18 February 2024
object to show its true shape and size. First angle projection shows the object as if it were being
viewed from the front, while third angle projection shows the object as if it were being viewed
from the back. They're used to show the true shape and size of an object, and they're especially
useful for engineering and manufacturing purposes. These projections can show all sides of an
object at once, which makes them very useful for designing and constructing machines and other
When producing 2D drawings there are two methods orthographic projection that can be used
First Angle Projection or Third Angle Projection. This chapter extensively covers, with clear
examples the rules for producing drawings to either both projection method and gives details on
the symbols which must be added to a drawing to identify the chosen method. This chapter also
gives guidance on drawing procedure and the positioning and layout of views. Projection
exercises (with solutions) are included, these are applicable to CAD and traditional draughting,
with the purpose of getting the reader to visualize and construct views from the set examples..
Simmons, Colin & Maguire, Dennis & Phelps, Neil. (2020). Principles of first and third angle
there are two methods orthographic projection that can be used First Angle Projection or Third
Angle Projection. This chapter extensively covers, with clear examples the rules for producing
drawings to either both projection method and gives details on the symbols which must be added
to a drawing to identify the chosen method. This chapter also gives guidance on drawing
procedure and the positioning and layout of views. Projection exercises (with solutions) are
included, these are applicable to CAD and traditional draughting, with the purpose of getting the
front, side and plan view are drawn so that a person looking at the drawing can see all the
important sides. Orthographic drawings are useful especially when a design has been developed
IMPORTANT: There are two ways of drawing in orthographic - First Angle and Third Angle.
They differ only in the position of the plan, front and side views. Below is an example of First
Angle projection.
The front, side and plan views have drawn around the 3D shape. However this is not the correct
The correct method of presenting the three views, in first angle orthographic projection is shown
below. The drawing is composed of a front, side and plan view of the L-shaped object. The first
drawing is the front view (drawn looking straight at the front of the L-shape), the second is a
drawing of the L-shape seen from the side (known as side view) and last of all a drawing from
above known as a plan view. The red lines are faint guidelines and they are drawn to help keep
Please Note! This is an example of first angle orthographic projection (as used mainly in
Europe). There is another type called third angle which is used by countries such as the USA.
The plan view is a view seen directly from above. Some people call this a birds eye view.
The third angle projection is a method of orthographic projection and this is a technique
in portraying a 3D design using a series of 2D views and in the third angle projection object is
placed in the third quadrant and between the observer and the object, projection plane lies.
In this projection, the observer is normally supposed to look from the right side of the
quadrant to obtain the front view and the plane of projection has to be transparent. On the
transparent plane, the intersections of this plane with the projectors from all the points of the
By placing it in the third quadrant of dihedral or third octant of a trihedral tingle if the
On the horizontal plane top view forms and on the profile plane side view forms and on
the frontal plane front view is formed. The planes are set straight by rotation after making the
views and over the front view, the top view comes while by the side of front view side view
1. Front View
2. Side View
3. Plane View
The front view in the third angle of projection is a drawing of block-like at the front of the object
you are looking directly at. Object front view is projected on vertical and horizontal
These views are prepared by placing the object in front and in this view the height and length of
By looking to the object from the left side or right side this view is prepared and in this view the
On the vertical right and vertical left planes object right and left side views are projected On a
2D plane to draw the right side view right plane is unfolded towards the right side and on
the right side of the front view right side view is projected. Similarly, on the left side of
From above the plane view is s bird’s eye view like looking from the top or bottom. By looking
at the object from the upper side this view is prepared and in this view length and breadth
of an object are shown.
To the right of the front view right side view always come.
To the left of the front view left side view always comes.
There are following important points in third angle projection such as: