Operations Manual SU-XL Series
Operations Manual SU-XL Series
Operations Manual SU-XL Series
SU-XL Series
Professional Torque Wrenches
Torq/Lite® Operations Manual SU-XL Series
Table of Contents
Connecting Hydraulic Hoses and Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Setting the Square Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Setting the Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Setting the Reaction Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Operating the Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Disassembling the Torque Wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Assembling the Torque Wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Disassembling the Dual-Plane Swivels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Assembling the Dual-Plane Swivels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Copyright Notice
© Copyright Torq/Lite, Inc. 2011 – 2012. All rights reserved.
TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
This technical manual, accompanying documentation, illustrations and diagrams are supplied
pursuant to a license agreement from Torq/Lite, Inc., and contain proprietary information.
The use, disclosure, and copying of this documentation and illustrations are all governed by TORQUE CHARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
that license agreement, and any other use, disclosure, or copying of the documentation or
illustrations is expressly prohibited.
PARTS and WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107
or 108 of the United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner,
Torq/Lite, Inc. is unlawful.
More information about Torq/Lite, Inc. is available at www.torqlite.com.
Trademark Acknowledgements
Torq/Lite, the Torq/Lite logo, Torq/Lite Quick Start Guide, and Torq/Lite Tools are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Torq/Lite, Inc.
All other company and product names are the names, trademarks, or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
ii iii
Your new Torq/Lite Hydraulic Torque Wrench® is ready to use in the field.
The Torq/Lite container holds all the material you need to get started.
The Operations Manual, the Quick Start Guide, and the Troubleshooting
Operating Success Checklist
Guide can be kept in the plastic wrap or taken to the field for reference.
You can keep the Quick Start Guide in your pocket to reference the torque
Are the hydraulic hoses fully connected to the
wrench and pump? conversion charts on the job site. Do not worry about getting it dirty and
wet – it is sturdy enough to stay in good condition.
Is the socket fully pinned to the square drive? The Operations Manual is divided into two sections, Operations and
Maintenance. Make sure you read these sections first! It is very impor-
tant you learn how to safely use the Torq/Lite tool and perform the proper
Is the reaction arm set for a stable and solid reaction?
maintenance to avoid injuries and ensure accurate torque.
Are all pinch points clear of hands, loose clothing, Included in the Operations Manual are safety warnings and pictures that
and long hair? go with the instructions. You will see information labels like these for
special safety alerts and notes:
Have you allowed the tool to fully advance and
fully retract?
Allowing the tool to fully advance and fully retract Graphics with this symbol contain Graphics with this symbol contain
prevents short stroking. information regarding hazardous information regarding hazardous
situations which could cause death situations which could cause minor
or serious injuries if ignored. or moderate injuries if ignored.
Always clean and lubricate!
Graphics with this symbol contain
information regarding situations
which could cause damage to the
tool or pump if ignored.
Make sure you look at the pictures and are aware of the safety warnings
before you use the Torq/Lite wrench. Follow these steps in the field, and
Torq/Lite® is an ISO 9001 Registered Company
you will be prepared to operate your Torq/Lite wrench under the most
difficult or challenging conditions.
1 Connecting Hydraulic Hoses and Pump
Before connecting the Torq/Lite wrench to the pump, you must bleed
air from the hydraulic pump. Bleeding excess air from the lines helps Step 4
maintain an optimal level of pressure and performance from the pump.
Turn on the pump. Allow the
hydraulic oil to circulate through
Step 1 both hoses at low pressure for
1-2 minutes.
Find the female and male quick-
connects on the hydraulic pump.
Step 5
Step 3
Check your hose connections.
After you bleed the system, you will connect the pump to the Torq/Lite Are the connections tight and secure?
wrench. The pump is the power behind the tool. You will connect the
hydraulic hoses to either an electric, air, handheld, or gas powered pump.
Make sure you read the safety warnings for the pump and the Torq/Lite
Safety Warnings
Step 1 3h Do not handle pressurized hoses. Oil escaping under pressure
can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. If oil is injected
Find the quick-connects on under the skin, see a doctor immediately.
the Torq/Lite wrench.
3h Use only equipment rated for the same pressure and torque.
3h Use only a hydraulic pump capable of generating 10,000psi
(700 bar) maximum pressure with this tool.
2 Setting the Square Drive
This section explains how to set the square drive to either loosen or
tighten the nut/bolt. Step 4
If the square drive extends to the Once the direction of the square drive is set, the socket will be placed on
left, the tool is set to loosen the the square drive.
Step 1
2 5
Step 2 Step 5
Prepare the socket by removing Insert the holding pin into the
the retaining ring and holding pin hole.
3 6
Step 3 Step 6
Find the socket pin hole on the Place the retaining ring over the
square drive. Turn the square holding pin to secure the socket. 7
drive so the pin hole is facing
Step 4
3 Setting the Torque
Once the wrench quick-connects are tightened and fully connected with
the hydraulic pump, it is time to set the torque level. To find the correct Step 5
torque, go to the manufacturer’s specifications or the Certificate of Ac-
Pressure will appear on the
curacy (torque conversion chart) located in the pocket at the back of this
gauge. Refer to the torque chart
for the correct torque value.
Step 1
Connect the pump to the power supply.
Step 2
Step 6
Connect the tool to the pump
with the hydraulic hoses. To adjust the pressure,
loosen the locknut that locks
(Refer to Connecting Hydraulic Hoses the pressure adjustment.
and Pump, section 1)
Step 3
Turn the pump on.
Step 7
4 Setting the Reaction Arm
Step 1
When decreasing pressure, always go below the Select a reaction site that is flat,
targeted pressure point, lock the pressure with not rounded, or sloped.
the locknut, and then turn the t-handle to increase
back to the correct pressure point.
Step 9 2
Step 2
Just before the correct pressure is reached (200psi–400psi under
target pressure), the locknut should be tightened. Continue turning Connect the reaction arm to the
the t-handle until the correct pressure point is reached. Cycle the tool and place it so the reaction
tool several times to set pressure. Repeating the cycle helps remove is as close to 90 degrees as
trapped air and ensures the tool system is working properly. possible.
Step 10 Step 3
Once the correct pressure is The Torq/Lite reaction arm is
found, turn the locknut until it reversible, which increases the
stops turning. This locks the reaction area. If you cannot
pressure. 7 find a flat reaction site, try
reversing the reaction arm for
the 90 degree placement.
Step 4
4a 5
Step 5
Image A shows a correct
reaction point. The bolt is The reaction should be as close
reacting flat against the reaction to 90 degrees as possible.
arm and placed in the middle Anything else may cause the
of the reaction arm. tool to deflect and slip off.
The reaction should not occur at
either end of the reaction arm. 6
Step 6
Image B shows an incorrect
Begin the tightening process.
reaction point.
When the tool begins to stroke,
be aware of pinch points that
could trap your hands. Do not
place your hand in the reaction
area. 7h
Image C shows an incorrect
reaction point.
Reaction Arm Safety Warnings
3h Keep hands, loose clothing, and long hair away from the
reaction arm and working area during operation.
5 Operating the Tool
You are now ready to begin operation of the Torq/Lite wrench. During
operation, you will either tighten or loosen the nut/bolt.
7h The wrench/socket must be pushed completely to
the bottom of the nut/bolt for maximum engage-
1 ment and torque. This prevents overloading the
Step 1 wrench and damaging corners of the nut/bolt.
Place the socket on the nut/bolt 7h Never hammer on a socket that is under load and
and make sure the socket is the always check sockets for cracks. Discard damaged
or worn sockets.
correct size. The socket should
fit closely around the nut/bolt
creating a tight fit.
Step 3
Make sure the drive is fully attached to the socket.
Step 5 Step 8
Turn the pump on.
Attach the retaining ring
over the drive and over the
holding pin. Step 9
Preset the pressure for the correct torque.
(Refer to Setting the Torque, section 3)
Step 6 10
Step 10
Set the reaction arm. Make sure Activate the remote control that
the reaction arm is placed on a is connected to the pump to
flat surface, against a close nut/ advance the piston assembly.
bolt, flange, or solid object.
Step 7
Use the quick-connect system
to attach the hoses to the tool The tool is started… The nut/bolt will begin to turn.
and pump. Make sure the ends
The nut is no longer turning Release the remote control button.
are fully connected on the tool and the pump gauge is at
and pump. The hoses and quick- the correct pressure…
connects are connected when
the male and female ends are The button is released… The tool will retract.
tightly sealed. It is very important to allow
the tool to fully retract or you
WARNING will “short stroke” the tool.
Make sure there is clearance for the hoses, quick- (Refer to “How to Avoid Short Stroking”
connects, and end plug. DO NOT allow the tool on page 22)
to react against the hoses, quick-connects, or
end plugs.
Step 11 6 Lubrication
After the tool has completed a full cycle (A full cycle allows the tool
to stroke completely out and retract completely back.), a “click” may Lubrication of your Torq/Lite wrench is a very important final step in
be heard after each turn. Wait 1-3 seconds before beginning the next operation. You should lubricate after 20 to 40 hours of operation.
Lubricate all parts of the drive train assembly and the inside walls of the
WARNING tool with a nickel or copper-based anti-seize lubricant. The only exception
is the blind hole in the drive plates.
This tool should not be used with a pump that
can exceed 10,000psi of hydraulic pressure. Be careful to NEVER lubricate the inside of the blind hole in the drive
plates. Lubricating the blind hole in the drive plates could cause
Step 12 problems with operation.
Cycle the tool until it stalls in the retract position and the pressure
builds to approximately 1500psi.
Steps for Lubrication
Step Action
Step 13
If these steps are followed and you have allowed the wrench to fully Remove the drive train assembly.
advance and fully retract, then you are ready for the next nut/bolt 1
(Refer to Maintenance: Disassembling the Torque Wrench, section 1)
Wash all parts in a cleaning solution made for this
Step 14 type of job. Make sure the cleaning area is ventilated.
Once the nut/bolt stops rotating, remove the tool from the nut/bolt. 7
3 Dry the parts.
Section Topic
1 Disassembling the Torque Wrench
www.torqlite.com 25
Maintenance: Disassembling the Torque Wrench
7h The disassembly instructions must be followed
when taking apart the tool. Removing parts
outside of these instructions could cause damage.
7h Do not scratch or damage any surfaces that
contain pressurized hydraulic oil.
Models SU-1XL and SU-3XL have one screw on the
opposite side of the shroud.
Step 1
Step 4
Step 2
5 8
Step 5 Step 8
of the drive gear.
6 9
Step 6 Step 9
Remove the gear set screw The bushings are now loose
using an Allen wrench. and can be removed.
7 10
Step 7 Step 10
Remove the square drive Separate all the parts from the
from the drive train assembly. drive train assembly. These parts
H should include:
[A] Drive gear
F [B] Square drive
[C] Drive pawl
D [D] Drive plate with spring wall
[E] Drive plate
[F] Drive pawl coil spring
B [G] Bushings (2)
[H] Cylinder drive pin
[I] Blind hole in drive plate
Step 11 After cleaning and performing maintenance, you can reassemble your
Torq/Lite wrench. Assembly of the wrench involves properly lubricating
Return to the tool body.
and putting the tool back together in a particular order.
12a Lubrication is a very important first step in the assembly process. Before
Step 12 you assemble the tool, you will lubricate all parts of the drive train assembly
and the inside walls of the tool with a nickel or copper-based anti-seize
Inspect the latching pawl
lubricant. The only exception is the blind hole in the drive plates.
assembly for damage. Be careful to NEVER lubricate the inside of the blind hole in the drive
plates. Lubricating the blind hole in the drive plates could cause problems
Image A
with operation.
The latching pawl coil spring
should be intact and show no Remember to use plenty of lubricant. You can never over-lubricate.
signs of damage.
Image B NOTE
To check for damage, press
7h Be careful not to scratch or damage any surfaces
the latching pawl handle. that will contain pressurized hydraulic oil.
The latching pawl spring
7h Use copper-covered vise jaws if you are holding the
tension should be tight.
tool in a vise. This applies to threaded members
and housings.
Step 1
2 4
Step 2 Step 4
Insert the cylinder drive pin in Insert the drive pawl spring
the circular indentation on the against the spring retainer wall.
drive plate.
Be careful to NEVER lubricate the inside of
the blind hole in the drive plates. Lubricating
flat side
the blind hole in the drive plates could cause
problems with operation.
Step 5
7h The cylinder drive pin must be placed with the flat
side of the pin facing away from the spring wall. Press the drive pawl against
7h The SU-1XL, SU-3XL, SU-45XL and SU-60XL the spring retainer wall, and at
cylinder drive pins do not have a flat side. the same time, put the drive gear
in place on the drive plate. Set
7h The SU-45XL and SU-60XL have a screw-covered
the drive pawl in a drive gear
window for cylinder drive pin installation.
3 6
Step 3 Step 6
Place the drive pawl over the Release the drive pawl and the
cylinder drive pin. gear is set and locked. Rotate the
drive gear 90 degrees to secure
the drive pawl spring. Recheck
the cylinder drive pin and make
sure the flat side is facing away
from the spring wall.
7 10a Step 10
Step 7
Square Drive Installation
Place the second drive plate over SU-1XL SU-6XL SU-11XL
the drive pawl and the drive gear.
Image A
Push the lubricated square drive
through square drive opening.
Make sure the square drive
center key is in line with the hole
for the gear set screw.
(Refer to page 36 for installation steps
8 for SU-20XL, SU-30XL, SU-45XL,
Step 8
and SU-60XL)
Set the bushings into
position on either side of the tool Image B
body. The bushings are installed Center the square drive in the
from inside the tool body with tool and insert the gear set
the bushing lip on the inside of screw. Tighten the gear set screw
the tool. completely.
Step 9
Image A 10c
Image C
Set the drive train assembly into
Unscrew the set screw out ¼
the tool body. Make sure the flat
turn to allow the square drive
side of the cylinder drive pin is
to slide easily from side to side.
facing the tool.
This will secure the square drive.
Image B
Pull the latching pawl handle and
line-up the drive train assembly
with the bushing.
Step 11
11 3 Disassembling the Dual-Plane Swivels
Steps for Square Drive Installation
SU-20XL, SU-30XL, SU-45XL, and SU-60XL
Step Action
Step 2
1 Line-up the bearings with gear square.
Loosen the dual-plane swivels.
Push the lubricated square drive through the square
2 drive opening. Make sure the square drive retaining (Use a ¾” wrench placed on the swivel
slot lines-up with the bearing Allen bolt holes for the adaptor at the base of the stem.)
retaining screw.
4 7
Step 4 Step 7
5 8
Step 5 Step 8
Remove the keeper rings from Remove the Teflon® backup rings
the dual-plane swivel body and and the swivel stem seals from
the swivel stem. the swivel stem.
6 9
Step 6 Step 9
Remove the female swivel body Remove the Teflon backup rings
from the dual-plane swivel body. and the swivel stem seals from
the dual-plane swivel body. 7
1 3
Step 1 Step 3
Install replacement Teflon backup Insert the swivel stem into the
rings and swivel stem seals on female receptor in the dual-plane
the swivel stem. swivel body.
oil port
(Use a lubricant such as petroleum jelly.) (Use a lubricant such as petroleum jelly.)
The Teflon backup rings must be positioned behind Step 4
the swivel stem seals relative to the oil port.
Install the keeper ring at the base
of the swivel stem.
Step 2
Step 6
Step 7
Always apply Teflon tape to the threads on the base
of the quick-connect couplings before attaching to
the swivel body.
Step 8
(Use a ¾” wrench.)
Dirt in the direction-control
Return to manufacturer for repair.
valve of the pump unit
www.torqlite.com 43
Press the advance button on the Cylinder/Tool leaks Blown back cap seal Replace the back cap seal.
remote and let the pump build to
previously set pressure - continue to
Swivel seal leak Blown swivel seal Replace the swivel seal.
press the advance button after set
Latching pawl loaded when
pressure is reached, then pull back
the tool is at maximum power Blown O-ring on pressure set
on one of the latching pawl handles Cylinder seal leaks Replace the cylinder O-ring plug.
Tool locks onto nut - release the remote advance button screw
while continuing to hold back the
latching pawl handle. Piston rod seal leaks Blown piston rod seal Replace the piston rod seal.
Check quick-connects on tool,
Tool is operating backwards, Swivel adapter
hoses, and pump. Reconfigure Blown swivel adapter seal Replace the swivel adapter seal.
fittings may be reversed seal leaks
Hose or tool fitting is or steel strands Replace the hose. Clean the latching pawl rod and
Nut returns with
damaged or leaks Latching pawl not engaging replace the latching pawl spring if
Cut the hose in half and discard. retract stroke
Oil leaks through fibers necessary.
Replace the hose.
Defective gauge Replace the gauge.
Remove old fittings and replace with
Broken fittings
steel high-pressure fittings only.
Check oil level in pump reservoirs.
Refill oil to appropriate levels. Turn
Inspect, adjust, or replace the relief
Defective relief valve Loss of prime the pump on and lay the pump on
its side for 15-20 seconds. Place the
pump back in an upright position.
Hydraulic intake screen Remove the pump assembly from
clogged the tank and clean the screen.
Do not turn the pump on its side.
Make sure the air supply and hose Pressure reading Turning one of these pumps could
Air supply too low or air hose
size both comply with the pump erratic worsen the prime-loss problem. To
too small
manual recommendations. Loss of prime: correct the prime loss, check the oil
Make sure the amperage, voltage, s 0OWER 4EAM® Pump level, circulate the fluid by connect-
Electric power source too low and extension cord size comply with s %NERPAC® Pump ing the hydraulic hoses, and allow
Pump will not build-up s 3IMPLEX® Pump the pressure regulator to move up
the pump manual requirements.
pressure and down several cycles. If this
Defective gauge Replace the gauge. does not work for this pump series,
check the screen and/or oil level.
Low oil level Check and fill the pump reservoir.
Oil level low Add oil.
Filter regulation lubricator
Inspect and clean air hoses.
Quick-connects loose or not Tighten and/or replace the quick-
Defective pump Return to manufacturer for repair. Gauge shows pressure working connects.
build-up but the tool
will not cycle
Defective directional valve Return to manufacturer for repair. Solenoid not working Replace parts as necessary.
290 4200 572 775 80 634 9200 1266 1716 176
303 4400 598 811 83 648 9400 1295 1756 180
317 4600 625 847 87 662 9600 1324 1795 184
331 4800 651 883 91 676 9800 1353 1834 188
345 5000 678 919 94 690 10000 1382 1874 192
www.torqlite.com 47
Torque Charts
10000 PSI & 700 BAR 10000 PSI & 700 BAR
+\-3% +\-3%
14 200 55 74 8 359 5200 1565 2122 217 14 200 113 153 16 359 5200 2726 3696 377
28 400 110 149 16 372 5400 1626 2205 225 28 400 226 306 32 372 5400 2831 3838 392
41 600 164 223 23 386 5600 1688 2288 234 41 600 338 459 47 386 5600 2935 3980 406
55 800 219 297 31 400 5800 1749 2371 242 55 800 451 612 63 400 5800 3040 4122 421
69 1000 274 371 38 414 6000 1810 2454 251 69 1000 564 765 78 414 6000 3145 4264 435
83 1200 336 455 47 427 6200 1872 2538 259 83 1200 665 901 92 427 6200 3251 4407 450
97 1400 397 539 55 441 6400 1934 2623 268 97 1400 765 1037 106 441 6400 3357 4551 465
110 1600 459 622 64 455 6600 1997 2707 277 110 1600 866 1174 120 455 6600 3462 4694 479
124 1800 520 706 72 469 6800 2059 2791 285 124 1800 966 1310 134 469 6800 3568 4838 494
138 2000 582 789 81 483 7000 2121 2876 294 138 2000 1067 1447 148 483 7000 3674 4981 508
152 2200 642 870 89 496 7200 2180 2956 302 152 2200 1173 1591 163 496 7200 3778 5123 523
165 2400 701 951 97 510 7400 2239 3036 310 165 2400 1280 1735 177 510 7400 3883 5264 537
179 2600 761 1032 106 524 7600 2298 3116 318 179 2600 1386 1879 192 524 7600 3987 5406 552
193 2800 820 1112 114 538 7800 2357 3196 326 193 2800 1493 2024 207 538 7800 4092 5547 566
207 3000 880 1193 122 552 8000 2416 3276 335 207 3000 1599 2168 222 552 8000 4196 5689 581
221 3200 942 1277 131 565 8200 2479 3362 343 221 3200 1701 2307 236 565 8200 4304 5835 596
234 3400 1003 1360 139 579 8400 2543 3448 352 234 3400 1804 2446 250 579 8400 4412 5981 610
248 3600 1065 1444 148 593 8600 2606 3534 361 248 3600 1906 2584 264 593 8600 4519 6127 625
262 3800 1126 1527 156 607 8800 2670 3619 370 262 3800 2009 2723 278 607 8800 4627 6274 640
276 4000 1188 1611 165 621 9000 2733 3705 378 276 4000 2111 2862 292 621 9000 4735 6420 655
290 4200 1251 1696 173 634 9200 2793 3786 387 290 4200 2213 3000 306 634 9200 4810 6521 666
303 4400 1314 1782 182 648 9400 2852 3867 395 303 4400 2315 3139 321 648 9400 4885 6623 676
317 4600 1378 1868 191 662 9600 2912 3948 403 317 4600 2417 3277 335 662 9600 4960 6725 686
331 4800 1441 1953 200 676 9800 2971 4029 411 331 4800 2519 3415 349 676 9800 5035 6827 697
345 5000 1504 2039 208 700 10000 3031 4109 420 345 5000 2621 3554 363 690 10000 5110 6928 707
10000 PSI & 700 BAR 10000 PSI & 700 BAR
+\-3% +\-3%
14 200 170 230 24 359 5200 4504 6107 623 14 200 208 281 29 359 5200 5556 7533 769
28 400 339 460 47 372 5400 4664 6323 645 28 400 415 563 58 372 5400 5774 7829 799
41 600 509 690 71 386 5600 4823 6539 667 41 600 623 844 87 386 5600 5992 8124 829
55 800 678 920 94 400 5800 4983 6756 689 55 800 830 1126 115 400 5800 6210 8420 859
69 1000 848 1150 118 414 6000 5142 6972 711 69 1000 1038 1407 144 414 6000 6428 8715 889
83 1200 1024 1388 142 427 6200 5330 7227 737 83 1200 1254 1700 174 427 6200 6646 9011 919
97 1400 1200 1626 166 441 6400 5518 7481 763 97 1400 1470 1993 204 441 6400 6865 9307 950
110 1600 1375 1865 191 455 6600 5706 7736 789 110 1600 1686 2286 234 455 6600 7083 9604 980
124 1800 1551 2103 215 469 6800 5894 7991 815 124 1800 1902 2579 263 469 6800 7302 9900 1010
138 2000 1727 2342 239 483 7000 6082 8246 841 138 2000 2118 2872 293 483 7000 7520 10196 1040
152 2200 1893 2567 262 496 7200 6255 8480 865 152 2200 2329 3158 323 496 7200 7738 10492 1070
165 2400 2059 2792 285 510 7400 6427 8714 889 165 2400 2540 3444 352 510 7400 7957 10788 1101
179 2600 2225 3017 308 524 7600 6600 8948 913 179 2600 2752 3731 381 524 7600 8175 11084 1131
193 2800 2391 3242 331 538 7800 6772 9182 937 193 2800 2963 4017 410 538 7800 8394 11380 1161
207 3000 2557 3467 354 552 8000 6945 9416 961 207 3000 3174 4303 439 552 8000 8612 11676 1191
221 3200 2736 3710 379 565 8200 7087 9609 980 221 3200 3389 4595 469 565 8200 8831 11973 1221
234 3400 2915 3952 404 579 8400 7230 9802 1000 234 3400 3604 4886 499 579 8400 9050 12270 1252
248 3600 3094 4195 428 593 8600 7372 9995 1020 248 3600 3819 5178 528 593 8600 9269 12567 1282
262 3800 3273 4438 453 607 8800 7515 10188 1039 262 3800 4034 5469 558 607 8800 9488 12864 1312
276 4000 3452 4680 478 621 9000 7657 10382 1059 276 4000 4249 5761 588 621 9000 9707 13161 1343
290 4200 3631 4922 502 634 9200 7835 10622 1084 290 4200 4467 6056 618 634 9200 9924 13455 1373
303 4400 3809 5165 527 648 9400 8012 10863 1108 303 4400 4685 6351 648 648 9400 10141 13750 1403
317 4600 3988 5407 552 662 9600 8190 11104 1133 317 4600 4902 6647 678 662 9600 10359 14044 1433
331 4800 4166 5649 577 676 9800 8367 11345 1157 331 4800 5120 6942 708 676 9800 10576 14339 1463
345 5000 4345 5891 601 700 10000 8545 11585 1182 345 5000 5338 7237 739 700 10000 10793 14633 1493
10000 PSI & 700 BAR 10000 PSI & 700 BAR
+\-3% +\-3%
14 200 351 475 49 359 5200 9417 12768 1303 14 200 528 715 73 359 5200 13477 18272 1864
28 400 701 951 97 372 5400 9793 13277 1354 28 400 1055 1431 146 372 5400 13982 18957 1934
41 600 1052 1426 146 386 5600 10168 13786 1406 41 600 1583 2146 219 386 5600 14487 19642 2003
55 800 1402 1901 194 400 5800 10544 14295 1458 55 800 2110 2861 292 400 5800 14992 20326 2073
69 1000 1753 2377 243 414 6000 10919 14804 1510 69 1000 2638 3577 365 414 6000 15497 21011 2143
83 1200 2125 2881 294 427 6200 11248 15251 1556 83 1200 3154 4276 437 427 6200 16010 21707 2214
97 1400 2497 3385 346 441 6400 11577 15697 1601 97 1400 3670 4975 508 441 6400 16523 22403 2285
110 1600 2868 3889 397 455 6600 11907 16143 1647 110 1600 4185 5675 579 455 6600 17037 23099 2356
124 1800 3240 4393 448 469 6800 12236 16590 1692 124 1800 4701 6374 650 469 6800 17550 23794 2427
138 2000 3612 4897 500 483 7000 12565 17036 1738 138 2000 5217 7073 722 483 7000 18063 24490 2498
152 2200 3940 5342 545 496 7200 12922 17520 1787 152 2200 5748 7794 795 496 7200 18579 25189 2569
165 2400 4268 5787 591 510 7400 13279 18004 1836 165 2400 6279 8514 869 510 7400 19094 25888 2640
179 2600 4597 6232 636 524 7600 13636 18488 1886 179 2600 6811 9234 942 524 7600 19610 26587 2712
193 2800 4925 6677 681 538 7800 13993 18972 1935 193 2800 7342 9954 1016 538 7800 20125 27286 2783
207 3000 5253 7122 727 552 8000 14350 19456 1984 207 3000 7873 10674 1089 552 8000 20641 27985 2854
221 3200 5654 7665 782 565 8200 14718 19956 2035 221 3200 8376 11356 1158 565 8200 21157 28685 2926
234 3400 6054 8208 838 579 8400 15087 20455 2086 234 3400 8878 12037 1228 579 8400 21673 29385 2997
248 3600 6455 8752 893 593 8600 15455 20954 2137 248 3600 9381 12719 1297 593 8600 22189 30084 3068
262 3800 6855 9295 948 607 8800 15824 21454 2188 262 3800 9883 13400 1367 607 8800 22705 30784 3140
276 4000 7256 9838 1004 621 9000 16192 21953 2239 276 4000 10386 14082 1436 621 9000 23221 31483 3211
290 4200 7613 10322 1053 634 9200 16540 22426 2287 290 4200 10903 14783 1508 690 9200 23738 32184 3282
303 4400 7970 10806 1102 648 9400 16889 22898 2335 303 4400 11420 15484 1579 648 9400 24254 32884 3354
317 4600 8328 11291 1152 662 9600 17237 23371 2384 317 4600 11938 16185 1651 662 9600 24771 33585 3425
331 4800 8685 11775 1201 676 9800 17586 23843 2432 331 4800 12455 16886 1722 676 9800 25287 34285 3497
345 5000 9042 12259 1251 690 10000 17934 24315 2480 345 5000 12972 17588 1794 700 10000 25804 34986 3568
10000 PSI & 700 BAR 10000 PSI & 700 BAR
+\-3% +\-3%
14 200 880 1193 122 359 5200 23246 31517 3214 14 200 1023 1386 142 359 5200 27999 37962 3872
28 400 1760 2386 244 372 5400 24164 32762 3341 28 400 2045 2773 283 372 5400 29121 39483 4027
41 600 2640 3579 365 386 5600 25083 34008 3468 41 600 3068 4159 425 386 5600 30242 41003 4182
55 800 3520 4772 487 400 5800 26001 35253 3595 55 800 4090 5546 566 400 5800 31364 42523 4337
69 1000 4400 5966 609 414 6000 26920 36499 3722 69 1000 5113 6932 707 414 6000 32485 44044 4492
83 1200 5227 7087 723 427 6200 27919 37853 3860 83 1200 6110 8284 845 427 6200 33608 45566 4647
97 1400 6054 8208 837 441 6400 28918 39208 3999 97 1400 7107 9636 983 441 6400 34730 47088 4802
110 1600 6881 9329 952 455 6600 29917 40562 4137 110 1600 8104 10988 1121 455 6600 35853 48610 4957
124 1800 7708 10451 1066 469 6800 30916 41917 4275 124 1800 9101 12339 1259 469 6800 36975 50132 5113
138 2000 8535 11572 1181 483 7000 31915 43271 4413 138 2000 10098 13691 1397 483 7000 38098 51654 5268
152 2200 9410 12758 1301 496 7200 32756 44411 4529 152 2200 11210 15199 1550 496 7200 39217 53171 5422
165 2400 10285 13944 1422 510 7400 33597 45551 4645 165 2400 12322 16706 1704 510 7400 40336 54688 5577
179 2600 11159 15130 1543 524 7600 34438 46692 4762 179 2600 13434 18214 1858 524 7600 41455 56206 5732
193 2800 12034 16316 1664 538 7800 35279 47832 4878 193 2800 14546 19722 2012 538 7800 42574 57723 5887
207 3000 12909 17502 1785 552 8000 36120 48972 4994 207 3000 15658 21229 2165 552 8000 43693 59240 6041
221 3200 13895 18839 1922 565 8200 37014 50185 5118 221 3200 16824 22810 2326 565 8200 44818 60765 6197
234 3400 14880 20175 2058 579 8400 37908 51397 5242 234 3400 17990 24391 2488 579 8400 45943 62290 6352
248 3600 15866 21511 2194 593 8600 38803 52609 5365 248 3600 19155 25971 2649 593 8600 47068 63816 6508
262 3800 16851 22847 2330 607 8800 39697 53822 5489 262 3800 20321 27552 2810 607 8800 48193 65341 6663
276 4000 17837 24184 2467 621 9000 40591 55034 5612 276 4000 21487 29133 2971 621 9000 49318 66866 6819
290 4200 18735 25401 2591 634 9200 41799 56672 5779 290 4200 22565 30594 3120 634 9200 50435 68381 6973
303 4400 19633 26619 2715 648 9400 43007 58310 5946 303 4400 23643 32056 3269 648 9400 51553 69896 7128
317 4600 20531 27836 2839 662 9600 44215 59948 6113 317 4600 24722 33518 3418 662 9600 52670 71411 7282
331 4800 21429 29054 2963 676 9800 45423 61585 6280 331 4800 25800 34980 3567 676 9800 53788 72926 7437
345 5000 22327 30271 3087 700 10000 46631 63223 6447 345 5000 26878 36442 3717 700 10000 54905 74441 7591
8 Bearings
9 Bushings L2 W1
10 Square Drive RA W2
Ft/Lbs * 1382 2921 5110 8545 10793 17934 25804 46631 54905
14 Drive Pawl
Weight 5.25 lbs. 11.25 20.00 28.90 31.00 73.00 84.00 145.00 295.00
15 Drive Gear with Set Screw RA Reaction Area 3.685” 5.335 5.460 6.500 6.500 7.525 7.525 7.425 8.781
L1 Length 1.567” 1.865 2.150 2.040 2.245 3.460 3.460 7.337 5.887
16 Drive Pin
L2 Length 5.252” 7.200 7.610 6.880 8.745 10.375 10.875 12.537 14.668
17 Drive Pawl Coil Spring L3 Length 5.928” 7.970 8.410 8.950 9.428 11.600 11.725 13.312 16.000
18 Drive Plate R Radius 1.200” 1.260 1.725 1.800 2.062 3.000 3.125 3.275 3.750
H1 Height 4.100” 4.870 5.925 6.770 7.375 9.184 9.777 11.225 14.000
19 Piston Rod H2 Height 5.725” 6.520 7.850 8.420 9.125 10.784 11.377 12.600 15.600
20 Latching Pawl Handle with Screw W1 Width 1.980” 2.775 3.000 3.900 3.900 4.950 5.875 5.750 7.250
W2 Width 2.730” 3.600 4.475 5.350 5.350 7.450 8.375 8.250 9.750
21 Latching Pawl Coil Spring
W3 Width 2.200” 3.172 3.501 4.800 4.982 5.557 5.555 5.500 5.750
22 Latching Pawl with Screw
23 Latching Pawl Rod METRIC SU-1XL SU-3XL SU-6XL SU-8XL SU-11XL SU-20XL SU-30XL SU-45XL SU-60XL
Square Drive 19 mm 25 38 38 38 64 64 64 64
Min/Max 194 355 765 385 1407 2377 3577 5966 6932
Nm bar * 1874 3960 6928 3876 14633 24315 34986 63223 74441
24 Piston
Weight 2.38 kg 5.10 9.07 13.10 14.06 33.11 38.10 65.77 133.80
25 Piston Screw RA Reaction Area 94 mm 136 139 165 165 191 191 189 223
* at 10000psi