Je LT 620305
Je LT 620305
Je LT 620305
This research paper explores the impact of personal identities of teachers on their teaching
practice. The construct of personal identity plays a significant role in the professional
life of a teacher. Research in teacher identity becomes more relevant as teachers encounter
multicultural and multilingual students in diverse classrooms. Research has placed a
special focus on the personal, social, economic, cultural, educational, and institutional
factors, which shape teachers’ personal identity. Personal identities of teachers are
constructed by gender, sexuality, region, religion, nationality, ethnicity, and culture in a
society. Teachers’ current teaching is greatly affected by the background and the personal
identities that the teachers carry with them to the classroom. Hence, the study also explores
whether the teachers are aware of the impact of teacher personal identities on teaching
practice. The participants were from government schools. The data were collected through
questionnaire and classroom observation. The study hypothesized that language teachers
possess multiple personal (gender, religion, region, class, etc.) identities and these affect
teaching practice. The findings of the study reveal that teachers are aware of the personal
identities that they possess. The study suggests that awareness of the formation of teacher’s
personal identity helps teachers understand who they are as individuals, teachers, and
members of the teaching fraternity.
Data Analysis and Interpretation Are you aware (possess) of your gender, social,
religious, family and professional identities?
The data collected for this study were • Give one instance of your identity as male/
responses to the questionnaire and classroom female teacher that made you
observations designed to explore personal comfortable/ uncomfortable in the class.
identity factors which affect teaching • Give one instance of how your identity
practice. (e.g., as someone belonging to a
particular community/caste) has affected
Responses to the Questionnaire and the
your interaction with particular students.
• Give one instance of the religious identity
The participants had responded to questions that made you comfortable/uncomfortable
in the teacher identity questionnaire. in dealing with any text in the classroom.
Table 1 - Awareness of Formation of Teacher Identity
Teacher Awareness
of identity Instances of gender identity impact
Teacher A Aware As a female teacher I am comfortable in the class. I can
understand the girl student problems. Once one boy in the class
X was not listening. By observing his face, I asked him what
was the problem. He said that he was hungry and did not eat
anything, so I let him go and have lunch.
Teacher B Aware As a female teacher the shades of a motherly concern and
affection can be shown to the students.
Teacher C Aware I teach in a girl’s school so I never felt uncomfortable handling
Teacher D Aware Teaching in co-ed institution girls feel more comfortable with a
lady teacher; boys take some time to adjust.
Teacher E Aware When some of the X standard boys behaved in a arrogant manner,
when I shouted at them and was about to slap them.
Teacher F Aware In spite of being a class-teacher, I could not have one-to-one
response from the girl child for their uninformed absence.
From the responses (Table 1), it can be stated mother, a wife, a friend, and a colleague before
that teachers possess and are aware of personal entering the language classroom. A teacher is
identities – gender, social, religious, family – an educator, facilitator, tutor, discipline keeper,
and professional identities. It was also and culture educator after entering the
observed that a teacher is a female, a Hindu, a language classroom. Thus, it can be claimed
From the responses of the teachers (Table factors such as personal experience, attitude,
3), it is evident that identity is a key knowledge, expectations, and values become
influencing factor on teachers’ sense of part of beliefs and these beliefs in turn
purpose, motivation, commitment, job become part of identity. These personal
satisfaction, and effectiveness. Personal factors give a sense of why they want to