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TD Third Term SS2 Lesson Notes

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3rd Term SS2 Technical Drawing Lesson Notes

Week One Topic: Orthographic Drawing
Sub-Topics: Definition. Introduction. Orthographic axis. Types of Angles used during projection.

Definition. Orthographic drawing is the method of drawing whereby an object is presented in 2-

dimensional format, which allows the true lengths, hidden parts and true shape of the object to be seen.
Another form of orthographic drawing is working or manufacturing drawing. This is because it con-
tains all the details that a manufacturer needs to produce the object that was drawn.
Introduction. Orthographic drawing is the only drawing type used in technical drawing that allows a
technician to see all the drawing details in an object. It does this by placing three faces of the object on a
drawing sheet. These faces are gotten by looking at the object from three positions or locations namely:
Front of the object called Front View (FV) also known as Front Elevation (FE). Looking from the Sides
(right side or left side) of the object is called End View (EV) or Side View (SV). Then, the object can be
looked at from the top and it’s known as Plan View (PV). But the commonly used name for this Plan
View is Plan Top (PT). This is because it is impossible for one to look at a big object like a house, bridge,
vehicles, etc. from under it. So, the look is only done from the top.
Orthographic Axis. Orthographic drawing makes used of certain axes. There are mainly three of them,
namely: The principal axis, the references lines, and the reflection line. There are two principal axes
and they cross each other at 900. Each of the principal axes has two references lines on both sides of
them. The reference lines are 1cm or 10mm away from each of the principal axes. The body of the object
being drawn on these axes can only touch some of the four reference lines drawn by the sides of the two
principal axes. The axes are drawn to divide the drawing sheet into four quadrants that are not always
equal in space. Even though the four quadrants can have equal spaces, the spaces are determined by the
size and shape of the object that is to be drawn.
The reflection line is one. It is placed on the quadrant where none of the faces or views of the object will
occupy. It is drawn by starting at the point where the two principal axes cross each other, passing it
through one of the four points where the four reference lines cross each other, and then extending it to
whatever distance the technician wants. The length of the reflection line must cross all the lines that will
later be drawn to connect the faces or views with each other. The angle between the reflection line and
the reference lines is 450. The diagram below explains all these details in one whole swoop.

Principal axis

Reference axis

Second Quadrant First Quadrant

Distance between principal axis and reference axes are 1cm or 10mm on both sides of principal axis
Third Quadrant Fourth Quadrant
Reflection line

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Angles used in orthographic drawing. There are two angles that are known to technicians, which are
used in presenting the views of an object. These angles are First Angle and Third Angle projections. The
first and third tags used above come from any of the quadrants where the Front View is placed. Second
and fourth are not used because the type of drawing presentation that First Angle gives is the same that
Second Angle gives. In the same way, Third and Fourth Angles give the same type of drawing arrange-
ment. This is the reason why the Second and Fourth Angles are not mentioned at all. The rules followed
to carry out this drawing type make all these things possible.

The rules for placement of view in O.P. axis

Rules for First Angle Projection:

1. The main face of the object that the eye looks at first is normally called the Front View or Front
Elevation. The shape or nature of the Front View that eye sees is placed on the First Quadrant or
Second Quadrant to produce the same type of drawing placement.
2. The Side Views are placed either to the left or to the right sides of the Front Elevation. How this
is done is that, you look at, for instance, the left side of the object. Whatever shape or form you see,
you draw it on the right side of the object. And the main object here is represented by the Front
View, which you had drawn.
3. In the same way, if you look at the object from the left side, you draw what you see on the right
side of the Front View.
4. The same method is applied when presenting the Plan Top on the paper. What the eye sees after
looking at the object from the top is placed below the Front View.
5. Hence, the idea here is that in First Angle projection, what the eye sees once it had looked at an
object is placed on the other side of the object, and not on the same side the looking is positioned
to look at the object. This means that the Front View stands between the End View and the look-
ing eye. The diagrams below illustrate this.

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The symbol used to tell any technician that drawing he or she is seeing is a First Angle projection is
shown below.

Rules for Third Angle Projection:

The rules stated above are the same and applicable to Third Angle projection. The only difference is that
the Front View or Elevation in Third Angle is placed on the Third or Fourth Quadrant. But the nature
or shape of the object remains the same. In this case, the End View is placed between the looking eye and
the Front View. This is because the rule stipulates that whatever the eye sees should be placed in front of
the eye, somehow between the eye and the Front View and the looking eye. The diagram below shows to
us what will be the result when the faces of the object above are presented in Third Angle projection.

Below is the symbol used to identify Third Angle drawings.

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Week Two Topic: Orthographic Drawing

Sub-Topics: Projecting Simple Objects in First Angle

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Week Three Topic: Orthographic Drawing

Sub-Topics: Projecting Simple Objects in Third Angle

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Week Four Topic: Orthographic Drawing

Sub-Topics: Conversion of Orthographic Projection to Isometric Drawing

Introduction: This lesson will help you to learn how to convert the faces of a given object presented in
orthographic forms into isometric forms. This is one of the ways by which objects drawn on a paper in
the form of orthographic drawing can be converted or assembled into its original shape in 3-dimension.
In other words, it is one of the methods used in assembly drawing.

Procedures: The process involved in converting objects in orthographic forms to isometric forms comes
in three ways, namely: The horizontal view, the vertical view, and the grid line methods. While we
shall present a summarized view of each of these methods in this note, the teacher will conduct a detailed
explanation of the steps taken to achieve this task on the board.

Summary Presentation: There are basically two ways by which at least two views of an object are
placed if they would be used to assemble an object. This means that at least two faces or views of the ob-
ject are required to be able to convert an object in orthographic form to isometric. One of the ways of
placing the views is by using the Front View and its End View. In other words, the faces sit side by side
to each other so that the End View is on the left or on the right side of the Front View. The second meth-
od uses the Front View and the Plan View. The Plan View can be placed above or below the Front View.
Given any of these placement arrangements, the work can go on smoothly. We shall now look at how each
of these methods goes.

1. Horizontal view method. In this case, the Front view and the End view are the only faces need-
ed to accomplish the task. That means they are placed side by side to each other. To assemble or to con-
vert the given views into an isometric object, isometric axis is first constructed. The lowest point (which
is usually given in each question and indicated by a thickened letter like X or N) is considered to be the
point where the three lines of the isometric axis meet. The Front View is drawn first. It is laid on the right
side of the vertical axis or to its left. Then the End View is placed on the opposite side of the F(V). Once
this is completed, anywhere two or more lines meet provides a point where vertical and slant lines (that
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go to the right or to the left) are drawn. All the lines drawn from these points must obey the Principles of
parallel lines and lean at 300 to the horizontal except the vertical ones. Since all preliminary construc-
tions must be done in thin lines, the faces object in isometric form can then be traced out from the many
lines that inter-weave with each other. Study the diagrams below to understand this.

Axis is
in the

F(V) is Iso-
placed metric
to object
ensure is
N is at com-
the pleted

2. Vertical view method. The method used here is the same as the one used in (1) above. The only
difference is that the F(V) and the P(T) are used. The Plan Top is placed above or below the Front View
instead of putting them side by side. Then, the Plan Top is used to cover the Front View, as if it roofs it.
That done, the object can be completed. The diagrams below illustrate this.

The The
Axis is Views
drawn as
first. given

The task is
P(T) is completed
used and irrele-
to vant lines
cover are erased
the to show the
F(V) object

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3. Grid line method. In this method, the position of views does not matter. What matters the most is
the total length, total height, and total width of the object to be drawn. With these three measurements
gotten from the given faces, a cube or a cuboid is drawn in isometric form. Then, the face or view having
distortions such as curves, circles, projected or extruded parts and twists are constructed to the dimen-
sions given in the question that is in orthographic form. That same face is divided into grid lines of equal
distances apart. These divisions could be in the spaces of 5mm, less or more, depending on the size of the
selected view or face. The division is then transfer to its position or face on the cube or cuboid drawn in
isometric form. The curves, circles, distortions and twists or offsets are traced out in the cube or cuboid
by plotting a locus of the distances of the distorted lines from the 4 main lines that formed the gridded
face. This way, the object comes out. See the diagram below for understanding.

Note: The teacher will guide the students through the steps taken to exterude or extend projected parts
such as shafts, pipes, tubes etc on how to draw circles and curves in isometric form from Orthoghraphic.

Week Five Topic: Sectioning

Sub-Topics: Sections and Sectional Views

Introduction: This lesson introduces the student to the idea of cutting objects by using cutting tools such
as knives, saws, and whatever. In drawing, when an object is said to be sections, it means a cutting tool
have been used to cut through it either to separate it into two or to open it up and show some parts hid-
den away in it. Two terms are used to identify this object that a cutting tool has tempered with. The one is
sections. This is a term that is used to identify the area, all the areas that the cutting tool affected without
including other parts of the object it did not touch. Sectional view is the term that is use to represent the
whole object when it is presented in 2-dimension. Sectional view consists of all the areas the cutting tool
affected and the areas it did not affect.

A line is used to show the area on an object that the cutting tool is to cut. Thin long chain with thick long
dash at its two ends or thick long chain is the line type used. The line must have two thick lettered arrow
heads that point to the direction the eye would look after the object had been cut through by the cutting
tool. The line is normally called section/cutting plane or cutting line. The diagram below explains all
this. Pay attention to the underlined sentence.

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Types of Sectional Views

There are eight types of sectional views used to present objects in a drawing when cutting or breaking is
done to them for one reason or the other. What this means is
that these are different ways by which technicians present
drawings for the purpose of analyzing or studying the inner
and outer parts of an object. So, shown and briefly explained
below are the eight types of sectional views.

1. Full Section: This type of sectional view shows an ob-

ject that was cut into two equal halves by a cutting plane. In
this case, the two halves resemble each other and possess the
same property. This diagram explains the point made here.

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2. Half Section: This is the type of section that presents an object

that is cut in such a way that only a quarter, i.e. ¼ part of it is removed
to allow some vital inner parts to be seen. The object is assumed to be
divided into 4 equal parts. Then, one of those equal parts is cut away
just to see something inside the object through that quarter opening.
See this in the diagram shown.

3. Off-set Section: In this type of section, the cutting tool or plane

is turned to include other parts of the object that are required for study
but are not in the line of the cutting plane. The turning of the cutting
plane as it cuts though the object is done at 90 0. This means that each of
the turn that the cutting plane makes in the object is at 900. Consider
the diagram given.

4. Aligned Section: In this type of sectional view, the

turning of the cutting plane inside the object is done at angles
greater than or less than 900. Then, when presenting the faces
that the cutting plane has affected, the area that did not fall on
any of the vertical or horizontal axis (or direction) is shown as
if the cutting plane actually moved in the horizontal or verti-
cal direction inside the object. But, the sectional view that will
be shown will contain the features of the parts that are not on
the horizontal or vertical direction. This means that the cut
area that shifted away from the vertical or horizontal direc-
tion is made to look as if it actually passed through any of the
mentioned directions. In other words, the cut area is now
made to align with either the horizontal or vertical axis or di-
rection of the object.

5. Revolved Section: In this type of sectional view the thickness

and shape of shafts and other similar objects are found simply by
cutting out a portion of the object. The cutting plane moves in a U-
turn. This means that the cutting plane enters the shaft from one
side, cuts into it until it reaches the middle of the shaft. Then it is
turned to cut along the middle of the shaft by a small distance. The
cutting plane is finally turned to cut the object and come out in the
same side it entered the object. Look at the diagram given here.

6. Removed Section: In this type of sectional view,

a shaft or an object that must be long is simply cut in dif-
ferent locations across it middle line. This type of cutting
is called transverse sectioning. Then, one looks at any of
the ends that were cut to see the shape or nature of the
shaft. Look the given diagram here.

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7. Scrap or Part Section: In this type of sectional view, only a

small part of an object, which the eyes cannot see, that the engineer
wants to see. And so, he just cut into that part of interest to the depth
he wants and then tears off the small part open to see what he want-
ed to see.

8. Broken-our or Local Section: In this type of sectional view, a

part of an object, hiding inside it, can be the item of interest. This part
can be the thickness of a hollow shaft, a small hidden member, etc. To
see this part, a small portion is cut, while avoiding other parts that
may not be too relevant. The cut area that is not wanted is gradually
torn away to show the part that is needed.

Week Six Topic: Introduction to Building

Drawing Sub-Topics: Building Drawing.

Building drawing is the part of Technical Drawing where students are exposed to some skills used to de-
sign simple building plans and present them in manners that are technically acceptable. This lesson is de-
signed to introduce the students to some of the basic things about building technology.

Developing Building Ideas

The idea that will decide the type of building that would be designed is influenced by two things. These
are: The purpose of the building and the comfort of its user.
 Purpose of a building: There are so many reasons for which buildings are raised. Some of them are
agricultural, commercial, residential, educational, governmental, industrial, military, parking and stor-
ing, religious, transportation, infrastructural, and power generation purposes, to mention just a few.
 Comfort of its user: Houses are designed to give its user comfort, security, serenity, satisfaction, aes-
thetic tastes, and so on. Whatever beauty that a house possesses is caused by this desire for comfort
that is hidden away in the hearts of men. Hence, man builds to please himself.

Steps Taken To Start A Building Plan

After the purpose of a building has been known, to start the process of designing the building plan, cer-
tain steps have to be taken. We shall look at this from two fronts: existing design sample and brand new
 Existing Sample: People begin by consulting architectural archives for building samples. Many go to
the internet to find samples that suit their interests for the structure they wish to erect. Others go
round the town to see and snap pictures of building samples they find attractive to them.
 Brand New Creation: In this case, the person sits and thinks out the type of building design he wants
to build. He sketches the idea that comes to his mind on a paper. He then develops it into a fantastic
building plan through the help of an architect or so.

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Parts of a Building
To properly treat the topic, we shall look at building parts from three main groups. These are foundation,
wall, and roof. Let’s now consider these in detail.
This is the solid structure that is in direct contact with the ground, and on which the whole building is
erected. A good foundation has the following parts in it:
 Foundation footing. It is the part of the foundation that sits on the ground. It is above it that the
building walls are erected. It is made up of stones, cement and sand mixture.
 Hardcore. This is the part of the foundation that is made up of big stones which are used to fill the
spaces between the foundation trenches. It makes the floor to be very solid and resistant to failure.
 Concrete slab or bed. This is the concrete mixture that is made up of gravels mixed with sand and
cement. This concrete mixture is used to cover the surface
of the hardcore so that is looks leveled.
 Damp proof course (DPC). Is a thin layer of water re-
sistance material that is laid above the concrete slab in or-
der to prevent water moisture from reaching the floor sur-
face and damaging it during wet seasons. DPC is made of
asphalt, bitumen, polythene membrane (nylon bag), PVC,
concrete slate, etc.
 Sand screed. This is very soft sand mixed with cement
that is used to cover the surface of the DPC before it is cov-
ered with either cement paste or floor tiles as floor finish.
 Floor joist. Is the solid horizontal wooden support on which a wooden floor board is laid and held to
place by nailing. It is like the beam that supports the roof of a house.
 Wall plate. This is a wooden support that is laid on the short block wall that rises from the foundation
footing. It is on this wall plate that the floor joist is laid before placing the wooden floor board on
them. Wall plate acts like a short absorber to wooden floors.
 Vent block. This is an arrangement of some blocks between the
block wall from the foundation footing and the main wall of the
house. Between these two walls is the wall plate, floor joist and the
floor board. This can only be seen in wooden floor and not concrete
 Skirting board. This is the line of ceramic bar that is laid round the
room at the base of the wall where the floor and the wall meet. It co-
vers all the irregularities that can be seen between the wall and the
floor, which is caused by the sand screed that is used to hold the floor
tiles in place.
 Tiles. This is a ceramic material of any design that is used to give the
floor what is known as finish. It is the topmost layer of the floor.
 Cement paste. This is the use of cement only to cover the face of the sand screed if floor tile is not to
be used. The paste is made by pouring water to the cement dust and stirred to form a liquid paste. The
paste is then spread on the floor surface with the help of hand trowel. This type of floor finish is no
more popular today. The diagrams here will help you to see these parts better.

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Types Of Foundation
There mainly four types of foundation. They are strip, raft, pile, and pad foun-
dations. They are briefly explained below.
 Strip foundation. This is a type of foundation whereby continuous concrete
mixture is poured inside foundation trenches to form long foundation footing.
The height of the concrete forms the footing’s thickness inside the foundation
trenches. Then, wall is erected on it.
 Raft foundation. In this type of foundation, concrete material is poured
from the foundation trenches to the surface of the ground. Then, the con-
crete layer on the ground surface is continued till it covers the entire sur-
face of the area that the building will stand. It is made stronger by rein-
forcing it with iron rods.
 Pile foundation. In this type of foundation, square, rectangualr or
circular holes are drilled into the ground. Solid concrete blocks or bars
are forced into these holes to produce solid support from the stronger
part of the soil inside th ground. Then, the pile of these concrete blocks
provides the solid support that the floor would need to stand firm on a
swarmpy or soft soil surface of ground. The floor is then laid on the top
of the pile shafts that are buried inside the ground.
 Pad foundation. This type of foundation is used when buiding a
structure that needs not touch the ground. In other words, the
foundation is made up of columns of
piers, standing on a square, circular, or
rectangular footing buried in the ground.
Unlike the pile foundation where the
floor of the structure touches the ground,
in pad foundation, the columns from the
buried foundation feet holds the finished
structure high above the ground level.
This is the part of a buidling that divides the floor into rooms, provides security, warmth, and privacy to
people. There arer two types of walls namely:
 The load bearing walls: These carries other loads like the roof, beams and upper floors.
 Non-load bearing walls: These are used mainly to divide the floor into rooms.
Other parts of the wall are:
 Bonding. This is the name given to the arrangement of block in horizontal lines. Each horizonatal line
is called a Course.The bonding material is called Mortar and it is made of a mixture or cement, water
and moderate grade sand.
 Plastering. Is the process of using morter to cover the inside and outside of the wall to make it look
smooth. Rendering is made from a mixture of cement, fine sand and water.
 Rendering. Is another form of Plastering. It is used to cover the faces of walls on the outside alone,
when attempting to give the house an aesthetic look.

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 Verrandah. This is a part of floor that extends outside the room. It has a wall on one side and an open
space on the other side. The open space can sometime be shield with a Dwarf wall or Balustrade to
serve as protectors in case the verandah is on a raised pavement.
 Balustrate. This is a metal or wooden material that is used to add height to dwarf walls or Staircase
handrails. It is usually designed to look attractive to the eyes.
 Corridor. It is a passage inside a house that links to other rooms. It is usually bounded on both sides
by walls and doors most times.
 Dwarf wall. This is a short wall that has three or four courses of block lines built in front of a house
or verrandah to provide security to people.
 Door. This is an opening that allows people to enter and to leave a room or a house. It is also a part of
a house where light and ventilation can enter into the house.
 Widow. This is an opening on the wall that allows light and ventilation get into a room or a house.
The window has other parts such as Lintel (the upper frame of the window), sill (the lower frame of
the window), Stud or Jamb (the two vertical frames of the window), shutter (the lid used ot shut the
window), Stile (the middle vertical frame of the
window that holds two or more panel windows to
place), Panel (this is the sheet of wood, metal or
glass that is used to craft window and door
 Architraves. This is a mortar work that is done
around doors and windows to cover the opening
between Jamb and the wall.

 Lining. This is the cutting that is done on Jamb or frame in order

to allow window and door shutters to fit in properly.
 Pier. This is a vertical column that is built outside of a wall of
building to add support to it.
 Rebate. This is a cutting made in a wooden member to allow it re-
ceive another wooden member in it.
 Staircase. This is structure that provides a path for access upper
floors of a building. The different parts of a staircase are shown in
the diagram given here.
 Arch. This is a type of lintel with different artistic
designs. Some examples of arch are shown in the
given diagram. The names of the different types of
arch in the diagram are as follows, beginning from
the top left to the bottom right in that order:
semicircular, segmental, elliptical, tudor,
equilateral Gothic, and lancet arches.
 Columns (Pillars). These are vertical members
build and reinforced that support the roof.
 Beams. These horizontal members build and rein-
forced to support roofs.

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This is the topmost
part of a building.
The diagram below
gives us all the vital
parts of a roof and
what role they play.

Parappet: This is the part of a roof, which made of blocks. It is built on top of the roof round its edges to
hold the roof down and prevents if from ripping off during strong storms.
Ridge: This is a long narrow roofing sheet that is used to cover the highest point on a roof where the
roofing sheets meet. It prevents water from entering the roof.
Wall Plate: Is placed on top of the wall to carry the tie beam.

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Symbols Used In Building Drawing

Symbols are the items that engineers use
to communiate their ideas through
drawing to each other. A proper mastery
of these symbols equips the technician to
be able to read and interpret all kinds of

There are symbols that are used to show

electrical network in a building and there
are those that are used to show plumbing
network. Symbols used to show the
different parts of the building also exist.
Hence, we are now going to familairize
ourselves with some of these symbols
used in buiding drawing.

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Dimensioning of Building Drawing

All the dimensions used in building drawing are in millimeter (mm). Although they are written in
hundreds and in thousands of millimeters, to reduced the dimensions to the size of the paper on which
the drawing is to be done, a scale is normally given. The dimensions are divided by the scale given and
then the resulting answers are divided by 10 to have the dimensions in centimeter, which is the unit we
can easily measure with our rulers. As an example, consider the dimension of a room given as: 2250 x
1790. If the given scale is 1: 100, then, to reduce the given dimension, i.e., 2250 x 1790 to the given scale,
divide each number there by 100. This will give you: 22.5mm x 17.90mm. To then convert this reduced
dimension to centimeter for easier placement on a paper, divide them again by 10, as 1cm = 10mm. That
way, you will have: 2.25cm x 1.79cm, approximated as 2.3cm x 1.8cm. You can now use this dimension to
draw the room on your paper with the aid of your ruler and other drawing tools.

This conversion can only take place when dealing with lenghts. It does not affect angles. So, take note of

Again, 2250 x 1790 means the length of the room is 2250mm and the breadth of the room is 1790mm.
But when you have three dimensions given such as this: 225 x 150 x 90, it means the part is 225mm long
(length), 150mm wide (breadth), and 90mm thick (deep or high). This dimensioning method is only
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applicable to countries that use British (Metric) system of measurement. Americans use inches and so

Week Seven Topic: Introduction to Building

Drawing Sub-Topics: Building Parts and Types.

Introduction In this lesson, we are going to identify all the types of building, doors, windows and roofs.

‘Types of Building

There are so many types of building that man has invented over the years. Altough we have discussed the
purposes of a building, those ones are not the same as the types of building. An agricultural building, for
instance, can be designed to take the form of any of the types of building we shall present here now. And,
let’s see the various types of building man ever build.

1. Caves. This was the type of house that man used during the Stone Age. Man lived in caves and among
2. Farm house. This is small type of house that is built in the farm mainly for resting after a hot day’s
labour. It is usually made of grasses, tree branches and Zinc.
3. Thatched house. This type of house is made from elephant grasses and they are commonly found in
village areas, hamlets and remote settings.
4. Mud house. This type of house is made from kneaded or mud mixed with tinder or dry grasses. This
house type is usually found in village, hamlets, towns, and even in some recreational areas in the city.
5. Pre-fabricated house. This type of house is built from destructible materials such as zinc, timber
logs, plywoods, and metal sheets.
6. Stone-walled house. This type of house is built by using stones specially cut for that purpose.
7. Brick/block house. This type of house is built from blocks and bricks. It comes in various categories,
some of which are mentioned below:
i. Bungalow. Any house built of bricks or blocks that has only two floor – ground and first floors. It
is usually not a massive house.
ii. Storey building. This is a house type that has at least one ground floor with up to ten floors
above the ground floor. A storey building has a maximum number of eleven floors altogether.
iii. Skyscraper. This is the type of house that has one ground floor and up to twenty upper floors.
iv. High-risers. This is a type of house that has infinite number of floors above the ground floor. The
two Towers of World Trade Center is an example of high-risers.

Forms of Building
Buildings are given names based on the ways they are arranged along with other houses or their design
pattern. Hence, we have the following ways of arranging house in town, cities and suburb areas:
1. Detached building. This is a form of building whose walls and roofs are independent of other build-
ings around it. It means the house is standing alone either in the midst of many other buildings or in
an open field. It does not share any of its part with any other building.
2. Semi-detached building. This is a form of building where two houses share the same fence together.
This means that two family houses are separate house but they share one fence together.

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3. Terraced building. This is a form of building such that so many separate houses are joined to each
other by fences, front and rear walls. They normally form a long row of buildings arranged to form
even a street, crescent or close.
4. Semi terraced building. Is a form of house where two houses are built inside one house. But each of
them are separated from the other by a wall and not a fence.
5. Cottage building. This is a form of small building found normally in rural areas. It can be a one or two
storey building. But it is known for being surrounded by gardens.
6. Duplex. This is another form of semi terraced building. The difference between the two is that duplex
is limited to only one storey building, while semi terraced building can be a bungalow or have more
than one storey building.
7. End-of-Terrace building. This is the last house on a row of building that formed a terraced building.
8. Flats building. This is a form of building that is mainly designed for single persons. It is a bungalow
with less number of rooms and a spacious parlour.
9. Mansion and conservation building. This is a form of building that is built for ego and pleasure. It is
usually very massive, filled with many rooms and luxury features meant to give comfort to the user. It
sometimes stands on its own, away from overcrowded areas.

Types of Window
Window has been defined as the opening on the wall that allows light and fresh air to enter the building
and circulate inside it. The following list gives us the types of window we have: louvre window, sliding
window, panel window, and the more decorative type like bull’s eye window, semi-circular head
window, cant bay window, dormer window, double glazed dormer window, and casement

Assignment: Download and submit all these types of window mentioned.

Types of Door
The types of door we have are as follows: Interior door (which comprises of the followind door types –
panel door, flush door, French door and louvre door); exterior door (which include the ones listed
for interior door); folding door (for wharehouse and stores); and revovling door (normally found in
public places like Malls, stadium, subway, etc).

Assignment: Download and submit all these type of door listed.

Types of Roof
The diagram below presents to us the different types of roof that we have. Take your time to master

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Week Eight Topic: Introduction to Building Drawing

Sub-Topics: Presenting A Simple Building Plan In Orthographic Form

From this point on, we would learn how to construct building plans, beginning with very simple case of
one bedroom apartment. We will use it to learn how to draw the Plan, the End View and the Front View.
Normally, the Plan comes first, followed by the Front View. Then the End View comes last.
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 The teacher will explain what the vies above mean and how they are derived.
 For beginers like us, the plan is usally drawn by using only single thick lines. When we master the art
of placing the views properly, we can proceed to learn how to present the Plan in the manner shown
shown above.

Week Eight Topic: Introduction to Building Drawing

Sub-Topics: Presenting A Compound Building Plan In Orthographic Form

It is now time to practice with more challenging questions. Let’s learn how to interpret the various parts
of the building given in the questions below. That will help us know where each part will be and how to
construct them.

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Note: Refer to the text book for more example problems.

Week Nine Topic: In-

troduction to Building
Sub-Topics: Present-
ing A Compound
Building Plan In Or-
thographic Form
More example is
presented below:

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Week Ten Topic: Introduction to Building Drawing

Sub-Topics: Presenting A Compound Building Plan In Orthographic Form

The teacher takes some problems from the text books test students’ mastery of the drawing task.

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