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DOI: 10.46300/9101.2021.15.29 Volume 15, 2021

Numerical investigation of heat transfer with

natural convection in a regularly heated
elliptical cylinder submerged in a square fence
loaded with a nanofluid
Djedid Taloub1, 2, Adelkarim Bouras1, Zied Driss3
Department of Physics, Faculty ofSciences, University Mohamed Boudiaf of M'sila, , Algeria
Laboratory of Materials Physics and its Applications, University Mohamed BOUDIAF of M’sila,
Department of Mecanics, Electromechanical Systems Laboratory, (ENIS), University of Sfax,
Received: August 13, 2021. Revised: November 9, 2021. Accepted: November 27, 2021. Published: December 16, 2021.

 enhancing properties, nanofluids can be applied in many fields

Abstract—During this first paper, numerical research such as the environment, production, cooling of electronic
from the natural convection of steady-state laminar heat components, biology, medical diagnostics, water treatment,
transfer into a horizontal ring within a heated internal cooling in a heat engine Tzeng et al. [1], and energy storage.
elliptical surface and a cold external square surface is However, the main difficulty encountered with nanofluids is to
presented. A Cu - water nanofluid, traverses this annular disperse in a stable manner over time the nanoparticles in the
space. For different thermal Rayleigh numbers varying base liquid because of their agglomeration, due either to
from 103 to 2.5x105 and different volume fractions from gravity or to temperature-dependent precipitation. While the
the nanoparticles. The arrangement from equations event of thermic convection in nanofluids, which are usually
directing the problem was resolved numerically with the
excellent conductors, both thermic and electrical, and into the
Fluent computational language founded on the finite
attendance of a magnetic domain, two-volume forces control
volume approach. Based approaching the Boussinesq
approach. The interior and exterior surfaces from the two the nanofluid namely: the buoyance force and that of Lorentz.
cylinders are maintained at a fixed temperature. We The end can cause magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).
investigated the impacts of various thermal Rayleigh The improvement from heat transfer by convection is the
numbers, the volume fraction from the nanoparticles, and main object of several works, and to do so, a considerable
the effect of the eccentricity of the internal cylinder on the number of investigations have carried out a throng of
natural convection. The results are shown within the figure theoretical, experimental, and numerical essays relating to the
of isocurrents, isotherms, and mean and local Nusselt representation of the aspects governing convection, the effect
numbers. The objective of this investigation is to examine of the nature of the systems in which it takes place and the
the impact of different parameters on the heat transfer properties of the fluids involved, which are directly related to
flow. our study.
Mehrizi et al. [2] applied Boltzmann's approach to exploring
Keywords—a natural convection, Rayleigh numbers, the influence of nanoparticles on heat transfer by natural
nanofluid, volume fraction, square elliptic. convection in a ring-shaped enclosure, which formed within a
heated triangular internal surface and a circular external
surface. The impact of the volume fraction from nanoparticles

T HE necessity to enhance the thermal transfers of fluids has

presented rise to the generation of a new class, called
nanofluids. Holding nanoparticles suspended these solutions
on improving heat transfer has been tested at various thermal
Rayleigh numbers. In addition, the influence concerning
diagonal, horizontal, and vertical eccentricities in different
within a basis fluid. Gratitude to their thermic performance- situations is tested at Ra = 104. These effects prove that the
Nusselt number and the best flux rise with rising the fixed
volume fraction. The mean Nusselt number rises as the internal

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cylinder goes descending, but reduces as the position of the natural convection from nanofluid inside a rectangular cavity
internal cylinder moves horizontally. Habibi et al. [3] including different pairs from heaters and icehouse. The
presented a numerical investigation of natural convection and surfaces from the cavity are protected and many pairs of
heat transfer from the copper (Cu) -water nanofluid interior a heating and cooling devices with isothermal surfaces are
horizontal eccentric annulus. The internal and external placed inside the cavity. The influences of many parameters
cylinders are maintained at uniform temperatures. The about the heat transfer flow and the dispersion of nanoparticles
influences of eccentricity, radius report, and volume fraction are investigated. These results designate that the location of
parameter of nanoparticles, thermal Rayleigh and Prandtl the coolers has several important impacts on the heat transfer
numbers on average Nusselt number, streamlines, and rate. They noticed that there is an optimum volume fraction of
isotherms are examined. Izadi et al. [4] examined numerically nanoparticles by any thermal Rayleigh number into which the
the influence from the ratio of the Richardson numbers about best heat transfer flow can be achieved. Arbaban et al. [11]
the walls at the laminar combined convection of a nanofluid improved the heat transfer into horizontal concentric rings with
circulating within a uniformly heated annulus. The secondary eight radial flippers connected to the internal cylinder using
currents and shape of dimensionless axial speed and nanofluids.
dimensionless temperature are showed and explained. Matin et These results confirm that the mean Nusselt number rises
al. [5] examined numerically the combined convection and with the rising volume fraction and thermic conductivity from
heat transfer about Al2O3-water nanofluid interior a horizontal nanoparticles. In addition, it is mentioned that the mean
eccentric annulus by turning on the internal cylinder. The Nusselt number from Cu-water nanofluid is the most important
interior and exterior cylinders are maintained at various fixed with the nanofluids. Boulahia et al. [12] numerically examined
temperatures. The effects of eccentricity, Reynolds number, the performance from natural and combined convection from
and volume fraction parameter from nanoparticles, thermal Cu-water nanofluid in square forms including circular warming
Rayleigh number on mean Nusselt number, and isotherms and and cooling cylinders inside. The effects of the position and
isocurrent are reviewed. Dawood et al. [6] published a size from circular shapes at the flow of heat transfer are
numerical simulation of increasing heat transfer employing studied. The results confirm that the optimal heat transfer is
nanofluids within an elliptical ring with a regular heat flow achieved by locating the circular form near the floor wall, and
boundary state. Four different types of nanofluids of various the rate concerning heat transfer rises with the change in
sizes from nanoparticles were used. They found that glycerin guidance from the pair of circular shapes from the horizontal
exhibited the best improvement in heat transfer related before directorate to the vertical directorate. Husain et al. [13]
the other base fluids were tested. Moghari et al. [7] have presented a numerical and experimental examination
studied numerically the pressure loss and thermal properties of concerning the transitory natural convection flux about
the flow of nanofluid Al2O3 water in horizontal rings. Each distilled water into a narrow perpendicular ring with a high
single-phase fluid method was selected for the modeling of aspect report. Using ANSYS Fluent a CFD model is developed
nanofluids. The effects of some important parameters studied and solved. The analysis was carried out on a heat facts scale
and discussed in detail. They have observed that there are of 300 W to 1800 W. They observed that by an improvement
significant increases in pressure loss and in elevating energy, in heat facts, a decrease in the transitory time. Hamid et al.
which is not acceptable. Seyyedi et al. [8] simulated heat [14] studied the increased warmth transfer and hydromagnetic
transfer by natural convection under uniform heat flow into an flux of water-founded carbon nanotubes in a partly heated
annular enclosure loaded by nanofluids. They used the finite square fin-formed cavity. Inside the cavity, a fine heated bar is
element approach based on the control volume. To evaluate fixed as a heat source. In the calculation, the numerical finite
the impact of thermic conductivity and viscidity from the element approach is performed utilizing the Galerkin method.
nanofluid they used the Maxwell-Garnetts (MG) and Brinkman These results illustrated that local Nusselt numbers are
models. These results explicate that increasing the aspect enhanced with injecting both a water-based solid carbon
report raises the values of the mean Nusselt number. Togun et volume fraction and radiation influences, while the Nusselt
al. [9] performed a collection from subjects about forced, number is maximal in the angles. Lakshmi et al. [15]
natural, and combined heat transfer on fluid and nanofluid analytically investigated the natural convection from water-
flow within an annular passing by various fluid and boundary copper nanoliquids into saturated cylindric porous rings. The
states. The influence concerning eccentricity into the plane and internal and external perpendicular radial surfaces are
perpendicular directions on the rate of heat transfer in the subjected to regular mass and heat fluxes and outflows,
largest digital and empirical studies for plane and respectively. The thermophysical characteristics of the
perpendicular annular passages investigated. The influences of saturated nanoliquid porous means are patterns utilizing
Darcy, Prandtl number, Reynolds number, Grashof, and phenomenological rules and mixing hypotheses. The influence
thermal Rayleigh numbers on heat transfer are investigated. of many parameters about velocity, temperature, and heat
The impact of the nanofluid on the further improvement of transport is found. The highest heat transport is obtained
heat transfer within an annular canal is done. Garoosi et al. within a simple cylindrical ring contrasted to the rectangle and
[10] performed numerical research at the heat transfer by high circular rings. Increasing the radius from the internal

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DOI: 10.46300/9101.2021.15.29 Volume 15, 2021

cylinder is to lowers the heat transport. Mebarek et al. [16] transportation between different nanoparticles. Sultan et al.
numerically studied the convective heat transfer of Titania [26] studied numerical the heat transfer by natural convection
nanofluids with various basis fluids into a cylindrical ring by a using various nanofluids (Ag, Cu, and TiO2) in a horizontal
discrete warmth source. A computer code is a developed basis three-dimensional flow and an inclined ring with two heated
on the finite volume approach coupled with the SIMPLER flippers are fixed on the internal cylinder while the outer
algorithm. The influences from these parameters on the local cylinder is adiabatic. These numerical effects confirm that
Nusselt number are investigated. Siddheshwar et al. [17] while the volume fraction rises, the warmth transfer improved
analytically studied the linear and nonlinear Darcy-Bénard to any valors about the Rayleigh number. The improvement is
convection about Newtonian nonliquids and Newtonian liquids most important in large Rayleigh numbers. Roy [27] examined
into cylindrical and cylindrical annuli. They studied the effect the buoyant motion of nanofluids in annular spaces within a
of heat transport and the concentric addition from a cylinder in rectangular geometry and three inside geometries: elliptical,
the circular cylinder. The two-phase representation is utilized circular, or rectangular cylinder. He noted that the interior
within the event of nanoliquids. They noticed that the heat forms have a deep impact on heat transfer flows compared to a
transportation is highest in the event from a cylindrical ring square geometry.
accompanied on such cylindrical and square enclosures. We conducted a literature search on the associated floatable
Mebarek et al. [18] numerically analyzed the effects from the convection of basic fluids and nanofluids under many
position of a heat fount at the floating convection of nanofluids geometries. Following detailed analytical and empirical
within an annular system. They examined five various heat studies, we remarked that the buoyancy movement and heat
fount locations alongside the internal cylinder from the ring. transfer behavior from nanofluids interior the closed square
Their goal is to recognize the optimal location from the geometry have not been performed numerically in detail until
warmth fount to maximize or minimize heat transportation to now to analyze the impacts of several key parameters about the
many Rayleigh number valors and various volume fractions thermal behavior from nanofluids. The work we develop in
from the nanoparticle. These results show that the position this manuscript concerns the numerical research from warmth
from the heat fount has a deep influence on the flow motif. The transfer by nanofluids: two coaxial cylinders, a cold external
volume fraction from nanoparticles more commands heat square cylinder, and a heated interior elliptical cylinder.
transportation into the ring geometry. Keerthi et al. [19, 20] Numerical simulations have been performed to predict the
analyzed the impact of a non-uniform warm state at floating effect of Rayleigh numbers, the solid volume fraction of
convective transport from nanofluids inside a cylindrical ring nanoparticles, and inner cylinder eccentricity at the flow field
formed by two vertical coaxial cylinders. Numerical and structure, and heat transfer.
simulation results show the bicellular flow model to the two
non-uniform thermic states across any Rayleigh number II. DETERMINING EQUATIONS TO LAMINAR NANOFLUIDS
ranges. Lakshmi et al. [21-24] examined analytically the
natural convection of nanoliquids into saturated porous A. Physical Models
cylindrical rings with the inner cylinder under regular mass Figure 1 shows the physical representation from the current
and heat flow, and the outer cylinder under heat flow. The work. The treated problem is an elliptical cylinder with an
Darcy pattern and the changed account of the two-phase eccentricity e1 (= 0.8), located inside a square cylinder
Buongiorno pattern are utilized. Of the three examples of enclosure characterized by (L). The surfaces from the outer
rings, estimated, shallow rings present the most suitable heat square fence have been maintained in a fixed low-temperature
transportation and high rings present the most critical TF, and the inner ellipse surface is kept in a fixed high-
production. The appearance concerning a dilute concentration temperature TC. During this work, the thermal Rayleigh's
from nanoparticles significantly improves the warmth number, Rat, ranges from 103 to 2.5x105. The problem study is
transportation within the system. They concluded that a simple 2D, the flow is convection natural laminar of nanofluid (Cu-
cylindrical ring soaked by water and AA7075 lamellar mixture water). The nanofluid is considered incompressible and
nanoparticles is properly satisfied to heat transfer due to its Newtonian by negligible viscous diffusion and pressure
large efficient thermic conductivity compared to other formed working. The solid and fluid phases are into thermic stability
nanoparticles and that a large quadrangular enclosure soaked by the same velocity of flow and the Boussinesq approach
with water strongly sequences to heat stocking applications. used.
Sankar et al. [25] examined the effects from heat transport
conjugated into nanofluids by many nanoparticles so as
alumina, titanium oxide, or copper within a closed annular
geometry and formed by an internal cylinder having a regular
large temperature an outer cylindrical tubing by a fixed below
temperature and thermic insulated top and bottom surfaces for
a broad Rayleigh number spectrum. These results show that
copper-based nanofuids produce more important heat

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Isothermal ceiling wall TF


C. Estimation from the Nusselt number

The local Nusselt number adjacent to the outer and interior

Isothermal elliptical wall TC

cylinders and the mean Nusselt number can be estimated as

isothermal right wall TF

Isothermal left wall TF

a follows [28, 29]:




Isothermal floor wall TF
Table 1 Thermophysical characteristics from the base fluid and Cu
Physical field nanoparticles [30]

Water 997.1 4179 0.613 21x10-5 0.000891

Cu 8933 385 401 1.67x10-5 -

D. Nanofluid characteristics
The thermophysical characteristics of base fluid (water) and
nanoparticles (copper) are presented in table 1. The
characteristics of the nanofluids can be get from the properties
of the basic fluid and the nanoparticles. The heat capacity and
density of the nanofluids are estimated based on the references
Computational field
of Ramiar et al. [32] and Khanafer and Vafai [33].
Fig. 1 Physical and computational field
B. Mathematical model
The treatment of the considered physical problem requires the
application of governing equations deduced from the classical The thermic diffusivity from the nanofluid is
principles of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy.
The determining equations converted into dimensionless (10)
models below the non-dimensional variables:
The thermal expansion coefficient of the nanofluid calculated

, (11)

The efficient dynamic viscosity from the nanofluid determined

By introducing the dimensionless quantities into the by Brinkman [34] as
conservation equations of mass, motion and energy, we obtain
respectively: (12)

Concerning effective thermic conductivity from the nanofluid,

(1) Maxwell [35] presented a model to base density mixing by
micron-sized spherical particles, which is


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E. Boundary condition 9,50

Solving the system of equations got previously requires the
incorporating of boundary conditions to any dependant 9,48

Nombre de Nusselt moyen, Numoy

variable. The temperature conditions are identified on the
cylinders. The temperature from the external cylinder is 9,46

uniform and equal to Tf. The hot part of the inner cylinder has
a constant temperature equal to TC.
These different boundary conditions in dimensional form can
be recapitulated as: 9,40

The initial conditions are: 9,38

6x103 7x103 8x103 9x103 1x104 1x104

U=V=0 (14) Nombre de volume de controle
Fig. 2 Convergence from the mean Nusselt number
Moreover, the boundary limitations about the problem are: alongside the hot interior cylinder with grill refinement to
Rat = 106
Inner cylinder (ellipse)
U=V=0 (16) To verify the precision of the numerical results performed in
(17) this paper, validation of the simulation effected employing into
statement any numerical investigations available in the
External cylinder (square) research.
The phenom of heat transfer with natural convection into an
U=V=0 (18) external closed square fence at low temperature and an internal
(19) elliptical cylinder at high temperature has been treated. The
average Nusselt numbers evaluated for the examination are
related to the reference conditions of Kim et al. [31] as
F. Meshing choice
presented within table 2. Added validation was carried out
The impact of the size and number from nodes at the employing the existing mathematical algorithm to study the
resolution represented on the warmth transfer to the "heated" very problem as that analyzed by [31] utilizing the identical
active party from the cylinder explained with the average flow provisions and geometries, which were related to laminar
Nusselt number in Figure 2. An irregular mesh close to the natural convection heat transfer utilizing the same boundary
walls was utilized to resolve more exactly the physical provisions, but the numerical scheme was different. The
phenoms present in special within the boundary layer zone comparison is made utilizing the next dimensionless
designated with the presence of large gradients into the parietal parameters: Pr = 0.7, Rat = 105-106. The best arrangement was
regions. obtained within Kim et al. [31] and the current numerical
To get a mesh-unattached solution, a grill refinement simulation scheme to the temperature contours and streamlines
investigation is presented to a square fence by an isothermal inside the squared enclosure by the internal cylinder, as
internal ellipse at Rat = 106 (figure 2). In this paper, eight exposed in figure 3. Those validations give confidence within
combinations (80 × 80, 90 × 90, 100 × 90, 110 × 90, 115 × 90, the current mathematical model employed.
120 × 90, and 100 × 100) of check volumes are utilized to
examine the influence of grill size at the precision of foretold Table 2 Comparison of the current mean Nusselt number by
results. Figure 2 presents the convergence from the mean preceding numerical investigations.
Nusselt number, in the heated inner cylinder level by grill
refinement. It is remarked that mesh independence is reached Mean Nusselt number about the
by combining control volumes (100 × 100) in which the mean Rat heated cylinder
Nusselt number does not vary importantly with the finer mesh Now investigate Kim et al. [31]
refinement. The accord was determined to be excellent, which 1,3767
104 3.461 3.414
corresponds to the current calculation indirectly.
105 5.0592 5.1385 1,5432

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(a) Rat= 105 (b) Rat=106

Kim et al. [31] results

(a) Rat=105 (b) Rat=106

Present study
Fig. 3 Comparison of streamlines and temperature contours within the existing performance and such of Kim et al. [31]; concerning two
various thermal Rayleigh numbers of (a) 105and (b) 106

IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS It is noted that the isotherms and the streamlines are
Within this document, we have offered numerical symmetrical with respect to the fictitious vertical median
simulations about natural convection in a closed annular plane. This figure show that the flow regime is single-cell. On
system, this system comprising two confocal cylinders an outer the left side of the plane of symmetry, the flow rotates
square and an inner ellipse, which controlled at uniform counterclockwise and at the right lateral, it is within the
imposed temperatures. The system of equations ruling the opposite sens (the particles of the fluid movement upwards
problem is resolved numerically utilizing a finite volume below the action from gravity forces along the internal hot wall
approach based on the SIMPLE algorithm. The developed also then descend to the vicinity of the cold wall of the
model is first validated from the numerical results. The thermal external cylinder).
and dynamic current field is shown. The estimates are carried At Rat = 105, the isotherms grow and ultimately take on the
for thermal Rayleigh numbers of 103, 104, 105, and 2.5x105, form of a mushroom. The temperature distribution decreases
and volume fraction of nanoparticles 0≤ Ø ≤0.12. We examine from hot cylinder to cold cylinder. The direction of the
the annular space defined by the eccentricity of the inner deformation of the isotherms corresponds to the path of
elliptical cylinder (e1 = 0.8), and the outer cylinder is a square rotation of the isocurrent. In laminar mode, it can be said that,
cylinder designated by (L). This annular space is closed which under the action of the movement of the particles which take
contains a Cu-water nanofluid. The thermophysical off from the hot wall at the level of the axis of symmetry, the
characteristics of the copper nanoparticles and the base fluid isotherms "arch" and move away from the wall at this point.
are presented in table 1. The external and the internal wall The preferences from the streamlines raise, which confirms
create a temperature gradient. that the convection is increasing. In fact, the existence of
Figure 4 plotted isocurrent and isotherms for various volume nanoparticles causes an intensification of isotherms near the
fraction estimations of nanoparticles when the thermic hot surface, which indicates an enhancement in the rate of heat
Rayleigh number equals 105. transfer.

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Ø=0 Ø=0.04

Ø=0.08 Ø=0.12
Fig. 4 Isocurrent (right) and Isotherms (left) concerning various values from volume
fraction when, Rat=105, and

Figure 5 presents the contours about the temperature and Concerning isotherms, at thermal Rayleigh numbers are
streamlines when the volume fraction values of the nanofluids between 103 and 104, the isotherms are generally identical, and
are zero (Ø = 0) for Rat = 103, 104, 105, and 2.5x105. The the heat is transported by conduction. At Rat (= 105 and
figure notes that the heated water next to the hot isothermal 2.5x105), the temperature shapes and isocurrent enhance extra
elliptical surface moves upward and then hits the square confusing, and the vortex intensity raises while the Rayleigh
cylinder isothermal cold surface. Next striking the cold number rises. In that case, the flow highly strikes the ceiling
cylinder, it reverses direction creating a symmetrical rotating from the square cylinder, which conducts the production of a
vortex. thin thermic layer. The form of the rotating spirals increases,
the isotherms go up, and heat is transferred by convection.

Rat=103 Rat=104

Rat=105 Rat=2.5x105
Fig. 5 Isotherms (right) and isocurrents (left) for several values about the thermal Rayleigh
number, Rat at Ø=0, and
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The evolution from the average Nusselt numbers by the The changes from the local Nusselt number by way alongside
nanoparticle volume fraction for eccentricity about the internal the area about the square forms (A, B, C, and D) and by
ellipse ( ) is presented in figure (6). It is noted that as an several values about the nanoparticle volume fraction at
adjusted value concerning the thermal Rayleigh number, the thermal Rayleigh 105 are explained within the figure (8). The
mean Nusselt number rises linearly with increasing Ø. The local Nusselt numeral evolutions are superimposed upon each
slope of the line is increased when the thermal Rayleigh other, and the local Nusselt number values rise by the rise in
number and the volume fraction from the nanoparticles the value of the volume fraction from the nanoparticles. At
increase at this eccentricity, which leads to an increase in the thermal Rayleigh number 105, as shown under figure (8), the
heat flux strongly depending on the thermal Rayleigh number. local Nusselt number values increase due to the important
12 influence of thermic convection and nanoparticle volume
fraction values. It starts from the highest value in the summit
region of the internal surface due to the temperature source
Average Nusselt number, Nuavg

effect of the inner cylinder and the presence of small vortices


9 at the internal cylinder and goes down alongside the area of the
8 Rat=10
3 fence before it approaches the least value near the point B.
Next, the local Nusselt number gradually rises and next
reductions until it arrival position C. Then, the local Nusselt
6 Rat=2.5x10
number leaps directly from the area of point C to point D,
where the values are almost zero it is the lower part of the
4 enclosure where the fluid is practically stationary.
3 18
A(0) B(0.07)
2 16 Ø=0
0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12
Nanoparticle volume fraction, Ø 14
Local Nusselt number, Nuloc

12 Ø=0.14
Fig. 6 Evolution of the mean Nusselt number by the nanoparticles Rat=10

volume fraction for various thermal Rayleigh number and 10

D(0.28) C(0.21)
Figure. 7 presents the evolution from the mean Nusselt number 6
in the function from the thermal Rayleigh number concerning
different values about volume fraction from nanoparticles 4

where the eccentricity of the internal surface. It is 2

apparent that with the rise in the volume fraction about 0

nanoparticles, the efficient thermic conductivity from the A B C D

nanofluid raises, which appears to enhance thermic 0,00 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,16 0,20
Distane along the surface of square enclosure
0,24 0,28

transportation from the fluid inside the channel and better heat
convection. Fig. 8 Evolution of the local Nusselt number alongside the area (A–
B–C–D) from the squarish fence at various values about the
nanoparticle volume fraction for Rat = 105 and e1 = 0.8.
Average Nusselt number of inner cylinder, Nuavg

10 Ø=0.04 By fixing the dimensions of the external cylinder and
Ø=0.08 varying the dimensions of the internal elliptical cylinder e1
Ø=0.12 and a given thermal Rayleigh. Figure (9) shows the
development from the local Nusselt number alongside the area

7 (A-B-C-D) of the squarish fence for diverse values of the

6 eccentricity when Rat = 105 and Ø = 0. We noticed that for the
valor of thermal Rayleigh number considered shows that when
e1 = 0.6 the liberate interspace between the two swap areas is
short, it thus supports the conductive change, but by the

3 increase about e1, this liberate space will widen to support the
2 change by convection which rests relatively weak for numbers
of thermal Rayleigh weak, but this transfer by convection
Thermal Rayleigh number, Rat
becomes more important for Rat = 105. The increase in the
Fig. 7 Evolution from the average Nusselt number round an internal value of the inner cylinder eccentricity e1 thus leads to an
surface by the thermal Rayleigh to various values about the increase in the liberate interspace between the two interchange
nanoparticle volume fraction and surfaces, which results in an intension of the natural

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convection, for example for a thermal Rayleigh number (Rat = boundary layer is illustrated at the flow that heavily strikes the
105), the figure shows no bifurcation for e1 = 0.7 and e1 = 0.8, ceiling and lower from the outer cylinder.
the evolutions of local Nusselt number are nearly identical and • The addition of copper nanoparticles produced an
concentric trajectories, for example for e1 = 0.6, the figure important enhancement within the flow from heat transfer, so
illustrates the existence of a bifurcation and the presence of a the heat transfer rises with the rise in the volume fraction of
bifurcation presenting rise to further cells rotating in the the nanoparticles.
inverse direction of the adjacent cells and three feathers in the • The local and mean Nusselt number from a nanofluid are
isotherms. enhanced by enhancing the volume fraction of the
• The space between the two cylinders has a major
A(0) B(0.07)
16 e1=0.6 significant impact on improving the rate of heat transfer when
e1=0.7 the convective mode dominates.
Local Nusselt Number, Nu loc

12 Ø=0; Rat=10
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