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Interviewing 145 Banking Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

145 Banking Interview Questions (With Example

Indeed Editorial Team
Updated November 30, 2023

Best Responses to Common Interview Questions | The Interview Game b…

Video: Best Responses to Common Interview Questions | The

Interview Game by Indeed
Let's play The Interview Game! In this episode, three contestants
compete for the same recruiter position by answering three common
interview questions. Who will have the strongest responses? Tune in to
see who comes out on top!

When interviewing for a banking position, your interviewer will ask questions to assess
your banking skills. The answers you give can be a deciding factor in whether you receive a
job oIer . The best way to improve your chances of performing well at a banking
interview is to know the questions you are most likely to face and then prepare eIective
answers before the interview so you can answer them naturally.

In this article, we discuss some of the most common banking interview questions and oIer
examples of how to answer them eIectively.

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General banking interview questions

Not every question you will encounter when interviewing for a banking position will be
related to banking. Often, interviewers will ask a selection of general questions to get a
better understanding of who you are and what kind of an employee you would be, such as:

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?

Where do you see yourself in Nve years?

How did you hear about our company?

What about our job listing caught your attention and made you believe this was a job you
would be interested in?

What is your dream job? What appeals to you about that career?

Describe a situation where you experienced conQict in your professional life. How did you
resolve the situation, and what did you learn from the experience?

What is your greatest professional achievement?

What are your goals for this position if hired?

What is your preferred method for dealing with high-pressure situations?

Tell me about a time at a prior job when you were forced to make a diScult decision. How
did the results of your decision play out?

Why are you looking to leave your current position?

How do you prefer to do your work?

Employees don't always agree with the orders they are given. How do you respond when
you think what you're being asked to do is not the best course of action?

How would staI at your current company describe working with you?
What are you passionate about away from work?

What is your current salary and what would you be expecting to earn working for our

What is something you couldn't Nnd room for on your resume that you think we should
know about you?

Read More: 125 Common Interview Questions and Answers (With Tips)

Top 6 Common Interview Questions and Answers | Indeed Career Tips

Show Transcript

Video: Top Common Interview Questions and Answers

Jenn, an Indeed Career Coach, breaks down the intentions behind
employer's questions and shares strategies for crafting strong

Interview questions about banking experience and


After getting a basic understanding of who you are, the hiring manager is likely to begin
asking questions that look at your banking experience, if you have any. This allows them to
better know how you behave in a banking role and what they can expect if they decide to
hire you.

What was it about banking that appealed to you and led to pursuing a career as a banker?

Tell me about a time a bank customer came in upset and you needed to handle their
situation carefully. What did you do, and how was it resolved?

Have you ever experienced a situation where a coworker behaved inappropriately with
bank funds? What did you do in response to the situation?

What about our bank is appealing to you?

Which is more important for a bank employee: customer service skills or sales skills ?

What banking duties do you have the most prior experience with from your prior

What is your favorite part of working in banking?

What is your least favorite part of working in banking?

What would you be doing if you weren't in banking?

What do you feel are the most important skills for a banking professional to have?

Do you prefer dealing with customers face to face or via drive-thru banking?

Read More: Learn About Being a Bank Teller

In-depth banking interview questions

To feel conNdent about hiring you as a potential bank employee, the hiring manager will
want to know that you understand the intricacies of the Neld. Asking more in-depth
questions will allow you to show your range of banking knowledge to prove you are capable
of handling the responsibilities of working in the position.

How would you convince a reluctant customer to choose us as their primary bank?

What do you do if a customer comes in claiming they are charged a fee they should not
have received?

What do you do if a customer comes in with a complaint about a fee that was correctly

What is the diIerence between a commercial bank and an investment bank ?

What are the diIerent types of commercial banks?

Explain APR to me.

What is the prime rate, and how is it used when providing credit?

What are some popular methods of overdraft protection?

What is the importance of an applicant's debt-to-income ratio ?

What does ACH stand for?

What is the diIerence between a credit card and a debit card?

Read More: Learn About Being a Loan OHcer

Get interview-ready with tips from Indeed

Prepare for interviews with practice questions and tips

Banking interview questions with example answers

Banking interview questions with example answers

The best way to prepare for a banking interview is to create and practice answers for the
questions you feel you are most likely to face. These sample questions provide an example
of how to reason through the purpose of each question, then craft a compelling response.

What are some warning signs when a customer is applying for a loan that indicate they
may not be a reliable loan recipient?

Tell me Nve diIerent types of bank accounts and what diIerentiates them.

How has mobile banking changed the way banks and clients interact? How has the
increasing role of technology changed your experience in banking?

What do you do when a client is struggling to understand the Nnancial situation you are
explaining to them to help them comprehend it?

Tell me about a time when a customer had a sensitive Nnancial situation and you had to
handle it with respect and discretion.

What are some warning signs when a customer is applying for a loan
that indicate they may not be a reliable loan recipient?

If the banking position you are applying for puts you in a decision-making position for
loans, then it is important to show you can make sound decisions with applicants. OIering
loans to unreliable customers results in defaulting and can harm the bank Nnancially. You
should list the key red Qags that show a customer is a high-risk borrower and explain how
you would handle such a situation.

Example: "It is important to make sure that any loans I approve are responsible, as it is good
both for us as a bank and for the borrower. In addition to checking the applicant's payment
history for late payments or defaulted loans, I also always check their credit card utilization
and debt-to-income ratios. High utilization is a sign the applicant may be over-leveraged
and in danger of defaulting. For high-risk applicants, I always opt for loan options that are
safer for the bank and decline the loan request if a suitable oBer is not available."

Related: 40 Personal Banker Interview Questions (With Sample Answers)

Related: 40 Personal Banker Interview Questions (With Sample Answers)

Tell me four diDerent types of bank accounts and what diDerentiates


It's important for a banking professional to have a technical understanding of the industry
to be able to eIectively convey that information to clients. By asking this question, the
hiring manager is providing an opportunity for you to showcase your knowledge and prove
that you are professionally competent. While you don't need to elaborate in-depth on the
diIerent account types, you should show that you understand the key diIerences between

Example: "The most well-known type of account is the standard checking account that
allows customers to deposit, withdraw and spend their money. Savings accounts generally
have higher interest rates for money deposited in them, but also have limits on the number
of transactions in a given time period. Some banks oBer reserve or money market accounts
that Ell in the gap, allowing for interest rates above a checking account and no transaction
limits. Finally, in a CD account, money that is deposited must remain for a duration of years
and a higher interest rate is earned."

Related: 20 Investment Banking Interview Questions With Sample Answers

How has mobile banking changed the way banks and clients interact?
How has the increasing role of technology changed your experience in

Many banks are moving to conduct more and more of customers' banking online or with
mobile apps. This reduces the salary costs for the bank but also represents a loss of
opportunity for bank employees. It's important to not be confrontational when answering
this question, showing that you appreciate the value of digital solutions and framing them
as ways they can improve the service you provide to customers. This shows your
willingness to work in the new structure of modern banking.

Example: "Customers using mobile apps for simple tasks like checking their balances and
depositing checks has changed the average customer's needs when they come up to the
front desk. This means that when I'm dealing with a customer, it is more often to help them
with an account problem that they were unable to resolve on the digital app. I End this
with an account problem that they were unable to resolve on the digital app. I End this
makes my job more satisfying, as a higher percentage of the time I'm working, I'm able to
actively solve problems for customers."

Related: Interview Question: "Why Did You Choose Our Bank?"

What do you do when a client is struggling to understand the Inancial

situation you are explaining to them to help them comprehend it?

For average customers who are not familiar with Nnancial rules and regulations, you may
need to explain oIers or account decisions in more simple terms. The ability to translate
Nnancial talk into easily-understood language is highly important as a banking professional.
Use this question to demonstrate how you believe in speaking to the customer in relatable
ways to help them make sense of what you're explaining.

Example: "Whenever I am dealing with a customer, I always explain things as simply as

possible unless I know they have a higher level of Enancial literacy. When this approach is
still not enough and it becomes clear that the customer is not understanding, I will try to
End a new way to make it more relatable to them. I try to get to know customers when they
come in and get service at the desk so that I have more to base conversations like this on
when needed."

Related: Interview Question: "Why Do You Want To Be In Banking?"

Tell me about a time when a customer had a sensitive Inancial

situation and you had to handle it with respect and discretion.

When working in the banking industry, there will be times when you'll encounter customers
with Nnancial challenges. It is important for you to be eIective at your job while remaining
compassionate to leave customers with as positive of an experience as possible. You should
show the ability to be empathetic and consider the customer's emotions while still ensuring
that whatever processes are needed, or help that is required, gets carried out to

Example: "While I was working a weekend shift with a line of customers waiting for
assistance, I had a customer come in who was having trouble accessing their accounts. As I
looked into the problem I discovered that the customer's accounts had been frozen.
looked into the problem I discovered that the customer's accounts had been frozen.
Understanding that they were already agitated and this could be a potentially embarrassing
situation for them, I asked them to move with me to a computer at the end of the front desk
away from the line, citing computer troubles. This allowed me to discuss the situation with
them in private to spare them embarrassment, leading to a happier resolution."

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How to Answer "What Motivates You" in an Interview - 3 Best Strategies | …

Show Transcript

Video: How To Answer "What Motivates You" in an Interview - Best

Jenn, a certiEed career coach at Indeed, shares three considerations for
crafting a genuine answer that best aligns with the role.

Banking & lending


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