Course Content:

UNIT 1 CO1 10 Periods

Dictionaries: Definition, Dictionary Abstract Data Type, Implementation of Dictionaries.

Hashing: Review of Hashing, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Techniques in Hashing,
Separate Chaining, Open Addressing, Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing, Double Hashing,
Rehashing, Extendible Hashing.

UNIT II CO 12 Periods

Skip Lists: Need for Randomizing Data Structures and Algorithms, Search and Update
Operations on Skip Lists, Probabilistic Analysis of Skip Lists.
Search Trees: AVL Trees – Update Operations, Splay Trees – Splaying, When to Splay

UNIT III CO 10 Periods

Bounded-Depth Search Trees - Multi-Way Search Trees, (2, 4) Trees, Red- Black Trees

UNIT IV CO 13 Periods

Text Processing: String Operations, Brute-Force Pattern Matching, The Boyer-Moore

Algorithm, The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm, Standard Tries, Compressed Tries, Suffix
Tries, Text Compression - The Huffman Coding Algorithm,

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Text Similarity Testing - The Longest Common Subsequence Problem (LCS), Applying
Dynamic Programming to the LCS Problem.
Computational Geometry: One Dimensional Range Searching, Two-Dimensional
RangeSearching, Constructing a Priority Search Tree, Searching a Priority Search Tree.

Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 2nd
Edition, Pearson, 2004. (Unit I)
2. M T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design, John Wiley, 2002. (Units II - IV)


1. A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft, And J. D. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms,

PearsonEducation, First Edition Reprint 2003.
2. R. F. Gilberg, B. A. Forouzan, Data Structures, Second Edition, Thomson
IndiaEdition, 2005
3. Jean-Paul Tremblay, Paul g. Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures
with Applications, Tata Mc Graw hill Edition – Second Edition.
4. Seymour Lipschutz, Theory and Problems of Data Structures, Mc Graw hill Edition

Web References:

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data Structures
2. nptel.ac.in/courses/106103069/
3. www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_data_structures.htm

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Advanced Data Structures Lab:

List of Programs
1. Consider telephone book database of N clients. Make use of a hash table
implementation to quickly look up client ‘s telephone number. Use a collision
resolution strategy of your choice.
2. A Dictionary stores keywords & its meanings. Provide facility for adding new
keywords, deleting keywords, updating values of any entry. Provide facility to display
whole data sorted in ascending/ Descending order. Use any data structure of your
choice for implementation.
3. Implement the locator-based method before(l) as well as the closest Before(l) in a
dictionary realized using an ordered sequence. Use a skip list to implement the
4. Beginning with an empty tree, construct a height balanced binary search tree by
insertingthe values in the order given. After constructing the tree
a. Insert new node
b. Find number of nodes in longest path
c. Minimum data value found in the tree
d. Search a value
e. Visit the nodes of the tree following pre-order traversal
5. Implement the following operations on a splay tree.
a. Insert
b. Delete
c. Search
d. Pre-order Traversal
6. Implement an optimal pattern matching algorithm for the given input text and
pattern. The time complexity of the solution must be O(m+n), where n is the size of
input text andm is the size of pattern.
7. Develop an application to compute the longest common subsequence between two
input strings with a polynomial time complexity.
8. Develop an application that produces Huffman codes for the given text.

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CSH12 Functional Programming L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Introduce to the student the fundamentals of Functional Programming.
2. To make the students to understand the Lists, Infinite lists
3. To create Monads and Parsing in functional Programming.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Apply Basic Constructs of Functional Programming.
2. Use Lists and examples of lists to build functional Programming .
3. Create Infinite lists and abstract data types,etc.
4. Apply Monads and parsing in text processing.

Course Content:

UNIT 1 CO 12 Periods
Fundamental concepts: Sessions and scripts, Evaluation, values, Functions, Definitions, types and
Simple Data Types: Boolean, Characters, Enumerations, tuples, other types, type synonyms,
Numbers: Natural numbers, Induction, fold function, Haskell numbers, examples, Church numbers.
UNIT II CO 12 Periods
Lists: List Notations, List operations, Map and filter, Zip, fold function, Laws of fold
Examples: Converting numbers to words, producing a class list, Printing a Calendar, Text Processing
Efficency: Lazy Evaluation, Asymtotic analysis, Acumlating parameters, Tupling, Controlling space,
fusion, finite deferencing and deforestation.
UNIT III CO 12 Periods
Abstract Data types: Basic concepts, Modules, sets,
Infinite lists: Review, Infinite lists and limits, Properties of Infinite lists, cyclic structures, example,
stream based interaction.
UNIT IV CO 12 Periods
Monads: Monadic Interaction, variations an evaluator, Monads and laws, combining Monads.
Parsing: Sequencing, alternation, repetitions, efficiency
An Automatic Calculator: Basic consideration, expressions, Matching and substitution,
subexpressions and rewriting, testing the calculator.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell, Second Edition By Richard
Bird,University of Oxford.
Reference Books:
1. Thinking Functionally with Haskell , Second Edition by Richard Bird
,University of Oxford.
2. Programming in Haskell, ByGraham Hutton ,Cambridge University Press, ISBN
978- 1316626221; Kindle: ASIN B01JGMEA3U

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CSH13 Fuzzy Logic L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of Classical sets, Fuzzy sets, Classical
relations,and Fuzzy relations.
2. To provide knowledge on the fuzzification, and the defuzzification.
3. To impart knowledge on logic and Fuzzy systems, decision making, and Fuzzy

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the fundamental concepts of classical sets, fuzzy sets.
2. Explain the basic concepts of classical relations, and fuzzy relations.
3. Explain the fuzzification of scalar variables and the defuzzification of membership
4. Design a fuzzy rule based system.
5. Demonstrate various fuzzy decision making methods.
6. Explain different fuzzy classification, and pattern recognition methods.

UNIT 1 CO 12
Periods Introduction:The Case for Imprecision ,A Historical Perspective ,The Utility of
Fuzzy Systems
,Limitations of Fuzzy Systems ,The Illusion: Ignoring Uncertainty and Accuracy ,Uncertainty
and Information ,Fuzzy Sets and Membership ,Chance versus Fuzziness ,Intuition of
Uncertainty: Fuzzy versus Probability ,Sets as Points in Hyper cubes .
Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets: Classical Sets, Fuzzy Sets

UNIT II CO 12 Periods
Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations: Cartesian Product, Crisp Relations, Fuzzy
Relations, Tolerance and Equivalence Relations, Fuzzy Tolerance and Equivalence Relations,
Value Assignments , Other Forms of the Composition Operation.
Properties of Membership Functions, Fuzzification, and Defuzzification: Features
of the Membership Function, Various Forms, Fuzzification, Defuzzification to Crisp Sets, λ-
Cuts for FuzzyRelations, Defuzzification to Scalars.

UNIT III CO 12 Periods

Logic and Fuzzy Systems: Logic: Classical Logic, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Systems
Decision Making with Fuzzy Information: Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation, Fuzzy Ordering,
Non- transitive Ranking, Preference and Consensus, Multi objective Decision Making, Fuzzy
Bayesian Decision Method, Decision Making under Fuzzy States and Fuzzy Actions.
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UNIT IV CO 12 Periods
Fuzzy Classification and Pattern Recognition: Fuzzy Classification, Classification by
Equivalence Relations, Cluster Analysis, Cluster Validity, c-Means Clustering , Hard c-Means
(HCM) , Fuzzy c-Means (FCM), Classification Metric , Hardening the Fuzzy c-Partition,
Similarity Relations from Clustering, Fuzzy Pattern Recognition, Single-Sample
Identification, Multi feature Pattern Recognition.,
Applications of Fuzzy Systems Using Miscellaneous Models: Fuzzy Optimization,
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, Agent-Based Models, Fuzzy Arithmetic and the Extension
Principle, Fuzzy Algebra, Data Fusion.

Learning Resources:

Text Book(s):

1. Timothy J.Ross - Fuzzy logic with engineering applications, 4th edition, Wiley, 2016.
2. George J.Klir,Bo Yuan - Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy logic theory and
Applications, PHI, New Delhi,1995.

Reference Book(S):
1. S. Rajasekaran, G. A. Vijayalakshmi - Neural Networks and Fuzzy
logic andGenetic Algorithms, Synthesis and Applications, PHI, New

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CSH14 Computer Graphics
4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Identify the functions and operations of display hardware and associated devices.
2. Interpret the algorithms for drawing 2D primitives.
3. Classify and implement geometric transformations of 2D objects.
4. Classify and implement geometric transformations of 3D objects.
5. Recognize the concepts related to Computer Animation.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Examine the functions and operations of display hardware and associated devices.
2. Evaluate the algorithms related to 2D primitives.
3. Analyze and formulate the transformations of 2D objects.
4. Analyze and formulate the transformations of 2D objects.
5. Possess the knowledge on Computer Animation.

Course Content:
UNIT 1 CO 15 Periods
Output primitives: Points and lines, line drawing algorithms - DDA, Bresenham's, mid-point
circleand ellipse algorithms, Filled area primitives - Scan line polygon fill algorithm, inside-
outside tests,boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms, character generation and Antialiasing.

UNIT II CO 15 Periods
2-D geometrical transforms: Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear
transformation, matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates, composite transforms,
transformations between coordinate systems.
2-D viewing: The viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference frame, window to
view-port coordinate transformation, viewing functions, Cohen-Sutherland and Liang-
Barsky line clippingalgorithms, Sutherland - Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
UNIT III CO 15 Periods
Three Dimensional Concepts: 3-D Object representation: Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces,
spline representation, Hermite curve, Bezier curve and B-spline curves, Bezier and B-spline
surfaces,sweep representations, octrees BSP Trees.
3-D Geometric transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear
transformactions, composite transformations.

UNIT IV CO 15 Periods
viewing: Viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates, projections, view volume and general
projection transforms and clipping.
Computer animation: Design of animation sequence, general computer animation
functions, raster animation, computer animation languages, key frame systems, motion

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. "Computer Graphics C version", Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker,
PearsonEducation 2nd Edition.

Reference Books:
1. "Computer Graphics Principles & Practice", Second Edition in C,
James.D.Foley, AndriesVanDam, Steven K.Feiner and Hughes, Pearson
2. Computer Graphics, Steven Harrington, TMH
3. "Computer Graphics Second edition", Zhigand Xiang, Roy Plastock, Schaum's
outlines,Tata Mc- Graw Hill edition.
4. Procedural elements for Computer Graphics, David F Rogers, Tata Mc Graw Hill,
5. "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics", Willam.M.Neuman and
6. Principles of Computer Graphics, ShaliniGovil, Pai, 2005, Springer.

Web References:
1. http://kat.ph/hearn-baker-computer-graphics-c-version-2nd-edt3295235.html
2. http://users.abo.fi/jawester/compgraph/
3. http://research.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Courses/559-s2002/cs559.html
4. http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/427/Lects/427lects.pdf

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page


CSH21 Advanced Databases L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To learn multi-user DBMS architectures and emerging developments in Web
services and service- oriented architectures (SOA) in the context of database
2. To realize the importance of query processing and optimization.
3. To understand the basic concepts and architectures of advanced database systems
likedistributed, object oriented, cloud and multimedia databases.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the concepts of middleware, web services and service-oriented
architectures that can be used to provide new types of business services in the
database field.
2. Choose an optimal query processing strategy for a given user query
3. Describe the concepts of distributed DBMSs and replication servers as an
alternative to distributed DBMSs
4. Discuss the issues associated with mobile databases
5. Compare and contrast the features of relational data model with object-oriented

Course Content:

UNIT1 CO 10 Periods
Database Architectures and the Web - Multi-user DBMS Architectures, Web Services
andService-Oriented Architectures, Distributed DBMSs, Data Warehousing, Cloud
Computing, Components of a DBMS .

UNIT II CO 15 Periods
Query Processing - Overview of Query Processing, Query Decomposition, Heuristical
Approach to Query Optimization, Cost Estimation for the Relational Algebra Operations,
Enumeration of Alternative Execution Strategies, Query Processing and Optimization .
UNIT III CO 12 Periods
Distributed DBMSs—Concepts and Design – Introduction, Functions and Architectures of a
DDBMS, Distributed Relational Database Design, Transparencies in a DDBMS, Distributed
Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed Deadlock
Management,Distributed Database Recovery Replication and Mobile Databases - Introduction
to Data Replication, Replication Architecture, Replication Schemes, Introduction to Mobile

UNIT IV CO 13 Periods
Object-Relational DBMSs - Advanced Database Applications, Weaknesses of RDBMSs,
StoringObjects in a Relational Database, Introduction to Object-Relational Database Systems
B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Object- Oriented DBMSs—Concepts and Design - Next-Generation Database Systems,

Introduction to OODBMSs, Persistence in OODBMSs, Issues in OODBMSs, Advantages and
Disadvantages of OODBMSs, Comparison of ORDBMS and OODBMS.
Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Text Book Thomas M. Connolly and Carolyn E. Begg, Database Systems: A

PracticalApproach to Design, Implementation, and Management, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Education, 2015

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CSH22 Concurrent Programming
4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Impart principles for programming secure, reliable and robust software in a
multi-threaded or multi-process environment.
2. Introduce the fundamental concepts of concurrency using shared
3. To provide knowledge on how to implement , and analyse the performance
ofmultiprocessor algorithms.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the fundamental concepts of concurrent programming.
2. Discuss the behavior based on all notions of correctness for concurrent objects.
3. Discuss the synchronization primitives needed to implement highly concurrent
data structures.
4. Explain various types of locks used to achieve synchronization of concurrent objects.
5. Apply various synchronization techniques on linked lists.
6. Analyze the performance of sequential and multiprocessor algorithms used for
multiprocessor programming.

Course Content:

UNIT 1 [CO1, CO2] 12 Periods

Introduction-Shared Objects and Synchronization, A Fable, The Producer-Consumer

Problem, the Readers-Writers Problem, The Harsh Realities of Parallelization, Parallel
Mutual Exclusion- Time, Critical Sections, Thread Solutions, The Filter Lock, Fairness,
Lamport’s Bakery algorithm, Bounded Timestamps, Lower Bounds on the Number of
Concurrent Objects –Concurrency and Correctness, Sequential Objects, Quiescent
Consistency, Sequential Consistency, Linearizability, Formal Definitions, Progress
Conditions, theJava Memory Model.

UNIT II [CO2, CO3] 13 Periods

Foundation of Shared Memory- The Space of Registers, Register Constructions, Atomic

The Relative Power of Primitive Synchronization Operations- Consensus Numbers,
Atomic Registers, Consensus Protocols, FIFO Queues, Read-Modify-Write
Operations,Common2 RMW Operations, The compareAndSet() Operation.
Universality of Consensus-Introduction, Universality, A Lock-Free Universal
Construction, A Wait-Free Universal Construction.

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UNIT III [CO4, CO5] 12 Periods

Spin Locks and Contention- Test-And-Set Locks, TAS –Based Spin Locks Revisited,
Exponential Back off, Queue Locks, A Queue Lock with Timeouts, A Composite Lock,
HierarchicalLocks, One Lock To Rule them All.
Monitors and Blocking Synchronization- Introduction, Monitor Locks and Conditions,
Readers-Writers Locks, Our Own Reentrant Lock, Semaphores.
Linked Lists: The Role of Locking- Introduction, List-Based Sets, Concurrent
Reasoning, Coarse-Grained Synchronization, Fine –Grained Synchronization, Optimistic
Syncronization, Lazysynchronization, on-Blocking Synchronization.

UNIT IV [CO6] 12 Periods

Concurrent Queues and the ABA Problem-Introduction, Queues, A Bounded Partial

Queue, An Unbounded Total Queue, An Unbounded Lock-Free Queue, Memory Reclamation
and the ABAProblem, Dual Data Structures
Concurrent Stacks and Elimination-Introduction, An Unbounded Lock-Free Stack,
Elimination, the Elimination Back off Stack.
Counting, Sorting and Distributed Coordination-Introduction, Shared Counting,
Software Combining, Counting Networks, Parallel Sorting, Sorting Networks, Sample
Sorting, Distributed Coordination.
Learning Resources:

Text Books:

1. Maurice Herlihy and NirShavit, “The Art of Multiprocessor

Programming”,RevisedFirst Edition, Elsevier, 2012.

Reference Books:

1. Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Block,

Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes and Doug Lea, Addison Wesley, 1st Edition, 2006.
2. Concurrent Programming in Java™: Design Principles and Patterns, Second
Edition byDoug Lea, Publisher: Addison Wesley, Pub Date: October 01, 1999.

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CSH23 Game Theory
4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

Course Content:
UNIT I CO 12 Periods

Combinatorial games: Impartial games- Nim, Bouton’s solution of Nim, Other impartial
games,Partisan games- The game of Hex, Topology and Hex: A path of arrows, Hex and Y,
More general boards, Other partisan games played on graphs.
Two-person zero-sum games:Examples, Definitions, The Minimax Theorem and its
meaning, Simplifying and solving zero-sum games - Simplifying and solving zero-sum games
- Pure optimal strategies: Saddle points, Equalizing payoffs, The technique of domination,
Using symmetry, Nash equilibria, equalizing payoffs, and optimal strategies.

UNIT II CO 12 Periods

Zero-sum games on graphs: Games in series and in parallel, Resistor networks and troll
games, Hide and Seek games - Maximum matching and minimum covers, A pursuit-evasion
game: Hunter and Rabbit, Towards optimal strategies, The hunter’s strategy, The rabbit’s
strategy, The Bomber and Battleship game.
General-sum games:Nash equilibria, General-sum games with more than two players-
Symmetric games, Potential games- The general notion, Games with infinite strategy spaces,
Themarket for lemons.

UNIT III CO 12 Periods

Games in extensive form: Introduction, Games of imperfect information, Games of

incomplete information - Bayesian games, Signaling, Zero-sum games of incomplete
information, Repeated games – Repetition with discounting, The Folk Theorem for average
Random-turn games: Examples, Optimal strategy for random-turn selection games, Win-
or- lose selection games - Length of play for random-turn Recursive Majority.

UNIT IV CO 12 Periods

Fair division: Cake cutting, Cake cutting via Sperner’s Lemma, Bankruptcy.
Cooperative games:Transferable utility games, The core, The Shapley value, Shapley’s
axioms,Shapley’s Theorem, Examples, Nash bargaining.

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Text Book:
1. Anna R. Karlin, Tuval Peres, “Game Theory, Alive”, American Mathematical Society.

Reference Books:
2. DeVos and Kent, “Game Theory: A Playful Introduction”,American Mathematical
3. Thomas S. Ferguson, Class notes

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CSH24 Arm System Architecture L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of ARM architecture and programming.
2. To provide knowledge on various types of ARM instructions, memory maps,
memoryaccess, stacks , and ARM pipeline and CPU evaluation.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the ARM architecture and fundamental concepts of ARM programming.
2. Develop solutions using various types of instructions.
3. Explain the concepts of signed numbers and IEEE 754 floating point standards.
4. Explain ARM memory maps and memory access, and addressing modes.
5. Discuss the ARM pipeline and CPU evaluation

Course Content:

UNIT I CO1 14 Periods

The History of ARM and Microcontrollers: Introduction to Microcontrollers, The ARM

ARM Architecture and Assembly Language Programming: The General Purpose
Registers in the ARM, The ARM Memory Map, Load and Store Instructions in ARM, ARM
CPSR, ARM DataFormat and Directives. Introduction to ARM Assembly Programming,
Assembling an ARM Program, The Program Counter and Program ROM Space in the ARM,
Some ARM Addressing Modes, RISC Architecture in ARM, Viewing Registers and Memory
with ARM Keil IDE.

UNIT II CO2 10 Periods

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions and Programs: Arithmetic Instructions, Logic

Instructions, Rotate and Barrel Shifter, Shift and Rotate Instructions in ARM Cortex,

BCD and ASCII Conversion: Branch, Call, and Looping in ARM: Looping and Branch
Instructions, Calling Subroutine with BL, ARM Time Delay and Instruction Pipeline,
Conditional Execution.

UNIT III CO3, CO4 14 Periods

Signed Numbers and IEEE 754 Floating Point: Signed Numbers Concept, Signed
Number Instructions and Operations, IEEE 754 Floating-Point Standards
ARM Memory Map, Memory Access, and Stack: ARM Memory Map and Memory
Access, Stack and Stack Usage in ARM, ARM Bit-Addressable Memory Region, Advanced
Indexed Addressing Mode, ADR, LDR, and PC Relative Addressing.

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UNIT IV CO5 10 Periods

ARM Pipeline and CPU Evolution, ARM Pipeline Evolution, Other CPU Enhancements.



Text Book:

1. Muhammed Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, Sepehr Naimi, Janice Mazidi, “ARM
Assemblylanguage Programming & Architecture, Pearson Education.

Reference Book:

1. ARM Assembly Language Programming By Pete Cockerell, Computer Concepts Ltd.

Web References:

1. https://azeria-labs.com/writing-arm-assembly-part-1/

2. https://www.hackster.io/news/do-you-want-to-learn-arm-assembly-43213cdf3178

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4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of the course are:

1. To equip students with parallel algorithm analysis techniques.
2. To introduce parallel programming concepts with OpenMP & CUDA

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to

CO1: Explain the concepts of parallel programming
CO2: Analyze Parallel algorithms
CO3: Explain CUDA programming concepts
CO5: Explain memory & data locality
CO6: Explain performance enhancement considerations in CUDA.
CO6: Explain OpenMP concepts

Course Content:

UNIT – I [CO1, CO2] 10 Periods

Introduction: GPUs as Parallel Computers, Architecture of a Modern GPU, Why More Speed or
Parallelism?, Parallel Programming Languages and Models. (T1)
Multi-threaded Algorithms: Masters Theorem, Analysis of Parallel Matrix Multiplication, Analysis
of Parallel Merge Sort, Analysis of Parallel Longest common subsequence problem. (T2)
[CO3] 14 Periods
Introduction to CUDA: Data Parallelism, CUDA Program Structure, A Matrix–Matrix Multiplication
Example, Device Memories and Data Transfer, Kernel Functions and Threading (T1)
CUDA Threads: CUDA Thread Organization, 2 Using blockIdx and threadIdx, Synchronization and
Transparent Scalability, Thread Assignment, Thread Scheduling and Latency Tolerance. (T1)
[CO4, CO5] 10 Periods
CUDA Memories: Importance of Memory Access Efficiency, CUDA Device Memory Types, A
Strategy for Reducing Global Memory Traffic, Memory as a Limiting Factor to Parallelism.
Performance considerations: More on Thread Execution, Global Memory Bandwidth, Dynamic
Partitioning of SM Resources, Data Prefetching, Instruction Mix, Thread Granularity, Measured
Performance and Summary .
[CO6] 10 Periods
OpenMP Basics: The OpenMP model, Your first OpenMp program, Thread Data, Creating
Parallel Regions: Creating parallelism with parallel regions, Nested parallelism, Cancel parallelism

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Loop parallelism: Loop parallelism, Loop schedules, Reductions, Nested Loops, ordered iterations,
nowait, While loops.
Work sharing: Sections, Single/master
Synchronization: Barrier, Mutual exclusion, Locks,

Learning Resources:

Text books:
1. Programming Massively parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach by David B. Kirk, EI
Hajj Izzat, Wen-mei W. Hwu.
2. Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition, Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.
3. Parallel Programming in MPI and OpenMP, The Art of HPC, volume 2, Victor Eijkhout

Reference books:
1. CUDA programming: A Developer’s Guide to parallel Computing with GPUs; Shane Cook;
Morgan Kaufman; 2012.

Web Resources:
1. https://www.openmp.org/
2. https://www.openacc.org/
3. https://www.nvidia.com/en-in/data-center/resources/
4. https://gpuopen.com/

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CSH32 Search Engine Internals
4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To provide knowledge on the implementation of search engines.
2. To expose the students about existing retrieval models.
3. To provide knowledge on the evaluation of search engines.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain matrix decompositions and low-rank approximations.

2. Discuss the basics of web search
3. Explain web crawling and ranking of web pages.
4. Explain the strategies of XML retrieval.
5. Discuss the concepts of SEO.
6. Discuss the strategies of SEO.

Course Content:
UNIT I CO 10 periods
Search Engines and Information Retrieval: What is Information Retrieval, The Big
Issues, Search Engines, Search Engineers.
Architecture of a Search Engineers: What is an Architecture? Basic Building blocks,
BreakingIt Down.

UNIT II CO 14 Periods
Crawls and Feeds: Deciding what to search, crawling the web, crawling documents and
Email, Document feeds, The conversion problem, Storing the documents, Detecting
Duplicates, Removing Noise.
Processing Text: From words to Terms, Text statistics, Document Passing, Document
Structureand Mark up, Link Analysis, Information Extraction, Internationalization

UNIT III CO 12 Periods

Ranking with Indexes: Abstract Model of Ranking, Inverted Indexes Compression,
Auxiliary structures, Index construction, query processing.
Quires and Interfaces: Information Needs and Quires, Query Transformation and
Refinement,showing the results.

UNIT IV CO 13 Periods
Retrieval Models: Overview of Retrieval models, Probabilistic models, Ranking based on
Language Models, Complex queries and combining Evidence, Web search, Machine Learning
andInformation retrieval, Application-Based Models.
Evaluating Search Engines: Why Evaluate? The evaluation corpus, Logging
Effectiveness Metrics, Efficiency metrics, Training, Testing, and Statistics.

Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice, W.Bruce Croft, Donald Metzler,
TrevorStrohman., Addison Wesley-2010.

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CSH33 Wireless Sensor Networks
4 0 4

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of Sensor networks and it’s architecture,
2. To provide knowledge on Fundamental MAC protocols, routing protocols,
networktopologies, Quality services, and Security issues of sensor networks.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the challenges and applications of sensor networks.
2. Implement the design principles of WSN.
3. Use the specific MAC protocol for sensor networks.
4. Design various routing protocol for different applications.
5. Analyze the network security mechanism and QoS metric.

Course Content:

UNIT I CO 12 Periods
Introduction and Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks: Background of Sensor
Network Technology, Application of Sensor Networks, Challenges for Wireless Sensor
Networks,Mobile Adhoc NET works (MANETs) and WSN, Enabling Technologies for WSN.
Single node Architecture: Hardware Components, Energy Consumption of sensor nodes.

UNIT II CO 12 Periods

Network Architecture: Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and Figures of

Merit, Design Principles for WSNs, Service Interfaces of WSNs, Gateway Concepts.
MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks: Fundamental MAC protocols, Low duty cycle
protocols and wakeup concepts, Contention-based protocols, Schedule-based protocols,
IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol.

UNIT III CO 12 Periods

Topology Control: Motivation and basic ideas, Hierarchical networks by clustering,

combining hierarchical topologies and power control.
Routing Protocols: Energy-efficient unicast, Broadcast and multicast, Geographic Routing.

UNIT IV CO 12 Periods

Data-centric and content-based networking: Data-centric routing, Data aggregation.

QoS and Security in WSN: QoS in WSN, Reliable data transport, Single packet delivery,
Blockdelivery, Security.

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Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Holger Karl & Andreas Willig, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless
Sensor Networks", John Wiley, 2005.

References Books:

1. Ian F. Akyildiz, and Mehmet Can Vuran, "Wireless Sensor Networks",

2011, First Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
2. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, &TaiebZnati, “Wireless Sensor Networks,
Technology,Protocols, and Applications”, 2012, First Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, New Jersey.
3. Anna Hac, “Wireless Sensor Network Designs”, 2013, First Edition, John Wiley
&Sons,New Jersey.
4. Elink:http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105160/22.

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CSH34 Parallel Algorithms L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Realize the use basic sequential algorithms and Describe about basic parallel algorithms.
2. Describe and use basic data structures; know about the existence of advanced data
3. Describe and use the main design techniques for sequential algorithms.
4. Analyze message-passing based parallel algorithms in C using the MPI library.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Elucidate the parallel computing models, and differentiate between sequential and
2. Analyze the parallel algorithms for CRCW, CREW, EREW models.
3. Identify the correctness and analyze the computational complexity of sequential
4. Differentiate among several algorithms solving the same problem under different

Course Content:

UNIT I CO 13 Periods

Introduction to Parallel Algorithms: Models of Computation – Analyzing Algorithms,

Selection-The Problem and a lower Bound, A Sequential algorithm, Desirable Properties of
Parallel algorithm, An algorithm for parallel Selection.
Merging: A Network for Merging, Merging on the CREW and EREW Models – A better
Algorithmfor the EREW model.

UNIT II CO 12 Periods

Sorting: A network for Sorting, sorting on a Linear Array, Sorting on CRCW, CREW, EREW
Searching: Searching a Sorted Sequence – Searching a Random Sequence, Searching on a
tree,searching on Mesh.
UNIT III CO 12 Periods

Generating Permutations and Combinations: Sequential Algorithms, generating

permutations in Parallel, generating combinations in Parallel.
Matrix Operations: Transpositions, Matrix by Matrix Multiplications, Matrix by Vector

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UNIT IV CO 13 Periods

Graph Theory: Computing the Connectivity Matrix, Finding Connected Components, All
Pairs Shortest Paths, Computing Minimum Spanning Trees.
Applications: Job Sequencing with Deadlines, Knapsack Problem.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:
1. Selim G. Akl, The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey, 1989.

Reference Books:

1.Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing: Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Edition,
2003. 2.Justin R. Smith, the Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, Oxford
University Press, USA, 1993.
3.Joseph JaJa, Introduction to Parallel Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1992.

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CSH41 Semantic Web Technologies L P C

4 0 4

Course Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. To provide the knowledge of semantic web layers design and vision.
2. To demonstrate the development of ontology creation and applications

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the fundamentals of semantic web and its layers.
2. Represent the datamodel using RDF, RDF Schema, and OWL.
3. Query the semantic web using SPARQL.
4. Explain the benefits of the Semantic Web for various application domains.
5. Construct ontology for the given domain.
6. Describe the key issues in the development of ontology based systems for the web.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Semantic Web Vision: Introduction, Semantic web technologies, Alayered approach.

Describing Web Resources: RDF- Introduction, RDF: Data Model. RDF Syntaxes,
RDFS: Adding Semantics, RDF Schema: The Language, RDF and RDF Schema in RDF
Schema, An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema, A Direct Inference System for
RDF and RDFS,adding information with SPARQL update.

UNIT II 13 Periods

Querying the Semantic Web: SPARQL Infrastructure, Basics: Matching patterns, Filters,
Constructs for dealing with an open world, Organizing Result Sets, Other forms of SPARQL
Queries, Querying schemas.
Web Ontology Language: Introduction, Requirements for Ontology Languages,
Compatibilityof OWL2 with RDF/RDFS, The OWL Language, OWL2 Profile.
13 Periods

Logic and Inference: Rules Introduction, Example of Rules: Family Relationships,

Monotonic Rules: Syntax, Monotonic Rules: Semantics, OWL2 RL: Description Logic Meets
Rules, Rule Interchange Format: RIF, Sematic Web Rules language, Rules in SPARQL, No
monotonic rules: Motivation &syntax, Rule Markup language (Rule ML).
Applications: Introduction, Good Relations, BBC Artists, BBC World cup 2010 website,
Government Data, New York Times, Sig.ma and Sindice, OpenCalais.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

UNIT IV 11 Periods

Ontology Engineering: Introduction, Constructing ontologies Manually, Reusing existing

ontologies, Semi-automatic ontology Acquisition. Ontology mapping, Exposing relational
databases, semantic web application architecture.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. A Semantic web Primer: Grigoris Antoniou and Frank Van Hermelen, 3rd Edition,
MIT Press

Reference Book(s):

1. Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies, Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krötzsch,

Sebastian Rudolph, CRC Press

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page 210


CSH42 Deep Learning L P C

4 0 4

Course Objective:

The main objectives of this course are to:

1. Introduce different neural network models for deep learning.
2. Explain parameters used for regularizing the deep learning.
3. Define challenges in optimization of a network.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the basic concepts of neural networks

2. Explain the principles and technques of neural computations
3. Explain the concepts of convolution neural networks.
4. Explain the concepts of recurrent neural networks.
5. Design appropriate DNN model for supervised, unsupervised and sequence learning
Course Contents:

UNIT-I 10 Periods

Deep Feedforward Networks: Example: Learning XOR, Gradient-Based Learning, Hidden

Units,Architecture Design, Back-Propagation and Other Differentiation Algorithms, Historical

UNIT-II 12 Periods

Regularization for Deep Learning: Parameter Norm Penalties, Norm Penalties as

ConstrainedOptimization, Regularization and Under-Constrained Problems, Dataset
Augmentation, NoiseRobustness, Semi-Supervised Learning, Multi-Task Learning, Early
Stopping, Parameter Tying and Parameter Sharing, Sparse Representations, Bagging and
Other Ensemble Methods, Dropout, Adversarial Training,Tangent Distance, Tangent Prop, and
Manifold Tangent classifier.

UNIT-III 12 periods

Optimization for Training Deep Models, How Learning Differs from Pure Optimization,
Challenges in Neural Network Optimization, Basic Algorithms, Parameter Initialization
Strategies, Algorithms with Adaptive Learning Rates, Approximate Second-Order Methods,
Optimization Strategies and MetaAlgorithms

UNIT-IV 14 Periods

Convolutional Networks: The Convolution Operation, Motivation, Pooling, Convolution and

Pooling as an Infinitely Strong Prior, Variants of the Basic Convolution Function, Structured

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

Outputs, Data Types, Efficient Convolution Algorithms, Random or Unsupervised Features,

The Neuro-scientific Basis for Convolutional Networks, Convolutional Networks and the
History of Deep Learning.

Applications: Large-Scale Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing.

Learning Resources:

Text Book:

1. Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio, Aaron Courville, Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation

andMachine Learning series), MIT Press.

Reference Books:

1. Li Deng and Dong Yu, Deep Learning Methods and Applications, Foundations and
Trends®in Signal Processing Volume 7 Issues 3-4, ISSN: 1932-8346.
2. Dr. N.D. Lewis, Deep Learning Made Easy with R A Gentle Introduction for Data
Science.Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (January 10, 2016)
3. François Chollet, JJ Allaire, MEAP Edition Manning Early Access Program Deep
Learningwith R Version 1, Copyright 2017 Manning Publications

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CSH43 Social Network Analysis L P C

4 0 4

Course objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. To introduce the current Web development and emergence of SocialWeb.
2. To provide the knowledge of modeling, aggregating, and knowledge
representation ofsemantic web.
3. To expose the students extraction and mining tools, web personalization and web
visualization of Social networks

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Apply the knowledge for current Web development in the era of
2. Model the knowledge representation of the semantic web using ontology languages.
3. Explain the extraction and mining tools required for social networks.
4. Develop personalized web sites and visualization for Social networks.
5. Design Web personalization and Visualization for Social networks.

Course Content:

UNIT I 12 Periods

Introduction To Social Network Analysis: Introduction to Web - Limitations of current Web

– Development of Semantic Web – Emergence of the Social Web - Network analysis -
Development of Social Network Analysis - Key concepts and measures in network analysis -
Electronic sources for network analysis - Electronic discussion networks, Blogs and online

UNIT II 13 Periods

Ontology and their role in the Semantic Web - Ontology-based Knowledge

Representation - Ontology languages for the Semantic Web – RDF and OWL -
Ontological representation of social individuals, Ontological representation of social
relationships, Aggregating and reasoning with social network data, Advanced

UNIT III 12 Periods

Extracting evolution of Web Community from a Series of Web Archive - Detecting

Communities in Social Networks - Definition of Community - Evaluating Communities -
Methods for Community Detection & Mining - Applications of Community Mining
Algorithms - Tools for Detecting Communities Social Network Infrastructures and

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

UNIT IV 13 Periods

Understanding and Predicting Human Behavior for Social Communities - User Data
Management, Inference and Distribution - Enabling New Human Experiences - Reality
Mining - Context-Awareness - Privacy in Online Social Networks - Trust in Online
Environment - Trust Models Based on Subjective Logic - Trust Network Analysis -
Combining Trust and Reputation.

Learning Resources:


1. Peter Mika, ―Social networks and the Semantic Web‖, Springer, 1st edition 2007.
2. BorkoFurht, ―Handbook of Social Network Technologies and
Applications‖, Springer,1st edition, 2010.
3. GuandongXu ,Yanchun Zhang and Lin Li, ―Web Mining and Social
NetworkingTechniques and applications‖, Springer, 1st edition, 2011.


1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_analysis.
2. https://www.slideshare.net/pkaviya/cs6010-social-network-analysis-unit-iii
3. https://www.slideshare.net/socialmediadna/visualization-of-social-networks.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

CSH44 Augmented and Virtual Reality L P C

3 0 4
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
1. Recognize the basic components of Virtual Reality technology.
2. Acquire Knowledge on Computing Architecture and Modeling concepts of Virtual Reality.
3. Distinguish the factors that influence the system performance in virtual reality.
4. Relate the Virtual Realty Applications in various domains.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Distinguish the fundamental technologies and equipment used in virtual reality;
2. Investigate the theoretical contexts relevant to computing and modeling features
in VRdevelopment.
3. Analyze the current generation systems for creating VR environments.
4. Identify the current VR technologies and next generation applications across all fields.

Course Content:
UNIT I CO 12 Periods

Introduction: The Three l’s Virtual Reality, A short History of Early Virtual Reality, Early
commercial VR Technology, VR Becomes an Industry, The five classic Components of a VR
Input Devices: Trackers, Navigation and Gesture Interfaces: Three- Dimensional
Position Trackers, Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces, Gesture Interfaces.
Output Devices: Graphics, Three-Dimensional Sound and Haptic Displays:
Graphics Displays Sound Displays, Haptic Feedback.

UNIT II CO 14 Periods
Computing Architectures for VR: The Rendering Pipeline Rendering, PC Graphics
ArchitectureWorkstation-Based Architectures, Distributed VR Architectures.
Modeling: Geometric modeling, Kinematics Modeling, Physical Modeling, Behavior
Modeling, Model Management.
UNIT III CO 12 Periods

VR Programming: Toolkits and Scene Graphs, WorldToolkit, JAVA3D, General Haptics

Open Software Toolkit,, People shop.
Human Factors in VR: Methodology and Terminology, User Performance Studies, VR
Health and Safety Issues, VR and Society.

UNIT IV CO 12 Periods
Traditional VR Applications: Medical Applications of VR, Education, Arts and
Entertainment,Military VR Applications.
Emerging Applications of VR : VR Applications in Manufacturing, Applications of
VR in Robotics, Information Visualization.
Learning Resources:
Text Book:
1. GrigoreC.Burdea, Philippe Coiffet. “Virtual Reality” Second Edition, Wiley India.

B.Tech/CSE/2020-2021 Page

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