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Hyadraulic Report and Annex - English

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Table of Contents

1Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Prelude ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2Project location ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3Study Objectives and Scope of Work................................................................................ 3
2Design Principles, Programs, and Design Recurrence Periods ............................................. 4
2.1Design Principles ............................................................................................................. 4
2.2Models and Computer Programs....................................................................................... 4
2.3Design Recurrence Periods ............................................................................................... 5
2.4Methods for Calculating Maximum Flow ......................................................................... 5
2.4.1Rational Method ............................................................................................................ 6
2.4.2SCS Unit Hydrograph Method ....................................................................................... 8
2.5Hydraulic Design Principles ........................................................................................... 11
2.5.1Open Channels and Gravity Drainage Lines: ............................................................... 11
2.5.2Design Velocities for Open Channels and Pipes: ......................................................... 11
3Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Data .................................................................................. 12
4Hydrological Analysis ....................................................................................................... 17
4.1Surface Flow Coefficients .............................................................................................. 17
4.2Maximum Flows ............................................................................................................ 18
5Proposed Protection Works ............................................................................................... 20

List of Tables

Table 1 return period for protection elements ........................................................................ 5

Table 2 Criteria for Surface Flow Calculation Methods ......................................................... 5
Table 3 runoff coefficient values for rational method ............................................................ 7
Table 4 CN values for urban areas ......................................................................................... 9
Table 5 CN values for arid and semiarid regions ................................................................. 10
Table 6 The annual data available for the maximum daily rainfall (mm) for the used stations.
........................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 7 Maximum daily rainfall depth during the corresponding year for different return
periods. ............................................................................................................................... 15
Table 8 the ratios of short-duration rainfall to daily rainfall for the stations and the average
for Riyadh City. .................................................................................................................. 15
Table 9 Values of intensity-duration-frequency curves. ....................................................... 15
Table 10 Surface Runoff coefficient values (C) for catchments ........................................... 17
Table 11 Results of the Hydrological Study for Drainage Basins Affecting the Boundaries of
the Study Area .................................................................................................................... 19
Table 12 proposed side channels dimensions. ...................................................................... 21

Page i
List of Figures

Figure 1 : site location. .......................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 scope of work .......................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3 Distribution of the average values of the depth of annual rainfall across the Kingdom
1998-2008. .......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves. .......................................................... 16
Figure 5 catchments affecting study area. ............................................................................ 18
Figure 6 proposed solutions inside project area.................................................................... 20
Figure 7 profile number 1 .................................................................................................... 23
Figure 8 profile number 2 .................................................................................................... 23
Figure 9 profile number 3 .................................................................................................... 23

Page ii
1 Introduction

1.1 Prelude
This report presents the results of a study on the drainage of rainwater at the
intersection of the Second Ring Road with the Khurais Subsidiary Road. The
following is a summary of the main sections of the report:

1. Introduction: In this section, the general project site will be presented, and the
scope of work will be explained.

2. Design Principles, Programs, and Design Recurrence Periods: In this section,

the global design principles, equations, and standards to be used in the study
will be presented. It will also showcase the programs used, in addition to
presenting the design recurrence period for all proposed protection elements.
Different methods for calculating surface flows and the criteria and
parameters for their use will also be discussed.

3. Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Data: This section will present the results of
the statistical analysis of rainfall data from stations affecting the study area. It
will display intensity, duration, and recurrence curves for different return

4. Hydrological Analysis: In this section, data will be used to identify the

drainage basins affecting the project to estimate the maximum surface flows
for each basin during the design recurrence period.

5. Proposed Protection Works: This section will present the design dimensions
for the proposed side channels and lakes.

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1.2 Project location
Figure 1 shows the general location for the project, The project is located at the
intersection of the Khurais Subsidiary Road with the Second Ring Road in the city of

Figure 1 : site location.

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1.3 Study Objectives and Scope of Work

The objectives of this study are to conduct all necessary studies and hydrological
analyses to identify the drainage basins affecting the project. This includes deriving the
associated flow characteristics and proposing a drainage system for rainwater. The
scope of work for the project encompasses the following engineering tasks:

• Data Collection,

• Selection of appropriate design principles and standards,

• Hydrological studies, flow calculations, and identification of drainage basins,

• Development of a suitable rainwater drainage system and hydraulic design of

its components.

Figure 2 scope of work

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2 Design Principles, Programs, and Design Recurrence Periods

2.1 Design Principles

The designs and hydrological/hydraulic analyses in this study adhere to the design
principles and standards outlined in the Engineering Guidelines for Flood Hazard
Mitigation in Riyadh City. Additionally, the study incorporates the following
international design codes:

❑ Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA) Design Standards

❑ Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) Design Standards
❑ Ministry of Transport (MOT) Standards
❑ Jeddah Storm Drainage Program (JSDP) Design Manual
❑ Urban Hydrology for Small Watershed، Technical Release 55، TR55، NRCS،
❑ Hydraulic Engineering Circular (HEC) no. 22 – Urban Drainage Design
❑ American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
❑ Model Drainage Manual، Metric ed.، AASHTO، USA، 2000.
❑ Highway Drainage Guidelines، 4th ed.، AASHTO، USA، 2007.CIRIA Report
14، for identifying the minimum cleansing velocity in sewer pipes

2.2 Models and Computer Programs

The latest computer programs and digital models were utilized for conducting
hydrological and hydraulic calculations and analyses for the drainage basin and
proposed protective structures. The following are key programs and models used in
the initial phase of the study, as well as those planned for use in the detailed phase
(upcoming stage):

• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and associated tools: (Arc-Hydro

Tools, Spatial Analyst, etc.) used for identifying valleys and external drainage
basins, as well as deriving characteristics of those basins.

• FlowMaster software: Utilized for hydraulic design of the proposed channels.

• StormCad V8i (Bentley) and/or SewerGEMS V8i (Bentley): To be used for

designing the rainwater drainage system (stormwater networks).

• AutoCAD Civil 3D: Employed for drawing the boundaries of drainage basins
and determining their characteristics.

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2.3 Design Recurrence Periods
The design recurrence period represents the frequency of storms over a specific
period, reflecting the severity of floods. The choice of the design period depends on
the importance and location of the proposed protective structures. Table (1) illustrates
the design recurrence periods used for each element in the flood hazard mitigation
and rainwater drainage works, which can be applied to the project.
Table 1 return period for protection elements

element protection type return period

Dams External flood hazard mitigation 200 years

Bridges External flood hazard mitigation 100 years

Culverts External flood hazard mitigation 100 years

Channels External flood hazard mitigation 100 years

Dikes External flood hazard mitigation 100 years

Side protection works and berms External flood hazard mitigation 100 years

Stormwater drainage network on site rainwater drainage 10 years

Ditches on site rainwater drainage 10 years

2.4 Methods for Calculating Maximum Flow

There are several methods for estimating and calculating maximum flows and
streamflow hydrographs resulting from drainage basins affecting the project. Among
the most commonly used methods in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are the Rational
Method and the SCS Unit Hydrograph Method. Table (2) outlines the specific criteria
for using these methods based on the area of the drainage basin affecting the
proposed plan.
Table 2 Criteria for Surface Flow Calculation Methods

Drainage Basin Area Equation Used

Area ≤ 81 hectares Rational Method

Area > 81 hectares SCS Unit Hydrograph Method

The following is an explanation of both methods and how they are applied to estimate
maximum flows and calculate streamflow hydrographs for the drainage basins
affecting the project.

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2.4.1 Rational Method
As indicated in Table (2), the Rational Method is recommended for use in basins with
an area not exceeding 81 hectares. This commonly used empirical equation is
expressed as follows:


• Q - Maximum discharge (m³/s).

• I - Intensity of precipitation or rainfall rate (mm/hr), calculated from Intensity-

Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves, representing the rainfall amount during a
specific time equal to the concentration time (Tc) for a suitable recurrence

• A - Area of the drainage basin (hectares).

• C - Runoff coefficient: Represents the ratio of rainfall runoff from the

drainage basin. It is influenced by the nature of the basin, such as land use,
soil cover, vegetation cover, soil infiltration capacity, and other hydrological
obstacles. The runoff coefficient is determined based on experience,
engineering practice, available maps, aerial images, field visits, and
geological information. Generally, C is determined from available tables
according to the Engineering Guidelines for Flood Hazard Mitigation in
Riyadh City based on site conditions, as outlined in Table (3).

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Table 3 runoff coefficient values for rational method

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In the case of diverse areas, the runoff coefficient (C) can be calculated as follows:

C1 A1 +C2 A2 + ... + Cn An
A1 + A2 + ... + An

• C1...Cn are the runoff coefficients for basins .A1...An.

Tc - Concentration time, generally defined as the time it takes for water to travel from
the farthest point in the basin to the proposed outlet. Concentration time is typically
calculated using the Kirpich equation, particularly popular and widely used in arid and
semi-arid regions, including Saudi Arabia:
 L 
Tc = 0.0195 

 S 0.5 

Tl = 0.6Tc
• Where:

• Tc - Concentration time (minutes).

• L - Maximum length of the watercourse (meters).

• S - Slope of the watercourse extending from the farthest point in the basin to
the proposed outlet (m/m).

2.4.2 SCS Unit Hydrograph Method

This method is used to estimate surface runoff, determine maximum streamflows for
floods, and calculate the streamflow hydrograph. It relies on the accurate estimation
of various hydrological coefficients for the design storm:

• Temporal distribution of the storm.

• Initial losses of rainfall and the initial storage of the basin (Ia), related to the
water stored in accumulation pools and low areas in the basin and also
depleted during the initial saturation process of the basin surface.

• Infiltration rate through soil particles (Infiltration Rate), gradually decreasing

over time from the beginning of the rainstorm until it reaches a constant value.
This value often depends on the physical properties and construction
composition of the soil and the percentage of organic material.

The runoff curve number (CN) represents these losses and is used to calculate runoff.
This method is applied to calculate runoff from basins with an area greater than 81
hectares or 0.81 km².

The method depends on accurately estimating the hydrological coefficients for the
design storm, including the temporal distribution of the storm, initial losses, and
infiltration rate. The maximum possible storage loss in the basin soil (S) and the
expected initial loss (Ia) in the basin are determined using the following equations:

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S=25.4 [(1000/CN)-10]
Ia = 0.2S

• S - Maximum storage depth in the soil (mm).

• CN - Curve number based on the nature of the drainage basin.

• Ia - Initial loss (at the beginning of the rainstorm) (mm).

The values for the curve number are determined based on geological maps, aerial
images, and according to tables derived from values in dry and semi-dry areas, as
outlined in the Engineering Guidelines for Flood Hazard Mitigation in Riyadh City.
Table 4 CN values for urban areas

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Table 5 CN values for arid and semiarid regions

Subsequently, the expected runoff depth (R) occurring over the unit areas of the
drainage basin (mm) is calculated using the following equation:

(P − I )2
R= a
( P + 0.8S )

• P - Maximum daily rainfall rate corresponding to the design recurrence period


The shape of the runoff hydrograph resulting from the SCS Unit Hydrograph Method
depends on the area of the drainage basin and the lag time (Tlag). The lag time is
estimated at 0.6 times the concentration time (Tc) for the basin.

The following equation is used to calculate the maximum possible discharge from the
drainage basin (Qp) due to a runoff depth of 1 mm:
2.08 A
Qp =

• Qp - Maximum flow per unit area (m³/s).

• A - Area of the drainage basin (km²).

• TR - Time required for the occurrence of maximum flow (hours), equal to the
lag time (Tlag) plus half of the storm duration.

These equations help in estimating the runoff depth and shaping the hydrograph,
providing insights into the potential maximum flow from the drainage basin.

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2.5 Hydraulic Design Principles
2.5.1 Open Channels and Gravity Drainage Lines:

The Manning equation is considered the most popular and widely used method for
determining flow velocities in open channels and gravity drainage lines for rainwater
pipes operating by gravity. The equation is as follows:
V = R2/3 S0.5


• V is the average flow velocity (m/s).

• n is the Manning roughness coefficient for flow in open channels or pipes.

The appropriate n should be obtained from tables based on the lining materials
used in the channels or the type of pipes used.

• R is the hydraulic radius (m).

• S is the slope of the energy line or the slope of the channel bed (m/m).

The capacity of pipes or open channels is determined using the continuity equation as



• Q is the flow rate (m³/s).

• V is the average velocity (m/s).

• A is the flow area in the cross-sectional area (m²).

2.5.2 Design Velocities for Open Channels and Pipes:

The design velocity for flow should prevent deposition and corrosion. The minimum
self-cleansing velocity should be used to prevent solid deposits in open channels and
rainwater pipes. The maximum velocity is determined to minimize the negative
effects of corrosion on channels, pipes, and fittings.

• Minimum Velocity in Channels and Pipes:

• 0.75 m/s for achieving self-cleansing.

• Maximum Velocities in Channels Lined on the Sides Only:

• It is preferable not to exceed 3.0 m/s for stones embedded in concrete

and 4.5 m/s for reinforced concrete.

• Maximum Velocities in Fully Lined Channels:

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• It is preferable not to exceed 4.5 m/s for stones embedded in concrete
and 6.0 m/s for reinforced concrete.

• Maximum Velocities in Pipes:

• It is preferable not to exceed 3.0 m/s to avoid pipe corrosion problems.

3 Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Data

The statistical analysis of rainfall data for the city of Riyadh was conducted, relying
on the results available in the Engineering Guidelines for Flood Risk Mitigation in
Riyadh, a guide for designing stormwater drainage networks. Figure 8 illustrates the
distribution of the average values of annual rainfall depth across the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. The figure shows that the averages range from 0 to 100 mm in various
regions, reaching above 200 mm on the western coast and the highlands of the Red

Figure 3 Distribution of the average values of the depth of annual rainfall across the Kingdom 1998-2008.

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Table (7) illustrates the maximum daily rainfall values for each year for the
meteorological stations used in the engineering guidelines for mitigating flood
hazards in Riyadh, a guide for designing stormwater drainage networks.

Table 6 The annual data available for the maximum daily rainfall (mm) for the used stations.

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The values of the IDF (Intensity-Duration-Frequency) curves (Table No. 10)
presented in the Stormwater Drainage Networks Design Guide for Riyadh City were
also displayed for adoption in the hydrological study and analysis.

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Table No. (7) presents the results of statistical analysis and the values of design
storms for Riyadh City for various return periods. As stated in the Stormwater
Drainage Networks Design Guide for Riyadh City.

Table 7 Maximum daily rainfall depth during the corresponding year for different return periods.

These values, along with the rainfall ratios for short durations, have been used to
deduce the intensity, duration, and frequency curves, as illustrated in Figure No. (4).
This was done using the average rainfall ratio coefficients for short durations in
Riyadh City, as specified in Table No. (8). Additionally, Table No. (9) provides the
rainfall intensity values (mm/h) for each return period at various storm durations.

Table 8 the ratios of short-duration rainfall to daily rainfall for the stations and the average for Riyadh

Table 9 Values of intensity-duration-frequency curves.

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Figure 4 Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves.

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4 Hydrological Analysis

4.1 Surface Flow Coefficients

Surface flow coefficients were estimated for the drainage basins affecting the
boundaries of the proposed plan, taking into account land uses as well as modern
satellite imagery. This was done in accordance with the standards for calculating
maximum flows, as previously mentioned. The values of surface flow coefficients
(C) for the drainage basins with an area less than 0.81 km² were estimated, as
illustrated in the following tables.

Table 10 Surface Runoff coefficient values (C) for catchments

Zone Name Runoff Coeff. For catchment area (Asphalt)

B1 B1-CAT01 0.93
B1 B1-CAT02 0.93
B1 B1-CAT03 0.93
B1 B1-CAT04 0.93
B1 B1-CAT05 0.93
B1 B1-CAT06 0.93
D1 D1-CAT01 0.93
D1 D1-CAT02 0.93
D1 D1-CAT03 0.93
D1 D1-CAT04 0.93
D1 D1-CAT05 0.93
D1 D1-CAT06 0.93
D1 D1-CAT07 0.93
D1 D1-CAT08 0.93
D1 D1-CAT09 0.93
D1 D1-CAT10 0.93
D1 D1-CAT11 0.93
D1 D1-CAT12 0.93
D1 D1-CAT13 0.93
D1 D1-CAT14 0.93
D1 D1-CAT15 0.93

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4.2 Maximum Flows

Hydrological studies are fundamental for selecting industrial projects, where

meteorological, morphological, geological studies, and field visit outputs serve as
inputs for hydrological studies. The maximum flow and runoff hydrograph are the
main outputs of hydrological studies, used in hydraulic design for industrial projects
to mitigate the risks of floods.

In accordance with the principles and design standards adopted in the study, as
previously presented, the Rational Method was employed to calculate the maximum
flows resulting from each drainage basin less than 0.81 km².

Figure 5 catchments affecting study area.

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Table 11 Results of the Hydrological Study for Drainage Basins Affecting the Boundaries of the Study Area

Zone name Time of conc. (min) 10yrs - intensity Area (ha) C Q (m3/s)
B1 B1-CAT01 10 74.1 0.138 0.93 0.03
B1 B1-CAT02 10 74.1 0.058 0.93 0.01
B1 B1-CAT03 10 74.1 0.065 0.93 0.01
B1 B1-CAT04 10 74.1 0.066 0.93 0.01
B1 B1-CAT05 10 74.1 0.067 0.93 0.01
B1 B1-CAT06 10 74.1 0.065 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT01 10 74.1 0.027 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT02 10 74.1 0.072 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT03 10 74.1 0.072 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT04 10 74.1 0.068 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT05 10 74.1 0.133 0.93 0.03
D1 D1-CAT06 10 74.1 0.068 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT07 10 74.1 0.066 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT08 10 74.1 0.069 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT09 10 74.1 0.041 0.93 0.01
ZONE D1 -PART1&2-TOTAL FLOW =0.11 m /s (max flow)
D1 D1-CAT10 10 74.1 0.034 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT11 10 74.1 0.126 0.93 0.02
D1 D1-CAT12 10 74.1 0.064 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT13 10 74.1 0.068 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT14 10 74.1 0.06 0.93 0.01
D1 D1-CAT15 10 74.1 0.065 0.93 0.01
ZONE D1-PART3-TOTAL FLOW =0.07 m3/s (existing channel)


• Q - Maximum discharge (m³/s).

• I - Intensity of precipitation or rainfall rate (mm/s), calculated from Intensity-

Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves, representing the rainfall amount during a
specific time equal to the concentration time (Tc) for a suitable recurrence

• A - Area of the drainage basin (hectares).

• C - Runoff coefficient.

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5 Proposed Protection Works
Based on the results of the hydrological studies and analyses, a set of side channels
has been proposed to protect the road, and a series of lakes have been designed to
serve as outlets for the proposed side channels. The following figure illustrates the
proposed solutions.



Figure 6 proposed solutions inside project area.

The following table illustrates the design dimensions for the proposed side channels.

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Table 12 proposed side channels dimensions.

Name Slope (%) Side Shape Material Mannin Hydraulic Velocity

Slopes g Radius (m/s)
Zone B1 - Part 01 0.44 2:01 V-Ditch Gravel 0.03 0.0918 0.45
Zone B1 - Part 02 1.83 2:01 V-Ditch Gravel 0.03 0.076 0.81
Zone D1 - Part 01 3.01 2:01 V-Ditch Gravel 0.03 0.0697 0.98
Zone D1 - Part 02 2.24 2:01 V-Ditch Gravel 0.03 0.095 1.04
Zone D1 - Part 03 (Existing channel 0.70*1.0) 0.27 NA U Channel concrete 0.015 29.20 1.52
Concrete pipe 0.5 NA Concrete concrete 0.015 0.145 1.30

V = R2/3 S0.5


• V is the average flow velocity (m/s).

• n is the Manning roughness coefficient for flow in open channels or pipes.
The appropriate n should be obtained from tables based on the lining materials
used in the channels or the type of pipes used.
• R is the hydraulic radius (m).
• S is the slope of the energy line or the slope of the channel bed (m/m).
The capacity of pipes or open channels is determined using the continuity equation as



• Q is the flow rate (m³/s).

• V is the average velocity (m/s).

• A is the flow area in the cross-sectional area (m²).


1- Gravel Ditch:
- where max flow is for ZONE D1 -PART1&2-TOTAL FLOW = 0.11 m3/s
- The minimum velocity = 0.98 m/s

Therefore, A= 0.11/0.98 = 0.112 m2

We will use V gravel ditch with depth 0.30 m and width 1.20 m
2- Existing Channel:
- Existing channel: (width = 1.00, depth = 0.70) = 0.70 m2
- Required area = 0.07/1.52 = 0.046 m2. So, the existing channel section is safe.

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3- Concrete Pipe 500 mm:
- Total flow = 0.11 + 0.07 = 0.18 m3
- Velocity = 1.30 m/s
- Required area = 0.18/1.30 = 0.138 m2
So, the concrete pipe 500 mm section is safe.

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Here is a presentation of the longitudinal profiles from the SewerGEMS program.

Figure 7 profile number 1

Figure 8 profile number 2

Figure 9 profile number 3

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Hydraulic Annex

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Label Outflow Element Area (User Defined) (ha) Runoff Method Time of Concentration (min) Flow (Total Out) (m³/s) Runoff Coefficient (Rational)
B1-CAT01 CS-100 0.138 Rational Method 10 0.03 0.93
B1-CAT02 CS-65 0.058 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
B1-CAT03 CS-139 0.065 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
B1-CAT04 CS-94 0.066 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
B1-CAT05 CS-142 0.067 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
B1-CAT06 CS-163 0.065 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT01 CS-51 0.027 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT02 CS-77 0.072 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT03 CS-130 0.072 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT04 CS-112 0.068 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT05 CS-105 0.133 Rational Method 10 0.03 0.93
D1-CAT06 CS-30 0.068 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT07 CS-14 0.066 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT08 CS-29 0.069 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT09 CS-81 0.041 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT10 CS-96 0.034 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT11 CS-135 0.126 Rational Method 10 0.02 0.93
D1-CAT12 CS-3 0.064 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT13 CS-2 0.068 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT14 CS-1 0.06 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
D1-CAT15 CS-4 0.065 Rational Method 10 0.01 0.93
Label Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m) Manning's n Catalog Class Depth (Node) (m) Velocity (m/s) Shape Side Slope Depth (cm)
CS-1 577.33 576.83 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.23 0.12 V-Ditch 2:01 30CM
CS-2 577.32 576.82 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.24 0.2 V-Ditch 3:01 30CM
CS-3 577.31 576.81 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.24 0.3 V-Ditch 4:01 30CM
CS-4 577.33 576.83 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.23 0.12 V-Ditch 5:01 30CM
CS-7 578.37 577.87 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.18 0.94 V-Ditch 6:01 30CM
CS-8 578.24 577.74 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.18 0.94 V-Ditch 7:01 30CM
CS-14 577.69 577.19 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.19 0.84 V-Ditch 10:01 30CM
CS-15 577.53 577.03 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.19 0.97 V-Ditch 11:01 30CM
CS-22 577.34 576.84 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.19 0.96 V-Ditch 12:01 30CM
CS-28 576.88 576.38 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.25 0.47 V-Ditch 13:01 30CM
CS-29 576.85 576.35 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.25 0.49 V-Ditch 14:01 30CM
CS-30 578.57 578.07 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.18 0.78 V-Ditch 15:01 30CM
CS-32 584.59 584.09 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.11 0.77 V-Ditch 17:01 30CM
CS-33 584.31 583.81 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.11 0.75 V-Ditch 18:01 30CM
CS-48 580.89 580.39 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.92 V-Ditch 19:01 30CM
CS-49 580.57 580.07 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.82 V-Ditch 20:01 30CM
CS-51 586.25 585.75 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.07 0 V-Ditch 22:01 30CM
CS-53 585.85 585.35 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.07 0.57 V-Ditch 0:01 30CM
CS-54 585.52 585.02 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.07 0.56 V-Ditch 1:01 30CM
CS-59 577.94 577.44 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.18 0.93 V-Ditch 2:01 30CM
CS-64 581.95 581.45 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.13 0.33 V-Ditch 3:01 20CM
CS-65 582 581.5 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.13 0.33 V-Ditch 4:01 20CM
CS-77 584.99 584.49 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.11 0.21 V-Ditch 7:01 30CM
CS-78 578.87 578.37 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.17 0.91 V-Ditch 8:01 30CM
CS-81 576.91 576.41 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.27 0.4 V-Ditch 9:01 30CM
CS-84 581.75 581.25 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.93 V-Ditch 10:01 30CM
Label Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m) Manning's n Catalog Class Depth (Node) (m) Velocity (m/s) Shape Side Slope Depth (cm)
CS-85 581.35 580.85 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.92 V-Ditch 11:01 30CM
CS-89 580.26 579.76 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.84 V-Ditch 12:01 30CM
CS-90 579.95 579.45 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.82 V-Ditch 13:01 30CM
CS-93 579.14 578.64 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.1 0.59 V-Ditch 14:01 20CM
CS-94 578.89 578.39 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.13 0.35 V-Ditch 15:01 20CM
CS-96 576.99 576.49 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.26 0.39 V-Ditch 17:01 30CM
CS-97 576.95 576.45 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.26 0.41 V-Ditch 18:01 30CM
CS-98 578.63 578.13 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.13 0.69 V-Ditch 19:01 20CM
CS-100 581.8 581.3 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.2 0.13 V-Ditch 20:01 20CM
CS-101 581.87 581.37 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.14 0.28 V-Ditch 21:01 20CM
CS-105 579.61 579.11 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.17 0.59 V-Ditch 22:01 30CM
CS-106 579.28 578.78 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.17 0.9 V-Ditch 23:01 30CM
CS-112 582.21 581.71 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.15 0.62 V-Ditch 0:01 30CM
CS-117 576.75 576.25 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.3 0.37 V-Ditch 1:01 30CM
CS-130 583.75 583.25 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.13 0.48 V-Ditch 2:01 30CM
CS-131 583.25 582.75 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.13 0.87 V-Ditch 3:01 30CM
CS-132 582.76 582.26 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.13 0.86 V-Ditch 4:01 30CM
CS-134 581.73 581.23 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.19 0.46 V-Ditch 5:01 20CM
CS-135 577.1 576.6 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.26 0.35 V-Ditch 6:01 30CM
CS-136 577.05 576.55 0.03 CHANNELS 30CM 0.26 0.43 V-Ditch 7:01 30CM
CS-139 579.88 579.38 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.1 0.59 V-Ditch 8:01 20CM
CS-140 579.55 579.05 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.1 0.59 V-Ditch 9:01 20CM
CS-142 578.27 577.77 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.15 0.51 V-Ditch 10:01 20CM
CS-163 577.87 577.37 0.03 CHANNELS 20CM 0.16 0.68 V-Ditch 11:01 20CM

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