Chapter 1 3
Chapter 1 3
Chapter 1 3
h λ- wavelength of a
λ= (1.2)
mv moving particle; m- its
mass; v- its velocity
Equation (1.2) implies that a particle in motion can be treated as a wave
• Later the prediction of de Broglie was confirmed by,
Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer in the US and
Thomson in England (showed that electrons possess
wavelike properties).
➢ A beam of electrons passing through a thin piece of
Aluminum. The patterns are similar to those
observed with X rays (which are waves)
- Whether the de Broglie equation is true for every
moving particle or not ?
•Calculate the wavelength of an electron traveling at
1.24x107 m/s. me = 9.1x10-31 kg
(λ = 5.87x10-11m)
•Calculate the wavelength of a baseball of mass 149g
traveling at 41.3m/s
(λ = 1.08x10-34m)
✓Wave properties of macroparticles can be rejected
- Electrons have both wave-like and particle-like
- If particles like e have wave properties what is the
equation of the motion of an e?
1.3.3. The uncertainty principle
n – integer, 1, 2, 3…
1.4.3. Shapes of H-atom wavefunctions
S orbitals
[ Ψnlm(r,θ,φ)]2 = PROBABLITY DENSITY- probability of
finding an electron per unit volume at r, θ, φ
Ψnlm=Rnl(r).Ylm(θ, ϕ)
Rnl(r) radial wavefunction; Ylm angular wavefunction
p orbitals
p wavefunctions have θ and ϕ dependance.
p orbitals are not spherically symmetrical
p orbitals consist of two lobes (of opposite sign) separated
by a nodal plane on which ψ (and ψ2 = 0)
l 0 1 2 3 4 5
Name of orbitals s p d f g h
✓A collection of orbitals with the same value of n is
called a shell. One or more orbitals with the same n
and l values are referred to a subshell.
✓The designation of a subshell includes two parts
+ The first part is the value of n
+ The second part is the letter corresponding to the
value of l
* The shell with n=2 is composed of two subshell, l=0
and l=1 (2s and 2p)
* The shell with n =3 is composed of three subshells,
l=0, l=1, and l=2 (3s, 3p, 3d)
3. The magnatic quantum number ml
✓Describes the orientation of the orbital in space
✓For a certain value of l, there are (2l+1) values of ml as
- l,....., 0, ......+l
If l=0, ml = 0, but l=0 corresponds to the s orbital
If l=1, then there are three values of ml: -1, 0, +1 Thus the
p orbital has three orientations in the space: px, pz, py
If l=2, there are five values of ml:-2, -1, 0, +1, +2
l=2 corresponds to the d orbital, so the d orbital has five
orientations in the space
l=2 (ml=1; 2): dxy; dyz; dzx; dx2-y2
l=2 (ml= 0): dz2
4. The electron spin quantum number ms
ms referrs to the spin of an electron and the orientation
of the magnetic field produced by this spin.
The quantum number ms was introduced to make
theory consistent with experiment
For every set of n, l, ml values, ms can have the value
of +1/2 (clockwise) and -1/2 (counterclockwise)
Fig. 4. Orbital energy levels for the hydrogen atom
Excited states
Ground state